They're Not In Love – They're In Heat
Bo and Hope are at Chez Rouge. Bo wonders why Max took off so quickly.
Stephanie is at the pub with Max grilling him about the same thing. "I wanna know why you ran out of Chez Rouge when we were toasting Nick."
Max says, "I don't like the smell of burning flesh."
John paces and hyperventilates. Abe comes in and asks if John is ready to come clean. He tells John they have proof. John insists he was set up. "Is there anything else you wanna say," asks Abe.
"Yes there is," snorts John, "Go to hell."
"It'd be a mighty familiar place after living in Salem," says Abe.
Marlena remembers telling John she thinks Old John is coming back to her. The doorbell rings. No Rolf – so Marlena answers. She stares into the black of night, "What are you doing here?"
A beam of light shines onto St. Ava, "Are you Dr. Marlena Evans?"
"No," says Marlena, "I'm Dr. Marlena - Evans - Craig - Bradford - Brady - Black - North - Black - DiMera." Ava says EJ referred her. Marlena reluctantly lets her in.
Ava tells Marlena, "EJ said that you're a really great psychiatrist, and I could use someone to talk to."
Hope comes back to Bo after making a phone call. She went to check on Ciara, but couldn't remember the number for her dorm room at Salem U. She also says it's still touch and go with L'il Joe. Bo makes a suggestion, "I think we should stop by the hospital and visit."
Hope gasps, "Are you in my head?"
"There is certainly enough room for me up there," says Bo.
"I was just thinking the same thing," says Hope, "Great minds think alike."
"Apparently, so do defective ones," says Bo.
"Anyway," says Hope, "Kayla doesn't us to come and visit. She's already too far back on the waiting list of people who can see Joe." They decide to stay as Kate and Roman walk up.
Bo says, "Well... Look what the cat dragged in. No offense, Kate."
"None taken," says Kate, "I hear it all the time." They all decide to team up for dinner. Kate is soooo enthusiastic. They share small talk about L'il Joe and Kate's involvement with Vitali.
In another area of the restaurant, Maggie squeals when she sees Anna's ring. Anna rambles, "We've just come back from Bora-Bora."
"That sounds like it could be another name for Salem," says Maggie, "Only I think you would pronounce it Boring-Boring."
Abe says there is a lot of evidence against John. John says if his case ever goes to trial Abe's whole department will regret it, "I'm innocent and the guy who did this is still out there. So I have to admonish you, Commissioner. You go out there and do your job. Catch the bad guy."
"The SPD isn't very good at that," says Abe. He leaves. John remembers his arrest.
Marlena suggests Ava call her office. Ava says she needs to talk now.
"You must be if you came to me," says Marlena.
"I have no one else to talk to," says Ava. Marlena invites her in, but says she's not sure she's the right person to help her, "Bo, Hope, Patch and Kayla are dear friends of mine. OMB was my father in law at least once or twice, I can't remember for sure." But St. Marlena decides she can see St. Ava, so she tells her to sit down.
Ava tells her she was drugged when she did all those terrible things. She says she has Kayla to thank for getting the help she needed, "My father paid my psychiatrist to make me crazy."
"That's terrible," says Marlena, "As a professional psychiatrist I would never do anything like that. I have make my patients pay me themselves to make them crazy."
"Thank God they're both dead," says Ava, "It's hard to trust shrinks any more. EJ said I could trust you." Ava says she feels bad about doing those things even though she was drugged. Marlena says, "Admitting that is the first step to recovery. You can get past what you have done if you want to."
Max says he left because he wasn't dressed for Chez Rouge. Stephanie wonders if he left because he was angry, or jealous of Nick. Max denies that it was either.
Tony and Anna have joined Kate, Roman, Bo and Hope for chuckles, chatter, honeymoon and transplant talk. Roman says he was always sure Bo and Chelsea would pull through, "We're Bradys. We take a lickin' and keep on tickin'."
"We know that," says Anna, "It's what makes you tick that puzzles us." Anna asks if Kate and Roman are back together.
Marlena says Ava has to take responsibility. Ava insists she has. Marlena suggests counseling. She can't do it though, because she couldn’t stay objective or competent. Marlena says she believes her, "What Martino did was inexcusable. But now you are clean and Martino is dead." Ava knows Martino loved her but can't come to grips with what he did. Marlena says she may never get closure, but she is free and can live her life as she chooses.
"The worst part about starting over," says Ava, "is I don't even know who I am."
"There's a lot of that going around," says Marlena.
Speaking of not knowing who you are, John paces around his cell. He sits. He paces. Sit. Pace. Sit. Pace. Sit. Pace. Sit. Pace. Sit. Pace.
Stephanie and Max supply yet another zapping opportunity.
Roman and Kate giggle and say they are just catching up on old itmes, "Where were we," asks Kate, "Oh, yes, you had just been slashed to death and I was upset because my wedding dress got messed up."
Anna says, "That's a great idea – we should renovate."
"I think we should find a place to live, first," says Tony.
Ava says, "Since he left me, I ate drank breathed Patch."
Marlena asks, "Are you sure it was the drugs that drove you nuts?"
"Now I realize I may not love him anymore," says Ava, "I only loved him when I was drugged."
"That explains it," says Marlena.
"My reason for living is gone," says Ava.
"You've already found the best way to move on," says Marlena, "You've decided to stop living in the past."
"What should I do," asks Ava.
"You could try living in the future," says Marlena.
"What about the present," asks Ava.
"Oh, you shouldn't have," says Marlena.
"I may go to jail."
"Get into therapy with an experienced person and you will find what you are looking for," says Marlena.
"Ava thinks it over, "So they have really, really good psychiatrists in the state prison system, right? Wow EJ was right. You really are good."
Marlena says she will give her the phone number of a friend. "Oh, you've done far too much already," says St. Ava, "I'll call your office in the morning. I know how strenuous it would be for you to write down a phone number." She leaves.
Max insists he's not a genius, just incredibly smart. "It's possible," says Stephanie, "I've heard of people like that. I think they call them Idiot Savants." Max says it was blind luck that he was able to change the proposal. Stephanie wants to know how he learned this kind of stuff.
Max says he has always been good at numbers, "My favorite combination is 36-23-34." Stephanie wants to know what's going on.
Anna says, "I wanted to go scuba diving, but only if Tony got rid of all the sharks."
"I threw her in anyway," says Tony, "She scared the hell out of those poor sharks."
Tony and Anna get up to dance. Roman kicks Bo under the table. Bo jumps, "OW!" Roman kicks again. Bo jumps and asks, "OW! WHAT?" Roman gives him the international guy-sign to scram. Bo turns and asks Hope to dance.
"I thought you would never ask," says Hope. As the two of them leave the table Hope says, "So subtle."
Kate tells Roman she can't believe how Tony and Anna were all over each other. "They're in love," says Roman.
Kate scoffs, "They're not in love – They're in heat."
Tony and Anna dance and talk. They think there is something going on between Roman and Kate. Tony says, "I can't believe you thought I was seeing Kate." Anna wonders if she was wrong about that.
Roman and Kate are up dancing with Bo and Hope. They get together and chuckle and make bets about how long Tony and Anna's marriage will last.
John seethes and paces. Marlena comes in to see him. John gets snotty, "What – are you back for an encore?" He makes two fists and sticks out his arms, "Which arm do you want. Marlena says she sedated him because he might get hurt. "Good job, Blondie," snorts John, "Almost sounded sincere." He wonders why she is there. She thought he might want to confess something.
John says, "You do think I'm guilty."
Marlena asks if he did it. John denies. He says he's been set up. He knows Phillip did it. Marlena is skeptical because since he came back she thinks he's acting like a criminal.
Anna asks Tony if he slept with Kate. Tony says, "Of course not. I should fling you to the floor right now and just ravage you right here."
"What would that accomplish," asks Anna.
"It would prove you're the woman for me," says Tony, "And it would be a lot more entertaining than the floor show Maggie has hired for this evening."
"Don't forget it buddy," says Anna, "You're mine."
Bo and Hope dance and banter. Bo can think of something more fun than dancing. Maggie's floor show might as well look for another place to work tonight.
Kate and Roman dance. Roman hopes Tony and Anna's marriage lasts this time. Kate is worried about Lucas. Roman doesn't think she should meddle, "Lucas can mess things up on his own."
Stephanie says she had no idea Max was such a genius at physics. Max tells Stephanie there are a lot of things she doesn't know about him yet, "You don't know my favorite movie is Scarface – the original one with Paul Muni. We just haven't totally gotten to know each other yet."
Ava walks into the pub. Stephanie goes off the deep end, "YOU'RE NOT WELCOME HERE!" Ava says she's just looking for a friend. Stephanie screams, "WELL... DO YOU SEE ANYONE?"
Ava shakes her head and asks how L'il Joe is doing. Stephanie tells her there is no news and orders her out again. "Tell your parents I am thinking about them," says Ava.
"I'm sure that will make them feel better," says Stephanie. Ava turns and leaves.
"That was harsh," says Max.
Stephanie's dial is still turned up to bitchmode, "I'll be harsh with you if you don't tell me the truth."
"Ooooo," says Max, "Do you promise?"
Hope asks Anna if she's going to quit and go to work for Tony. Anna smirks and chuckles.
Kate says she is through interfering in Sami and Lucas' lives, "Lucas is an adult and can make decisions on his own."
"Bad ones," says Roman.
John thinks that's a joke, "Since when is a person guilty until proven innocent?"
"Whenever he gets involved with the SPD," says Marlena. John wants to see the evidence. He asks again why she is there. Marlena says she hopes he can persuade her he is innocent. John doesn't think that's why she is there. He thinks she wants to find the Old John. Marlena doesn't know if that's possible.
"What does your gut tell you," asks John.
"That I haven't eaten yet," says Marlena. She says she really doesn't think he's guilty.
Stephanie wants to know if anyone else knows he's good at applied physics, "A good boyfriend wouldn't lie." Max don' wanna do this. He says he's getting off work and wants to go visit Patch and Kayla. He goes up to change. Stephanie frets.
Anna says she is putting her career on hold for the time being. Tony says, "I earn so she can spend." Roman and Kate think they each did well marrying the other. Bo toasts.
The guard comes to get Marlena. John takes her hands, "Thank you."
"I love you," says Marlena.
"I know," says John. Their eyes lock. Marlena backs out and leaves. John tries to hold back the tears. So does the audience. Tears of joy that yet another episode has come to a close.
You can watch the previews later today on our PREVUZE II website.
Stephanie is at the pub with Max grilling him about the same thing. "I wanna know why you ran out of Chez Rouge when we were toasting Nick."
Max says, "I don't like the smell of burning flesh."
John paces and hyperventilates. Abe comes in and asks if John is ready to come clean. He tells John they have proof. John insists he was set up. "Is there anything else you wanna say," asks Abe.
"Yes there is," snorts John, "Go to hell."
"It'd be a mighty familiar place after living in Salem," says Abe.
Marlena remembers telling John she thinks Old John is coming back to her. The doorbell rings. No Rolf – so Marlena answers. She stares into the black of night, "What are you doing here?"
A beam of light shines onto St. Ava, "Are you Dr. Marlena Evans?"
"No," says Marlena, "I'm Dr. Marlena - Evans - Craig - Bradford - Brady - Black - North - Black - DiMera." Ava says EJ referred her. Marlena reluctantly lets her in.
Ava tells Marlena, "EJ said that you're a really great psychiatrist, and I could use someone to talk to."
Hope comes back to Bo after making a phone call. She went to check on Ciara, but couldn't remember the number for her dorm room at Salem U. She also says it's still touch and go with L'il Joe. Bo makes a suggestion, "I think we should stop by the hospital and visit."
Hope gasps, "Are you in my head?"
"There is certainly enough room for me up there," says Bo.
"I was just thinking the same thing," says Hope, "Great minds think alike."
"Apparently, so do defective ones," says Bo.
"Anyway," says Hope, "Kayla doesn't us to come and visit. She's already too far back on the waiting list of people who can see Joe." They decide to stay as Kate and Roman walk up.
Bo says, "Well... Look what the cat dragged in. No offense, Kate."
"None taken," says Kate, "I hear it all the time." They all decide to team up for dinner. Kate is soooo enthusiastic. They share small talk about L'il Joe and Kate's involvement with Vitali.
In another area of the restaurant, Maggie squeals when she sees Anna's ring. Anna rambles, "We've just come back from Bora-Bora."
"That sounds like it could be another name for Salem," says Maggie, "Only I think you would pronounce it Boring-Boring."
Abe says there is a lot of evidence against John. John says if his case ever goes to trial Abe's whole department will regret it, "I'm innocent and the guy who did this is still out there. So I have to admonish you, Commissioner. You go out there and do your job. Catch the bad guy."
"The SPD isn't very good at that," says Abe. He leaves. John remembers his arrest.
Marlena suggests Ava call her office. Ava says she needs to talk now.
"You must be if you came to me," says Marlena.
"I have no one else to talk to," says Ava. Marlena invites her in, but says she's not sure she's the right person to help her, "Bo, Hope, Patch and Kayla are dear friends of mine. OMB was my father in law at least once or twice, I can't remember for sure." But St. Marlena decides she can see St. Ava, so she tells her to sit down.
Ava tells her she was drugged when she did all those terrible things. She says she has Kayla to thank for getting the help she needed, "My father paid my psychiatrist to make me crazy."
"That's terrible," says Marlena, "As a professional psychiatrist I would never do anything like that. I have make my patients pay me themselves to make them crazy."
"Thank God they're both dead," says Ava, "It's hard to trust shrinks any more. EJ said I could trust you." Ava says she feels bad about doing those things even though she was drugged. Marlena says, "Admitting that is the first step to recovery. You can get past what you have done if you want to."
Max says he left because he wasn't dressed for Chez Rouge. Stephanie wonders if he left because he was angry, or jealous of Nick. Max denies that it was either.
Tony and Anna have joined Kate, Roman, Bo and Hope for chuckles, chatter, honeymoon and transplant talk. Roman says he was always sure Bo and Chelsea would pull through, "We're Bradys. We take a lickin' and keep on tickin'."
"We know that," says Anna, "It's what makes you tick that puzzles us." Anna asks if Kate and Roman are back together.
Marlena says Ava has to take responsibility. Ava insists she has. Marlena suggests counseling. She can't do it though, because she couldn’t stay objective or competent. Marlena says she believes her, "What Martino did was inexcusable. But now you are clean and Martino is dead." Ava knows Martino loved her but can't come to grips with what he did. Marlena says she may never get closure, but she is free and can live her life as she chooses.
"The worst part about starting over," says Ava, "is I don't even know who I am."
"There's a lot of that going around," says Marlena.
Speaking of not knowing who you are, John paces around his cell. He sits. He paces. Sit. Pace. Sit. Pace. Sit. Pace. Sit. Pace. Sit. Pace.
Stephanie and Max supply yet another zapping opportunity.
Roman and Kate giggle and say they are just catching up on old itmes, "Where were we," asks Kate, "Oh, yes, you had just been slashed to death and I was upset because my wedding dress got messed up."
Anna says, "That's a great idea – we should renovate."
"I think we should find a place to live, first," says Tony.
Ava says, "Since he left me, I ate drank breathed Patch."
Marlena asks, "Are you sure it was the drugs that drove you nuts?"
"Now I realize I may not love him anymore," says Ava, "I only loved him when I was drugged."
"That explains it," says Marlena.
"My reason for living is gone," says Ava.
"You've already found the best way to move on," says Marlena, "You've decided to stop living in the past."
"What should I do," asks Ava.
"You could try living in the future," says Marlena.
"What about the present," asks Ava.
"Oh, you shouldn't have," says Marlena.
"I may go to jail."
"Get into therapy with an experienced person and you will find what you are looking for," says Marlena.
"Ava thinks it over, "So they have really, really good psychiatrists in the state prison system, right? Wow EJ was right. You really are good."
Marlena says she will give her the phone number of a friend. "Oh, you've done far too much already," says St. Ava, "I'll call your office in the morning. I know how strenuous it would be for you to write down a phone number." She leaves.
Max insists he's not a genius, just incredibly smart. "It's possible," says Stephanie, "I've heard of people like that. I think they call them Idiot Savants." Max says it was blind luck that he was able to change the proposal. Stephanie wants to know how he learned this kind of stuff.
Max says he has always been good at numbers, "My favorite combination is 36-23-34." Stephanie wants to know what's going on.
Anna says, "I wanted to go scuba diving, but only if Tony got rid of all the sharks."
"I threw her in anyway," says Tony, "She scared the hell out of those poor sharks."
Tony and Anna get up to dance. Roman kicks Bo under the table. Bo jumps, "OW!" Roman kicks again. Bo jumps and asks, "OW! WHAT?" Roman gives him the international guy-sign to scram. Bo turns and asks Hope to dance.
"I thought you would never ask," says Hope. As the two of them leave the table Hope says, "So subtle."
Kate tells Roman she can't believe how Tony and Anna were all over each other. "They're in love," says Roman.
Kate scoffs, "They're not in love – They're in heat."
Tony and Anna dance and talk. They think there is something going on between Roman and Kate. Tony says, "I can't believe you thought I was seeing Kate." Anna wonders if she was wrong about that.
Roman and Kate are up dancing with Bo and Hope. They get together and chuckle and make bets about how long Tony and Anna's marriage will last.
John seethes and paces. Marlena comes in to see him. John gets snotty, "What – are you back for an encore?" He makes two fists and sticks out his arms, "Which arm do you want. Marlena says she sedated him because he might get hurt. "Good job, Blondie," snorts John, "Almost sounded sincere." He wonders why she is there. She thought he might want to confess something.
John says, "You do think I'm guilty."
Marlena asks if he did it. John denies. He says he's been set up. He knows Phillip did it. Marlena is skeptical because since he came back she thinks he's acting like a criminal.
Anna asks Tony if he slept with Kate. Tony says, "Of course not. I should fling you to the floor right now and just ravage you right here."
"What would that accomplish," asks Anna.
"It would prove you're the woman for me," says Tony, "And it would be a lot more entertaining than the floor show Maggie has hired for this evening."
"Don't forget it buddy," says Anna, "You're mine."
Bo and Hope dance and banter. Bo can think of something more fun than dancing. Maggie's floor show might as well look for another place to work tonight.
Kate and Roman dance. Roman hopes Tony and Anna's marriage lasts this time. Kate is worried about Lucas. Roman doesn't think she should meddle, "Lucas can mess things up on his own."
Stephanie says she had no idea Max was such a genius at physics. Max tells Stephanie there are a lot of things she doesn't know about him yet, "You don't know my favorite movie is Scarface – the original one with Paul Muni. We just haven't totally gotten to know each other yet."
Ava walks into the pub. Stephanie goes off the deep end, "YOU'RE NOT WELCOME HERE!" Ava says she's just looking for a friend. Stephanie screams, "WELL... DO YOU SEE ANYONE?"
Ava shakes her head and asks how L'il Joe is doing. Stephanie tells her there is no news and orders her out again. "Tell your parents I am thinking about them," says Ava.
"I'm sure that will make them feel better," says Stephanie. Ava turns and leaves.
"That was harsh," says Max.
Stephanie's dial is still turned up to bitchmode, "I'll be harsh with you if you don't tell me the truth."
"Ooooo," says Max, "Do you promise?"
Hope asks Anna if she's going to quit and go to work for Tony. Anna smirks and chuckles.
Kate says she is through interfering in Sami and Lucas' lives, "Lucas is an adult and can make decisions on his own."
"Bad ones," says Roman.
John thinks that's a joke, "Since when is a person guilty until proven innocent?"
"Whenever he gets involved with the SPD," says Marlena. John wants to see the evidence. He asks again why she is there. Marlena says she hopes he can persuade her he is innocent. John doesn't think that's why she is there. He thinks she wants to find the Old John. Marlena doesn't know if that's possible.
"What does your gut tell you," asks John.
"That I haven't eaten yet," says Marlena. She says she really doesn't think he's guilty.
Stephanie wants to know if anyone else knows he's good at applied physics, "A good boyfriend wouldn't lie." Max don' wanna do this. He says he's getting off work and wants to go visit Patch and Kayla. He goes up to change. Stephanie frets.
Anna says she is putting her career on hold for the time being. Tony says, "I earn so she can spend." Roman and Kate think they each did well marrying the other. Bo toasts.
The guard comes to get Marlena. John takes her hands, "Thank you."
"I love you," says Marlena.
"I know," says John. Their eyes lock. Marlena backs out and leaves. John tries to hold back the tears. So does the audience. Tears of joy that yet another episode has come to a close.
You can watch the previews later today on our PREVUZE II website.
"That's terrible," says Marlena, "As a professional psychiatrist I would never do anything like that...
"I have never drugged anyone against their will... EVER!"
he can't do it though, because she couldn’t stay objective
Yet Victor - who did all those things to Shawn and Belle, is A-ok.
I know how strenuous it would be for you to write down a phone number."
lol Excellent.
I think Max is afraid that if he reveals that he's an egghead, Stephanie will dump him for not wanting to date a nerd. Yup, that's it alright. Foolproof.
But seriously, unless Max gets his smarts from siphoning energy from abused orphans of war, I don't see what all the secrecy is about.
Roman doesn't think she should meddle,
Has she ever resisted the temptation to do so before. And really, she can't do anymore. EJ, Sami, Lucas, and Nicole are doing an excellent job already.
Ava tells Marlena, "EJ said that you're a really great psychiatrist, and I could use someone to talk to."
I don’t think I’ve destroyed enough brain cells to forget that Marlena was on the airplane that Ava had sabotaged. Methinks that Marlene might not be completely objective while dealing with Ava. Ava, honey, find thee another shrink.
"I was just thinking the same thing," says Hope, "Great minds think alike."
"Apparently, so do defective ones," says Bo.
"We've just come back from Bora-Bora."
"That sounds like it could be another name for Salem," says Maggie, "Only I think you would pronounce it Boring-Boring."
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Two totally excellent Prevuisms!!
Kate is worried about Lucas. Roman doesn't think she should meddle, "Lucas can mess things up on his own."
You think? Does this turn in the conversation mean that Kate has actually visited her convict son?
John tries to hold back the tears. So does the audience. Tears of joy that yet another episode has come to a close.
Poor Prevuze, you have again made the ultimate sacrifice. You have sat through DOOL and reported the drivel so the rest of us can just zap away. I loved the photos with Chloe and Phillip with the body parts discussion. No one’s boobs are that perky without a little or a lot of augmentation. Chloe should introduce her surgeon to Ava and Chelsea.
Just one great Prevuism after another today. I laughed all the way through it. By the end I had tears myself. Tears of regret that the Prevuze report for today was over!
The pictures were inspired - Nick's alternative energy source, the "green" hour glass and Chelsea's hybrid weapon of choice. Even had a great golden-oldie picture from Katman's wedding.
In another area of the restaurant, Maggie squeals when she sees Anna's ring. Anna rambles, "We've just come back from Bora-Bora."
Time travel once again hits Salem. Tanna get engaged, married, off on a honeymoon to a place it would take normal people four days just to get to and from, and they are back already. No doubt with fabulous tans. Criminy!
"What should I do," asks Ava.
"You could try living in the future," says Marlena. "What about the present," asks Ava. "Oh, you shouldn't have," says Marlena.
That was just too funny. LOLOL
Roman gives him the international guy-sign to scram.
Perhaps in a future post Prevuze can supply a picture of this international guy-sign. I want to be able to spot it in the future!
One final observation and I'll yield to other commentors:
Kate says she is through interfering in Sami and Lucas' lives, "Lucas is an adult and can make decisions on his own."
OMG – the next storyline is taking shape……Kate has been taken over by one of the pod people!!
One truly great Prevuze today. Thanks!
But seriously, unless Max gets his smarts from siphoning energy from abused orphans of war, I don't see what all the secrecy is about.
My thoughts exactly, Klaus!
Well, not EXACTLY. You expressed it a lot funnier than I could. But yeah, what's the big, frikkin' deal?
Prevuze wit (and endurance in watching this stuff) continues to amaze. We Prevuzians bless you.
""That's terrible," says Marlena, "As a professional psychiatrist I would never do anything like that." Naaah, I would've just given you something to put you in an eternal coma.
Aside from TLT Applecheeks brings up about just getting to and from Bora-Bora, it looks like after being exiled for 20 years to an island that's the last place Tony would've wanted to go to ever again. And I'm still ticked they just glossed over their whole wedding so that we could have a few more scenes of Kayla blubbering and the brat chasing Dr. Dan.
Terrific Prevuisms today like "Hope gasps, "Are you in my head?" "There is certainly enough room for me up there," says Bo" and the picture of Nick's new energy source.
Thanks, Prevuze! :D
I agree Bulldog. They kind of skipped over the whole Tony/Anna thing.
Which really sux because both are incredible actors who have true chemistry together. I'd have loved to seen them do so much more with them, and I kind of feel cheated not getting to see their wedding.
Other than that, looks like we have yet another zap worthy episode. No EJami, no Lumi, no Rolf.
I kind of like Rolf, he's getting to be a kind of "kindly uncle" character. I love his talks with Sami.
Since I was getting a little tired of DOOL obviously swiping my serious material, I have jumped back into the funny side of DOOL.
Have fun with it!
These Are The Daze Of Our Lives
so that we could have a few more scenes of Kayla blubbering and the brat chasing Dr. Dan.
We need these scenes, they are the paramount of importance. I, for one, wish the whole show was just about Chelsea, Kayla and Dr. McAwesome/Dude/Incredible. Just imagine.
I guess we'll just have to wait and see with the Max thing. I can't even guess what that's all about.
Also, todays/yesterdays episode. Nick = Prince of passive aggressiveness.
Also, something I just thought of. Even if Nick's work was rejected the first time, what's the obstacle stopping him from saying "Oh, that's what I did wrong!" and re-submitting it??
Those doctors objectifying Chelsea seem like pedophiles, or at least sleaze bags. I lol'd at trying to mention that Chelsea is in her early twenties.
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