Friday, July 01, 2005

Fancy Face III

Bo is dragging Hope to the surprise. We’re at the river. Hope thinks he’s trying to sneak her on to someone else’s boat. “Open your eyes,” he says, “because she’s our boat.” Fancy Face III.

“Oh, Bo,” stammers Hope, “Is this... I mean she... really, really ours?”

“Yes,” says Bo, “You know what they say, third time's a charm.”

Chloe tells Brady she still loves him. She can’t tell him why she is leaving. It would only hurt him more, “There is nothing you can say or do to make me change my mind.” Translation: we all know she will change her mind, but only after torturing us for hours, days or months.

Shawn tells Belle, “I know you still love me. You just can’t stand to hurt Phillip.”

Belle says, “You forced the issue when you came here.”

“You can't force yourself to say you love me more than you will ever love Phillip,” says Shawn.

Heather is with Phillip. He doesn’t even know if he wants his old life back. He doesn’t want to burden Belle. Heather says she can do everything she did before she lost her leg. He can return to active duty and go do something else dumb.

“What I can’t handle,” says Phillip, “is other people’s pity.”

“If anything, you’ll be an inspiration to them. Do you think Belle feels sorry for you,” asks Heather.

Phillip tells her, “We were together one night before I shipped out. She deserves better than me – a husband who’s whole.”

“You think we’re not whole,” says Heather, “People won’t even know you’re an amputee. If you take one step at a time you’ll be whole again.”

Belle says, “You’re wrong. I do love Phillip.”

“I’ll accept that as long as you admit you love me more,” says Shawn.

“Stop it,” says Belle, “Can’t you understand I stood before God and the big motorcycle in the sky and promised to love him in sickness and in health?”

Shawn says, “I will not accept what has happened here.”

Belle says, “Phillip needs me.”

Shawn asks, “But for how long, until death do you part?” Until writers drageth it out.

“Chloe, this whole thing is crazy,” says Brady, “I find out the love of my life is alive and now you’re going to leave me? This is a miracle. I’m sorry. This is all I ever dreamed about since Nancy told me about the accident. Did the accident really happen?”

“Yes,” says Chloe, “The only part that wasn’t true is I didn’t die.”

Hope can’t believe it, “This reminds me of the time you surprised me with the first Fancy Face.” That calls for a flashback. “I’d swear she is the same,” says Hope.

“We can afford it,” says Bo, “The owner’s willing to hold the note and I made a little extra when I was police commander. This will be our little sanctuary. Our life has gotten a little off track lately. But we’ll always have this place to come to. For a day an hour, three minutes to focus on how much we love each other.”

“I love you Bo,” smooch.

Brady says, “Chloe, after the accident I wasn’t the only one who thought you died. I don’t see how you can give up your life, your career.”

“I didn't have a choice where my career was concerned. A glass chard severed my vocal chord. It was like someone telling me what a bad choice I made leaving Salem,” says Chloe.

“I was the one who told you to go, remember,” says Brady. Flashback to the advice and Chloe leaving for Vienna.

“I remember,” she says, “It was because you loved me so much. You were willing to sacrifice so I could have the dream of a lifetime. When my vocal chords were damaged that’s when I decided to disappear. If I had it to do again I’d go on making you think I was dead.”

“Do you realize how impossible that is,” Brady moves toward her.

“Stay away from me,” shouts Chloe.

Phillip thanks Heather. “Don’t thank me,” she says, “Just promise me you will do the same for someone else in the future.”

“I hope my marriage can survive,” says Phillip.

“Are you saying we’re through,” asks Shawn.

“I can’t say,” says Belle, “I just have to take it one day at a time, one month at a time, one year at a time, one decade at a time. Please go home. By staying here you are not just hurting him. You are hurting me.”

“OK,” says Shawn, “I’ll stop pressuring you, but I will never accept what has happened here. I love you and I know you still love me.” Shawn leaves. Belle cries.

Brady asks, “What are you afraid of?”

Chloe thinks, “I’m afraid I will never let you go.”

“Chloe,” says Brady, “we can fix this.”

“Nothing can fix this,” she says.

Brady tells her, “Your voice isn’t the only reason I fell in love with you. We got through your leukemia, we can get thorough anything. We’ll get you vocal therapy. We’ll get you singing again.”

“I already can,” says Chloe, “You heard me. At the church. There was something wrong with the sound system.”

“You were there,” says Brady, “and you couldn’t reveal yourself to me? I don’t understand how Nancy went along with this. She kept saying strange things to me like, ‘Chloe is alive... in your heart.’ Chloe, you were always alive in my heart. Did you hear me at the church? Did you see what I did? You heard how much I love you.”

“But,” says Chloe, “you were right there with Nicole.”

Brady says, “Are you telling me you didn’t reveal yourself to me because you were jealous? Are you wondering how I could be in love with you when I was sleeping with Nicole?”

Hope romps on FF-III. Bo remembers when Hope was the first mate of FF-I. Scenes of bliss on FF-I.

Hope has a few other memories from that time. Flash back to scrubbing the deck. They go down below.

Chloe says, “It’s obvious you’ve moved on.”

“When I was told you were dead Nicole was there for me,” says Brady.

“I’ll bet she was,” says Chloe.

“What did you expect me to do,” asks Brady.

“I just hoped you would make a better choice when you moved on,” says Chloe.

“It was the biggest mistake of my life,” says Brady, “But Nicole helped me through the roughest time of my life.”

Chloe confesses, “Brady, I couldn’t stay away from you. There were a couple times I snuck down to the mansion.”

Brady reacts, “Chloe, you were that close and wouldn’t let me see you. Waitaminute, that means Nicole did see you. I tried to convince her it was her imagination. Was that when she started to manipulate you?”

“She didn’t do anything,” says Chloe, “Her only crime was loving you too. She was terrified of losing you.” Brady stares.

“Chloe,” says Brady, “just because she loves me is no excuse for what she did. She was with you when I heard your voice on the phone. She lied to me.”

Chloe says, “I insisted she and Nancy and Craig lie to you.”

“If she really loved me she wouldn’t have lied to me,” says Brady.

Chloe says, “You won’t forgive Nicole for lying to you, but you will forgive me. You should hate me more for forcing her to lie.”

Belle and Heather meet. Belle is happy to meet her. Heather advises Belle to just be there for Phillip.

The doc tells Phillip he’s dong fine. Over time the phantom leg pain will disappear. When he’s healed he can be fitted for the prosthetic. Shawn eavesdrops.

“I just have one concern,” says the doc, “You’ve elected to rehab in Salem. It could be stressful. Can Belle handle it?”

“I know she will stay with me no matter what,” says Phillip.

The doc leaves. Shawn comes in, “You need something?”

“I wanted to talk to you,” says Phillip, “I want to make sure there’s no hard feelings. Extends hand to shake.”

Bo tells Hope, “Welcome to your new home away from home Mrs. Brady.”

“It’s just like the other FF,
says Hope, It’s like stepping back in time.” We step back in time. The ship’s Belle will signify all is well. Back to reality. Hope rings the bell. Bo unveils dinner. Champagne. They will drink it first, then smash the empty bottle on the hull. In other words, they will get smashed before the boat gets smashed. They drink to each other, then we have the gripping christening scene.

Brady rationalizes, “There is a difference between the lies you told and the ones Nicole told. You lied to protect me. Nicole lied to keep me from something I needed. Have you forgotten how much we loved each other? Why would you want to hide yourself from me?”

Because I’m an idiot. No, Brady I haven’t forgotten how much you love me.” Flashback, flashaback, flashback. See Brady and Chloe flashback.

“I wish we could be together but we can’t,” says Chloe.

“What could prevent that,” asks Brady.

My own stupidity. Since you won’t take my word for it, I have to tell you everything.”

Bo and Hope share champagne and cookies. Hope says, “This is a dream, just like it was all those years ago.” Flashback. They get up and dance. Hope never wants this to end. Not to worry. If it’s like everything else on this show, it never will.

“It doesn’t have to end,” says Bo, “That’s why I bought the boat. So we can come here and pick up where we left off.”

“When do we get to take it out for a little shakedown cruise,” Asks hope.

Bo has other plans right now. Bo and hope rock the boat. The bell rings. All is well.

Heather says, “Phillip thinks the world of you. He needs you now more than ever. He’s likely to take his anger out on you but don’t take it personally. I’ve left a video for him.”

“Thank you for everything you’ve said,” says Belle.

Heather says, “Don’t forget, it is possible to get your old life back. I wish you every happiness.” Heather leaves. Belle stares.

Shawn shakes Phillip’s hand, “I respect you. I will always admire you but to say there are no hard feelings... I have loved Belle since we were kids. So I can’t say I am thrilled with the way things turned out. You just better promise me you will never hurt her.”

“It will never happen,” says Phil, “I think you are a hero too. If I had to choose between losing my leg or losing Belle, I would lose my leg without even thinking about it.”

Brady says Chloe’s voice doesn’t matter. Chloe says, “The accident damaged my face, too.” She turns and reveals the bandages.

Brady smiles, “Nothing under those bandages can possibly change the way I feel.”

“I know that.”

Brady asks, “Then why are you staying away?”

“Because I’m a nut-case. It’s a lot worse than you think.”

“Chloe,” says Brady, “take the bandages off. All of them.” Chloe removes the bandages.

FF on Brady watching Chloe take it all off.

Edotor’s note: If the flesh-eating bacteria have eaten away the scars, we can count this as a new low in the history of soap operadom.


John tells Kate, “If you just stay focused on the prize you eliminate all other distractions, because if you don’t, it could cost you your marriage.”

Lucas yells, “You really expect me to believe my mother set us up, huh?” Sami snaps back, “Tony has proof.”

Patrick says, “There is no way she will survive in there, man. We’ve got to find a way to get her out.” Rex says, “I think I have.”

Mimi yells, “We’ll see who’s going down,” and rumbles with the bitch-ho’z in the holding cell.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh goody - the bitchoze are back!! Haven't seen them since the SSK days.

All of the picture captions were a riot. I'll be chuckling all day over them.

The "little extra" Bo earned as Commander must have been that bonus they paid him for never showing up at work!

5:00 AM  

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