Let's Face It - I'm A Bitch
Shawn brings Lucas and Carrie into the garage to show them the super turbo engine. Lucas is pumped. Once the contracts are signed, they will make a lot of money.
Will comes into the garage with Max. They have been to the track and EJ beat a dejected Max. EJ walks in.
Austin has made Sami a pot of mint mocha coffee. He's been up working on the EJ account.
You mean the Kate Roberts account," says Sami.
"There is a method to my madness, for a change," says Austin, "I'm hoping this deal will put ARC in front of the racing world. And I'm hoping you and my mother will work out your differences."
"That might sink the ARC," says Sami, "When hell freezes over will you find me someplace warm to live?" Austin gives up and walks away.
Sami says to herself, "The best way to handle Kate would be to get her off the planet. Now that's an idea I could sink my teeth into."
The brat comes in to see Kate. Her trial is today. Kate would like to help her but the brat says no one can. Kate hands her a file. The brat opens it, "OMG, I don't believe it!"
Hope contemplates a picture of Zack. She remembers Bo's take-it-or-leave-it email. She talks to the picture, "I thought he was trying to save our marriage, but he was just trying to save his daughter. How dare he ask me to forgive her? When this is over if I never hear Chelsea's name again, it will be too soon for me."
Bo calls, "I left several messages last night and didn't get a return call. Didn't you read the email?"
"Good," says Bo, "Then you know how I feel."
Hope nukes, "I'm tired of your games Brady! There is nothing left to talk about. Don't ever call this house again. I'll see you in court!" She hangs up and Jennifer comes in. Hugs.
Bo slings his phone across the room as Billie walks in and dives for cover.
"MY GRANDDAUGHTER IS NOT A MURDERER," reads the headline on the paper the brat is looking at. She says she didn't know anyone in the family still believed in her. Kate reassures her. The jury will acquit her when they find out what a wonderful little girl she is. The brat remembers doctoring the email, "I'm not the person you think I am."
Jennifer serves Hope tea. Hope tells her about Bo's messages. She can't believe this whole time Bo was just trying to work her. Jennifer says that doesn't sound like Bo. Hope is angry about the way he has been using her grief over Zack to get her back. Jennifer goes to bat for Bo. She can't believe he would do something to keep them apart. Hope insists Chelsea was right when they overheard her talking to Max, "Bo wants Billie."
Billie is thankful Bo's aim isn't any better than when he shot her. Bo rants. He doesn't get it. He tells Billie about going to Chez Rouge with Hope, "Then Chelsea showed up and ruined things. We talked again at the house... I had Marlena come over. I just can't figure out what happened. I started to send her an email. Now she doesn't want anything to do with me. She wants to see me in court and I don't think she's talking about the trial. I think she's talking about divorce court."
EJ warns Max about worrying too much about a practice run. Lucas is certain once they put the illegal turbo into Max' car he will be back on track. Lucas and Carrie leave. Will stays.
EJ asks to look at the engine. Max steps in and refuses to let him see it.
Sami remembers her rooftop rendezvous with EJ. A deliveryman comes to her door with a large box for Ms. Brady.
Carrie and Lucas bump into the deliveryman as they come back. Carrie asks about a delivery. Apparently, it went to the wrong Brady girl. Carrie goes into Sami's apartment.
Sami holds up a wedding dress, "Carrie, is this yours, or should I add it to my collection? " Carrie hits the floor like a ton of bricks.
Jennifer insists Bo doesn't love Billie. Hope whines, "Don't you remember why I left Salem? We saw them in bed together. We had never discussed divorce. We were married. That didn't stop him from jumping into bed with her the day we buried our son. When I had that vision of Zack I thought it was a sign that I should get together with Bo again so we could be a family. I'm just so confused. Maybe it's time for me to really admit what Bo and I have is really gone."
Hope looks at the newspaper sticking out of Jennifer's purse. She pulls it out and reads the headline, "WHAT?" Jennifer looks.
Eve the cop reads the same headline and says, "Kate Roberts would do anything to save her granddaughter. Isn't that interesting?"
Bo insists this isn't the end, "If I hadn't given Chelsea permission to drive than night, our lives would be different."
Billie says, "You are not responsible for that. It's a tragedy for all of us."
"Well," says Bo, "you have nothing to do with the mess Hope and I have made of our lives."
"I didn't have to take the blame right after the accident," says Billie.
Bo says, "Every time Hope and I make up, something happens. It's like there is a force pulling up apart."
"There is," says Billie, "It's Chelsea."
The brat tells Kate about her fake phone conversation on the dock... and sending Bo the message about the emergency at the station... and changing the email, "Let's face it – I'm a bitch."
"You are not a bitch," insists Kate, "You're just trying to take care of yourself."
"I just want my parents to be together," says the brat, "Why does it feel so wrong to want a normal life?"
EJ tells Max and Shawn, "If you don't want to show me your design, it's your prerogative."
"After the contracts are signed," says Max.
Brainchild thinks it would be OK to show him the design anyway. He takes EJ into the next room and lays it all out in front of him.
"This is brilliant," says EJ, "So how did you come up with it? "
"It just sort of came to me one day," says Shawn, "Even a broken clock is right twice a day."
"It's high-level brain power I'd say."
"Can't be," says Shawn, "I'm a college dropout. I even have a letter from the college thanking me for leaving."
"The university isn't for everybody," says EJ, "It doesn't mean you're not intelligent."
"You're starting to sound like my father," says Shawn.
"He sounds very supportive," says EJ.
"How about your father," asks Shawn.
"I never made his acquaintance, which sets up all kinds of possibilities, doesn't it," says EJ, "Look, I know that Titan's made you and offer. I'll match it... and more. Name your price."
Max comes in the door and shouts, "I knew it! You are trying to steal our engine!"
Austin brings Carrie water. Carrie unloads on Sami, "Why did you pull my dress out? Now Lucas has seen it. It's bad luck." Sami defends herself. Carrie insists she can't wear the dress now. Sami wants to help somehow.
Lucas takes her aside, "I think you've done enough. Just because every one of your weddings has been a fiasco you don't have to ruin it for your sister."
Austin tells Carrie it was just one of those freak things. Carrie thinks she overreacted, I saw the dress Sami was holding up in front of her and I remembered when she basically stole my wedding dress to marry you. It just brought up some bad memories."
Hope reads the article and says, "Kate certainly knows how to work the media. It paints a very sympathetic portrait of Chelsea. I remember Zack playing with Chelsea. He trusted and loved her."
Jennifer says, "Children have a way of seeing the good in people, don't they? Have you changed how you feel about her?"
"I wish I could for Zack's sake," says Hope, "But she is responsible for killing him. And that's what I'm going to say in court."
Bo insists Chelsea isn't the only one responsible. Billie remembers the hotel room, "You're right. Chelsea's not the one to blame. I am."
Kate tells the brat, "Bo and Hope are adults and it isn't up to you to save their marriage. Bo has had a lot of women after him, but I believe he is Billie's soul mate. I would love for them to get back together. Your mother is a selfless person. If Hope is foolish enough to let Bo go, it isn't up to Billie to keep pushing her back into Bo's arms. My children all seem to be cursed. I wonder what it is? What do they all have in common? "
The brat smiles. "A smile," says Kate, "I like to see that."
"I guess maybe I get my smile from you," says the brat.
"That and a lot of other things," says Kate, "You certainly don't take after your Uncle Austin, though. I can't believe he's let Sami back into his life again. No matter what I say or do he just won't see the truth about her."
"Have you tried everything you can think of," asks the brat.
"I haven't hired a hit man yet," says Kate, "But I may have come up with something. I am going to drive a wedge between them. And I do mean drive.
EJ defends himself, "All I did was make an offer to stand alongside Titan's. Your agreement is verbal, so the two of you are still in play."
"Victor is my grandfather and the owner of Titan," says Shawn, "That's good enough for me. And Phillip has agreed to underwrite it instead of using the money to move out of the fleabag apartment he lives in."
"You know," says EJ, "I'm about to sign a deal myself with Basic Black and ARC."
"Well," says Max, "We'll catch you on the track, then."
"We'll see – about the catching part," says EJ.
Shawn warns him to watch out for Sami.
Lucas discovers a brochure about EJ. He wonders if Sami is after him. Sami tells him about the deal with Basic Black. Sami asks about Will. Lucas tells her he is at the garage. Sami thinks Will will love the fact she is working with EJ since he loves cars so much.
Lucas says he isn't letting Will anywhere near EJ. He and Sami argue about EJ. Sami says, "With his accent, I could listen to him talk all day."
Lucas jumps on that, "You have a crush on him... You have a crush on EJ!"
Austin thinks the dress thing was just an accident. Carrie thinks she overreacted, "With Sami I'm always waiting for the other shoe to drop." Austin is worried about her fainting. Carrie insists nothing is wrong. He wants her to get checked out. Carrie thinks that isn't necessary, "I'm not even having morning sickness."
"You just don't seem like the Carrie I know," says Austin, "You're not happy."
"No one is happy all the time."
Austin steps over the line, "It's easier when you are with the right person."
Carrie says, "You promised you wouldn't do this. I'm not down. I'm busy, and Lucas seeing that dress... you know... the old superstition."
"Superstitions are dumb," says Austin.
"That's why so many people in Salem are superstitious," says Carrie, "I'm starting to act like Sami. You and I are not gonna be together. That's the way it is."
Sami tells Lucas Austin is her one lasting true love. Translation: You can kiss that relationship goodbye. Lucas wonders why they are rushing into the marriage. Sami cuts him off and goes to check on Carrie.
EJ says, "I see Sami's reputation precedes her."
"You have been warned," says Max.
"Sami and I are not enemies," says Max, "I'm looking forward to the partnership. The only thing I would change would be to have your engine in my car. But my consolation is I have my own new car. Come on." He leads them to the front door where his new racecar sits, "Don't worry I'm not parking it at your garage, I'm going to store it next door at Mario's place."
"You're going to store your car at Mario's Pizza Parlor," asks Max.
"Oh," says EJ, "I thought he was Mario Andretti. I'll see you on the track, Max."
Kate drives Chelsea to the Salem PD. She gives her a pep talk and tells her to keep a brave face. The brat says she will try. She goes inside. Eve the cop comes up to Kate's car and asks if it is true she would do anything to save Chelsea, "Including large sums of cash?"
Kate is interested, "What exactly do you have in mind, officer?"
Hope and Jennifer hug, as Hope gets ready to go to court.
Bo insists he is the one who has taken advantage of Billie. He sees she is crying, "Come on, talk to me."
Billie bawls, "It's just going to be so hard for you and Hope today. You have to relive Zack's death."
"We will have to do that for all the Days Of Our Lives," says Bo.
Billie says, "If she goes to prison I won't be able to live through it." They hug. The brat comes in. Group hug.
Jennifer wishes there was something she could do. Hope says she has to do this for Zack, "I'll face down anyone and that includes Bo. God give me strength." FF.
Frankie says, "Chelsea, right now our best option is for you to change your plea to guilty." The brat whines, "I am not going to jail and I will never plead guilty."
Sami says, "Kate, you have to be so careful about bribing those judges. You'll wind up in a cell right next to your granddaughter."
Hope tells Shawn, "Your dad and I should have done that with Zack. We should have protected him." Bo watches.
Mimi tells Belle, "I have a confession to make. I don't deserve to have Shawn's baby."
Will comes into the garage with Max. They have been to the track and EJ beat a dejected Max. EJ walks in.
Austin has made Sami a pot of mint mocha coffee. He's been up working on the EJ account.
You mean the Kate Roberts account," says Sami.
"There is a method to my madness, for a change," says Austin, "I'm hoping this deal will put ARC in front of the racing world. And I'm hoping you and my mother will work out your differences."
"That might sink the ARC," says Sami, "When hell freezes over will you find me someplace warm to live?" Austin gives up and walks away.
Sami says to herself, "The best way to handle Kate would be to get her off the planet. Now that's an idea I could sink my teeth into."
The brat comes in to see Kate. Her trial is today. Kate would like to help her but the brat says no one can. Kate hands her a file. The brat opens it, "OMG, I don't believe it!"
Hope contemplates a picture of Zack. She remembers Bo's take-it-or-leave-it email. She talks to the picture, "I thought he was trying to save our marriage, but he was just trying to save his daughter. How dare he ask me to forgive her? When this is over if I never hear Chelsea's name again, it will be too soon for me."
Bo calls, "I left several messages last night and didn't get a return call. Didn't you read the email?"
"Good," says Bo, "Then you know how I feel."
Hope nukes, "I'm tired of your games Brady! There is nothing left to talk about. Don't ever call this house again. I'll see you in court!" She hangs up and Jennifer comes in. Hugs.
Bo slings his phone across the room as Billie walks in and dives for cover.
"MY GRANDDAUGHTER IS NOT A MURDERER," reads the headline on the paper the brat is looking at. She says she didn't know anyone in the family still believed in her. Kate reassures her. The jury will acquit her when they find out what a wonderful little girl she is. The brat remembers doctoring the email, "I'm not the person you think I am."
Jennifer serves Hope tea. Hope tells her about Bo's messages. She can't believe this whole time Bo was just trying to work her. Jennifer says that doesn't sound like Bo. Hope is angry about the way he has been using her grief over Zack to get her back. Jennifer goes to bat for Bo. She can't believe he would do something to keep them apart. Hope insists Chelsea was right when they overheard her talking to Max, "Bo wants Billie."
Billie is thankful Bo's aim isn't any better than when he shot her. Bo rants. He doesn't get it. He tells Billie about going to Chez Rouge with Hope, "Then Chelsea showed up and ruined things. We talked again at the house... I had Marlena come over. I just can't figure out what happened. I started to send her an email. Now she doesn't want anything to do with me. She wants to see me in court and I don't think she's talking about the trial. I think she's talking about divorce court."
EJ warns Max about worrying too much about a practice run. Lucas is certain once they put the illegal turbo into Max' car he will be back on track. Lucas and Carrie leave. Will stays.
EJ asks to look at the engine. Max steps in and refuses to let him see it.
Sami remembers her rooftop rendezvous with EJ. A deliveryman comes to her door with a large box for Ms. Brady.
Carrie and Lucas bump into the deliveryman as they come back. Carrie asks about a delivery. Apparently, it went to the wrong Brady girl. Carrie goes into Sami's apartment.
Sami holds up a wedding dress, "Carrie, is this yours, or should I add it to my collection? " Carrie hits the floor like a ton of bricks.
Jennifer insists Bo doesn't love Billie. Hope whines, "Don't you remember why I left Salem? We saw them in bed together. We had never discussed divorce. We were married. That didn't stop him from jumping into bed with her the day we buried our son. When I had that vision of Zack I thought it was a sign that I should get together with Bo again so we could be a family. I'm just so confused. Maybe it's time for me to really admit what Bo and I have is really gone."
Hope looks at the newspaper sticking out of Jennifer's purse. She pulls it out and reads the headline, "WHAT?" Jennifer looks.
Eve the cop reads the same headline and says, "Kate Roberts would do anything to save her granddaughter. Isn't that interesting?"
Bo insists this isn't the end, "If I hadn't given Chelsea permission to drive than night, our lives would be different."
Billie says, "You are not responsible for that. It's a tragedy for all of us."
"Well," says Bo, "you have nothing to do with the mess Hope and I have made of our lives."
"I didn't have to take the blame right after the accident," says Billie.
Bo says, "Every time Hope and I make up, something happens. It's like there is a force pulling up apart."
"There is," says Billie, "It's Chelsea."
The brat tells Kate about her fake phone conversation on the dock... and sending Bo the message about the emergency at the station... and changing the email, "Let's face it – I'm a bitch."
"You are not a bitch," insists Kate, "You're just trying to take care of yourself."
"I just want my parents to be together," says the brat, "Why does it feel so wrong to want a normal life?"
EJ tells Max and Shawn, "If you don't want to show me your design, it's your prerogative."
"After the contracts are signed," says Max.
Brainchild thinks it would be OK to show him the design anyway. He takes EJ into the next room and lays it all out in front of him.
"This is brilliant," says EJ, "So how did you come up with it? "
"It just sort of came to me one day," says Shawn, "Even a broken clock is right twice a day."
"It's high-level brain power I'd say."
"Can't be," says Shawn, "I'm a college dropout. I even have a letter from the college thanking me for leaving."
"The university isn't for everybody," says EJ, "It doesn't mean you're not intelligent."
"You're starting to sound like my father," says Shawn.
"He sounds very supportive," says EJ.
"How about your father," asks Shawn.
"I never made his acquaintance, which sets up all kinds of possibilities, doesn't it," says EJ, "Look, I know that Titan's made you and offer. I'll match it... and more. Name your price."
Max comes in the door and shouts, "I knew it! You are trying to steal our engine!"
Austin brings Carrie water. Carrie unloads on Sami, "Why did you pull my dress out? Now Lucas has seen it. It's bad luck." Sami defends herself. Carrie insists she can't wear the dress now. Sami wants to help somehow.
Lucas takes her aside, "I think you've done enough. Just because every one of your weddings has been a fiasco you don't have to ruin it for your sister."
Austin tells Carrie it was just one of those freak things. Carrie thinks she overreacted, I saw the dress Sami was holding up in front of her and I remembered when she basically stole my wedding dress to marry you. It just brought up some bad memories."
Hope reads the article and says, "Kate certainly knows how to work the media. It paints a very sympathetic portrait of Chelsea. I remember Zack playing with Chelsea. He trusted and loved her."
Jennifer says, "Children have a way of seeing the good in people, don't they? Have you changed how you feel about her?"
"I wish I could for Zack's sake," says Hope, "But she is responsible for killing him. And that's what I'm going to say in court."
Bo insists Chelsea isn't the only one responsible. Billie remembers the hotel room, "You're right. Chelsea's not the one to blame. I am."
Kate tells the brat, "Bo and Hope are adults and it isn't up to you to save their marriage. Bo has had a lot of women after him, but I believe he is Billie's soul mate. I would love for them to get back together. Your mother is a selfless person. If Hope is foolish enough to let Bo go, it isn't up to Billie to keep pushing her back into Bo's arms. My children all seem to be cursed. I wonder what it is? What do they all have in common? "
The brat smiles. "A smile," says Kate, "I like to see that."
"I guess maybe I get my smile from you," says the brat.
"That and a lot of other things," says Kate, "You certainly don't take after your Uncle Austin, though. I can't believe he's let Sami back into his life again. No matter what I say or do he just won't see the truth about her."
"Have you tried everything you can think of," asks the brat.
"I haven't hired a hit man yet," says Kate, "But I may have come up with something. I am going to drive a wedge between them. And I do mean drive.
EJ defends himself, "All I did was make an offer to stand alongside Titan's. Your agreement is verbal, so the two of you are still in play."
"Victor is my grandfather and the owner of Titan," says Shawn, "That's good enough for me. And Phillip has agreed to underwrite it instead of using the money to move out of the fleabag apartment he lives in."
"You know," says EJ, "I'm about to sign a deal myself with Basic Black and ARC."
"Well," says Max, "We'll catch you on the track, then."
"We'll see – about the catching part," says EJ.
Shawn warns him to watch out for Sami.
Lucas discovers a brochure about EJ. He wonders if Sami is after him. Sami tells him about the deal with Basic Black. Sami asks about Will. Lucas tells her he is at the garage. Sami thinks Will will love the fact she is working with EJ since he loves cars so much.
Lucas says he isn't letting Will anywhere near EJ. He and Sami argue about EJ. Sami says, "With his accent, I could listen to him talk all day."
Lucas jumps on that, "You have a crush on him... You have a crush on EJ!"
Austin thinks the dress thing was just an accident. Carrie thinks she overreacted, "With Sami I'm always waiting for the other shoe to drop." Austin is worried about her fainting. Carrie insists nothing is wrong. He wants her to get checked out. Carrie thinks that isn't necessary, "I'm not even having morning sickness."
"You just don't seem like the Carrie I know," says Austin, "You're not happy."
"No one is happy all the time."
Austin steps over the line, "It's easier when you are with the right person."
Carrie says, "You promised you wouldn't do this. I'm not down. I'm busy, and Lucas seeing that dress... you know... the old superstition."
"Superstitions are dumb," says Austin.
"That's why so many people in Salem are superstitious," says Carrie, "I'm starting to act like Sami. You and I are not gonna be together. That's the way it is."
Sami tells Lucas Austin is her one lasting true love. Translation: You can kiss that relationship goodbye. Lucas wonders why they are rushing into the marriage. Sami cuts him off and goes to check on Carrie.
EJ says, "I see Sami's reputation precedes her."
"You have been warned," says Max.
"Sami and I are not enemies," says Max, "I'm looking forward to the partnership. The only thing I would change would be to have your engine in my car. But my consolation is I have my own new car. Come on." He leads them to the front door where his new racecar sits, "Don't worry I'm not parking it at your garage, I'm going to store it next door at Mario's place."
"You're going to store your car at Mario's Pizza Parlor," asks Max.
"Oh," says EJ, "I thought he was Mario Andretti. I'll see you on the track, Max."
Kate drives Chelsea to the Salem PD. She gives her a pep talk and tells her to keep a brave face. The brat says she will try. She goes inside. Eve the cop comes up to Kate's car and asks if it is true she would do anything to save Chelsea, "Including large sums of cash?"
Kate is interested, "What exactly do you have in mind, officer?"
Hope and Jennifer hug, as Hope gets ready to go to court.
Bo insists he is the one who has taken advantage of Billie. He sees she is crying, "Come on, talk to me."
Billie bawls, "It's just going to be so hard for you and Hope today. You have to relive Zack's death."
"We will have to do that for all the Days Of Our Lives," says Bo.
Billie says, "If she goes to prison I won't be able to live through it." They hug. The brat comes in. Group hug.
Jennifer wishes there was something she could do. Hope says she has to do this for Zack, "I'll face down anyone and that includes Bo. God give me strength." FF.
Frankie says, "Chelsea, right now our best option is for you to change your plea to guilty." The brat whines, "I am not going to jail and I will never plead guilty."
Sami says, "Kate, you have to be so careful about bribing those judges. You'll wind up in a cell right next to your granddaughter."
Hope tells Shawn, "Your dad and I should have done that with Zack. We should have protected him." Bo watches.
Mimi tells Belle, "I have a confession to make. I don't deserve to have Shawn's baby."
I think Lucas is jelous.
Will they just go to court already??? I am so TIRED of this repetitive writing. Bo must be a moron to not realize that something is up with his e-mails since every time he writes something sweet Hope freaks. Can this show get stupider? I shouldn't ask, I'm sure it will.
Good Prevuze, except the Satan picture.
The bottom pics haven't popped in for me yet, but loved the others. So appropriate for today.
As Anonymous #2 says about, ENOUGH WITH THE CONSTANT REHASHING!!
Prevuze could have added after Kate's remark about not hiring a hit man yet, "like I did when I tried to have Victor whacked"! HAHAHAHA
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