I Am The Monster
Austin is on the phone. He says, "All right, let's finalize the inventory transfer by the end of the week. Take a shot at the packaging design – That's what you are good at. Good job Nicole." He hangs up.
Sami comes in. He turns to her and says, "This is the part of business I really like."
"What," asks Sami, "Taking over and dismantling other people's companies?"
"No," says Austin, "Taking something that's failing and making it a success."
"Isn't this a little ruthless," she asks.
"You can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs," says Austin, "That's what I was trying to tell Carrie. She has to go back to LA to deal with everything. I think I'll go with her."
Sami says, "Austin, you can't."
Carrie tells Lucas she needs to go back to LA, "I am the CEO (Clueless Emptyheaded Oaf ), and I need to be with the employees at a time like this. Maybe there is something I can do to save the company." Lucas offers help. He might be able to bring Titan resources into it and go back to LA with her.
Kate tells Shawn she is so sorry about Zach. She hates the transplant had to come this way. She thinks to herself, "It was successful because you're Claire's father, but you will never know that."
Mimi has gone home because she is tired. Belle and Phillip are resting. Translation: we won't be seeing them on the show today. Shawn is staying to be with his parents. Kate thanks him for supporting Belle and Claire.
"I'm Claire's godfather," says Shawn, "I feel like she's my own..."
Kate cuts him off, "You really deserve happiness."
Shawn says, "Mimi told me about the honeymoon offer. It's no secret I'm not your favorite person, so I'm wondering what you are really up to." Kate stares.
Hope wonders how Billie could have done this. Bo insists it was an accident. Hope isn't buying it, "DON'T TRY TO DEFEND THAT WOMAN TO ME!"
Roman finally shows up. Hope says she can't imagine what it will be like to go home and see Zach's things. Roman offers his condolences.
John tries to push Alex off the roof as Marlena swears it was Lois.
"That's not true," says Lois, "And I can prove it. Marlena is confused"
Marlena insists it was Lois. Alex tells John to listen. Marlena tells what happened. Lois stands open mouthed. She realizes John is starting to believe Marlena and Alex. Lois bolts for the door. Marlena tackles her. CATFIGHT! John pulls them apart.
"Do you get it now," screams Marlena, "It was Lois. She tried to kill me in the penthouse!"
"I tried to warn you, John," says Alex, "If Lois had killed Marlena, her blood would be on your hands."
Kate tells Shawn she knew he and Mimi had a tough year and she's just trying to make things better.
Shawn is suspicious, "What's in this for you?"
"It makes good business sense," says Kate.
"I remember you offering to do the same thing for Sami and Lucas," says Shawn, "You're always up to something."
"There is nothing I want more than your and Mimi's happiness," she lies.
"You never liked Mimi or me," says Shawn, "Remember, I drove a motorcycle through the church window at your son's wedding. I think you tried to have me thrown in jail."
"I believe you have changed and matured," says Kate.
"You're right," says Shawn, "Now I would drive the motorcycle through the door. But that's because I had to replace the window and I've learned how expensive stained glass is."
"And," says Kate, "I don't think you would try to break up Belle and Phillip again."
"I'm trying to build a future with Mimi," says Shawn.
"I appreciate what you did for our family," says Kate, "Can't you let me do this little thing for you and Mimi?"
"I will think about it and talk to Mimi," says Shawn, "For now I should go find my parents. Thank you for caring." Shawn leaves.
Kate says to herself, "The only thing I care about right now is Phillip's happiness. The sooner you are married, the happier he will be."
Roman wants to know what he can do. Hope says she wants him to charge Billie with murder.
"The charge won't be murder," says Roman.
Hope yells, "She stole Bo's car and committed hit-and-run. What do you call that? What is it if it's not murder?"
"A lame plot," says Roman.
Carrie thinks Lucas' offer is generous but she can't accept it. Lucas presses. Titan can invest in Carrie's company to block the takeover. She says she has to do this herself.
"I just wish I knew who staged this raid," says Carrie.
"You will find out soon enough," says Lucas, "Whoever it is, he's heartless."
Sami says Austin needs to focus on Highstyle instead of Carrie. He reminds her Highstyle is in LA, "I could go there with Carrie and maybe meet with the CEO of Highstyle and work through some things."
Sami says, "Highstyle's CEO isn't going to want to meet with you, Austin. She hates you."
Austin says, "Her company was gong to crash and burn!"
"OK," says Sami, "If you want to go to LA, then go. We can reschedule things." She rattles off all the meetings he has already set up and other things he has to do.
"You're right," says Austin, "We have a lot to do. I should stay here. I wanted to be there for Carrie."
"You should go see her and explain what's happening," says Sami.
Austin says, "My company is the last thing she wants to hear about today."
"Austin you have to tell her," says Sami.
Alex and Marlena try to convince John. He asks Lois. Lois breaks down and admits everything, "What Alex and I shared was special and Marlena ruined my life!"
"It's all in your head," insists Alex.
"I swore I would take revenge," screams Lois, "How many men do you need Marlena? And what the hell do they see in you? Why can't you be dead?"
Hope insists this was murder. Shawn vows the culprit will be punished.
Bo and Roman go out to talk – as brothers not cops. Bo tells Roman Billie wasn't driving.
"Then why did she confess," asks Roman, "And if she wasn't driving, then who the hell was?"
Bo says, "It was Chelsea." Roman stares.
Carrie knows Lucas wanted to be more than friends, but she has reconnected with Austin. Lucas just wants her to be happy. "That's why you're such a good friend," says Carrie. Just what a guy wants to hear. She doesn't want him to come to LA expecting things will change.
"I'm there for you as a friend," says Lucas.
"The company is how I was going to redefine myself," says Carrie, "I let down so many people."
"You're not to blame for this."
"Austin said I needed to be more ruthless," says Carrie.
"Raising your IQ into double digits wouldn't hurt either," says Lucas, "You have a good heart, though."
"I was more concerned about being liked than running the company," she says. Becky calls. Bad news. "OK," says Carrie, "I'll be in touch. Thanks Becky. I'm really sorry." She turns to Lucas, "You don't' have to come to LA with me. It's over. The company is gone."
"Carrie, I am so sorry," he lies.
Carrie asks, "What kind of heartless person would do this to my employees?"
Austin is suspicious of Sami's motives. Sami says Carrie cares about him. His company will be a part of their future, "Her company is gone, but at least you still have your company. Carrie will be thrilled for you."
"You're right," says Austin, "Thanks for your support. I am sorry I thought you were trying to come between us again."
"You bring out the best in me," says Sami.
"I just thought of something," says Austin, "I don't even know the name of Carrie's company."
Sami says, "She gave me her business card and I never even looked at it. It's in my purse." Sami gets the card. She looks at it and says, "OMG! Austin I don't even know how to say this!"
He grabs the card. Oops. He says, "Carrie is the CEO of Highstyle. She is the person's life I just destroyed." Sami looks sooooooo concerned.
"What is it," asks a cop.
"Attempted murder," grunts John.
Kate asks, "Alex tried to kill Marlena again?" John sets her straight.
Alex says Lois shouldn't go to jail. Marlena agrees, "This woman needs psychiatric help." They decide they will not press charges.
John blows a gasket, "SHE TRIED TO KILL YOU!"
Marlena digs up a pesky little detail, "You tried to kill Alex. Maybe you should go to jail too."
"Quid pro quo, John," asks Alex, "I won't press charges if you help Lois get the help she needs."
Shawn tells Hope the transplant was a success. Hope is glad for Belle and Phillip. Shawn says, "Now Claire will be more special to us because Zach is a part of her."
Hope cries, "I just never thought her donor would be my baby."
"He is here with us," says Shawn, "I guess – God wanted him in heaven."
"How could this be God's plan," asks Hope, "I don't believe that."
"I don't think we will ever understand," says Shawn.
Hope cries, "I am so afraid that one day I will close my eyes and won't be able to hear his voice. I don't want tomorrow to come. It'll be the first day without Zach in this world. Then it will be his birthday... and Christmas... and then New Years again..." Flashback to happy moments with Zach. "It was hard to see him grow up so fast. Now he'll never grow up"
"He was happy every single day with us," says Shawn.
"We never will be happy again," says Hope, "I just want Zach back. I want my baby back." Hugs.
"OMG," says Roman, "Your daughter killed Zach?"
"That's why Billie took the blame," says Bo, "You can't charge her with anything."
"What are you asking me to do," asks Roman.
"I don't know," says Bo, "I tried to tell Hope."
"Now that Billie has been arrested, it will be harder," says Roman.
"I lied to my wife," says Bo, "But how can I turn Chelsea in?"
Roman says, "I wish I knew what to tell you."
"It gets worse," says Bo, "I signed a temporary permit so she could drive again and I loaned he my truck."
"And hope doesn’t know that either," asks Roman.
"No," says Bo, "I'm just as responsible as Chelsea. When I tell Hope the truth she's gonna turn her back on me, and I can't let her go through this on her own."
Carrie reads vitriolic emails from her jobless employees, "Here's one of my favorites, "Did you hear the one about the blonde who was so stupid she let someone steal her company from under her nose... It doesn't even need a punch line."
Lucas tries to help, "They will realize it was not your fault."
"It was," says Carrie.
"It was that bastard who stole your company," says Lucas, "He didn't even want to work with you."
"You offered to do that," says Carrie, "Why did I try to do it all on my own?"
Lucas says, "He didn't have to fire everyone."
"He or she did," says Carrie, "and now I've lost everything."
Big-hearted Lucas says, "You still have me."
"That's true," says Carrie, "I have my family and friends. Thank God I've reconnected with Austin."
Lucas relishes it. He thinks, "Once you find out he has done this, you will hate him and you'll turn to me."
Austin can't believe it, "How could I not have known that?"
"I wish I had looked at her card sooner," lies Sami.
"Why didn't she tell anyone she was the CEO of Highstyle," asks Austin, "I KNEW THIS WAS NO WAY TO DO BUSINESS." So much for this being the part of business he really likes.
"Would you have done it different if you knew it was Carrie," asks Sami.
"Of course I would have," he yells, "I stole her company! I confiscated her inventory! I fired her employees! I have to go talk to her. I have to try to explain this."
Sami says, "She will blame me anyway."
"No," says Austin, "I have to make sure she knows it is my fault. This will be that hardest thing I have ever done." He leaves
"I can't wait to see this," says Sami.
"Well John," asks Alex, as Lois caresses the cop.
"All right," says John, "Take her to a secure room and see that Dr. Carver gives her the care she needs." Now Lexie is a shrink, too?
Marlena fills Kate in on what happened. Alex chimes in, "Of course when John got up here he thought I was the culprit. He tried to throw me off the roof. Thank God Marlena stopped him or you would be scraping me off the pavement and John would have gotten his way."
John struts, "Aw, come on, man. You were going to bash in Lois' skull with a lead pipe. What was I supposed to think?"
Alex ignores him. He tells Marlena he wants to go back to his room. Marlena will take care of him. She thanks him for saving her life. Kiss. John rolls his eyes. The happy couple goes downstairs.
"What's she thanking him for," snarls John.
"Like it or not," says Kate, "You have to give him a little credit.
"I don't trust him," says John, "I won't feel good about this until I get her away from him."
Hope tells Shawn, "Zach will be a part of all the Days Of Our Lives." Shawn vows they will get through this.
Bo thinks with Chelsea's driving history she could be put away, "Billie can make it through this because she has a clean driving record. I'm worried about how Hope will make it through this. I don't want Chelsea to go to prison."
Roman lays it on the line, "When the truth comes out, you're gonna have to worry about your marriage."
Carrie tells Becky, "Close out the accounts and distribute the remaining capital among the employees. I'm sorry it turned out this way. I appreciate your loyalty, Becky. Talk to you soon."
Lucas says, "Carrie you can't divide the capital. You'll go bankrupt. Not to mention the fact that it's, uh, not yours any more.
"I don't care," she says, "I don't even see a point in going back to LA."
Doorbell. Austin. "Lucas, I need to speak to Carrie." Sami follows to witness the detonation.
"How you doing," asks Austin.
"Lousy," says Carrie, "There is nothing I can do to save my company. I just read the emails from my employees. Now I just with I could get my hands on the monster who did this."
"Well there is something I have to tell you," says Austin, "I am the monster."
Carrie says to Austin, "Your trip to Los Angeles – you were scoping out my company. That's why you were there isn't it?" SLAP!
Jennifer says, "So now I think I need to be honest with you." Frankie asks, "About what?" Jennifer says, "My feelings for you."
Patrick says, "For some reason Billie is taking the fall. Why would she lie and say she killed an innocent little boy?" Pan to the brat.
Hope screams, "I hate her for killing my baby." Zoom to a shot of Bo and Billie.
The entire cast comes out and says in unison, "Happy Birthday to anyone having a birthday today."
Sami comes in. He turns to her and says, "This is the part of business I really like."
"What," asks Sami, "Taking over and dismantling other people's companies?"
"No," says Austin, "Taking something that's failing and making it a success."
"Isn't this a little ruthless," she asks.
"You can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs," says Austin, "That's what I was trying to tell Carrie. She has to go back to LA to deal with everything. I think I'll go with her."
Sami says, "Austin, you can't."
Carrie tells Lucas she needs to go back to LA, "I am the CEO (Clueless Emptyheaded Oaf ), and I need to be with the employees at a time like this. Maybe there is something I can do to save the company." Lucas offers help. He might be able to bring Titan resources into it and go back to LA with her.
Kate tells Shawn she is so sorry about Zach. She hates the transplant had to come this way. She thinks to herself, "It was successful because you're Claire's father, but you will never know that."
Mimi has gone home because she is tired. Belle and Phillip are resting. Translation: we won't be seeing them on the show today. Shawn is staying to be with his parents. Kate thanks him for supporting Belle and Claire.
"I'm Claire's godfather," says Shawn, "I feel like she's my own..."
Kate cuts him off, "You really deserve happiness."
Shawn says, "Mimi told me about the honeymoon offer. It's no secret I'm not your favorite person, so I'm wondering what you are really up to." Kate stares.
Hope wonders how Billie could have done this. Bo insists it was an accident. Hope isn't buying it, "DON'T TRY TO DEFEND THAT WOMAN TO ME!"
Roman finally shows up. Hope says she can't imagine what it will be like to go home and see Zach's things. Roman offers his condolences.
John tries to push Alex off the roof as Marlena swears it was Lois.
"That's not true," says Lois, "And I can prove it. Marlena is confused"
Marlena insists it was Lois. Alex tells John to listen. Marlena tells what happened. Lois stands open mouthed. She realizes John is starting to believe Marlena and Alex. Lois bolts for the door. Marlena tackles her. CATFIGHT! John pulls them apart.
"Do you get it now," screams Marlena, "It was Lois. She tried to kill me in the penthouse!"
"I tried to warn you, John," says Alex, "If Lois had killed Marlena, her blood would be on your hands."
Kate tells Shawn she knew he and Mimi had a tough year and she's just trying to make things better.
Shawn is suspicious, "What's in this for you?"
"It makes good business sense," says Kate.
"I remember you offering to do the same thing for Sami and Lucas," says Shawn, "You're always up to something."
"There is nothing I want more than your and Mimi's happiness," she lies.
"You never liked Mimi or me," says Shawn, "Remember, I drove a motorcycle through the church window at your son's wedding. I think you tried to have me thrown in jail."
"I believe you have changed and matured," says Kate.
"You're right," says Shawn, "Now I would drive the motorcycle through the door. But that's because I had to replace the window and I've learned how expensive stained glass is."
"And," says Kate, "I don't think you would try to break up Belle and Phillip again."
"I'm trying to build a future with Mimi," says Shawn.
"I appreciate what you did for our family," says Kate, "Can't you let me do this little thing for you and Mimi?"
"I will think about it and talk to Mimi," says Shawn, "For now I should go find my parents. Thank you for caring." Shawn leaves.
Kate says to herself, "The only thing I care about right now is Phillip's happiness. The sooner you are married, the happier he will be."
Roman wants to know what he can do. Hope says she wants him to charge Billie with murder.
"The charge won't be murder," says Roman.
Hope yells, "She stole Bo's car and committed hit-and-run. What do you call that? What is it if it's not murder?"
"A lame plot," says Roman.
Carrie thinks Lucas' offer is generous but she can't accept it. Lucas presses. Titan can invest in Carrie's company to block the takeover. She says she has to do this herself.
"I just wish I knew who staged this raid," says Carrie.
"You will find out soon enough," says Lucas, "Whoever it is, he's heartless."
Sami says Austin needs to focus on Highstyle instead of Carrie. He reminds her Highstyle is in LA, "I could go there with Carrie and maybe meet with the CEO of Highstyle and work through some things."
Sami says, "Highstyle's CEO isn't going to want to meet with you, Austin. She hates you."
Austin says, "Her company was gong to crash and burn!"
"OK," says Sami, "If you want to go to LA, then go. We can reschedule things." She rattles off all the meetings he has already set up and other things he has to do.
"You're right," says Austin, "We have a lot to do. I should stay here. I wanted to be there for Carrie."
"You should go see her and explain what's happening," says Sami.
Austin says, "My company is the last thing she wants to hear about today."
"Austin you have to tell her," says Sami.
Alex and Marlena try to convince John. He asks Lois. Lois breaks down and admits everything, "What Alex and I shared was special and Marlena ruined my life!"
"It's all in your head," insists Alex.
"I swore I would take revenge," screams Lois, "How many men do you need Marlena? And what the hell do they see in you? Why can't you be dead?"
Hope insists this was murder. Shawn vows the culprit will be punished.
Bo and Roman go out to talk – as brothers not cops. Bo tells Roman Billie wasn't driving.
"Then why did she confess," asks Roman, "And if she wasn't driving, then who the hell was?"
Bo says, "It was Chelsea." Roman stares.
Carrie knows Lucas wanted to be more than friends, but she has reconnected with Austin. Lucas just wants her to be happy. "That's why you're such a good friend," says Carrie. Just what a guy wants to hear. She doesn't want him to come to LA expecting things will change.
"I'm there for you as a friend," says Lucas.
"The company is how I was going to redefine myself," says Carrie, "I let down so many people."
"You're not to blame for this."
"Austin said I needed to be more ruthless," says Carrie.
"Raising your IQ into double digits wouldn't hurt either," says Lucas, "You have a good heart, though."
"I was more concerned about being liked than running the company," she says. Becky calls. Bad news. "OK," says Carrie, "I'll be in touch. Thanks Becky. I'm really sorry." She turns to Lucas, "You don't' have to come to LA with me. It's over. The company is gone."
"Carrie, I am so sorry," he lies.
Carrie asks, "What kind of heartless person would do this to my employees?"
"Television is a medium because it is neither rare nor well done" - Ernie Kovacs "DOOL isn't even half-baked" - PREVUZE |
"You're right," says Austin, "Thanks for your support. I am sorry I thought you were trying to come between us again."
"You bring out the best in me," says Sami.
"I just thought of something," says Austin, "I don't even know the name of Carrie's company."
Sami says, "She gave me her business card and I never even looked at it. It's in my purse." Sami gets the card. She looks at it and says, "OMG! Austin I don't even know how to say this!"
He grabs the card. Oops. He says, "Carrie is the CEO of Highstyle. She is the person's life I just destroyed." Sami looks sooooooo concerned.
"What is it," asks a cop.
"Attempted murder," grunts John.
Kate asks, "Alex tried to kill Marlena again?" John sets her straight.
Alex says Lois shouldn't go to jail. Marlena agrees, "This woman needs psychiatric help." They decide they will not press charges.
John blows a gasket, "SHE TRIED TO KILL YOU!"
Marlena digs up a pesky little detail, "You tried to kill Alex. Maybe you should go to jail too."
"Quid pro quo, John," asks Alex, "I won't press charges if you help Lois get the help she needs."
Shawn tells Hope the transplant was a success. Hope is glad for Belle and Phillip. Shawn says, "Now Claire will be more special to us because Zach is a part of her."
Hope cries, "I just never thought her donor would be my baby."
"He is here with us," says Shawn, "I guess – God wanted him in heaven."
"How could this be God's plan," asks Hope, "I don't believe that."
"I don't think we will ever understand," says Shawn.
Hope cries, "I am so afraid that one day I will close my eyes and won't be able to hear his voice. I don't want tomorrow to come. It'll be the first day without Zach in this world. Then it will be his birthday... and Christmas... and then New Years again..." Flashback to happy moments with Zach. "It was hard to see him grow up so fast. Now he'll never grow up"
"He was happy every single day with us," says Shawn.
"We never will be happy again," says Hope, "I just want Zach back. I want my baby back." Hugs.
"OMG," says Roman, "Your daughter killed Zach?"
"That's why Billie took the blame," says Bo, "You can't charge her with anything."
"What are you asking me to do," asks Roman.
"I don't know," says Bo, "I tried to tell Hope."
"Now that Billie has been arrested, it will be harder," says Roman.
"I lied to my wife," says Bo, "But how can I turn Chelsea in?"
Roman says, "I wish I knew what to tell you."
"It gets worse," says Bo, "I signed a temporary permit so she could drive again and I loaned he my truck."
"And hope doesn’t know that either," asks Roman.
"No," says Bo, "I'm just as responsible as Chelsea. When I tell Hope the truth she's gonna turn her back on me, and I can't let her go through this on her own."
Carrie reads vitriolic emails from her jobless employees, "Here's one of my favorites, "Did you hear the one about the blonde who was so stupid she let someone steal her company from under her nose... It doesn't even need a punch line."
Lucas tries to help, "They will realize it was not your fault."
"It was," says Carrie.
"It was that bastard who stole your company," says Lucas, "He didn't even want to work with you."
"You offered to do that," says Carrie, "Why did I try to do it all on my own?"
Lucas says, "He didn't have to fire everyone."
"He or she did," says Carrie, "and now I've lost everything."
Big-hearted Lucas says, "You still have me."
"That's true," says Carrie, "I have my family and friends. Thank God I've reconnected with Austin."
Lucas relishes it. He thinks, "Once you find out he has done this, you will hate him and you'll turn to me."
Austin can't believe it, "How could I not have known that?"
"I wish I had looked at her card sooner," lies Sami.
"Why didn't she tell anyone she was the CEO of Highstyle," asks Austin, "I KNEW THIS WAS NO WAY TO DO BUSINESS." So much for this being the part of business he really likes.
"Would you have done it different if you knew it was Carrie," asks Sami.
"Of course I would have," he yells, "I stole her company! I confiscated her inventory! I fired her employees! I have to go talk to her. I have to try to explain this."
Sami says, "She will blame me anyway."
"No," says Austin, "I have to make sure she knows it is my fault. This will be that hardest thing I have ever done." He leaves
"I can't wait to see this," says Sami.
"Well John," asks Alex, as Lois caresses the cop.
"All right," says John, "Take her to a secure room and see that Dr. Carver gives her the care she needs." Now Lexie is a shrink, too?
Marlena fills Kate in on what happened. Alex chimes in, "Of course when John got up here he thought I was the culprit. He tried to throw me off the roof. Thank God Marlena stopped him or you would be scraping me off the pavement and John would have gotten his way."
John struts, "Aw, come on, man. You were going to bash in Lois' skull with a lead pipe. What was I supposed to think?"
Alex ignores him. He tells Marlena he wants to go back to his room. Marlena will take care of him. She thanks him for saving her life. Kiss. John rolls his eyes. The happy couple goes downstairs.
"What's she thanking him for," snarls John.
"Like it or not," says Kate, "You have to give him a little credit.
"I don't trust him," says John, "I won't feel good about this until I get her away from him."
Hope tells Shawn, "Zach will be a part of all the Days Of Our Lives." Shawn vows they will get through this.
Bo thinks with Chelsea's driving history she could be put away, "Billie can make it through this because she has a clean driving record. I'm worried about how Hope will make it through this. I don't want Chelsea to go to prison."
Roman lays it on the line, "When the truth comes out, you're gonna have to worry about your marriage."
Carrie tells Becky, "Close out the accounts and distribute the remaining capital among the employees. I'm sorry it turned out this way. I appreciate your loyalty, Becky. Talk to you soon."
Lucas says, "Carrie you can't divide the capital. You'll go bankrupt. Not to mention the fact that it's, uh, not yours any more.
"I don't care," she says, "I don't even see a point in going back to LA."
Doorbell. Austin. "Lucas, I need to speak to Carrie." Sami follows to witness the detonation.
"How you doing," asks Austin.
"Lousy," says Carrie, "There is nothing I can do to save my company. I just read the emails from my employees. Now I just with I could get my hands on the monster who did this."
"Well there is something I have to tell you," says Austin, "I am the monster."
Carrie says to Austin, "Your trip to Los Angeles – you were scoping out my company. That's why you were there isn't it?" SLAP!
Jennifer says, "So now I think I need to be honest with you." Frankie asks, "About what?" Jennifer says, "My feelings for you."
Patrick says, "For some reason Billie is taking the fall. Why would she lie and say she killed an innocent little boy?" Pan to the brat.
Hope screams, "I hate her for killing my baby." Zoom to a shot of Bo and Billie.
The entire cast comes out and says in unison, "Happy Birthday to anyone having a birthday today."
Oh my. Too many things to comment on this morning.
Highstyle's new logo;
The mystery solved of where Pard has been;
What "CEO" stands for;
If not murder, what? - a lame plot!
I had the exact same reaction as Marlena when I read John's tirade that Lois should be arrested because she tried to kill Doc! And what was with the 'quid pro quo' with John? John would have had no say as to whether Marlena pressed charges on Lois. Alex should have gone ahead and had the hot-head thrown into the hoosegow (or at least made him undergo psychiatric treatment) right along with Lois. HAHAHA
Bo isn't going to "turn Chelsea in". HEL-LO! He just told the POLICE COMMANDER that Chelsea is the one who did it. That doesn't count?
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