Chainsaw Massacre
As you may recall, yesterday the Rolling Stone's concert was in full swing. Well, they have stopped the concert and had the entire audience file out. Must've been a bomb scare. I will not stoop so low as to suggest the bomb was on stage. So now, everyone is coming in again, including our hero and heroine, Austin and Sami.
"Too bad Nicole got stuck working," says Austin.
Sami asks, "You only have two tickets – are you saying you would rather have invited Nicole?"
"Oh, no," says Austin.
Sami squeaks, "Oh, good! Because-I-am-so- excited-to-be-here! Do you remember before we got engaged we had tickets to see the Rolling Stones, but Will got the flu? I never thought I'd get to see them live. This is so incredible."
Carrie thanks Lucas for getting the tickets. She says she forgot to call Becky. Lucas asks if it can't wait. "No, we have to fax the catering contract." She needs to go upstairs to get cell phone reception.
Austin tells Sami to go on to their seats while he waits in line for drinks.
Mimi and Shawn get home. Shawn immediately wants to go back; or to St. Luke's to pray for the baby. God has a rule: You can only pray in church. He sees the Christmas decorations, "What is all this?"
"Christmas," says Mimi, "You must have heard of it. I thought if we ever needed a little Christmas, it was now. Sit down and relax and I will get some fluids and food in you."
"I'm not hungry."
"Shawn, you have to eat."
"All I can think of is the baby," he drones, "I have this weird connection to the two of them. I don't know why."
Mimi flashes back to hearing the nurses talk about the blood types, "I'm gonna make us hot chocolate."
Shawn insists he is going back to the hospital. Mimi convinces him not to. "It's kinda nice having you worry about me," he says. Hugs. Kisses. Shawn goes off to bed. Mimi has to figure out the blood thing. She goes to the computer.
Zach, Bo and Hope play a game. Zach is waxing them. Hope tells Bo she doesn't want Chelsea to be alone with Zach until she becomes more responsible. She is also worried about Chelsea's reckless driving. Bo agrees with the driving part, and promises Hope he will talk to Chelsea. "She just came back into our lives," says Hope, "It would be awful to lose her over a senseless accident."
Chlesea crashes. Dang the bad luck! Two crashes in two days. Chelsea lies unconscious in her car. Blood, guts and brain tissue ooze.
The cops and ambulance arrive at the accident scene. They have to use a chainsaw to get her out. Salem chainsaw rescue.
Hope thinks Chelsea's problems are genetic. "I've been waiting for that one," says Bo, "When I was her age all I wanted to do was speed around on my motorcycle. Chelsea is the same way. She'll learn."
"I just don't want her to learn the hard way," says Hope, "Maybe if she felt accountable for someone else it would make a difference. I know you getting closer to her will help."
"She's my little girl," says Bo, "Having a daughter is different than I thought it would be. Maybe her getting a ticket is what should happen."
Hope says, "Look what happened to Jack, the Bensons, my mom. We just found Chelsea. If something were to happen, I can't imagine... I can't think it. My mind can't take that."
Bo says, "When Billie and I thought Georgia/Chelsea was stillborn it was hell. I'm never gonna let her out of my sight."
"Where is she now, Bo," asks Hope.
"Uh, out of my sight."
"I remember when we said the same thing about J.T," says Hope. Flashback. Hope begs Bo to keep them from taking their son. Then, the giveaway... Oh, the angst!
Hope is grateful they still get to see J.T., "But it hurts like hell when we have to say goodbye. I wonder if Lexie feels the same way about Zach?"
Mimi computes, "Rex would know more about this blood type stuff. I shoulda paid more attention in biology."
Bonnie makes a mistletoe delivery. Mimi fills her in on Claire's condition. She tells her Shawn is in bed resting.
"Good," says Bonnie, "Keep him there! Listen to Mama, don't let Shawn anywhere near Belle!"
Lucas goes in. Sami is right behind. Austin waits in line. Carrie calls Becky. She tells her where she is. She reminds Becky about the catering contract. She tells her, "My ex-husband is in town with my sister. The last two people I want to see are Sami and Austin Reed."
"Did I just hear my name," thinks Austin. Sami bumps into someone and just avoids Carrie. They keep this up and they'll win the Emmy for Best Daytime Comedy.
"Poor Jennifer and Abby," says Hope. They thought they'd have a chance to say goodbye, and then it all changed just like that."
"Gotta be hard at a time like Christmas," says Bo.
Hope says, "She'll never be with Jack again. That has to be the most awful feeling ever."
"She'll get to spend lots of time with his ghost, though," says Bo, "When I thought I lost you, the holidays were the worst. What am I saying? Every day was hell. I got through it because I had to be there for Shawn."
"I wish there was something more to do for her," says Hope, "Finding the body would help with closure." She calls Zach over, "As hard as this year has been..."
"We've been very lucky," says Bo.
Their luck just ran out. The extraction begins.
Shawn prays in bed. "Please God, I remember when I asked you to save J.T. And then again when Glenn and Barb wanted to take him away. I didn't think you heard my prayers then. It took a long time to see you had a plan. When Belle was pregnant with Phillip's baby, I was destroyed, but if something happens to Claire... If you have to take someone right now, take me and let Claire live. Please."
Mimi tells Bonnie, "Get your priorities straight. We can worry about my love life when Claire is OK. And..."
Bonnie interrupts, "Is it about your love life? She goes to the computer. How come you're doing research on blood types? Why did they take Shawn's blood and not Belle and Phillip's?"
"They took Belle's," says Mimi, "They didn't take Phillip's because of his medication. But I overheard the nurse saying..."
"Turn that computer off right now or I'll smash it," yells Bonnie.
Sami runs up to Austin. He thinks it was Sami calling his name. She wants to go up to their seats and not miss the concert.
Austin says, "That's a plan – Stan." Giggles.
Carrie has to go because the show is starting.
Start Me Up! Again. I guess Mick's so old he has to be started twice.
The Stones belt out, Oh, No, Not You Again.
Oh, the metaphor!
Austin sees Carrie on the DiamondVision and drops his jaw, "Oh no, not you again! "
Shawn dreams Claire is beside him, "Thank you, God, for answering my prayers. You're gonna be OK, baby girl." He wakes with a start.
Mimi asks Bonnie, "What is the matter?"
"I gave birth to you," says Bonnie, "You are scared you will lose Shawn if he finds out he is the girl's father."
Mimi protests, "Shawn swore to me he never slept with Belle. Well there was this one time..."
Dr. Lockhart says, "When I was volunteering at the hospital, I heard something about people's blood type matching even if they aren't related."
"Phillip is Shawn's half-uncle twice removed on his great-aunt's side by marriage," says Mimi, "Why wouldn't he be a match?"
"That's all stuff I don't know anything about," says Bonnie, "But believe me when I tell you, this is not a biggie. I've had three kids, and done it every which way from Sunday. I've had the kids every which way from Sunday, too. No more worrying about Shawn's blood type matching the baby!"
Shawn, of course, walks out and hears all this, "Why are you so worried about me being a match for Belle's baby?"
The cops chainsaw massacre Chelsea's car. They find her purse outside the car. An officer goes through it and says, "Damn! That's detective Brady's daughter."
"I wonder if we'll ever have a normal Christmas ever," wonders Bo. For Salem, this is normal.
"Maybe we should tone things down this year," says Hope.
Bo says, "That would be a mistake." The phone rings. Officer Brown delivers the grim news. Bo and Hope head for the hospital. Zach will go to Maggie's.
Carrie rocks as Austin watches. Austin leaves. Sami boogies. Mick gyrates.
Bonnie says, "Mimi told me what you did for Claire. You're lucky you didn't pass out."
Mimi says, "He did. At least we think so. With Shawn it's hard to tell the difference."
Shawn says, "I have to tell you something, but not in front of your mother."
"OH, GO AHEAD," insists Bonnie.
Shawn says, "If we stay together, I want to adopt a lot of babies."
Bonnie says, "Oh, that's the most romantic thing any man ever said... in front of me."
Shawn and Mimi go under the mistletoe. Bonnie computes. She tells the computer to keep its technological mouth shut and closes the lid.
Austin asks the technician what section he was showing on the JumboTron.
The tech directs him to section E3. Lucas and Carrie are on screen again. They're getting more screen time than Mick.
"I don't believe this," says Austin.
They close the drapes on Chelsea's cold, dead body. The nurse says, "Losing your daughter... I just can't imagine it. She never regained consciousness after the impact. She probably never felt any pain."
Jennifer tells Frankie, "I'm afraid I'm making a terrible mistake letting you go."
Austin says, "Will you calm down!" Sami yells, "No! Not until I find out the name of that slut Lucas was with." Austin asks, "Why? What're you gonna do when you find out? What're you gonna do?"
Lucas and Carrie rock at the concert.
The nurse pulls back the shroud from the dead body. Bo and Hope whimper.
"Too bad Nicole got stuck working," says Austin.
Sami asks, "You only have two tickets – are you saying you would rather have invited Nicole?"
"Oh, no," says Austin.
Sami squeaks, "Oh, good! Because-I-am-so- excited-to-be-here! Do you remember before we got engaged we had tickets to see the Rolling Stones, but Will got the flu? I never thought I'd get to see them live. This is so incredible."
Carrie thanks Lucas for getting the tickets. She says she forgot to call Becky. Lucas asks if it can't wait. "No, we have to fax the catering contract." She needs to go upstairs to get cell phone reception.
Austin tells Sami to go on to their seats while he waits in line for drinks.
Mimi and Shawn get home. Shawn immediately wants to go back; or to St. Luke's to pray for the baby. God has a rule: You can only pray in church. He sees the Christmas decorations, "What is all this?"
"Christmas," says Mimi, "You must have heard of it. I thought if we ever needed a little Christmas, it was now. Sit down and relax and I will get some fluids and food in you."
"I'm not hungry."
"Shawn, you have to eat."
"All I can think of is the baby," he drones, "I have this weird connection to the two of them. I don't know why."
Mimi flashes back to hearing the nurses talk about the blood types, "I'm gonna make us hot chocolate."
Shawn insists he is going back to the hospital. Mimi convinces him not to. "It's kinda nice having you worry about me," he says. Hugs. Kisses. Shawn goes off to bed. Mimi has to figure out the blood thing. She goes to the computer.
Zach, Bo and Hope play a game. Zach is waxing them. Hope tells Bo she doesn't want Chelsea to be alone with Zach until she becomes more responsible. She is also worried about Chelsea's reckless driving. Bo agrees with the driving part, and promises Hope he will talk to Chelsea. "She just came back into our lives," says Hope, "It would be awful to lose her over a senseless accident."
Chlesea crashes. Dang the bad luck! Two crashes in two days. Chelsea lies unconscious in her car. Blood, guts and brain tissue ooze.
The cops and ambulance arrive at the accident scene. They have to use a chainsaw to get her out. Salem chainsaw rescue.
Hope thinks Chelsea's problems are genetic. "I've been waiting for that one," says Bo, "When I was her age all I wanted to do was speed around on my motorcycle. Chelsea is the same way. She'll learn."
"I just don't want her to learn the hard way," says Hope, "Maybe if she felt accountable for someone else it would make a difference. I know you getting closer to her will help."
"She's my little girl," says Bo, "Having a daughter is different than I thought it would be. Maybe her getting a ticket is what should happen."
Hope says, "Look what happened to Jack, the Bensons, my mom. We just found Chelsea. If something were to happen, I can't imagine... I can't think it. My mind can't take that."
Bo says, "When Billie and I thought Georgia/Chelsea was stillborn it was hell. I'm never gonna let her out of my sight."
"Where is she now, Bo," asks Hope.
"Uh, out of my sight."
"I remember when we said the same thing about J.T," says Hope. Flashback. Hope begs Bo to keep them from taking their son. Then, the giveaway... Oh, the angst!
Hope is grateful they still get to see J.T., "But it hurts like hell when we have to say goodbye. I wonder if Lexie feels the same way about Zach?"
Mimi computes, "Rex would know more about this blood type stuff. I shoulda paid more attention in biology."
Bonnie makes a mistletoe delivery. Mimi fills her in on Claire's condition. She tells her Shawn is in bed resting.
"Good," says Bonnie, "Keep him there! Listen to Mama, don't let Shawn anywhere near Belle!"
Lucas goes in. Sami is right behind. Austin waits in line. Carrie calls Becky. She tells her where she is. She reminds Becky about the catering contract. She tells her, "My ex-husband is in town with my sister. The last two people I want to see are Sami and Austin Reed."
"Did I just hear my name," thinks Austin. Sami bumps into someone and just avoids Carrie. They keep this up and they'll win the Emmy for Best Daytime Comedy.
"Poor Jennifer and Abby," says Hope. They thought they'd have a chance to say goodbye, and then it all changed just like that."
"Gotta be hard at a time like Christmas," says Bo.
Hope says, "She'll never be with Jack again. That has to be the most awful feeling ever."
"She'll get to spend lots of time with his ghost, though," says Bo, "When I thought I lost you, the holidays were the worst. What am I saying? Every day was hell. I got through it because I had to be there for Shawn."
"I wish there was something more to do for her," says Hope, "Finding the body would help with closure." She calls Zach over, "As hard as this year has been..."
"We've been very lucky," says Bo.
Their luck just ran out. The extraction begins.
Shawn prays in bed. "Please God, I remember when I asked you to save J.T. And then again when Glenn and Barb wanted to take him away. I didn't think you heard my prayers then. It took a long time to see you had a plan. When Belle was pregnant with Phillip's baby, I was destroyed, but if something happens to Claire... If you have to take someone right now, take me and let Claire live. Please."
Mimi tells Bonnie, "Get your priorities straight. We can worry about my love life when Claire is OK. And..."
Bonnie interrupts, "Is it about your love life? She goes to the computer. How come you're doing research on blood types? Why did they take Shawn's blood and not Belle and Phillip's?"
"They took Belle's," says Mimi, "They didn't take Phillip's because of his medication. But I overheard the nurse saying..."
"Turn that computer off right now or I'll smash it," yells Bonnie.
Sami runs up to Austin. He thinks it was Sami calling his name. She wants to go up to their seats and not miss the concert.
Austin says, "That's a plan – Stan." Giggles.
Carrie has to go because the show is starting.
Start Me Up! Again. I guess Mick's so old he has to be started twice.
The Stones belt out, Oh, No, Not You Again.
Oh, the metaphor!
Austin sees Carrie on the DiamondVision and drops his jaw, "Oh no, not you again! "
Shawn dreams Claire is beside him, "Thank you, God, for answering my prayers. You're gonna be OK, baby girl." He wakes with a start.
Mimi asks Bonnie, "What is the matter?"
"I gave birth to you," says Bonnie, "You are scared you will lose Shawn if he finds out he is the girl's father."
Mimi protests, "Shawn swore to me he never slept with Belle. Well there was this one time..."
Dr. Lockhart says, "When I was volunteering at the hospital, I heard something about people's blood type matching even if they aren't related."
"Phillip is Shawn's half-uncle twice removed on his great-aunt's side by marriage," says Mimi, "Why wouldn't he be a match?"
"That's all stuff I don't know anything about," says Bonnie, "But believe me when I tell you, this is not a biggie. I've had three kids, and done it every which way from Sunday. I've had the kids every which way from Sunday, too. No more worrying about Shawn's blood type matching the baby!"
Shawn, of course, walks out and hears all this, "Why are you so worried about me being a match for Belle's baby?"
The cops chainsaw massacre Chelsea's car. They find her purse outside the car. An officer goes through it and says, "Damn! That's detective Brady's daughter."
"I wonder if we'll ever have a normal Christmas ever," wonders Bo. For Salem, this is normal.
"Maybe we should tone things down this year," says Hope.
Bo says, "That would be a mistake." The phone rings. Officer Brown delivers the grim news. Bo and Hope head for the hospital. Zach will go to Maggie's.
Carrie rocks as Austin watches. Austin leaves. Sami boogies. Mick gyrates.
Bonnie says, "Mimi told me what you did for Claire. You're lucky you didn't pass out."
Mimi says, "He did. At least we think so. With Shawn it's hard to tell the difference."
Shawn says, "I have to tell you something, but not in front of your mother."
"OH, GO AHEAD," insists Bonnie.
Shawn says, "If we stay together, I want to adopt a lot of babies."
Bonnie says, "Oh, that's the most romantic thing any man ever said... in front of me."
Shawn and Mimi go under the mistletoe. Bonnie computes. She tells the computer to keep its technological mouth shut and closes the lid.
Austin asks the technician what section he was showing on the JumboTron.
The tech directs him to section E3. Lucas and Carrie are on screen again. They're getting more screen time than Mick.
"I don't believe this," says Austin.
They close the drapes on Chelsea's cold, dead body. The nurse says, "Losing your daughter... I just can't imagine it. She never regained consciousness after the impact. She probably never felt any pain."
Jennifer tells Frankie, "I'm afraid I'm making a terrible mistake letting you go."
Austin says, "Will you calm down!" Sami yells, "No! Not until I find out the name of that slut Lucas was with." Austin asks, "Why? What're you gonna do when you find out? What're you gonna do?"
Lucas and Carrie rock at the concert.
The nurse pulls back the shroud from the dead body. Bo and Hope whimper.
We all know Chelsea is not the one under the sheet.
Can't wait to see the idiocy of the Stone's concert. Got to say that the snark on yesterday's Prevuze Previews about Mick just LOOKING like he'd come back from the dead was priceless!! HAHAHAHAHA
Squints/Popeye - separated at birth. LOLOLOL
I'm getting a little dizzy with the Salem time-warps. Within three Salem days they are going to have gone from a non-existent Thanksgiving to Christmas! Talk about a short shopping season.
I also can't wait until Belle/Philip go back to their loft which will, no doubt, be completely decorated for Christmas even though they have been at the hospital non-stop since before "Thanksgiving". HA
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