Lexie reads the results of her test as Sami barges in and asks her if she has cancer. Lexie says she doesn't, "This is a first. You've never shown the least concern for anyone else. What's going on here?"
Belle runs Mimi into the hospital. Screamin' Mimi does her thing.
Patch offers Jack some water. Jack goes for the overacting Emmy as he writhes in bed, huffs, puffs and says, "My vision is really screwed up. For a second I thought you were my brother. Wait a minute. Talk to me... say anything."
Patch grins, "SURPRISE-SURPRISE! "
Jack stares into his face, "Steve... Steve..."
Corrupt cop Eve reports that only Bo had access to the evidence room. Bo gets defensive. Frankie tells him to cool it. The DA excuses Eve. The judge reminds Bo he is under oath and asks if he had anything to do with the evidence. Bo says he didn't. He was in the evidence room at the request of the DA. DA Bettis conveniently keeps her mouth shut and the judge orders an investigation.
The DA moves to adjourn to search for the disc. The judge denies the motion and says they know what the video shows. Frankie says the video showed Chelsea using the cell phone but the question is, when did she use it, "There is no evidence that anything criminal transpired so you must agree, judge, that there is no case."
Hope turns to Shawn and says, "She can't get off scott-free."
Shawn nukes, "You call this justice?"
Jack begs for water. Patch gives it to him. Jack gulps, "This is incredible. You are here. You are alive. We thought you were... but you're alive. Steve, you're here."
Patch drones, "I'm sorry sir, but I don't know you."
Frankie asks the charges be dropped. The DA argues and accuses Bo of taking the disc.
Bo explodes, "I didn't touch the damn disc!"
Judge Lawless jumps all over him. "I will not have outbursts and I will not tolerate profanity in my courtroom."
"Aw, hell, I didn't mean it," says Bo.
They debate the merits of the case. The judge notes that the brat confessed after driving away from the scene. Frankie jumps to her defense. The judge asks the defendant to rise, "In the matter of the people vs. Chelsea Brady I find the defendant GUILTY. I will now proceed with sentencing."
Lexie wonders where Sami's sudden concern has come from. Sami assures her she cares. EJ interrupts and reminds Sami she has to go pick up Will. Sami plays along and takes the opportunity to leave. On her way out she turns and tells Lexie, "Just for the record, I really do care. And I really am glad you're all right."
Sami leaves. Lexie is wise to EJ. "Nice assist," she says, "But Sami doesn't deserve your help. I’m going to give you some friendly advice. Whatever's going on between the two of you, if you are smart you will end it now." Somebody should take her own advice.
Belle paces. Phillip comes in. He says he tried to reach Shawn, but his cell phone is turned off.
The nurse comes out and announces, "I'm so sorry, your friend lost her baby."
Belle goes into shock. The nurse tells them Mimi knows the bad news. Belle goes in to comfort her. Mimi is distraught. Belle tells her she is so sorry and asks if there is anything she can do.
"It's all my fault," says Mimi.
Jack says, "Steven, it's me, Jack... Billy Jack Johnson Devereaux." Patch tries to get him to drink more water. "Why are you acting like you don't know me?"
"Because I don't," says Patch.
Jack goes into convulsions. Patch attempts to hold him down. Jack jerks away and Patch moves behind him. He pulls Jack back and locks his arms around him. Jack continues to struggle and Patch holds on for the ride.
The judge looks down at the brat, "The maximum sentence for this offense is 25 years in prison and a $300,000 fine. I am taking into account you have no prior record and the victim was your brother. Without the evidence I can't gage the timing or level of guilt. I am therefore sentencing you to 200 hours of community service."
Gasps. Shawn and Hope freak out.
The judge turns his attention to the missing evidence. He vows he won't be as lenient with the dastardly person who messed with it.
Speaking of whom, Kate tells the brat she is relieved. So is the brat. Bo hugs her. She tells him, "I'm so relieved it's over. Thanks – for everything."
Shawn goes berserk. He's not going to let them do this to Hope. He gets up and moves toward Bo, but Hope stops him, "That won't help. Nothing is going to bring back Zack."
"You're right," says Shawn, "No one ever comes back from the dead"
Outside the courtroom, Billie stops Kate, "You did it, didn't you? I don't know how, but you are the one who got rid of that disc." Kate stares.
Hope is disappointed in the judicial system, "It's beyond appalling. And as for Bo, so help me God..."
Bo tells the brat she can get on with her life now. She wonders how she will get on with her life facing dreaded community service.
Mr. Community Service himself walks up to them and tells her she is a horrible person. Bo intervenes. "Go to hell," says Shawn. As he storms out, his cell phone rings. Shawn answers and Belle tells him they need him at the hospital right away.
Caroline makes a call. A torso picks up the phone, "Hello."
"Oh, honey," says Caroline, "We really need you to come home." Pan up... KAYLA!
EJ insists there is nothing going on between Sami and him. They are just friends. Lexie says, "No one is Sami's friend. She is selfish manipulative, cruel... a bitch. And that's a word I don't use lightly. If you spend more time with her you will become one of her victims."
Sami lights a candle in the chapel. She prays, "God, I don't care what Lexie says or thinks, I really am glad she is OK. I know I have done a ton of terrible things and I'm sure you have them all written down somewhere, but letting Alex switch the results... that was pretty low. Even for me. And I don't have an excuse. I fell for Alex' story. I wanted to believe he was good for my mom – better than John – and would help me with Austin. I didn't know he would try to hurt her. Thank you for making sure Lexie doesn't have cancer. Now I can be together with Austin, and live a life with no more lies. I promise. Amen."
She turns to see Tek. He tells her, "You and I need to have a little talk."
Belle tells Mimi it isn't her fault. Mimi bawls, "If I had been a better person God wouldn't have taken my baby."
Belle says, "You can drive yourself crazy but there is nothing you could have done."
"There is something," says Mimi, "I could have told the truth."
Shawn comes in. Mimi tells him the bad news.
The doctor has stabilized Jack. He asks if something upset him. Patch tells the Doc Jack thinks he is his dead brother.
"Why would he think that," asks the doc.
Kayla asks what happened at the trial, if the judge threw the book at Chelsea.
"It was more like a pamphlet," says Caroline. She gives her the story, "Things have never been worse for Hope and your brother Bo."
Kayla is sorry she couldn't be there for Zack's funeral. She had a critical patient. She can't just run home at the drop of a hat. Or a kid.
Caroline begs, "Couldn't you just find some way to come home?"
Billie accuses Kate of tampering with the evidence. Kate says, "Well, just say I did. Shouldn't you be happy?"
"No," says Billie, "I wanted Chelsea to face the consequences."
"Even if that is seeing her behind bars?"
They argue about the brat and cell phone use. At least they agree people who leave them on in theaters should get the death penalty.
The brat hugs Bo, "I owe it all to you."
Bo says, "You don't think I tampered with that disc? I didn't. I'm going to do my damndest to find out who did it, so real justice can be served."
The brat asks, "What do you mean by real justice?"Tek asks Sami if she is there for absolution. "What I pray for is none of your business," snorts Sami.
"You blackmailing Lexie is my business," says Tek, "You playing dirty to get Austin will come back to haunt you. You are bad karma."
He leaves and EJ walks in and asks what that was about. "Nothing," insists Sami, "I want to thank you again for helping with Lexie. I owe you big time. How can I show my appreciation?" EJ considers the possibilities.
Belle tells Phillip, "It's not fair for Mimi to lose her baby. I count my blessings every day."
"Gee," says Phillip, "I guess I've concentrated on your depression and hysterics and missed all the blessing counting you've been doing." They talk about giving Claire a little brother or sister. Mimi and Shawn will need their support now. And, by God, they'll be there for them.
Shawn tells Mimi he's sorry he wasn't there for her. He tells her this wasn't her fault, "You couldn't have done anything."
"I could have told the truth," whines Mimi, "Losing our baby is my punishment for being dishonest. I'm sorry."
Shawn says, "Stop torturing yourself."
Mimi says, "You don't deserve to be punished just because I do."
EJ says Sami doesn't have to do anything, "I don't think you could get me what I want. The price could be pretty steep."
"OK," sighs Sami, "You don't have to tell me anything, but I am grateful and owe you a favor."
Lexie roots around her office as Tek comes in. She tells him he shouldn't be there. He says he had to come in person because she hasn't been returning his calls. She tells him about the biopsy results, and then asks him to leave. He says, "If you give us a fair chance, and decide you don't want to be with me, then I will bow out gracefully." What he does next is definitely not bowing out and, actually, not very graceful. Lexie doesn't seem to mind.
Belle tells Phillip, "Mimi keeps saying she is being punished but it isn't true."
Shawn tells the whimpering mess, "I don't know what you think you have done, but your have to forgive yourself."
"I am not a good person," bawls Mimi, "If you don't want to be with me, I understand."
"Look at me," says Shawn, "I didn't marry you because I want a baby. I married you because I love you. Today in court, I watched my father destroy his family. I'll be damned if I let that happen to us. We'll try again and if it doesn't work out, we'll adopt. All I want is to be with you." Smooch.
Kayla feels awful, but doesn’t know what she could do. Caroline says, "You could just be here. You and Bo were so close. Please come home. We miss our granddaughter too."
"Stephanie is involved in so much I can't uproot her," says Kayla, "And I was going to Africa this summer."
"The reason you don't want to come home is because of Steve, isn't it," asks Caroline, "You stayed away because of the sad memories." Kayla stares.
Jack calls out, "Steve... Steve..." The doctor tells him he had an allergic reaction. Jack asks where Patch is.
"You must mean Nick," says the doctor, "I'll call him." PatchNickSteve comes back in.
"I thought I was seeing things," says Jack, "But I'm not. It is you. Steve, you're alive."
PatchNickSteve stares. With one eye, of course.
Kate tells Billie it isn't wise to leave important matters to chance, "I didn't do it just for Chelsea. I did it for you."
Billie argues. She wants Kate to butt out of her life. Kate says she will stay out of her life when Billie stops playing dead. She reminds her Hope thinks Bo did this and is furious with him, "This is your chance. Take it."
Hope tells Frankie she blames Bo he and she is too angry to talk to him. Jennifer tries to convince her. Hope won't have it. She got her answer regarding her marriage today. She has to accept it, "Where are those divorce papers you drew up... because now I'm ready to sign."
Bo comes up behind her. FF.
Jack says, "You're Steve Johnson. You're my brother and I'm going to prove it to you." PatchNickSteve asks, "How?" Jack says, "I'm going to call your wife."
Jennifer tells Caroline, "I love Frankie, but if Jack were still alive..." Caroline says, "I know."
Frankie asks the brat, "So you'll do it? You'll tell the truth?" The brat smiles, "No."
Bo says, "I wouldn't do anything to hurt you." Hope says, "You're a liar."
Belle runs Mimi into the hospital. Screamin' Mimi does her thing.
Patch offers Jack some water. Jack goes for the overacting Emmy as he writhes in bed, huffs, puffs and says, "My vision is really screwed up. For a second I thought you were my brother. Wait a minute. Talk to me... say anything."
Patch grins, "SURPRISE-SURPRISE! "
Jack stares into his face, "Steve... Steve..."
Corrupt cop Eve reports that only Bo had access to the evidence room. Bo gets defensive. Frankie tells him to cool it. The DA excuses Eve. The judge reminds Bo he is under oath and asks if he had anything to do with the evidence. Bo says he didn't. He was in the evidence room at the request of the DA. DA Bettis conveniently keeps her mouth shut and the judge orders an investigation.
The DA moves to adjourn to search for the disc. The judge denies the motion and says they know what the video shows. Frankie says the video showed Chelsea using the cell phone but the question is, when did she use it, "There is no evidence that anything criminal transpired so you must agree, judge, that there is no case."
Hope turns to Shawn and says, "She can't get off scott-free."
Shawn nukes, "You call this justice?"
Jack begs for water. Patch gives it to him. Jack gulps, "This is incredible. You are here. You are alive. We thought you were... but you're alive. Steve, you're here."
Patch drones, "I'm sorry sir, but I don't know you."
Frankie asks the charges be dropped. The DA argues and accuses Bo of taking the disc.
Bo explodes, "I didn't touch the damn disc!"
Judge Lawless jumps all over him. "I will not have outbursts and I will not tolerate profanity in my courtroom."
"Aw, hell, I didn't mean it," says Bo.
They debate the merits of the case. The judge notes that the brat confessed after driving away from the scene. Frankie jumps to her defense. The judge asks the defendant to rise, "In the matter of the people vs. Chelsea Brady I find the defendant GUILTY. I will now proceed with sentencing."
Lexie wonders where Sami's sudden concern has come from. Sami assures her she cares. EJ interrupts and reminds Sami she has to go pick up Will. Sami plays along and takes the opportunity to leave. On her way out she turns and tells Lexie, "Just for the record, I really do care. And I really am glad you're all right."
Sami leaves. Lexie is wise to EJ. "Nice assist," she says, "But Sami doesn't deserve your help. I’m going to give you some friendly advice. Whatever's going on between the two of you, if you are smart you will end it now." Somebody should take her own advice.
Belle paces. Phillip comes in. He says he tried to reach Shawn, but his cell phone is turned off.
The nurse comes out and announces, "I'm so sorry, your friend lost her baby."
Belle goes into shock. The nurse tells them Mimi knows the bad news. Belle goes in to comfort her. Mimi is distraught. Belle tells her she is so sorry and asks if there is anything she can do.
"It's all my fault," says Mimi.
Jack says, "Steven, it's me, Jack... Billy Jack Johnson Devereaux." Patch tries to get him to drink more water. "Why are you acting like you don't know me?"
"Because I don't," says Patch.

The judge looks down at the brat, "The maximum sentence for this offense is 25 years in prison and a $300,000 fine. I am taking into account you have no prior record and the victim was your brother. Without the evidence I can't gage the timing or level of guilt. I am therefore sentencing you to 200 hours of community service."
Gasps. Shawn and Hope freak out.
The judge turns his attention to the missing evidence. He vows he won't be as lenient with the dastardly person who messed with it.
Speaking of whom, Kate tells the brat she is relieved. So is the brat. Bo hugs her. She tells him, "I'm so relieved it's over. Thanks – for everything."
Shawn goes berserk. He's not going to let them do this to Hope. He gets up and moves toward Bo, but Hope stops him, "That won't help. Nothing is going to bring back Zack."
"You're right," says Shawn, "No one ever comes back from the dead"
Outside the courtroom, Billie stops Kate, "You did it, didn't you? I don't know how, but you are the one who got rid of that disc." Kate stares.
Hope is disappointed in the judicial system, "It's beyond appalling. And as for Bo, so help me God..."
Bo tells the brat she can get on with her life now. She wonders how she will get on with her life facing dreaded community service.
Mr. Community Service himself walks up to them and tells her she is a horrible person. Bo intervenes. "Go to hell," says Shawn. As he storms out, his cell phone rings. Shawn answers and Belle tells him they need him at the hospital right away.
Caroline makes a call. A torso picks up the phone, "Hello."
"Oh, honey," says Caroline, "We really need you to come home." Pan up... KAYLA!
EJ insists there is nothing going on between Sami and him. They are just friends. Lexie says, "No one is Sami's friend. She is selfish manipulative, cruel... a bitch. And that's a word I don't use lightly. If you spend more time with her you will become one of her victims."
Sami lights a candle in the chapel. She prays, "God, I don't care what Lexie says or thinks, I really am glad she is OK. I know I have done a ton of terrible things and I'm sure you have them all written down somewhere, but letting Alex switch the results... that was pretty low. Even for me. And I don't have an excuse. I fell for Alex' story. I wanted to believe he was good for my mom – better than John – and would help me with Austin. I didn't know he would try to hurt her. Thank you for making sure Lexie doesn't have cancer. Now I can be together with Austin, and live a life with no more lies. I promise. Amen."
She turns to see Tek. He tells her, "You and I need to have a little talk."
Belle tells Mimi it isn't her fault. Mimi bawls, "If I had been a better person God wouldn't have taken my baby."
Belle says, "You can drive yourself crazy but there is nothing you could have done."
"There is something," says Mimi, "I could have told the truth."
Shawn comes in. Mimi tells him the bad news.
The doctor has stabilized Jack. He asks if something upset him. Patch tells the Doc Jack thinks he is his dead brother.
"Why would he think that," asks the doc.
Kayla asks what happened at the trial, if the judge threw the book at Chelsea.
"It was more like a pamphlet," says Caroline. She gives her the story, "Things have never been worse for Hope and your brother Bo."
Kayla is sorry she couldn't be there for Zack's funeral. She had a critical patient. She can't just run home at the drop of a hat. Or a kid.
Caroline begs, "Couldn't you just find some way to come home?"
Billie accuses Kate of tampering with the evidence. Kate says, "Well, just say I did. Shouldn't you be happy?"
"No," says Billie, "I wanted Chelsea to face the consequences."
"Even if that is seeing her behind bars?"
They argue about the brat and cell phone use. At least they agree people who leave them on in theaters should get the death penalty.
The brat hugs Bo, "I owe it all to you."
Bo says, "You don't think I tampered with that disc? I didn't. I'm going to do my damndest to find out who did it, so real justice can be served."
The brat asks, "What do you mean by real justice?"Tek asks Sami if she is there for absolution. "What I pray for is none of your business," snorts Sami.
"You blackmailing Lexie is my business," says Tek, "You playing dirty to get Austin will come back to haunt you. You are bad karma."
He leaves and EJ walks in and asks what that was about. "Nothing," insists Sami, "I want to thank you again for helping with Lexie. I owe you big time. How can I show my appreciation?" EJ considers the possibilities.
Belle tells Phillip, "It's not fair for Mimi to lose her baby. I count my blessings every day."
"Gee," says Phillip, "I guess I've concentrated on your depression and hysterics and missed all the blessing counting you've been doing." They talk about giving Claire a little brother or sister. Mimi and Shawn will need their support now. And, by God, they'll be there for them.
Shawn tells Mimi he's sorry he wasn't there for her. He tells her this wasn't her fault, "You couldn't have done anything."
"I could have told the truth," whines Mimi, "Losing our baby is my punishment for being dishonest. I'm sorry."
Shawn says, "Stop torturing yourself."
Mimi says, "You don't deserve to be punished just because I do."
EJ says Sami doesn't have to do anything, "I don't think you could get me what I want. The price could be pretty steep."
"OK," sighs Sami, "You don't have to tell me anything, but I am grateful and owe you a favor."
Lexie roots around her office as Tek comes in. She tells him he shouldn't be there. He says he had to come in person because she hasn't been returning his calls. She tells him about the biopsy results, and then asks him to leave. He says, "If you give us a fair chance, and decide you don't want to be with me, then I will bow out gracefully." What he does next is definitely not bowing out and, actually, not very graceful. Lexie doesn't seem to mind.
Belle tells Phillip, "Mimi keeps saying she is being punished but it isn't true."
Shawn tells the whimpering mess, "I don't know what you think you have done, but your have to forgive yourself."
"I am not a good person," bawls Mimi, "If you don't want to be with me, I understand."
"Look at me," says Shawn, "I didn't marry you because I want a baby. I married you because I love you. Today in court, I watched my father destroy his family. I'll be damned if I let that happen to us. We'll try again and if it doesn't work out, we'll adopt. All I want is to be with you." Smooch.
Kayla feels awful, but doesn’t know what she could do. Caroline says, "You could just be here. You and Bo were so close. Please come home. We miss our granddaughter too."
"Stephanie is involved in so much I can't uproot her," says Kayla, "And I was going to Africa this summer."
"The reason you don't want to come home is because of Steve, isn't it," asks Caroline, "You stayed away because of the sad memories." Kayla stares.
Jack calls out, "Steve... Steve..." The doctor tells him he had an allergic reaction. Jack asks where Patch is.
"You must mean Nick," says the doctor, "I'll call him." PatchNickSteve comes back in.
"I thought I was seeing things," says Jack, "But I'm not. It is you. Steve, you're alive."
PatchNickSteve stares. With one eye, of course.
Kate tells Billie it isn't wise to leave important matters to chance, "I didn't do it just for Chelsea. I did it for you."
Billie argues. She wants Kate to butt out of her life. Kate says she will stay out of her life when Billie stops playing dead. She reminds her Hope thinks Bo did this and is furious with him, "This is your chance. Take it."
Hope tells Frankie she blames Bo he and she is too angry to talk to him. Jennifer tries to convince her. Hope won't have it. She got her answer regarding her marriage today. She has to accept it, "Where are those divorce papers you drew up... because now I'm ready to sign."
Bo comes up behind her. FF.
Jack says, "You're Steve Johnson. You're my brother and I'm going to prove it to you." PatchNickSteve asks, "How?" Jack says, "I'm going to call your wife."
Jennifer tells Caroline, "I love Frankie, but if Jack were still alive..." Caroline says, "I know."
Frankie asks the brat, "So you'll do it? You'll tell the truth?" The brat smiles, "No."
Bo says, "I wouldn't do anything to hurt you." Hope says, "You're a liar."
screaming mimi - hee hee.
Fabulous pictures today. LOL at the 70-year-old Mimi finally confessing to Belle!
The Bratz pic & link to the Bratz website was inspired.
And, aren't you SHOCKED that Patch doesn't know who he is??? Yeah, neither am I. HAHAHAHA
Thanks, Prevuze. Another great one.
Loved the old Mimi picture, didn't take it as a confession though... I am sure after she said "I have to tell you the truth" something prevented her telling it!LOL Very funny today.
OMG...that picture of Mimi "confessing" to Belle was HILARIOUS!
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