Thursday, August 13, 2009

Swimsuits Are Prohibited In This Pool

Arianna walks around on the terrace of the Kiriakis mansion and finds half nekkid Brady. Well, we assume he's half nekkid. Actually, the scene shot does not provide critical details.

Phillip is on the phone making arrangements for the care of Carlo's kids. Victor walks in and asks what he is doing.

Stephanie joins Sami to hang out at her place. They have made plans to go out, but since Johnny is sick they have to stay in instead, and leave him suffering in the back room. Stephanie asks about all the boxes stacked in the corner and Sami flips from manic to depressive in a heartbeat.

Rafe wanders around the hospital and sneaks into a computer to look up things on Baker. Melanie challenges him.

Bo, Hope and Justin are at the pub yucking it up but Hope gets a sudden urge to call and check on Ciara. No one answers and Justin suggests enjoying the moment in spite of the dreadful company they are all in. EEERRRRTTTTT!! Bo gets a vision, nearly spews his beer and then runs out to make a call.

Sami drops the Rafe bomb on Stephanie, "We're breaking up." She gives details. Stephanie dozes off but wakes up in time to tell Sami she can relate because of her endless chain of broken relationships, some of which were even with men she wasn't related to. Sami supports her for leaving Phillip, "Tomorrow is another day. You'll get another happily ever after... uh..." Unable to think of anything else supportive to say, Sami consults Bartlett's Guide to Tired Clichés.

Rafe introduces himself and says he's looking for a patient's room number. Melanie scolds him and says she doesn't believe him, "Who are you and what are you doing on that computer?"

Hope and Justin wonder why Bo bolted. "It's not like him," says Hope, "There's a little bit of beer left in his glass."

Bo calls Mrs. Irresponsible and asks to talk to Ciara. Mrs. I turns to get her and can't find her. Panic-o-rama ensues. Bo tuns back into the pub and announces Ciara is missing. The Three Musketeers rush out of the pub knocking over tables and small children as they go. Suddenly, Bo runs back in, downs that last part of his beer and runs back out.

Brady walks up to Arianna where the camera pauses just a bit longer than necessary to let us all survey his buff bod glistening in the moonlight. Arianna says, "I'm glad I found you. I have a gift for you."

Brady asks, "What's the occasion?"

Arianna says, "Weeelllllll... Nicole told me we celebrate half birthdays in Salem, and today is your half birthday."

Brady stammers, "Uh... you're wrong. Tomorrow is my half birthday, so it really wouldn't be right for me to take the gift."

Arianna is unmoved, "So that means today is your 182/365 birthday, so take the damn gift and stop your bellyaching!"

Phillip gets off the phone and tells Victor he's taking care of Carlo's family. Victor is upset about the way Phillip handled the whole thing with Carlo. Phillip asks, "He lost his life doing business for us, doesn't that bother you?"

Victor snorts, "Why should it?"

Mrs. I asks Abe if he's seen Ciara. Nope... Nobody has seen her. The search begins.

Maggie joins Sami and Stephanie. Sami informs her they aren't going out. Maggie immediately starts digging. They tell her they are discussing the men who aren't in their lives any more. Maggie's antennae pop up and she asks for all the details on Sami's derafeification.

Rafe concocts another story and tells Melanie he's looking up info on a hot nurse, Anita, and he was trying to track her down. Melanie doesn't want to stand in the way of true love, of course.

Brady unwraps the gift, "Well, whaddya know... a Brady pub gift picnic basket for two. I wonder who I should take."

Arianna makes a suggestion, "Paris Hilton?"

"She's not my type," says Brady, "Too Paris-Hilton-like. Brady decides to invite Arianna. He suggests a swim, but Arianna declines.

Dr. Baker comes into his hotel room to find a ne'er-do-well waiting for him.

Melanie says Rafe can't use the computer. Rafe leaves. Melanie stares.

Flash to the park. Bo, Hope and Justin (a.k.a. Larry, Curly and Mo) run up to Abe and we all panic like it's December 21, 2012.

See Hope. See Hope look. Look, Hope, look. Suddenly, she stops as she sees the flashing neon sign, "CLUE... CLUE... CLUE..." She finds the water bottle. Bo gets a call, "Talk to me."

The guy on the other end says, "What else would I do if I'm calling you?"

Arianna says she has to go back and close the pub. She wonders if Brady is mad because she can't stay. Brady is understanding and she offers to stop by after she closes the club, "I'll stop by and get my swimsuit on the way back over."

Brady leers, "Swimsuits are prohibited in this pool." He moves in. Things heat up and they decide to get back together. Arianna leaves. Brady watches her walk off and uses his imagination.

Baker asks, "Who are you?"

The creep growls, "I'm the ghost of gambling debts past." Baker assures him he will get the money. The creep draws his gun, "The money, Baker, NOW!"

Rafe comes back after Melanie leaves. He sneaks back into the computer and what a coincidence! Sami walks up. Apparently she's so concerned about her sick child, she's there to pick up a jar of hospital air for him to breathe.

Bo gets off the phone and says someone saw a car speeding away from the park, "They got the make and model but not the plate." Hope has a meltdown. She screams over and over, "I want my daughter! I want my daughter! I want my Emmy! I want my daughter!"

Bo hugs her, "We'll find her. I promise you, we'll find her."


Victor says he is tired of Phillip's bleeding artificial heart. Phillip says he thinks Victor is a cold sob.

Victor blows his top, "This is business. It's dirty sometimes. If you don't like it teach kindergarten."

"You haven't seen the school system lately, have you," asks Phillip, "Some kindergarten classrooms are war zones these days."

Victor growls, "You'd better thicken up your skin, because stuff happens. Get used to it."

Phillip asks, "Isn't the correct phrase, "Sh*t happens? "

Victor hauls him into the bathroom and washes his mouth out with soap, "I didn't raise you to be a potty mouth!"

Luke O. Sistine meets Arianna in the pub. He tells Arianna he only has one ounce of coke available, but the people he works for are impressed with how quickly she can move the product.

Melanie joins Nathan at the Cheatin' Heart. He notices her top is buttoned wrong. She heads to the ladies' room to straighten things out. Stephanie walks in. The Oxford Dictionary of the English Language defines 'contrived' as: showing effects of manipulation. Draw your own conclusions.

Sami and Rafe share an uncomfortable moment. Sami asks, "Did you change your mind about leaving Salem?"

"Can't change what you don't have," says Rafe.

Nathan tells Stephanie he's there with Melanie. Melanie comes out and watches them talk and arrange to hang out together again. Finally she's had enough, walks up to them and blows her stack, "Did you plan this or is it a coincidence?" She turns to Stephanie and gives her both barrels, "Stephanie could you wear something a little more low cut? I'm not going to do this triangle thing. We're done. He's all yours." She storms out. Nate and Stephanie stare.

Abe announces hikers saw the late model car down by the river, "t was reported stolen."

Arianna wants to know if she gets in trouble will Luke O. Sistine's boys take care of her.

"You're not going to get into trouble," says Luke.

Rafe says he still has a few things to do in Salem, but it's better he doesn't give her details. They agree things will be awkward between them with him still in town. Sami tells him she'll miss him and walks off.

Rafe waits until she's out of earshot, "I'll miss you, too."

Later, Rafe arrives at the pub to use Arianna's laptop. He tells her he's still checking out Baker. He wants to know what his connection is with Nicole... and Sami.

Stephanie apologizes for ruining Nathan's night. Nate says he thinks there was a misunderstanding. Stephanie wonders if he was on a date with Melanie. "Not really," says Nathan. Stephanie assures him she's not upset or jealous. He asks if she's with Phillip. She says no, so he asks her to hang around and have dinner.

Phillip wanders down by the pier surveying the Tony DiMera memorial pallet and the Carlo memorial bloodstain. Melanie walks up and clears her throat. Phillip jumps out of his socks, "Don't sneak up on people like that!" He asks what she is doing there. She tells him her ego got bruised and she's not in a great mood. Phillip says he can't stop thinking about Carlo's death.

Baker takes out his wallet and gives the creep everything he's got. The creep sees Baker's ID as a doctor and wonders how an MD got involved in things like this. Baker assures him the money is coming and the creep gives him two days to come up with it.

Rafe computes. Those rusty wheels creak and grind, "So, Nicole canceled an appointment for Sydney with Dr. Baker... Did she know Dr. Baker before he came to Salem Hospital?"

Sami arrives back at her apartment where she has dumped Johnny on Maggie, or the other way around. She notices the boxes are gone and says, "You didn't have to clean up Rafe's stuff."

"No problem," says Maggie, "I rather enjoyed going through all his stuff." She asks if something happened at the hospital.

Sami tells her about running into Rafe, "Why does it have to be so hard."

"So people like me will have a lot to talk about."

Brady sits at the pool and drinks as Arianna comes back. She undresses down to her teensy-weensy-bikinsi and heads for the pool. Brady follows like a lost puppy that has found a new home.

Nathan and Stephanie toast uncomplicated relationships and having fun.

Melanie reminds Phillip that Carlo was not family. Phillip lectures Melanie for not caring that a good man died. Melanie defends herself and says she respects his feelings, and says she only said that because she thought it would make him feel better, "Let me help you feel better."

Brady and Arianna surface. She's cold so he wraps her in a towel. Arianna warms up. They both warm up. Things warm up. And all that stands in the way of things getting red hot is that teensy-weensy-bikinsi.

Sami tells Maggie it's too late to turn back with Rafe.

Rafe sits in the pub and gets the info on Baker's clinic. He figures that's where Nicole met him, "What the hell is the connection?"

Bo runs through the woods. He sees a big flashing neon sign, "CLUE... CLUE... CLUE..." He looks down, finds Tommy Bear and picks him up.

We pan out to see Bo, sad and lonely, standing in the big scary dark woods.

But he found Tommy Bear. Crisis over.

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Anonymous Breg said...

Why oh why do things keep happening to Bope's kids?

Victor says he is tired of Phillip's bleeding artificial heart. Victor blows his top, "This is business. It's dirty sometimes. If you don't like it teach kindergarten."

Victor growls, "You'd better thicken up your skin, because stuff happens. Get used to it."
Ah love the smell of Victor in the morning :) He at least "livens up" an otherwise rather stiff joint - ouch sorry Phillip.

I am going to throw screaming mad temper tantrums if Arianna is working undercover and trying to get to the big king pin on the drugs.

and I mean it. Anyone got a peanut?

Oh this show - so complem - so many layers to it. Too bad the writing makes it completely ridculous to watch.

aggazem (verification word) in which I would like to aggazem myself to some better watchable tv.

4:45 AM  
Anonymous Leslie said...

Rafe wanders around the hospital and sneaks into a computer to look up things on Baker.

I thought the Rafemeister had gotten access to classified websites courtesy of one of his homies at the FBI. Exactly what information does he expect to find in the hospital’s data base that isn’t available through other sources? I doubt that Dr. Baker’s resume states his specialty is switching babies.

Bo gets a vision, nearly spews his beer and then runs out to make a call.

…or he could be a carrier of the H1N1 flu virus.

Melanie stares.

Thank goodness – something she can do with her mouth shut.

Bo, Hope and Justin (a.k.a. Larry, Curly and Mo) run up to Abe and we all panic like it's December 21, 2012.

Who knew? Thank you Prevuze and Wikipedia!

Rafe comes back after Melanie leaves. He sneaks back into the computer.

Now if I were a hot shot first in my class ex-FBI dude, the computer I would be attempting to access would not be in a high traffic area like a nurses’ station. Geez!

Sami asks, "Did you change your mind about leaving Salem?"

"Can't change what you don't have," says Rafe.

That’s evident in his stellar detective work.

"Did you plan this or is it a coincidence?" She turns to Stephanie and gives her both barrels, "Stephanie could you wear something a little more low cut? I'm not going to do this triangle thing.”

Good heavens! Melanie just described half the tired storylines that the DOOL writers are in the process of beating like a rented mule.

Rafe says he still has a few things to do in Salem, but it's better he doesn't give her details.

…so what else is new?

OK, now we know that Rafe can type “Google”, Melanie isn’t interested in a Nathan/Stephanie/Melanie triangle but has no problems with a Phillip/Stephanie/Melanie triangle, Bo can answer questions about what a teddy bear does in the woods, Victor needs to head down the yellow brick road to find a heart, and Sami is just Sami. I would certainly label that as another Daze episode loaded with time wasting drivel. Prevuze thanks for the super Thursday snarkfest!!

5:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First, Bulldog, LOVED the boneless spicy chicken wing!

Bo gets a call, "Talk to me."

The guy on the other end says, "What else would I do if I'm calling you?"

I want to remember this one if anyone I call ever answers the phone, "Talk to me." (Which so far has never happened....)

And Sami wanting hospital air? Funny, but what exactly was she doing at the hospital? This just seemed random - Rafe is being sneaky, so we'll have Sami run into him.

I wanted to tell you, Prevuze, that today was a completely brilliant recap! Yes, you are always great, but this one really shined for me - unlike the Perseid's of which I did not see one.

Leslie - your last paragraph was too funny too!

6:04 AM  
Blogger Applecheeks said...

Amen, Leslie. Your recap of the recap was golden as was beating like a rented mule. That's a new one for me. Love it!

Bulldog's 'boneless spicy chicken wing' of the hospital was LOL good as was Daniel's plea for one more cop-a-feel.

all the boxes stacked in the corner.

Probably the boxes Rafe hadn’t gotten around to unpacking yet. He was there, what, two-three days?

Bartlett's Guide to Tired Clichés.

Prevuze is acquiring a whole host of interesting books not available to the general public. The “Guy Manual”. The “Gal Manual”. Now this one which, unfortunately appears to be heavily used by the DOOL writing staff.

Mrs. I turns to get her and can't find her.

Good Lord! How long has it been since Mrs. I left Ciara on the park bench??

He wants to know what his connection is with Nicole... and Sami.

He knows what the connection is with Sami since she almost broke his arm yanking him out of sight when they saw Baker at the hospital before the Grace secret blew up.

Phillip wanders down by the pier surveying the Tony DiMera memorial pallet and the Carlo memorial bloodstain.

And the John Black bloodstain and the numerous dents left by folks who have gotten conked over the head and left unconscious down there over the years.

I'm grooving on the latest addition to the DOOL lexicon:
Derafeification n. What you get when you “derafeicate”. To Derafeicate (v) 1. To hound someone you supposedly love but obviously don’t trust until they get fed up and leave. 2. To get rid of someone or something when you realize it has the personality of a tree stump, or is a tree stump. (See, Deaustinicate, Delucaslooserficate)

Another brilliant recap Prevuze!

My word verfication: coonin
There are a lot of coonin the trees there in Salem park.

7:18 AM  
Anonymous Bulldog said...

Prevuze, can you provide the address of the Prevuze Compound, please? You see, the sudden rise of blood pressure when I LOL over "I want my daughter! I want my daughter! I want my Emmy! I want my daughter!" forced me to take an aspirin and nearly induced a fainting spell. I figure potential medical bills should be forwarded to you.

Bo gets a call, "Talk to me." Seriously, could this guy BE any more obnoxious?!?

"Stephanie could you wear something alittle more low cut?" I assume she's wearing her typically inappropriate daily work attire which probably includes a micro-mini.

Loved Bo rushing back in to get that last swallow of beer and Larry, Curly and Mo. Thanks for the laughs and resulting blood rush Prevuze! :D

8:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Name for east wing:

Sami Brady Psych Ward


10:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ar least, a female character who hates "triangles" Unfortunately, it looks like they are going to use favorite new word "quadrangles" when it comes to affairs in Salem.

2:50 PM  
Anonymous Roz said...

It doesn't make sense because she walked out of one triangle and right n2 another and Steffanie is in both of them.

3:07 PM  

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