Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Been There, Done That, Got The T-Shirt

Shawn and Belle make over Claire. Shawn wants a big family. Belle thinks he and Mimi will be amazing parents. Shawn says they are going to wait a while for the wedding. Shawn is happy Belle will be matron of honor.

Mimi is in shock, "Shawn in the father of Belle's baby?"

Bonnie says, "When will I learn to keep my big mouth shut?"

"It's not true," screams Meems, "How do you know?"

"I know it's a fact," says Bonnie, "That's why you have to marry him ASAP."


Lucas comes home and finds Carrie crying. Carrie blubbers, "How could I let Austin do this to me? Was I that blind?" Yes.

"I'm sorry you got your heart broken," he lies.

"It's not just me," says Carrie, "He put my employees out of work. I'll never be able to forgive him."

"It's like what Sami did to me," says Lucas.

"Sami still loves you," says Carrie, "I had a talk with her at the courthouse."

Lucas tells her, "You should know you can't believe everything Sami says."

"Why would she lie," asks Carrie, "She's not over you."

"Then I feel sorry for her," says Lucas, "I'm not going back there again."

"Are you sure," asks Carrie, "She is the mother of your child. Maybe she's the woman you're meant to be with."

Austin asks Sami if she's seen the headline. He can't believe Billie pleaded guilty.

"I know you're worried about your sister," says Sami, "but I can't get Zack out of my mind. I can't get Bo and Hope out of my head either."

"Why didn't you stay at the courthouse," asks Austin.

"There is a lot of family stuff that's happened," says Sami, "I'm not as close to them as I used to be. I'm feeling kind of alone."

"You've got lots of people in your life," says Austin, "You've got Will, your grandparents, your sister, me."

BINGO! "Thank you Austin. That means everything to me."

Patrick tells Billie he can't let her do this. Billie argues. Hope and Bo come up. Hope wants to know what's going on. Patrick says, "Billie is lying."

"About what," asks Hope, "Will someone please tell me what is going on?"

Bo tries to get her to leave. Hope isn't having any of it, "What are you telling me?" Group stare.

The brat bolts. Outside, she bumps into Max, "My life is over, Max."

Hope wants to know, "Patrick what is Billie lying about?"

"It wasn't Billie," says Patrick, "She's completely innocent."

"Stay out of this Lockhart," says Bo.

"It was Chelsea," says Patrick, "She did it."

Max tells the brat her life isn't over, but she has to tell the truth. The little snot whines, "How could Patrick do this to me? I liked him. I thought he liked me."

"He may have done you a huge favor," says Max.

"Chelsea," asks Hope, "How can that be?"

Bo stammers, "I didn't mean to tell you like this."

Billie freaks, "Patrick, tell them you're lying."

Bo turns to Billie, "It's over." In more ways than one.

Shawn asks Belle if she is happy for Mimi and him. "Oh, yes," says Belle, "I am so happy for both of you. But I agree, this isn't the best time for the wedding. Perhaps you should wait a few decades..."

Mimi staggers, "This can't be true because Belle was a virgin when she got involved with Phillip. End of story."

"I wish it were," says Bonnie, "Facts are facts. Bonnie goes into the barn story, "Apparently the barn wasn't the only thing that caught fire that night. Do I have to draw you an x-rated picture? They were so out of it they have no memory of ever doing the nasty."

"No," cries Mimi, "They were just trying to keep warm. They fell asleep. It's not proof they had sex."

"No," Bonnie agrees, "Claire's proof. Plus, The blood types match. Zack was a perfect match for the transplant and he was Shawn's brother. OK. I'll come completely clean."

Mimi nearly falls down, "There is more?"

"I talked to Kate," says Bonnie, "She confirmed everything. She has rock solid proof."

"What proof," asks Mimi.

"She wouldn't tell me," says Bonnie, "But she is sure. I have to protect you from anything hurtful."

"Hurtful," gasps Mimi, "Phillip has a right to know!"

Bonnie asks, "Why do you think Kate has insisted on you and Shawn getting hitched?"

Mimi thinks of Kate's offer, "She offered to pay for the wedding and the honeymoon."

"She's not doing it out of the goodness of her heart," says Bonnie, "When Belle finds out she's going to want to be with the man she loves."

Mimi says, "I knew this was too good to be true."

Bonnie asks, "What are you talking about?"

Mimi says, "There is no way I can marry Shawn now."

Sami thanks Austin for being her friend. He thinks it's awesome she's trying to turn her life around. And also that she was happy about him and Carrie, "You told me it was a mistake going after Highstyle. I wish I'd listened to you. Things would be different now."

Sami flashes back to when she found out Carrie was the CEO on, "Carrie will hate him!" Then she remembers Nicole asking her what's up with her agreeing Austin should get the credit for the takeover.

"Austin," she says, "I'm not perfect or innocent. There is more I could have done to stop you."

Lucas insists he and Sami aren't meant to be together, "The more someone hurts you if you don't get rid of them, they just bring you more heartache and misery. You have to get rid of Austin too. I'd like to help. I have a little proposal for you. He sits her down. I have a very important question to ask you."

Shawn and Belle put Claire back in her crib. Belle loves Phillip even more. Shawn thinks a child brings a couple closer together.

Bonnie asks, "What do you mean you can't marry Shawn?"

"I can't lie and pretend I don't know," says Mimi.

"Sure you can," says Bonnie, "What harm would it do? Everybody's happy. What's the problem?"

"I can never give Shawn his own flesh and blood child, or even a plastic one," says Mimi, "Belle has already done that. The baby is what tipped the scales. Shawn will want to be a hands-on dad. And it's Belle he will want to get his hands on. I'd be demoted to loyal friend right where I started."

"You are the one Shawn is going to marry," says Bonnie, "We're not going to tell."

"I won't live a lie," says Mimi, "Been there done that got the T-shirt. Shawn has to know. I'm going to tell him." Caroline stands in the background and listens.

Chelsea tells Max they will throw the book at her, "You don't care what happens to me!"

"That isn't true," says Max, "You have to tell before you wind up in more trouble."

Slimeball screams, "I can't be in more trouble! And I can't go to jail! There is only one thing left to do!"

"Don't even think about it," says Max.

Patrick says he has proof. Hope wants to see it.

Lucas takes Carrie's coffee cup and sets it aside, "I have to ask you something. Before you say 'no' give it some serious thought. You are amazing. You are everything I've been looking for..." dead silence... "to work with. You did a great job destroying Highstyle. I'd like you to come and work with me at Titan. What do you say?" Carrie stares.

Austin asks what Sami could have done differently.

"I could have found out who the CEO was and worked harder to convince you not to go through with the takeover," she lies, "I talked to Carrie about you at the courthouse. I tried to explain. She said you are two completely different people now, and that it's over between the two of you."

Austin says, "I'm not giving up. No matter what she says."

Sami says, "When she makes up her mind you can't get her to change it."

"I'm gonna change it," says Austin, "I'm not giving up no matter what she says."

Caroline walks up to Mimi and Bonnie. She says she came to see Mimi, "I understand you will be needing a loan... my wedding dress. I'm so happy for you. She gives her a package. It's an engagement gift. Caroline wrinkles her brow, "Mimi, are you all right?"

Bonnie butts in, "She's so happy she's speechless."

"I never knew Mimi to be at a loss for words," says Caroline.

"There is a first time for everything," says Bonnie.

Caroline asks where Shawn is. She wants to congratulate him. They tell her he's inside with Belle and the baby. Caroline goes in, Mimi and Bonnie keep it up.

Mimi says, "The wedding will never happen. For one thing, Shawn has already seen me in that dress. That's the kiss of death for a DOOL wedding."

Bonnie vows, "This wedding will happen or my name isn't Bonnie Horton!"

"It isn't," says Mimi, "It's Bonnie Lockhart."


Mimi heads for the door, "I'm going to go tell him right now."

Bonnie chases her, "MIMI, NO!"

Mimi and Bonnie come in as Caroline admires Claire. Caroline says, "I'll bet it won't be long, Shawn, before you have one of your own."

Mimi whispers, "He already does – with Belle."

Bonnie grits her teeth, "SHUT UP, OR HE'LL HEAR YOU."

"He should," says Mimi, "Belle and Shawn would be perfect parents."

"It's amazing now Claire looks like Shawn when he was a baby," says Caroline.

Mimi flashes back to hearing the nurses talk about the blood type, then to five minutes ago when Bonnie told her the truth.

"Show me the proof," snaps Hope. Patrick hands her a still photo of the videos. "OMG," says Hope, "It's really true."

Patrick says, "I'm sorry in order to clear Billie I had to incriminate your daughter, but it's true."

"OMG Billie," says Hope, "You confessed to cover up for her."

"I'm sorry, Hope," cries Billie, "I couldn't stand the thought of her going to jail."

Hope nukes. Bo tries to calm her down. She wants nothing to do with him.

The brat freakS out. She tells Max, "You have to take me somewhere far away where they will never find me. Please say you will help me!"

Carrie appreciates the offer but asks about ulterior motives. Lucas insists this is just business, "You know what we are up against – Austin Reed and Company. Our first order of business will be to crush them. Then we'll set our sights a little higher and go after those kids down the street who have that lemonade stand."

Austin reminds Sami Nicole is part of the company. Sami talks about the competition – Lucas and Titan, "Are you going to do what it takes?"

"When it comes down to kill or be killed," says Austin, "I know what to do. But what about you?"

"I'll be fine," says Sami.

"This could get pretty ugly," says Austin, "You could be kissing any chance with Lucas goodbye. Are you willing to take off the gloves?"

Sami says, "Lucas has made it clear he doesn't want a future with me. I'll find happiness elsewhere."

She walks off and thinks, "And that happiness will be with you."

Lucas tries to sell Carrie, "It's a golden opportunity."

Carrie says, "Yeah, it is."

"So," asks Lucas, "do we have a deal?" They shake on it.

Caroline again says she thinks Claire looks like Shawn. Belle walks through the lineage – Claire is Shawn's second cousin, half-removed, half-baked, whatever, practically making them twins.

Bonnie steps in, "All kids look the same – like Eisenhower."

"You're right," says Caroline, "The resemblance was in my head."

Mimi whispers, "I'm telling him the truth right now."

Max tells the little snot to think of her future.

"What kind of future in prison," asks the brat.

"We'll get Frankie to help," he says, "I promise you'll be OK. We need to go in there and face up to what you have done."

Bo has Hope sit down. He and Patrick go off to talk. Bo says, "You SOB, you had no right to do this!"

"I thought you wanted to know the truth," says Patrick, "Unless... you knew all along. You knew, didn't you?"

"I was trying to protect Hope," says Bo, "I gave Chelsea permission to drive my SUV. This whole thing is my fault. That's why I wanted to be the one to tell her in my own time."

Chelsea walks in and hugs Billie.

Hope comes up and stares at her, "MURDERER!" FF on the whimpering brat.


Austin asks Sami, "What is going on with you? Do you not want Carrie to be a part of my company, my life?"

Caroline asks, "Belle, what is it?" Belle says, "I still love Shawn and I want Claire to be his baby."

Shawn says, "My future is with you." Mimi says, "Aw, I can't do this any more. I have to tell you the truth."

The brat says, "Dad gave me permission to drive his car." Hope drops her jaw and looks at Bo.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Mimi drags this out like she did with Rex she hasnt learned anything.

5:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Taking over the neighborhood kids' lemonade stand....I don't know. That's a pretty tall order for this bunch of idiots. HAHAHAHA

Got a big laugh over Claire and the half-baked cousin comment.

And thinking about the crowd picture at the top will keep me chuckling all day.

Good job, Prevuze!

6:39 AM  
Blogger Quiet one said...

Missed this episode, but I know Prevuze is there with the best summaries ever...the picture of Frankie with the "almost getting fired" caption...Priceless!

5:30 PM  

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