Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Worm Food

Unfortunately, we've lost the DOOL satellite, perhaps permanently. While everyone who uses the feed is continuing to assess the situation, I am, in conjunction with Barb at the Salem Spectator, asking for a Canadian reader, or someone in the US who can receive the Canadian broadcast, to help by recording and uploading the show. That way, our blogs will remain at least a bit ahead in the US. If you think you can help Prevuze and other blogs, please contact me at prevuze@gmail.com. Thanks.

Ladies and gentlemen, 'THE GLOVE' IS BACK! Well, at least EJ has a pair. Of gloves, that is. He's standing outside the Hernandez Hovel talking on his phone. He tells the guy on the other end he'll call back, puts the phone away, stoops and uses the same bent paper clip trick Hope used yesterday. He sticks the paper clip into the lock in the door and, voilà — he's in. Rafe, the crack FBI mastermind has provided his family with the best security possible.

Nicole wanders in the woods and remembers being there with Sydney. She gets a call, "Hi... I agree... it's a win-win-situation for both of us." Translation: a win-win situation meaning a lose-lose situation.

Hope looks at April's file, "Date of birth... 3/17/82 Date of death... OMG... She was a St. Patrick's Day baby! And... she was pushing 29... My age... give or take... "

Bo and Kayla are outside the pub. Bo asks Kayla what's going on. Kayla flashes back to her conversation with Caroline, "You need to know."

EJ rummages through things. Sami walks in, "EJ?"

EJ smiles, "Trick or treat."

Sami wrinkles her brow, "Except for those gloves, you don't have a costume on. What are you supposed to be?"

"A DOOL plot that was never resolved," says EJ.

Victor finds Phillip in the den. Phillip sets down a box and announces he's moving in. "There is a problem with that," says Victor, "You're bringing too much with you."

"I can put some of it in storage," says Phillip.

"I'm not talking about your furniture," says Victor, "I'm talking about Melanie."

Vivian rots and worries about losing her marbles.

Carly interrupts Kayla and Bo. Bo senses tension. I often wonder what life would have been like for Bo if he'd had enough oxygen at birth. He says this has to stop and that Kayla has to respect his fornicationship with Carly, "Back off with the judgment. Our relationship is none of your business."

"There is so much more," says Kayla. Isn't there always?

Kinzie rushes up to Nicole. She babbles and says she wants to be a TV reporter like Nicole. Nicole says the job she's offering has nothing to do with that, "I want you to help me see Sydney again."

Sami asks EJ, "What the hell are you doing here?"

EJ says, "I thought maybe we could have another fight on the bed — this time in our Sumo wrestling outfits." He says she knows why he's there, "Where is it? Arianna had proof. Everyone knows it. Where is it?"

Sami grabs a letter opener and threatens to rip his heart out — if he had one. EJ moves toward her, "No matter how many times you try, you just can't kill me." He plants a hot kiss, and then EJ pops out of his dream. He hears Sami coming back inside and runs to hide. From Casanova to cowering lurker in just a matter of seconds.

Hope reads, "Surgery to repair broken leg... Cause of death... cardiac arrest... OMG... Why would they arrest her heart without throwing the rest of her in the slammer? " Leigh and the warden walk in. Hope slams the file drawer and the warden asks what's she's looking at.

Kayla says she owes Carly an apology. She says Bo is right and she has no business judging. Carly gives an understanding response. Bo thinks this makes things all good. Kayla asks if Bo wants to know why she's done a 180°.

Kinzie is upset. She reminds Nicole Caroline went ballistic when she let her see Sydney before, so she refuses. Nicole accuses, "Wuss!" Kinzie gets defensive and says it's just that she doesn't want to lose her job. Nicole presses and tells her if she's going to make it in the world she has to learn how to get the upper hand. Kinzie buys it and decides to help Nicole, but decides Nicole will have to pay her big bucks.

Sami comes into the Hernandez Hovel and tells Sydney she's sorry they forgot the diaper bag. She's going to be more sorry when she finds out they aren't clean diapers. She looks at the Hernandez family photo and remembers Arianna threatening her with her dying words. EJ watches as Sami goes into the other room. He comes out, stoops in front of Sydney and says he loves her. Sydney yells, "Daddy!" Sami hears, EJ hides and Sami comes out and asks if Sydney said 'daddy.'

Phillip is upset Victor hasn't told him about the renovations before. Victor says he'll pay to move Phillip and Melanie back. DOOL finally inserts some reality into a plot since it's a pretty sure bet anyone would pay to move Melanie out of his house. Phillip wants to know if he can live in another room. Victor says the other rooms aren't suitable. Phillip thinks it's something else, "You just don't want us here." Dang! The part of Phillip's mind that isn't smeared across the Salem Raceway is sure quick to pick up on things.

Vivian has a headache. She figures the fumes are finally getting to her. That's what she gets for eating the refried beans they sent down to her.

Kayla invites Carly and Bo inside, "I'll tell you why I changed my mind."

"You mean beside the fact that you are a woman," asks Bo.

Inside, Kayla invites Caroline to join them, "Do you want to tell them or shall I?"

Nicole thinks Kinzie is greedy. She offers to match her salary at the pub. Kinzie mocks. "Take it or leave it," says Nicole. Kinzie leaves it and walks away.

Sami says she understands Sydney misses her daddy, "But he did something and he can't be around for a while." EJ listens and stews as Sami hauls Sydney to the park. After she leaves, Mr. Glove II comes out of hiding.

Caroline begs Kayla not to tell. Stephanie and Nathan interrupt and announce their engagement. Caroline is happy-happy. Now it's Kayla's turn to stew.

Hope says she's going over the inventory. The warden sends Leigh to the storage room. The Salem Prison For Wayward Women is on a tight budget and doesn't have a solitary confinement area. Hope tells the warden her daughter isn't doing well. She asks to see Bo. The warden immediately goes to make the call. What a gal!

EJ rants about what Sami said to Sydney. He tells himself to calm down, "I'll get the proof, I'll get my kids back and you will spend all the Days Of Our Lives in jail."

Nicole asks what Kinzie wants. Kinzie says she wants a job at the news station. Nicole suggests and internship. Kinzie says she wants a real job like assistant producer. "A teenage assistant producer," asks Nicole, "What do you think this is, DOOL?" She suggests matching her pub pay for now and giving Kinzie a real job when she gets more clout at the station.

Kinzie accepts the deal and mocks what Caroline said, "Don't you EVER let Nicole hold Sydney again! HAHAHAHA!"

Sami walks up carrying the aforementioned Sydney, "What did you say?"

Everyone congratulates Stephanie and Nathan, then they all revert to the mood of gloom and doom they were in before. Stephanie senses something was going on before they got there. Stephanie is the poster child for the tragic result of years of inbreeding in Salem.

Phillip runs hobbles around the Kiriakis mansion looking for Victor. Henderson tells him Victor is visiting Isabella.

Back inside the sarcophagus, Vivian tells herself not to panic. She does breathing exercises and decides things are better. Then she looks at her hands...


"OMG," screams Vivian, "I'm worm food! OMG!"

Victor stands outside the sarcophagus and assures her she's not being eaten alive, "But you're still a royal pain in the ass."

Caroline takes Kayla off to get champagne so they can all celebrate the end of the world as Nathan knows it. She begs Kayla not to say anything, "Everyone is happy, why do you want to mess with that."

Kayla accuses Caroline of being the one who is messing with things, "The truth has got to come out."

Caroline says, "I didn't know the truth was gay."

Bo interrupts and says he has to go, "I got a call from the prison and Hope has to talk to me."

Caroline turns to Kayla, "That's a sign you should keep your mouth shut."

Kayla doesn't think so, "It sounds more like a sign Bo should block incoming calls from the prison."

Sami scolds Kinzie for letting Nicole near Sydney. Kinzie tells Sami she misunderstood, "I made a mistake and I'm sorry. I was in the middle of turning down an offer from Nicole — she wanted me to help her see Sydney."

Nicole runs off the rails, "She is a card carrying liar!" Kinzie leaves and Sami tells Nicole she can't see Sydney again. Nicole says it's a small town and Sami can't stop her from bumping into Sydney now and then, "Her babysitters don't keep her cooped up in their houses all the time."

Caroline says Kayla is just upset because she and L'il Joe have to leave tonight. Kayla says she's not leaving until everything is straightened out. I Guess she'll be spending the rest of her life in Salem.

Hope and Bo meet in the prison's visiting area. Bo tells her Ciara is doing better. Hope says this isn't about Ciara. I mean who would expect a Salem mom to be worried about her kid?

"You're evil," says Vivian, "And God doesn't like evil people."

"So that's how you ended up in there," quips Victor, "This is God's work." Phillip interrupts.

EJ rants because he can't find anything incriminating. He picks up a picture of Sydney and vows to get her back.

Sami threatens to file a restraining order against Nicole. Nicole says she has no legal grounds to do that. "My dad and uncle Bo will figure out something," says Sami.

"Together, Roman and Bo couldn't figure out how to turn on a light," says Nicole. She flashes back to finding Vivian in the sarcophagus and tells Sami to back off. Sami drags out her phone to call Roman. Nicole tells her to put it down.

Kayla asks for a minute alone with Caroline. The mob disperses. Stephanie asks Nathan as he goes if this is real or she is dreaming. "It's a dream for you, but a nightmare for me," says Nathan. They smooch and Nathan leaves. Stephanie goes back with Kayla and Caroline. Kayla vows that all the nonsense must end here and now. Unfortunately, the show remains on the air.

I've been posting Prevuze for almost six years. In other words, I was writing bad romance before Lady Gaga ever thought of it.

Phillip says he checked out the east wing of the mansion and found no renovations going on. Victor says he is planning them. Phillip wants to know why Victor is reneging. Victor says he knows Melanie and Nicole don't get along. Phillip insists Melanie will be fine with the arrangement and wonders if this has something to do with Victor being closer to Maggie. Vivian listens and decides Phillip is her ally. Phillip and Victor leave.

Vivian rambles, "I gave you life, Phillip. Return the damn favor."

Nicole apologizes for overstepping her bounds. Sami softens a bit. Nicole tells her not to worry and says she just wants Sydney to be happy, "You have a happy family. I hope you don't jeopardize that." Sami flashes back to Arianna confronting her and tells Nicole to stay away. She leaves.

Hope tells Bo, "This has to stop." Unfortunately, the show remains on the air.

"I have to tell her," says Kayla.

Caroline argues and says this is a special day, "Don't ruin it for her."

Kayla turns to Stephanie and says it's about the paternity test results, "There has been a mistake.. a terrible mistake." Stephanie frets.

Nicole sees a stuffed toy on the park bench. She picks it up and remembers being with Sydney, "I want to let you go, but I can't."

"Then take me home," says the stuffed toy, "Sydney won't miss me."

Sami returns home with Sydney. "We'll play princess in a minute. I get to be the princess." She sends Sydney ahead and tells her she'll be right in. Sydney runs off. Arianna's ghost visits and plays the tape again. Sami tells her to stop and leave her alone. Arianna says she knows where the camera is and insists someone will find it. She dematerializes.

EJ is on the phone at the park bench. He tells his henchman to keep the pressure on. Then flashes back to Arianna saying she had proof.


Kayla tells Stephanie, "Daniel isn't the baby's father."

Bo tells Hope, "I'm not gonna let you down again."

Stefano yells, "I can fix this for you, Elvis."

NOTE – you can now follow Prevuze on twitter at: http://twitter.com/prevuze

Prevuze II has a video of the daily show previews, which should be available by noon (EST) on any given day. To see Prevuze II: CLICK HERE


Blogger Applecheeks said...

Hope looks at April’s file, “Date of birth…3/17/82 Date of death…OMG…She was a, St. Patrick's Day baby! And... she was pushing 29... My age... give or take.

I think there is a LOT of “give” in there dearie. LOL

I often wonder what life would have been like for Bo if he'd had enough oxygen at birth.

Note to self: Just because it isn’t the first thing in the AM, doesn’t mean I can read Prevuze while drinking a liquid. And, keep paper towels handy for unexpected clean-ups.

Kayla asks if Bo wants to know why she’s done a 180.

He may have no functioning brain cells, but surely simple survival instincts should be telling Bo to take Kay’s apology, sans explanation, and run while he has the chance.

Stephanie senses something was going on before they got there. Stephanie is the poster child for the tragic result of years of inbreeding in Salem.

I'm just astounded that, starting with Kayla/Caroline's conversation, this group of nimrods are talking (yelling) about all of this in the middle of the pub! Go back to the kitchen! Go upstairs to the family quarters! I know the show is on a tight budget, but for God's sake have them go downstairs or off to the pier.

The insanity goes on and on and on. My sanity would be LONG GONE if Prevuze weren't here to help me vent. Thank you!

11:46 AM  
Anonymous Betyar said...

"Well, at least EJ has a pair. Of gloves, that is."...funny Prevuze!!!

EJ smiles, "Trick or treat."...of course, it would have been a real treat to see EJ in just a pair of gloves...but as it is, today's show was certainly more of a trick than a treat! What the hell was EJ thinking? Why not use one of the DiMera goons to search Sami's place? Why would he go to the Hernandez Hovel and take a chance on violating his restraining order?! (Or maybe it was Sami he was thinking of violating!!! Oh well, I guess we'll never know...) but, since his high-and-mighty-ness walks around with only half a brain, I doubt he'll get very far in his quest to find Arianna's missing tape. Just because a woman is blonde, it doesn't automatically mean she's dumb!!! Sami would never keep the tape at the appartment. She would have destroyed it as soon as she got hold of it. Why hold on to self-incriminating evidence??...at least she would have given it to Rafe to get rid of it properly! This scenario is just ridiculous!

"I'll get the proof, I'll get my kids back and you will spend all the Days Of Our Lives in jail."...I wouldn't be so sure EJ! Who in their right mind would give a child(or 2;I think that's the last Ejami count on procreation) to a guy who acts more like a sperm donor than a father. Kids need a family environment...a mother and father who love each other and want to be together with their children. Rafe is the only one who thinks in those terms, not EJ. The first time Sami was pregnant with EJ's baby, it was more or less him wanting to possess her, than for him to have a child or family. The second time he made an attempt at being the "good guy", but as soon as things got tough he abandoned the thought and got on an elevator with Nicole, the town whore...not much in the way of parenting and family values from EJ! So far MR. Glove II is batting 0 to 2!

Is it just me? Step-on-me and Nate are making me want to gag everytime they come on screen together! Thank God for my FF button!

Stefano yells, "I can fix this for you, Elvis."...I bet he can...but I'm sure Elvis will find a way to screw it up for everyone! Consistency has never been EJ's strong suit!

12:26 PM  
Anonymous Betyar said...

"Well, at least EJ has a pair. Of gloves, that is."...funny Prevuze!!!

EJ smiles, "Trick or treat."...of course, it would have been a real treat to see EJ in just a pair of gloves...but as it is, today's show was certainly more of a trick than a treat! What the hell was EJ thinking? Why not use one of the DiMera goons to search Sami's place? Why would he go to the Hernandez Hovel and take a chance on violating his restraining order?! (Or maybe it was Sami he was thinking of violating!!! Oh well, I guess we'll never know...) but, since his high-and-mighty-ness walks around with only half a brain, I doubt he'll get very far in his quest to find Arianna's missing tape. Just because a woman is blonde, it doesn't automatically mean she's dumb!!! Sami would never keep the tape at the appartment. She would have destroyed it as soon as she got hold of it. Why hold on to self-incriminating evidence? This scenario is just ridiculous!

"I'll get the proof, I'll get my kids back and you will spend all the Days Of Our Lives in jail."...I wouldn't be so sure EJ! Who in their right mind would give a child(or 2;I think that's the last Ejami count on procreation) to a guy who acts more like a sperm donor than a father. Kids need a family environment...a mother and father who love each other and want to be together with their children. Rafe is the only one who thinks in those terms, not EJ. The first time Sami was pregnant with EJ's baby, it was more or less him wanting to possess her, than for him to have a child or family. The second time he made an attempt at being the "good guy", but as soon as things got tough he abandoned the thought and got on an elevator with Nicole, the town whore...not much in the way of parenting and family values from EJ! So far MR. Glove II is batting 0 to 2!

Is it just me? Step-on-me and Nate are making me want to gag everytime they come on screen together! Thank God for my FF button!

Stefano yells, "I can fix this for you, Elvis."...I bet he can...but I'm sure Elvis will find a way to screw it up for everyone! Consistency has never been EJ's strong suit!

12:28 PM  
Anonymous Betyar said...

Oops, sorry for the double post...every time a post is long I get an error message, and I end up doing a double post...

12:35 PM  
Anonymous Bulldog said...

I'm sorry, it's difficult to tell from the picture but I don't think those are really Louise Sorel's hands in the maggot scene. Too young. And the nails are too short. Viv's got her's nicely manicured into almost a point. How do I notice this stuff? I have to keep my interest in miniscule stuff like that to stay awake sometimes. HA

What are you supposed to be?" "A DOOL plot that was never resolved," says EJ. Ain't that the truth!!?! We almost wasted more weeks looking at "The Hand" than we did Brady Brady's boots when he reappeared in Salem. Only to have the whole thing dropped and never mentioned again.

"I'll tell you why I changed my mind." "You mean beside the fact that you are a woman," asks Bo. And with that Prevuze earns a penalty flag. Which is retracted due to the truth of this Prevuism: "A teenage assistant producer," asks Nicole, "What do you think this is, DOOL?"

One more thing, writers - make my year. If Kayla blabs PLEASE have Bo arrest Caroline. Thank you, amen.

Excellent Prevuze! Especially Steponme being the poster child of inbreeding. HAHAHAHA

1:46 PM  
Anonymous Leslie said...

He sticks the paper clip into the lock in the door and, voilà — he's in. Rafe, the crack FBI mastermind has provided his family with the best security possible.

There isn’t even a dead bolt lock on the door. Yep, Rafe is doing a bang up job “protecting” Sami, or maybe that should be that Rafe is using protection while banging Sami.

"There is a problem with that," says Victor, "You're bringing too much with you."

"I can put some of it in storage," says Phillip.

"I'm not talking about your furniture," says Victor, "I'm talking about Melanie."

Right on Prevuze!!!

She figures the fumes are finally getting to her. That's what she gets for eating the refried beans they sent down to her.

Apparently Brady is not using the same dietician that sent meals down to the trapped Chilean miners. LOL!!!

"The truth has got to come out."

Caroline says, "I didn't know the truth was gay."


Nicole says it's a small town.

Yeah, Salem is so small it has an international airport, shipping docks, a university, a hospital that is a trauma center, and the headquarters for multi-national corporations – Titan, DiMera Enterprises, and Mythic.

Hope tells Bo, "This has to stop." Unfortunately, the show remains on the air.

I wonder what the Vegas odds are on this storyline being about murdering inmates to steal their organs.

While they haven’t been my favorite characters, I thought the scenes with Caroline, Kayla, and Steponme were watchable. It’s like the writers finally found something interesting to do with them. However, I do agree with Bulldog that having a heated conversation in the middle of the Pub was silly.

Prevuze thanks for the recap and another snarky Sami/EJ photo! With Abe's reminder, I did my civic duty and voted!! Yippee - no more campaign ads, recorded phone calls, or candidate junk mail!!!

6:08 AM  
Anonymous Maggie Mae said...

why would a court give children to a mother who is no more than an ovem donor?

caroline and kinsey are with those kids more than sami is.

9:24 AM  
Anonymous TNChargerFan said...

At least when Nicole and EJ were Syd's parents, they were actually WITH the child. I almost had a heart attack when they actually had Sami taking care of Sydney on her own yesterday. Now maybe they'll drag Allie and Johnny out of hiding for good measure. The kids are middle school age now, right?
Have I mentioned I could care less about what's going on at the prison?

9:43 AM  
Anonymous Judy said...

Any clue as to when Prevuze becomes more than postvuze? This is no fun at all.


7:58 PM  

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