Katie, Viv and Vic
Sami and EJ stand in the rumpus room and argue about Sydney's custody. They take it into the foyer so Sydney can sleep. As if anyone could sleep in that house. In fact, a couple blocks down at the Salem Cemetery, the dead begin to stir when they hear the racket. Nicole comes up to the window and stares at Sydney.
Bo asks what Hope is doing going through Carly's purse. Hope doesn't miss a beat. She continues to rummage through the purse and says, "If you think I'm embarrassed you caught me going through her purse and want an apology, don't hold your breath."
Carly tells Maggie she would like to live there. Maggie wants to know if there is a reason. "Yes," says Carly, "there is." Oooooo... I can't wait to find out. If things get any more suspenseful, I think I'll explode.
Kate finds Vivian and Victor at the Java Café. Vivian sees her and gushes, "Katie DiMera! As I live and breathe! You haven't aged... very much. Katie, Viv and Vic... Together again, just like old times!"
Arianna returns to her room and finds Gabby and Rafe, mouths agape. "What are you guys doing here," asks Arianna.
Rafe holds up the bag of drugs and asks, "Why don't you tell us what you're doing with this?"
Suddenly, Sami stops, "What's that sound?" EJ and Sami bustle around the foyer like a couple of prairie dogs who have just popped out of their holes.
Nicole shifts her eyes.
Sami and EJ discover the mysterious sound was Stefano coming in. Stefano says he doesn't want to leave things the way they were. Sami takes the screaming to new levels, "YOU BASTARD!"
"That does it," says Bob Anderson, "I'm moving to the cemetery across town. This neighborhood has gone to hell."
Nicole has worked her way into the rumpus room and she checks on Sydney.
Arianna wants to know how they found the coke. Gabby tells her she was looking for towels, "You said you were done with all this."
Arianna is busted, "I'm not."
Kate wants to know why Vivian is in Salem. Vivian congratulates her on taking over her old role as Mrs. Stefano DiMera. Kate ignores that, snipes and says, "I can't stay, but we can talk before you jet off to your next stop."
"I'm not going anywhere," says Vivian, "I'm going to be living here from now on." Victor, totally enjoying the show, looks up at Kate, smiles and waits for her reaction.
Kate says, "Well, I like the coffee at the Java Café, but I certainly would want to live somewhere else."
Carly tells Maggie she has to get out of Bo's house ASAP, so she continues to make her play to move in. So, waitaminute. The big, suspenseful reason Carly wants to move in with Maggie is she has to get out of Bo's house and needs a place to live. Damn! I wet myself for nothing. Maggie needs to know everything that's going on with her. What a surprise. She also says she has to run this by Mickey if she can ever find him, and reminds Carly there are two young women living there. Mia walks in and Carly tells Maggie they have already met. Maggie tells Mia Carly might be moving in. Carly asks if that's OK with Mia.
Bo and Hope bicker. Hope says obviously Carly has a secret. Bo reminds Hope she also has privacy. Hope nukes about Carly living with her husband. Bo says Carly isn't the source of the problems. Hope is. Hope says she still thinks Carly is a liar.
Sydney sleeps. Nicole whines, "I just want to hold you one last time and then I will leave you because that's what's best for you. You are all I care about."
Sami nukes at Stefano for keeping Nicole's secret, "How can you live with yourself?"
"After just a few months of marriage," says Stefano, "I've found it's better than living with Kate."
EJ jumps on the Stef-bashing train.
Stefano bellows, Oh, cry me a bloody river! I did what I did because this woman is a rotten influence and whenever you are around her you turn into a quivering statue! I am not the villain! It was her treachery that started this."
Out in the audience, an Ejami fan turns to her neighbor, "Did you hear that? Stefano said whenever EJ is around Sami he turns into a quivering statue. I'm starting to quiver myself."
A Lumi fan overhears and shouts, "Quiver away, honey, the only thing EJ has that resembles a statue is his IQ."
Nicole holds Sydney and wonders how she can leave her with all the fighting and yelling.
Mia OK's Carly staying. Maggie and Carly decide they need to talk another time. Carly leaves. Maggie turns to Mia and says she wishes she could help. Mia insists Maggie has helped her, but whenever she thinks about Grace she gets despondent. Maggie urges her not to blame herself. Mia blubbers, "I just want to bring my baby back."
"On this show," says Maggie, "There's a good chance that will happen."
Rafe wants answers. Arianna says she wants to speak to Rafe alone. Gabby plays the 'just-a-kid' card but they kick her out anyway. She leaves and Rafe blows his empty stack. Arianna whoas him up, "Before I tell you what's going on it's your turn to stay quiet. I kept your secret, now you keep mine.
Nicole is conflicted about whether or not to take Grace.
Outside in the foyer, Sami, EJ and Stefano keep up the cacophony. Suddenly everything stops, "What... what is it," asks Sami.
"I thought I heard a nanosecond of silence," says EJ.
Vivian announces, "I'm staying in town... much to Victor's delight."
Victor gives a goofy smile, "I'm tickled pink."
"Go where you want," says Kate, "but stay away from me and stay away from Phillip or you will be very sorry." She leaves.
Victor has a chuckle fit. "I had forgotten how stimulating it is to be around a woman like you."
"The party doesn't have to end now," purrs Vivian.
Hope says she doesn't trust Carly. Bo tells her only Carly knows what happened with Lawrence. Hope thinks it should bother him that she may not be being truthful, "You are willing to throw everything away just to protect her. She is playing a mind game with you."
"She wouldn't do that," says Bo, "That would take a mind."
Hope thinks his involvement with Carly also puts Bo in danger, "That I will not forgive. If I lost you I wouldn't have anyone to treat like garbage." She storms out. Bo stares.
Arianna tells Rafe about her undercover operation. The one with the cops, that is... Not the one with Brady. Rafe figures Brady knows also. Arianna whines and makes excuses about telling him. She says she doesn't know where she stands with Brady anymore because of Nicole.
EJ thinks things are too quiet. They rush into the rumpus room and find Sydney's empty crib. EJ freaks. Sami freaks. Stefano watches the freak show.
Victor is back at the Kiriakis mansion as Hope arrives. Victor takes her in with Vivian. Apparently Victor and Vivian did take the party elsewhere. Hope starts to leave but Vivian stops her and asks why Hope is there.
Carly is back at Bo andHope's house. She tells him she has been at Maggie's and has made a big decision.
Maggie wants Mia to open up, "I'll get my notebook." She invites Mia to help her bake pies for the Thanksgiving charity.
Mia says she isn't in the holiday spirit, "You want someone to count her blessings, go ask Sami."
Sami isn't exactly counting her blessings at the moment. The DiMera crowd panics as Kate comes in through the balcony doors. They ask her in unison if she has seen Sydney. Kate says she saw a figure out in the mist moving away form the house.
"It's Nicole," screams Sami, "She has taken my daughter!" Over at Salem labs, the Richter Scale registers its highest reading ever.
Nicole and Sydney slink through the woods. "This is our one last chance," says Nicole. Off they go.
Rafe insists Arianna make things right with Gabby. He gets a call and Sami tells him Nicole has stolen Sydney, "I need your help."
Rafe rolls his eyes, "When it rains it pours."
Maggie rambles on about how lost she was when she was drinking. She says she went to meetings and learned to be thankful for what she still had, "You can go upstairs and be sad and lonely or you can help me bake these pies. It's up to you, so what will it be?" Mia smiles. Quick, get me a hanky.
Rafe, EJ and Sami bumble their way through the woods. Rafe asks EJ, "How did you let this happen?"
Nicole wanders at the pier, "I don't have any money. What are we gonna do?"
"I don't know about you," says Sydney, but I could use a few rounds at the Cheatin' Heart."
Arianna calls Gabby. Gabby looks at her caller-ID, sees it's Arianna and refuses to pick up. Nicole sees Gabby wandering around and asks for help.
Victor gets a call and leaves. Vivian says, "I don't want to intrude, but..." She intrudes. She brings up Lawrence's murder and says it haunts her, "I don't want him forgotten."
"How will you make sure of that," asks Hope, "It wouldn't have anything to do with Carly Manning would it?"
Carly tells Bo she wants to move to Maggie's place.
Maggie and Mia finish building their concoction. Mia says Maggie has made her feel like she has a family, "Now that Grace is gone... family is everything."
"In other words," says Maggie, "What you're saying is you have nothing."
Stefano is on the phone barking orders, telling his henchmen to find Sydney, "If you fail to do this I will fire your asses — all of them!"
"Please don't do that," begs the flunky, "It's hard for donkeys to find work these days."
Kate suggests, "Maybe you should call EJ."
Stefano don' wanna. He thinks EJ has made a terrible mistake, "I'm going to do what I should have done from the start."
Nicole introduces herself as Laura. Gabby is Gabby. Nicolaura tells Gabby her husband has been abusive and she's trying to get out of town, so she needs money. She also says her husband is a cop so the cops can't help her. She just wants money for a bus ticket. She offers to trade her diamond bracelet for $7. Gabby gives her what money she has. Nicolaura thanks her. Gabby doesn't want the bracelet but Nicolaura insists, "I have no other way to repay you. I will never, ever bring my child back to this place."
Larry, Moe and Blondie stand in the woods and argue instead of looking for the kid.
Nicolaura and Gabby bid each other a fond goodbye. Nicolaura starts off but sees someone coming.
Vivian says Carly has been proven innocent, "Case closed."
"That's not accurate," says Hope, "Someone confessed." She thinks Vivian has a casual attitude about it all, "So drop the act."
"Maybe you should drop yours," says Vivian, "This concern over your husband's ex lover. I think you are the one who is unhappy she is free."
Bo gasps, "You are planning to move into the same house as your daughter?" Carly nods.
Maggie and Mia stick the pie in the oven. Mia says she's happy now, "Maybe some Thanksgiving I'll be as happy as Sami is now. As for this year, don't worry. I'll mope around here and make it the best Whinesgiving you've ever had."
The Three Stooges split up. This will enable them to bumble in three different directions at once.
Arianna finds Gabby as Nicole cowers. She asks who Gabby was talking to. Right now Gabby ain' talkin' to nobody. She starts to leave. Arianna grabs her arm to stop her and sees the bracelet, "Where did you get this? What's going on?"
Nicole frets. Sydney tries to decide whether she would be better off calling for help or just running off.
Bo asks what Hope is doing going through Carly's purse. Hope doesn't miss a beat. She continues to rummage through the purse and says, "If you think I'm embarrassed you caught me going through her purse and want an apology, don't hold your breath."
Carly tells Maggie she would like to live there. Maggie wants to know if there is a reason. "Yes," says Carly, "there is." Oooooo... I can't wait to find out. If things get any more suspenseful, I think I'll explode.
Kate finds Vivian and Victor at the Java Café. Vivian sees her and gushes, "Katie DiMera! As I live and breathe! You haven't aged... very much. Katie, Viv and Vic... Together again, just like old times!"
Arianna returns to her room and finds Gabby and Rafe, mouths agape. "What are you guys doing here," asks Arianna.
Rafe holds up the bag of drugs and asks, "Why don't you tell us what you're doing with this?"
Suddenly, Sami stops, "What's that sound?" EJ and Sami bustle around the foyer like a couple of prairie dogs who have just popped out of their holes.
Nicole shifts her eyes.
Sami and EJ discover the mysterious sound was Stefano coming in. Stefano says he doesn't want to leave things the way they were. Sami takes the screaming to new levels, "YOU BASTARD!"
"That does it," says Bob Anderson, "I'm moving to the cemetery across town. This neighborhood has gone to hell."
Nicole has worked her way into the rumpus room and she checks on Sydney.
Arianna wants to know how they found the coke. Gabby tells her she was looking for towels, "You said you were done with all this."
Arianna is busted, "I'm not."
Kate wants to know why Vivian is in Salem. Vivian congratulates her on taking over her old role as Mrs. Stefano DiMera. Kate ignores that, snipes and says, "I can't stay, but we can talk before you jet off to your next stop."
"I'm not going anywhere," says Vivian, "I'm going to be living here from now on." Victor, totally enjoying the show, looks up at Kate, smiles and waits for her reaction.
Kate says, "Well, I like the coffee at the Java Café, but I certainly would want to live somewhere else."
Carly tells Maggie she has to get out of Bo's house ASAP, so she continues to make her play to move in. So, waitaminute. The big, suspenseful reason Carly wants to move in with Maggie is she has to get out of Bo's house and needs a place to live. Damn! I wet myself for nothing. Maggie needs to know everything that's going on with her. What a surprise. She also says she has to run this by Mickey if she can ever find him, and reminds Carly there are two young women living there. Mia walks in and Carly tells Maggie they have already met. Maggie tells Mia Carly might be moving in. Carly asks if that's OK with Mia.
Bo and Hope bicker. Hope says obviously Carly has a secret. Bo reminds Hope she also has privacy. Hope nukes about Carly living with her husband. Bo says Carly isn't the source of the problems. Hope is. Hope says she still thinks Carly is a liar.
Sydney sleeps. Nicole whines, "I just want to hold you one last time and then I will leave you because that's what's best for you. You are all I care about."
Sami nukes at Stefano for keeping Nicole's secret, "How can you live with yourself?"
"After just a few months of marriage," says Stefano, "I've found it's better than living with Kate."
EJ jumps on the Stef-bashing train.
Stefano bellows, Oh, cry me a bloody river! I did what I did because this woman is a rotten influence and whenever you are around her you turn into a quivering statue! I am not the villain! It was her treachery that started this."
Out in the audience, an Ejami fan turns to her neighbor, "Did you hear that? Stefano said whenever EJ is around Sami he turns into a quivering statue. I'm starting to quiver myself."
A Lumi fan overhears and shouts, "Quiver away, honey, the only thing EJ has that resembles a statue is his IQ."
Nicole holds Sydney and wonders how she can leave her with all the fighting and yelling.
Mia OK's Carly staying. Maggie and Carly decide they need to talk another time. Carly leaves. Maggie turns to Mia and says she wishes she could help. Mia insists Maggie has helped her, but whenever she thinks about Grace she gets despondent. Maggie urges her not to blame herself. Mia blubbers, "I just want to bring my baby back."
"On this show," says Maggie, "There's a good chance that will happen."
Rafe wants answers. Arianna says she wants to speak to Rafe alone. Gabby plays the 'just-a-kid' card but they kick her out anyway. She leaves and Rafe blows his empty stack. Arianna whoas him up, "Before I tell you what's going on it's your turn to stay quiet. I kept your secret, now you keep mine.
Nicole is conflicted about whether or not to take Grace.
Outside in the foyer, Sami, EJ and Stefano keep up the cacophony. Suddenly everything stops, "What... what is it," asks Sami.
"I thought I heard a nanosecond of silence," says EJ.
Vivian announces, "I'm staying in town... much to Victor's delight."
Victor gives a goofy smile, "I'm tickled pink."
"Go where you want," says Kate, "but stay away from me and stay away from Phillip or you will be very sorry." She leaves.
Victor has a chuckle fit. "I had forgotten how stimulating it is to be around a woman like you."
"The party doesn't have to end now," purrs Vivian.
Hope says she doesn't trust Carly. Bo tells her only Carly knows what happened with Lawrence. Hope thinks it should bother him that she may not be being truthful, "You are willing to throw everything away just to protect her. She is playing a mind game with you."
"She wouldn't do that," says Bo, "That would take a mind."
Hope thinks his involvement with Carly also puts Bo in danger, "That I will not forgive. If I lost you I wouldn't have anyone to treat like garbage." She storms out. Bo stares.
Arianna tells Rafe about her undercover operation. The one with the cops, that is... Not the one with Brady. Rafe figures Brady knows also. Arianna whines and makes excuses about telling him. She says she doesn't know where she stands with Brady anymore because of Nicole.
EJ thinks things are too quiet. They rush into the rumpus room and find Sydney's empty crib. EJ freaks. Sami freaks. Stefano watches the freak show.
Victor is back at the Kiriakis mansion as Hope arrives. Victor takes her in with Vivian. Apparently Victor and Vivian did take the party elsewhere. Hope starts to leave but Vivian stops her and asks why Hope is there.
Carly is back at Bo and
Maggie wants Mia to open up, "I'll get my notebook." She invites Mia to help her bake pies for the Thanksgiving charity.
Mia says she isn't in the holiday spirit, "You want someone to count her blessings, go ask Sami."
Sami isn't exactly counting her blessings at the moment. The DiMera crowd panics as Kate comes in through the balcony doors. They ask her in unison if she has seen Sydney. Kate says she saw a figure out in the mist moving away form the house.
"It's Nicole," screams Sami, "She has taken my daughter!" Over at Salem labs, the Richter Scale registers its highest reading ever.
Nicole and Sydney slink through the woods. "This is our one last chance," says Nicole. Off they go.
Rafe insists Arianna make things right with Gabby. He gets a call and Sami tells him Nicole has stolen Sydney, "I need your help."
Rafe rolls his eyes, "When it rains it pours."
Maggie rambles on about how lost she was when she was drinking. She says she went to meetings and learned to be thankful for what she still had, "You can go upstairs and be sad and lonely or you can help me bake these pies. It's up to you, so what will it be?" Mia smiles. Quick, get me a hanky.
Rafe, EJ and Sami bumble their way through the woods. Rafe asks EJ, "How did you let this happen?"
Nicole wanders at the pier, "I don't have any money. What are we gonna do?"
"I don't know about you," says Sydney, but I could use a few rounds at the Cheatin' Heart."
Arianna calls Gabby. Gabby looks at her caller-ID, sees it's Arianna and refuses to pick up. Nicole sees Gabby wandering around and asks for help.
Victor gets a call and leaves. Vivian says, "I don't want to intrude, but..." She intrudes. She brings up Lawrence's murder and says it haunts her, "I don't want him forgotten."
"How will you make sure of that," asks Hope, "It wouldn't have anything to do with Carly Manning would it?"
Carly tells Bo she wants to move to Maggie's place.
Maggie and Mia finish building their concoction. Mia says Maggie has made her feel like she has a family, "Now that Grace is gone... family is everything."
"In other words," says Maggie, "What you're saying is you have nothing."
Stefano is on the phone barking orders, telling his henchmen to find Sydney, "If you fail to do this I will fire your asses — all of them!"
"Please don't do that," begs the flunky, "It's hard for donkeys to find work these days."
Kate suggests, "Maybe you should call EJ."
Stefano don' wanna. He thinks EJ has made a terrible mistake, "I'm going to do what I should have done from the start."
Nicole introduces herself as Laura. Gabby is Gabby. Nicolaura tells Gabby her husband has been abusive and she's trying to get out of town, so she needs money. She also says her husband is a cop so the cops can't help her. She just wants money for a bus ticket. She offers to trade her diamond bracelet for $7. Gabby gives her what money she has. Nicolaura thanks her. Gabby doesn't want the bracelet but Nicolaura insists, "I have no other way to repay you. I will never, ever bring my child back to this place."
Larry, Moe and Blondie stand in the woods and argue instead of looking for the kid.
Nicolaura and Gabby bid each other a fond goodbye. Nicolaura starts off but sees someone coming.
Vivian says Carly has been proven innocent, "Case closed."
"That's not accurate," says Hope, "Someone confessed." She thinks Vivian has a casual attitude about it all, "So drop the act."
"Maybe you should drop yours," says Vivian, "This concern over your husband's ex lover. I think you are the one who is unhappy she is free."
Bo gasps, "You are planning to move into the same house as your daughter?" Carly nods.
Maggie and Mia stick the pie in the oven. Mia says she's happy now, "Maybe some Thanksgiving I'll be as happy as Sami is now. As for this year, don't worry. I'll mope around here and make it the best Whinesgiving you've ever had."
The Three Stooges split up. This will enable them to bumble in three different directions at once.
Arianna finds Gabby as Nicole cowers. She asks who Gabby was talking to. Right now Gabby ain' talkin' to nobody. She starts to leave. Arianna grabs her arm to stop her and sees the bracelet, "Where did you get this? What's going on?"
Nicole frets. Sydney tries to decide whether she would be better off calling for help or just running off.
NOTE – you can now follow Prevuze on twitter at: http://twitter.com/prevuze Prevuze II has a video of the daily show previews, which should be available by noon (EST) on any given day. To see Prevuze II: CLICK HERE |
I did what I did because this woman is a rotten influence and whenever you are around her you turn into a quivering statue! I am not the villain! It was her treachery that started this."
Because when EJ was with Nicole he was just an idiot.
Rafe - are you freakin kidding me? Asking EJ how could he let this happen. What a lunk head. Let me check the calendar because I don't believe it is Saint Sami day.
Call me crazy, but Viv, Vic, and Katie look promising.
Gotta run this a.m. but a rather lackluster episode if you ask me.
Berg everyday is now St. Sami day.
How low a once fascinating character has dropped.
As much as I flove Ejami this does sound like a dud day. The writers have been trying to stomp Ejami fans out for years now they're going to strip Sami of everything Ej loved about her to try and stomp us out.
Its strange. I was looking at the web site daytimeroyaly.com and there was a clip of sami from along time ago. There is no resembalance to the character today. What happened? They (tptb)have ruined the character, she used to be fun,edgy exciting. Now we have wholesome,humdrum, and boring. Thanks Days for ruining my favorite character. c
As if we all didn't see the Nicole kidnapping Sydney story. Puhlease! How stupid do these writers think we are?
Thanks prevuze for taking one for the team and watching the show for us all!
Nicole comes up to the window and stares at Sydney.
Where are the guards patrolling the grounds of the DiMera property? They should have been notified that Nicole is persona non grata so she shouldn’t have gotten anywhere near the mansion.
Nicole has worked her way into the rumpus room and she checks on Sydney.
Of course, this is after Nicole has disabled the security system. That would be the same super duper system that was installed after Rafe managed to get in and case the mansion. Geez!
So, waitaminute. The big, suspenseful reason Carly wants to move in with Maggie is she has to get out of Bo's house and needs a place to live. Damn! I wet myself for nothing.
Poor Prevuze has once again been reeled in by those oooooh sooooo clever DOOL writers. Depends and barf bags – it’s not safe to watch DOOL without them.
"How can you live with yourself?"
"After just a few months of marriage," says Stefano, "I've found it's better than living with Kate."
Sounds about right Prevuze!
Stefano bellows, “Oh, cry me a bloody river! I did what I did because this woman is a rotten influence and whenever you are around her you turn into a quivering statue!”
Who would have guessed it? Stefano is a helicopter parent!
She just wants money for a bus ticket. She offers to trade her diamond bracelet for $7.
Oh the incredible coincidence – Nicole runs into Gabby who gives her $7 for a bus ticket in exchange for a diamond bracelet. Hasn’t Nicole heard of a pawn shop? Currently, I pay $2.25 to ride the El to work, and CTA is threatening to raise the fare to $3. Exactly how far will $7 get you on a Greyhound bus?
The Three Stooges split up. This will enable them to bumble in three different directions at once.
Instead of putting together their own search and destroy mission, someone in this brain trust should have called 911. An Amber alert would be crawling along the bottom of TV screens pronto, and the radio stations would be all over the kidnapping. At least Stefano called out the troops. Nicole only has $7 so she should be easy enough to track down.
Whinesgiving – Thanks Prevuze, I’m definitely going to use that one!
What happened to Sami? Hello, she finally grew up.
Rafe, EJ and Sami bumble their way through the woods. Rafe asks EJ, "How did you let this happen?"
I totally picture an Evil Dead II moment where these three are running in place while being hit repeatedly with fake tree branches.
On Arianna - up until now, I've never quite bought into the hatefest for Arianna, largely because she hasn't seemed nearly as insipid as her brother (or Brady, or Sami) but clearly girl has to learn to hide her drugs better. Ciara's teddy bear would have done a better job.
Ok...sorry not getting the humor in this one or did i forget something? Who's daughter???
Bo gasps, "You are planning to move into the same house as your daughter?" Carly nods.
Episode = dud. Prevuze = funny, funny, funny. LOL at the cemetery residents reacting to all the commotion. And that picture of the teddy bear!!! Should have been rated R for 'not suitable for viewing by young children or stuffed animals'. lolol
As for Melanie or Mia being Carly's long lost daughter...besides the fact that the timelines make absolutely no sense for either of these 16 to 18 20-year-olds to be her kid...puh-leeze! This whole s/l is going to turn out to be so ridiculous.
That rant aside, since the writers are trying to make it so obvious that Mia is the daughter (Carly seeking her out on the docks, all the sympathy to her plight), I'm going with Melanie.
I read in a spoiler that Lawrence found out Carly was pregnant from a one-night-stand affair at a convention and gave her a choice - the baby dies or is given away. I'm betting that a creepy Lawrence would be acquainted to the slimy professor "father" of Max and Melanie.
That's my theory and I'm sticking to it. As for Prevuze and all those Prevuzites out there - have a great Thanksgiving! I'm thankful for all of you.
Am I missing something? Wasn't Rafe in an orphanage at the convent? Now Mom is checking up on him. Hmmm. Not that this show has continuity.
Molivia - excellent point!
Forget guards and security systems (which obviously neither one works) how about just keeping your doors locked, Stefano? Duh.
Hope thinks his involvement with Carly also puts Bo in danger. "If I lost you I wouldn't have anyone to treat like garbage." I think she would. She'd just move in on and boss poor Justin around and treat him like dirt, too. Just like when she was with Patrick.
Arianna grabs her arm to stop her and sees the bracelet, "Where did you get this? What's going on?" I'm going to have to remember that the next time I see my sister with a new piece of jewelry on. Jeez! Hopefully Gabby will tell her it cost her $5 at Claire's and to butt out. HA
Poor Prevuze, getting all excited thinking there was some big exciting reason for Carly moving out. Well, at least you'll get a break in reporting tomorrow since it's pre-empted Thursday. Unless you're working on a warm and fuzzy special Thanksgiving Prevuze for us? Thanks! :D
Unless you're working on a warm and fuzzy special Thanksgiving Prevuze for us? Thanks! :D
Tomorrow's edition will be the long-awaited and much anticipated "All About Prevuze" posting. After chickening out last Saturday, I finally decided to bite the bullet and write the tell-all exposé that will shock the world. I'm sure it will even make one of those inane segments on Entertainment Tonight.
The things you will read tomorrow will make the stuff that has separated Michelle and McKenzie Phillips look like a nursery rhyme. I have left nothing out.
Well, OK, I've left out a few things.
1) Under the advice of my attorney, I've left out anything alluding to the donkey show, since we're still trying to get some of the participants out of that Tijuana jail.
2) I have also omitted anything about Redi Whip and Mazola, but only because I don't want to be accused of product placement.
If that's what you consider "warm and fuzzy" then I guess I'll (say it with me) be there for you. If not, wear your snuggie.
Tomorrow's edition will be the long-awaited and much anticipated "All About Prevuze" posting.
This could be a "tell all" book in the making. Paging Kitty Kelley!
It sounded to be like Carly says " I had to do it, he was gonna kill MY BABY!"
As always, you rule Prevuze !! Have a great Thanksgiving!!
I can't remember. Is the guy who played Mickey last still with the show on recurring status, or was he fired? I thought he was the best of the replacements they've hired.
Is the guy who played Mickey last still with the show on recurring status, or was he fired?
I believe he is still recurring.
Was that the guy from Knotts Landing, or did I miss one of the Mickey incarnations. They keep getting younger, thank goodness. Maybe Maggie will become a cougar. (I can't believe I used that term)
Katie, Viv and Vic...that's one menage a trois I wouldn't care to see. All those scars. Yikes.
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