Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Arthur's Delight

Chloe looks at her wedding dress, “God I hate this. I don’t want to be alone the night before my wedding. Come on, Nancy, where are you?” She opens the door and finds Brady asleep.

Sami and Lucas smooch. Lucas tells her tonight is their last night together before the wedding. Sami is thrilled to be loosing her freedom. Lucas can’t wait for her to become his wife. Sami promised him a striptease. Will is conveniently at Arthur’s house so in we go and Sami puts on a show. Sami dances around the room losing her clothes. She tosses her bra toward Lucas. Will and Arthur show up at the door just in time for Arthur to catch the lingerie. Arthur is quite impressed.

John can’t believe Marlena will miss her daughter’s wedding, “The time will come when you will remember and be devastated because you weren’t there. Dr. North is supposed to be an expert, but I’ve been talking to Dr. Estrada and I don’t’ think he’s helping you at all.”

Dr. North says they are making progress. John doesn’t see any. Dr. North says the decision to go back to Salem is up to Marlena. John plays the ‘children need their mother’ card.

Mimi comes in as Shawn helps Belle. Shawn calls Lexie who is covering for Dr. Bader. Lexie will be right over. This is truly fantasy. Belle tells Shawn she is scared, “If I lose this baby...”

Chloe wakes Brady. He says he got halfway to his dad’s and came back. He knew she didn’t want to spend the night with just her mom. He felt guilty about leaving her alone and so he came back.

“No, tell me the truth, Brady. That’s not the real reason you came back,” says Chloe.

“No,” says Brady.

“You were afraid I’d leave, that I’d change my mind and take off.”

He asks, “Were you going to?”

“Truthfully,” she says, “Yes.”

Sami runs into the other room. “Dude, your mom has it all over Hillary Duff,” says Arthur.

Lucas says, “Needless to say, that was a bit awkward.”

The boys say they came over to get some DVDs, but the show here was better. Arthur and Will have their DVDs and start to leave. Will says, “You and Mom can get back to... whatever.”

“OMG, thank God I didn’t get completely naked,” says Sami, “As if I don’t have enough to be humiliated about.” She starts to undress and screams. Bart is staring open-mouthed through the window.

Marlena doesn’t feel like she belongs at her daughter’s wedding. John tries to convince her.

Dr. North says to stop pressuring her, “You are making a mistake.”

John snaps back, “The mistake I made was having you treat my wife.”

“Your accusations are reckless,” says Dr. North.

“You are denying Marlena essential parts of my life,” says John. He turns to Marlena, “I want to help you become the person you were, wife, mother, doctor, serial killer. And there is another reason to come home. Your daughter Belle is about to be come a mother.”

Aha! He struck a nerve, “Belle? My daughter is pregnant?”

“Our daughter,” he says, “Tell me you don’t want to be there for that miracle.”

“I do,” says Marlena, “How can I miss that? They hug.” Dr. North purses his lips.

Lexie arrives. She examines the patient. Belle has a terrible case of I-don’t-like-Shawn-and-Mimi-togetheritis. “Please tell me I’m not gonna lose his baby,” wails Bawlle. You might not lose it, but you can bet it will be touch and go. This is Salem. The only recorded normal human pregnancy is considered to have been a fluke. That, and the fact that Lexie was out of town.

Brady kisses Chloe’s hand, “I’m sorry Brady. I know it would be cowardly to just run away.” Cowardly, but merciful.

Brady says, “I know you are nervous about how you will look when Dr. Travis takes the bandage off. Trust me on this. As long as we love each other there is nothing we can’t overcome. I love you. I love you. I love you, Chloe Lane.”

“I love you too. I don’t know. I guess I’m just trying to figure out if you’re marrying me out of pity,” she whines.

Brady says, “Are you serious? I m marrying you because I love you. You only see love and desire in my eyes.” Kiss.

Lucas hears the scream runs in. Sami says she saw a mouse. Always vigilant, Arthur shows up with Will. When they find out it was only a mouse, Arthur says it was a pleasure to help. Lucas tells him to put his eyes back in his head.

The boys leave. Lucas assures her Arthur didn’t get a good look at her, “On the other hand, I did.” He kisses her, but she sees Bart staring though the window. She pushes him away. Lucas says, “We were all hot and bothered. Now you’re pushing me away. Why?” I guess he doesn’t know how bad he smells when he’s hot and bothered.

Lexie wants to give Belle a more thorough exam. Lexie goes for the cervix. Shawn can’t get to the door fast enough. Mimi follows. Lexie examines. She asks what Belle was doing when the pain started, if there is a pattern to the cramps. Belle says the pattern is irregular.

“I gather you have been sexually active lately,” says Lexie.

Belle says, “Phillip and I... but the doctor didn’t say anything about not having sex.”

“There doesn’t seem to be a physical explanation. Do you have any ideas about what this might be,” says Lexie.

Marlena has decided not to go back to Salem, “It’s too overwhelming for me. It’s trying to live a life that I don
t know. What do you think Dr. North?”

Alex starts to answer but John shuts him up.

Marlena says, “Alex is my doctor. I would like to hear his opinion.”

Alex asks, “What do your instincts tell you?”

“They tell me I need to be there for my children. I don’t know them but I am their mother,” says Marlena.

“It sounds if you have made your decision. I think you should go back to Salem, but only if I am there to monitor and continue your treatment,” says Alex.

John says, “Over my cold, dead body.” If you insist, John.

Chloe and Brady kiss, “I don’t know what I did to deserve you says Chloe.” I don’t know what Brady did to deserve her, either, but it must’ve been something worthy of the 9th circle of hell.

Brady says, “I just hope you feel that way all the Days Of Our Lives.” I just hope Brady can survive fifty years of whining.

Brady gets a call. He leaves and Nancy comes up. She heard what they said. She says Brady is a special man. She is perplexed why Brady is still there. Nancy says Joy is so excited about the wedding they couldn’t get her to sleep, and that is why she was late. Nancy says she told Chloe Brady is a special man who will stand by her, “Anyone can get married, but to be a special partner in life, that takes something extra. I think Brady has proven no matter what life throws at you, you can count on him.”

Chloe babbles, “It’s not Brady I have doubts about. It’s me. What if I let him down?”

Sami says she’s upset about the whole Will and Arthur thing. The boys could walk back in, “Not to mention our new rodent problem.” The rodent named Bart watches through the window. Sami tells Lucas to go check to make sure the boys are gone and she will slip into something more comfortable.

Lucas leaves. Sami goes out onto the fire escape and tells Bart he shouldn’t be out there. Bart says he would rather be down at Alice's with Bonnie.

Sami says, “We agreed you would give me back all the traceable evidence. I want it now and I want everything. I did my part and you have to honor Tony’s promise.”

“You aren’t off the hook until Tony escapes,” says Bart.

Sami asks, “He hasn’t escaped yet?”

“You would have heard about it,” says Bart, “You don't' go free until Tony goes free.”

“That’s not the deal I agreed to,” says Sami, “I got you the information. I betrayed my father.”

“You betray everybody.”

Sami says, “If something goes wrong it is not my fault.”

Bart threatens, “If something goes wrong I will decide whose fault it is. And your wedding could become your funeral.”

Lucas tries the door. Locked. “Sami is somebody in there with you?”

Marlena says, “John, just because I have no memory doesn’t mean you can take charge of my life.”

John says, “I’m sorry you feel that way. There is something you really need to know about me. As long as you are my wife it is my duty to see you are well taken care of.”

“Then you will want me to have the best possible care,” says Marlena, “You are threatened by Dr. North.”

“No, I am afraid of him and what he is doing to you,” says John.

Marlena grows impatient, “Stop this, John. I believe you are well intentioned. But I don’t care what anybody thinks. I am so grateful to Dr. North for the care he is giving me. I am not going anywhere without him.”

Shawn just hopes everything is OK. Mimi thinks they would have heard by now if anything was really wrong.

“What do you think is going on,” asks Shawn, “You were pregnant... oh I’m sorry.”

Mimi thinks, “I think I know exactly what is going on with Belle.”

Lexie says she is talking about stress. Belle flashes back to her argument with Shawn. “Actually there are a few stressful things going on,” says Belle.

Lexie says Belle should relax and take care of herself, “There is nothing wrong with the baby.” Belle thanks her for coming over. Lexie wants her to make an appointment with Dr. Bader as soon as she comes back. Lexie leaves and tells Mimi and Shawn her problem is probably stress related. Shawn walks Lexie to her car.

Mimi goes back in. Belle thanks her for being there. Mimi says, “You were worried, but not because of the baby. You thought you were losing Shawn.”

Belle is indignant, “You think I was faking?”

“I think you were using your unborn child to get Shawn back. That is going to stop right now,” says Mimi.

Brady comes out blindfolded. He doesn’t want to see the bride the night before the wedding. He thanks Nancy for being there. Chloe says Nancy has convinced her she isn’t going anywhere. Tough luck, Brady. Hugs and kisses.

Belle says, “You’ve got a lot of nerve, Mimi. I’m supposed to be avoiding stress, you want me to lose this baby?”

“You are worried you are losing Shawn,” says Mimi, “For once you are on the outside looking in. Shawn is my friend and I don’t want to see him get hurt. Leave him alone.”

Shawn comes back. Belle thanks him. She asks if Shawn would get her some pillows from upstairs. He goes upstairs. The catfight continues.

Mimi says, “I am warning you Belle. You married Phillip. Good luck. Don’t try to drag Shawn back into your life. He’s starting to get over you and you can’t stand it. If you have any sense of decency you will stay out of our lives.”

Marlena says, “I just woke up in a strange hospital bed and there were people trying to take over my life and I can’t stand that. I know I don’t have a memory, but I do have clarity. I know what I need. I’m gonna tell you something and I would really like it if you would just listen... the only reason I would go back to Salem is for my children. I don’t know them, but I am their mother. I need to be there for them.”

John says, “But also....”

Marlena cuts him off, “There is no ‘also.’ If I am going back to Salem I will need Alex North’s guidance and support.”

“Then I don’t have a choice but to accept it,” says John.

“Good,” says Marlena, “Whether you like it or not, Alex is here to stay.”

Sami tells Bart to get out of there. She assures him she got the info off her dad’s computer, so it is genuine. Bart leaves but would rather stick around for the floorshow.

Lucas yells for Sami to open the door. The door opens. Lucas likes what he sees, “It sounded like someone was in here with you.”

“No,” says Sami, “just me, and all I want is you.” Off to bed. FF.

Meanwhile, back at Arthur’s house, Will watches DVDs while love struck Arthur cherishes the fond memories of his wonderful day.


John tells Kate, “I want you to help me find out what her shrink is up to.”

Marlena tells Alex, “I’m so glad you spent the night with me last night.” Brady’s eyes go wide.

Belle walks up as Mimi tells Shawn, “Leave it to Belle to ruin her good friends big day.”

Brady is on the phone with Chloe, “Are you ready for a dream wedding?” Chloe says, “I can’t.” Brady asks, “What are you saying, Chloe? You want to call off the wedding?”


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe, in the scenes with Alex/Roman, John/Roman not only is STF's, but is smelling a rat. HAHA

Loved the picture of Arthur!

I cannot believe we are going to have to listen to Chloe whine right up to the time she walks down the aisle. Thank the gods that she and Brady are leaving on a long, long (hopefully never to return) honeymoon soon!

6:37 AM  

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