Stupid, Stupid
Daniel and Carly join Bo and Abe in the SPD conference room. Carly says, "Vivian told me the sword of Vivian Alamain hangs over my head."
"I Hope it whacks off that silly hairdo of yours," says Bo.
Nicole sits at a table in the common area of the prison and paints her nails. McTavish barks, "Manicure time is over. Back to your cell."
"Not until I'm done," chirps Nicole, "You're gonna have to find someone else to pick on because I just got my get-out-of-jail-free card."
Anna and the governor attack each other on the couch in the DiMera den. Suddenly, Governor Jim backs away and says Anna is asking too much. Anna makes her case and paints a picture of Nicole a few steps above Mother Teresa on the scale of goodness and compassion. Jimbo doesn't buy it, "The chance of the public having sympathy for Nicole is the same as the Bears going to the super bowl."
"Things aren't quite that dismal," says Anna. Jim isn't on board. He calls his driver and says he's ready to leave.
Sami, Rafe, Arianna and Brady are together at a table in the pub. Sami asks if Rafe will write her a recommendation so she can get the job at the FBI. Rafe doesn't think that's a good idea. Sami doesn't take it well. She stands up and huffs out. Rafe chases, catches, tackles. Maybe Rafe could help the aforementioned Bears win the super bowl.
EJ asks Theo about the secret. Theo says, "Johnny said Sydney was never gone. She was safe with you all along."
"Johnny doesn't always tell the truth," says EJ.
"This time it's true," says Theo, "Sydney was with her daddy."
Lexie comes in, "Theo, why would you say that?"
Gus meets Vivian at the Java Café. Vivian has a plan.
Bo rants about Vivian wandering the streets of Salem. Daniel says he wants to protect Carly, even though yesterday he hated her. Bo agrees, "We're not living our lives like this. Not any more."
Sami worries about her means of support. Macho Rafe has an answer for that one, "You have me. Is that not enough? Am I not enough?"
EJ says Theo misunderstood. Lexie sends the bigmouth back to play with Johnny, "My son may be autistic but he is highly intelligent."
EJ asks, "Are you suggesting Sydney was here all the time?"
"Not here," says Lexie, "But maybe Johnny saw or heard something. He could be the key to solving the Syd-napping."
Will meets Mia, who is working at the Java Café. He steps up to the counter, "Did you lose something?" He shows her the necklace, "Gabi found this. She got it from Chad. It seems he gets around. Just like you."
Lois asks Nicole why she's getting all spruced up. Nicole asks, "Is it hard working here when you should be engineering rockets for NASA? Nicole flashes back to a scene with Brady.
Sami tells Rafe, "You mean a lot to me..." We all sit on the edge of our seats waiting for the...
"I have to be independent and take care of myself. This is a perfect job. At least I thought it was."
Arianna catches Sami's eye, "Brady and I are gonna split."
"That was a short engagement," says Sami. Establishing that Arianna means they're going to leave, Sami says she and Rafe are being rude and they all decide to stay and celebrate. Everyone sits back at the table and they all toast and giggle.
EJ asks, "You don't really think Father had something to do with this?"
"I wouldn't put it past him," says Lexie.
Governor Jim wishes he could have helped Anna but no can do. Anna pouts, "I know you wouldn't want to risk your career on some old washed up bimbo."
"You're cute as hell and lots of fun," says the Gov.
"Yeah," chokes Anna, "a laugh and a half." He kisses her, tells her to take care and leaves. Anna mumbles, "Self obsessed... OK, Anna, it's time to pull out the big guns." I'm surprised she didn't already try that when they were on the couch together.
Bo wonders when this became Daniel's problem. "Since my daughter was almost killed on your watch," says Daniel, "What are you going to do about it?"
Man of action Bo calls Vivian and asks her to come to the station. Vivian protests. Bo gets snarly. Bo is good at that.
Mia claims she lost the necklace. Will says he knows she's lying, "I grew up with my mom. I know liars. You're playing both me and Chad. You're gonna end up with nobody." He slams the necklace onto the counter and leaves.
The pub party continues. Sami, not content to leave well enough alone asks Arianna, "Are you planning to work after you get married? Or is that a sexist question?"
"I plan to go back and get my master's degree," says Arianna.
"I'd like to go back to school, too" says Sami, "and get my elementary degree." Seeing the storm clouds forming, Arianna and Brady decide this would be a good time to go for a piece of pie. Once they're gone, Rafe gets on Sami's case for bringing up the job again. He says the job is in a completely different department and he has no pull, "I've never worked with you before."
Three... two... one...
An announcement comes over the PA system, "Ladies and gentlemen, Sami Brady's composure has left the building."
Rafe asks, "Do you have clerical experience?" It seems Rafe's brain left the building, too.
"I've switched blood tests with the best of them," says Sami.
Anna shows up at the DiMera mansion. She tells EJ Nicole found out, "I tried to handle it but I need your help."
EJ gets nasty, "Why should I help you?"
"Uh... Because I can implicate you?"
"I gave you 5 million to shut you up," growls EJ, "MARCO!" Marco marches up. EJ commands, "Dispose of her!" Marco pulls out his gun...
Anna pops back to... ahem... reality, "What the heck am I thinking?" She runs off.
Nicole and Lois seem to have declared a truce of sorts. Lois listens as Nicole says she walked away from the only guy who ever loved her. "If you were the one who walked away," says Dr. Phil, "maybe it's not too late."
Vivian shows up in the increasingly crowded police conference room. She surveys the crowd and figures it's going to be four against one, so she turns to Carly, "I see sleeping with the commissioner has its advantages." Bo sends Daniel and Carly out. We can't see Abe. I guess he's over having another donut.
Anna finds her seat on the plane, "Timbuktu, here we come." She turns and sees EJ. He pokes a gun into her ribs, "Nicole told everything. Stupid, stupid girl."
Anna gasps, "You can't have a gun in here. The flight attendants just told us to put our tray tables in the upright and locked positions and to put all artillery away."
Anna once again pops back to reality as she walks outside, "Who do you think you are kidding? You can't hide form the DiMeras. There is only one thing left to do."
Lovey dovey Rafe and Sami argue. Brady and Arianna move farther away to avoid the fallout. Rafe says, "The bottom line is you won't pass the background check."
"Do you really need to ask me that," he asks, "You have a criminal record. You withheld information in a federal investigation."
"This is about you not trusting me," whines Sami, "There is nothing to say. I know... I'm insecure. I've screwed every relationship I've ever been in. Let's stop before it hurts too much. We jumped in and didn't think this through. Sami says, "I think we should take a break."
Rafe stares his vapid stare, "OK."
Sami vapids back, "OK."
Rafe re-vapids, "OK."
Do you get the feeling this is 'OK?'
"Let's do it," says Rafe. He walks out. Sami stares.
McTavish gets a call. She hands the phone to Nicole, "It's for you." Anna tells Nicole she couldn't get the pardon, "It's over."
Daniel rants about Bo's incompetence because Vivian is walking around free. Carly tells him not to take things out on Bo. Daniel says he resents that Bo has known about his daughter longer than he has. Carly tells him he doesn't have to stick around. Daniel leaves.
Vivian asks, "May I leave?"
"No," says the Commish.
Vivian asks, "Really? Or else what?"
Bo says, "I don't think you want to know."
Brady and Arianna have moved over to the Java Café. Brady tells her he doesn't know what's going on with Sami and Rafe but he won't let that stand in their way.
Arianna sees Gabi and walks up to her, "Is something wrong?"
"Guys... they... they suck."
Sami comes in and finds EJ bouncing Sydney on his knee. He asks if she got word from Rafe, "Will he join us this evening?"
"No," says Sami, "He won't be coming home."
"Drat the bad luck," says EJ.
Rafe takes things out on a punching bag.
Will walks in, "What did my mom do now?"
Anna continues her phone conversation with Nicole, "Wait! There is one other thing I could do."
"You'll see."
Nicole asks, "Am I supposed to trust you? You have twelve hours."
Nicole hangs up and flings her bottle of nail polish against the wall. Jackson Pollock walks up and evaluates the masterpiece, "Nice technique."
Gabi tells Arianna about the breakup with Chad, "Mia is just not a nice person. Why does he like her?"
"She's read the Guy Manual," says Arianna, "Somewhere along the line she learned that old adage 'The quickest way to a man's heart is through his stomach' is total bull."
EJ offers sympathy. Sami says, "It's funny... I thought when we got Sydney back you and I would fight. But we haven't. I appreciate that."
Rafe says, "Your mother and I are having problems."
"Shocker," says Will.
"It's not her fault," says Rafe.
"It's always her fault," says Will, "It's always the same old story. Nothing ever lasts."
Rafe senses Will is having a bit of trouble in paradise himself, "Is something else going on? You wanna talk about it?"
"I broke up with Mia... again."
"Sounds like Mia's loss to me."
"It doesn't feel that way," says Will.
Bo asks, "Would you like me to review with you the ways I can make your life a living hell?"
Vivian gasps, "Oh, please.. My heart... I'm not a young woman."
"I noticed," says Bo. OUCH!
Vivian says he can't make threats and storms out.
Bo goes outside and tells Carly, "She's going down."
The Governor finds Abe and Lexie at a table in the pub. He joins them and they talk about Abe's accomplishments as mayor. Also about Lexie's work at the hospital.
The kid feels left out, "I'm Theo."
"My name's Jim," says the Governor as he excuses himself and leaves. That was what is known as filler.
Lexie asks, "You can't stand him, can you?"
"Aside from the fact he's ruthless," says Abe, "he's a charmer. I think he's destined for higher office as long as he keeps his nose clean." It's probably not his nose Governor Jim has to worry about.
Anna stands outside a hotel room door, "Governor Jim will lay his weary head here tonight in this very room."
Nicole says, "I have to talk to someone who will take my call and who I can trust."
"That's a tall order," says McTavish. She walks off.
"I've got it," says Nicole, "I know exactly who."
Gabi gushes over Arianna's ring. Arianna asks her to be her maid of honor. Gabi refuses, "You have to elope!"
Brady and Daniel chat about things.
Gabi encourages Arianna, "Just do it. Elope." Arianna refuses, and she and Gabi exchange pleasantries about how much they love each other. Arianna hugs and leaves.
Mia comes up, "Gabi, how's it going?"
"Like you don't know."
"Oh, yeah," says the meanie, "Chad told me. I think it was a smart move on his part." Gabi starts to storm off. Mia says, "You're upset. I would be too. It's kind of humiliating."
"Drop dead," says Gabi as she leaves.
"You'll be even worse off when I get through with you," says Mia.
Sami laughs and plays with Sydney. EJ watches. He thinks Sydney is just like her mother, "You should see some of the fits she throws."
Brady and Arianna sit at a table. Arianna says, "So, Gabi recommends we elope." Brady thinks it's a good idea. Arianna asks what's stopping them.
Brady buys into it, "Let's get on a plane and not tell a single soul."
"You are so on, Brady." Giggles, hugs, kisses.
Vivian comes in and meets Gus at another table. She tells him Bo just made threats, "The commissioner can make a bumbling ass of himself, but I will not be distracted."
Bo wants to talk about their future. Carly doesn't want to talk at all. She gets a call, and leaves. Not to be outdone, Bo makes a call, "It's me. This craziness with Vivian is going to end."
Sami says Sydney will be ready for bed soon. EJ walks off and watches as Sami sings rock-a-bye.
The bellhop delivers a tray to Governor Jim's room. Anna intercepts him, "I'll take it in. The Governor and I are sharing the room so, shhhhhh." She gives him a huge tip, "If you take this I'll handle everything else." The bellhop leaves and Anna spikes Jim's drink. She knocks, and then runs off. Governor Jim comes out and gets the tray. Anna watches and sneaks. Once Jimbo has rolled the try inside, Anna walks up to his door and squeaks, "Nighty night Jimmy, sleep tight."
Back at the gym, Rafe gets a call. "Rafe, it's Nicole. I need to see you right away."
"I Hope it whacks off that silly hairdo of yours," says Bo.
Nicole sits at a table in the common area of the prison and paints her nails. McTavish barks, "Manicure time is over. Back to your cell."
"Not until I'm done," chirps Nicole, "You're gonna have to find someone else to pick on because I just got my get-out-of-jail-free card."
Anna and the governor attack each other on the couch in the DiMera den. Suddenly, Governor Jim backs away and says Anna is asking too much. Anna makes her case and paints a picture of Nicole a few steps above Mother Teresa on the scale of goodness and compassion. Jimbo doesn't buy it, "The chance of the public having sympathy for Nicole is the same as the Bears going to the super bowl."
"Things aren't quite that dismal," says Anna. Jim isn't on board. He calls his driver and says he's ready to leave.
Sami, Rafe, Arianna and Brady are together at a table in the pub. Sami asks if Rafe will write her a recommendation so she can get the job at the FBI. Rafe doesn't think that's a good idea. Sami doesn't take it well. She stands up and huffs out. Rafe chases, catches, tackles. Maybe Rafe could help the aforementioned Bears win the super bowl.
EJ asks Theo about the secret. Theo says, "Johnny said Sydney was never gone. She was safe with you all along."
"Johnny doesn't always tell the truth," says EJ.
"This time it's true," says Theo, "Sydney was with her daddy."
Lexie comes in, "Theo, why would you say that?"
Gus meets Vivian at the Java Café. Vivian has a plan.
Bo rants about Vivian wandering the streets of Salem. Daniel says he wants to protect Carly, even though yesterday he hated her. Bo agrees, "We're not living our lives like this. Not any more."
Sami worries about her means of support. Macho Rafe has an answer for that one, "You have me. Is that not enough? Am I not enough?"
EJ says Theo misunderstood. Lexie sends the bigmouth back to play with Johnny, "My son may be autistic but he is highly intelligent."
EJ asks, "Are you suggesting Sydney was here all the time?"
"Not here," says Lexie, "But maybe Johnny saw or heard something. He could be the key to solving the Syd-napping."
Will meets Mia, who is working at the Java Café. He steps up to the counter, "Did you lose something?" He shows her the necklace, "Gabi found this. She got it from Chad. It seems he gets around. Just like you."
Lois asks Nicole why she's getting all spruced up. Nicole asks, "Is it hard working here when you should be engineering rockets for NASA? Nicole flashes back to a scene with Brady.
Sami tells Rafe, "You mean a lot to me..." We all sit on the edge of our seats waiting for the...
"I have to be independent and take care of myself. This is a perfect job. At least I thought it was."
Arianna catches Sami's eye, "Brady and I are gonna split."
"That was a short engagement," says Sami. Establishing that Arianna means they're going to leave, Sami says she and Rafe are being rude and they all decide to stay and celebrate. Everyone sits back at the table and they all toast and giggle.
EJ asks, "You don't really think Father had something to do with this?"
"I wouldn't put it past him," says Lexie.
Governor Jim wishes he could have helped Anna but no can do. Anna pouts, "I know you wouldn't want to risk your career on some old washed up bimbo."
"You're cute as hell and lots of fun," says the Gov.
"Yeah," chokes Anna, "a laugh and a half." He kisses her, tells her to take care and leaves. Anna mumbles, "Self obsessed... OK, Anna, it's time to pull out the big guns." I'm surprised she didn't already try that when they were on the couch together.
Bo wonders when this became Daniel's problem. "Since my daughter was almost killed on your watch," says Daniel, "What are you going to do about it?"
Man of action Bo calls Vivian and asks her to come to the station. Vivian protests. Bo gets snarly. Bo is good at that.
Mia claims she lost the necklace. Will says he knows she's lying, "I grew up with my mom. I know liars. You're playing both me and Chad. You're gonna end up with nobody." He slams the necklace onto the counter and leaves.
The pub party continues. Sami, not content to leave well enough alone asks Arianna, "Are you planning to work after you get married? Or is that a sexist question?"
"I plan to go back and get my master's degree," says Arianna.
"I'd like to go back to school, too" says Sami, "and get my elementary degree." Seeing the storm clouds forming, Arianna and Brady decide this would be a good time to go for a piece of pie. Once they're gone, Rafe gets on Sami's case for bringing up the job again. He says the job is in a completely different department and he has no pull, "I've never worked with you before."
Three... two... one...
An announcement comes over the PA system, "Ladies and gentlemen, Sami Brady's composure has left the building."
Rafe asks, "Do you have clerical experience?" It seems Rafe's brain left the building, too.
"I've switched blood tests with the best of them," says Sami.
Anna shows up at the DiMera mansion. She tells EJ Nicole found out, "I tried to handle it but I need your help."
EJ gets nasty, "Why should I help you?"
"Uh... Because I can implicate you?"
"I gave you 5 million to shut you up," growls EJ, "MARCO!" Marco marches up. EJ commands, "Dispose of her!" Marco pulls out his gun...
Anna pops back to... ahem... reality, "What the heck am I thinking?" She runs off.
Nicole and Lois seem to have declared a truce of sorts. Lois listens as Nicole says she walked away from the only guy who ever loved her. "If you were the one who walked away," says Dr. Phil, "maybe it's not too late."
Vivian shows up in the increasingly crowded police conference room. She surveys the crowd and figures it's going to be four against one, so she turns to Carly, "I see sleeping with the commissioner has its advantages." Bo sends Daniel and Carly out. We can't see Abe. I guess he's over having another donut.
Anna finds her seat on the plane, "Timbuktu, here we come." She turns and sees EJ. He pokes a gun into her ribs, "Nicole told everything. Stupid, stupid girl."
Anna gasps, "You can't have a gun in here. The flight attendants just told us to put our tray tables in the upright and locked positions and to put all artillery away."
Anna once again pops back to reality as she walks outside, "Who do you think you are kidding? You can't hide form the DiMeras. There is only one thing left to do."
Lovey dovey Rafe and Sami argue. Brady and Arianna move farther away to avoid the fallout. Rafe says, "The bottom line is you won't pass the background check."
"Do you really need to ask me that," he asks, "You have a criminal record. You withheld information in a federal investigation."
"This is about you not trusting me," whines Sami, "There is nothing to say. I know... I'm insecure. I've screwed every relationship I've ever been in. Let's stop before it hurts too much. We jumped in and didn't think this through. Sami says, "I think we should take a break."
Rafe stares his vapid stare, "OK."
Sami vapids back, "OK."
Rafe re-vapids, "OK."
Do you get the feeling this is 'OK?'
"Let's do it," says Rafe. He walks out. Sami stares.
McTavish gets a call. She hands the phone to Nicole, "It's for you." Anna tells Nicole she couldn't get the pardon, "It's over."
Daniel rants about Bo's incompetence because Vivian is walking around free. Carly tells him not to take things out on Bo. Daniel says he resents that Bo has known about his daughter longer than he has. Carly tells him he doesn't have to stick around. Daniel leaves.
Vivian asks, "May I leave?"
"No," says the Commish.
Vivian asks, "Really? Or else what?"
Bo says, "I don't think you want to know."
Brady and Arianna have moved over to the Java Café. Brady tells her he doesn't know what's going on with Sami and Rafe but he won't let that stand in their way.
Arianna sees Gabi and walks up to her, "Is something wrong?"
"Guys... they... they suck."
Sami comes in and finds EJ bouncing Sydney on his knee. He asks if she got word from Rafe, "Will he join us this evening?"
"No," says Sami, "He won't be coming home."
"Drat the bad luck," says EJ.
Rafe takes things out on a punching bag.
Will walks in, "What did my mom do now?"
Anna continues her phone conversation with Nicole, "Wait! There is one other thing I could do."
"You'll see."
Nicole asks, "Am I supposed to trust you? You have twelve hours."
Gabi tells Arianna about the breakup with Chad, "Mia is just not a nice person. Why does he like her?"
"She's read the Guy Manual," says Arianna, "Somewhere along the line she learned that old adage 'The quickest way to a man's heart is through his stomach' is total bull."
EJ offers sympathy. Sami says, "It's funny... I thought when we got Sydney back you and I would fight. But we haven't. I appreciate that."
Rafe says, "Your mother and I are having problems."
"Shocker," says Will.
"It's not her fault," says Rafe.
"It's always her fault," says Will, "It's always the same old story. Nothing ever lasts."
Rafe senses Will is having a bit of trouble in paradise himself, "Is something else going on? You wanna talk about it?"
"I broke up with Mia... again."
"Sounds like Mia's loss to me."
"It doesn't feel that way," says Will.
Bo asks, "Would you like me to review with you the ways I can make your life a living hell?"
Vivian gasps, "Oh, please.. My heart... I'm not a young woman."
"I noticed," says Bo. OUCH!
Vivian says he can't make threats and storms out.
Bo goes outside and tells Carly, "She's going down."
The Governor finds Abe and Lexie at a table in the pub. He joins them and they talk about Abe's accomplishments as mayor. Also about Lexie's work at the hospital.
The kid feels left out, "I'm Theo."
"My name's Jim," says the Governor as he excuses himself and leaves. That was what is known as filler.
Lexie asks, "You can't stand him, can you?"
"Aside from the fact he's ruthless," says Abe, "he's a charmer. I think he's destined for higher office as long as he keeps his nose clean." It's probably not his nose Governor Jim has to worry about.
Anna stands outside a hotel room door, "Governor Jim will lay his weary head here tonight in this very room."
Nicole says, "I have to talk to someone who will take my call and who I can trust."
"That's a tall order," says McTavish. She walks off.
"I've got it," says Nicole, "I know exactly who."
Gabi gushes over Arianna's ring. Arianna asks her to be her maid of honor. Gabi refuses, "You have to elope!"
Brady and Daniel chat about things.
Gabi encourages Arianna, "Just do it. Elope." Arianna refuses, and she and Gabi exchange pleasantries about how much they love each other. Arianna hugs and leaves.
Mia comes up, "Gabi, how's it going?"
"Like you don't know."
"Oh, yeah," says the meanie, "Chad told me. I think it was a smart move on his part." Gabi starts to storm off. Mia says, "You're upset. I would be too. It's kind of humiliating."
"Drop dead," says Gabi as she leaves.
"You'll be even worse off when I get through with you," says Mia.
Sami laughs and plays with Sydney. EJ watches. He thinks Sydney is just like her mother, "You should see some of the fits she throws."
Brady and Arianna sit at a table. Arianna says, "So, Gabi recommends we elope." Brady thinks it's a good idea. Arianna asks what's stopping them.
Brady buys into it, "Let's get on a plane and not tell a single soul."
"You are so on, Brady." Giggles, hugs, kisses.
Vivian comes in and meets Gus at another table. She tells him Bo just made threats, "The commissioner can make a bumbling ass of himself, but I will not be distracted."
Bo wants to talk about their future. Carly doesn't want to talk at all. She gets a call, and leaves. Not to be outdone, Bo makes a call, "It's me. This craziness with Vivian is going to end."
Sami says Sydney will be ready for bed soon. EJ walks off and watches as Sami sings rock-a-bye.
The bellhop delivers a tray to Governor Jim's room. Anna intercepts him, "I'll take it in. The Governor and I are sharing the room so, shhhhhh." She gives him a huge tip, "If you take this I'll handle everything else." The bellhop leaves and Anna spikes Jim's drink. She knocks, and then runs off. Governor Jim comes out and gets the tray. Anna watches and sneaks. Once Jimbo has rolled the try inside, Anna walks up to his door and squeaks, "Nighty night Jimmy, sleep tight."
Back at the gym, Rafe gets a call. "Rafe, it's Nicole. I need to see you right away."
NOTE – you can now follow Prevuze on twitter at: Prevuze II has a video of the daily show previews, which should be available by noon (EST) on any given day. To see Prevuze II: CLICK HERE |
, "I grew up with my mom. I know liars. You're playing both me and Chad. You're gonna end up with nobody." He slams the necklace onto the counter and leaves. Finally Will grows a pair unlike Rafe.
Happy Friday everyone!
Seems to be a good episode with characters who for once tell things they had to tell since a very long time !! Hourrah !
So now Rafe is totally Lucas (poor Bryan Datillo) with Will who goes to confide his rant, problems to Rafe.
"The chance of the public having sympathy for Nicole is the same as the Bears going to the super bowl."
"Things aren't quite that dismal," says Anna.
Here comes the yellow flag!!! Prevuze gets a 15 yard penalty for piling on!!! Besides, the Bears just spent a ton of many in free agency. Now if Cutler can just avoid interceptions…
Rafe chases, catches, tackles. Maybe Rafe could help the aforementioned Bears win the super bowl.
OK Prevuze gets another penalty for unnecessary roughness. With the way Rafe fumbles clues, he would need a handle to hold onto the football.
“This is a perfect job. At least I thought it was."
Sami thought wrong. The FBI would do a background check and find out about all her nefarious and illegal deeds. No way could someone with a criminal record like Sami’s get into the FBI. For that matter, Sami probably couldn't get a job at 7-Eleven.
Man of action Bo calls Vivian and asks her to come to the station.
What took him so long? Since Vivian came back to Salem, she has been making blatant and very public threats. The least Bo could have done was have Vivian tailed.
An announcement comes over the PA system, "Ladies and gentlemen, Sami Brady's composure has left the building."
That’s got to be a prerecorded and oft used public service announcement.
"If you were the one who walked away," says Dr. Phil, "maybe it's not too late."
Lois – prison guard and relationship counselor. This is the same woman that handed Nicole a toothbrush to scrub the floor. Geez!
"Let's do it," says Rafe. He walks out. Sami stares.
That may not have been a really good move on Sami’s part. Rafe was paying the bills.
Daniel rants about Bo's incompetence because Vivian is walking around free.
Bonus points for Daniel!!! The SPD really had the goods on Gus but somehow he got off to return to aiding and abetting Vivian. Neither one of them has done a particularly good job of covering their tracks so this should have been a no brainer for Bo. Since Bo is starting out brain free, Vivian and Gus should both be behind bars.
Vivian says he can't make threats and storms out.
…but Vivian can and does.
Silliness once again rules in Salem so it's a hearty TGFP and TGIF!!!!!!!!
Sami worries about her means of support.
Since when? I mean, good for her, but this woman has gone YEARS at a time with no job or other visible means to support herself and her kids. Except when the s/l needs to throw her into some improbable situation. Like now.
“It seems he gets around. Just like you."
Meeeooowwww. Where’s that flag-throwing ref when you need one?
Man of action Bo calls Vivian and asks her to come to the station…Vivian arrives & asks, "May I leave?" "No," says the Commish. Vivian asks, "Really? Or else what?"
Bo says, "I don't think you want to know. Would you like me to review with you the ways I can make your life a living hell?" …Vivian storms out
That’s it? That’s all he’s got? Well, that had to be the most ineffectual move Bo’s made yet. Rather than hauling Vivian down to the precinct just to throw around worthless threats, why doesn’t he start thinking like a detective with 20+ years of (ahem) experience? Yeah, I know, it’s a rhetorical question.
And how about our Arianna? Two days (Salem time) ago she was turning down Brady's proposal because she needed time & wanted to be sure. Now she's all ready to run off and elope. Immediately. Just in time for a married Brady to come back and find out Nicole is free. How predictable.
That was what is known as filler.
Prevuze, since 99% of this show is filler you really only need to point out when we actually have real movement in the plot. lol
TGIP, everyone!
Anna and the governor attack each other on the couch in the DiMera den. Is that the DiMera den or did Prevuze mean Kiriakis den? Well, either way, Mary or Henderson could walk in and get an eyeful.
And speaking of the governor, once Anna takes a bunch of photos of them together in bed for her blackmail scheme the governor can just say he was out on the Appalachian Trail or something.
Brady buys into it "Let's get on a plane and not tell a single soul." "You are so on, Brady." Giggles, hugs, kisses. Touch This Guy Airlines and Vegas here we come!
Nicole says, "I have to talk to someone who will take my call and who I can trust." Why is she calling Rafe? Anyone who thinks she's jumping the gun and gonna tell Rafe about Anna please speak up.
---- - - c r i c k e t s - -- ----
I would think Caroline is rooting for Sami to get a job at the FBI so she doesn't come around the pub asking for a job there. (And free babysitting services while's she's working there.)
My favorite Prevuism: "I'd like to go back to school, too" says Sami, "And get my elementary degree." Maybe she can share classes with Johnny and Allie.
You helped us get to Friday, Prevuze. Happy weekend everyone! :D
The Cavalry is coming the Cavalry is coming...well coming back lol
Charles Shaughnessy is returning as Shane Donovan later this spring
Jaime Lyn Bauer (Laura Horton), Christie Clark (Carrie Brady), Roark Critchlow (Mike Horton), Maree Cheatham (Marie Horton), Bryan Dattilo (Lucas Horton), Mary Beth Evans (Kayla Johnson), Patsy Pease (Kimberly Brady), Melissa Reeves (Jennifer Horton Devereaux) and Lisa Trusel (Melissa Anderson) are all currently expected to return for Alice’s funeral.
There are just so many things wrong w/ Sami's "job" issues: 1st where have you ever seen the FBI advertise positions for civilians to see? 2nd she wouldn't pass the background ck. because of witholding evidence? how about, fraud & the many laws she broke posing as Stan? or hacking, falsifying records, rape, blackmail, etc? and I always break up w/ a guy because he won't vouch for me for a job - I wouldn't want to be a reference for someone like Sami either!
and let's move on to Bo - Vivian can make threats all she wants it's called her Constitutional right but Bo being the police commission might want to watch that fine line otherwise be called on the carpet for police brutality, harassement or using his position for intimidation.
Lastly, love the comment about Carly's silly hairdo and almost spit meatloaf on my puter reading Leslie's comment about Rafe needing a handle on his football!!
Have a wonderful weekend all!!
While I completely agree with all the reasons the FBI would never hire Sami, there is actually a website on which they advertise open positions. On another subject so happy about the Safe break up, hopefully this time it will stick. and Loved the EJ/Theo pic...too funny
Me - There's a website where you can view government job openings. However, the thought of Sami even making it through the bidding process is laughable. She wouldn't have to worry about making it as far as background checks, she'd never figure out the instructions on how to bid in the first place. HA
I'm betting 2:1 that Sami doesn't make it to the FBI job interview. at any rate, EJ should be taking care of her seing that she's his babies' mama, and esp. now that Brian Datillo is one of the many that comprise our inflated unemployment statistics.
~I wish they'd give Vivian something else do. How sad is your life when it's spent revolving around Carly and Melanie to a lesser extent.
"Johnny doesn't always tell the truth," says EJ.
Shame on EJ. Calling his kid a liar.
Daniel says he wants to protect Carly, even though yesterday he hated her.
People in Salem have complex emotions I fear we people can't understand.
"Gabi found this. She got it from Chad. It seems he gets around. Just like you."
Alright? Is this medal some kind of chastity belt? Just because she didn't have it on doesn't mean she was off slutting around town.
"I plan to go back and get my master's degree,"
In what? I'm sorry but I have never seen Ariana display any sort of expertise in anything... besides chemistry...
Will walks in, "What did my mom do now?"
"She wanted to get A JOB!!!!"
"You'll be even worse off when I get through with you," says Mia.
lol. I don't know what the hell is wrong with Mia but I'm enjoying it.
While I am no lawyer, I sincerely doubt that death threats and/or threats of coercion are protected by the first amendment. Vivian is not just walking around glaring menacingly, she is making actual threats of bodily harm on people with the intent to make them fear for their lives.
Bo's intimidation is perfectly legal up until the point where he makes Vivian fear for her safety. And threatening to arrest her for her crimes is hardly harassment and certainly not brutality, methinks.
" What did my Mom do now" whines spoiled brat Will.
What she wanted to do is get a job, be independent, and support her kids by herself if another relationship bites the dust, and feel a sense of self-worth!
Gee, I guess to Will and Rafe a woman wanting a job is a death penalty offense---- OOPS, I'm afraid that your Dad Lucas already tried that Will!
I personally always thought that Sami would make a great reporter as she is usually at the wrong place at the right time, and, as she has shown in the past, can uncover long dead skeletons in even the wealthiest of closets!
I know that Jack Devereaux used her skills as a source when he was running his newspaper. I'd love for Sami to be a reporter either on the paper, on tv, or in a scandal sheet a la National Inquirer!
Sami would be great working for the FBI. She can hack computers and masquerade as a man in front of her close friends and family and they wouldn't have a clue!
And if Rafe's the bar we're using, Sami should get in with flying colors.
Yes Sami working for the FBI with her evil deeds track records : laughable so i agree with Rafe.
But he could encourage her to find a job, Ej too by the way. Who they think they are, these macho, archaic guys ?!
Actually Ej could propose her to work at the Dimera Enterprises, i know Sami wanted to work at the FBI office to keep an eye on Rafe and Agent Clark (hey it's Sami after all) but i doubt she doesn't have to worry, the guy is so dull than even miss Clark would be bored in two seconds.
Moreover Sami would be so much suited for a business position at Dimera Enterprises (bonus Stefano would be..not really happy and Ej would be..really happy !).
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