Sweeter Far Than Flowing Honey
Hope is in her bedroom getting all dolled up. She grabs her purse and gun. Just to make sure the gun is loaded she fires a shot in the air. Halfway around the world in Bora-Bora, Kayla drops like a rock.
Phillip comes into the Java Café talking on his phone. He says he's unhappy to be having his first night away from his wife.
Melanie starts to leave Maggie's house as Nathan shows up to see her. He says he wants to finish their conversation from yesterday, and thinks she's avoiding him.
Justin knocks as Hopeless prepares to leave.
Sami plays with Johnny, who is being as big a brat as his mom. Sami yells, "NO MORE YELLING!" Am I the only one who sees the irony in this?
Johnny screams, "I WANT MY DADDY!"
EJ is in the rumpus room wishing his kids were there. He wonders if he could get closer to Sami if he told her he's fallen in love with her again. He mumbles a few things to himself using the King's English. Unfortunately it's the King of Slobovia, so you can't understand him unless you're fluent in Slobovese.
Dr. yang gets ready to operate. Daniel tells Carly he left a message for Chloe. Yang comes in and all is ready to go.
Grant the destitute day-trading orderly tells Chloe Daniel was there and left with Carly. Vivian watches. Chloe grills Grant, "I need to know where they were going."
Grant says, "I can't say for sure, but I do know the road there is paved with good intentions."
Back at Sami's place the brat continues to be uber-bratty. So does Johnny. Sami blows up at Johnny for blowing up. Johnny screams for his daddy.
EJ talks to the photographs of his kids, "It's worth a try. I could perhaps persuade her to move in if she knew I loved her." He flashes back to talking with Sami, "Maybe she loves me too. There is only one way to find out." He leaves.
Out in the audience, Jiminy Cricket leads the Ejami section in a chorus of "When you wish upon a star your dreams come true."
Hopeless sneaks around her room as Justin knocks. He asks if she is OK. Hopeless stares at her gun, fires another shot at the ceiling and hits the floor.
Johnny throws a Sami Brady style fit. He screams for Daddy. Sami does what bad mothers everywhere do and caves in. She calls EJ, who immediately shows up at the door talking on his phone to her, "Hi I'm right here. Where is Johnny?" Apparently, EJ has gone stone deaf as Johnny stands in front of him throwing his latest tantrum.
Phillip calls Myra and asks her to reschedule his meeting. He says he's on a downer because he's spending the night alone without his wife, so he's going home to be with her.
Melanie insists she's not avoiding Nathan. She offers to drop out of the nursing program, but Nathan says that's not what he wants. He takes her hand and says they need to be honest about how they feel.
Hopeless insists she is fine. Justin says he'll be at the mansion for a while, but Hopeless brushes him off.
EJ comes back into the living room after getting Johnny to sleep, "It's amazing how quickly four Ambien can work on a kid." Sami thinks EJ has the magic touch. She thinks he's also pretty good at putting kids to sleep. Super-dad also put Sydney back to sleep while he was at it. Sami thanks him. EJ turns on the charm, "Your eyes light up when you laugh. You look very beautiful."
Melanie rambles. Nathan says he won't let her drop out of the nursing program, but that's not what he means about being honest, "I know I still care about you and you still care about me."
"Don't tell me how I feel," whines Melanie.
"I won't," says Nathan, "but will you? Tell me how you feel... about me." In the absence of a response from Melanie, I'll tell you how I feel about both of them. It's nothing a 6-foot tall mosquito zapper couldn't take care of.
EJ tells Sami about his exciting night with the kids, "I put them in the jet and we went to Disneyland." Sami doubts that, so EJ tells her the real story, "There is also something I want to talk to you about."
Chloe is shocked, "The Mercer Motel? That can't be."
"You're probably right," says Grant, "It's late and maybe I imagined it."
Chloe hyperventilates and leaves. Vivian comes up and congratulates Grant for his loyalty. She hands him a wad-o-cash and suggests he hit the beach in San Tropez. He asks what she gets out of all this.
"Let me put it this way," says Vivian, "Sweeter far than flowing honey."
"What is?"
"REVENGE," says Vivian, "Now get on your plane and go enjoy yourself."
Melanie says she's committed to Phillip. Nathan insists that she be honest. "If I'm going to be honest," says Melanie, "it starts with the letter I wrote. It said I would... leave Phillip for you, if you still loved me."
Nathan half-chokes, "Humpf. Wow. I was hoping... I'm so glad to hear that. In the long run, it will make Phillip even happier."
"It doesn't matter," says Melanie, "because you didn't come."
Nathan makes up for lost time. He grabs her and plants a big one... just, of course as Phillip comes up to the door and watches through the window.
Phillip walks off as Melanie and Nathan go at it. They come up for air. "OK," says Melanie, "that was goodbye." If that was goodbye, Nathan can't wait for another hello.
Chloe is at the Mercer hotel asking about Carly and Daniel. The proprietor says he can't give out information about guests. Chloe hands him a wad-o-cash and the he looks it up, "No one by the name of Jonas or Manning checked in tonight." Chloe wonders if they might have checked in under assumed names. Man, the girl's as sharp as a tack that just got run over by a locomotive. The manager checks his computer and finds several people named Smith. Chloe hauls out her smart phone (the only smart thing in the room) and shows him a picture of philandering Dan.
Phillip gets back to the Kiriakis mansion and pours a stiff one. Justin finds him. He asks if Phillip should be home with Melanie. In response, Phillip slugs down a couple.
Sami says she has something to tell EJ, "Lucas called. He wants Allie to stay with him in Hong Kong. He flew back to get her and she'll be gone a couple weeks." Sami says she couldn't pass up the opportunity to dump a kid, so she OK'd it, "I think Johnny is acting up because he misses Allie and he also misses Rafe."
"Do you miss Rafe," inquiring minds want to know.
"No," says Sami, "He's made it clear he won't be able to forgive me. I lied to you and you've forgiven me. Why?"
EJ says he's forgiven her because they have children. He reminds her she doesn't have that connection with Rafe. He also reminds her neither one of them is a complete saint. Sami tees off, but EJ tells her to stop and says she can't fix what happened. He says they just need to concentrate on the fact they have two wonderful kids. Sami still says she wishes she could take it all back.
Hopeless strolls outside and talks on the phone, "Is it on? Good! I'm on my way."
The hotel manager looks at Daniel's picture and says it's possible he's there, "An uptown guy like this brings a lady here for only one reason."
"Right," says Chloe, "I did happen to notice you're the only hotel in town which gives free SoapNet. Why else would they come here?"
"It ain't to play checkers."
Phillip asks Justin, "Why am I not with my wife?" That was rhetorical. "I'm an idiot." That wasn't. Justin asks if they fought. Phillip says it's not that simple, "Everything I believed about my marriage is a lie. All you need to know is I'm an idiot." Justin says he'll back off but suggests Phillip should be with Melanie, so they can talk. John Phillip Soused asks if Justin talked to Adrienne when they were having trouble, "How'd that work out fer ya?"
Melanie says she won't leave Phillip, "Yes I loved you but that's not true any more. We're done, Nathan. Stick a fork in us."
Vivian is at the Java Café. The hotel clerk has called and she says he told Chloe exactly what Vivian paid him to say. Vivian cackles, "Ah, she caught them going to the No-Tell Motel." Gus thinks her plan might backfire and she would be the one to suffer.
Carly sits with Daniel in recovery as he calls for Chloe. She promises Chloe will be there as soon as she picks up her Lorena Bobbitt model carving knife.
Chloe gets back to her place and stares at a picture of her and Daniel.
Phillip staggers by the dock. He remembers Melanie saying she loved him and married the right man. He swills booze from a flask.
Melanie says she will always have feelings for Nathan, but won't act on them. He wonders if she can live that way. Melanie vows to and says he has to also.
EJ says he understands why Sami kept the pregnancy from him. Sami, however, doesn't. She flashes back to the birth. EJ reminds her Baker is dead and not due to come back to life yet. EJ wants to stop thinking about the past and look to the future, "Our future."
Hopeless plays poker with the boys. And one of the boys is none other than back-from-the-dead Dr. Baker.
Sami asks what EJ wanted to tell her. He stammers around about Will and says he has an idea as to how they can deal with their children together.
Vivian wonders when Gus became such a crepe hanger. She tells him now that she's engaged to Bo's father she can't touch Carly, so she has to get Chloe to do her dirty work.
Carly gives Daniel the finger. The index finger, "Focus on the tip of my finger." Daniel says he only sees one. Carly is optimistic about the surgery's outcome. Daniel is grateful. She cautions him to stay off the ice, however. Especially the thin ice he's on right now.
Chloe looks at the picture. She tosses it and starts to leave, but finds Phillip at the door. They give each other that 'come hither' look and... come hither.
Nathan says he had this all planned but Melanie's saying goodbye was not part of the picture, "Since you've moved on... I guess... so will I."
"So we're done," says Melanie.
"We still have to see each other at the hospital," says Nathan.
"We'll be colleagues," says Melanie.
"Fat chance," says Nathan, "I'll be the arrogant doctor and you'll be the nurse I mistreat."
"I guess so," says Melanie. Hugs. Nathan leaves. Or should I say moves on?
Hopeless and Baker stand in a back alley. She says she's sorry Baker had a bad night as she counts her money. Baker wants her to buy him a drink to make up for it. Hopeless agrees.
EJ suggests all the kids and Sami should come and live with him. Sami chokes.
Phillip comes into the Java Café talking on his phone. He says he's unhappy to be having his first night away from his wife.
Melanie starts to leave Maggie's house as Nathan shows up to see her. He says he wants to finish their conversation from yesterday, and thinks she's avoiding him.
Justin knocks as Hopeless prepares to leave.
Sami plays with Johnny, who is being as big a brat as his mom. Sami yells, "NO MORE YELLING!" Am I the only one who sees the irony in this?
Johnny screams, "I WANT MY DADDY!"
EJ is in the rumpus room wishing his kids were there. He wonders if he could get closer to Sami if he told her he's fallen in love with her again. He mumbles a few things to himself using the King's English. Unfortunately it's the King of Slobovia, so you can't understand him unless you're fluent in Slobovese.
Grant the destitute day-trading orderly tells Chloe Daniel was there and left with Carly. Vivian watches. Chloe grills Grant, "I need to know where they were going."
Grant says, "I can't say for sure, but I do know the road there is paved with good intentions."
Back at Sami's place the brat continues to be uber-bratty. So does Johnny. Sami blows up at Johnny for blowing up. Johnny screams for his daddy.
EJ talks to the photographs of his kids, "It's worth a try. I could perhaps persuade her to move in if she knew I loved her." He flashes back to talking with Sami, "Maybe she loves me too. There is only one way to find out." He leaves.
Out in the audience, Jiminy Cricket leads the Ejami section in a chorus of "When you wish upon a star your dreams come true."
Hopeless sneaks around her room as Justin knocks. He asks if she is OK. Hopeless stares at her gun, fires another shot at the ceiling and hits the floor.
Johnny throws a Sami Brady style fit. He screams for Daddy. Sami does what bad mothers everywhere do and caves in. She calls EJ, who immediately shows up at the door talking on his phone to her, "Hi I'm right here. Where is Johnny?" Apparently, EJ has gone stone deaf as Johnny stands in front of him throwing his latest tantrum.
Phillip calls Myra and asks her to reschedule his meeting. He says he's on a downer because he's spending the night alone without his wife, so he's going home to be with her.
Melanie insists she's not avoiding Nathan. She offers to drop out of the nursing program, but Nathan says that's not what he wants. He takes her hand and says they need to be honest about how they feel.
Hopeless insists she is fine. Justin says he'll be at the mansion for a while, but Hopeless brushes him off.
EJ comes back into the living room after getting Johnny to sleep, "It's amazing how quickly four Ambien can work on a kid." Sami thinks EJ has the magic touch. She thinks he's also pretty good at putting kids to sleep. Super-dad also put Sydney back to sleep while he was at it. Sami thanks him. EJ turns on the charm, "Your eyes light up when you laugh. You look very beautiful."
Melanie rambles. Nathan says he won't let her drop out of the nursing program, but that's not what he means about being honest, "I know I still care about you and you still care about me."
"Don't tell me how I feel," whines Melanie.
"I won't," says Nathan, "but will you? Tell me how you feel... about me." In the absence of a response from Melanie, I'll tell you how I feel about both of them. It's nothing a 6-foot tall mosquito zapper couldn't take care of.
EJ tells Sami about his exciting night with the kids, "I put them in the jet and we went to Disneyland." Sami doubts that, so EJ tells her the real story, "There is also something I want to talk to you about."
Chloe is shocked, "The Mercer Motel? That can't be."
"You're probably right," says Grant, "It's late and maybe I imagined it."
Chloe hyperventilates and leaves. Vivian comes up and congratulates Grant for his loyalty. She hands him a wad-o-cash and suggests he hit the beach in San Tropez. He asks what she gets out of all this.
"Let me put it this way," says Vivian, "Sweeter far than flowing honey."
"What is?"
"REVENGE," says Vivian, "Now get on your plane and go enjoy yourself."
Melanie says she's committed to Phillip. Nathan insists that she be honest. "If I'm going to be honest," says Melanie, "it starts with the letter I wrote. It said I would... leave Phillip for you, if you still loved me."
Nathan half-chokes, "Humpf. Wow. I was hoping... I'm so glad to hear that. In the long run, it will make Phillip even happier."
"It doesn't matter," says Melanie, "because you didn't come."
Nathan makes up for lost time. He grabs her and plants a big one... just, of course as Phillip comes up to the door and watches through the window.
Phillip walks off as Melanie and Nathan go at it. They come up for air. "OK," says Melanie, "that was goodbye." If that was goodbye, Nathan can't wait for another hello.
Chloe is at the Mercer hotel asking about Carly and Daniel. The proprietor says he can't give out information about guests. Chloe hands him a wad-o-cash and the he looks it up, "No one by the name of Jonas or Manning checked in tonight." Chloe wonders if they might have checked in under assumed names. Man, the girl's as sharp as a tack that just got run over by a locomotive. The manager checks his computer and finds several people named Smith. Chloe hauls out her smart phone (the only smart thing in the room) and shows him a picture of philandering Dan.
Phillip gets back to the Kiriakis mansion and pours a stiff one. Justin finds him. He asks if Phillip should be home with Melanie. In response, Phillip slugs down a couple.
Sami says she has something to tell EJ, "Lucas called. He wants Allie to stay with him in Hong Kong. He flew back to get her and she'll be gone a couple weeks." Sami says she couldn't pass up the opportunity to dump a kid, so she OK'd it, "I think Johnny is acting up because he misses Allie and he also misses Rafe."
"Do you miss Rafe," inquiring minds want to know.
"No," says Sami, "He's made it clear he won't be able to forgive me. I lied to you and you've forgiven me. Why?"
EJ says he's forgiven her because they have children. He reminds her she doesn't have that connection with Rafe. He also reminds her neither one of them is a complete saint. Sami tees off, but EJ tells her to stop and says she can't fix what happened. He says they just need to concentrate on the fact they have two wonderful kids. Sami still says she wishes she could take it all back.
Hopeless strolls outside and talks on the phone, "Is it on? Good! I'm on my way."
The hotel manager looks at Daniel's picture and says it's possible he's there, "An uptown guy like this brings a lady here for only one reason."
"Right," says Chloe, "I did happen to notice you're the only hotel in town which gives free SoapNet. Why else would they come here?"
"It ain't to play checkers."
Phillip asks Justin, "Why am I not with my wife?" That was rhetorical. "I'm an idiot." That wasn't. Justin asks if they fought. Phillip says it's not that simple, "Everything I believed about my marriage is a lie. All you need to know is I'm an idiot." Justin says he'll back off but suggests Phillip should be with Melanie, so they can talk. John Phillip Soused asks if Justin talked to Adrienne when they were having trouble, "How'd that work out fer ya?"
Melanie says she won't leave Phillip, "Yes I loved you but that's not true any more. We're done, Nathan. Stick a fork in us."
Vivian is at the Java Café. The hotel clerk has called and she says he told Chloe exactly what Vivian paid him to say. Vivian cackles, "Ah, she caught them going to the No-Tell Motel." Gus thinks her plan might backfire and she would be the one to suffer.
Carly sits with Daniel in recovery as he calls for Chloe. She promises Chloe will be there as soon as she picks up her Lorena Bobbitt model carving knife.
Chloe gets back to her place and stares at a picture of her and Daniel.
Phillip staggers by the dock. He remembers Melanie saying she loved him and married the right man. He swills booze from a flask.
Melanie says she will always have feelings for Nathan, but won't act on them. He wonders if she can live that way. Melanie vows to and says he has to also.
EJ says he understands why Sami kept the pregnancy from him. Sami, however, doesn't. She flashes back to the birth. EJ reminds her Baker is dead and not due to come back to life yet. EJ wants to stop thinking about the past and look to the future, "Our future."
Hopeless plays poker with the boys. And one of the boys is none other than back-from-the-dead Dr. Baker.
Sami asks what EJ wanted to tell her. He stammers around about Will and says he has an idea as to how they can deal with their children together.
Vivian wonders when Gus became such a crepe hanger. She tells him now that she's engaged to Bo's father she can't touch Carly, so she has to get Chloe to do her dirty work.
Carly gives Daniel the finger. The index finger, "Focus on the tip of my finger." Daniel says he only sees one. Carly is optimistic about the surgery's outcome. Daniel is grateful. She cautions him to stay off the ice, however. Especially the thin ice he's on right now.
Chloe looks at the picture. She tosses it and starts to leave, but finds Phillip at the door. They give each other that 'come hither' look and... come hither.
Nathan says he had this all planned but Melanie's saying goodbye was not part of the picture, "Since you've moved on... I guess... so will I."
"So we're done," says Melanie.
"We still have to see each other at the hospital," says Nathan.
"We'll be colleagues," says Melanie.
"Fat chance," says Nathan, "I'll be the arrogant doctor and you'll be the nurse I mistreat."
"I guess so," says Melanie. Hugs. Nathan leaves. Or should I say moves on?
Hopeless and Baker stand in a back alley. She says she's sorry Baker had a bad night as she counts her money. Baker wants her to buy him a drink to make up for it. Hopeless agrees.
EJ suggests all the kids and Sami should come and live with him. Sami chokes.
NOTE – you can now follow Prevuze on twitter at: http://twitter.com/prevuze Prevuze II has a video of the daily show previews, which should be available by noon (EST) on any given day. To see Prevuze II: CLICK HERE |
Sami yells, "NO MORE YELLING!" Am I the only one who sees the irony in this?
I have to agree. There’s nothing like Sami setting a good example for her children. If this soap lasts for another decade, we can expect Johnny to be part of the next generation of screamers.
Out in the audience, Jiminy Cricket leads the Ejami section in a chorus of "When you wish upon a star your dreams come true."
…and that would be followed by a few stanzas of “Someday My Prince Will Come”. Oh wait – that’s what I keep singing.
Hopeless stares at her gun, fires another shot at the ceiling and hits the floor.
He says he's on a downer because he's spending the night alone without his wife, so he's going home to be with her.
If Phillip has so much time to be mooning over Melanie, his job can’t be keeping him very busy. As an uber corporate honcho, it’s time for Phillip to put on his big boy pants, get to work, and quit sniveling. Trust me. Titan can always find someone better and cheaper to do Phillip’s job.
He takes her hand and says they need to be honest about how they feel.
You want honesty? Here’s honesty – I could care less about how either Melanie or Nathan feels. Honestly, I’m glad my remote has a fast forward button.
Chloe hauls out her smart phone (the only smart thing in the room).
LOL part deux!!!
And one of the boys is none other than back-from-the-dead Dr. Baker.
I don’t care how or why but I’m ecstatic that Dr. Baker is back! Honestly!!! Hopeless and Dr. Baker teaming up should be interesting, and that’s because Dr. Baker is so damn entertaining. Chloe and Phillip – who didn’t see that one coming? It was so obvious that I’ll spare you the crickets. Do you think that Sami and her brood will move into the DiMera fun house? All the crickets in attendance answered “yes”.
Trust me. Titan can always find someone better and cheaper to do Phillip’s job.
Maybe Titan is also in charge of the hiring (and firing) of DOOL actors.
In the absence of a response from Melanie, I'll tell you how I feel about both of them. It's nothing a 6-foot tall mosquito zapper couldn't take care of.
That, or just let Hope aim a gun anywhere in their general vicinity.
“Stick a fork in us."
That would do it too. Maybe make it a pitchfork with extra long tines.
I'm with Leslie and probably 95% of all Prevuzites...any scene with Nathan/Melanie/Steponme gets an automatic zap.
And let me be the first to say it here, HUH?! Lucas wants his 3-4 year old daughter with him in Hong Kong so he flies back to get her?? Puh-leeze. Surely the writers could have come up with a more plausible excuse than that to have Allie off the show for a while. For example she could be attending space camp, getting ready to take the next shuttle ride. Or maybe she could be joining a Somalian pirate gang. Anything!
Loved Dr. Dan directing his own surgery and EJ considering the butler in a skirt. LOL funny
Thanks, Prevuze.
Spoilers say that Sami will move in the Dimera mansion indeed.
And it could be that the schizophrenic Hope personality hates all men.
Dr. Baker makes a huge mistake though when he sees Hope knock EJ out, then he takes EJ's credit card and helps himself to his account. Spoilers say that Sami is the one who saves EJ's life by giving him CPR.
Lots of fans believe that Hope's alter-ego is also the mugger of all these men. Dr. Baker will also get mugged when he wins a lot of money in a poker game. She is dressing all in black. And if she is using her gun handle to knock those men out, I suppose it is possible for a woman to do that. Wonder if that outfit is what she has in that secret box Ciara found underneath Hope's bed?
If Bo is going to be gone from DOOL for two months, who will be there now for Ciera? She always seems to be so alone in that mansion. No wonder she is so scared! Her Mom could be out mugging men and robbing them of their money. Where is Victor whenever Ciera gets so afraid she has to sit in the parlor alone waiting for Mommy to come home?
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The dialogue is so lazy on this show.
Pleeeuuusssee Johnny misses Rafe ?! Really ? In any scene where we saw Johnny with Rafe the little boy didn't give a **** about Rafe ! What a contrived way to bring Rafe in the conversation...lazy lazy writers...
And WTF with "fell in love with her again" : you don't fall in love again, you are still in love with the person, that is all. You deny your feelings (i know i know..lol) and cover them by some hatred and revenge but you stay in love deep down ! Writers again totally lazy you are.
Baker and Hope (she is more than less recently no ?! lol) team up seems fun !
Nathan/Melanie : zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Philip/Chloe : cheaters, cheaters !! NANANANA !
Vivian is a joke as a devil villainess; shame on you Vivi.
~Oh jeez, just sit Johnny's ass in the corner. It's not that hard. He's like 4.
~Philip needs to be sat in a corner as well. Reschedule his meeting because he misses his wife? Grow up, dude.
~I also don't really care too much about Nathan and Melanie either. If only Stephanie was there to be a bitch or something.
~Wait. Is Vivian's vengeance plan of Chloe? Because she's the one who will end up suffering from this. Everyone saw Carly and Dan in surgery. Can't really blame Carly there.
~And what the hell is Chloe's problem, she cheated on Lucas to be with her soul mate and now she's cheating on her soul mate with her... well, I don't know what the hell Philip is to her.
well, I don't know what the hell Philip is to her.
I believe they call it 'friend with benefits' and has Phillip ever stacked up on the benefits with Chloe. Looks like he might be in for another heapin' helpin' too.
After today's show, I don't think Hope is keeping that black outfit in the secret box underneath her bed. Maybe she has all the men's wallets in it though from the muggings? Kinda like souveneirs if she hates all men.
I say EJ needs glasses if he thinks Sami is beautiful in tomorrow's episode. It didn't even look like her hair had been combed in the previews. lol
I wonder if Dr. Baker will be the character who gets murdered because he will know it was Hope who knocks EJ out. He might blackmail Hope into getting him more money to gamble with. He gets mugged, too.
Lexie did tell Hope if the mugger had hit Abe four inches to the right, it would have killed him, so Hope would know just where to hit the right spot on the head to kill someone she wanted to get rid of permanently if they were blackmailing her.
It's hard to imagine Sami living in the Dimera mansion for any reason because Kate is there. She is the mistress of that mansion now, so it seems that Sami's life would be soooo miserable if Kate has anything to say about it. It seems to me that the writers are just making it easy for Sami to have some place to leave her kids so she can get out and about as much as she wants.
Johnny screams, "I WANT MY DADDY!" Yesterday "Ciara screams I WANT MY DADDY!" A junior version of script recycling.
Hopeless and Baker stand in a back alley. She says she's sorry Baker had a bad night as she counts her money. Maybe - if we're lucky - smirky, eyebrow lifting Hopeless will someday count her money in front of the wrong sore losers and she'll end up keeping company with Jimmy Hoffa.
Getting to Prevuze late in the day is miserable! But it was worth the wait. Loved the pictures. Thanks!
Hey anonym for Ej love is blind ! LoL
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