The Sex Kitten And The Repulsive Little Mutt
Nicole hustles around her hotel room, "That prenatal workout kicked my butt." EJ shows up to pick her up for a date.
John comes in and tells Stefano they need to talk. Stefano is distracted with something else, but asks John what this is all about. "It's over," says John, "You have won."
Chloe comes to see Marlena. She asks for advice with Lucas.
Lucas tells Sami he has to go. He asks about her visit with EJ. Sami says she told EJ goodbye. Lucas says he can't deal with her any more, "If you can't tell EJ you are carrying his kid, I'm gone."
Nicole invites EJ in. He says a little bird told him Nicole's favorite restaurant was in Chicago. He invites her to go so they can get to know each other a little better, "I really want this to be special. It's overdue." Nicole says, "You can say that again."
Stefano says, "I could not possibly have heard you correctly. John says, "I said GAME OVER. You won. Everything. I'm packing it in. I've decided to give up control of the DiMera empire and I will be out by the end of the week."
There is a knock at the door while Nicole is in getting ready. EJ answers and finds a man there delivering an eviction notice for Nicole.
Lucas disagrees with the way Sami is handling things, "How will you pull it off?"
"Would you believe I'll tell them I'm bulking up to become a contestant on The Biggest Loser? Maybe I'll just go away for a while."
"What," asks Lucas, "To a home for wayward girls?"
"In my case," says Sami, "It would have to be a home for way-wayward girls."
Lucas, who has now completely lost his mind, launches into a soliloquy about what a great guy EJ is, "He may be kind of a jerk, but he's caring and will always want to protect the baby. If you give him a chance, things will work out."
Sami can't believe what she is hearing, "CENSORED."
Sami begs for Lucas' help with this, "Lucas, we could tell them the baby is yours. It's my only hope."
Stefano agrees the silly war between John and him is nonsense. He thinks John made a wise decision. He wonders, however, why John has done this. "I'm doing it for Blondie," says John, "It's what she wants."
Marlena isn't sure she can help Chloe. We're not sure she can help anyone. Chloe thinks she has made so many bad decisions, "I don't trust my own judgment with men anymore."
"You can't blame yourself," says Marlena, "I'd be more inclined not to trust the judgment of any man who would want be with you."
"You're selling me short," says Chloe, "I have a couple of things most men like. I don't want to be a fool again."
"Too late," says Marlena.
Chloe rambles on, "The two men I have fallen for have burned me and I don't want to make those same mistakes. I think Lucas is cheating on me."
Lucas refuses to be a part of Sami's little scheme. Sami tries to convince him. She says EJ knows she was desperate to get Lucas back after he walked in on their little romp. She thinks EJ will believe Sami seduced him. Lucas asks, "What are you gonna do when that baby comes out looking like EJ?"
"Be thankful it doesn't look like you."
Lucas thinks it's unfair and refuses. Sami turns on the waterworks. Lucas insists the DiMeras will find out and go for her and the baby. Sami tries to lay a guilt trip on him. She thinks he's afraid of losing Chloe, "Your little sex kitten is more important than your family." Lucas starts to leave but Sami begs him to stay. No dice. Lucas books.
Nicole comes out as EJ packs up her things. Nicole wonders what's going on. He tells her she's been evicted. Nicole says she thought she had until the end of the week to pay. She blames Trent, "If he had stayed away I would have Victor's settlement." EJ becomes the second guy in the episode to lose his mind and invites her to stay at the DiMera mansion.
Sami sits alone and... well... let's put it this way, "When the going gets tough, the bipolar start bawling."
She comes up for air, "This is the only way and you know it." Tears, tears, tears.
EJ has paid the bill and helps Nicole move out. He wants her to move into the mansion and doesn't think she has an alternative, "Where else are you gonna go?"
A gal in the audience stands up and shouts, "I can tell her where to go!"
Nicole asks about Sami. EJ tells her he and Sami are through. He wants to take care of her and be someone she can count on. Nicole asks, "Is Pookie invited?"
"Pookie especially," says EJ, "Actually, I'm sure Pookie will be a better companion than you." Nicole accepts. EJ moves in for a little thank you. Nicole asks what about Stefano. EJ doesn't want Stefano to know about the baby but asks Nicole to let him handle it. He suggests a rain check on the date. They head out to pick up Pookie.
Chloe thinks there was something going on because Sami was in the cabin. Sharpie that she is, Marlena puts two and two together, "So you're saying Lucas was cheating on you with my daughter?"
"Don't misunderstand me," says Chloe, "I'm blaming Lucas not your daughter. I didn't come here to pump you for information."
Marlena sees through it, "Unless I had some to give."
Chloe knows she's busted, "Kind of pathetic huh?" Marlena doesn't think it's pathetic but thinks she came to the wrong person. She says she couldn't tell her if she knew, even off the record. She suggests Chloe take this up with Lucas. Chloe agrees and thanks her. Marlena wishes her luck as she leaves.
No sooner has Chloe left than there is a knock at Marlena's door. She thinks Chloe has forgotten something but when she swings the door open, John is standing there, "Drop what you're doing Blondie! This is hot off the presses!"
Lucas arrives home and finds no one there. He calls and leaves a message for Sami, apologizes and asks her to come back and talk. Then he sees the open phone book. He reads the giant add on the page, "Brookville Clinic... specializing in planned parenting, counseling, birth control and...
Knowing Sami wouldn't have anything to do with birth control, he assumes the worst.
Meanwhile, at the dreaded Brookville Clinic, they conduct Sami to her exam room.
Pookie runs off as they enter the mansion. Nicole calls for her.. or him... or whatever Pookie is, but the Pookster is off on an adventure. Stefano practically squishes Pookie and explodes, "What is going on here?"
"Surprise," says Nicole, "I'm moving in!"
John tells Marlena he's getting his act together and taking it on the road, "I'm a changed man."
"Ive heard that before," says Marlena. She actually keeps a straight face while she says it, too. John insists this time it's for real. John knows if he doesn't take action he will lose her for good. Something inside him doesn't want that to happen, so he tells her he gave up control of the DiMera empire for her.
The nurse tells Sami the clinic offers free counseling. Sami just wants to get this over with. The nurse goes for Dr. Sanders.
Stefano has a stroke, "She is moving in? Have you forgotten who's home this is? I say who comes and goes! You bring in a border without my approval? A border and her repulsive little mutt!"
EJ tells Stefano there is more to the story. He and Nicole discuss whether or not they should tell him Stefano the big news. Finally Nicole blurts it out, "We're having a baby."
"EJ and I," says Nicole, "We're pregnant."
Stefano chuckles, "Another precious little DiMera. Another heir!"
Dr. Sanders comes in, "Are you ready? Sami is ready." The baby... not so much.
Lucas searches for Sami.
Dr. Sanders says, "This may hurt a little. Try to relax."
Junior Junior says, "OK, I guess I'm as ready as I'll ever be."
The receptionist tells Lucas she can't give out information but she will see what she can do. As she leaves, Lucas gets a call from Chloe, "Lucas, I want to talk."
"What a coincidence," says Lucas, "That's what most people do when they telephone someone."
"Where are you," asks Chloe. Lucas tells her he's out. Chloe hears someone talk about Brookville Clinic in the background, "What are you doing there?"
John says he let it all go, because she asked him to, "I love you and I just wanted to see the look on your face when I told you."
Stefano is overjoyed, "My cup runneth over." He tells Nicole he will be honored for her and her adorable little dog to stay, "From now on, you will consider this your home in every sense of the word." He asks when his grandson is due.
"We don't know if it's a boy or girl," says EJ.
"It makes no difference," says Stefano, "There never can be too many DiMeras."
Nicole flinches when Junior Junior kicks. EJ inspects her tummy and says he doesn't feel anything. He thinks she imagined it. She lets Stefano give it a try. The kid kicks and Stefano is delighted, "He's a little hell raiser!"
"Maybe SHE is a little hell raiser," says Nicole.
John says he will hit the road. Marlena says her patient isn't due for a while, "No need to rush off." John says he is leaving the mansion and has to go pack. Marlena is proud of him. She suggests coffee.
John says the sooner he's out, the better. He also says the divorce papers are signed, "The ball is in your court." John leaves.
Stefano celebrates with the bubbly, "To life, happiness and the next generation of DiMeras."
Lucas tells Chloe he can't talk. A nurse comes up, picks up a megaphone and talks directly into Lucas' phone, "Your WIFE is in exam room one."
Lucas makes a beeline for the exam room. Chloe's jaw hits the floor, "His WIFE? "
Lucas walks in to Sami's bawl-fest.
You can watch the previews later today on our PREVUZE II website. Prevuze II should be up no later than noon, Eastern Time.
If you enjoyed today's recap and haven't left a donation in a while, please consider doing that. If you aren't in a position to donate, check out some of our advertisers. And you could also consider leaving a comment. We enjoy those. Look at it this way... I've already read Prevuze. YOU are MY entertainment.
John comes in and tells Stefano they need to talk. Stefano is distracted with something else, but asks John what this is all about. "It's over," says John, "You have won."
Chloe comes to see Marlena. She asks for advice with Lucas.
Lucas tells Sami he has to go. He asks about her visit with EJ. Sami says she told EJ goodbye. Lucas says he can't deal with her any more, "If you can't tell EJ you are carrying his kid, I'm gone."
Nicole invites EJ in. He says a little bird told him Nicole's favorite restaurant was in Chicago. He invites her to go so they can get to know each other a little better, "I really want this to be special. It's overdue." Nicole says, "You can say that again."
Stefano says, "I could not possibly have heard you correctly. John says, "I said GAME OVER. You won. Everything. I'm packing it in. I've decided to give up control of the DiMera empire and I will be out by the end of the week."
There is a knock at the door while Nicole is in getting ready. EJ answers and finds a man there delivering an eviction notice for Nicole.
Lucas disagrees with the way Sami is handling things, "How will you pull it off?"
"Would you believe I'll tell them I'm bulking up to become a contestant on The Biggest Loser? Maybe I'll just go away for a while."
"What," asks Lucas, "To a home for wayward girls?"
"In my case," says Sami, "It would have to be a home for way-wayward girls."
Lucas, who has now completely lost his mind, launches into a soliloquy about what a great guy EJ is, "He may be kind of a jerk, but he's caring and will always want to protect the baby. If you give him a chance, things will work out."
Sami can't believe what she is hearing, "CENSORED."
Sami begs for Lucas' help with this, "Lucas, we could tell them the baby is yours. It's my only hope."
Stefano agrees the silly war between John and him is nonsense. He thinks John made a wise decision. He wonders, however, why John has done this. "I'm doing it for Blondie," says John, "It's what she wants."
Marlena isn't sure she can help Chloe. We're not sure she can help anyone. Chloe thinks she has made so many bad decisions, "I don't trust my own judgment with men anymore."
"You can't blame yourself," says Marlena, "I'd be more inclined not to trust the judgment of any man who would want be with you."
"You're selling me short," says Chloe, "I have a couple of things most men like. I don't want to be a fool again."
"Too late," says Marlena.
Chloe rambles on, "The two men I have fallen for have burned me and I don't want to make those same mistakes. I think Lucas is cheating on me."
Lucas refuses to be a part of Sami's little scheme. Sami tries to convince him. She says EJ knows she was desperate to get Lucas back after he walked in on their little romp. She thinks EJ will believe Sami seduced him. Lucas asks, "What are you gonna do when that baby comes out looking like EJ?"
"Be thankful it doesn't look like you."
Lucas thinks it's unfair and refuses. Sami turns on the waterworks. Lucas insists the DiMeras will find out and go for her and the baby. Sami tries to lay a guilt trip on him. She thinks he's afraid of losing Chloe, "Your little sex kitten is more important than your family." Lucas starts to leave but Sami begs him to stay. No dice. Lucas books.
Nicole comes out as EJ packs up her things. Nicole wonders what's going on. He tells her she's been evicted. Nicole says she thought she had until the end of the week to pay. She blames Trent, "If he had stayed away I would have Victor's settlement." EJ becomes the second guy in the episode to lose his mind and invites her to stay at the DiMera mansion.
Sami sits alone and... well... let's put it this way, "When the going gets tough, the bipolar start bawling."
She comes up for air, "This is the only way and you know it." Tears, tears, tears.
EJ has paid the bill and helps Nicole move out. He wants her to move into the mansion and doesn't think she has an alternative, "Where else are you gonna go?"
A gal in the audience stands up and shouts, "I can tell her where to go!"
Nicole asks about Sami. EJ tells her he and Sami are through. He wants to take care of her and be someone she can count on. Nicole asks, "Is Pookie invited?"
"Pookie especially," says EJ, "Actually, I'm sure Pookie will be a better companion than you." Nicole accepts. EJ moves in for a little thank you. Nicole asks what about Stefano. EJ doesn't want Stefano to know about the baby but asks Nicole to let him handle it. He suggests a rain check on the date. They head out to pick up Pookie.
Chloe thinks there was something going on because Sami was in the cabin. Sharpie that she is, Marlena puts two and two together, "So you're saying Lucas was cheating on you with my daughter?"
"Don't misunderstand me," says Chloe, "I'm blaming Lucas not your daughter. I didn't come here to pump you for information."
Marlena sees through it, "Unless I had some to give."
Chloe knows she's busted, "Kind of pathetic huh?" Marlena doesn't think it's pathetic but thinks she came to the wrong person. She says she couldn't tell her if she knew, even off the record. She suggests Chloe take this up with Lucas. Chloe agrees and thanks her. Marlena wishes her luck as she leaves.
No sooner has Chloe left than there is a knock at Marlena's door. She thinks Chloe has forgotten something but when she swings the door open, John is standing there, "Drop what you're doing Blondie! This is hot off the presses!"
Lucas arrives home and finds no one there. He calls and leaves a message for Sami, apologizes and asks her to come back and talk. Then he sees the open phone book. He reads the giant add on the page, "Brookville Clinic... specializing in planned parenting, counseling, birth control and...
Knowing Sami wouldn't have anything to do with birth control, he assumes the worst.
Meanwhile, at the dreaded Brookville Clinic, they conduct Sami to her exam room.
Pookie runs off as they enter the mansion. Nicole calls for her.. or him... or whatever Pookie is, but the Pookster is off on an adventure. Stefano practically squishes Pookie and explodes, "What is going on here?"
"Surprise," says Nicole, "I'm moving in!"
John tells Marlena he's getting his act together and taking it on the road, "I'm a changed man."
"Ive heard that before," says Marlena. She actually keeps a straight face while she says it, too. John insists this time it's for real. John knows if he doesn't take action he will lose her for good. Something inside him doesn't want that to happen, so he tells her he gave up control of the DiMera empire for her.
The nurse tells Sami the clinic offers free counseling. Sami just wants to get this over with. The nurse goes for Dr. Sanders.
Stefano has a stroke, "She is moving in? Have you forgotten who's home this is? I say who comes and goes! You bring in a border without my approval? A border and her repulsive little mutt!"
EJ tells Stefano there is more to the story. He and Nicole discuss whether or not they should tell him Stefano the big news. Finally Nicole blurts it out, "We're having a baby."
"EJ and I," says Nicole, "We're pregnant."
Stefano chuckles, "Another precious little DiMera. Another heir!"
Dr. Sanders comes in, "Are you ready? Sami is ready." The baby... not so much.
Lucas searches for Sami.
Dr. Sanders says, "This may hurt a little. Try to relax."
Junior Junior says, "OK, I guess I'm as ready as I'll ever be."
The receptionist tells Lucas she can't give out information but she will see what she can do. As she leaves, Lucas gets a call from Chloe, "Lucas, I want to talk."
"What a coincidence," says Lucas, "That's what most people do when they telephone someone."
"Where are you," asks Chloe. Lucas tells her he's out. Chloe hears someone talk about Brookville Clinic in the background, "What are you doing there?"
John says he let it all go, because she asked him to, "I love you and I just wanted to see the look on your face when I told you."
Stefano is overjoyed, "My cup runneth over." He tells Nicole he will be honored for her and her adorable little dog to stay, "From now on, you will consider this your home in every sense of the word." He asks when his grandson is due.
"We don't know if it's a boy or girl," says EJ.
"It makes no difference," says Stefano, "There never can be too many DiMeras."
Nicole flinches when Junior Junior kicks. EJ inspects her tummy and says he doesn't feel anything. He thinks she imagined it. She lets Stefano give it a try. The kid kicks and Stefano is delighted, "He's a little hell raiser!"
"Maybe SHE is a little hell raiser," says Nicole.
John says he will hit the road. Marlena says her patient isn't due for a while, "No need to rush off." John says he is leaving the mansion and has to go pack. Marlena is proud of him. She suggests coffee.
John says the sooner he's out, the better. He also says the divorce papers are signed, "The ball is in your court." John leaves.
Stefano celebrates with the bubbly, "To life, happiness and the next generation of DiMeras."
Lucas tells Chloe he can't talk. A nurse comes up, picks up a megaphone and talks directly into Lucas' phone, "Your WIFE is in exam room one."
Lucas makes a beeline for the exam room. Chloe's jaw hits the floor, "His WIFE? "
Lucas walks in to Sami's bawl-fest.
You can watch the previews later today on our PREVUZE II website. Prevuze II should be up no later than noon, Eastern Time.
If you enjoyed today's recap and haven't left a donation in a while, please consider doing that. If you aren't in a position to donate, check out some of our advertisers. And you could also consider leaving a comment. We enjoy those. Look at it this way... I've already read Prevuze. YOU are MY entertainment.
Why can't this show get it right? They should of had Stephano filled with disdain over Nicole's kid. Stephano doesn't just want grandkids from anybody. He doesn't even like all his kids for that reason.
This would have automatically brought great conflict, instead of this forced conflict they have between EJ and Sami. All that is just pure bull.
I'm tired of them writing Stephano as the wonder-grandad. He would never been happy with Nicole's pregnancy.
Wow the writers must think we are all total morons.
Less than a week ago the doctor told Sami she was in her SECOND trimester.
To have a second trimester abortion she would have to be hospitalized. It's not an outpatient procedure.
And Lucas actually refusing to go along with one of Sami's hair brained schemes?
And of course poor poor long suffering Chloe. When will she ever learn? LOL (Didn't think I could get through that with a straight face.)
Sami says she told EJ goodbye. Lucas says he can't deal with her any more.
I have got to admit I actually agree with Lucas on something. Logic and Sami are contradictory terms. This whole mess is just getting nearly impossible to watch.
Nicole invites EJ in. He says a little bird told him Nicole's favorite restaurant was in Chicago.
Does she give the name of the restaurant? I’ll have my picket sign ready…DOOL SUCKS AND SO DOES ELEVATOR MONKEY SEX!!!
Lucas disagrees with the way Sami is handling things, "How will you pull it off?"
"Would you believe I'll tell them I'm bulking up to become a contestant on The Biggest Loser?”
Brilliant idea Prevuze!!! Now it’s time for Bob and/or Jillian to show up again on DOOL.
"I don't trust my own judgment with men anymore."
"You can't blame yourself," says Marlena, "I'd be more inclined not to trust the judgment of any man who would want be with you."
"You're selling me short," says Chloe, "I have a couple of things most men like.”
I wonder how much she paid for them.
"Where else are you gonna go?"
A gal in the audience stands up and shouts, "I can tell her where to go!"
…and don’t let the door hit you in the butt!!!
A border and her repulsive little mutt!
Shouldn’t that be “a repulsive border and her little mutt”?
Prevuze and Deb, super censored links. Deb, it’s great to have you back. I really missed you!! Here’s hoping the Dr. Dan/Kate monkey sex doesn’t produce a Lucas/Billie/Austin/Phillip sibling. Does Dr. Dan pack condoms in his surfer dude swim trunks? There’s an area of my brain that just exploded at the thought.
Great Prevuze - loved the Censored links... I am so tired of watching the show... the triangles don't work - so little chemistry! We need some new families in Salem; a new villain would be nice..
But in the meantime, I'll read and enjoy Prevuze every morning...
Why doesn't Nicole go stay with her mom? It could be fun to see what Fay has to say about Abe's campaign for mayor, too.
Anon. #1, Stefano must not be that particular about who mother's his offspring, EX: Susan.
I doubt he'll have much problem with Nicole.
Alas, I got to read the great forbidden link before I left home (it was great, by the way)but I know better than to check out the other censored link at work. I'll have to see it this evening.
You know it won't be an abortion Sami is there for. It's probably some kind of pregnancy test she's getting for free. After all, "Knowing Sami wouldn't have anything to do with birth control, he assumes the worst." HAHAHAHA
LOL over that gal in the audience and "When the going gets tough the bipolar start bawling." Does that ever fit Sami to a tee!
Thanks, Prevuze, for the only bright spot on a gloomy rainy Hump Day!
What they should have done was have Stefano having a big mean Rottweiler (at least they always look mean to me) and see how he and Pookie get along.
For once it would be something that could happen in real life - trying to keep two people's beloved pets apart. HA!
"Would you believe I'll tell them I'm bulking up to become a contestant on The Biggest Loser?”
HAH - Prevuze supplies a shameless, but funny, cross-promotion for NBC.
I got beaten to my initial HUH!? moment by Deb- Sami just prancing in for a clinic abortion in her second trimester. So, I'll move to my second HUH!? moment where Lucas just happened to see the correct ad on a phone book Sami just happened to leave open. He just happened to get to the clinic and talk to a nurse who just happened to have the same level of belief in a patient's right to privacy as the medical personnel in Salem.
Great censored links. C-fish is on a roll with the adventures of Belch. And Sami's pity party pic was perfect.
Looking forward to the Stefano/Pookie connection. Thanks Prevuze!
Why can't this show get it right? They should of had Stephano filled with disdain over Nicole's kid. Stephano doesn't just want grandkids from anybody. He doesn't even like all his kids for that reason.
This would have automatically brought great conflict, instead of this forced conflict they have between EJ and Sami. All that is just pure bull.
I'm tired of them writing Stephano as the wonder-grandad. He would never been happy with Nicole's pregnancy.
I think this can still happen. I think Stephano is playing it cool and will be nicey-nicey until Nicole has the kid and then he'll turn ugly and kick her to the curb.
What is wrong with these writers. I don't think Lucas would be trying to push Sami to EJ, who tried to kill him at least twice.
I, personally, like wonder granddad Stefano. Every villain has to have some redeeming qualities, or it comes off as ridiculous. If Stefano is a just a monster who hates and destroys everything, somebody, at some point would have shot him in the face.
This is why I started to hate Trent towards the end. He just became evil and had no positive traits at all.
This is one of the more welcome retcons I'd say.
And an abortion would make too much sense so it can't be that.
This is great I am praying for LUMI again.
They have the spark! and Cloe doesn't, she needs to find Philip since he doesn't have Morgan anymore.
Just checked out Prevuze II. My HUH? moment from that: "Lexie tells Stefano, "You end your association with Moreno immediately or your relationship with your grandson will be a thing of the past."
What relationship?!? I've never even seen Stefano ask about Theo, much less seen them having a relationship. Sounds like a pretty lame-o threat that Lexie came up with to me.
i feel like a little kid in a candy store, what with TWO censored links in one go. thanks heaps prevuze!
Pookie runs off as they enter the mansion. Nicole calls for her.. or him... or whatever Pookie is, but the Pookster is off on an adventure. Stefano practically squishes Pookie and explodes, "What is going on here?"
THIS made me LOL, poor little Pookie i can't wait to see it!
Also So surprised and impressed that Lucas wouldn't agree to participate in Sami's schemes, generally he's kinda the yelling, stompin', village idiot (who lets face it is equal to Chloe in the IQ area)...but he's calmed down, it's nice someone needs to tell Sami to trust Ej, to tell him the truth! He wouldn't want his dad to know either.
Come on Sami Ej's face with Nicole is downbeaten, sad, he's like destroyed because this sort of means everythings over for ejami (since he doesn't know about his new bundle of joy). If this drags out much longer i don't know if i can take it
Have Sami and Lucas forgotten about Will? Lucas kept talking about them sharing a daughter together and that this baby will be her sibling. He won't go along with any of Sami's schemes in order to protect Alli, but what about Will? Neither of them spoke a word about their son.
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