The Shining
Bo and Zach play with Zach's presents. Hope kisses Zach and sends him off to play with his new truck.
Bo gets up, "I wish I'd have known Chelsea when she was that age. I don't know if it would have made any difference. She'd probably still hate me."
"She doesn’t hate you," says Hope, "It's more like severe loathing. But look at it on the bright side... the little brat loves your wallet."
"She didn't even say thanks for her Christmas present," says Bo.
"Just keep telling yourself you did the right thing," says Hope, "Just give yourself some time."
Doorbell. The brat. She tells Bo, "There is something I forgot to say to you before I left."
The hospital bustles. Belle searches for Lexie. Flashback to the star. Belle tells Phillip the lame star was a sign, a Christmas miracle, "It was a message from God that they have found a donor. I'm going to go tell Lexie right now."
Mimi tells Phillip, "You've got to admit, the star was shining." Phillip says it was just reflecting overhead lights.
Shawn throws in his two cents worth, "If Belle believes it was a sign, maybe that is enough to make it come true."
Lucas searches for Carrie. He whirls Sami around and kisses her. Confusion. "YOU!"
"Lucas," she says, "You just kissed me!"
"I thought you were someone else."
"You thought I was that slut who came back with you from LA," says Sami.
"You're right, I brought her back but she isn't a slut," he says.
Austin is surprised to see Carrie. She says, "Merry Christmas, Austin."
Austin is flummoxed, "Well, Merry Christmas to you. It's been a long time. So how is Mike?" Carrie stares.
Roman has made John pull over on the way to the cabin. Roman says he can't just go in without a search warrant. Kate tells John they don't have proof Marlena is in danger.
Jazz plays as Marlena sleeps peacefully by the fire.
Pan out from Jack's ornament. Jack stares inside from the window. He turns and leaves. Jennifer tells Maggie and Abby, "Even though I know it's impossible, I feel like Jack is somewhere nearby. I feel like he could walk in at any moment." A hand reaches for the door.
Jack stands at the door. He tells himself, "Come on, Jack. Take a deep breath and just do it."
Abby goes to the kitchen. Maggie tries to give Jennifer a dose of reality. Jennifer wants miracles to come true. The doorbell rings. Jennifer runs to the door. She opens it, looks up and gasps, "Ohmygosh, you're back!"
John wants to storm the cabin. Roman wants to wait for just cause. The hothead wants to go in full-force right now. Kate says, "John, Alex has been living with Marlena for weeks. If he wanted to hurt her he's had plenty of opportunity before this."
"Yeah," growls John, "And cats play with mice a long time before they kill them."
Kate yells, "Think of the number of times you have burst in on them when nothing was going on. Do you just want to drive her deeper and deeper into Alex' arms?"
Marlena wakes up. Alex stands there with a log. He startles her. He puts a pot on the fire to warm up milk for hot chocolate. He has dreamt about this every year since they have been apart. Now he wants it to be perfect. Not just close to perfect – it must be perfect, "Just the way I planned. MWAHAHAHAHAHA!! "
Chelsea thanks Bo for her present. She's sorry she didn't like it at first, "Driving lessons weren't at the top of my list. I thought you were rubbing it in. I came back to thank you and wish you a Merry Christmas." Hugs.
Phillip tells Claire to hang in there. Belle comes back. She couldn't find Lexie. She wails, "Time is running out Phillip!"
Mimi offers to get tea. Phillip will go with her and maybe talk to Lexie. They leave and set up the Shawn-Belle moment. Shawn hands Belle a present. Belle doesn't want to open it now. "Trust me," he says. It's an emerald angel pendant to match the one over Claire's bed. He puts it on her.
"I'm so scared," she cries.
Shawn tries to encourage her, "Claire will be fine. She has to grow up and be as incredible as her mother, except mentally stable. We have to believe she will be fine."
"You have been so good to her," she cries.
Shawn says, "I couldn't love her more if she were my own."
"I know."
"She could have been if things had worked out differently," says Shawn.
Sami relents, "OK, fine, Lucas she's not a slut."
Lucas says, "In fact, She is somebody you know."
Sami asks, "Waitasec, you brought someone from Salem to Los Angeles with you? What were you doing in LA, anyway? It's not like you just went for the Rolling Stones concert."
Lucas sneers, "That's none of your damn business."
Carrie tells Austin, "Mike isn't with me."
"He's probably busy, huh?"
Austin asks, "You guys haven't had any trouble, have you... You know, suicide bombers."
"No," says Carrie, "None of that has affected us. I hear you've started your own business."
"It's new," says Austin, "but going really good." His cell phone rings. He looks at the caller ID, "It's business. I have to go take it... Nicole, I already signed the takeover papers. You need to go file them. Yes! Right now! In the middle of the night! I can't talk right now." Back to Carrie, "Beautiful view isn't it? What were we talking about?"
"Austin Reed and Company."
"Oh, yeah," he says, "We're in the middle of our first big acquisition."
Jennifer says, "I can't believe it!" It's Frankie. His flight has been delayed. He also remembered he forgot to give them their Christmas presents.
As they walk in, Maggie says, "She thought it might be Jack at the door."
John lunges out of the car and runs toward the cabin like the Charge of the Light Brigade. Roman chases him.
The milk boils over on the fire. Alex jumps to take it off. The pot burns him and he spills the milk on the fire. He freaks, "The whole night is becoming a disaster! I wanted it to be perfect!" Heavy breathing, "I MESSED THINGS UP!"
Marlena remains calm, "We have more milk. We can make another fire."
Alex is crazed, "I know what I have to do now!" He gets an axe and heads for her. He does his best Jack Nicholson, "Hheeerrreee'ss ALEX!" He lifts the axe to strike. Marlena is terrorized. John and Roman watch The Shining unfold from outside. Alex and Marlena struggle. Marlena screams bloody-murder. Or should that be bloody-REDRUM?
Bo says, "Lets let this be the start of a great new year." The last time they had a great year in Salem, dinosaurs lived there.
"And the start of driving lessons," says Chelsea, "Then I can start saving for a new car. Next time I'll buy insurance, too."
A guy arrives with the last of Hope's Christmas presents – a family portrait. Hope is delighted. Bo has left a message for Shawn to come over so he can be in it. Chelsea comes out and watches the big hug. She smiles.
Mimi returns, "Any word."
"Nothing," Says Shawn.
Mimi hands Shawn a note form the nurses' station. Bo and Hope send their love and prayers. They want Shawn to come home for something important. He wants to stay but Belle encourages him to go.
"Can we bring you anything," asks Mimi.
"A miracle."
Shawn and Mimi go outside into the hall. Shawn hates leaving Belle. Mimi thinks he is wonderful for caring so much. They kiss as Belle watches.
Sami snipes at Lucas, "The girl you were with in LA was a loser because she was with you. I was with Austin. He owns his own business."
"Not for long," says Lucas.
"He's also a romantic," says Sami, "...The way he whisked me off to LA. After he invited me to the concert and kissed me under the mistletoe, I realized he has never gotten over his feelings for me." Lucas goes to the window. He sees Austin and Carrie.
He says, "Maybe I could give you a belated Christmas, early engagement present. Look out there."
Sami looks, "Who is that talking to Austin? Is she your new..." Carrie turns so Sami can see her, "OMG, it can't be!"
Lucas quips, "I forgot to mention your gift is a family reunion."
Carrie wants to know about the acquisition. Austin starts to tell her about it. Sami runs out and interrupts. She tells Carrie how happy she is to see her. Sami immediately notices Carrie isn't wearing a ring. Carrie tells Sami, "Mike and I aren't together any more."
Abby brings Jack Junior. Frankie explains about the flight. JJ isn't as thrilled to see him as the rest of them. Maggie goes to help Alice and Mickey in the kitchen.
The terrorized damsel screams for help. John and Roman rush into the cabin and separate them. John gets Alex in a chokehold. Roman screams at Alex to back off.
"What are you doing," yells Marlena.
"Trying to save your life," grunts John.
"Are you crazy," she yells.
"He was attacking you," screams John.
"No," says Marlena, "He wasn't. He wasn't attacking me! One of the embers popped out and my clothes caught on fire. He was trying to put it out with his hands."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah," says John, "He didn't hurt you this time, but it's only a matter of time until he does."
Sami figures out Carrie wasn't in Israel when they talked. Carrie says Sami assumed things were good. She doesn't want to get into it now.
Sami does, but Austin changes the subject, "You didn't tell me what hotel you are staying at."
"She's staying with me," says Lucas.
"That means you are right down the hall from me," says Austin.
"You mean from us," says Sami.
Shawn and Mimi have arrived at Doh and Hope's. The photographer is ready. They invite Chelsea to be in the picture. Shawn asks Mimi to join them. Snap.
Zach and Chelsea play. Happy-happy-happy.
Hope tells Bo she was glad he asked Chelsea to be in the picture but surprised when Shawn asked Mimi to be in it, too.
"I guess that means he's over Belle," says Bo, "I know you wanted Shawn and Belle to be together."
"I wanted him to be happy," says Hope, "I think Chelsea is happy with you too."
Bo has been down that road before, "For the time being." Bo decides Zach will be the exception to the rule and wind up being the perfect child. Hope want to know if she can quote him on that in 10-12 years. Bo says, "NO! You cannot. No." Chuckles and hugs.
"This will be the best Christmas ever," says Tiny Tim, er Zach.
Shawn tells Mimi they can look at that family picture in years to come and say that was the Christmas it all started. "And I hope," says Mimi, "also the day things turned around for Claire."
The nurse tells them there is no word on a donor. Shawn feels helpless.
"As much as they need us now, they will need us even more," says Mimi.
"That's not gonna happen," insists Shawn.
Mimi stutters, "If we lose her... I mean, she's probably the closest thing to a daughter I'll ever have... I know this sounds really selfish... What we're going through doesn't compare to what they are going through so..."
"It's OK," says Shawn, "We we'll be there for Belle and Phillip. And each other."
"OK," says Shawn, "We'll get through this together." Hugs.
Carrie, Austin, Sami and Lucas arrive at the hospital. Carrie says she is aware of the platonic living arrangement at Sami's. Lucas says they have to get going.
Carrie says, "Merry Christmas, Sami."
"Merry Christmas, and welcome home, sis."
Austin says to Carrie, "Maybe we can get together."
"I'd like that," she says.
On his way out, Lucas gives Austin some 'friendly' advice, "Don't get distracted from your work. A startup can be vulnerable."
Austin goes to check on Claire. Sami stays because, "Belle doesn't need any more distractions, but let her know I am praying for Claire."
Glena recognizes Sami. She comes up and wishes her Happy Holidays.
Glena walks off. Sami says to herself, "With Carrie back in Salem, and single? Happy frickin' New Year."
JJ and the girls open presents from Frankie. Pan in on Jack's bulb.
Outside, Jack says, "I love you all so much, but it has to be this way. So, Merry Christmas Jennifer, Abigail and Jack Junior, and... Goodbye."
"Let go of him," demands Marlena, "John, let him go!" John releases the chokehold.
Roman tells Marlena, "He could be dangerous."
John corrects him, "Is dangerous."
Marlena rejects this but Kate backs them up, "It appears to be true."
John growls, "We've got proof I've been right about him all along. The man's a monster. I'm getting you away from him. I'm putting an end to this nightmare right now."
FF on the confused Marlena.
Lucas says, "If you're meant to be with Austin, there is nothing Sami can do or say to stop it." Carrie says, "That sure won't stop her from trying."
Nicole says, "He will start falling for me all over again." Sami says, "You think you and Austin..." She mouths the words, "are gonna be a couple?"
Chelsea sits on the couch with Max, "We're all alone in the house for once. It's the perfect opportunity." She kisses him.
John sneers, "The only thing we can do is file charges against Dr. North. Charges that are gonna send him to prison and get him out of your life for good."
Bo gets up, "I wish I'd have known Chelsea when she was that age. I don't know if it would have made any difference. She'd probably still hate me."
"She doesn’t hate you," says Hope, "It's more like severe loathing. But look at it on the bright side... the little brat loves your wallet."
"She didn't even say thanks for her Christmas present," says Bo.
"Just keep telling yourself you did the right thing," says Hope, "Just give yourself some time."
Doorbell. The brat. She tells Bo, "There is something I forgot to say to you before I left."
The hospital bustles. Belle searches for Lexie. Flashback to the star. Belle tells Phillip the lame star was a sign, a Christmas miracle, "It was a message from God that they have found a donor. I'm going to go tell Lexie right now."
Mimi tells Phillip, "You've got to admit, the star was shining." Phillip says it was just reflecting overhead lights.
Shawn throws in his two cents worth, "If Belle believes it was a sign, maybe that is enough to make it come true."
Lucas searches for Carrie. He whirls Sami around and kisses her. Confusion. "YOU!"
"Lucas," she says, "You just kissed me!"
"I thought you were someone else."
"You thought I was that slut who came back with you from LA," says Sami.
"You're right, I brought her back but she isn't a slut," he says.
Austin is surprised to see Carrie. She says, "Merry Christmas, Austin."
Austin is flummoxed, "Well, Merry Christmas to you. It's been a long time. So how is Mike?" Carrie stares.
Roman has made John pull over on the way to the cabin. Roman says he can't just go in without a search warrant. Kate tells John they don't have proof Marlena is in danger.
Jazz plays as Marlena sleeps peacefully by the fire.
Pan out from Jack's ornament. Jack stares inside from the window. He turns and leaves. Jennifer tells Maggie and Abby, "Even though I know it's impossible, I feel like Jack is somewhere nearby. I feel like he could walk in at any moment." A hand reaches for the door.
Jack stands at the door. He tells himself, "Come on, Jack. Take a deep breath and just do it."
Abby goes to the kitchen. Maggie tries to give Jennifer a dose of reality. Jennifer wants miracles to come true. The doorbell rings. Jennifer runs to the door. She opens it, looks up and gasps, "Ohmygosh, you're back!"
John wants to storm the cabin. Roman wants to wait for just cause. The hothead wants to go in full-force right now. Kate says, "John, Alex has been living with Marlena for weeks. If he wanted to hurt her he's had plenty of opportunity before this."
"Yeah," growls John, "And cats play with mice a long time before they kill them."
Kate yells, "Think of the number of times you have burst in on them when nothing was going on. Do you just want to drive her deeper and deeper into Alex' arms?"
Marlena wakes up. Alex stands there with a log. He startles her. He puts a pot on the fire to warm up milk for hot chocolate. He has dreamt about this every year since they have been apart. Now he wants it to be perfect. Not just close to perfect – it must be perfect, "Just the way I planned. MWAHAHAHAHAHA!! "
Chelsea thanks Bo for her present. She's sorry she didn't like it at first, "Driving lessons weren't at the top of my list. I thought you were rubbing it in. I came back to thank you and wish you a Merry Christmas." Hugs.
Phillip tells Claire to hang in there. Belle comes back. She couldn't find Lexie. She wails, "Time is running out Phillip!"
Mimi offers to get tea. Phillip will go with her and maybe talk to Lexie. They leave and set up the Shawn-Belle moment. Shawn hands Belle a present. Belle doesn't want to open it now. "Trust me," he says. It's an emerald angel pendant to match the one over Claire's bed. He puts it on her.
"I'm so scared," she cries.
Shawn tries to encourage her, "Claire will be fine. She has to grow up and be as incredible as her mother, except mentally stable. We have to believe she will be fine."
"You have been so good to her," she cries.
Shawn says, "I couldn't love her more if she were my own."
"I know."
"She could have been if things had worked out differently," says Shawn.
Sami relents, "OK, fine, Lucas she's not a slut."
Lucas says, "In fact, She is somebody you know."
Sami asks, "Waitasec, you brought someone from Salem to Los Angeles with you? What were you doing in LA, anyway? It's not like you just went for the Rolling Stones concert."
Lucas sneers, "That's none of your damn business."
Carrie tells Austin, "Mike isn't with me."
"He's probably busy, huh?"
Austin asks, "You guys haven't had any trouble, have you... You know, suicide bombers."
"No," says Carrie, "None of that has affected us. I hear you've started your own business."
"It's new," says Austin, "but going really good." His cell phone rings. He looks at the caller ID, "It's business. I have to go take it... Nicole, I already signed the takeover papers. You need to go file them. Yes! Right now! In the middle of the night! I can't talk right now." Back to Carrie, "Beautiful view isn't it? What were we talking about?"
"Austin Reed and Company."
"Oh, yeah," he says, "We're in the middle of our first big acquisition."
Jennifer says, "I can't believe it!" It's Frankie. His flight has been delayed. He also remembered he forgot to give them their Christmas presents.
As they walk in, Maggie says, "She thought it might be Jack at the door."
John lunges out of the car and runs toward the cabin like the Charge of the Light Brigade. Roman chases him.
The milk boils over on the fire. Alex jumps to take it off. The pot burns him and he spills the milk on the fire. He freaks, "The whole night is becoming a disaster! I wanted it to be perfect!" Heavy breathing, "I MESSED THINGS UP!"
Marlena remains calm, "We have more milk. We can make another fire."
Alex is crazed, "I know what I have to do now!" He gets an axe and heads for her. He does his best Jack Nicholson, "Hheeerrreee'ss ALEX!" He lifts the axe to strike. Marlena is terrorized. John and Roman watch The Shining unfold from outside. Alex and Marlena struggle. Marlena screams bloody-murder. Or should that be bloody-REDRUM?
Bo says, "Lets let this be the start of a great new year." The last time they had a great year in Salem, dinosaurs lived there.
"And the start of driving lessons," says Chelsea, "Then I can start saving for a new car. Next time I'll buy insurance, too."
A guy arrives with the last of Hope's Christmas presents – a family portrait. Hope is delighted. Bo has left a message for Shawn to come over so he can be in it. Chelsea comes out and watches the big hug. She smiles.
Mimi returns, "Any word."
"Nothing," Says Shawn.
Mimi hands Shawn a note form the nurses' station. Bo and Hope send their love and prayers. They want Shawn to come home for something important. He wants to stay but Belle encourages him to go.
"Can we bring you anything," asks Mimi.
"A miracle."
Shawn and Mimi go outside into the hall. Shawn hates leaving Belle. Mimi thinks he is wonderful for caring so much. They kiss as Belle watches.
Sami snipes at Lucas, "The girl you were with in LA was a loser because she was with you. I was with Austin. He owns his own business."
"Not for long," says Lucas.
"He's also a romantic," says Sami, "...The way he whisked me off to LA. After he invited me to the concert and kissed me under the mistletoe, I realized he has never gotten over his feelings for me." Lucas goes to the window. He sees Austin and Carrie.
He says, "Maybe I could give you a belated Christmas, early engagement present. Look out there."
Sami looks, "Who is that talking to Austin? Is she your new..." Carrie turns so Sami can see her, "OMG, it can't be!"
Lucas quips, "I forgot to mention your gift is a family reunion."
Carrie wants to know about the acquisition. Austin starts to tell her about it. Sami runs out and interrupts. She tells Carrie how happy she is to see her. Sami immediately notices Carrie isn't wearing a ring. Carrie tells Sami, "Mike and I aren't together any more."
Abby brings Jack Junior. Frankie explains about the flight. JJ isn't as thrilled to see him as the rest of them. Maggie goes to help Alice and Mickey in the kitchen.
The terrorized damsel screams for help. John and Roman rush into the cabin and separate them. John gets Alex in a chokehold. Roman screams at Alex to back off.
"What are you doing," yells Marlena.
"Trying to save your life," grunts John.
"Are you crazy," she yells.
"He was attacking you," screams John.
"No," says Marlena, "He wasn't. He wasn't attacking me! One of the embers popped out and my clothes caught on fire. He was trying to put it out with his hands."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah," says John, "He didn't hurt you this time, but it's only a matter of time until he does."
Sami figures out Carrie wasn't in Israel when they talked. Carrie says Sami assumed things were good. She doesn't want to get into it now.
Sami does, but Austin changes the subject, "You didn't tell me what hotel you are staying at."
"She's staying with me," says Lucas.
"That means you are right down the hall from me," says Austin.
"You mean from us," says Sami.
Shawn and Mimi have arrived at Doh and Hope's. The photographer is ready. They invite Chelsea to be in the picture. Shawn asks Mimi to join them. Snap.
Zach and Chelsea play. Happy-happy-happy.
Hope tells Bo she was glad he asked Chelsea to be in the picture but surprised when Shawn asked Mimi to be in it, too.
"I guess that means he's over Belle," says Bo, "I know you wanted Shawn and Belle to be together."
"I wanted him to be happy," says Hope, "I think Chelsea is happy with you too."
Bo has been down that road before, "For the time being." Bo decides Zach will be the exception to the rule and wind up being the perfect child. Hope want to know if she can quote him on that in 10-12 years. Bo says, "NO! You cannot. No." Chuckles and hugs.
"This will be the best Christmas ever," says Tiny Tim, er Zach.
Shawn tells Mimi they can look at that family picture in years to come and say that was the Christmas it all started. "And I hope," says Mimi, "also the day things turned around for Claire."
The nurse tells them there is no word on a donor. Shawn feels helpless.
"As much as they need us now, they will need us even more," says Mimi.
"That's not gonna happen," insists Shawn.
Mimi stutters, "If we lose her... I mean, she's probably the closest thing to a daughter I'll ever have... I know this sounds really selfish... What we're going through doesn't compare to what they are going through so..."
"It's OK," says Shawn, "We we'll be there for Belle and Phillip. And each other."
"OK," says Shawn, "We'll get through this together." Hugs.
Carrie, Austin, Sami and Lucas arrive at the hospital. Carrie says she is aware of the platonic living arrangement at Sami's. Lucas says they have to get going.
Carrie says, "Merry Christmas, Sami."
"Merry Christmas, and welcome home, sis."
Austin says to Carrie, "Maybe we can get together."
"I'd like that," she says.
On his way out, Lucas gives Austin some 'friendly' advice, "Don't get distracted from your work. A startup can be vulnerable."
Austin goes to check on Claire. Sami stays because, "Belle doesn't need any more distractions, but let her know I am praying for Claire."
Glena recognizes Sami. She comes up and wishes her Happy Holidays.
Glena walks off. Sami says to herself, "With Carrie back in Salem, and single? Happy frickin' New Year."
JJ and the girls open presents from Frankie. Pan in on Jack's bulb.
Outside, Jack says, "I love you all so much, but it has to be this way. So, Merry Christmas Jennifer, Abigail and Jack Junior, and... Goodbye."
"Let go of him," demands Marlena, "John, let him go!" John releases the chokehold.
Roman tells Marlena, "He could be dangerous."
John corrects him, "Is dangerous."
Marlena rejects this but Kate backs them up, "It appears to be true."
John growls, "We've got proof I've been right about him all along. The man's a monster. I'm getting you away from him. I'm putting an end to this nightmare right now."
FF on the confused Marlena.
Lucas says, "If you're meant to be with Austin, there is nothing Sami can do or say to stop it." Carrie says, "That sure won't stop her from trying."
Nicole says, "He will start falling for me all over again." Sami says, "You think you and Austin..." She mouths the words, "are gonna be a couple?"
Chelsea sits on the couch with Max, "We're all alone in the house for once. It's the perfect opportunity." She kisses him.
John sneers, "The only thing we can do is file charges against Dr. North. Charges that are gonna send him to prison and get him out of your life for good."
Yeah, poor Tiny Tim, er, Zach. Could they be any more obvious setting up a big tragedy?
And we knew Alex wasn't really attacking Marlena. Give us a break!
Prevuze is such a welcome beginning to my morning!
Merry Christmas to Prevuze and all the DAZED fans out there.
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