Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Mayday! Mayday!

Lexie is on the phone telling them to put a rush on her biopsy results. She knows it's against protocol, but, hey, they can make an exception for Lexie the Great Healer.

"Thank you," says Lexie as Sami watches. Lexie hangs up, bows her head and walks off. Oh, the angst! Sami flashes back to her latest conversation with her.

"Dammit, Lexie," thinks Sami, "All she cares about is clearing her conscience. Never mind the consequences. I have to stop her."

Alex says, "This will be the most romantic honeymoon in history." Marlena wants to know where they are going but Alex won't tell. Such a tease. He tells her to pack lightly.

"Give me a hint," begs Marlena, "Are we going to a different country? Different continent? Different hemisphere? Different planet? "

Alex sighs, "I will tell you this much. This will be a trip from which you will never quite recover."

The brat says, "After everything Dad has done for me I've just made him miserable. I have to make it up to him."

Frankie comes up to her and says, "Chelsea, what's going on?"

Bo calls Shawn. He wants him to get off this stupid honeymoon kick and come to the station to talk about Hope. After they hang up, Bo says, "I can't let Hope do this. Shawn is the only one who can help me."

As Shawn leaves, Mimi complains about her Shawn-less honeymoon. Shawn promises his absences will end. Belle's ears are as big as her mouth – she eavesdrops. Mimi says now she understands why people go away on their honeymoon. She is resolved to the fact he's leaving but wants him to herself for a while. They smooch their way into the elevator as Belle stares.

Bo reads the rap sheet for SSK XLVIII. "It's gotta be Lockhart," he growls, "It's a good thing Hope isn't anywhere near him."

Patrick discovers Hope at Alma's grave. He says, "You wanted to know about my past. There it is."

"I just wanted to know where you were going," says Hope.

"I asked you to leave this one thing alone," says Patrick, "When you find out what happened you'll hate me as much as your husband does. I am responsible for Alma's death. I killed her."

Hope says, "You loved Alma. Whatever happened, I'm sure it wasn't your fault."

"I didn't physically put my hands on her," says Patrick, "But I might as well have. I'm the reason she died."

"If you want to talk I'm here to listen," says Hope. Translation, "Give me the juicy details."

"Talking about it hurts," says Patrick, "My life was a waste. I was a con man. But when I ended up here, I didn't just find the most beautiful place on earth, I found love. I kept telling her that I wasn't worthy of her but she believed in me." Flashback to Alma and Patrick twirling the legend-flower in a hammock. Patrick has never been so happy. He tells her he's done some pretty bad things before they met.

Alma tells him, "When you love you take the bad with the good."

Patrick says, "Alma gave me her love and sweetness and she paid for it with her life."

"Hey, Frankie," says the brat, "I'm just here to talk to my dad."

"Me too," says Frankie, "I'm a lawyer. Is there something you want to share with me? You'll have total confidentiality, for a price, of course."

Chelsea starts to tell Frankie. Shawn comes in. The brat says hello, but he tells her to put a sock in it.

Shawn goes into Bo's office. The brat whines, "Nothing is going to fix this. Zack is gone. Nobody will ever forgive me. I don't blame them."

Bo tells Shawn, "The future of our family is at stake. If you know where your mom is, you gotta tell me."

Marlena says, "You're making this honeymoon sound dangerous."

"Not as dangerous as Shawn's will be if he leaves Mimi one more time," says Alex, "But I'm hoping it will at least blow you away a little. The real danger is here in Salem. John Black. When a man has such a beautiful wife he has to expect other men to be jealous. The blind ones."

"I want whatever you want," says the drugged damsel.

Alex vows, "As soon as we are out of Salem I will dedicate my life to making you happy."

Marlena goes up to pack. Alex makes a phone call, "My wife has decided to put her penthouse on the market. It was in Dream Homes magazine a couple of years ago. It should be pretty easy to sell. We would like you to handle the sale. Wire the money to my offshore account. I'll call you in a week." He hangs up and contemplates the drugs, "Oh, my time for a refill. I need Marlena to be compliant until we are out of Salem. Once we are gone and the drugs have worn off Marlena will realize what her horrible fate will be."

Bonnie sees Sami at the Java Café. She wonders what she is up to, "She's plotting someone's destruction. I'd bet my life on it." She watches as Belle meets Sami and asks what's up. Sami was thinking of Marlena on the honeymoon from hell.

Sami senses something is wrong and asks, "Is there trouble in paradise Mrs. Kiriakis?"

"Phillip is wonderful," says Belle.

"So why don't you love him," asks the always-tactful Sami.

"I do," insists Belle.

"But...," says Sami, "Do you want me to say it..."

"I'm still in love with Shawn and it's killing me," blurts Belle. Bonnie soaks it in.

Lexie comes to the penthouse. Marlena had the door locked, so Lexie asks if Marlena is really that afraid of John.

"Are you kidding," says Marlena.

"He is trying to protect you from Alex," says Lexie.

"If you're criticizing Alex," says Marlena, "you have to leave."

"You do need protection from him," says Lexie, "I can prove it."

"The fact you love Shawn is hardly news," says Sami, "I just call it like I see it."

Belle huffs, "I shoulda known I can't talk to you."

"No one wants to hear you whining," says Sami, "You either have to make peace with the bed you lie in or get out of it. Mimi isn't your best friend. You do love him, right? Then stop being little miss goodie two shoes and fight for the man you love."

Bonnie eavesdrops and thinks, "If Belle takes that advice, I'll wring both their necks."

Patrick tells the awful story. He owed the mob money. He came to the island to hide out and get the money together to pay them back. That's when he met Alma Delgado, "She saw something good in me. I tried to convince her to stay away but she didn't care about my past." He sobs, "She wanted to have my babies. She changed my life. I finally figured out what life is supposed to be like – not every guy for himself. I cut my ties to the organization. I still owed them money. I tried to get in touch with guys who owed me money. It didn't work. I wanted to start over with her where they couldn't find me."

Flashback. Patrick runs into a room and finds Alma cold and dead on the floor. "The men I owed killed her instead of me. That way they knew I'd suffer every day for the rest of my life."

Shawn says if Hope had wanted Bo to know where she was she would have told him. He asks if Hope has been in touch with him. Shawn doesn't answer.

"She asked me for a divorce," says Bo.

Marlena trusts Lexie's opinion, just not about John and Alex. She swoons. Lexie asks about the chicken tracks on her arm and says this is how Alex is controlling her, "When are you going to recognize the danger you are in? Where did these marks come from? Is your brain still working? Alex is the only person who could have been drugging you."

Marlena says Alex would never hurt her as Alex walks into the room, "Of course I would never hurt you. Dr. Carver, I am extremely disappointed in you."

Belle whines, "I can't break up Shawn and Mimi's marriage. I'm not a home wrecker."

"You mean like me," says Sami, "Come on, Belle, people get divorced. Look at the women in this family – always cheating on their husbands."

"I would never do that," says Belle.

Sami says, "If you let all these feelings build up inside you, you will wind up doing something you regret."

"I thought over time my feelings for Shawn would go away," says Belle.

"It's not like that," says Sami, "You were meant to be together. Seeing the four of you out celebrating Shawn and Mimi's honeymoon was like a freaking tragedy. You and Shawn are with the wrong partners. And you are the only one who can fix it." Bonnie seethes.

Patrick continues his tale of woe, "If I hadn't been into them for so much money Alma wouldn't have died. I can't forgive myself. Bo was right all along. You shouldn't have trusted me."

The brat breaks up the Bo-Shawn love fest, "Shawn, there is something you should know." Shawn unloads on her. Mimi tells him to cool his jets.

Shawn tells Bo he doesn't deserve Hope and storms out. Mimi makes excuses for him, and then follows.

Bo says, "Frankie, if you're here to discuss the case..."

"I'm sorry," Frankie interrupts and hands Bo the dreaded envelope, "Hope is filing for a divorce."

Alex asks if Marlena is packed. No. He suggests she go finish.

Once he is alone with Lexie he says, "I thought you valued your marriage to Abe."

"I do," insists the adulteress, "That's why I'm going to tell him the truth. I'm eliminating all the stress from my life."

"You might as well stick a dagger into your heart," says Alex, "You will not only lose your marriage, but your good name as well."

"I'm not letting a murdering liar blackmail me," says Lexie, "I discovered a lump. It's amazing what a possible death sentence can do. I'm getting you out of Marlena's life."

Sami says, "Great sex and great love... when they go together there is nothing better. Not everyone has the opportunity to have it all in one package. You and Shawn do. It must kill Mimi when the three of you are together. You married Phillip because Shawn dumped you for Jan. If you had found out the truth you and Shawn would be married. When the honeymoon is over Shawn will find himself married to a woman he doesn't love."

"What about Claire," asks Belle.

"You don't want Claire to grow up in a family where her parents don't love each other."

"Phillip is a great guy."

Sami asks the million-dollar question, "Have you ever felt like you can't live without him?"

For once in her life, Belle is silent.

"There is your answer," says Sami.

Belle whines, "Every morning when I wake up, I wish it was Shawn next to me."

"You love him," says Sami.

"So much."

Sami says, "Go to him. Tell him. Before you lose your nerve."

"Thanks Sami," says Belle. She runs off to tell Shawn the good news. So much for Belle not being a home wrecker.

Sami breaks down, "Anytime, Belle."

Bonnie thinks, "Belle is not going to take my Mimi's husband away. Sami you just made yourself another enemy."

Shawn rants about Bo. Mimi wonders if Bo and Hope shouldn't at least talk about this. She thinks he should tell Bo where Hope is. Shawn decides to email Hope as he goes on a tirade, "Lies kill relationships. If you love your spouse you shouldn't keep the truth from them. It's unforgivable." Mimi stares.

Lexie tells Alex, "Get out of Salem. Once I tell John you have been drugging Marlena, he and Abe will tear you apart."

Alex says, "You are trying to strike a bargain with God. You think if you come clean, He will protect you. I thought you were smarter than that."

"You will feel the consequences of your actions. Believe me." She leaves.

Marlena comes down, "Was that Lexie slamming the door? Did you have a fight?" He tells her to finish packing. Like a yo-yo, back up she goes.

Alex says, "Marlena needs another dose pronto. I think I have just come up with a brilliant way of dealing with Lexie. It might be cruel but who deserves cruelty more than an adulteress?"

Bonnie calls Mimi. "Mayday! Mayday! Belle is on the way over to tell Shawn she loves him. You have to stop her before she wrecks your future with Shawn."

"Short of killing her, I don’t know what I can do."

"You'd be doing the world a favor," says Bonnie, "Otherwise, you'd better put your thinking cap on."

"All I have is a dunce cap," says Mimi.

The doorbell rings. Bonnie panics, "OMG! Is that the doorbell? You'd better do something quick."

Shawn gets up and opens the door. Belle announces, "There is something I have to say to you and I hope it isn't too late."


Hope tells Patrick, "Bo was wrong about you. When I fell in love with him, he was my hero, but not any more. Now that I'm older and wiser and sadder I appreciate different qualities in a man. You are a good person."

"You're wrong," says Patrick, "I am not a good man, and I am sure not good for any woman, including you. Get as far away from me as you can. Go back to Bo." He stoops at the grave.

Frankie hands Bo the papers. "So she did it," says Bo, "She filed for divorce."

"I'm sorry," says Frankie, "I know how much you love her."

Bo stammers, "Uh, F-F-F-Frankie, I don't know what I am supposed to do." For starters, don't ask HER lawyer for advice, doofus.

"You will find a way to change her mind," says Frankie.

"Everything I say and do is wrong. It sends her running."

The brat butts in. Bo explodes, "My wife just asked me for a divorce. Could you think of someone beside yourself for once?" He calms down, "I'm sorry. We'll talk later."

The brat and Frankie leave. Bo agonizes.

"He really is mad at me isn't he," says the brat, "When he tells Hope she will be mad at me and not him."

Frankie says, "You're not gonna get any sympathy from me. When he calms down tell him what happened. Do it soon."

"I will."

Bo trembles, "I can't lose you, Fancy Face. I won't." FF.


Alex tells Sami, "I have a very specific course of action in mind. The perfect solution to both our problems. Interested?"

Belle asks Shawn, "So... What? You're saying that divorce might be OK sometimes?"

Hope grabs Patrick, "I'm not letting you go."

Bo asks, "What's this about?" The brat says, "It's bout what I have done... to you and Hope."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Inspired pictures today! Everyone was hilarious.

New rule.....DOOL writers have to read Prevuze to find out how an entertaining soap should be written!

6:11 AM  

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