Friday, June 12, 2009

A Pretense Of Ignorance

Stephanie is out on the Kiriakis terrace. She contemplates her hand and twiddles her fingers. Either that or she's practicing counting to ten. Phillip startles her and assures her Owen can never bother them again. Translation: Owen is out there lurking somewhere. Victor walks up behind them and booms, "Phillip, we need to talk."

Rafe arrives at the pub and sits with Arianna, "There is something I should have told you about Sami and her baby."

Sami and Will stand in her living room as she breaks the news to Will, "I gave birth to Grace."

Will is stunned, "Huh... Wha... HOW?"

"You don't know how," asks Sami, "I thought you and your father had that little talk long ago."

EJ comes into the rumpus room. Nicole asks Mr. Pasty-Face what's wrong.

EJ drones, "Sydney had a sister. Grace is my daughter."

"OMG," gasps Nicole, "SAMI TOLD YOU?"

That brings EJ out of his stupor, "You knew?"

Sami tells Will the story of Grace, the convent and the nuns, "The only reason I lied to you was I was trying to protect Grace from her father."

Will is confused, "Why wouldn't you want her father to know? Who is he?"

Nicole denies knowing that Grace was Sami's biological child. She tells EJ he shouldn't believe Sami, "You know how she lies." Stunned EJ backs off, "I'm sorry if I came on too strong."

"I understand, EJ. I forgive you." Damn nice reversal, Nicole.

EJ tells Nicole how it all came out when he went over to Sami's place, "I had another child and I never even knew..."

"Grace may not be the only one," says Nicole, "They don't call you Sureshot for nothing."

Bo and Hope are sitting at a table at the pub. Bo is on the phone barking orders, "Get every man on this. I don't want him out there." Yes, folks, it seems Salem's finest have once again won the Keystone Kops award for blundering and bumbling. They've won this thing so many times they're going to have to build a new wing on the cop shop just to hold the trophies. It seems Owen was being transferred and escaped. Bat-Goof tucks his Bat-Phone away and rushes out the door to jump in the Batmobile to make Gotham safe again. The girl wonder follows.

Brady and Melanie come into the Kiriakis mansion and fine Stephanie. She puts her own phone away and tells them Bo called and said Owen escaped, "Bo and Hope are on the way over."

Victor and Phillip talk out on the terrace. Phillip explodes, "SOB! No one is safe with that maniac on the loose!"

"I know," says Victor, "But there are no legal grounds to lock Bo up."

Phillip rants, "You know the DiMeras got Owen out of there." Victor says he doesn't want the police involved, "I want to deal with the DiMeras one on one, dysfunctional family to dysfunctional family. The only way we can get what we want is if Stephanie bends the truth. She can't implicate EJ. You have to convince her to lie."

Will asks, "So who's Grace's father, Mom?"


Sami answers, "EJ DiMera. You know Stefano would have done anything to take Grace. You know what I went through with Johnny. I didn't want another child to be put in that situation."

"I understand," says Will, "I'm sure Grace would agree. Living in a mansion and having everything she wants vs. having her funeral tomorrow. It's a no-brainer."

"I have already told EJ," says Sami, "I know it will get around, so I wanted you to hear it from me."

Will turns on the sarcasm, "Oh how thoughtful. If Grace hadn't died you would never have told me, would you?"

Arianna can't believe the news, "Does Sami know who the biological father is?"

"EJ DiMera."

Suddenly, Arianna is on Sami's side, "No wonder! I can understand why she wouldn't want him to know."

Nicole wonders why Sami would have told EJ now. EJ thinks the pain of losing Grace was too much. Sydney cries. EJ goes to get her.

Stefano comes in and Nicole panics, "We have a problem... a big problem."

Stefano is understanding, "Don't beat yourself up, Nicole, you're not that big."

Nicole says, "Sami told EJ that Grace was his daughter."

Stefano snorts, "Why would she do that now?"

"Why does she ever do anything," says Nicole, "What does this mean for Sydney and me?"

Rafe is surprised Arianna hasn't turned on the lecture machine. Once again, Arianna proves she doesn't know Sami very well, "I don't think Sami's the problem, Rafe. You are."

Sami agrees if things hadn't happened this way she may never have told anyone. Will gets uber-upset, "Do you know how crazy Dad will go when he finds out?"

"He already knows."

Stefano tries to spin it, "This may be in your favor. Now Elvis will have nothing to do with Samantha."

"EJ still has feelings for her," says Nicole, "That won't change."

Upstairs, EJ pulls Sydney out of the crib. He kisses her and says she always cheers him up no matter how bad things are, "I wish you could have met your sister Grace."

Bo and Hope have arrived at the Kiriakis mansion. They question Brady. "I know nothing," says Brady, "Stephanie is the one who might know something." Translation: You've reached the bottom of the barrel.

Phillip and Victor are having a confab with Stephanie and Melanie. They tell them they want a truce but that means they can't tell the cops about Owen's ties to the DiMeras. Melanie is cool with that. Stephanie isn't. Phillip sends Melanie away so he and Stephanie can bicker about it. Phillip says, "If you implicate EJ, Stefano will come at us with a vengeance."

Stephanie thinks about that, "A vengeance... is that some kind of garden tool? "

Bo and Hope question defensive and uncooperative Melanie. "OK," says Bo, "I guess that is... you can go."

As she leaves, Melanie asks, "I got a parking ticket last week and I was wondering if you can do something about it."

"I wish I could," says Bo, "But they usually don't give the death sentence for parking tickets."

Stephanie comes in for her rubber hose job. Bo sits her down, "Did Owen happen to mention who he was working for?"

Rafe wants to know why he is the problem. Arianna drops the teaser, "The way you're going after Sami reminds me of before."

"You are wrong," says Rafe, "This is a different situation. Give me some credit."

"When you are done grieving you will see I am right," says Arianna, "Don't let this be like..."


Rafe walks out. Arianna huffs.

Stefano tells Nicole she must remain calm, "Control your jealousy. Maintain a pretense of ignorance."

"With me," says Nicole, "It's not really a pretense."

"You are the mother of his daughter," says Stefano.

"His child and hers."

Stefano is firm, "No, Nicole, yours. Say it."

"Mine," she whispers, "Sydney is mine."

"OK," says Stefano, "She has Elvis' heart as do you. Say it over and over again and you will triumph. You always do." Stefano leaves.

Nicole sighs, "Stefano, I wish I had your confidence." EJ comes in carrying Sydney. Nicole whimpers.

Will figures things out, "You mean Dad knew all along? OMG! Both parents lied to me!" He storms out. Sami calls. Will flings the door open and bumps into Rafe.

Stephanie says Owen never said anything about who hired him or the DiMeras. Phillip says Stephanie has answered the question and asks Bo and Hope to leave.

Brady is back in the crypt, bringing flowers to Isabella. Sticking to DOOL's habit of random improbability, Arianna just happens to stroll in. Brady invites her to say. He says the flowers he has are for his mother.

EJ announces that Sydney has started crawling. The proud parents congratulate their little prodigy, and then Nicole gets rid of... uh, I mean, puts Sydney in the playpen. Suddenly Nicole realizes that making such a big deal about Sydney starting to crawl will remind EJ of all the 'firsts' he will miss with Grace. She apologizes.

Rafe stops Will and suggests they talk. Will storms out. Rafe yells, "Listen to your mother~ She needs you right now."

Will turns and gives a parting shot, "I'll be back for my stuff." He goes.

Sami watches him ride off into the sunset and begs, "Will, give me a chance to explain."

Brady tells Arianna about Isabella. Again sticking to DOOL's habit of random improbability, Melanie comes in, "I have to talk to you." Arianna leaves.

Stephanie tells Phillip she only lied to end the stupid war with the DiMeras. Then she tells him she has a doctor's appointment. He offers to drive and promises, "No more secrets, no more lies."

"Really," asks Stephanie.

"I'd tell you," says Phillip, "But it's a secret. And I'd probably lie."

Sami tells Rafe it wouldn't do any good to go after Will. Rafe proves his association with Sami is totally rotting his brain, "You're an amazing mother. You're actually raising your kids without ever seeing them... the ones that survive, anyway."

Will wanders aimlessly down by Salem's only park bench. Mia finds him. She has her duffel bag and tells him she's moving into Maggie's place, "My cousin has a new boyfriend and he's terrible. Since he's going to be staying there, I'm really happy I'm getting out of there."

Will is confused, "He's going to be staying there? I thought you had to move out because your cousin lost her lease. What's up with that?"


"You're lucky you get to get away from people you hate," says Will. My mom lied about Grace. I don't think I can ever forgive her."

Back inside Sami's place Rafe tries to comfort Sami, "Will knows you didn't deliberately try to hurt him. With you, hurting people comes naturally." Sami breaks down. Rafe tells her they will go through this together.

Sami whines, "I will never be able to repay you. You don't need this. I think you should go. I think it would be best if you just go."

Out in the audience, the Lumis and the Ejamis join forces in a rare moment of comradeship and cheer.

EJ says he is sorry for getting upset with Nicole when she said he had feelings for Samantha, "Samantha and I have been too close. I've been in denial. I've been unable to admit I have feelings for her."

Nicole asks, "Do you still have those feelings for her."

Will says he shouldn't be surprised about this since his mother has lied to him all his life. Mia wonders if he will leave Salem.

Melanie accuses Brady of having the hots for Arianna.

Arianna kneels at a grave and brushes off the leaves.


She carefully conceals the years, but we learn Emily was born in September and died in March.

Rafe reminds Sami he turned down a big-time job in New York, "I did it because I fell in love with you."

EJ says what Sami did was deplorable. He says he has no feelings for her except hatred, "I loved her once but now am ashamed I did. I know I have hurt you. I'm sorry."

Rafe says he'll never understand why God took Grace from them, "I do know I can't do this without you. I thought you felt the same but maybe I was wrong. Maybe I'm a reminder of what you lost."

Stephanie sits and talks to a shrink. She tells her she thinks sleep deprivation is affecting her. Shrinko gives Stephanie a prescription, "I don't like taking pills," says Stephanie.

Victor tells Phillip they need to set up a meeting with the DiMeras.

Bo and Hope come back to the pub. Bo says he thinks Phillip encouraged Stephanie to lie. Hope tells him at least he won't be arresting Victor, "Stephanie in deeper than she knows."

Victor and Phillip are in the hospital corridor waiting for Stephanie. Victor tells Phillip, "Pier 16 tomorrow at 10 AM." Stephanie walks out holding her little bottle of stress relief.

Will says part of him does want to leave. But there are people he would miss in Salem, so he decides to stick around. Mia gives him a little smoochie.

Nicole forgives EJ. He tells her this whole situation opened his eyes to the fact that she and Sydney are the most important things in his life, "You'd never lie to me." Hugs. Stares.

Rafe says, "We spent a lot of time together with her and I can understand that I remind you of Grace."

Sami says she thinks that is a good thing. She sal;skfuas; f asiuf; asoif uaso; m f;oiasuf; ioasdu flas;df; oas8du fasodifl; asyud;asdfyasiy

Gosh, sorry about that, readers, but bipolar Sami flipped poles so fast it caused a small earthquake. I probably should have myself checked out for whiplash later today.

"Nothing," says Sami, "will bring Grace back, but I don't want you to go. I love you so much." Hugs and sobs.

Out in the audience, the Lumis and Ejamis sit in stunned silence.


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Anonymous Leslie said...

Sami tells Will the story of Grace, the convent and the nuns.

Is that anything like Goldilocks and the three bears?

It seems Owen was being transferred and escaped.

Oh goodie, something to look forward to – another sniveling Steponme whine-o-thon. Geez!

"SOB! No one is safe with that maniac on the loose!"

"I know," says Victor, "But there are no legal grounds to lock Bo up."

Look again - there’s got to be a law against excessive gritting of one’s teeth.

Will turns on the sarcasm, "Oh how thoughtful. If Grace hadn't died you would never have told me, would you?"

This seems to be a reoccurring theme or just recycled dialogue. EJ said the same thing.

"Why does she ever do anything," says Nicole, "What does this mean for Sydney and me?"

Nicole lives in an insulated self-absorbed bubble, and her only confidant is Stefano. I wonder if Nicole can spell “trouble”, and that would not be p-o-o-l. Where’s Shirley Jones when you need her?

Bo sits her down, "Did Owen happen to mention who he was working for?"

Isn’t that a question Bo should have asked at the time of Owen’s arrest? For heaven’s sake, Stephanie is his niece.

"His child and hers."

Stefano is firm, "No, Nicole, yours. Say it."

"Mine," she whispers, "Sydney is mine."

Norman Vincent Peale has nothing on Stefano!

Rafe says, "We spent a lot of time together with her and I can understand that I remind you of Grace."

Does that mean the Sami cleans out Rafe’s diapers too?

I must say I can hardly wait until little Grace is buried. As I zap through all the scenes of Sami and Nicole crying, I’m worried that my zapper will not survive. When tossed in disgust, the zapper also bounces rather nicely. Unfortunately, any damage to my zapper is not covered under my homeowner’s policy because wear and tear is specifically excluded.

Thanks for the great Friday morning update Prevuze and have a great weekend everyone!

5:39 AM  
Blogger Applecheeks said...

Phillip explodes, "SOB! No one is safe with that maniac on the loose!" "I know," says Victor, "But there are no legal grounds to lock Bo up."

LMAO – and I agree with Leslie, excessive snarling should be a felony.

Sticking to DOOL's habit of random improbability

Boy, isn’t THAT the truth! Especially since this is some place even Brady hadn’t been to for years. Why would Arianna be “dropping by”?

I thought you had to move out because your cousin lost her lease.

HA, my question exactly. And then Prevuze tops it with:


Now, to be fair Prevuze, DOOL is being consistent – consistently improbable, disjointed, idiotic and so full of plot holes Shawn could sail his boat through them.

Bulldog has really been on a roll with pictures lately. Loved Bat-goof and Prevuze gets a Green Award for best re-use of a Nick & Nora picture from the great Thin Man film series. Congrats!


6:40 AM  
Anonymous Bulldog said...

"Will is stunned, "Huh.. Wha... HOW?" "You don't know how, asks Sami "I thought you and your father had that little talk long ago." I doubt Luclueless even knows that himself much less he's able to 'splain it to Will.

Deb will have to add the Black's family tomb on her map if it's going to replace the Java Cafe as the town meeting place.

LOL over Chloe's public service announcement. Hopefully she's not sitting in on the help desk phone lines ready to help those Salemites who didn't know about the digital conversion despite being told 10,000 times a day for two years. HAHAHA

And, finally, love the Lumis and Ejami's rejoicing and then sitting in mutual stunned silence. Like the rest of us viewers who don't even have the energy to zap thru Stephallip or Chloedan scenes.

Thanks, Prevuze, for a fine Friday installment! Happy weekend everyone. :D

7:37 AM  
Anonymous Scolly said...

OK, since we all know any new person to Salem must have some sort of tie with someone in town who will EMILY HUDSON! turn out to be? Who's long lost daughter, ex-wife or unknown sister?

7:40 AM  
Anonymous Leslie said...

Scolly said...
OK, since we all know any new person to Salem must have some sort of tie with someone in town who will EMILY HUDSON! turn out to be? Who's long lost daughter, ex-wife or unknown sister?

I think the questions should reworded as follows:

Who's long lost baby daughter, baby ex-wife or unknown baby sister?

8:20 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

It just occurred to me that it's too bad that Sami doesn't spell her name Sammy, because then she and Rafe could be Rammy. Fits their relationship thus far.

9:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nick & Nora reference....whooo hoooo, but Mia & Will??????

2:33 PM  

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