A Headstone Emergency
We're baaaaccckkkk...
For starters, here's a recap of yesterday's "Lost Episode:"
Lucas and Daniel keep up their incessant melodramatic ranting. A woman visits Daniel in his cell.
Hope overhears Kate taunting Chloe about what she did to her.
Hope goes to see Daniel, who has a conniption when he finds out Kate was in the room with Chloe.
Melanie cancels the dinner date with Nathan, who has also snagged tickets to a concert.
Stephanie proves her efficiencies to Nathan who asks her to the concert since Melanie can't go.
Carlo is shot. Bo investigates.
Carlo dies. His wife blames Phillip.
Stephanie finds Phillip brooding at the pier.
Arianna deals more drugs. She and Brady picnic.
Brady walks in as Arianna accepts a mysterious delivery at the pub.
Lucas confronts Kate, accusing her of poisoning Chloe. Kate denies.
And now, for today's thrilling action...
~*~*~*~*~*~ Crickets ~*~*~*~*~
OK. forget the action, here's what happens in this episode...
Kate comes into Daniel's jail cell and finds him sleeping. Daniel wonders what she's doing there. Kate says she wants to watch him suffer. They take turns ranting about how despicable each is. After Daniel verbally tears her apart, Kate does what any self-respecting woman would do and plants a big one on him. They attack each other like a couple of hormone crazed teenagers.
Phillip and Stephanie are in the park where the concert is taking place. Phillip tells her he needs to talk to her. He says leaving him was the best decision she ever made.
Luke O. Sistine is in the pub with Arianna. He makes a mysterious delivery. Arianna hands him a wad-o-cash. Luke counts it and shoves it into his pocket as Brady walks in. Arianna makes the intros and says this is a wine delivery. Luke counts his money and Brady offers to help Arianna with things in the pub. She takes him out so he can work on the pantry and gives Luke the evil eye as she goes.
Nicole plays with Sydney's squeaky giraffe and babbles. Sydney snatches the toy from her, "It's mine, lady! Get your own toy!" Nicole has a birthday cake there with six candles on it. Man, I've heard of SORASing, but this is ridiculous. Nicole tells Sydney there are six candles on it, because they are celebrating each month Sydney has been with them.
"If you ask me," says Sydney, "that's no reason to celebrate." Nicole blows out the candles and wonders where EJ is.
The aforementioned EJ visits Grace's grave and gets all ooey-gooey. We pan in on the headstone, and then zone in on the name "Brady."
Kate and Daniel stop just short of doing the "Jailhouse Rock."
Daniel pushes her away and asks, "What the hell are you doing? Kate tells him unless he can raise people form the dead, he's too late to help Chloe.
Lucas stands over Chloe's bed and rambles. Chloe's machines go berserk. Chloe flatlines. Lucas stands there like a bump on a log.
Stephanie says she has decided it wasn't a good decision to tell Phillip she never wanted to see him again.
Loserclueless continues to stare and ramble as Chloe flatlines in front of him. Suddenly, Nathan runs in and checks the machine, then Chloe. He discovers the monitor has slipped of her finger. He puts it back on, Chloe's heartbeat starts up again and we all live happily ever after.
"Gosh," asks Lucas, "What happened."
"I thought her heart stopped beating," says Nathan.
"I'm not a doctor," says Lucas, "Stop throwing medical terms around and tell me what happened in plain English. And can you tell me how long this coma will last?" Nathan dunno. Lucas says Chloe would hate it that she is like this, "She prefers to be brain dead with her eyes open." He asks about resuscitation.
Daniel says he knows if Chloe had died, someone would have contacted him. "OK," says Kate, "she's not dead dead, But she's brain dead."
"We've all known that for years," says Daniel. Kate continues to taunt him.
EJ comes into the rumpus room. Nicole and Sydney join him. EJ tells her he went to see Grace. He seethes about the name on her gravestone, "She's Grace DiMera and I won't forget that. I will make sure nobody forgets that."
Phillip says he's protecting Stephanie. He tells her about Carlo's untimely and violent death. Stephanie says she knows Phillip will take care of Carlo's family, "You're one of the good guys whether you like it or not."
Brady goes to make a call. Arianna thanks Luke O. Sistine for the delivery. Luke tells her he thinks Brady will be trouble. Arianna vows to handle him.
Nicole hands Sydney to EJ. Sydney has a conniption. Nicole immediately grabs her back, "Well, you always were a Mama's girl, weren't you."
There you have it. Proof positive there is at least one female who would reject James Scott. We open presents. EJ gets into it and decides he feels better. Nicole tells him Grace is gone and there is nothing he can do about it.
"We'll see about that," says EJ.
Phillip asks, "So you just broke our engagement for the hell of it?" Stephanie says she thinks Phillip can still walk away from the seedy Kiriakis lifestyle, "It's too late for us but not for you."
Kate snorts, "I cared for you more than that brain dead slut ever did or ever will."
Daniel corrects her, "She's not brain dead. She's in a coma."
"Semantics," says Kate.
"Science," says Daniel.
"Torture," screams a gal in the audience.
Kate says she is sure Chloe will continue to vegetate and Daniel will rot in jail. Daniel wants Kate to admit what she did, "You're proud of this, aren't you?"
Nathan talks about the possibility of having to use "extreme measures."
"Tell me what that means in English," says Lucas.
Nathan obliges, "It means... uh... 'extreme measures.' We're just going to have to wait and see what happens."
"How long," asks Lucas.
"It's hard to tell," says Daniel, "But this kind of thing could go on until November sweeps. It's not likely that Chloe will pop out of it, but miracles happen every day."
"I'm not sure I believe in miracles any more," says Lucas.
"You got rid of Chloe," says Nathan, "How much bigger miracle do you want?"
EJ is on the phone screaming, "I want it done tonight. That's right, tonight. It's a headstone emergency! Cost is no object. Get it done!" Nicole comes in sans Sydney. She wants to know why EJ went to the cemetery. EJ says he wanted to remind himself of what Samantha took from him, "I had a dream about her." CENSORED.
Kate insists she is heartbroken and didn't want any of this to happen. She doesn't know how she could have been so delusional about Daniel. Daniel says he doesn't know how he could have been delusional about her either, "Look into my eyes and you will know the truth."
Kate looks, "It's true. You wear colored contact lenses."
Lucas asks if Chloe can hear her. "Not if she's lucky," says Nathan.
Nate leaves and Lucas rambles about their marriage which is now in the toilet. He asks if she and Daniel were going to run away together. Father Matt stands at the door and listens. Lucas sneers, "If it's true you were going to leave me for him, you deserve to rot in hell."
EJ says Samantha is haunting his subconscious. "Haunting," asks Nicole, "Are you sure it's Sami or is it Colleen? Are you sure this is about Grace?"
Nathan interrupts Stephanie and Phillip. Stephanie makes the intros. Phillip tells them to enjoy their date and leaves.
Brady bustles around the pub. Arianna gives him a milkshake. They toast and Arianna tells him she's sorry they missed the second half of the concert. Brady says he didn't care for the music, "I prefer depth and passion in my music, "I especially like Barney's theme song." Arianna reveals she used to be in dinner theater.
"Now that your DOOL career is over," says Brady, "I guess you'll he heading back there."
Arianna also says she plays bass. They ramble on about obscure musicians whom it turns out they both like. Arianna plays a song and, wonder of wonders, Brady says he just bought it, "It makes you want to dance." So, of course, they dance. For five seconds. Then the dance turns into the Liplock Limbo.
EJ wants to leave so he can supervise the reheadstonification. Nicole wants to know why he didn't answer her question about this being about Grace. EJ blows it off and leaves.
Out at the cemetery, EJ grabs a shovel and tells Joe the gravedigger he will finish it himself, "But don't expect to get paid." Nicole comes up and finds EJ digging.
Brady does a little digging himself. Suddenly he decides it's time to get back to work. He turns to unload the mysterious delivery and Arianna freaks.
Nathan and Stephanie sit on the ubiquitous park bench and share wine at the concert. Nathan toasts Dr. Carver for hiring Stephanie so she could save his job. She says she loves the job so far. More toasts and smiles.
Phillip is in his study contemplating a pic of himself and Victor. He remembers Stephanie telling him he can walk away. The doorbell rings and Henderson comes into announce the arrival of Joyce the grieving widow.
Lucas says he didn't realize father Matt was there. Father Matt says he is there to administer the anointing of the sick. Lucas asks if Father Matt convinced Chloe to marry him. Father Matt insists the decision was Chloe's, "You feel confused now don't you, son."
"Confusion is my middle name," says Lucas, "What I want to know is why the hell..." A lightning bolt strikes the potty-mouth. Lucas mends his sinful ways and continues, "Why would God want Chloe to marry someone she doesn't love?"
"Someone eventually had to marry you," says Father Matt, "And Chloe drew the short straw. Besides, Chloe's not the brightest bulb on the tree and God didn't have five million to fork over for Nicole to hook up with you again."
Kate and Daniel discuss Chloe's vow to God and the fact that she and Daniel were running away meant Chloe broke the vow. Ergo, God is punishing Chloe so God is the culprit. Case closed!
Brady backs away from the box like it's filled with rattlesnakes. Arianna says it's the wrong delivery so they can't open it. Brady decides his work is done here. She invites him back in the morning.
"Hasta manyana," says Brady. He kisses her and leaves. Arianna opens the box and finds drugs inside a wine bottle.
Joyce apologizes for slapping Phillip, "It was the grief talking."
"That's OK," says Phillip, "After a face transplant, your face is always kind of numb anyway."
Joyce says she doesn't blame him for Carlo's death. She asks Phillip's forgiveness. Phillip is cold, "That will be all. Henderson will show you out."
"Thank you Godfather."
Father Matt says he will pray for Lucas and Chloe. He tells Lucas to find peace he must forgive. Lucas wishes he knew how to do that. Lucas wishes he knew how to do anything.
Daniel says if Kate is right about God's punishment then she is looking at an eternity in hell. "My reservations for that trip have been booked for a long time," says Kate.
"It would have been a lot simpler to tell Lucas the truth," says Daniel.
"Oh yeah," snaps Kate, "Let him drink himself to death."
"You wanted to get back at me for hurting you," says Daniel, "You loved me."
"I didn't," insists Kate, "I was using you for sex. That's all." Daniel doesn't buy it. "You want me to confess because you're wearing a wire," she accuses.
This leads to the gratuitous shirtless opportunity for the episode. Daniel rips off his shirt to prove he's not wearing a wire., "Frisk me." He slams her hand into his chest.
Kate flies off the handle, "Don't you touch me! The comfort I get form this is you won't touch anyone again." Kate walks over to the bars and screams for the guard.
EJ finishes setting the tombstone. Nicole watches and rolls her eyes. EJ vows he would have done anything to save Grace. He slams fist into the old headstone, "Damn your mother!" The old headstone crumbles into a dozen pieces as EJ rubs his crushed fist. In future episodes, he will be known as "Captain Hook."
For starters, here's a recap of yesterday's "Lost Episode:"
Lucas and Daniel keep up their incessant melodramatic ranting. A woman visits Daniel in his cell.
Hope overhears Kate taunting Chloe about what she did to her.
Hope goes to see Daniel, who has a conniption when he finds out Kate was in the room with Chloe.
Melanie cancels the dinner date with Nathan, who has also snagged tickets to a concert.
Stephanie proves her efficiencies to Nathan who asks her to the concert since Melanie can't go.
Carlo is shot. Bo investigates.
Carlo dies. His wife blames Phillip.
Stephanie finds Phillip brooding at the pier.
Arianna deals more drugs. She and Brady picnic.
Brady walks in as Arianna accepts a mysterious delivery at the pub.
Lucas confronts Kate, accusing her of poisoning Chloe. Kate denies.
And now, for today's thrilling action...
OK. forget the action, here's what happens in this episode...
Kate comes into Daniel's jail cell and finds him sleeping. Daniel wonders what she's doing there. Kate says she wants to watch him suffer. They take turns ranting about how despicable each is. After Daniel verbally tears her apart, Kate does what any self-respecting woman would do and plants a big one on him. They attack each other like a couple of hormone crazed teenagers.
Phillip and Stephanie are in the park where the concert is taking place. Phillip tells her he needs to talk to her. He says leaving him was the best decision she ever made.
Luke O. Sistine is in the pub with Arianna. He makes a mysterious delivery. Arianna hands him a wad-o-cash. Luke counts it and shoves it into his pocket as Brady walks in. Arianna makes the intros and says this is a wine delivery. Luke counts his money and Brady offers to help Arianna with things in the pub. She takes him out so he can work on the pantry and gives Luke the evil eye as she goes.
Nicole plays with Sydney's squeaky giraffe and babbles. Sydney snatches the toy from her, "It's mine, lady! Get your own toy!" Nicole has a birthday cake there with six candles on it. Man, I've heard of SORASing, but this is ridiculous. Nicole tells Sydney there are six candles on it, because they are celebrating each month Sydney has been with them.
"If you ask me," says Sydney, "that's no reason to celebrate." Nicole blows out the candles and wonders where EJ is.
The aforementioned EJ visits Grace's grave and gets all ooey-gooey. We pan in on the headstone, and then zone in on the name "Brady."
Kate and Daniel stop just short of doing the "Jailhouse Rock."
Daniel pushes her away and asks, "What the hell are you doing? Kate tells him unless he can raise people form the dead, he's too late to help Chloe.
Lucas stands over Chloe's bed and rambles. Chloe's machines go berserk. Chloe flatlines. Lucas stands there like a bump on a log.
Stephanie says she has decided it wasn't a good decision to tell Phillip she never wanted to see him again.
Loserclueless continues to stare and ramble as Chloe flatlines in front of him. Suddenly, Nathan runs in and checks the machine, then Chloe. He discovers the monitor has slipped of her finger. He puts it back on, Chloe's heartbeat starts up again and we all live happily ever after.
"Gosh," asks Lucas, "What happened."
"I thought her heart stopped beating," says Nathan.
"I'm not a doctor," says Lucas, "Stop throwing medical terms around and tell me what happened in plain English. And can you tell me how long this coma will last?" Nathan dunno. Lucas says Chloe would hate it that she is like this, "She prefers to be brain dead with her eyes open." He asks about resuscitation.
Daniel says he knows if Chloe had died, someone would have contacted him. "OK," says Kate, "she's not dead dead, But she's brain dead."
"We've all known that for years," says Daniel. Kate continues to taunt him.
EJ comes into the rumpus room. Nicole and Sydney join him. EJ tells her he went to see Grace. He seethes about the name on her gravestone, "She's Grace DiMera and I won't forget that. I will make sure nobody forgets that."
Phillip says he's protecting Stephanie. He tells her about Carlo's untimely and violent death. Stephanie says she knows Phillip will take care of Carlo's family, "You're one of the good guys whether you like it or not."
Brady goes to make a call. Arianna thanks Luke O. Sistine for the delivery. Luke tells her he thinks Brady will be trouble. Arianna vows to handle him.
Nicole hands Sydney to EJ. Sydney has a conniption. Nicole immediately grabs her back, "Well, you always were a Mama's girl, weren't you."
There you have it. Proof positive there is at least one female who would reject James Scott. We open presents. EJ gets into it and decides he feels better. Nicole tells him Grace is gone and there is nothing he can do about it.
"We'll see about that," says EJ.
Phillip asks, "So you just broke our engagement for the hell of it?" Stephanie says she thinks Phillip can still walk away from the seedy Kiriakis lifestyle, "It's too late for us but not for you."
Kate snorts, "I cared for you more than that brain dead slut ever did or ever will."
Daniel corrects her, "She's not brain dead. She's in a coma."
"Semantics," says Kate.
"Science," says Daniel.
"Torture," screams a gal in the audience.
Kate says she is sure Chloe will continue to vegetate and Daniel will rot in jail. Daniel wants Kate to admit what she did, "You're proud of this, aren't you?"
Nathan talks about the possibility of having to use "extreme measures."
"Tell me what that means in English," says Lucas.
Nathan obliges, "It means... uh... 'extreme measures.' We're just going to have to wait and see what happens."
"How long," asks Lucas.
"It's hard to tell," says Daniel, "But this kind of thing could go on until November sweeps. It's not likely that Chloe will pop out of it, but miracles happen every day."
"I'm not sure I believe in miracles any more," says Lucas.
"You got rid of Chloe," says Nathan, "How much bigger miracle do you want?"
EJ is on the phone screaming, "I want it done tonight. That's right, tonight. It's a headstone emergency! Cost is no object. Get it done!" Nicole comes in sans Sydney. She wants to know why EJ went to the cemetery. EJ says he wanted to remind himself of what Samantha took from him, "I had a dream about her." CENSORED.
Kate insists she is heartbroken and didn't want any of this to happen. She doesn't know how she could have been so delusional about Daniel. Daniel says he doesn't know how he could have been delusional about her either, "Look into my eyes and you will know the truth."
Kate looks, "It's true. You wear colored contact lenses."
Lucas asks if Chloe can hear her. "Not if she's lucky," says Nathan.
Nate leaves and Lucas rambles about their marriage which is now in the toilet. He asks if she and Daniel were going to run away together. Father Matt stands at the door and listens. Lucas sneers, "If it's true you were going to leave me for him, you deserve to rot in hell."
EJ says Samantha is haunting his subconscious. "Haunting," asks Nicole, "Are you sure it's Sami or is it Colleen? Are you sure this is about Grace?"
Nathan interrupts Stephanie and Phillip. Stephanie makes the intros. Phillip tells them to enjoy their date and leaves.
Brady bustles around the pub. Arianna gives him a milkshake. They toast and Arianna tells him she's sorry they missed the second half of the concert. Brady says he didn't care for the music, "I prefer depth and passion in my music, "I especially like Barney's theme song." Arianna reveals she used to be in dinner theater.
"Now that your DOOL career is over," says Brady, "I guess you'll he heading back there."
Arianna also says she plays bass. They ramble on about obscure musicians whom it turns out they both like. Arianna plays a song and, wonder of wonders, Brady says he just bought it, "It makes you want to dance." So, of course, they dance. For five seconds. Then the dance turns into the Liplock Limbo.
EJ wants to leave so he can supervise the reheadstonification. Nicole wants to know why he didn't answer her question about this being about Grace. EJ blows it off and leaves.
Out at the cemetery, EJ grabs a shovel and tells Joe the gravedigger he will finish it himself, "But don't expect to get paid." Nicole comes up and finds EJ digging.
Brady does a little digging himself. Suddenly he decides it's time to get back to work. He turns to unload the mysterious delivery and Arianna freaks.
Nathan and Stephanie sit on the ubiquitous park bench and share wine at the concert. Nathan toasts Dr. Carver for hiring Stephanie so she could save his job. She says she loves the job so far. More toasts and smiles.
Phillip is in his study contemplating a pic of himself and Victor. He remembers Stephanie telling him he can walk away. The doorbell rings and Henderson comes into announce the arrival of Joyce the grieving widow.
Lucas says he didn't realize father Matt was there. Father Matt says he is there to administer the anointing of the sick. Lucas asks if Father Matt convinced Chloe to marry him. Father Matt insists the decision was Chloe's, "You feel confused now don't you, son."
"Confusion is my middle name," says Lucas, "What I want to know is why the hell..." A lightning bolt strikes the potty-mouth. Lucas mends his sinful ways and continues, "Why would God want Chloe to marry someone she doesn't love?"
"Someone eventually had to marry you," says Father Matt, "And Chloe drew the short straw. Besides, Chloe's not the brightest bulb on the tree and God didn't have five million to fork over for Nicole to hook up with you again."
Kate and Daniel discuss Chloe's vow to God and the fact that she and Daniel were running away meant Chloe broke the vow. Ergo, God is punishing Chloe so God is the culprit. Case closed!
Brady backs away from the box like it's filled with rattlesnakes. Arianna says it's the wrong delivery so they can't open it. Brady decides his work is done here. She invites him back in the morning.
"Hasta manyana," says Brady. He kisses her and leaves. Arianna opens the box and finds drugs inside a wine bottle.
Joyce apologizes for slapping Phillip, "It was the grief talking."
"That's OK," says Phillip, "After a face transplant, your face is always kind of numb anyway."
Joyce says she doesn't blame him for Carlo's death. She asks Phillip's forgiveness. Phillip is cold, "That will be all. Henderson will show you out."
"Thank you Godfather."
Father Matt says he will pray for Lucas and Chloe. He tells Lucas to find peace he must forgive. Lucas wishes he knew how to do that. Lucas wishes he knew how to do anything.
"It would have been a lot simpler to tell Lucas the truth," says Daniel.
"Oh yeah," snaps Kate, "Let him drink himself to death."
"You wanted to get back at me for hurting you," says Daniel, "You loved me."
"I didn't," insists Kate, "I was using you for sex. That's all." Daniel doesn't buy it. "You want me to confess because you're wearing a wire," she accuses.
This leads to the gratuitous shirtless opportunity for the episode. Daniel rips off his shirt to prove he's not wearing a wire., "Frisk me." He slams her hand into his chest.
Kate flies off the handle, "Don't you touch me! The comfort I get form this is you won't touch anyone again." Kate walks over to the bars and screams for the guard.
EJ finishes setting the tombstone. Nicole watches and rolls her eyes. EJ vows he would have done anything to save Grace. He slams fist into the old headstone, "Damn your mother!" The old headstone crumbles into a dozen pieces as EJ rubs his crushed fist. In future episodes, he will be known as "Captain Hook."
NOTE – you can now follow Prevuze on twitter at: http://twitter.com/prevuze Prevuze II has a video of the daily show previews, which should be available by noon (EST) on any given day. To see Prevuze II: CLICK HERE |
Can you post what the new grave says please? Did EJ take Rafe's name off of it? He was more of a father to that little girl than EJ ever was.
The name on the headstone simply says, "Grace DiMera."
Loserclueless still has that same cheesey hair style I see. If I was NB, BD, or LK I would be really concerned about my job at the moment. Seems like they are bringing on more staff which means....
Everybody in town knows Kate tried to Kill Chloe. Apparently the Salem PD still not the sharpest tool in the shed.
It boggles my mind (as DOOL is prone to do) that you can order a gravestone overnight and break into a cemetary, remove and replace and old headstone. Not that I find this information handy in the least bit.
How sad was it for amoment I believed Sydney was 6 years old! Oh Prevuze you little trickster you! I wonder why Sydney came apart at EJ today. I sure hope this is not going the way of the rumor I heard which was really stupid and I will leave it at that.
Oh Phillip, your numb face could launch a thousand ships.
One good thing about Chloe being in a coma, she can't talk!
Salem has the only jail with a revolving door for visitors! Who exactly CANNOT get access to the guy who's under arrest for murder, including the spouse, ("he's my paralegal or whatever, my ass..he was in the Salem jail for a DOOL year or so after he confessed to EJ's shooting, everybody knows that boy) the mother-in-law and former gf of the accused, next they're gonna wheel Chloe up on in there.
Euh anonymous really i just want to be objective so Rafe was more of a father for Grace than EJ ever was because EJ didn't know Grace was his daughter !!
And EJ seems really good when he is around his children (James Scott seems only alive when he is with the little boy who plays Johnny...).
Dena Highley you are destructing your own show..
After Daniel verbally tears her apart, Kate does what any self-respecting woman would do and plants a big one on him. They attack each other like a couple of hormone crazed teenagers.
Is it just me or does it appear that the Kate/Daniel relationship was based on a mutual passion for S & M? Daniel is being accused of attempted murder. When Lucas shot EJ, he and his visitors met in a room with a guard present. Daniel has yelling and make out sessions, and no one sticks their head into the fray to see what’s going on. The SPD must be having a budgetary crisis that has resulted in mass lay offs of jail personnel.
"If you ask me," says Sydney, "that's no reason to celebrate." Nicole blows out the candles and wonders where EJ is.
If the only person at this party is Nicole, Sydney knows what she’s talking about.
Lucas stands there like a bump on a log.
In other words, Lucas is being Lucas.
There you have it. Proof positive there is at least one female who would reject James Scott.
Sigh…give her time, Prevuze, give her time.
"Semantics," says Kate.
"Science," says Daniel.
"Torture," screams a gal in the audience.
Give that gal a Kewpie doll!!
"Haunting," asks Nicole, "Are you sure it's Sami or is it Colleen? Are you sure this is about Grace?"
For the answer to that question, Nicole needs to check out the very naughty Prevuze censored link.
The old headstone crumbles into a dozen pieces as EJ rubs his crushed fist. In future episodes, he will be known as "Captain Hook."
I thought marble was used for the headstones. That had to hurt.
Berg, if workers at a Chicago area cemetery could get away with disinterring bodies to resell the grave sites, a cemetery employee can most certainly be bribed to help change a headstone.
Thank heavens - the satellite gods have been appeased, and Prevuze has returned with another stellar recap of Daze!
I'm thrilled that EJ changed the headstone, but there's going to be another "headstone emergency" when the baby-switch shenanigans are revealed. Maybe poor Grace's headstone should just be replaced with a chalkboard.
Lucas taunting his comatose wife is priceless. He and Kate really are the perfect couple.
The old headstone crumbles into a dozen pieces as EJ rubs his crushed fist. In future episodes, he will be known as "Captain Hook."
I thought marble was used for the headstones. That had to hurt.
And Prevuze would never, ever, ever embellish events for the sake of a cheap one-liner.
Maybe poor Grace's headstone should just be replaced with a chalkboard.
Anonymous, that was certainly Prevuze-worthy. LOLOLOL
"You got rid of Chloe," says Nathan, "How much bigger miracle do you want?"
Right on, Nathan.
”Now that your DOOL career is over," says Brady, "I guess you'll be heading back there."
Ooooo, ouch, Prevuze. Low blow.
Then the dance turns into the Liplock Limbo.
Uh, is it after closing time? I hope. Otherwise, eeeewwww. Which is just about on par with the sceen of Kate munching on Daniel.
"Someone eventually had to marry you," says Father Matt, "And Chloe drew the short straw. Besides, Chloe's not the brightest bulb on the tree and God didn't have five million to fork over for Nicole to hook up with you again."
We can always count on Father Matt to tell it like it is.
”The comfort I get from this is you won't touch anyone again."
Ah, Kate you are so wrong. There’s always Carmine….
Once more Prevuze scores with fabulous pictures, great prevuisms and, once again, a new word for the Prevuze dictionary reheadstonification. Sweet!
When I printed off Prevuze this morning the devil pic wasn't on there. Now it is. Or else the devil/Prevuze are playing with my mind - - - - which wouldn't be that difficult. HAHAHAHA
I'm glad Prevuze pointed out the crushing of the headstone might be a slight exaggeration because I was going to ask if EJ has a bionic hand or the stone was made of cardboard.
Loved the censored link, the latest Tyson product placement and "Now that your DOOL career is over," says Brady, "I guess you'll be heading back there." OOOH!
Thanks for the laughs on a rainy otherwise boring day. :D
When I printed off Prevuze this morning the devil pic wasn't on there. Now it is. Or else the devil/Prevuze are playing with my mind - - - - which wouldn't be that difficult. HAHAHAHA
The devil made me do it.
I feel a Prevuze Photo opp coming on with the Chalkboard for a headstone... just sayin.
My God you guys are so funny. I have been reading your recaps for about a year now. I enjoy them more than watching the actual soap! Keep up the great work!!
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