Monday, April 24, 2006

Salem's Biggest Snakes

Hope slings a piece of paper. She can't believe it. How could Bo give up on them? She calls Jennifer. Jennifer bawls her out. She isn't happy about the divorce. She won't let it happen.

Frankie wants to know if Bo has any leads on Lockhart. "No," snarls Bo, "And if I catch him anywhere near my wife again, I'll teach him the legend of the flying fists. You can shred those papers. I am not granting a divorce."

"You know the law in this state," says Frankie, "She doesn't need your consent. My job is to see her wishes are carried out."

Lucas barks instructions to Eugenia as Austin comes up. Lexie left a message to meet with him, Lucas and Carrie. She has invited every one except Sami.

Sami and Lexie argue. Lexie says finding the lump was a wake up call, "I'm eliminating the stress from my life. If that means destroying you, then that's a bonus. Your tears won't work on me."

Sami insists, "Your whole future is at risk."

Lexie says, "There is nothing you can do to hurt me or to stop me."

"Maybe not me," says Sami, "But Alex will. It will be your own damn fault."

Alex bumps into Marlena. He sees she is upset and asks, "What happened?" He sees John in the background, "I should have known."

Lexie interrupts... there is something you all need to know. Austin, Lucas, Carrie and the Salem Tabernacle Choir all walk in. Lexie moves them into the hospital auditorium, so there is room for everyone, "I'm glad you are all here..."

"What is going on," asks the throng.

"That's what I would like to know," says Abe, "Well... Lexie?"

Bo looks over the divorce papers. Frankie says he is sorry. He advises Bo to get his own attorney.

"That would be the smart thing to do," says Bo, "So I can't. You lawyer types will just tear our life apart."

"Unfortunately," says Frankie, "Division of assets is part of any divorce. I suggest you two go through a mediation process."

"That would be the smart thing to do," says Bo, "So I can't. I can't believe we're having this discussion."

"I can't either," says Frankie.

Bo says, "If there was a way I could talk to her. You know, just get through to her somehow."

Frankie says, "Maybe there is."

Abe takes Lexie outside and asks what is going on. Lexie promises to tell him everything in a few minutes. Abe suggests she should tell him in private.

"That would be the smart thing to do," says Lexie, "So I can't. Trust me on this."

Carrie wonders why Lexie wants to talk to them. Lucas thinks Sami knows something since she is acting so tense.

Alex leaves to make some honeymoon arrangements.

Tek advises John to keep his cool and his distance.

"That would be the smart thing to do," says John, "So I can't. I was getting though to her, Tek. I need a little more time with her."

"Just don't try anything stupid," says Tek.

"I don't know any other way," says John.

Lexie comes back in and apologizes for keeping them waiting. She stammers around, "I'm sure you're wondering what this is about. I have something important to tell you and it won't be easy."

Frankie tells Bo to do whatever it takes to find Hope. Maybe he can turn this around. Frankie has to leave. Bo asks how things are going with him and Jennifer. Frankie thought this would never have happened. He knows she will always love Jack. Bo points out Frankie was Jennifer's first love, "Don't let her go. Don't wind up like me."

Hope insists she isn't coming home. She is divorcing Bo. Jennifer can't believe it. Hope says, "It was a difficult decision. I need your support."

"I support you," says Jennifer, "Is there something I can do?"

"Not really," says Hope, "How is it going with Frankie? Maggie told me all about you and him. I think you make a great couple."

"We'll just wait and see what happens," says Jennifer.

"It's what Jack wanted," says Hope.

"I miss him so much," says Jennifer, "Probably like you miss Bo right now."

"I try to keep busy," says Hope.

Jennifer asks, "Isn't it lonely there?"

"Actually," says Hope, "I've been here with Patrick Lockhart."

Jennifer just about swallows the mouthpiece.

Frankie leaves. Bo goes to his desk and contemplates a picture of him and Hope, "I'm gonna get you back, Fancy Face. No matter what it takes."

Hope tells Jennifer she and Patrick didn't come to the island together. She wound up in the same bungalow as him. He insisted she stay.

"That sounds like Patrick," says Jennifer, "When I lost Jack the first time... or was it the second... maybe the third... who can keep track... I couldn’t have gotten along with out him. You should come home, Hope."

"That would be the smart thing to do," says Hope, "So I can't. I probably won't come back for a long while."

"We miss you so much," says Jennifer.

Hope says, "I'm just not ready. I don't know if I ever will be. There are so many sad memories there. I will stay in touch, but please do not tell anyone Patrick is here with me." Translation: Spread the word as quickly as possible.

"OK," says Jennifer, "You have my word."

"The last thing I need is Bo going ballistic."

"He would," says Jennifer, "Take care. Bye." She hangs up, "Oh my gosh, Hope, you hare making a huge mistake. What are you doing?"

Hope wanders over and picks up one of those legendary flowers, "I know you're worried, Jen, but I'm doing what I need to do."

Lexie announces, "The first thing is about my health. I found a lump."

"Mumble, mumble, mumble," says the multitude.

Abe steps up to her. Lexie tells him she is prepared to deal with it. She is going to eliminate unnecessary stress. The nurse comes up with the results. Lexie opens them. Lexie stares. Lexie cries. She hands the papers to Abe.

Abe reads, "Oh... benign."

"Oh! What a relief," exclaims the peanut gallery.

"Why didn't you tell me," asks Abe.

"That would be the smart thing to do," says Lexie, "So I couldn't. Lexie's phone rings, "I have to go, there is an emergency." She asks the group to wait with baited breath until she returns.

Sami sneaks into the emergency room, "Dammit, Alex, where are you? your plan is not working."

Marlena looks for Alex as John grabs her, "You are gonna remember everything and I am gonna help you do it."

Lucas wonders what else Lexie has to tell them. Carrie just wouldn't know. She tells him she is going to go to the nursery. She has decided to volunteer to work there, so she can work with her peers. Lucas thinks that's a good idea. It will be good practice for when she is a mom.

Carrie leaves. Eugenia tells Lucas, "This thing with Lexie doesn't make sense. She might be gearing up for a showdown. I'll give you one guess who's on the receiving end."

"Sami," says Lucas.

Alex was wondering when Sami would show up. Sami asks what is going on. Alex says, "I think it's time that we let Lexie know who's really in charge here, don't you?"

Jennifer picks thins up as she wonders what would happen if Bo found out, "I can't tell anyone."

Frankie's impeccable timing brings him in at that critical moment, "Not even me?"

Bo vows to reach Hope. He turns to the computer, "This may be my last chance. It better work."

Hope stares out the window, "Where are you, Patrick. I know you need time alone. I wish you would let me help you. I know what it's like to lose the love of your life." Hope's computer chimes... EMAIL. Hope stares at the screen, "I don't believe this. Why is he doing this?"

Carrie watches as the nurse hauls out a baby. "I never get tired of looking at them," says Carrie.

"You mean like the audience gets tired of looking at you," asks the nurse, "I think you will be a natural as a volunteer." Austin comes up.

Abe talks to Tek. He doesn't understand it, "Lexie finds a lump and doesn't tell me."

"That would be the smart thing to do," says Tek, "She couldn't."

Abe asks, "Why would she share it with these other people?"

"The only thing I know is she loves you," says Tek, "She would never purposely hurt you."

Abe says, "Thank you for reminding me this is about Lexie, not me. I know we have had our differences, but you've always been there for my family. You looked out for them when I was on the island. You've been a good friend."

"My pleasure," says Tek.

Eugenia wonders what Sami did this time. Lucas remembers talking to Sami about her behavior, "I don't know what she is up to but there is one way to find out."

Sami tells Alex it's over, "We should stop. We're finished."

Guess who walks in. "Yes you are," says Lexie, "I should have known Salem's biggest snakes were working together. I intend on doing what's right from now on. They all will know the truth. You both will lose everything."

Alex smirks, "You will be the biggest loser of all. You stand to lose your whole family."

"We'll see about that," snorts Lexie.

Alex flicks his recorder on. "My relationship has nothing to do with you," says Abe's voice.

Alex' voice asks, "If another man would try to seal Lexie..."

"I would want to kill him," says Abe's voice.

Jennifer says she didn't hear Frankie come in. He wonders what her little secret is. "Hope called," she says. I promised I wouldn't tell. I couldn't talk her out of the divorce. If they would just talk to each other..."

"That would be the smart thing to do," says Frankie, "So they can't. I told Bo the same thing. If I know my brother, he will try, though."

Bo talks to his computer monitor, "Come on, Hope. Answer."

Hope looks at a picture of her and Bo hugging. She wonders why Shawn sent it.

Speaking of Shawn...

Click here to vote for Shawn!


OR... Reilly for BUTTER BALL

Hope types, "What are you up to?"

Bo gets the email, "YES! IT WORKED!"

Frankie computes. Jennifer says she is off to the mall. She thanks him for watching Jack Junior, and then asks what he is doing.

"Running a profile on someone wanted for murder," says Frankie, "...Patrick Lockhart."

Jennifer flashes back to her conversation with Hope, "Are you serious?"

"I know you and Patrick are friends," says Frankie, "But be glad he is long gone."

Hope types, "Butter Hunk, are you there?"

Bo types, "It's not Shawn, it's Bo, and we need to talk. Please call me." SEND.

Hope reads. "NO," she types, "How dare use our son's screen mane to try to trick me. I want you to leave me alone." SEND.

"I'm sorry Fancy Face," Bo types, "I can't do that. I'm sorry. I had to reach you and tell you how much I love and need you. I can't live without you."

Hope shuts her computer.

Bo types, "I can't lose you." Suddenly his computer has a conniption, "YOU'VE BEEN BLOCKED! "

Hmmm... Whatever happened to, "How could Bo give up on them?"

"Dammit," says Bo.

Hope bawls like a little girl.

Carrie asks Austin what he is doing there. He had to talk to her, "I can't get you out of my mind. I want a family so bad, and I want one with you."

"We can't go back," says Carrie.

Austin says, "The only thing I know is that I love you so much, and that I am never gonna let you go." Kiss. Carrie chokes. Austin is forced to perform the Heimlich maneuver to remove his tongue.


Abe wonders what is keeping Lexie. He goes for coffee.

Marlena says John can't keep her from going with Alex. John says I ain't gonna let you go. We have always come back to each other. We're gonna do it again. Just remember the vows we took.

Marlena flashes back. She says her vows, "Being away from you was worth it. Now we can be together all the Days Of Our Lives. I love you."

There are things John doesn't remember. Amnesia is very contagious. He loves her. It is that simple. She is his life, "You are the reason for me rising in the morning and lying down at night and acting like a child in between."

Marlena snaps out of it. "My God," says John, "You are remembering." Marlena cries.

Lucas sneaks around.

Lexie chokes, "What th'... Where did you get that?"

"I just happened to record a conversation with Abe," says Alex.

He turns the recorder back on. Abe's voice says, "What you are doing is wrong, North. You have manipulated Marlena."

"I never had to manipulate her," says Alex' voice, "The only reason she married John is she had amnesia back then. I don't consider that a betrayal. If your wife ever betrayed you, could you forgive her?"

"She would not cheat," says Abe's voice, "Not now, not ever again, but I couldn't forgive her. Satisfied? If she ever broke our vows again I'd leave her and take our son."

Alex turns if off, "What's it going to be Dr. Carver? Are you going to let Sami and I live happily ever after with the people we love or are you going to risk losing your husband... And your little boy." FF on the adulteress.


Lucas tells Sami, "I'll bet Lexie was going to say something pretty bad. You just dodged another bullet, didn't you?"

Marlena says to Alex, "You abused me physically and psychologically. And now you're drugging me, aren't you?"

Belle tells Phillip, "It's time for me to be honest with you about how I'm feeling." Phillip does his best bobblehead impression.

Shawn says, "I cannot wait to read this letter, finally." Mimi grimaces.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Loved the on-line vote. Where in the world did Shawn come up with a screen name of Butter Hunk?? Or, is that a Prevuism? HAHAHA

Just what any man would have his wife publicly announce to all of Salem that he's been cuckholed!!

Will wait with baited breath until we can see all the pics!

Thank goodness Prevuze found a wait to feed my daily habit.

11:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amen! I was totally lost this morning without my daily Prevuze fix! Fortunately Prevuze found a way to save the day.

There are so many things I should be doing (like working) instead of reading Prevuze "But that would be the smart thing to do so I won't." :D

Thanks, Prevuze!

11:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It almost took all day but, VOILA!! Prevuze and pictures...what more could I want.

Everytime a character had to pronouce, "That would be the smart thing to do. So I (he, she, it) can'," I just started laughing harder. CLASSIC PREVUZE today!

1:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG! I wasn't able to get to the links for Butter Hunk and Jabba Hunk. The separated at birth picture was inspired. HAHAHAHAHA

7:49 PM  

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