Vivian is with Carly at the hospital blaming Carly for the mess that is Chloe's life.
Inside Daniel's hospital room, guilt-ridden Chloe can't take it any more. She breaks down and shouts, "I AM SO SORRY! PLEASE FORGIVE ME!
"For what," asks Melanie.
"I almost started to sing something," says Chloe, as she has a fleshback to her little peccadillo with Philadillo.
Nathan and Stephanie are at the Cheatin' Heart having a couple brews. Stephanie says she's having a great time on her date. "I can guess why," says Nathan, "A certain someone isn't here with us." Nathan has all the confidence of a guy about to jump out of a plane using a hankie for a parachute.
Rafe shows up at the DiMera mansion and Stefano welcomes him. Stefano says he's concerned about Sami coming to live there, "I thought we should discuss it. Rafe says his situation with Sami is none of Stefano's business. "What," asks Stefano, "You don't love her any more?"
Sami attempts to help EJ. She searches for a cell phone to call for help, but can't find either hers or his. She says she has to go for help. EJ doesn't want her to do that, "You stay here." He mumbles and starts to get up. They fall into each other's arms. Closer... Closer... Closer...
"No thanks," says Rafe, "I already ate. What I want to know is why did EJ change his mind?"
Sami screams for help. She turns back to EJ and begs him to wake up, then panics and calls for help again. Sami takes panic to new levels as Rudyard Kipling walks by crafting a poem, "If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs..." He see's Sami swirling into the abyss of hysteria, "Oh, hell, forget it. It was a bad idea for a poem anyway."
Carly insists she hasn't done anything to Chloe. Vivian, naturally doesn't agree and they bicker, "This is all about you, you homewrecker!"
Daniel breaks in and asks what Chloe did. Phillip steps in, "She didn't tell you?"
Chloe tosses her big mouth into the ring, "Daniel, I'm sorry, but you need to hear the truth."
Rafe says this doesn't have anything to do with time, "EJ did a complete 180°." Stefano claims his illness had something to do with EJ's about-face. Rafe doesn't agree, "If EJ knew you were at death's door he'd grab a shovel and start digging."
Sami performs CPR and screams, "You are not going to die, EJ. You are not dying. Don’t you dare die on me, EJ!" CENSORED.
Sami dives in with mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. EJ gasps and breathes.
Phillip gives Chloe a look that could kill. Not surprisingly, she decides what she was going to say was not important. Daniel tells her to go ahead anyway.
"Phillip and I are old friends," says Chloe, "Friends with benefits. I told him about our fight. He told me how upset he was." Magnanimous Daniel stops her and takes all the blame, "I'd like to have a do-over."
Phillip looks at Chloe's boobs, "I'd like to have a do-over myself."
Daniel turns to Phillip, "I just want to thank you for (say it with him) being there for Melanie."
"Well," says Phillip, "Look at that. All of our problems got worked out." Tra-la, tra-la.
Nathan says Melanie told him what she wrote in that letter. Stephanie is on the edge of her seat, "And..."
"And...," says Nathan, "she made it clear that she and Phillip are 100%, and I know I'm over her."
Stefano says he and EJ put their differences aside for the children. He says they also agree Samantha is an unfit mother, "She's impulsive and lies at the drop of a hat."
"There aren't enough hats in Salem for that," says Rafe.
Stefano says his grandchildren come first, "So if that means Samantha lives here so we can keep an eye on things... so be it."
Doc Baker twirls EJ's platinum card and flashes back to the mugging, "If he never wakes up I'm home free. Either way the money is there." He makes a call, "Santos, it's Dick Baker. I need you to hack in and get a bank card PIN number. The card is in the name of... Elvis DiMera."
Sami whines and blathers. She assures EJ they will get help. He tries to get up and they again slip into each other's arms. This time... they kiss. Out in the audience, the sun comes out on the Ejami side. Birds chirp and flowers bloom. The Safe's throw tomatoes.
Phillip suggests maybe Melanie and Daniel need some time alone. He invites Chloe to the Java Café. As she leaves Daniel tells Chloe not to worry any more about the vision thing. She and Phillip hightail it.
Outside, Phillip gets a call from Shanghai. He leaves to take it and Chloe walks up to Carly. She says she's sorry for what she said earlier. No prob for Carly. Vivian listens. Chloe thanks Carly for saving Daniel's career. Carly insists it was Dr. Yang and they form a lifelong friendship right on the spot.
Stephanie says she's trying to believe Nathan. Nathan insists Stephanie is in his heart as Adrienne walks up. She tells them Justin recovered from the mugging, "Not that I'm in the loop." Nathan goes for more beer. Adrienne gushes over their relationship and Stephanie tells her Nathan's thing for Melanie has played itself out. Translation: Nathan and Melanie will set a wedding date just as soon as she finds out what Phillip did and kicks him to the curb.
Sirens sound in the background as Sami grabs herself a heapin' helpin' of EJ. EJ grabs back. Sami comes up for air and calls for help, "We're over here!"
An EMT tech comes up and calls, "Mobile 62... Mobile 62, I need an ambulance at pier 16." An ambulance comes careening down the dock and splashes into the river.
Stefano and Rafe say... not much new. Rafe says, "I know the real reason that EJ wants Sami back."
Phillip and Chloe are at the Java Café. Phillip says he's glad Chloe didn't say anything, "What a mistake!"
Chloe asks, "What were we thinking?"
"Thinking," says Phillip, "I knew there was something we forgot to do. Melanie told me everything." Chloe says she also knows Daniel wasn't at a motel with Carly. She wonders who was feeding her lies. They agree their little tryst can never come out.
Vivian and Gus are back at the Kiriakis mansion. Vivian is upset because things aren't working out the way she wants.
Rafe's attention span is shorter than a gnat's tail, so we don't learn the real reason he thinks EJ wants Sami back. We do learn Rafe thinks Sami won't be at the DiMera mansion long if she goes there to live. Stefano says they will do everything they can to have her stay. EJ thinks the whole thing doesn't add up, "You've got something on EJ. What is it?"
They wheel EJ into the hospital. Sami tells Lexie EJ was attacked. Lexie goes into action. EJ survives anyway. He lies on his gurney and moans, "Samantha..."
Stephanie says Nathan knows all about the letter and Adrienne says she hopes things work out. She also tells Stephanie she and Justin are over. Nathan comes back with the beer. He gets a call from the hospital and goes off to take it. Adrienne says she thinks Stephanie really has it bad. "We're on the right track," says Stephanie, "There is no doubt in my mind."
"If there were doubt in your mind," says Adrienne, "It would be very lonely."
Daniel thinks Melanie made her marriage stronger by being honest. He gives Maggie credit for teaching Melanie to do that. Melanie protests, "But you're honest and open."
"I am no saint," says Daniel, "I've made mistakes. In fact, the biggest mistake I ever made is in the room with me right now."
Phillip and Melanie discuss the difference between right and wrong. Finding no significant difference, they change the subject as Carly walks in. Phillip decides to get to the hospital and check on Melanie. He leaves and Carly tells Chloe she looks upset. Is everything OK?
Stefano says EJ is moving back in because they are family. "You got that right," says Rafe, "The Addams Family."
Lexie calls Stefano and tells him about EJ's injuries. Stefano tells Rafe about the attack and they both leave.
Baker tries to convince Santos to hack into EJ's account.
EJ groans and holds his head. He asks what happened and Sami tells him he was attacked. EJ has no memory of it. He says he remembers Sami being there, and thanks her for her help.
Sami smiles, "You're already showed me your gratitude." EJ doesn't remember. Sami flashes back to the kiss and sighs.
Stephanie and Adrienne talk about her relationship with Nathan. Stephanie assures her, "He's the one."
Adrienne asks, "And what was it you said about Jeremy?"
Stephanie thinks for a minute, "I said he's the one."
Adrienne asks, "And what did you say about Max?"
"He's the one."
"And Phillip?"
"He's the one."
"And the Salem U Men's lacrosse team?"
"I get your point," says Stephanie.
Stephanie changes the subject and insists Adrienne and Justin are soul mates. Without a soul. Adrienne advises Stephanie not to let Nathan go. Nathan comes back and says he has to go back to the hospital. He promises to make it up to Stephanie. They share a kiss 'n go. As Nathan walks out, Stephanie looks at a hot guy playing pool across the room, "Maybe he's the one."
Phillip comes in to see Daniel. Melanie has gone to get something so Phillip and Daniel have a little chat. Daniel tells him Melanie told him the truth and he doesn't have to walk on eggshells. That's not exactly eggs Phillip has stepped in. Daniel says, "No father ever thinks any guy is good enough for his daughter, even if he's only known she's his daughter for about fifteen minutes, but you come pretty close. Treat her right just like you did tonight. Hurt her and I'll break your neck."
Robert De Niro walks into the room, "It goes like this..." He holds up two fingers and points them toward his eyes, "I am watching..." He points the two fingers toward Daniel, "YOU!"
Vivian worries, "If Chloe tells Carly what I did... I can't let that happen."
Carly says she thinks Chloe seemed tense when she came in. She advises her to put the argument with Daniel behind her. The hospital calls and Carly has to get back. She leaves. Chloe stares.
Stefano finds Lexie at the hospital. She tells him about the attack on EJ. Rafe stands in the background and watches.
EJ asks how he showed Sami his gratitude. Sami brushes it off as Rafe sticks his head in the door.
Vivian decides she'll have the nurse and the hotel clerk eliminated, then changes her mind, "My goose is cooked." Then she has an epiphany, "Brilliant! I've nailed it, Gus. I've nailed it."
Adrienne tells Stephanie she is glowing. Stephanie says, "I know he doesn't love me the same way I love him but I think he's heading that direction. We are on our way."
Outside, Chloe calls Phillip. She thanks him. "Yeah," says Phillip, "We dodged a bullet tonight. We have to keep it quiet."
"Right," says Chloe, "If Daniel found out I slept with you, that would be the end of us... Of me." Nathan stands behind her and soaks it in.
Baker makes a call, "This is Robert Bishop. I'd like to transfer money from a PIN protected account. I have the number and the PIN right here."
Stefano says he doesn't want to go in to see EJ while Sami is there. He's angry the police can't find the perp, "The competence in the Brady police force is overwhelming. Whoever is doing this will dread the day he crossed paths with the DiMeras."
Lexie is stunned, "Even if you're being sarcastic, that's the first time the word competence and the SPD have ever been mentioned in the same sentence."
EJ says his curiosity is getting to him and wants to know how he showed Sami his gratitude. Sami brushes it off. She says she was terrified and if something had happened to EJ, she doesn't know how that she would explain that to her kids. Rafe watches as EJ caresses her cheek, "Don't worry. I'm not going anywhere."
"That's the best news I've had all week," says Sami. Dejected Rafe tucks his tail between his legs and walks off.
Inside Daniel's hospital room, guilt-ridden Chloe can't take it any more. She breaks down and shouts, "I AM SO SORRY! PLEASE FORGIVE ME!
"For what," asks Melanie.
"I almost started to sing something," says Chloe, as she has a fleshback to her little peccadillo with Philadillo.
Nathan and Stephanie are at the Cheatin' Heart having a couple brews. Stephanie says she's having a great time on her date. "I can guess why," says Nathan, "A certain someone isn't here with us." Nathan has all the confidence of a guy about to jump out of a plane using a hankie for a parachute.
Rafe shows up at the DiMera mansion and Stefano welcomes him. Stefano says he's concerned about Sami coming to live there, "I thought we should discuss it. Rafe says his situation with Sami is none of Stefano's business. "What," asks Stefano, "You don't love her any more?"
Sami attempts to help EJ. She searches for a cell phone to call for help, but can't find either hers or his. She says she has to go for help. EJ doesn't want her to do that, "You stay here." He mumbles and starts to get up. They fall into each other's arms. Closer... Closer... Closer...
"No thanks," says Rafe, "I already ate. What I want to know is why did EJ change his mind?"
Sami screams for help. She turns back to EJ and begs him to wake up, then panics and calls for help again. Sami takes panic to new levels as Rudyard Kipling walks by crafting a poem, "If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs..." He see's Sami swirling into the abyss of hysteria, "Oh, hell, forget it. It was a bad idea for a poem anyway."
Carly insists she hasn't done anything to Chloe. Vivian, naturally doesn't agree and they bicker, "This is all about you, you homewrecker!"
Daniel breaks in and asks what Chloe did. Phillip steps in, "She didn't tell you?"
Chloe tosses her big mouth into the ring, "Daniel, I'm sorry, but you need to hear the truth."
Rafe says this doesn't have anything to do with time, "EJ did a complete 180°." Stefano claims his illness had something to do with EJ's about-face. Rafe doesn't agree, "If EJ knew you were at death's door he'd grab a shovel and start digging."
Sami performs CPR and screams, "You are not going to die, EJ. You are not dying. Don’t you dare die on me, EJ!" CENSORED.
Sami dives in with mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. EJ gasps and breathes.
Phillip gives Chloe a look that could kill. Not surprisingly, she decides what she was going to say was not important. Daniel tells her to go ahead anyway.
"Phillip and I are old friends," says Chloe, "Friends with benefits. I told him about our fight. He told me how upset he was." Magnanimous Daniel stops her and takes all the blame, "I'd like to have a do-over."
Phillip looks at Chloe's boobs, "I'd like to have a do-over myself."
Daniel turns to Phillip, "I just want to thank you for (say it with him) being there for Melanie."
"Well," says Phillip, "Look at that. All of our problems got worked out." Tra-la, tra-la.
Nathan says Melanie told him what she wrote in that letter. Stephanie is on the edge of her seat, "And..."
"And...," says Nathan, "she made it clear that she and Phillip are 100%, and I know I'm over her."
Stefano says he and EJ put their differences aside for the children. He says they also agree Samantha is an unfit mother, "She's impulsive and lies at the drop of a hat."
"There aren't enough hats in Salem for that," says Rafe.
Stefano says his grandchildren come first, "So if that means Samantha lives here so we can keep an eye on things... so be it."
Doc Baker twirls EJ's platinum card and flashes back to the mugging, "If he never wakes up I'm home free. Either way the money is there." He makes a call, "Santos, it's Dick Baker. I need you to hack in and get a bank card PIN number. The card is in the name of... Elvis DiMera."
Sami whines and blathers. She assures EJ they will get help. He tries to get up and they again slip into each other's arms. This time... they kiss. Out in the audience, the sun comes out on the Ejami side. Birds chirp and flowers bloom. The Safe's throw tomatoes.
Outside, Phillip gets a call from Shanghai. He leaves to take it and Chloe walks up to Carly. She says she's sorry for what she said earlier. No prob for Carly. Vivian listens. Chloe thanks Carly for saving Daniel's career. Carly insists it was Dr. Yang and they form a lifelong friendship right on the spot.
Stephanie says she's trying to believe Nathan. Nathan insists Stephanie is in his heart as Adrienne walks up. She tells them Justin recovered from the mugging, "Not that I'm in the loop." Nathan goes for more beer. Adrienne gushes over their relationship and Stephanie tells her Nathan's thing for Melanie has played itself out. Translation: Nathan and Melanie will set a wedding date just as soon as she finds out what Phillip did and kicks him to the curb.
Sirens sound in the background as Sami grabs herself a heapin' helpin' of EJ. EJ grabs back. Sami comes up for air and calls for help, "We're over here!"
An EMT tech comes up and calls, "Mobile 62... Mobile 62, I need an ambulance at pier 16." An ambulance comes careening down the dock and splashes into the river.
Stefano and Rafe say... not much new. Rafe says, "I know the real reason that EJ wants Sami back."
Phillip and Chloe are at the Java Café. Phillip says he's glad Chloe didn't say anything, "What a mistake!"
Chloe asks, "What were we thinking?"
"Thinking," says Phillip, "I knew there was something we forgot to do. Melanie told me everything." Chloe says she also knows Daniel wasn't at a motel with Carly. She wonders who was feeding her lies. They agree their little tryst can never come out.
Vivian and Gus are back at the Kiriakis mansion. Vivian is upset because things aren't working out the way she wants.
Rafe's attention span is shorter than a gnat's tail, so we don't learn the real reason he thinks EJ wants Sami back. We do learn Rafe thinks Sami won't be at the DiMera mansion long if she goes there to live. Stefano says they will do everything they can to have her stay. EJ thinks the whole thing doesn't add up, "You've got something on EJ. What is it?"
They wheel EJ into the hospital. Sami tells Lexie EJ was attacked. Lexie goes into action. EJ survives anyway. He lies on his gurney and moans, "Samantha..."
Stephanie says Nathan knows all about the letter and Adrienne says she hopes things work out. She also tells Stephanie she and Justin are over. Nathan comes back with the beer. He gets a call from the hospital and goes off to take it. Adrienne says she thinks Stephanie really has it bad. "We're on the right track," says Stephanie, "There is no doubt in my mind."
"If there were doubt in your mind," says Adrienne, "It would be very lonely."
Daniel thinks Melanie made her marriage stronger by being honest. He gives Maggie credit for teaching Melanie to do that. Melanie protests, "But you're honest and open."
"I am no saint," says Daniel, "I've made mistakes. In fact, the biggest mistake I ever made is in the room with me right now."
Phillip and Melanie discuss the difference between right and wrong. Finding no significant difference, they change the subject as Carly walks in. Phillip decides to get to the hospital and check on Melanie. He leaves and Carly tells Chloe she looks upset. Is everything OK?
Stefano says EJ is moving back in because they are family. "You got that right," says Rafe, "The Addams Family."
Lexie calls Stefano and tells him about EJ's injuries. Stefano tells Rafe about the attack and they both leave.
Baker tries to convince Santos to hack into EJ's account.
EJ groans and holds his head. He asks what happened and Sami tells him he was attacked. EJ has no memory of it. He says he remembers Sami being there, and thanks her for her help.
Sami smiles, "You're already showed me your gratitude." EJ doesn't remember. Sami flashes back to the kiss and sighs.
Stephanie and Adrienne talk about her relationship with Nathan. Stephanie assures her, "He's the one."
Adrienne asks, "And what was it you said about Jeremy?"
Stephanie thinks for a minute, "I said he's the one."
Adrienne asks, "And what did you say about Max?"
"He's the one."
"And Phillip?"
"He's the one."
"And the Salem U Men's lacrosse team?"
"I get your point," says Stephanie.
Stephanie changes the subject and insists Adrienne and Justin are soul mates. Without a soul. Adrienne advises Stephanie not to let Nathan go. Nathan comes back and says he has to go back to the hospital. He promises to make it up to Stephanie. They share a kiss 'n go. As Nathan walks out, Stephanie looks at a hot guy playing pool across the room, "Maybe he's the one."
Phillip comes in to see Daniel. Melanie has gone to get something so Phillip and Daniel have a little chat. Daniel tells him Melanie told him the truth and he doesn't have to walk on eggshells. That's not exactly eggs Phillip has stepped in. Daniel says, "No father ever thinks any guy is good enough for his daughter, even if he's only known she's his daughter for about fifteen minutes, but you come pretty close. Treat her right just like you did tonight. Hurt her and I'll break your neck."
Robert De Niro walks into the room, "It goes like this..." He holds up two fingers and points them toward his eyes, "I am watching..." He points the two fingers toward Daniel, "YOU!"
Vivian worries, "If Chloe tells Carly what I did... I can't let that happen."
Carly says she thinks Chloe seemed tense when she came in. She advises her to put the argument with Daniel behind her. The hospital calls and Carly has to get back. She leaves. Chloe stares.
Stefano finds Lexie at the hospital. She tells him about the attack on EJ. Rafe stands in the background and watches.
EJ asks how he showed Sami his gratitude. Sami brushes it off as Rafe sticks his head in the door.
Vivian decides she'll have the nurse and the hotel clerk eliminated, then changes her mind, "My goose is cooked." Then she has an epiphany, "Brilliant! I've nailed it, Gus. I've nailed it."
Adrienne tells Stephanie she is glowing. Stephanie says, "I know he doesn't love me the same way I love him but I think he's heading that direction. We are on our way."
Outside, Chloe calls Phillip. She thanks him. "Yeah," says Phillip, "We dodged a bullet tonight. We have to keep it quiet."
"Right," says Chloe, "If Daniel found out I slept with you, that would be the end of us... Of me." Nathan stands behind her and soaks it in.
Baker makes a call, "This is Robert Bishop. I'd like to transfer money from a PIN protected account. I have the number and the PIN right here."
Stefano says he doesn't want to go in to see EJ while Sami is there. He's angry the police can't find the perp, "The competence in the Brady police force is overwhelming. Whoever is doing this will dread the day he crossed paths with the DiMeras."
Lexie is stunned, "Even if you're being sarcastic, that's the first time the word competence and the SPD have ever been mentioned in the same sentence."
EJ says his curiosity is getting to him and wants to know how he showed Sami his gratitude. Sami brushes it off. She says she was terrified and if something had happened to EJ, she doesn't know how that she would explain that to her kids. Rafe watches as EJ caresses her cheek, "Don't worry. I'm not going anywhere."
"That's the best news I've had all week," says Sami. Dejected Rafe tucks his tail between his legs and walks off.
NOTE – you can now follow Prevuze on twitter at: http://twitter.com/prevuze Prevuze II has a video of the daily show previews, which should be available by noon (EST) on any given day. To see Prevuze II: CLICK HERE |
"That's the best news I've had all week," says Sami. Dejected Rafe tucks his tail between his legs and slinks off. and that's the best news I will have all week! Note: I took creative liberty with Prevuze's wording.
Sounds like Chloe's goose is cooked too Vivian. Now what will Nathan do with his new found info?
What a hoot over the picture and Chloe's mouth. Between her mouth and boobs, who knows which is getting bigger. I will throw my own penalty flag on that one.
Happy Monday - let the games begin and let the sunshine in....and a cast of thousands stands up in the EJAMI section singing the Fifth Dimension's song with celebrations lasting into the wee hours. Hey, it's about time is all I'm sayin' we got to enjoy while we can.
SQUEEEEEEEEE! Thank you Prevuze! You are AWESOME!
This show is just what's needed after such a long wait for this couple. (Prevuze 2 at lunch, right?)
And a few special shout outs -
Thank you TPTB! Thank you Writers!
The clouds are lifting, the skies are opening up and a chorus of EJAMI voices is lifting into the heavens!
Prevuze - appreciate all you do!
"I almost started to sing something," says Chloe, as she has a fleshback to her little peccadillo with Philadillo.
LOL!!! Can the guys in the audience look forward to a replay of the debrasserification of Chloe?
"Next time you have a dumb question use the phone."
Since Rafe asks nothing but dumb questions, I hope his cell phone provider offers a friends, families, felons, foes, and fornicators plan.
"I'd like to have a do-over."
Phillip looks at Chloe's boobs, "I'd like to have a do-over myself."
I bet he would!!! It would appear that the Salem horndogs didn’t read the Saturday’s Gospel according to Prevuze. I just wish my car could get as much mileage to a gallon of gas as Prevuze is getting out of the Philoe romp-a-thon!!!
"And...," says Nathan, "she made it clear that she and Phillip are 100%, and I know I'm over her."
100% what? Incompatible? Nauseating? Annoying? Unrealistic? Barf inducing?
Nathan goes for more beer.
This is an excellent move. It’s got to take a lot of beer to be able to handle spending time with Stephanie.
Nathan comes back and says he has to go back to the hospital.
If Nathan is on call, what’s he doing in a bar pounding down brewskies?
“I'd like to transfer money from a PIN protected account. I have the number and the PIN right here."
Banks have a really nasty habit of asking for Social Security numbers. Unless EJ was carrying his Social Security card in his wallet, I’m not sure how Dr. Baker would be able to pull this off. Since he identified himself as Robert Bishop and not Elvis DiMera, the red flags should have been flying. If he did manage to find a telephone banker idiotic enough to set up the transfer, there would be an electronic trail right to Dr. Baker’s account. I think he would have been better off hitting ATMs.
The photos are hysterical but the censored link is major naughty, naughty!!! It’s a beautiful, sunny, and happy Monday morning in the Windy City. With a three game sweep at Wrigley North, the Cubs appear to have their mojo back, and Prevuze knocks numerous zingers right out of the park!!! I will also confess to really looking forward to Prevuze II!!!
Nathan, "A certain someone isn't here with us."
Thereby Nathan promptly brings that “certain someone” right into the date. Dumbkoff.
For the Lumis... some things are better left unsaid.
Thereby Prevuze promptly brings……oh, never mind.
"Thinking," says Phillip, "I knew there was something we forgot to do.”
I hope that’s the only thing they forgot to do. Nobody is ready for another baby story right now.
Other than wishing for a little of that sun folks are commenting about, this is a pretty great start to the day. Prevuze is a hoot and we get to add all sorts of words to the Prevuze lexicon - fleshback and Leslie's debrasserification. There was also that beauty of a prevuism in yesterday’s sermon, er, blog retributory-cheataliation. LOLOL
Happy Monday!
Awww...thanks for taking the extra time to clip the EJami kiss.
Lexie is stunned, "Even if you're being sarcastic, that's the first time the word competence and the SPD have ever been mentioned in the same sentence." I'm still chuckling over that one!
OK, what if they call Hope about EJ's attack and she's still in Hopeless mode? When she "wakes up" and is Hope again wouldn't she then know she'd apparently been investigating it and doesn't remember? Of course they won't do that because it would speed things along. I'm sure she'll be back to Hope when she gets the call.
If Sami couldn't find her or EJ's phones where did the EMT's come from? And why do they have to direct the ambulance to the pier, didn't they arrive in it? Or does Salem just have wandering EMT's in case someone needs them?
And what time is it? Is it still the same night? If so then they've just reached the biggest improbability of all - that a banker would be there to make Baker's transfer.
So many questions, so many laughs. Like "I can answer that," says Stefano, "One big happy family - Familia feliche." "No thanks," says Rafe, "I already ate.", the great censored link and this "And what was it you said about Nathan? Jeremy? Max? Phillip?
Well we all know Prevuze is the one to brighten our gloomy (here) Mondays. Thanks! :D
Thanks so much for the clip in Prevuze II, it's what i have been waiting for in what seems like forever!!!!! SQUEEEEEEE!!!!!
Thank you Prevuze for the EJAMI clip. I get to see Sami saving EJ and kissing him.
Thanks again
I took creative liberty with Prevuze's wording.
I think I have to let you do that. If I never took creative liberty with anything, there wouldn't be a blog.
SQUEEEEEEEEE! Thank you Prevuze! You are AWESOME!
I feel the love now, but what happens when the writers (let me remind you, THE WRITERS) fabricate some big blowup between them? I can see the flying fickle finger of fate being flung my way right now.
LOL!!! Can the guys in the audience look forward to a replay of the debrasserification of Chloe?
Heck, that's probably the only reason they played the flashback. The male demographic in their audience is down. If that doesn't get the male demographic up... never mind.
friends, families, felons, foes, and fornicators plan
If the Nexus One had that plan it would outsell the iPhone for sure.
I just wish my car could get as much mileage to a gallon of gas as Prevuze is getting out of the Philoe romp-a-thon!!!
OH, it will be a LONG time before we are done with that one.
If Nathan is on call, what’s he doing in a bar pounding down brewskies?
Maybe this is a flashback to the time right before he and Melanie went into the disasterous killer operation on Mrs. Martin.
the censored link is major naughty, naughty!!!
I'm thinking of adding one for tomorrow that will get me kicked off the internet. I don't know...
Q: What do they call it when Nathan coughs.
A: I'll leave it to you to fill in the blank.
we get to add all sorts of words to the Prevuze lexicon - fleshback and Leslie's debrasserification. There was also that beauty of a prevuism in yesterday’s sermon, er, blog retributory-cheataliation. LOLOL
The English language can be so dull at times. Sometimes it takes more than mere mortals to spice it up.
Awww...thanks for taking the extra time to clip the EJami kiss.
P-II is now up with the kiss. Unfortunately, my satellite reception wasn't great today, but I suppose it's better than nothing.
OK, what if they call Hope about EJ's attack and she's still in Hopeless mode... If Sami couldn't find her or EJ's phones where did the EMT's come from... why do they have to direct the ambulance to the pier, didn't they arrive in it... Is it still the same night? If so then they've just reached the biggest improbability of all - that a banker would be there to make Baker's transfer...
You're being logical again. I can answer all that with one of the best quotes ever, "Logic is the last refuge of puny minds." Especially on DOOL.
Well we all know Prevuze is the one to brighten our gloomy (here) Mondays
And that from a Safe fan. World peace must be right around the corner.
Thanks Prevuze! Even when the WRITERS scew up EJami, I'll still love and appreciate all your work!
We at the EJami mothership salute you! Thank youuuuuu for posting that kiss!!!! ~~le drool~~
"I almost started to sing something," says Chloe, as she has a fleshback to her little peccadillo with Philadillo.
Prevuze - you kept it clean! I might have been tempted to put a "d" between the two 'L"s after Phil's name.
Thanks so much Prevuze! You've made every Ejami's day!
The Stefano/Rafe scenes were total filler. Seriously what was the point of these scenes ?! Rafe knows Stefano (and Ej) are up to something and...what ?! Is that new, he keeps telling that for months now... They could have give us some Nicole/Brady/Arianna scenes or some Victor/Vivian scenes or some Madeline/Kate scenes instead..what a waste of good balance.
Prevuze - you kept it clean! I might have been tempted to put a "d" between the two 'L"s after Phil's name.
That's why I appreciate the reader comments so much. We get little improvements like that all day long and by the evening, the blog is perfect.
Ahhh...the sun is shining, Prevuze is posting, and I'm back to catch up on a few days worth of posts after some minor wrist surgery...all is well with the world again!
One question that I haven't seen asked yet about the Phloe rompification...since Chloe is engaged to Daniel and Daniel is Melanie's papa, and Melanie is Phillip's wife, didn't Phil just (in essence) sleep with his mother-in-law? That takes the rompification to new levels of "IEEEEEWWWWWWWWWW!"
Even with that, it's great to be back. Thanks for all you do Prevuze!!!
This might be Rafe's first truly undeniable evidence that Sami is in fact in love with EJ. I think that scene with Stefano was to show that he thinks he has it all figured out, but he's only half right. Suzzli (word verification), what do you expect? This show was amazing to some people, which is more than we can usually say for an episode of Days.
One question that I haven't seen asked yet about the Phloe rompification...since Chloe is engaged to Daniel and Daniel is Melanie's papa, and Melanie is Phillip's wife, didn't Phil just (in essence) sleep with his mother-in-law?
You are correct. However, he is hardly the first person in Salem to do that. I think you could trace that tradition clear back to Doug Williams.
Thanks so much for clipping the Ejami kiss and hospital scene. You made my day!
Late to Prevuze today...work! What some of us get to do during the day rather than writing entertaining Blogs. But, we all can't be as lucky as the people hanging out at the Prevuze compound!
There's not much that hasn't been commented on so far today, but I lol'd at the censored link and Prevuze snark remark(mostly inflicted on the Lumi bunch)...naughty, naughty Prevuze!!! That's why I love u guys!
The 2 year long Ejami drought has been lifted and so the Ejami's can sing, and dance and "tra-la-la" again...until the next draught comes around, and the dreaded Safe season comes around! But today I'm enjoying my Ejami, the sun is shining and I'm too happy to think about that time long, long, long into the future!
I shall not squeeeeee, lest to jinx it faster than it already is jinxed, but I begrudgingly admit to liking the ejami...there...i said it. The whole Safe/Ejami thing reminds me of the John/marlena/roman thing. In real life, id want me daughter to choose rafe. In soap world, EJ is much more fun. Im still not joining the cult though
^^^Join the cult we're a fun bunch, oh and SQUEEEE! I'm not sure I'd want my daughter with Rafe, either, he's dreadfully dull.
Chloe did just do her son-in-law to be. Everyman's fantasy, big boobs and easy.
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