Monday, November 07, 2005

The Vision

Prevuze 101 – How to watch a DOOL Episode

It is best to videotape a DOOL episode. Once you have recorded the show, build a warm, romantic fire. Invite that important someone to share the moment with you. Serve some wine and cheese or simply pop some popcorn. Snuggle down in front of the television set, throw the videotape in the fire and watch something worthwhile.

Shawn attends to Claire. He tells her she is a lucky baby. Belle tells him he is really good with her. Claire falls asleep. As Shawn puts her back in the crib he says, "You are lucky to have Belle as a mom. I hope you take after her in every way."

"I hope she doesn't," whines Belle. Don't we all.

Mimi frets at the altar, "Father Jansen told me if I am truly repentant God would forgive my sins. The problem is I can't forgive myself."

John says, "I knew if I could spend some time alone with you I could get through."

"I'm so glad you had Father Jansen come and see me. He reminded me our vows were taken before God and they were sacred," says Marlena.

"What God hath joined together let no insane wacko tear asunder," says John.

"That's what he said," says Marlena, "How did you know that... John?"

John says, "Those were the last words of our wedding ceremony. That is, right before he said 'you may kiss the beautiful bride.'"


"So how do you feel about me right now," asks John.

"I really know how much you love me," says Marlena, "And I have very deep feelings for you. I'm not sure they are the same kind of feelings you have for me, though."

John says, "That stands to reason. You don't have any memories of our past."

"But," says Marlena, "I don't know why I wound up pregnant by my ex-husband." John makes a face.

Alex tells Kate he has to take a risk, "I have to show Marlena proof we belong together."

John rationalizes, "You and Roman were captive and took comfort in each other. I can't count the ways Tony and Stefano have tried to manipulate our lives."

Marlena asks, "Are they still trying to do that?"

"No," says John, "Tony is in jail and Stefano is dead for the time being."

"Stefano," says Marlena, "Wasn't he the one they referred to as the Phoenix? That mythical bird which rises from the ashes? I can't remember anything about him except his name, but is it possible he is our there someplace?" John stares.

Shawn says, "Claire is sleeping like a baby." Belle hates to disturb her. Shawn suggests Belle leave her there for the night.

"You don't have any idea how much I want to take you up on that offer. I am the worst mother in the world. I am ruining her life, just like I ruined yours," whines Belle. This gets her the sympathy and attention she was after.

"Father Jansen was wrong," says Mimi, There is no forgiveness.

A female voice says, "I'm sorry Merriam, but that just isn't true."

"That was strange," says Mimi, "Hello? Is someone there? What is happening to me?"

"It's all right," says the tender voice.

Mimi turns. The statue of the Madonna and Child has turned into a vision. Wide-eyed Mimi says, "OM MO G*!"

The Vision holds a baby. She goes to a pew and sits down, "Come over here, Miriam, we need to talk."

In the background, Paul McCartney sings softly...

As the plotline goes into the toilet
Mother Mary makes the scene
Speaking words of wisdom To Mimi.
In Mimi's hour of darkness
Mary says My Child what's wrong with thee?
In my own opinion, you're crazy,
Dear Mimi, you're nutty,
Hear my words of wisdom, let it be.

Marlena asks John if he thinks Alex is working for DiMera. John says no, "I did a thorough investigation on North. It's not just like he appeared out of nowhere."

"I'm glad to hear you say that. I am drawn to you, but I get a sense of comfort from Alex," says Marlena.

"Even though he is the one who put these negative thoughts in your head about me," asks John, "He's got a plan for you and it doesn’t include me."

Alex says, "When I am finished Marlena will want to be with me, if I can find it in time." He goes to the laptop and types, "I can't tell you what it is, but if I find it I will have you to thank for the idea. You reminded me, honesty is the key."

"If that's true," says Kate, "then you be honest to me. I find it hard to believe you would go to all this trouble for someone you didn't know. At some point in your therapy you crossed the line and decided you wanted a relationship with Marlena."

"Marlena is uniquely special," says Alex, "I am afraid she will always be the love of John's life. But if John can't have her, he may be available for you."

"I don't want John to be available to me. I want John to be happy. He told me you came out of retirement to treat Marlena, which means there was a special reason you came to Salem. OMG... are you working for the DiMeras?" Alex stops typing.

"This can't be happening," says Mimi. She sits down, "I can't be forgiven because I have done too many terrible things. I had an abortion, and I didn't tell my boyfriend. Why would any man have anything to do with me?"

You're right," says Mary, "Why would any man want anything to do with you... while you are wallowing in self-pity. You have to forget about the things you can't have and concentrate on the things you can have."

That's a little too deep for Mimi.

Mary smiles, "Oh, Merriam, do I have to tell you everything?" She conjures up a vision of the future. An older Shawn and Mimi talk about how they got together. Shawn had just lost Belle and Mimi had just lost, "What's his name? Oh, Rex. Then we found out you couldn't have kids but it didn't matter. We fell in love, got married..."

Mimi the elder says, "I can't believe I thought if I couldn't give birth we couldn't have a family of our own. I mean, our kids are just so real. Shawn... I know we said we'd stop at four..."

"No," says Shawn, "I'd be happy if we adopted ten. We'd just have to move out of the loft."

Mimi says, "When I think about what our kids lives would be like if we hadn't found them and what ours would be like... we're just so blessed. You know what our daughter said to me the other day? She said she wants to have ten kids when she grows up."

"We might have to count on our little girl to carry on our name for awhile because I don't think the twins are going to settle down for a long time. They want to join the Merchant Marine or be racecar drivers."

"And the baby," says Mimi, "is just the sweetest."

"You say that about all our kids. I love you and I thank God every day that we are together," says Shawn. Smooch.

We're back from the future. "Your baby is beautiful," says Mimi.

Mary says, "Yes, I was so blessed to be allowed to have Him as my son."

Shawn and Belle embrace. "I think all the self-doubt and the up and down stuff is because of the PPD," says Dr. Shawn, "You are a sweet and loving person."

"You're just saying that because you still love me."

"I do still love you," says Shawn, "But first and foremost you are my friend."

"Belle wails, "I am so blessed to have a beautiful baby and a loving husband..."

"Who," says Shawn, "Not too long ago you weren't sure you wanted to spend the rest of your life with. You know, society puts so much pressure on mothers to love their babies at first sight and I just don't see how that is possible. They sleep all the time and they cry and eat and make terrible messes. They take and take and don't have the ability to give back, just like you. In time, you will love being a mom."

Belle whines, "I want to love being a mom NOW! I just know how much I have hurt you."

"Aw, mumble, mumble..."

"I just want you to be happy," says Belle.

"Well," says Shawn, "Before... you said you didn't want Mimi and me to be together. And you acted relieved when I told you she didn't want to be with me."

"I was relieved," says Belle, "And I still am. Because if you were with Mimi, I could lose you forever, and I can't live without you."

Alex tells Kate, "I am not working for the DiMeras our anyone else. John has had me checked out. My life is an open book. I don't know if I can find what I am looking for but if I do, most of my questions will be answered. I don't play games, Kate. I am merely doing what you suggested and being completely honest. I just wish you would do the same."

Marlena can't believe Alex is manipulating her. She doesn't understand why she wouldn't have told John about Roman's baby if she loved John so much. Well, duhhhh... John thinks Marlena didn't tell him because it was an incredibly awkward situation. Marlena wonders if she didn't tell John because she was afraid he loved Kate more than he loved her.

Alex thinks Kate should be honest about her feelings for John, "It's obvious you still love him. Your body language tells me you still want to be around John. Admit it."

"Well," says Kate, "I hate to give you the bad news but you've been reading my body all wrong, which means you're a lousy psychiatrist. I would never come between John and Marlena."

"You did once," says Alex, "without any regret. Why don't you just give it up and become my ally? If this computer gives me what I am looking for I can be with Marlena and you can be with John. Don't tell me you're not tempted." Kate remembers making love with John. "Like I said, Kate, the body doesn't lie. You were obviously just reliving a very nice memory. So what do you say, will you be my ally?"

Belle insists she isn't talking about a future for her and Shawn. Shawn assures her she will never lose him as a friend. Shawn doesn't see how him being with Mimi has anything to do with him and Belle being friends. Belle explains she plans to hold her grudge against Mimi forever. They vow their undying friendship. Neither can imagine a life without the other in it.

Belle whines, "Maybe it's time for me to be completely honest. I want you to be happy, but I don’t think I can stand the thought of you spending the rest of your life with anyone but me." Shawn stares open-jawed.

Mary tells Mimi she is the only one who can make sure the future she was just shown happens, or she can continue to deny herself and it won't. Mimi wishes she could take back some of the things she has done."

"I'm sorry," says The Vision, "There are no do-overs in life. Thankfully there are second chances."

"I've always tried to be a good person," says Mimi. The Vision suppresses her laughter.

"God forgives you Merriam."

"Are you sure?"

"Of course," says Mary, "That's what he does. If God didn't forgive sins, heaven would be a pretty empty place. Now all that remains is for you to forgive yourself. Do you think you can do that?" Mimi stares.

Kate says she won't be Alex' ally, "John and I clung to each other because that's all we had."

"I heard John wouldn't have made it without you. And that was enough for you because you loved him so much," says Alex, "I still find it a little impossible to believe you said, 'Oops, they're back. Here's your engagement ring. Goodbye.'"

Kate cries, "I never said it was easy to break off with him."

Alex says, "I'm glad you will be there for him again. If I get what I am after, Marlena will no longer be with John even if she gets her memory back. And John can be there for you. And we can all live happily for all the Days Of Our Lives."

John tells Marlena she had to know she was his life. Kate and he got together because they thought she was dead. Marlena cries, "I didn't know people got engaged just because they 'got together.' John, were you in love with Kate?" John stares.

Belle can't believe she is being so selfish. The rest of the world has no trouble accepting it. Shawn tells her, "Phillip loves you and Claire loves you."

Belle turns, "And you?"

"You know how I feel."

"I shouldn't be asking you these questions. I don't want you feeling sorry for me, not much, anyway."

They both decide they will have wonderful lives. Belle reneges on what she said. She has to let Shawn go. He also has to accept Mimi's decision.

Mimi realizes in order to ask for forgiveness she has to be truly sorry. Mary asks Mimi if she thinks she can forgive herself. Mimi says she can. "Then do it. Just do it," says Mary.

Mimi wakes to so-called reality, "Was that a dream or..." She looks at the statue of the Madonna, "Thank you for making me realize I can forgive myself and maybe I can find happiness with Shawn after all."

Alex tells Kate whether or not she helps him, "John will be free and ripe for the taking." Alex goes back to the computer, "GOT IT! Exactly what I need. Marlena, you are MINE! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! "

Marlena needs an answer, "Were you in love with Kate?"

"Yes I was," he whispers.

Marlena asks, "And... are you in love with her now?" She pauses, "NO! DON'T... take some time and think about it and then tell me if you are still in love with Kate." Kate watches through the window. FF on John the thinking man.


Jennifer tells Frankie, "It's almost like he hand picked you to take his place." Frankie says, "He did."

Lexie tells Jack, "Your condition has worsened since the last time I saw you."

Mimi tells Shawn, "There can be somebody after Rex." Shawn asks, "Me?" Mimi nods.

Alex tells Marlena, "Reserve your judgment because I have the proof you've been looking for. John has been lying to you."

*OM MO G = OM (Mother Of) G


Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the immortal words of Prevuze, "OMMOG"! Whatever that means. HAHAHA

Fantastic Prevuze today. The pictures were funny. I'd wondered what the picture on Shawn's T-shirt meant, now we know. Mimi's prayer, John's spying, all good stuff.

But the piece doo resistance was the rif on Paul McCartney's "Lady Madonna"!

Finally, were it not for Prevuze, I might have had to suffer through the excruciating scenes of Meems and the 'Virgin Mary'. Now it can be zap-city.

6:11 AM  

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