Thursday, December 01, 2005


Phillip sings to Claire as Kate snoops. Kate decides she has to keep Phillip and Shawn from finding out the truth. Mimi brings something to Phillip and Kate decides Mimi would stand to lose a lot if this came out.

Nicole tells Austin she can't concentrate until he gets dressed.

"We're colleagues, Nicole," he says.

"I'm a woman and you're a man. Do the math," says Nicole.

Nicole goes over the Highstyle information. Sami comes up and tells them this is a mistake.

Lucas says, "I can't remember when I've been so shocked to see someone. What are you doing in Highstyle's offices?"

What are you doing here," asks Carrie.

Jennifer yells upstairs and says she wants Abby to eat something. Bo and Hope arrive. Jen tells them she is heading back to the bridge. Bo says there was no sign of Jack in the car. "That's good news," says Jennifer.

Frankie says, "The water was too cold and the current too strong for..."

"Don't say it," interrupts Jennifer, "If you keep saying it, I might start to believe it."

Billie holds the flowers from the car, "I've never seen anything so sad. How will we tell them?" Patrick doesn't know.

Jennifer rambles about having lost faith before. She's not going to do that again. She will fight, "When Jack gets here, I'm not going to be crying. I'm making tea. Does anyone want some?" Stares.

Phillip tells Mimi it means a lot to him for her and Shawn to be there. They both agree it has been quite a year. Claire is the best thing in Phillip's life. He talks about Mimi losing her baby.

"I didn't lose my baby," says Mimi, "I made a choice. I'm moving on. Sometimes I have to pinch myself when I think about being with Shawn."

Kate listens, "That's just what I wanted to hear." Kate goes into action. She bumps into Victor.

"Kate," says Victor, "I know that look. What are you up to?"

Billie and Patrick arrive. Jennifer wants to know if they found Jack swimming downriver.

"I'm sorry Jen," says Billie, "But we don't have good news."

Austin defends Nicole. He asks Sami, "Why are you so against this deal?"

Sami flashes back to telling Lucas about Highstyle, "We've already lost one skin care company. Two strikes and we might lose our reputation." Reputation?

Nicole says all the Highstyle profits went to the protection of the rainforest.

"The CEO sounds like an idiot," says Sami, "Who would give away all their money before their company is secure?"

Carrie and Lucas have a big reunion. Carrie is the new CEO of High style. Lucas asks where Mike is. Carrie says, "Things with Mike and me are pretty complicated." Translation: in the toilet. I knew this was going to be hard. Mike and I are through."

"I know that look, Kate," says Victor, "You're plotting someone's destruction. I can see it in your eyes." Kate says she is just worried about Claire. Victor says, "She will get the best care possible here. This place is first class. It ought to be after all the money the Kiriakis foundation has poured into it. I want you to stay away from Phillip and Belle. They don't need your negative energy right now."

Phillip tells Mimi about being a prisoner. Claire getting sick is worse. Phillip says to Claire, "I don't know what I'd do if anything happens to you. I'll tell you one thing. I'm not gonna wannna live any more."

Jennifer takes the flowers. Billie found them in the water near Jack's car.

"He got my favorite color," says Jennifer.

"We drove fifty miles down river from the accident site," says Billie, "No one fitting Jack's description has been brought to a hospital or pulled form the river."

Jennifer denies he could be dead. She yells, "Unless you can show me his lifeless body my husband is alive. Do you hear me... All of you." Big deal. On this show, he's probably alive if they can show her is lifeless body.

Sami asks if there are any Highstyle products around. Nicole says there is a box of them on the floor. Sami tries some lotion. She doesn't like it. She thinks this is a mistake.

Austin comes out dressed. "I'm having a drink with a potential investor."

Nicole asks, "Is she blonde?"

"I have enough blondes in my life," says Austin, "So you two play nice while I'm gone." He asks Sami to look at the stats while he's gone and he'll quiz her later.

Austin leaves and the girls start sniping at each other. Nicole tells Sami, "I'm a businesswoman. You're a wannabe. You're lucky Austin's giving you a chance."

Sami fanaticizes about testing their products, "We do not do animal testing, but we have no qualms about testing on slutty murderesses."

Murderess Nicole begs her not to test the products on her, but refuses to agree to quit the company and stay out of Sami's life, "I lost Brady because you wouldn't help me. I'm going after Austin myself."

Sami says, "Well then. I'll just have to continue the testing." She pours the chemical on Nicole. Nicole screams as she melts. "EUREKA," says Sami, "I have found the right formula at last."

Sami laughs. Nicole asks what's so funny. "Nothing," says Sami, "I'm just getting excited about this company."

Lucas asks about Carrie and Mike. Carrie tells him everyone thought they were the right couple – except Austin. Lucas asks if Carrie thinks God is trying to punish her in some way.

"Not me," she says, "Just the audience. I just didn't have enough respect for myself. I wanted this perfect relationship."

Lucas says, "Nobody has that."

"I was naïve," says Carrie, "I went across the ocean with this doctor who was so committed. One night we just looked at each other and said this isn't working and we called it quits."

"Just like that? Bam – it was over," asks Lucas.

"We both knew it was time to move on," says Carrie, "We're still friends, though. Mike now has more time for his son. Jeremy was Mike's reason for moving to Israel in the first place. I know about you and Sami."

"I was stupid," says Lucas.

"You loved her, Lucas," says Carrie, "She was the stupid one."

Victor visits Phillip and Claire. Phillip says Claire is hanging in there. Victor says that's because of her Greek heritage. Mimi and Kate go off to give them privacy. Phillip talks about Belle's PPD.

Victor tells him, "We almost lost you several times before you were born. It was terrifying. Kate and I have our differences but we love you very much. You and Belle will treasure this little life you have created."

Kate tells Mimi she never got the chance to tell her she was sorry about her and Rex. Mimi thought Kate didn't like her being with Rex. "Mothers are always protective of their sons. I think the reason for your breakup went beyond your abortion. I think Rex wasn't your soul mate. I think you and Shawn are meant to be together."

Jennifer rants, "Jack always comes back." Truer words were never spoken.

Yesterday's astute reader comment of the day: "Believe me. If you see Jen's lips moving you can zap."

Hope gets a call. She tells Bo the babysitter has to leave. She suggests maybe the sitter could spend the night.

"No," insists Jennifer, "You have to go. I'll be all right." She walks Hope to the door.

Patrick says, "This is tearing me up."

Billie says, "Maybe Jennifer is right. Maybe Jack isn't dead. I've never told anyone this, but Jack wanted to kill himself to save them the pain of him dying."

Patrick says, "I don't care how much pain he's in, Jennifer would want to be there for him."

Billie says, "Jack might have staged this..."

"What are you talking about," screams Jennifer.

Nicole is on the phone with Barry the accountant. She asks Sami to get the financial projections. Sami says, "Nicole I am not your secretary. Get them yourself." Nicole reluctantly goes for the projections.

Sami gets a call. It's Austin. He tells her he left his Filofax at the apartment. He needs the address for his meeting.

Sami looks it up, "653 Warren Street. The penthouse suite." Austin thanks her and they hang up. Sami drops the Filofax. As she picks it up she looks into it and yells, "OMG! No way! No freakin' way! "

Carrie asks how many weddings that makes for Sami. "Just one," says Lucas, "She was married to Brandon for about an hour."

"I want to feel for Sami," says Carrie, "But, you know what they say – too much blood under the bridge."

Lucas says, "Maybe I don't deserve a good woman after everything I've pulled."

"I'm no saint either," says Carrie, "But most people learn from their mistakes. Except Sami. How's Will taking it?"

"Not too good," says Lucas, "But what are you gonna do. Nobody's life is perfect."

"I thought mine was," says Carrie, "After what I did to Austin I guess I deserved it. I feel like a failure. That's why I took so long to come home. That and Sami. I just can't deal with all that drama again." She asks why Lucas is there.

He tells her he is working for Titan. He says what we've all been thinking. He can't believe with all that crack research he allegedly did, he didn't discover Carrie is the CEO. He tells her about the takeover plan. She tells him her company isn't for sale.

Lucas says, "Most companies Titan goes after aren't." He says he will explain to Victor Highstyle isn't as right for takeover as they thought, "You've always meant a lot to me."

Carrie says, "I heard your brother is back in Salem."

"Which brother," asks Lucas, "I have a lot of them."

Carrie says, "You know which brother I'm talking about. Austin. How is he?" Lucas stares.

Bo and Hope tuck Zach in. "He looks so cute," says Bo, "Sleeping with Mr. Bear."

"He never goes to sleep without it," says Hope.

Bo says, "I am so lucky. I have an amazing wife and beautiful kids."

OK," says Mimi, "Up to now I have never heard you say a good word about Shawn. You acted like he is the devil's spawn. And now you think I should be with him. What does that make me?"

Kate reminds her, "He nearly killed people with that motorcycle stunt." But she thinks he has matured.

"I am very happy with him if that's what you are fishing for," says Mimi.

"I'm not fishing for anything," says Kate, "I think Shawn is the one who can mend your heart. You're in love with him aren't you?"

Mimi says, "We're moving faster that I anticipated. But neither one of us is ready for anything serious."

Kate says, "I think I hear wedding bells, and if you listen to your heart I think you will hear them too."

Victor has to go check in with Lucas. He tells Phillip to stay strong.

Phillip goes back to talking to Claire.

Kate watches and thinks, "You're going to raise that little baby as your own without any interference with Shawn. I'll see to it."

Sami reads it and weeps. It's a note Austin put in his calendar, "Today I found this picture and it brought back so many memories. I realize that I've never stopped loving Carrie."

Nicole comes out and says she's going out to meet with Barry the accountant, "Don't do anything stupid while I'm gone."

Nicole leaves. Sami says, "OMG, it's Carrie. He has loved Carrie all this time. If I catch her anywhere near Austin... Damn it Carrie. I hate you!"

Lucas tells Carrie about Austin's company. She asks if Austin ever tied the knot. "No," says Lucas, "He's a lone cowboy. Maybe that will change if Sami has anything to do with it."


"Yeah," says Lucas, "She's part of his lame staff." Lucas has to go. Carrie asks Lucas not to tell anyone he ran into her.

"Why does Jennifer have to go through this," asks Hope, "I know Jack was sick. But at least with an illness you can say goodbye. God has a plan. Or Jack had a plan. Brady, if you know something, you'd better tell me right now." Bo looks like a whipped puppy. But, as usual, he knows nothing.

Jennifer insists Jack didn't fake his death. Billie says he talked about it once. Jennifer presses her, "What are you talking about?"

Billie says, "He was looking for ways to end his life before the bad part of his illness kicked in."

"I don't' believe you," says Jennifer, "Why wouldn't he tell me?"

"He couldn't," says Billie, "You were the only person who could talk him out of it."

Jennifer screams, "Why didn't you tell me this?"

"Jack made me promise not to," says Billie, "A part of me understands what he was going through. Coincidentally, I worked with a guy who had the same disorder. At the end it was extremely hard."

"I think this is utterly the most unreal story I have ever heard of," says Jennifer. You can say that again. "Jack would hang in there until the end. I'll say it again. Unless you show me his body he is alive!" FF.


Kate says, "I admit it. I do have an ulterior motive and it's about Belle and Phillip and the baby."

Hope tells Bo, "That child could have been our grandchild if Belle had married him."

Phillip tells Belle, "This little girl is our gift from God. And the three of use are going to be a family. Nothing is going to change that."

"Could be your daddy's home," whimper's Jennifer. She turns and runs toward the door.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Too many funny things to comment on...and Bulldog's already mentioned one - Vic & Kate "losing" Philip. Those writers need a "history cop" on their tails.

Hope - the DROOL writers DO have a plan, it's called sending their audience into a coma so we don't rise up in protest over their idiotic plots.

Loved the pictures. Loved Mimi's response to Kate. Loved Vic's warning to Kate about her "negative energy".

But PUH-LEEZE! This is still the same freakin' night and Austin is going out to meet an investor?!?!?! At 3:00-4:00 a.m.?!?!? Move on people, move on!

8:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not only is it the same night, but if I haven't lost track tomorrow is supposed to be Thanksgiving and Lucas and Sami are going to a parent-teacher conference?

8:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah. It's going to be Christmas before this crew even gets through Thanksgiving at this rate!

It will be not unlike the "Chrismas Eve" several years ago. Ho & Dope got remarried on Christmas Eve and the day/night lasted so long that by the next "day" the kids were back in school. Not only did they never have Christmas, they skipped right over New Years!

The teacher at that time made a crack about how the kids probably felt like their Christmas vacation had just disappeared. HAHAHAHA

8:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree fullheartedly, you know the set decorators are just dying that they haven't gotten their hands on the sets to makes them all Christmas-y . . . . .come on kids . . . let's move on!!

10:37 AM  

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