A Slippery Road To Hell
Daniel joins Carly and Chloe in Chloe's hospital room. Chloe says, "Carly was just leaving."
St. Carly says, "The hell I am."
Daniel wants to know what's up, "Does somebody want to clue me in."
"Getting you a clue is a bigger job than the two of us can handle," says Carly, "But there is something I have to tell you about you and Chloe."
Phillip and Melanie are in the pub. Melanie says she overheard his conversation with Kayla and wants to know why Phillip didn't let them keep Pocket.
Shane startles Kimberly in Boand Hope's living room, "I have something to tell you and you're going to listen."
Rafe advises Arianna to get rid of EJ. He says he will help her, "I'm not much of an attorney, but I can give the judge an advanced algebra demonstration that will knock his socks off."
Arianna asks, "Is this about me or Sami?"
Rafe insists EJ is poison, "I'm not here for Sami. I am (say it with him) here for you."
Arianna says, "You're still in love with her."
Sami is shocked, stunned, flabbergasted. EJ says he really means it, "I love you."
Sami stammers and stutters, "You can't just come out and say something like that. It's overwhelming."
"Well," says EJ, "I notice you're still here. You didn't leave."
Daniel waits for an answer. Carly and Chloe convince him they were just talking about the baby's health. "The fetus is fine," says Daniel.
"That's a relief," says Chloe, "Good feet are very important."
Sami says she's not threatened, "You said you had feelings for me..."
EJ interrupts, "Love. I said I love you." Stammerin' Sami yammers. EJ wants her to admit she's living at the DiMera mansion because she wants to be with him, "Why don't you just admit that?"
The suspense (choke) in Chloe's room continues. A nurse comes in and announces there has been a big accident, "We need all hands on deck." Carly and Daniel rush out.
Chloe obsesses, "Carly just won't quit. She will tell Daniel this baby might not be his and then Daniel won't quit digging."
Nicole rushes into the room babbling, "I'm sliding down a slippery road to hell with nothing left to grab onto. EJ is trying to ruin my life..." She finally notices Chloe isn't listening, "Have you even heard a word I've said?"
Rafe don' wanna talk about Sami. So they talk about Sami. And EJ. Arianna says she likes him better than the public defender she was assigned, "He believes in me." Rafe asks where Brady fits into all this. Arianna gives Rafe the bad news, "We broke up."
"What," asks Rafe, "He said stay away from EJ and you said get the hell out of my life?"
"No," snorts Arianna. Rafe gets even more cynical... if that's possible. Arianna insists EJ is helping her, and reminds Rafe that EJ was a victim. Rafe thinks EJ is doing this to get into Sami's good graces.
Sami continues to recover from the fallout of the hydrogen bomb EJ has dropped, "I'm flattered."
EJ pulls out the Guy Manual and looks at the chapter, "When You Tell Her You Love Her." He reads:
"If you have foolishly ignored our advice and blurted out that you love her and have no way to take it back, you must consider her response carefully."
EJ looks down the series of responses until he comes to Sami's. He reads on:
"I'm flattered – See the section of this manual entitled, 'How To Deal With The Fact That You Are A Schmuck.'"
Sami says, "I think it's great we're getting along."
EJ asks, "Why can't you admit it's more than that?"
Sami says, "When someone... but I don't feel that way about you."
"What are you saying," says EJ, "We're just friends?"
"Yes, we are friends," says Sami, "That's how I think of you. I really care about you... as a friend."
EJ looks back at the Guy Manual's list of responses:
"Friends – A euphemism for 'I really wish I were someplace else and hope I never see you again after today.' You've painted yourself into a corner. Friends are people you get together and play Parcheesi with... not exactly what you've got in mind. You're totally out of options and have to resort to damage control. Tell her she's lying."
"Amazing," chuckles EJ, "That is the biggest lie I've heard yet."
Phillip and Melanie walk at the park bench. She asks him about the Pocket affair. Phillip says he wasn't ready to be a father. He didn't want to be reminded of a part of his life he wanted to forget, so he chucked the kid. What a guy!
Nicole notices Chloe isn't wearing a wedding ring, "OMG, you didn't get married! You didn't tell him about your fling, did you?"
"It wasn't a fling," says Chloe.
"OK, revenge sex," says Nicole.
"It wasn't that," whines Chloe.
"OK, desperation sex," says Nicole, "Whatever it was you didn't tell him, did you?"
Chloe ramps up the whining, "It wasn't a fling, desperation sex or revenge sex or anything like that. And nobody has said anything about it yet. Daniel and Carly got called into emergency surgery before anyone said anything." Nicole thinks this gives them time to make a plan. Chloe takes whining to levels never before seen, "They're probably talking about it in surgery together right now. Carly will open up my veins along with the patient she's working on. I might as well be dead."
"You're already brain-dead," says Nicole.
Outside, Daniel is with Carly. Daniel shrieks, "IF YOU HAD TOLD ME THIS A WEEK AGO I WOULDN'T HAVE BELIEVED IT!"
Carly says, "I know it's terrible, but she will regret this for the rest of her life."
Do you feel appropriately set up? Manipulated? Bamboozled? Are you sitting there thinking Carly has spilled the beans? Of course not. This is DOOL... the place where writers go after they have been rejected by the "Dick and Jane Reader" series.
Daniel has a stroke, "The law says the baby should have been strapped in."
Carly says, "The mother knows that, too. The mother made a mistake. Mothers do that. And children suffer."
Daniel asks, "What... are you talking about the baby in the ER, or you and Melanie."
"Me and Melanie," says Carly, "In a way and Chloe, too."
Lame... Lame...
Rafe says that came out wrong. He says EJ and Sami connected before he came back. Arianna asks where he was. He says he was off chasing Anna and found her. He tells her about Anna's poisoning and his stint in jail, "I got nothing. I did all this for Sami and now we're farther apart than we ever were."
"It's fate," says Arianna, "I don't think you were meant to be together."
Sami has a complete meltdown after EJ calls her a liar. EJ yells, "You are a giant pain in my ass and always will be."
"And I am not changing," snaps Sami. She starts to rush out but EJ grabs her.
Shane knocks on the door of the pub. Kimberly looks through the glass, "We're closed." Shane doesn't care. He threatens to break a window. Kimberly opens the door, "Make it fast."
Shane hands her a folded piece of paper, "Is this fast enough? Read it."
Phillip brings coffee to Melanie and they sit on the bench together. She asks about the people he gave his son to. Phillip says he checked them out and knows they were kind and loving.
Melanie is skeptical about that, "I'm sure my old man would have passed the smell test and look what happened."
Phillip insists, "This kid has a great life. He's doing fine. I've been keeping track of him. His name's Tyler. He's happy. He's..."
Melanie interrupts, "OK, I don't think you're a selfish bastard." Hugs. Barf bags are located in the seat pockets in front of you.
Nicole tells Chloe to stop crying. Chloe whines that Carly will ruin everything. Nicole tells her to concentrate on what she wants, "Don't give up."
"You're right," says bawls Chloe, "That bitch isn't going to take away my happiness. I'm going to end this right now!" Chloe heads for the door but Nicole stops her.
Sami agrees to listen, "But you don't get to tell me how to feel." EJ grins and says he marvels at the fact she doesn't change, "You get backed into a corner and you come out fighting. It's one of the things I don't like about you and one of the things I love about you."
"Stop using that word!"
EJ asks why she kissed him. She says it was a crazy momentary thing. He thinks she should admit it was more. He walks toward her and she backs up as they continue to bicker. "Be honest with me," he demands, "That kiss... that said everything." He gets closer. Sami pants. "It said you need me and want me as much as I need you. You may not be in love with me but I know you have feelings for me. Why not admit that?"
Closer... closer... closer... pant... pant... pant... EJ moves in for the kill, "We belong together. The children are proof of that. This is so real... so deep... so..."
So cell phone.
Lame... Lame...
Sami breaks away and tells him to get it. EJ looks at the screen and says it's Arianna, "Her arraignment has been moved up."
"Saved by the bell," says Sami.
EJ says, "I'd like to continue this conversation." He kisses her and leaves.
Sami stands alone. She chugs a glass of water. Pant... Pant... Pant...
Daniel wants to know what is going on with Carly and Chloe, "Has Chloe made a mistake."
"No," says Carly, "It's my mistake. If there is a problem she has to tell you."
"Tell me what," asks Dr. Clueless.
"Whatever it is," says Carly, "It's for Chloe to say." She goes to check on a patient.
Chloe rants as Nicole tells her not to go after Carly, "I'm in the same place myself. If I don't do things the right way I could be in trouble."
Chloe agrees not to do something stupid – A real challenge for her. Nicole brings up EJ and wonders if he can bring her down. Chloe freaks again, "What am I going to do if Carly tells Daniel I slept with someone else?" And who should walk in...
Phillip says he can't say how much it means to him that Melanie thinks he didn't do something wrong. Melanie smooches him. "What was that for," asks Phillip.
"You complete me," says Melanie.
"I'm glad one of us is complete," says the bionic man.
Hugs. Melanie says she's been meaning to talk to him about something. She asks if he ever wants to have a kid again someday. Phillip consults the Guy Manual, "If she brings up the subject of kids, you'd better hope she's talking about goats."
Daniel asks for a few minutes alone with Chole. Nicole hugs Chloe and leaves. Daniel asks what they were talking about. Chloe evades and says Nicole is upset with EJ, "She's my friend. My special friend who keeps me supplied with flesh-eating bacteria."
Daniel asks, "Did you tell her you were pregnant?"
"No," says Chloe, "We agreed only to tell Melanie and I would never betray your trust. Unless there was hot sex involved. Why do you look so serious? Did you and Carly talk about me?"
"Yeah, we did," says Daniel, "And there is something I need to know. Chloe, you wouldn't lie to me would you?"
"Of course not," she lies.
Kimberly reads, "So you're leaving the ISA."
"They accepted my resignation," says Shane, "I wanted you to know. I wanted you to understand I have finally decided I don't want to spend my life being somewhere my family isn't. My whole life has been about 'the mission.' That's over. From now on my only mission is to spend all the Days Of Our Lives together. I hope you'll let me back in."
Rafe agrees maybe he and Sami aren't meant to be. EJ walks up. He asks for a moment with his client. Rafe chuckles and tells him he's fired, "Maybe you should leave. Mys sister doesn't need you any more. No one does."
EJ tells Rafe he's about as useful to Arianna as he was to Sami when he vowed to find Sydney. That does it. Rafe makes a move toward him, but Arianna calls him off, "I'm due in court soon. I need someone to help." Rafe cools down, tells EJ not to screw it up and leaves.
Phillip says he does want kids. So does Melanie, but not yet, "When the time is right." The walk off.
Chloe asks, "Why would I lie to you? What did Carly say?"
Daniel says, "If there was a problem with the baby you should tell me."
"You're the doctor," Chloe reminds him, "You said there was nothing wrong with the baby, so I assume that's correct."
"So it isn't the baby," says Daniel, "Is it something else?"
"You mean like the third degree you keep giving me," asks Chloe, "I won't keep anything from you."
"Worry," says Daniel, "That's what I do. I love you so much."
"I love you too," says Chloe, "More than you know." Daniel suggests she tell him all about it on the way home since she has been discharged. Smoochies.
Carly watches from out in the hall, "Oh, God, what do I do now?" God should suggest she mind her own business.
Kimberly thinks this is a lot to process. Shane says she doesn't have to answer right away. He turns to go but she calls him back.
EJ consults with Arianna. She wonders what she will do if the judge denies bail. EJ says, "If he does, we will appeal."
Nicole is on the phone with Baker. She says she didn't find out what EJ has on her, "If he stands up in court and says he can prove we planted evidence to frame Arianna, we are dead meat! Understood?" She turns to see...
St. Carly says, "The hell I am."
Daniel wants to know what's up, "Does somebody want to clue me in."
"Getting you a clue is a bigger job than the two of us can handle," says Carly, "But there is something I have to tell you about you and Chloe."
Phillip and Melanie are in the pub. Melanie says she overheard his conversation with Kayla and wants to know why Phillip didn't let them keep Pocket.
Shane startles Kimberly in Bo
Rafe advises Arianna to get rid of EJ. He says he will help her, "I'm not much of an attorney, but I can give the judge an advanced algebra demonstration that will knock his socks off."
Arianna asks, "Is this about me or Sami?"
Rafe insists EJ is poison, "I'm not here for Sami. I am (say it with him) here for you."
Arianna says, "You're still in love with her."
Sami is shocked, stunned, flabbergasted. EJ says he really means it, "I love you."
Sami stammers and stutters, "You can't just come out and say something like that. It's overwhelming."
"Well," says EJ, "I notice you're still here. You didn't leave."
Daniel waits for an answer. Carly and Chloe convince him they were just talking about the baby's health. "The fetus is fine," says Daniel.
"That's a relief," says Chloe, "Good feet are very important."
Sami says she's not threatened, "You said you had feelings for me..."
EJ interrupts, "Love. I said I love you." Stammerin' Sami yammers. EJ wants her to admit she's living at the DiMera mansion because she wants to be with him, "Why don't you just admit that?"
The suspense (choke) in Chloe's room continues. A nurse comes in and announces there has been a big accident, "We need all hands on deck." Carly and Daniel rush out.
Chloe obsesses, "Carly just won't quit. She will tell Daniel this baby might not be his and then Daniel won't quit digging."
Nicole rushes into the room babbling, "I'm sliding down a slippery road to hell with nothing left to grab onto. EJ is trying to ruin my life..." She finally notices Chloe isn't listening, "Have you even heard a word I've said?"
Rafe don' wanna talk about Sami. So they talk about Sami. And EJ. Arianna says she likes him better than the public defender she was assigned, "He believes in me." Rafe asks where Brady fits into all this. Arianna gives Rafe the bad news, "We broke up."
"What," asks Rafe, "He said stay away from EJ and you said get the hell out of my life?"
"No," snorts Arianna. Rafe gets even more cynical... if that's possible. Arianna insists EJ is helping her, and reminds Rafe that EJ was a victim. Rafe thinks EJ is doing this to get into Sami's good graces.
Sami continues to recover from the fallout of the hydrogen bomb EJ has dropped, "I'm flattered."
EJ pulls out the Guy Manual and looks at the chapter, "When You Tell Her You Love Her." He reads:
"If you have foolishly ignored our advice and blurted out that you love her and have no way to take it back, you must consider her response carefully."
EJ looks down the series of responses until he comes to Sami's. He reads on:
"I'm flattered – See the section of this manual entitled, 'How To Deal With The Fact That You Are A Schmuck.'"
Sami says, "I think it's great we're getting along."
EJ asks, "Why can't you admit it's more than that?"
Sami says, "When someone... but I don't feel that way about you."
"What are you saying," says EJ, "We're just friends?"
"Yes, we are friends," says Sami, "That's how I think of you. I really care about you... as a friend."
EJ looks back at the Guy Manual's list of responses:
"Friends – A euphemism for 'I really wish I were someplace else and hope I never see you again after today.' You've painted yourself into a corner. Friends are people you get together and play Parcheesi with... not exactly what you've got in mind. You're totally out of options and have to resort to damage control. Tell her she's lying."
"Amazing," chuckles EJ, "That is the biggest lie I've heard yet."
Phillip and Melanie walk at the park bench. She asks him about the Pocket affair. Phillip says he wasn't ready to be a father. He didn't want to be reminded of a part of his life he wanted to forget, so he chucked the kid. What a guy!
Nicole notices Chloe isn't wearing a wedding ring, "OMG, you didn't get married! You didn't tell him about your fling, did you?"
"It wasn't a fling," says Chloe.
"OK, revenge sex," says Nicole.
"It wasn't that," whines Chloe.
"OK, desperation sex," says Nicole, "Whatever it was you didn't tell him, did you?"
Chloe ramps up the whining, "It wasn't a fling, desperation sex or revenge sex or anything like that. And nobody has said anything about it yet. Daniel and Carly got called into emergency surgery before anyone said anything." Nicole thinks this gives them time to make a plan. Chloe takes whining to levels never before seen, "They're probably talking about it in surgery together right now. Carly will open up my veins along with the patient she's working on. I might as well be dead."
"You're already brain-dead," says Nicole.
Outside, Daniel is with Carly. Daniel shrieks, "IF YOU HAD TOLD ME THIS A WEEK AGO I WOULDN'T HAVE BELIEVED IT!"
Carly says, "I know it's terrible, but she will regret this for the rest of her life."
Do you feel appropriately set up? Manipulated? Bamboozled? Are you sitting there thinking Carly has spilled the beans? Of course not. This is DOOL... the place where writers go after they have been rejected by the "Dick and Jane Reader" series.
Daniel has a stroke, "The law says the baby should have been strapped in."
Carly says, "The mother knows that, too. The mother made a mistake. Mothers do that. And children suffer."
Daniel asks, "What... are you talking about the baby in the ER, or you and Melanie."
"Me and Melanie," says Carly, "In a way and Chloe, too."
Lame... Lame...
Rafe says that came out wrong. He says EJ and Sami connected before he came back. Arianna asks where he was. He says he was off chasing Anna and found her. He tells her about Anna's poisoning and his stint in jail, "I got nothing. I did all this for Sami and now we're farther apart than we ever were."
"It's fate," says Arianna, "I don't think you were meant to be together."
Sami has a complete meltdown after EJ calls her a liar. EJ yells, "You are a giant pain in my ass and always will be."
"And I am not changing," snaps Sami. She starts to rush out but EJ grabs her.
Shane knocks on the door of the pub. Kimberly looks through the glass, "We're closed." Shane doesn't care. He threatens to break a window. Kimberly opens the door, "Make it fast."
Shane hands her a folded piece of paper, "Is this fast enough? Read it."
Phillip brings coffee to Melanie and they sit on the bench together. She asks about the people he gave his son to. Phillip says he checked them out and knows they were kind and loving.
Melanie is skeptical about that, "I'm sure my old man would have passed the smell test and look what happened."
Phillip insists, "This kid has a great life. He's doing fine. I've been keeping track of him. His name's Tyler. He's happy. He's..."
Melanie interrupts, "OK, I don't think you're a selfish bastard." Hugs. Barf bags are located in the seat pockets in front of you.
Nicole tells Chloe to stop crying. Chloe whines that Carly will ruin everything. Nicole tells her to concentrate on what she wants, "Don't give up."
"You're right," says bawls Chloe, "That bitch isn't going to take away my happiness. I'm going to end this right now!" Chloe heads for the door but Nicole stops her.
Sami agrees to listen, "But you don't get to tell me how to feel." EJ grins and says he marvels at the fact she doesn't change, "You get backed into a corner and you come out fighting. It's one of the things I don't like about you and one of the things I love about you."
"Stop using that word!"
EJ asks why she kissed him. She says it was a crazy momentary thing. He thinks she should admit it was more. He walks toward her and she backs up as they continue to bicker. "Be honest with me," he demands, "That kiss... that said everything." He gets closer. Sami pants. "It said you need me and want me as much as I need you. You may not be in love with me but I know you have feelings for me. Why not admit that?"
Closer... closer... closer... pant... pant... pant... EJ moves in for the kill, "We belong together. The children are proof of that. This is so real... so deep... so..."
So cell phone.
Lame... Lame...
Sami breaks away and tells him to get it. EJ looks at the screen and says it's Arianna, "Her arraignment has been moved up."
"Saved by the bell," says Sami.
EJ says, "I'd like to continue this conversation." He kisses her and leaves.
Sami stands alone. She chugs a glass of water. Pant... Pant... Pant...
Daniel wants to know what is going on with Carly and Chloe, "Has Chloe made a mistake."
"No," says Carly, "It's my mistake. If there is a problem she has to tell you."
"Tell me what," asks Dr. Clueless.
"Whatever it is," says Carly, "It's for Chloe to say." She goes to check on a patient.
Chloe rants as Nicole tells her not to go after Carly, "I'm in the same place myself. If I don't do things the right way I could be in trouble."
Chloe agrees not to do something stupid – A real challenge for her. Nicole brings up EJ and wonders if he can bring her down. Chloe freaks again, "What am I going to do if Carly tells Daniel I slept with someone else?" And who should walk in...
Phillip says he can't say how much it means to him that Melanie thinks he didn't do something wrong. Melanie smooches him. "What was that for," asks Phillip.
"You complete me," says Melanie.
"I'm glad one of us is complete," says the bionic man.
Hugs. Melanie says she's been meaning to talk to him about something. She asks if he ever wants to have a kid again someday. Phillip consults the Guy Manual, "If she brings up the subject of kids, you'd better hope she's talking about goats."
Daniel asks for a few minutes alone with Chole. Nicole hugs Chloe and leaves. Daniel asks what they were talking about. Chloe evades and says Nicole is upset with EJ, "She's my friend. My special friend who keeps me supplied with flesh-eating bacteria."
Daniel asks, "Did you tell her you were pregnant?"
"No," says Chloe, "We agreed only to tell Melanie and I would never betray your trust. Unless there was hot sex involved. Why do you look so serious? Did you and Carly talk about me?"
"Yeah, we did," says Daniel, "And there is something I need to know. Chloe, you wouldn't lie to me would you?"
"Of course not," she lies.
Kimberly reads, "So you're leaving the ISA."
"They accepted my resignation," says Shane, "I wanted you to know. I wanted you to understand I have finally decided I don't want to spend my life being somewhere my family isn't. My whole life has been about 'the mission.' That's over. From now on my only mission is to spend all the Days Of Our Lives together. I hope you'll let me back in."
Rafe agrees maybe he and Sami aren't meant to be. EJ walks up. He asks for a moment with his client. Rafe chuckles and tells him he's fired, "Maybe you should leave. Mys sister doesn't need you any more. No one does."
EJ tells Rafe he's about as useful to Arianna as he was to Sami when he vowed to find Sydney. That does it. Rafe makes a move toward him, but Arianna calls him off, "I'm due in court soon. I need someone to help." Rafe cools down, tells EJ not to screw it up and leaves.
Phillip says he does want kids. So does Melanie, but not yet, "When the time is right." The walk off.
Chloe asks, "Why would I lie to you? What did Carly say?"
Daniel says, "If there was a problem with the baby you should tell me."
"You're the doctor," Chloe reminds him, "You said there was nothing wrong with the baby, so I assume that's correct."
"So it isn't the baby," says Daniel, "Is it something else?"
"You mean like the third degree you keep giving me," asks Chloe, "I won't keep anything from you."
"Worry," says Daniel, "That's what I do. I love you so much."
"I love you too," says Chloe, "More than you know." Daniel suggests she tell him all about it on the way home since she has been discharged. Smoochies.
Carly watches from out in the hall, "Oh, God, what do I do now?" God should suggest she mind her own business.
Kimberly thinks this is a lot to process. Shane says she doesn't have to answer right away. He turns to go but she calls him back.
EJ consults with Arianna. She wonders what she will do if the judge denies bail. EJ says, "If he does, we will appeal."
Nicole is on the phone with Baker. She says she didn't find out what EJ has on her, "If he stands up in court and says he can prove we planted evidence to frame Arianna, we are dead meat! Understood?" She turns to see...
NOTE – you can now follow Prevuze on twitter at: http://twitter.com/prevuzea Prevuze II has a video of the daily show previews, which should be available by noon (EST) on any given day. To see Prevuze II: CLICK HERE |
Why Ej doesn't say "i am in love with you" ?! I mean "I love you" is not the same than "I am in love with you" in my book..well i know it doesn't matter but i wanted to say it..lol
And i would prefer he says "we belong together because of our matching personalities and because of the fact we can't keep staying away from each other no matter what" not because of children..it is a lame reason..seriously ..in this case they can also being co-parents and that's it..these writers are so incompetent in their dialogue...(or stories or characters..by the way..lol).
Since Rafe is genius enough - I mean blindly stumbling around and solving all the world's problems - shouldn't he be working with BP on solving the oil leak issue? Someone needs to get us a graphic on that.
Good lord, can we end the will she or won't she question once and for all? I am ready to grab a pitch fork and head to California - the writers are just torturing us with this stupid and oh so predictable storyline that they insist we see day in and day out on Carly getting ready to tell Daniel about Chloe and Phillip.
Sami, Sami, Sami. I can't even get vested in this storyline any more, since Corday has ruined it for me.
Final conclusion? They all end up with Rafe.
Bite your tongue Berg!! If they all end up with Rafe this show will end faster than the oil is leaking into the Gulf!! Maybe they could use Rafe's eyebrows to skim the waters..... SOMETHING needs to be done-BP certainly doesn't have a solution.
As far as Carly/Chloe/Daniel-would someone PLEASE put an end to this madness. Lame, lame, lame-we all stopped caring about 2 months ago, immediately following conception.
As much as I was looking forward to Ejami, as has been mentioned, often, Corday has ruined it by letting me know I am not a valued viewer. He's reminding me more and more of a politician who lives in his ivory tower and has no idea what's happening in the real world/general audience.
Daniel/Chloe/Carly, that's the true triangle. Carly's in love with Daniel or Chloe. I can't decide which.
Rafe sucks monkey balls.
"Well," says EJ, "I notice you're still here. You didn't leave."...how perceptive of you...She's here because of YOU and the Children. You know she cares about you career, and she promised the children a good Ejami story. Don't worry, she won't back out of her promise. She did twice in her past, and it turned out to be a disaster for both guys. She doesn't want to make the same mistakes again.
What are you saying," says EJ, "We're just friends?"...I don't know what the hell we are...but I feel the same way you do if that makes you feel any better.
EJ says, "I'd like to continue this conversation."...I would too, but you have to understand why Sami was torn between Rafe and EJ. It's about duty vs. desire. If Sami would chose Rafe she would give up much of her freedom(which is SOO important to her). She would do it for HIM, because no-one should have to suffer such an overbearing family(immagine Stefano & Kate, but much worse!). If Sami would get involved in his life, she would make sure he's loved and protected from their constant need to make him fit into their version of the "American Pedigree" way of life. To them it's all about money, who's who, and what country club they belong to. Rafe's not really into that lifestyle. He hates it! He wants to live a normal life, just as Sami does, where a couple can cook, clean, walk the dogs...and they have the freedom to make personal decisions on their own. In the past Sami always made sure they lived that way, but it became emmotionally exhausting to always justify to his family how you chose to live as a couple. They resented Sami for being able to shield him from their constant manipulation and financial exploitation. So they would punish him because he chose her over them, by excluding Sami from their family events. This would hurt her feelings and made her furious! So they would argue, and he would end up declining their invitations. But she knew that later on he felt cut off from his family ties and finances(which are SOO important to him). She always felt stuck between a rock and a hard place...that's why she felt she had to get herself out of the equation. She saw that he was suffering because she was in his life. He couldn't make the choice, so she made it for him....But she feels guilty about damming him to that kind of existence, when she knows she can make a difference.
"But there is something I have to tell you about you and Chloe."
If Carly doesn’t tell them that they are the two biggest idiots in Salem, I’m going to be highly disappointed.
He says he will help her, "I'm not much of an attorney, but I can give the judge an advanced algebra demonstration that will knock his socks off."
2 + 2 = 3 – yep, that’ll work just swell.
"The fetus is fine," says Daniel.
"That's a relief," says Chloe, "Good feet are very important."
EJ looks down the series of responses until he comes to Sami's. He reads on:
"I'm flattered – See the section of this manual entitled, 'How To Deal With The Fact That You Are A Schmuck.'"
Since EJ has been spending a lot of nights alone, the Guy Manual should be required bedtime reading.
He didn't want to be reminded of a part of his life he wanted to forget, so he chucked the kid. What a guy!
Unlike EJ, Phillip has committed the Guy Manual to memory, and it's working. Phillip is married, and he's getting some on the side.
"I got nothing. I did all this for Sami and now we're farther apart than we ever were."
Really?!! I thought Rafe was investigating the Sydnapping because he is FBI and believes in truth, justice, and the American way. After all, it is the citizens of the good ole U S of A that are paying his salary. Along with everything else on his expense account, the citizens also paid for his ticket home on the commercial airliner.
EJ yells, "You are a giant pain in my ass and always will be."
That would make Sami a hemorrhoid - sounds about right.
"We agreed only to tell Melanie and I would never betray your trust. Unless there was hot sex involved.
LOL part deux!!!!
Maggie Mae said...Rafe sucks monkey balls.
Clean up in aisle five! LOL part trios!!!! Note to self. When reading the faithfuls' comments, put the water bottle at the far end of the desk.
When a horse is as LAME as this episode, it’s time for a new horse. Great job Prevuze!
Betyar said, "He wants to live a normal life, just as Sami does, where a couple can cook, clean, walk the dogs"
Yeah, that sounds about like DAYS, BORING, BORING, BORING.
Cook, clean, and walk dogs? I'm sorry,but I don't see Sami happy doing any of that. The best part of staying at the Dimera mansion is that she has a chef to fix her meals and a nanny to watch her kids (giving poor Caroline some much needed rest).
Thanks for the prevuze!
Rafe advises Arianna to get rid of EJ. He says he will help her, "I'm not much of an attorney, but I can give the judge an advanced algebra demonstration that will knock his socks off."
That was my thought exactly! Well, almost. My thought wasn’t put as snarkily as Prevuze, but more like “WTF? He a lawyer now on top of being an algebra whiz?” LOLOL
My, oh my. Here’s a big fat HUH?! moment.
Phillip says he wasn't ready to be a father…so he chucked the kid.
He was so not ready to be a father he went to court and took Claire away from Shawn & Belle because he’d bonded with the baby, even though he knew the girl wasn’t his biological child?
Carly watches form out in the hall, "Oh, God, what do I do now?" God should suggest she mind her own business.
But if she does that the writers might actually have to come up with some new lines for her. This way it’s a win-win-win proposition. The writers don’t have to do any work. The actress doesn’t have to learn any new lines. And the audience gets to zap any scene with Carly/Chloe in it thereby gaining more free time to do something more enjoyable than watching this drivel – like sticking a hot poker into an eye or something.
"If he does, we will appeal."
Oh, for pete’s sake. You don’t “appeal” a bail hearing. Jeez, maybe Rafe WOULD be a better choice as a lawyer.
I really enjoyed the extensive excerpts of the Guy Manual today. Keep it up, Prevuze!
OK, mid swallow of coffee (like an idiot) when I read That would make Sami a hemorrhoid it was do I try to swallow and not choke or do a spit-take? Having pity on my employer and my ultra important work papers I decided to swallow which could've been tricky. I was successful, however, and am still among the living - and wiser not to be drinking while reading this.
I no more think Rafe heard what mega-mouth Nicole just bellowed than I believed Daniel heard what mega-mouthed Chloe bellowed.
"His name's Tyler. He's happy. He's..." I think the rest of that sentence was probably going to be "been SORASED to a teen and will be part of this summer's hijinx storyline."
Prevuze almost earned a penalty flag for Kimberly doesn't want to talk. Shane does. This is an unusual position for a man and woman...usually it's the other way around. But you get a pass this time.
Loved the guy manual and "My special friend who keeps me supplied with flesh-eating bacteria." Great Prevuze and comments today. :D
Leslie you get two gold stars today
1. That would make Sami a hemorrhoid - sounds about right.
That would make Sami a hemorrhoid - sounds about right.
and let's not forget
2. When a horse is as LAME as this episode, it’s time for a new horse
I give an extra gold star to Maggie Mae and Monkey Balls.
Hilarious. I am just slap happy today. The show has given me not much else to do but put my brain on hold.
I shudder every time I read the name "Pocket". Seriously...no..I mean...seriously.....
It always makes me think of MJ.
"But there is something I have to tell you about you and Chloe."
Omg! Tell them! Destroying their happiness improves mine. Schadenfreude, baby!
Rafe advises Arianna to get rid of EJ. He says he will help her
Every time I start to ignore Rafe he does something annoying. Blaaaaaaahhhh!!!!!
Rafe thinks EJ is doing this to get into Sami's good graces.
Because Ariana and Sami are such good friends.
"OK, revenge sex," says Nicole.
"It wasn't that," whines Chloe.
It wasn't that? Really??
Phillip insists, "This kid has a great life. He's doing fine. I've been keeping track of him. His name's Tyler. He's happy. He's..."
Philip can sell it any way he wants, I still think he's a dick. He dumped that kid because it wasn't Belle's. Taking Pocket for a trip around the world would've been pointless.
And I don't like that Melanie bought into that nonsense so quickly. Philip is wealthy, a war veteran, and has a job He is certainly more equipped to raise a kid than Sami, Nicole, or Shawn. Hell, even Nick took care of those two kids for a bit. Philip took adequate care of Clair before he freaked the hell out, so he was fine withe being a dad, Pocket just stood in the way. Blaaaaaaahhhh!!!!!
"You're right," says bawls Chloe, "That bitch isn't going to take away my happiness. I'm going to end this right now!"
Yeah, heading into the emergency room to cause a ruckus will
definitely go over well.
Rafe chuckles and tells him he's fired, "Maybe you should leave. My sister doesn't need you any more. No one does."
So... Rafe is Ariana's attorney now? Or he speaks for her now. Is that how the law typically works, or is this Salem-exclusive?
~I actually like the name 'Pocket,' as nickname of sorts.
Anonymous said...
It always makes me think of MJ.
When I first read that comment, I thought "what about Pocket could remind Anonymous of Michael Jordan?" Duh! When you live in the Chicagoland area, I guess that's what happens.
Really Sami? What are you, 12 years old? Always running and hiding when things get too real? Comfortable and boring, or passionate and exciting? There really is no choice. Damn the Bradys (and the rest of Salem) and just go where your heart tells you, and that is EJ.
I don't know how much more my heart can take. Don't tell me that Sami and EJ don't have chemistry! They're hot together! I could care less about Carly/Daniel/Chloe, Bo/Hope/Carly, Stephanie/Nathan or Melanie/Phillip. Give me more of Ejami, please!! Unfortunately, I'm afraid this s/l of Sami spurning EJ is going to go on way too long. In fact, I'm afraid that EJ might turn to Arianna (ugh)when Sami rejects him for Rafe (ugh)which will make Sami jealous. I just hope it won't be too late for them.
I hope EJ does end up with Ariana to stop this déjà vu-ish thing Brady and Ariana have going. Also, I'm a bit sick of both EJ and Sami waffling. I'm not a huge fan of Rafe and Sami, but I like it better than Ejami. Ultimately, I would prefer for her to be alone.
Sami and EJ love this. This is what turns them on. Remember last time? EJ finally had Sami and he went straight for Nicole. They love this game. That's all they want.
If Sami can't decide, I'LL take EJ!!!! Whoa Baby!!
I'm sorry Betyar, no offense but jeesh, it's a soap, these are not real people! You're trying to apply logic here when in Salem there is none. jmo
Applecheeks, very good point about the Philip/Claire storyline, more and more i'm disliking Philip.
I am a Lumi from way back, but even I can contest that the scenes seem quite smoking between Ejami.
Here's a new thought, how about EJ & Hope?
I know, I'm a Lumi, but now that Lucas is pretty much gone for good and all hope of he and Sami being more than co-parents is gone, i will reluctantly admit that Sami and EJ have always had a real HOT chemistry. And James just seems to be getting better looking as time goes by. I'll keep watching the eye candy and see if Sami ever comes to her senses.
REALLY appreciated you posting the Ejami scenes! There was a lot of panting going on, wasn't there? Sami show remarkable "won't" power when faced with an AMAZINGLY HOT EJ. She needs to just figure out who she needs, already!
He was so not ready to be a father he went to court and took Claire away from Shawn & Belle because he’d bonded with the baby, even though he knew the girl wasn’t his biological child?
That was TOTALLY different. Claire was a kid that he liked. Tyler is one that he still allows people to call "Pocket." Kayla of all people should know the kid has a name now. What's with that?
I agree with anonymous at 4:22 am. It's stupid crap like this that makes me not even want to bother with DOOL. Dena and her crew are complete and epic fails at storytelling and writing dialogue.
I just watched the preview for today. Sami got a bit weak in the knees didn't she? I don't remember her looking like that when Rafe smashed one on her. GG really needs to take a lesson on how to kiss a girl & leave her wanting more.
**Takes gold star and frames it**.
Can't wait to see today's show. How rare is it for actors to have chemistry that jumps off the scene. Unfortunately, DAYS is stuck with Corday who wouldn't know chemistry better than he knows what a compelling storyline is.
Bwah, my word verification is idisto. That's Latin for Ken Corday.
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