Wednesday, November 02, 2005


Lucas and Sami top off their big kiss. "It's true. You can't deny it, Lucas," says Sami, "I can tell by how you kissed me."

Lucas protests, "You kissed me."

"You did what was in your heart," says Sami, "You love me."

Lucas says, "Sami, I've told you, we can't be together."

"Why not," she cries.

Lucas holds up the "Stan of Salem" Halloween costume box, "This is why not. You were Stan! You did such horrible things they made you into a Halloween costume."

"I'm not Stan, OK? Not any more," says Sami.

"Am I supposed to forgive and forget," asks Lucas, "The fact you worked for Tony DiMera? The fact you almost got me killed, and Brady, and Shawn and Rex?"

"I explained why it happened," says Sami, "Austin believes me. Why can't you?"

"Austin," repeats Lucas, "He's living with you and Nicole. He's crazy. I asked you to tell me if there was anything I should know before we got married. You lied. Now I can't forgive you."

"I would do anything to take it back," cries Sami, "You can't throw away our lives."

"I'm sorry Sami," says Lucas, "I made up my mind. You can't change it."

"What about me," asks Will, "Don't I have a say?"

Nicole sips her martini and remembers dancing with Austin, and their conversation about the women he doesn't have. There is no one special. He left his heart in Salem. She wonders, "Who did you come back for Austin, and why so secretive?"

Austin tells her the table is waiting. "BTW," he says, "You look fabulous."

Nicole says, "Living and working in Sami's apartment is a little crowded. But now I can be on my own. Maybe there is life after Brady. I can breathe for the first time in I don't know how long. And I can finally have time with my boss as Chez Rouge. And I can write this off as a business meeting."

Austin says, "That's exactly the kind of thinking that made me hire you. I want to talk about the real reason I brought you here tonight – To talk about our future."

Hope can't balance the checkbook. Bo tells her he has taken another $250 out to cover the money he gave Chelsea. Knowing that, Hope balances the checkbook, "Your second gift to Chelsea put us over our monthly budget."

"We'll be OK," says Bo. Yeah, anyone notice what Bo's shirt says? "Easy come, easy go"

Hope says, "Please tell me you're not gonna make a habit of this."

"I can't do that," says Bo.

Jack and Jennifer are asleep. The phone rings. Jack picks up, "This isn't a good time. I'll call you in a couple minutes." He gets out of bed. Jennifer sleeps. Jack sneaks out. He kisses Jennifer as he leaves.

After sleeping though the atomic bomb of the phone ringing, Jennifer wakes up when the door clicks. "Jack," she says.

Jack is back on the phone, "Yes, I am still interested. I just need to know what to do. Really? Here in town? I know the place. I'll jot it down. Hanover and 13th." He drops the slip of paper onto the ground as he tries to put it in his pocket.

Jennifer follows, "Jack?" She tries phoning him. FRANKIE LEAPS OUT AND ATTACKS HER.

Hope asks if Bo is going to keep doling the money out to Chelsea.

"I said I would talk to her about her spending," says Bo, "But she has to know she can depend on me. We have to deal with that. We have responsibilities."

"I understand," says Hope, "What I am asking is maybe Billie should help out."

"She is my child," says Bo, "not an extravagance."

Hope says, "Maybe if she cut back on her extravagances we wouldn't be having this conversation right now. She's playing you."

"That's not it at all," says Bo.

Hope says, "Can you say DENIAL?"

Bo says, "She is my flesh and blood and if giving her a few dollars makes her feel like she can depend on someone that's what I will do."

Of course, Frankie thought Jennifer was a burglar. Everything is OK. Jennifer tells him Jack is gone. Knowing absolutely nothing about the situation, Frankie assures her everything will be OK.

"I don't know what I would do without you," says Jennifer.

Jack sneaks. "OK," he says, "I'm officially creeped out. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea. Maybe I should come back tomorrow in the daylight."

A creaky door opens. "Mmiisstteerr Ddeevveerreeaauuxx?" Says Igor, "Please come in. death awaits. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

Austin wants Nicole to know what a great job she is doing. She's better than he expected. He hopes this will be a long and beneficial association.

Nicole is disappointed. This isn't what she wanted to hear. Austin goes on about the product line. The sky is the limit. "I can't wait for Victor and Lucas to see what we have planned," says Nicole.

"I wouldn't mind," says Austin, "If we... took things... a bit further."

Nicole asks, "What do you mean – a bit further?"

"You know what I mean," says Austin. Kiss.

Lucas says Will was eavesdropping. Sami wants him to have his say.

Will says, "If you two still love each other, I think you should work things out. I'm not saying what Mom did wasn't wrong. If you would just trust Dad's love you wouldn't have to get involved in all theses schemes."

Sami says, "I'm going to be a good wife and mother from now on."

Lucas asks, "What – until my mom does something to you? I want to believe you have changed. But you can't control it."

"I have changed," she insists, "I don't care about revenge. I care about this family. I promise I will earn your respect."

"I think she means it, Dad. What do you say? Give it a shot," says the same kid who in their previous conversation told Lucas he was nuts for wanting to get back with her.

"I'm sorry, buddy, I can't go down that road again," says Lucas, "I'm not putting us through that again. We're through. It's over."

There is a knock at the door. Lucas answers, "Sophie, you're a little early."

Sophie says, "I couldn't wait another minute to get my hands on you." She kisses him as Sami and Will watch in horror. I imagine Sami can't wait to get her hands on Sophie.

Hope says, "I don't really believe you want to spoil your daughter that way. Even Billie agrees we're not doing Chelsea any favors by spoiling her. If you shield her from the consequences of her wild spending habits, she won't learn anything."

"I will talk to her," insists Bo, "We will both agree on what she can buy with the money I give her. She won't blow it."

Hope smiles, "Thank you. That's all I wanted to hear."

"You mean the argument's over," asks Bo.

Hope says, "It wasn't an argument. It was a discussion." They kiss and make up. "Whew," says Hope, "It was almost worth arguing to get a kiss like that."

"Ha," says Bo, "You said 'arguing!'"


Hope gets an email from her ole friend Kathy Sullivan, "I haven't heard from her in ages. She has a son about Shawn's age who is about to start law school. I told her Shawn was doing the same. Now she wants to know where he is going. He's going to throw his whole life away."

Bo says, "I wish he would go to school, but he can make good money as a mechanic."

"I just want what's best for our boys," says Hope.

"Maybe this is it," says Bo, "If this makes him happy we should be happy also."

"I can't be happy he's not getting a degree," says Hope, "He promised he would finish college. I expect him to keep his promise. Shawn will get an education if I have to drag him to Salem U every day until he graduates." Hope must think she's going to live to be 110.

Frankie thinks Jack is fine. Jennifer wants to know who would call him this late at night. Franked finds the paper Jack dropped.

Jack goes into the room of doom. "This reminds me of Harry Potter," says Jack.

Igor asks, "Harry who?

"Excuse me," says Jack, "This is a bookstore isn't it?"

"Yes," says Igor, "We carry only very specialized books."

"I see," says Jack, "I received a call from the suicide hotline in Europe. They told me to come here."

"Yes," says Igor, "I am aware of your situation. You have come here to die." Jack stares.

Lucas pries himself away from Sophie and tells her they are not alone. Sophie apologizes, "I didn't know there was anyone here."

"Oh yeah," says Sami, "Like that would make a big difference." Sophie is there to help Lucas celebrate his new job. Lucas escorts the group through a round of chilly introductions.

Things are tense. Sophie and Lucas start to leave. Lucas turns, "Good-bye, Sami." Screech Of Love plays.

After Lucas and Sophie leave, Sami thanks Will for what he said. She asks if will wants to "hang out or something."

Will goes bipolar on her. "No, I don't want to 'hang out' and I think I'm gonna have a lot of homework this year." He stuffs the Stan costume in her arms and leaves. Sami runs out bawling.

Nicole fades in and out while Austin talks about the product line. "Things could get grueling," he says.

"That's OK. Work is my whole life right now," says Nicole.

Austin says, "All work and no play... I'm sorry about you and Brady."

"I should have known it would end up like this," says Nicole, "I knew his heart would always be with Chloe. I don't know if I'll ever get over it."

"I know how it is to love someone whose heart belongs to someone else," says Austin, "I couldn't come back here until I knew that someone was free."

Nicole thinks, "Dammit, Austin. Stop playing games. Is it me or Sami?"

Sami cries on a park bench. A wise stranger sits down and says, "If you think your man is ever coming back, you are sadly mistaken." She makes herself a little wiser by taking another swig of booze.

Bo sys they have to let Shawn stand on his own two feet.

Hope asks, "Is it so bad I want my son to have a degree? I want to have a serious conversation with him and I want you to back me up."

"I will back you up but I won't force him," says Bo, "I also won't force Chelsea."

Hope says, "Shawn respects you. Chelsea doesn't respect anyone, Bo."

Zach pops out and asks if they are fighting. Hope is sorry they woke him. Bo takes him back upstairs. Hope asks herself, "What is happening to us, Bo? My God."

Frankie and Jennifer have arrived at the address on the paper Frankie found. "This is a pretty creepy place," says Jennifer, "What would Jack be doing here this time of night?"

"Maybe he isn't here," says Frankie, "What was on that paper could have been written a long time ago." Jennifer says she is glad Frankie is there for her. "I would do anything for you," he says, "It's gonna be all right."

"I didn't come here literally to die," says Jack.

"I know why you came here," says Igor, "We are the only place in Salem that carries literature on assisted suicide. I understand your situation."

"So," says Jack, "If I could just have the book I can go home."

"One moment, I'll get it," says Igor.

"Thank you," says Jack

Igor asks, "You are aware there are other options?"

"Yes," says Jack, "This is the only one that's going to work for me."

"The only way," repeats Igor.

"There you go mentioning that mystery woman," says Nicole.

"I shouldn't have brought it up," says Austin.

"You can't blame a girl for being curious," says Nicole, "Why are you being so secretive?"

"I am older and wiser and learning to keep my mouth shut," says Austin, "But that doesn’t mean we can't have fun after office hours. Let's dance."

"I thought you'd never ask," says Nicole.

Sophie and Lucas come in. He tells her Chez Rouge is pricey. Sophie insists it's her treat. She says they will start out there then go to Buddy's for burgers. "Did I interrupt something at your place?"

"I'm OK," says Lucas, "Sami was trying to get us back together, so she was pulling out all the stops. No way in hell it will happen. What we had is over for good."

"I'm glad to hear that," says Sophie, "I'll get drinks."

"If your man is as big a jerk as mine," says the stranger, "he's already moved on."

"Lucas is not a jerk," says Sami.

She introduces herself, "I'm Janet. You wouldn't happen to have a light, would you? My fiancée dumped me. Said he couldn’t trust me anymore. I gave up trying to get him back."

"How can you give up on true love," asks Sami.

"I ain't a fool for any man," says Janet, "While I was at home waiting for him that dog hooked up with another babe. I'll bet yours is already out with another hot one right now. Dry those tears up. Get yourself a guy while you still got it." Janet catches a glimpse of a guy. She runs after him, "Hey mister, you got a light?"

"Maybe she's right," says Sami, "Maybe I have to accept it. Move on. If Lucas can, so can I."

Bo tucks Zach in. "Daddy," says Zach, "Tell me a story. Make one up."

"All right," says Bo, "Once upon a time was a town called Salem. The people who lived in this town were pretty much all Looney-tunes. There wasn't a shred of reality in the town. People died and came back to life, and they built a big fence around the town to keep the evil monster named Logic away. The town was plagued by other people who did nothing with their drab lives except watch the people of Salem. These were the Evil Viewers. And the gods of writing who ran Salem behind the scenes decided they needed to get rid of the Evil Viewers. And the people of Salem agreed. So they came up with a plan, which they executed to perfection. They called it Operation Groundhog Day. The people of Salem started rehashing things over and over and over. They drug days into weeks and months into years. They tricked the Evil Viewers with stupid plot twists and insipid dialogue. This drove the Evil Viewers as nuts as the residents of Salem themselves until, finally, the Evil Viewers couldn't take it any more and they ran away screaming. And we, the people of Salem lived happily for all the Days Of Our Lives." Hope watches and smiles.

Sophie suggests heading for Buddy's. On the way out Lucas sees Austin and Nicole. Lucas reacts and Sophie asks what is bothering him. "It's a long story," says Lucas, "But Sami, Nicole and Austin are involved."

That got Sophie's attention, "WHAT?"

"Like I said," says Lucas, "It's a long story." They leave.

Outside, Sophie says, "Wait. Before we leave, I've been dying to do this all night, and since we are alone and your ex isn't watching..." She plants a big one on him.

"Wow," says Lucas, "You are a really good kisser."

"You're not so bad yourself."

Sami watches, "Well, I need a drink." She goes inside Chez Rouge.

Austin and Nicole finish dancing. They go back to the table. Nicole slips and falls into his arms. Sami sees them embracing, "No way, Nicole, I'm not letting you get away with this."

Igor hands Jack the books. One of them is Compassion To The End. "This is it," says Jack.

Jennifer walks in, "Jack, what are you doing here?"

Jack is startled. He drops the books. Jennifer picks them up and looks at the titles. She says to Jack, "Oh my gosh, I can't believe you are doing this."

Pan in on guilt-ridden Jack.


Mimi tells Shawn, "What kind of monster am I? You must think I am a horrible person. You must have lost all respect for me."

A man says to John, "You're going to have a lot more power than you need." John says, "Yeah, it's really gonna blow 'em away."

Jack asks, "Jennifer, what's wrong. You look like you've seen a ghost." Jennifer says, "I know exactly what's going on."

Marlena tells Alex, "I'm going to stay faithful to John. I'm going to honor my wedding vows." Alex says, "WHAT?"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

HEE HEE! Warning to DOOL. Fairy tales DO come true!

4:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bo's bedtime story was right-on! Prevuze must be one of the Brothers Grimm(er).

Perhaps the third time is the charm for Jen really figuring out what JackASS is up to. (Or is it the 30th time??) Of course, in the previews she says, "I know exactly what you are doing." We know what THAT means.

And, if you don't, please refer to the post on Friday, June 3rd, "Dazed/Reality Translations, Chapter 2" and read the first "translation". HAHAHAHA

Super Prevuze and pictures (although the bottom two won't pop in for me yet).

6:53 AM  
Blogger Prevuze said...

<< Is there anyone out there who hasn't figured out the mystery woman Austin came back for is Carrie? >>

Uh, Nicole?

9:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hoo-ha. Just saw the bottom two pictures. The Belle-OW poster is inspired.

6:15 PM  

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