The Hungry Coyote And The Baby Lamb
Sami flashes back to Austin telling her he never came on to her. He wants Carrie, but Carrie is with Mike now. Back to reality. Sami harangues abut Carrie. She sees an envelope on the desk, "This is it," she says. She stomps out of the apartment.
Lucas is on the phone, "How about putting them in a basket in groups of flowers. Orange, pink, white roses, exotic stuff. I don't care what it costs. Send them to my apartment as soon as possible. Thanks." He looks at a picture of Carrie and him and flashes back to the concert. Then he remembers Carrie telling him she still has feelings for Austin. Back to reality, "If I could just make you see we both need a change..."
Doorbell. Lucas opens the door. Sami. She walks right past him and into the apartment. Lucas turns and says, "Oh, come on in. You read my mind."
She says she came to see Will, "My Aunt Kim sent him a Christmas card. I wanted to give it to him." He wants to know the real reason she is there.
Austin meets Kate in the hospital cafeteria. He asks about Claire. No change. "I know things look bad for baby Claire," says Austin, "We gotta have hope."
He tells Kate he's meeting someone special for hot chocolate – Carrie. Kate's jaw drops.
Roman is on the phone. Carrie comes up behind him as he hangs up. Big reunion.
Pan from Claire's monitor to Belle's deadpan face. Shawn comes in. Everyone's grim. He offers to stay with Claire if Belle wants to go to the chapel with Phillip. Belle cries, "I can't. I'm afraid she won't be here when I get back. Besides, they didn't want to pay Phillip to be on the show today."
Marlena defends Alex. Dr. Banks says she is concerned about Marlena falling victim to him again, "It's been a long time since I've seen you, Marlena."
Marlena hesitates, "Sorry, I don't remember."
"We were once so close," says Dr. Banks, "We told each other everything. I want to warn you, Marlena, letting Alex back into your life would be a mistake, one that could cost you your life."
Roman can't believe Carrie is there. Carrie runs on about how she couldn't face everyone after the way she ended her marriage. Roman says she has nothing to be ashamed of. She tells him she's the CEO of a cosmetic company. He's impressed. He wants her to move the company to Salem. She can't do that. She has to keep it afloat. He wants to know if the company is in trouble.
Kate and Austin talk about Carrie. He says he doesn't know much about what she Carrie doing. They'll catch up today and he'll find out. He tells Kate about Carrie and Mike's divorce. Kate is delighted.
Sami wants to talk about Carrie. Lucas says Carrie is adjusting well after her breakup. Sami has figured out Lucas went to LA to be with her. Lucas accuses Sami of going after Austin. She tells him Austin is interested in someone else. Lucas says Carrie is interested in someone else, too. He suggests Sami just butt out.
Shawn encourages Belle to take a break. Belle doesn't want to. Shawn says if she is going to stay with Claire, then he will, too. He reminisces about JT, when he was sick, "No parent should have to bury their child."
"My mom did," says Belle, "His name was DJ. He died of SIDS. I can't imagine how she got through that. When Claire was born maybe she knew a part of me didn't want her..."
"Don't' say that. You do want her."
Belle whines, "Now I may never get the chance to make it up to her."
"There is nothing anyone could have done to prevent this," says Shawn, "Please don't blame yourself."
"It's hard not too," whimpers Belle, "I can't help think she's dying and it's my fault."
Marlena wants to know why she should believe Dr. Banks. Lois asks why she should fabricate something like this. Marlena asks Alex if she knows Lois.
"I won't lie to you," says Alex, "She is a face from our past. I don't know what her being here will prove, though."
John jumps in, "Marlena, will you listen to what she has to say?" Marlena stares.
Lucas doesn't want to talk about this. Sami says, "I understand you don't want to talk about Carrie, but I feel like I have a certain family obligation to look after her."
Lucas is skeptical, "A family obligation? You? You're like a hungry coyote looking after a baby lamb. I know what you're doing. You're wondering if she's lonely and what she's doing, because you think she's interested in Austin, don't you?"
"No," she huffs, "That is not true."
"That is true," says Lucas, "You did that thing with your eyes. You're lying right now."
Sami caves, "All right. Yeah, I do want to know. I understand Mike isn't an option. If Carrie were interested in someone, she would be with him for the holidays. She is interested in Austin, isn't she?"
"Yeah," says Lucas, "She is interested in Austin. And he's interested in her, too, right? Makes sense."
Sami says, "What? It makes sense to you we can't be with the people we want to be with? You could help me."
"I'm not your co-conspirator!"
Sami rambles, "If Carrie finds out that Austin is interested in her and Austin finds out that Carrie is interested in him, we've lost." Lucas cocks his head like a confused puppy.
Austin tells Kate he's going to focus on getting his business up and running. Kate asks if she can help, "I know Basic Black is the competition, but when it comes to family, you know where my loyalties lie." Yeah, with Kate. He shows her the Highstyle numbers.
Kate likes it, "This is why you need a good woman by your side."
"Aw, Mooommm, that would be a conflict of interest," says the doofus.
"Not me," says Kate, "Maybe you should open negotiations with Carrie." Kate has to leave. She's going to stop by Lucas'. Austin asks how that is going. "Better," says Kate, "He's actually called me 'Mom' a couple of times."
Austin asks, "What caused the turnaround?"
"I think he has a girlfriend," says Kate.
"I don't know," says Kate, "It's not Sami though." Kate leaves. Austin asks her not to say anything about Carrie.
Carrie tells Roman her company is in trouble. He wishes he could help. They talk about Anna. Then Kate... "Dad, is it really over with you two?"
"I loved her very much," says Roman, "but she did some incredibly despicable things."
"Whatever she did," says Carrie, "she was driven to it by Sami."
Shawn says, "I know I can't talk you out of the way you feel, but no one blames you for Claire being sick. Please don't be angry with yourself."
"You always know the right thing to say," says Belle, "Ever since Claire got sick, I have felt more connected to you than ever."
"Why is that," asks Shawn.
"Because we not only share Claire's blood type, but her IQ, too."
Dr. Banks tells her story, "From the moment I met you two, you seemed like the ideal couple. But during residency your priorities shifted. When you began to excel, Marlena, Alex grew possessive.
Alex butts in, "That's an interesting perspective on the truth."
"I brought something that will prove it," says Lois, "I think you will see Alex is nothing more than a vicious predator intent on suffocating the life out of you."
Lucas says he hasn't lost. But Sami has. Sami strikes back, "You are such a phony, Lucas. At least I will admit I want to be with Austin. You won't admit you want to be with Carrie."
Lucas says, "You know Sami, that's where we are different. If Carrie decides she is interested in someone else, I'm not going to do everything in my power to change her mind. That would alienate her and I don't want to do that. I'm above that."
The flowers arrive. Sami wants to know who sent them. Lucas says he just got them for the apartment. Sami says, "Those are Carrie's favorite flowers. I think we can connect the dots here. You are interested in her. But if you are too cowardly to say it out loud you will never get her."
"I'm not taking the bait," says Lucas, "Get out of here. Good night Sami. And good luck."
Sami and Kate bump into each other as Sami leaves. Kate has brought a present for Will. She tells Lucas how happy she is neither he nor Austin is interested in Sami any more, "And Austin is interested in a woman, too."
"Let me guess," says Lucas, "It's Carrie." Kate pumps out a nervous laugh.
Roman says, "Sami isn't entirely blameless in this, but there is no excuse for what Kate did."
"I just wish Sami would learn," says Carrie, "Why do you think I've stayed away so long? I hate the way things are between us. I've done what I can to change, but it's her turn. I know Austin and I would be together if it weren't for Sami. Actually... I'm meeting him in a little while. I'm hoping we can make a fresh start."
"Sami wouldn't think that," says Carrie.
Roman says, "She's not with Austin."
"She would like to be," says Carrie, "And when she finds out I am, all hell will break loose."
Roman conjures up some wishful thinking, "Sami has matured. I think her plotting days are over."
"I hope you're right," says Carrie, "This time I won't stand for her taking advantage of me. If she wants to fight me for Austin she'd better be prepared to lose."
"Sami gets a call. She snaps, "WHAT!" It's Austin. The mood changes, "Oh, hi, Austin."
Austin asks, "You OK?"
"I'm fine," she insists. He asks if they have received emails on the query about who the Highstyle CEO is. She goes over to the computer and brings up an email. Carrie's picture stares back at her with the caption, "Highstyle CEO."
Shawn has something for Claire. "I don't believe it," says Belle, "How did you get that."
Lois hands Marlena a dossier. "GASP! " Marlena looks at a picture of her battered face. She asks if a police report was filed. Lois says Marlena wouldn't let her turn Alex in, "This is classic battered wife syndrome. By the time I convinced you to leave Alex, he was declared dead. Marlena, it's time you realized Alex is a monster. If he did this once, he will do it again."
Alex jumps to his own defense, "Those pictures aren't what they seem. I didn't do that."
Marlena says, "I believe you."
John wants to talk to Marlena, "Your life depends on it." They go out on the balcony. John makes his pitch, "What does Dr. Banks have to gain by coming forward with this? Something hasn't been right with North from the beginning. How can you be sure he isn't responsible for this?"
Alex confronts Dr. Banks, "Lois what do you think you are doing?"
"What I should have done long ago," she says, "Exposing you as the deviant you are."
Sami chokes as she looks at Carrie's picture. Silence. Austin asks what is wrong. She tells him the email was Spam.
"Well," says Austin, "I guess this person is just going to have to think I am a real dog."
Sami is delighted, "I guess so." She hangs up, "Wow. How did I get so lucky? Carrie's going to be horrified. She'll hate Austin forever and then he will be mine."
Lucas tells Kate the woman he likes is interested in someone else.
Kate pries, "Just tell me who she is!"
Lucas says, "You wanna know? All right, I'll tell you. Think of the worst possible choice – besides Sami – I could date."
"I don't know."
Lucas spits it out, "The woman is Carrie Brady." The blood drains from Kate's face.
Austin meets up with Roman and Carrie. Roman has to go. Carrie and Austin try to decide what to do. Austin says, "Let's get a cup of hot chocolate and take a walk."
Carrie says, "Sounds nice."
Belle asks, "How did you get Zach's blankie?"
"Zach told me he wanted Claire to have something of his. It's actually an extra. He kept one and wants Claire to have the other. There is still time for a miracle. You just have to believe."
John sticks the picture of Marlena in her face and tells her she has to be sure about this. "Yes," she says, "I have to be certain. If he is capable of that kind of violence I have to see it with my own eyes."
John gives his patented sneer, "How about if he closes both of them permanently?"
Alex tells Lois, "I won't stand for this." He moves toward her. She trips over a piece of furniture and Alex moves closer. "GET AWAY FROM ME," screams Lois.
John and Marlena rush in. John yells, "You lay another hand on her and I will kill you!" FF Alex.
Austin tells Carrie, "It must be fate – us reconnecting like this. I'm really glad." Sami watches.
Lucas tells Eugenia, "When Austin realizes that he stole Carrie's company... she's going to be heartbroken."
Alex is in the slammer, "I'm not the one you have to worry about. It's Lois Banks."
Lois stands at Marlena's door, "Please let me in... C-can't you see... I'm shaking. I'm really scared." Marlena says, "I guess it's all right."
Lucas is on the phone, "How about putting them in a basket in groups of flowers. Orange, pink, white roses, exotic stuff. I don't care what it costs. Send them to my apartment as soon as possible. Thanks." He looks at a picture of Carrie and him and flashes back to the concert. Then he remembers Carrie telling him she still has feelings for Austin. Back to reality, "If I could just make you see we both need a change..."
Doorbell. Lucas opens the door. Sami. She walks right past him and into the apartment. Lucas turns and says, "Oh, come on in. You read my mind."
She says she came to see Will, "My Aunt Kim sent him a Christmas card. I wanted to give it to him." He wants to know the real reason she is there.
Austin meets Kate in the hospital cafeteria. He asks about Claire. No change. "I know things look bad for baby Claire," says Austin, "We gotta have hope."
He tells Kate he's meeting someone special for hot chocolate – Carrie. Kate's jaw drops.
Roman is on the phone. Carrie comes up behind him as he hangs up. Big reunion.
Pan from Claire's monitor to Belle's deadpan face. Shawn comes in. Everyone's grim. He offers to stay with Claire if Belle wants to go to the chapel with Phillip. Belle cries, "I can't. I'm afraid she won't be here when I get back. Besides, they didn't want to pay Phillip to be on the show today."
Marlena defends Alex. Dr. Banks says she is concerned about Marlena falling victim to him again, "It's been a long time since I've seen you, Marlena."
Marlena hesitates, "Sorry, I don't remember."
"We were once so close," says Dr. Banks, "We told each other everything. I want to warn you, Marlena, letting Alex back into your life would be a mistake, one that could cost you your life."
Roman can't believe Carrie is there. Carrie runs on about how she couldn't face everyone after the way she ended her marriage. Roman says she has nothing to be ashamed of. She tells him she's the CEO of a cosmetic company. He's impressed. He wants her to move the company to Salem. She can't do that. She has to keep it afloat. He wants to know if the company is in trouble.
Kate and Austin talk about Carrie. He says he doesn't know much about what she Carrie doing. They'll catch up today and he'll find out. He tells Kate about Carrie and Mike's divorce. Kate is delighted.
Sami wants to talk about Carrie. Lucas says Carrie is adjusting well after her breakup. Sami has figured out Lucas went to LA to be with her. Lucas accuses Sami of going after Austin. She tells him Austin is interested in someone else. Lucas says Carrie is interested in someone else, too. He suggests Sami just butt out.
Shawn encourages Belle to take a break. Belle doesn't want to. Shawn says if she is going to stay with Claire, then he will, too. He reminisces about JT, when he was sick, "No parent should have to bury their child."
"My mom did," says Belle, "His name was DJ. He died of SIDS. I can't imagine how she got through that. When Claire was born maybe she knew a part of me didn't want her..."
"Don't' say that. You do want her."
Belle whines, "Now I may never get the chance to make it up to her."
"There is nothing anyone could have done to prevent this," says Shawn, "Please don't blame yourself."
"It's hard not too," whimpers Belle, "I can't help think she's dying and it's my fault."
Marlena wants to know why she should believe Dr. Banks. Lois asks why she should fabricate something like this. Marlena asks Alex if she knows Lois.
"I won't lie to you," says Alex, "She is a face from our past. I don't know what her being here will prove, though."
John jumps in, "Marlena, will you listen to what she has to say?" Marlena stares.
Lucas doesn't want to talk about this. Sami says, "I understand you don't want to talk about Carrie, but I feel like I have a certain family obligation to look after her."
Lucas is skeptical, "A family obligation? You? You're like a hungry coyote looking after a baby lamb. I know what you're doing. You're wondering if she's lonely and what she's doing, because you think she's interested in Austin, don't you?"
"No," she huffs, "That is not true."
"That is true," says Lucas, "You did that thing with your eyes. You're lying right now."
Sami caves, "All right. Yeah, I do want to know. I understand Mike isn't an option. If Carrie were interested in someone, she would be with him for the holidays. She is interested in Austin, isn't she?"
"Yeah," says Lucas, "She is interested in Austin. And he's interested in her, too, right? Makes sense."
Sami says, "What? It makes sense to you we can't be with the people we want to be with? You could help me."
"I'm not your co-conspirator!"
Sami rambles, "If Carrie finds out that Austin is interested in her and Austin finds out that Carrie is interested in him, we've lost." Lucas cocks his head like a confused puppy.
Austin tells Kate he's going to focus on getting his business up and running. Kate asks if she can help, "I know Basic Black is the competition, but when it comes to family, you know where my loyalties lie." Yeah, with Kate. He shows her the Highstyle numbers.
Kate likes it, "This is why you need a good woman by your side."
"Aw, Mooommm, that would be a conflict of interest," says the doofus.
"Not me," says Kate, "Maybe you should open negotiations with Carrie." Kate has to leave. She's going to stop by Lucas'. Austin asks how that is going. "Better," says Kate, "He's actually called me 'Mom' a couple of times."
Austin asks, "What caused the turnaround?"
"I think he has a girlfriend," says Kate.
"I don't know," says Kate, "It's not Sami though." Kate leaves. Austin asks her not to say anything about Carrie.
Carrie tells Roman her company is in trouble. He wishes he could help. They talk about Anna. Then Kate... "Dad, is it really over with you two?"
"I loved her very much," says Roman, "but she did some incredibly despicable things."
"Whatever she did," says Carrie, "she was driven to it by Sami."
Shawn says, "I know I can't talk you out of the way you feel, but no one blames you for Claire being sick. Please don't be angry with yourself."
"You always know the right thing to say," says Belle, "Ever since Claire got sick, I have felt more connected to you than ever."
"Why is that," asks Shawn.
"Because we not only share Claire's blood type, but her IQ, too."
Dr. Banks tells her story, "From the moment I met you two, you seemed like the ideal couple. But during residency your priorities shifted. When you began to excel, Marlena, Alex grew possessive.
Alex butts in, "That's an interesting perspective on the truth."
"I brought something that will prove it," says Lois, "I think you will see Alex is nothing more than a vicious predator intent on suffocating the life out of you."
Lucas says he hasn't lost. But Sami has. Sami strikes back, "You are such a phony, Lucas. At least I will admit I want to be with Austin. You won't admit you want to be with Carrie."
Lucas says, "You know Sami, that's where we are different. If Carrie decides she is interested in someone else, I'm not going to do everything in my power to change her mind. That would alienate her and I don't want to do that. I'm above that."
The flowers arrive. Sami wants to know who sent them. Lucas says he just got them for the apartment. Sami says, "Those are Carrie's favorite flowers. I think we can connect the dots here. You are interested in her. But if you are too cowardly to say it out loud you will never get her."
"I'm not taking the bait," says Lucas, "Get out of here. Good night Sami. And good luck."
Sami and Kate bump into each other as Sami leaves. Kate has brought a present for Will. She tells Lucas how happy she is neither he nor Austin is interested in Sami any more, "And Austin is interested in a woman, too."
"Let me guess," says Lucas, "It's Carrie." Kate pumps out a nervous laugh.
Roman says, "Sami isn't entirely blameless in this, but there is no excuse for what Kate did."
"I just wish Sami would learn," says Carrie, "Why do you think I've stayed away so long? I hate the way things are between us. I've done what I can to change, but it's her turn. I know Austin and I would be together if it weren't for Sami. Actually... I'm meeting him in a little while. I'm hoping we can make a fresh start."
"Sami wouldn't think that," says Carrie.
Roman says, "She's not with Austin."
"She would like to be," says Carrie, "And when she finds out I am, all hell will break loose."
Roman conjures up some wishful thinking, "Sami has matured. I think her plotting days are over."
"I hope you're right," says Carrie, "This time I won't stand for her taking advantage of me. If she wants to fight me for Austin she'd better be prepared to lose."
"Sami gets a call. She snaps, "WHAT!" It's Austin. The mood changes, "Oh, hi, Austin."
Austin asks, "You OK?"
"I'm fine," she insists. He asks if they have received emails on the query about who the Highstyle CEO is. She goes over to the computer and brings up an email. Carrie's picture stares back at her with the caption, "Highstyle CEO."
Shawn has something for Claire. "I don't believe it," says Belle, "How did you get that."
Lois hands Marlena a dossier. "GASP! " Marlena looks at a picture of her battered face. She asks if a police report was filed. Lois says Marlena wouldn't let her turn Alex in, "This is classic battered wife syndrome. By the time I convinced you to leave Alex, he was declared dead. Marlena, it's time you realized Alex is a monster. If he did this once, he will do it again."
Alex jumps to his own defense, "Those pictures aren't what they seem. I didn't do that."
Marlena says, "I believe you."
John wants to talk to Marlena, "Your life depends on it." They go out on the balcony. John makes his pitch, "What does Dr. Banks have to gain by coming forward with this? Something hasn't been right with North from the beginning. How can you be sure he isn't responsible for this?"
Alex confronts Dr. Banks, "Lois what do you think you are doing?"
"What I should have done long ago," she says, "Exposing you as the deviant you are."
Sami chokes as she looks at Carrie's picture. Silence. Austin asks what is wrong. She tells him the email was Spam.
"Well," says Austin, "I guess this person is just going to have to think I am a real dog."
Sami is delighted, "I guess so." She hangs up, "Wow. How did I get so lucky? Carrie's going to be horrified. She'll hate Austin forever and then he will be mine."
Lucas tells Kate the woman he likes is interested in someone else.
Kate pries, "Just tell me who she is!"
Lucas says, "You wanna know? All right, I'll tell you. Think of the worst possible choice – besides Sami – I could date."
"I don't know."
Lucas spits it out, "The woman is Carrie Brady." The blood drains from Kate's face.
Austin meets up with Roman and Carrie. Roman has to go. Carrie and Austin try to decide what to do. Austin says, "Let's get a cup of hot chocolate and take a walk."
Carrie says, "Sounds nice."
Belle asks, "How did you get Zach's blankie?"
"Zach told me he wanted Claire to have something of his. It's actually an extra. He kept one and wants Claire to have the other. There is still time for a miracle. You just have to believe."
John sticks the picture of Marlena in her face and tells her she has to be sure about this. "Yes," she says, "I have to be certain. If he is capable of that kind of violence I have to see it with my own eyes."
John gives his patented sneer, "How about if he closes both of them permanently?"
Alex tells Lois, "I won't stand for this." He moves toward her. She trips over a piece of furniture and Alex moves closer. "GET AWAY FROM ME," screams Lois.
John and Marlena rush in. John yells, "You lay another hand on her and I will kill you!" FF Alex.
Austin tells Carrie, "It must be fate – us reconnecting like this. I'm really glad." Sami watches.
Lucas tells Eugenia, "When Austin realizes that he stole Carrie's company... she's going to be heartbroken."
Alex is in the slammer, "I'm not the one you have to worry about. It's Lois Banks."
Lois stands at Marlena's door, "Please let me in... C-can't you see... I'm shaking. I'm really scared." Marlena says, "I guess it's all right."
Boy! Ask and ye shall receive. Love the "custom remote". HAHAHA
I don't believe they actually referred to baby DJ. Now if they would just acknowledge that his father, Don, existed.
And something else we could all see coming....Lois Banks is the psycho, not Alex.
So glad Prevuze was back on schedule. Waiting half a day was torture.
I just love the "separated at birth" pic. For years I've been trying to figure out who John reminded me of...of course! Mr. Magoo!
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