Let The Games Begin
Rolf announces the food is ready. John is distant, "That's nice. The guests should be arriving soon." Rolf tells John he thinks Claire is a little cutie. "Right," says John, "She's the only one who doesn't bug me with stupid questions. But, tragically, she is a juiceaholic." John says he is anxious to get the dinner over with. He wants Rolf to keep things moving once the dinner starts.
"I vill try," says Rolf, "but I am zee zcientizt, not Martha Ztewart."
"You haven't done enough jail time to be Martha Stewart," says John. The doorbell rings and Rolf goes to answer it. John gives his vapid stare and says, "Let the games begin."
Rolf comes back with Marlena, Belle, Shawn and Claire and announces the guests have arrived. "Right on time," says John, "I've been looking forward to this." We pan through the less than enthusiastic crowd.
Patch and Parker meet in the seedy side of town. Parker hasn't had much luck finding Ava. Patch tells him to ramp it up, "Remember, you owe me."
Coincidentally, this just happens to be the hell-hole Stephanie is slumming around in today, "Dad! Who's this?"
Kayla finds Lexie rummaging through papers in the hospital. They are driven to find a cure for Bo. Kayla thinks they are bound to do it with Daniel on the case. Lexie tells her Daniel prefers to work alone, but he can get away with things like that since he is brilliant. The two of them vow to press on together and find something. Kayla dives in to the work but Lexie stops her, "Are you sure you're OK to work."
"It's a big responsibility being the first woman ever to have a baby," says Kayla, "but I'll manage."
Bo vegetates. He wakes up and accuses Hope of staring at him. He thinks it's about over, "The ole pancreas is about to hang it up and go out of business." Hope assures him the docs will fix it. "I'm scared, too," says Bo, "but we have to prepare ourselves for the possibility. I'm gonna fight this thing with every thing I've got, but somethin's wrong inside-a me. I don't know how much time I've got left."
John stoops, "If you break it, you buy it. How many pennies do you have in your piggy bank."
"I'll have plenty," says Claire, "when my nutcase of a grandfather kicks off and leaves me a bundle."
Marlena hands him a sack, "We brought you a little gift.
Kayla and Lexie are at a dead end. Kayla hyperventilates, "Five minutes of work and we've found nothing. How long can this go on? I know a specialist in Zurich. He's a donutologist. I'll give him a call."
As Kayla dials she says, "We're gonna save Bo's life."
Lexie says, "Damn straight we are. We'll find a doctor yet."
Bo continues to huff and puff, "All I need is your love. And a pancreas." They reminisce about their life together. It was rocky at first. Bo was stubborn, Hope was feisty. It's a good thing Bo came around. They talk about their time on the Fancy Face which leads to the inevitable flashback. Hope tells Bo when they were on the boat she felt like they were the only two people in the world, "I've never needed anything to make me happy except you... and our son."
"What about Ciara," asks Bo.
"I really haven't gotten to know her," says Hope, "She's never around." Hope assures him the will have a lot more memories.
"I'm not so sure about that," says Bo.
Parker asks, "Is this your daughter, Patch? She's smokin'." That does it. Patch chases him off.
Stephanie asks who that was. If Patch's lips are moving, he's lying, "I'm working on a special assignment for the Salem PD. That was an informant."
Stephanie sees through it, "Why are you lying to me?"
"How can you not believe this face," asks Patch.
"Are you on drugs?"
Stephanie knows Patch is hiding something from them and wonders why he hasn't at least told Kayla. Patch says Kayla can't handle stress right now because it might hurt the baby. Stephanie cuts him off at the knees, "OK, I can understand that, but I am perfectly healthy and I want you to tell me."
John pulls his present out of the sack. If you didn't guess it was a photo album, you will have to repeat DOOL 101. John rejects it and hands it back to her, "Those photos don't mean anything to me."
Shawn steps up to the plate, "Come on, John, what can it hurt? There are tons of pictures of Claire in here you might want to see."
"How did you get so many pictures of her," asks John.
"We have the baby sitter take a picture of her every time we drop her off," says Shawn.
"You fight dirty," says John. Marlena beams as John sits down and leafs through the album. He asks who some of the people are and Marlena gives him a play-by-play. He stops at one picture and Marlena tells him it's a picture of them in Stockholm. "What's wrong with my hair," asks John.
"It was the eighties," laughs Belle, "You had bad hair."
"More than I have now," says John."
"That was before your unfortunate accident with the Mixmaster," says Marlena.
John slams the book down, says this is a waste of time and walks out.
Hope goes off the deep end and refuses to accept the fact that she might lose Bo. Suddenly, Bo thinks death would be a welcome relief. Bo says if he doesn't make it, he doesn't want Hope to be alone.
Kayla gets off the phone. The miracle worker in Zurich has suggested a website she can visit. Lexie goes to check on Bo as Kayla types in the website, youcankissbosbuttgoodbye.com.
Kayla stops Lexie and has her come back to see the website, "Look at this! Living donors! Every single patient who has had this radical procedure has survived! All the donors have died, but it's worth a try." But wait! There's more! "Look at this," says Kayla, "The first surgeon to try this technique was..."
Lexie looks over her shoulder, "Dr. Daniel Jonas?"
John belts down his liquor. Belle joins him and apologizes for pushing. "You skipped push," says John, "You went right to shove."
"If you don't come around," says Belle, "I move into whine mode. Nobody can stand that." Oops. To late. She carries out the threat, "You died. We grieved and now we still miss you because you're only here physically, but not mentally."
"Then we have something in common," says John.
Belle says, "This isn't the real you"
John says, "This is the real me and you are living in a fantasy world if you think that is ever gonna change." Belle takes that as John's assurance that he will change.
Claire runs up as Belle leaves, "Can I stay with Pop-pop?" Pop-pop smiles as Claire joins him.
Back in the other room, Belle tells them John isn't happy that they prefer who he used to be. "That isn't your fault," says Shawn.
"Maybe it is," says Marlena. Belle perks up. Nothing could make her happier than to blame herself.
Patch says, "You're a real spitfire, aren't you."
"Mama always said I inherited that from you."
"Better that than my looks," says Patch, "You'd better sit down."
Patch says Parker is someone he knew years ago. When he was with Stefano, he escaped for about a year and got involved with a crime family, "When I was with them I kinda had a thing with the boss' daughter. Eventually I left her, but she recently tracked me down. She's not happy I left without an explanation. She wants revenge or something, so I have a guard on your mama and I'm puttin' one on you, too."
"This is unbelievable," says Stephanie, "We have to tell mom and we have to tell her right now."
Kayla wonders why Dr. Dan wouldn't have told them about the procedure. She wants to tell Bo and Hope. Lexie thinks they should wait until they consult with Daniel.
Hope don' wan' no stinkin' other guy. She loves the stinkin' guy she has. Hope rants and starts to call Shawn to let him know how argumentative Bo is being. Suddenly Bo's machines go crazy and Bo slips into unconsciousness. Hope stops dialing and gasps. Bo's last thought is, "If I knew it was this easy to shut her up, I'd have tried it years ago." Hope rushes out to get a doctor, but only finds Lexie and Kayla.
The three of them rush back into the room. Kayla the mighty healer huddles behind Hope as Lexie Carver, Chief of Staph, goes into action. "Increase the donut dust drip," she screams, "CLEAR!" Everything goes into slow motion. ZZZAAAPPP! Bboo bboouunnccees. "CCLLEEAARR!" ZZZAAAPPP! Bboo bboouunnccees. "CCLLEEAARR!" ZZZAAAPPP! Bboo bboouunnccees.
Kayla rushes Hope outside. Hope plasters herself against the glass like a slug on a plate glass window.
Marlena thinks they need to ease up on John and let him know they love him. Rolf brings in a tray and they all gang up on him. They think since he performed the procedure he can reverse it. "I'm zorry," says Rolf, "Hiz condition iz permanent." Shawn thinks he's lying. He threatens to strap Rolf down in the lab to see if that jogs his memory. Suddenly Rolf thinks he smells dinner burning. He books.
John tells Claire he thinks her grandmother doesn't understand him, "But you do, don't you." Claire nods. John thinks they are probably talking about him right now. He wants Claire to go spy on them.
"Let's go together, Pop-pop."
"I don't think you understand the concept of spying," says John, "If we go together, it won't work. And don't call me 'Pop-pop' any more. You can call me John."
"OK, John."
John can't believe Stephanie would blab this to Kayla. Now he regrets telling her. Stephanie can't believe Patch was with another woman. "Listen," says Patch, "I didn't have any memory of your mom. Otherwise I never would have hooked up with Ava. This happened before I went to Cincinnati."
"Did you love her?"
"Mom is gonna be so upset."
"No, she's not," says Patch, "Because we're not gonna tell her." Poor Patch. He's already told Stephanie. He might as well have put this on a billboard outside Kayla's bedroom window. Come to think of it, when Hope finds out, it will be on a billboard outside Kayla's bedroom window.
John walks back into the room carrying Claire, "Rolf will be in shortly with the appetizers. We're having escargots a la Hope."
"What's that," asks Marlena.
"Snails plastered up against a piece of glass so hard you can't pry them off with a crowbar."
Rolf walks in as Belle twiddles with the pieces on a chessboard. She doesn't have a clue how to play chess, but just loves the tiny little statues. Rolf screams, "Vat are you doink? Zat is Ztefano's!"
"It's mine," drones John, "As is everything in this house." Rolf sets the appetizers down and huffs out."
"He's so creepy," says Belle.
"Actually," says John, "He is kind of strange."
Patch plays his trump card. They can't tell Kayla because of her delicate condition. He'll tell her in time, just not now. Stephanie backs down, but says she's worried. "Don't worry," says Patch, "I'll handle it."
"That's what I'm worried about," says Stephanie.
"How could you get involved with that woman," asks Stephanie.
"You should see her in a bikini," says Patch, "But now I'm back where I belong and nothin' means more to me than you, your mom, that baby, and a couple of cold ones. I'm sorry I got us into this mess. Can you forgive me?" For just about the first time ever, Stephanie has nothing to say.
"CCLLEEAARR!" ZZZAAAPPP! Bboo bboouunnccees. Again. Again. Again. Nothing. Lexie checks for a pulse as Hope's breathing creates it's own weather system. Defeated, Lexie looks to the heavens. Hope breaks down.
"Just this once," says God.
Lexie checks Bo's pulse one last time. She looks at Escarghope through the window and nods her head. Hope breathes a sigh of relief. Lexie comes out and announces Bo still isn't stable. Hope runs in to see him. Kayla says she has to tell Hope about the experimental surgery. Lexie agrees, and Kayla follows Hope into Bo's room.
Kayla takes Hope aside and tells her the good news, "It's pretty risky, but I think it may be Bo's only shot."
Hope wonders how soon they can perform the surgery. Kayla tells her they have to find a donor first, "We could drag this out for weeks." She goes to page Dr. Jonas.
Magnanimous Stephanie forgives Patch, "You have absolutely no feelings for this woman, right."
Patch pulls his "Guy Manual" out of his pocket and consults it. "No," he reads, "My heart belongs to INSERT WOMAN'S NAME HERE 100%."
Stephanie agrees to do things Patch's way. Patch sticks the precious "Guy Manual" back into his pocket and vows to guard it with his life.
Belle and Shawn play checkers with the chess figures. Shawn wins, but Belle claims she let him. Shawn thinks this calls for a victory celebration. He gloats and taunts. Apparently, Shawn left his "Guy Manual" at home. Marlena thinks it's good to see them having fun. They tell Marlena they are planning a new life together, but are holding back the details until Bo gets better. "Let's just say we are planning to embark on a great adventure together."
Claire butts in, "Can I stay in your spare room, Gwandma?"
Not to be outdone, Marlena tells them she's been making some plans herself. She's taking in new patients so she can focus on other people's problems. She won't be able to help them any more than she can help herself, but it will make her feel better.
They ask John what his plans are. "As Claire would say," drones John, "That's for me to know..."
Claire finishes for him, "And you to find out." She runs over and jumps up in his lap.
Marlena wants him to elaborate. John says he's surprised how much his callow mind understands the business end of things. He thinks Stefano let things slip in favor of messing with people's lives. One of the first things John is going to do is to rebuild Stefano's shipping lines right there in Salem. Serendipitously, since yesterday's episode where we learned from Dr. Jonas that Salem doesn't have an ocean, they have moved one in overnight and established a fully functional shipping port. "What do you think, Blondie?"
"I'm not sure what to say," says Marlena. Rolf steps in and announces dinner is ready. As they move into the dining room, John says he will go over the details while they eat.
Belle turns to Shawn, "I want my dad back."
Patch wonders how Stephanie would feel about leaving town until all this blows over. "No way in hell," says Stephanie, "I have school, the sorority, my new internship with Anna... but, most importantly, my relationship with Uncle Max. You can't ask me to put that on hold."
"I'm still puttin' a guard on you."
"I can take care of myself," says Stephanie. Patch still wants to protect her. Stephanie is resigned to it, "Whatever..." Patch digs into her grocery bag looking for, what else, chips and dip.
Lexie and Kayla tell Hope they have paged Dr. Jonas. In the meantime, Hope should gather the family at the hospital for a last goodbye.
As Patch and Stephanie start to leave, Patch gets the devastating call from Kayla. They head for the hospital.
Shawn gets the same call from Hope.
Hope kisses Bo and stares.
You can watch the previews later today on our PREVUZE II website.
"I vill try," says Rolf, "but I am zee zcientizt, not Martha Ztewart."
"You haven't done enough jail time to be Martha Stewart," says John. The doorbell rings and Rolf goes to answer it. John gives his vapid stare and says, "Let the games begin."
Rolf comes back with Marlena, Belle, Shawn and Claire and announces the guests have arrived. "Right on time," says John, "I've been looking forward to this." We pan through the less than enthusiastic crowd.
Patch and Parker meet in the seedy side of town. Parker hasn't had much luck finding Ava. Patch tells him to ramp it up, "Remember, you owe me."
Coincidentally, this just happens to be the hell-hole Stephanie is slumming around in today, "Dad! Who's this?"
Kayla finds Lexie rummaging through papers in the hospital. They are driven to find a cure for Bo. Kayla thinks they are bound to do it with Daniel on the case. Lexie tells her Daniel prefers to work alone, but he can get away with things like that since he is brilliant. The two of them vow to press on together and find something. Kayla dives in to the work but Lexie stops her, "Are you sure you're OK to work."
"It's a big responsibility being the first woman ever to have a baby," says Kayla, "but I'll manage."
Bo vegetates. He wakes up and accuses Hope of staring at him. He thinks it's about over, "The ole pancreas is about to hang it up and go out of business." Hope assures him the docs will fix it. "I'm scared, too," says Bo, "but we have to prepare ourselves for the possibility. I'm gonna fight this thing with every thing I've got, but somethin's wrong inside-a me. I don't know how much time I've got left."
John stoops, "If you break it, you buy it. How many pennies do you have in your piggy bank."
"I'll have plenty," says Claire, "when my nutcase of a grandfather kicks off and leaves me a bundle."
Marlena hands him a sack, "We brought you a little gift.
Kayla and Lexie are at a dead end. Kayla hyperventilates, "Five minutes of work and we've found nothing. How long can this go on? I know a specialist in Zurich. He's a donutologist. I'll give him a call."
As Kayla dials she says, "We're gonna save Bo's life."
Lexie says, "Damn straight we are. We'll find a doctor yet."
Bo continues to huff and puff, "All I need is your love. And a pancreas." They reminisce about their life together. It was rocky at first. Bo was stubborn, Hope was feisty. It's a good thing Bo came around. They talk about their time on the Fancy Face which leads to the inevitable flashback. Hope tells Bo when they were on the boat she felt like they were the only two people in the world, "I've never needed anything to make me happy except you... and our son."
"What about Ciara," asks Bo.
"I really haven't gotten to know her," says Hope, "She's never around." Hope assures him the will have a lot more memories.
"I'm not so sure about that," says Bo.
Parker asks, "Is this your daughter, Patch? She's smokin'." That does it. Patch chases him off.
Stephanie asks who that was. If Patch's lips are moving, he's lying, "I'm working on a special assignment for the Salem PD. That was an informant."
Stephanie sees through it, "Why are you lying to me?"
"How can you not believe this face," asks Patch.
"Are you on drugs?"
Stephanie knows Patch is hiding something from them and wonders why he hasn't at least told Kayla. Patch says Kayla can't handle stress right now because it might hurt the baby. Stephanie cuts him off at the knees, "OK, I can understand that, but I am perfectly healthy and I want you to tell me."
John pulls his present out of the sack. If you didn't guess it was a photo album, you will have to repeat DOOL 101. John rejects it and hands it back to her, "Those photos don't mean anything to me."
Shawn steps up to the plate, "Come on, John, what can it hurt? There are tons of pictures of Claire in here you might want to see."
"How did you get so many pictures of her," asks John.
"We have the baby sitter take a picture of her every time we drop her off," says Shawn.
"You fight dirty," says John. Marlena beams as John sits down and leafs through the album. He asks who some of the people are and Marlena gives him a play-by-play. He stops at one picture and Marlena tells him it's a picture of them in Stockholm. "What's wrong with my hair," asks John.
"It was the eighties," laughs Belle, "You had bad hair."
"More than I have now," says John."
"That was before your unfortunate accident with the Mixmaster," says Marlena.
John slams the book down, says this is a waste of time and walks out.
Hope goes off the deep end and refuses to accept the fact that she might lose Bo. Suddenly, Bo thinks death would be a welcome relief. Bo says if he doesn't make it, he doesn't want Hope to be alone.
Kayla gets off the phone. The miracle worker in Zurich has suggested a website she can visit. Lexie goes to check on Bo as Kayla types in the website, youcankissbosbuttgoodbye.com.
Kayla stops Lexie and has her come back to see the website, "Look at this! Living donors! Every single patient who has had this radical procedure has survived! All the donors have died, but it's worth a try." But wait! There's more! "Look at this," says Kayla, "The first surgeon to try this technique was..."
Lexie looks over her shoulder, "Dr. Daniel Jonas?"
John belts down his liquor. Belle joins him and apologizes for pushing. "You skipped push," says John, "You went right to shove."
"If you don't come around," says Belle, "I move into whine mode. Nobody can stand that." Oops. To late. She carries out the threat, "You died. We grieved and now we still miss you because you're only here physically, but not mentally."
"Then we have something in common," says John.
Belle says, "This isn't the real you"
John says, "This is the real me and you are living in a fantasy world if you think that is ever gonna change." Belle takes that as John's assurance that he will change.
Claire runs up as Belle leaves, "Can I stay with Pop-pop?" Pop-pop smiles as Claire joins him.
Back in the other room, Belle tells them John isn't happy that they prefer who he used to be. "That isn't your fault," says Shawn.
"Maybe it is," says Marlena. Belle perks up. Nothing could make her happier than to blame herself.
Patch says, "You're a real spitfire, aren't you."
"Mama always said I inherited that from you."
"Better that than my looks," says Patch, "You'd better sit down."
Patch says Parker is someone he knew years ago. When he was with Stefano, he escaped for about a year and got involved with a crime family, "When I was with them I kinda had a thing with the boss' daughter. Eventually I left her, but she recently tracked me down. She's not happy I left without an explanation. She wants revenge or something, so I have a guard on your mama and I'm puttin' one on you, too."
"This is unbelievable," says Stephanie, "We have to tell mom and we have to tell her right now."
Kayla wonders why Dr. Dan wouldn't have told them about the procedure. She wants to tell Bo and Hope. Lexie thinks they should wait until they consult with Daniel.
Hope don' wan' no stinkin' other guy. She loves the stinkin' guy she has. Hope rants and starts to call Shawn to let him know how argumentative Bo is being. Suddenly Bo's machines go crazy and Bo slips into unconsciousness. Hope stops dialing and gasps. Bo's last thought is, "If I knew it was this easy to shut her up, I'd have tried it years ago." Hope rushes out to get a doctor, but only finds Lexie and Kayla.
The three of them rush back into the room. Kayla the mighty healer huddles behind Hope as Lexie Carver, Chief of Staph, goes into action. "Increase the donut dust drip," she screams, "CLEAR!" Everything goes into slow motion. ZZZAAAPPP! Bboo bboouunnccees. "CCLLEEAARR!" ZZZAAAPPP! Bboo bboouunnccees. "CCLLEEAARR!" ZZZAAAPPP! Bboo bboouunnccees.
Kayla rushes Hope outside. Hope plasters herself against the glass like a slug on a plate glass window.
Marlena thinks they need to ease up on John and let him know they love him. Rolf brings in a tray and they all gang up on him. They think since he performed the procedure he can reverse it. "I'm zorry," says Rolf, "Hiz condition iz permanent." Shawn thinks he's lying. He threatens to strap Rolf down in the lab to see if that jogs his memory. Suddenly Rolf thinks he smells dinner burning. He books.
John tells Claire he thinks her grandmother doesn't understand him, "But you do, don't you." Claire nods. John thinks they are probably talking about him right now. He wants Claire to go spy on them.
"Let's go together, Pop-pop."
"I don't think you understand the concept of spying," says John, "If we go together, it won't work. And don't call me 'Pop-pop' any more. You can call me John."
"OK, John."
John can't believe Stephanie would blab this to Kayla. Now he regrets telling her. Stephanie can't believe Patch was with another woman. "Listen," says Patch, "I didn't have any memory of your mom. Otherwise I never would have hooked up with Ava. This happened before I went to Cincinnati."
"Did you love her?"
"Mom is gonna be so upset."
"No, she's not," says Patch, "Because we're not gonna tell her." Poor Patch. He's already told Stephanie. He might as well have put this on a billboard outside Kayla's bedroom window. Come to think of it, when Hope finds out, it will be on a billboard outside Kayla's bedroom window.
John walks back into the room carrying Claire, "Rolf will be in shortly with the appetizers. We're having escargots a la Hope."
"What's that," asks Marlena.
"Snails plastered up against a piece of glass so hard you can't pry them off with a crowbar."
Rolf walks in as Belle twiddles with the pieces on a chessboard. She doesn't have a clue how to play chess, but just loves the tiny little statues. Rolf screams, "Vat are you doink? Zat is Ztefano's!"
"It's mine," drones John, "As is everything in this house." Rolf sets the appetizers down and huffs out."
"He's so creepy," says Belle.
"Actually," says John, "He is kind of strange."
Patch plays his trump card. They can't tell Kayla because of her delicate condition. He'll tell her in time, just not now. Stephanie backs down, but says she's worried. "Don't worry," says Patch, "I'll handle it."
"That's what I'm worried about," says Stephanie.
"How could you get involved with that woman," asks Stephanie.
"You should see her in a bikini," says Patch, "But now I'm back where I belong and nothin' means more to me than you, your mom, that baby, and a couple of cold ones. I'm sorry I got us into this mess. Can you forgive me?" For just about the first time ever, Stephanie has nothing to say.
"CCLLEEAARR!" ZZZAAAPPP! Bboo bboouunnccees. Again. Again. Again. Nothing. Lexie checks for a pulse as Hope's breathing creates it's own weather system. Defeated, Lexie looks to the heavens. Hope breaks down.
"Just this once," says God.
Lexie checks Bo's pulse one last time. She looks at Escarghope through the window and nods her head. Hope breathes a sigh of relief. Lexie comes out and announces Bo still isn't stable. Hope runs in to see him. Kayla says she has to tell Hope about the experimental surgery. Lexie agrees, and Kayla follows Hope into Bo's room.
Kayla takes Hope aside and tells her the good news, "It's pretty risky, but I think it may be Bo's only shot."
Hope wonders how soon they can perform the surgery. Kayla tells her they have to find a donor first, "We could drag this out for weeks." She goes to page Dr. Jonas.
Magnanimous Stephanie forgives Patch, "You have absolutely no feelings for this woman, right."
Patch pulls his "Guy Manual" out of his pocket and consults it. "No," he reads, "My heart belongs to INSERT WOMAN'S NAME HERE 100%."
Stephanie agrees to do things Patch's way. Patch sticks the precious "Guy Manual" back into his pocket and vows to guard it with his life.
Belle and Shawn play checkers with the chess figures. Shawn wins, but Belle claims she let him. Shawn thinks this calls for a victory celebration. He gloats and taunts. Apparently, Shawn left his "Guy Manual" at home. Marlena thinks it's good to see them having fun. They tell Marlena they are planning a new life together, but are holding back the details until Bo gets better. "Let's just say we are planning to embark on a great adventure together."
Claire butts in, "Can I stay in your spare room, Gwandma?"
Not to be outdone, Marlena tells them she's been making some plans herself. She's taking in new patients so she can focus on other people's problems. She won't be able to help them any more than she can help herself, but it will make her feel better.
They ask John what his plans are. "As Claire would say," drones John, "That's for me to know..."
Claire finishes for him, "And you to find out." She runs over and jumps up in his lap.
Marlena wants him to elaborate. John says he's surprised how much his callow mind understands the business end of things. He thinks Stefano let things slip in favor of messing with people's lives. One of the first things John is going to do is to rebuild Stefano's shipping lines right there in Salem. Serendipitously, since yesterday's episode where we learned from Dr. Jonas that Salem doesn't have an ocean, they have moved one in overnight and established a fully functional shipping port. "What do you think, Blondie?"
"I'm not sure what to say," says Marlena. Rolf steps in and announces dinner is ready. As they move into the dining room, John says he will go over the details while they eat.
Belle turns to Shawn, "I want my dad back."
Patch wonders how Stephanie would feel about leaving town until all this blows over. "No way in hell," says Stephanie, "I have school, the sorority, my new internship with Anna... but, most importantly, my relationship with Uncle Max. You can't ask me to put that on hold."
"I'm still puttin' a guard on you."
"I can take care of myself," says Stephanie. Patch still wants to protect her. Stephanie is resigned to it, "Whatever..." Patch digs into her grocery bag looking for, what else, chips and dip.
Lexie and Kayla tell Hope they have paged Dr. Jonas. In the meantime, Hope should gather the family at the hospital for a last goodbye.
As Patch and Stephanie start to leave, Patch gets the devastating call from Kayla. They head for the hospital.
Shawn gets the same call from Hope.
Hope kisses Bo and stares.
You can watch the previews later today on our PREVUZE II website.
So I was wondering if Rolf still has his accent, but Prevuze answered that for me.
Hysterical Prevuze this morning. Love the Martha Stewart jail line. And if Ireland can fit in the Days studio, then hey, why not an ocean.
Claire is so cute - I hope she can stay with Gwandma and Pop-pop (er, John).
Thanks again for a great Prevuze!
You know, as fast as things sometimes progress on this show, doesn't it seem that Chelsea would be over grieving? She barely ever thought of, saw or gave a care about OMB until he died. Now, she is prostrate with grief and inconsolable pining for grandpa. I'm done with this already. Stephanie is a granddaughter too and she's already got a job. Chelsea can't turn her mind away from the inner pity party she's giving herself. She and Max should seek help. Marlena's hung her shingle back out for busniess. They can talk to her. Better yet, get Sami to slap them both around like she did Mr. Burke in the pub. But, if I hear one more time how Chelsea is mourning her beloved grandpa that she held so near and dear and whines because his death, Bo's disease and everything else is her fault cause " death follows her" (which I don't fall for cause if so then why is Nick still up and kicking), or if she starts telling everyone she meets that she loves them cause she never knows it her midas death touch will kill them or not, I'm going to just have to lose my cookies. That's all I have to say about it.
You know, as fast as things sometimes progress on this show, doesn't it seem that Chelsea would be over grieving? She barely ever thought of, saw or gave a care about OMB until he died. Now, she is prostrate with grief and inconsolable pining for grandpa. I'm done with this already. Stephanie is a granddaughter too and she's already got a job. Chelsea can't turn her mind away from the inner pity party she's giving herself. She and Max should seek help. Marlena's hung her shingle back out for busniess. They can talk to her. Better yet, get Sami to slap them both around like she did Mr. Burke in the pub. But, if I hear one more time how Chelsea is mourning her beloved grandpa that she held so near and dear and whines because his death, Bo's disease and everything else is her fault cause " death follows her" (which I don't fall for cause if so then why is Nick still up and kicking), or if she starts telling everyone she meets that she loves them cause she never knows if her midas death touch will kill them or not, I'm going to just have to lose my cookies. That's all I have to say about it.
I LOVE the escargots a la Hope comment!!!!
Before we go any further, I think everyone deserves to know the TRUTH about what happened this morning.
Forgive me Prevuze, I know you wanted this to be kept secret, but I've been spending too much time with Hope lately and I just can't help myself from blabbing everything I know to everyone:
These Are The Daze Of Our Lives
Okay, great Prevuze today. I love love love John and Claire together.
After all she IS the most intelligent person on DOOL, it stands to reason she'd be one of the few bright spots in the show!!
Interesting Deb, and here I thought Prevuze just fell asleep while watching the show. :)
(Because this one does sound like a real snoozer!)
Bo says if he doesn't make it, he doesn't want Hope to be alone.
Hope says, "I won't be alone. I'll look up Patrick. He was always a good FRIEND!"
OMB's headstone cracked me up - 1861!!!
"I vill try," says Rolf, "but I am zee zcientizt, not Martha Ztewart."
"You haven't done enough jail time to be Martha Stewart,"
Oh my, that really is quite hysterical!!
They talk about their time on the Fancy Face which leads to the inevitable flashback.
Oh goodie, more flashbacks of Bo! Is it just me or does he look like he could have starred on one of the Geico caveman commercials?
"The first surgeon to try this technique was..."
Lexie looks over her shoulder, "Dr. Daniel Jonas?"
Duh, let’s go back to DOOL 101.
"Rolf will be in shortly with the appetizers. We're having escargots a la Hope."
"What's that," asks Marlena.
"Snails plastered up against a piece of glass so hard you can't pry them off with a crowbar."
OMG, I shouldn’t be reading this while I’m supposed to be working. Someone might think that my job is a lot of fun. Prevuze, you are waaaaaay too much!!
"How could you get involved with that woman," asks Stephanie.
"You should see her in a bikini," says Patch,
We’ve all seen her in a bikini. Please spare us that sight again. It looks like Ava’s Maidenform Living Bra ate her boobs.
Serendipitously, since yesterday's episode where we learned from Dr. Jonas that Salem doesn't have an ocean, they have moved one in overnight and established a fully functional shipping port.
Hey Prevuze, remember “The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald”? Gordon Lightfoot will really be sad if you don’t.
Great Prevuze and great pictures and captions.
Forgive me Prevuze, I know you wanted this to be kept secret, but I've been spending too much time with Hope lately and I just can't help myself from blabbing everything I know to everyone:
These Are The Daze Of Our Lives
Deb - We begged and begged for you to keep this under wraps and now it's out there for the whole world to see. I guess I should have used the 'Kayla can't handle it in her delicate condition' trump card.
Deb - We begged and begged for you to keep this under wraps and now it's out there for the whole world to see. I guess I should have used the 'Kayla can't handle it in her delicate condition' trump card.
It was KATE! She blackmailed me and forced me to tell. The threatened to make me attend a Myth-ick board meeting and then explain to me in detail how she got pregnant with each of her kids.
Love Jawn and Claire.
Is there anyway Shelle can ride off into the sunset, Claire jumps overboared and swims her way back to her Pop-Pop?
Shelle will never miss her.
Loved the OMB headstone!
Lord help me, my sides are aching.
With the delay in posting I got wrapped up in work and just got to Prevuze. Started noting especially good pictures (Chloe whining Brady to death, the Salem Kid Korral) and prevuisms and had to quit. The whole dang thing was hilarious.
WAY too many prevuisms are worthy of mention. I will give a nod to another new word to add to my vocabulary - "donutologist". LOL
The only bad thing about today's Prevuze - I was in the middle of laughing hysterically (I think I was at the point where Lexi was zapping and Bo was boooouuuunnncing) when my phone rang. Dang, it's hard to answer the phone professionally when you are laughing your a** off!
Thank goodness I read this at home. My head was getting dizzy from laughing when I got to Salem's fully functioning shipping port - - and then Leslie's comment about Bo and the Geico commercials almost did me in! HAHAHAHA
I still can't figure out what boat Belle and Jr. are going to sail off in, how they'd pay for it if they did and how she's going to finish her nursing degree.
Excellent Prevuisms and pictures today. Thanks!!
Oh my god! I LOVED LOVED the Public Storage a.k.a. Salen Kid Korral....
Friggen hysterical!
Keep those coming!!
From an episode ago: that whole immigration agent interview w/ EJ & Sami.... YEAH, someone called and this is a set-up. Both have motive, so I can't be sure. I'm rooting for them but we call know what a house of cards a relationship built on lie is.
I think it's time to call Dr. House. He's tell them all to stop being a bunch of blunder heads and fix the man.
House would have also told us the cable snapped just to get a rise out of us.
BTW is House on tonight?
BoogityBoo, I can't help but wonder if they aren't setting it up that John will keep Claire when Shelle leaves.
Victoria said...
BoogityBoo, I can't help but wonder if they aren't setting it up that John will keep Claire when Shelle leaves.
It certainly seems that way... and since Belle feels all warm and fuzzy towards her dad right now (lol), she is certain to fall in with a decision to leave her child with him. Go figure.
But if it keeps Claire on screen, I'm for it.
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