Prevuze II
Sorry, gang, there was no feed today because of a golf match that will be on TV the entire afternoon on Labor Day. So we thought this would be a good day to tell you about that "II" graphic that has appeared on Prevuze recently.
Idle hands are the Devil's playground, they say, and although Prevuze hasn't had much idle time lately, that l'il devil has been busy in the playground. We've been toying with this idea for some time and finally decided to jump in and go with the technology available to bring you a better Prevuze experience.
The original concept of Prevuze was to email the feed's next day previews to a small group just to give people a sneak peek at what was coming down the pike. In fact, that's where the name came from. Since we always referred to "Days" as "Daze," it was only natural that the "previews" we were sending incorporate the same "ze" ending and it became "Prevuze."
That concept grew until we started including show bits, more show bits, the whole show, silly pictures and the next thing we knew, we were on the web.
So now, we've come up with a brand new website, Prevuze II, that takes us back to that original concept – just the previews. Think of it as an "executive summary."
What we will do is, after Prevuze is up for the day, post a very short summary of what happened in the show on Prevuze II. The only thing that will change on the original Prevuze is we will no longer include the episode's previews, but will post them on Prevuze II, where you can WATCH them.
All of the comments on Prevuze II will link back to the original Prevuze so we don't have to manage two comments boards. Other than that, we will keep Prevuze II short and sweet.
Prevuze II will be posted later than the original. We aren't sure how long it will take to get everything moved up, but it always should be finished by late morning, US EST. At least for the first few posts, we'll make an announcement with a link on the original Prevuze site when Prevuze II is up.
We sincerely hope you find it to be an improvement. Please let us know what you think.
In the meantime, here's a sample of what you will get beginning this coming Monday:
Ladies and Gentlemen! Announcing...
Idle hands are the Devil's playground, they say, and although Prevuze hasn't had much idle time lately, that l'il devil has been busy in the playground. We've been toying with this idea for some time and finally decided to jump in and go with the technology available to bring you a better Prevuze experience.
The original concept of Prevuze was to email the feed's next day previews to a small group just to give people a sneak peek at what was coming down the pike. In fact, that's where the name came from. Since we always referred to "Days" as "Daze," it was only natural that the "previews" we were sending incorporate the same "ze" ending and it became "Prevuze."
That concept grew until we started including show bits, more show bits, the whole show, silly pictures and the next thing we knew, we were on the web.
So now, we've come up with a brand new website, Prevuze II, that takes us back to that original concept – just the previews. Think of it as an "executive summary."
What we will do is, after Prevuze is up for the day, post a very short summary of what happened in the show on Prevuze II. The only thing that will change on the original Prevuze is we will no longer include the episode's previews, but will post them on Prevuze II, where you can WATCH them.
All of the comments on Prevuze II will link back to the original Prevuze so we don't have to manage two comments boards. Other than that, we will keep Prevuze II short and sweet.
Prevuze II will be posted later than the original. We aren't sure how long it will take to get everything moved up, but it always should be finished by late morning, US EST. At least for the first few posts, we'll make an announcement with a link on the original Prevuze site when Prevuze II is up.
We sincerely hope you find it to be an improvement. Please let us know what you think.
In the meantime, here's a sample of what you will get beginning this coming Monday:
Ladies and Gentlemen! Announcing...
Prevuze you spoil us....thank you for the new II feed.
OMG, that's great! Yes you definitely do spoil us.
Thanks for the new feed and thanks for the great write up's everyday!
This is going to be AWESOME!!!
Thanks guys, keep those idle hands busy!!!
love it!
At first I was sure it would be too technicalogically advanced for me because I attended computer courses at Salem U.
But I figured it out and think it will be great!
Prevuze always amazes.
you guys are just too good to us. love it!!!
I have never left a comment before, but I love this site, and the new feed is going to be great!
I was refered here when another site closed, and I am so happy I checked you out. I love all the extra comments, and pics.
maybe i only have belle's brain today, but i don't understand what the new prevuze will be... will we still get the funny posts with pics and added insights?
This is my first comment as well. As I was also referred over here when the old website closed. I am so hooked and my day just does not go right if I can read this blog everyday! It is wonderful for those of us who have to work fulltime and not get to see the show. I look forward to see what the new website will bring. Thanks for always brightning my daze!
maybe i only have belle's brain today, but i don't understand what the new prevuze will be... will we still get the funny posts with pics and added insights?
The original Prevuze will not change at all, except it will not have the "previews" at the very end. We will continue to do the "funny posts with pics and added insights," assuming, of course we have any capability of being funny and providing insight.
Uh, Isn't "Belle's brain" an oxymoron?
I'm looking forward to Prevuze II.
So,where is our fearless leader Deb, to start us on our write your own episode of DOOL?
Anybody else want to start? I would but I have BelleBrain right now and have to do some thinking.
Okay, guys, here goes ...
Andre skulks around the darkened halls of the hospital, clutching the folio. "If they want this", he muttered, "they'll have to pry it from my cold, dead hands." (Hmm. Must be one of Bulldog's recycled scripts.)
Just then the paramedics wheel EJ in. "Oh, my," sneers Andre, "he's fried to a crisp. He can't be Stefano's donor now, or we'd have to ask the old man if he wants onions with that fried liver." (Jeez, that recycle bin must be REALLY FULL!) Good thing I hacked off part of Benjimonkey's liver while I had the chance ...
Suddenly Andre sees Tony coming around the corner, carrying an identical folio!!!
Fear not Brendamouse I am here!
Andre ducks in to a closet and emerges dressed as a nurse this drag queen is getting almost too good to him.
He slips into an empty hospital room and finds a laptop sitting on the bedside table.
He imediately starts tapping into the Salem hosptial database.
The password must be.......let's see something no one would ever guess...
P-A-S-S-W-O-R-D there we go.
He is in.
I will avenge you father, he says.
He goes to the birth records section and proceeds to change all the paternities in Salem back to who they really are.
Chaos ensues.
Simultaniously all the cell phones in Salem ring....text messages each saying the same thing...
Your real father is.....
FF on looks of horror from entire cast.
Andre and Tony confront each other with their matching F-words. (the DOOL camera work is amazing, the camera is behind Tony showing the back of his head while giving us a head shot of Andre, then vice-versa so we don't see both faces in the same shot)
A sniping contest ensues as each tells the other that he is Stephano's heir and will carry on the V-word.
Meanwhile, Benjy has commandeered a gurney and is struggling to pull himself along the wall and out of the hospital to escape Lexie and Kayla's care.
Phillip and Belle find the Safehouse.........
OK - I certainly must have taken computer classes at Salem U. My first attempt at leaving a comment failed! Second time lucky.
I discovered the Prevuze site several months ago when I started watching DOOL while at home with a new baby. Now I am competely hooked on Prevuze. Living in Australia our time zone is about 17 hours ahead of the US, so I get to read prevuze at the end of my day.... yes it is very hard to wait sometimes. The house is quiet and baby finally asleep, so I have learnt to giggle quietly rather than LOL as I am always tempted.
Now I am happy to miss DOOL but hate to miss prevuze. Thanks so much to the Prevuze team for the constant entertainment and to the regulars who post comments. I have learnt a lot about the show's history from your comments and love to know that I am not the only one having a laugh at the absence of logic on DOOL.
Can't wait for Prevuze II especially the video previews.
I ****love**** Prevuze - it's way more entertaining than the real thing. It's good that you are running the coming attractions (?) - this way we can remember what the actors look like!
This is going to be great! I looked all over to find this site. It has exactly what I need, all at one site--reliable script, in full, one day ahead, because I can't stand to wait, ha-ha. The addition of Prevuze II will enable a quick, summarized version, in addition to the detailed one. Perfect! I love the outrageously humorous "aside-comments" and silly pictures. Thanks you, thank you, thank you!
Phillip and Belle burst into the safe house and find Shawn has beaten them there by crashing through the back wall in his car.
Shawn and Belle start arguing about Claire while Phillip stands by smirking.
Meanwhile back at the F-word scene.
Andre and Tony drop the folios and begin to fight.
A hand wearing a black glove picks up both the folios.
Bo rushes in and separates them.
Now which one of you is Andre? Of course they both point and say "He is!"
Bo threatens to call Anna and have her kiss both of them to find out the truth, which makes the real Andre scream and throw himself out the window.
Bo and Tony run over to the window and look down only to find....he is gone!!!
The Emmy award winning DOOL special effects team has made sure all the broken glass has safely been removed from the window frame so Tony and Bo can lean all the way out of it to gawk at the empty alley 10 floors down.
A long black limo pulls out of the alley. Inside we see Andre laughing holding both folios as a black gloved hand holds out a glass of champaigne to him.
He takes it, and they toast.
Shawn and Belle continue to argue about how they can't afford Claire's college tuition on a mechanic's (who never works)salary.
Phillip continues to smirk and offers to put Claire through college, which causes another round robin of nonsense.
In the limo, the camera slowly moves from black glove to coatsleeve to collar to Claire's now 18 year old face. She smiles and asks Andre--Did I do well, Daddy?
Meanwhile Sami has finally gone into labor, she is franticly calling for her mother...
Marlena detaches herself from John and comes running, Fortunately she kept her set of homemade bone knives and seashells from John's island amputation and uses them to remove EJ and Lucas from Sami.
How awesome! You guys are the best from east to west!!!!
Whoa! I'm late today. I thought Prevuze II was stupendous, but wondered what could have spawned 21 comments...I forgot our Alternate DAZED Report.
....Marlena can't answer her phone. She and Squints have gotten entangled in their bedclothes during some afternoon geezer-sex. There was some problem involving handcuffs, silk sheets, viagra, leather chaps...well you just don't want to know the details.
Meanwhile, Justin Kiriakis and his four kids (now in their 20's) have joined up with Victor, taking advantage of the town's obsession with the DiMeras. They have been buying up stock in Basic Black (since no one ever works there anymore), Mythick, and every other company the Salemites have started and then ignored for the past five years. Bonnie has been feeding them information from intoxicated executives in her bar.
Across town at the pub is a festive high school graduation party for Pocket. Hope pulls Steve aside and says she has something important to ask him.
"Are you ready to be a father?" she asks.
Steve gives her the same answer he's given her the last 2,957,633 days in a row. "I don't know."
"Well, let's forget about that right now and see what the next Santeen letter says" answers Hope.
So Bo, Hope, Julie and Doug gather around. Julie begins reading. "Dear Santo..."
"Dear Santo..."
I've been a good girl all year and would like an iPod for Christmas. I will leave you milk and cookies again.
Santo writes back:
Deara Bella:
I tink-a you hav-a me confused-a with someone else-a. I'm-a not know whatsa iPod but if-a the package ees a-ticking don't open.
Steve and Kayla ask Pocket what he wants for graduation.
"How about a real name?"
Bope and gang listen to Jugs;
Dear Santos,
I've been a real good girl this year.
Whoops, wrong letter.
Dear Santos,
I don't know if I should be leaving the church for you or any amount of handkerchiefs.
Bo interjects--geez, can we move onto some new ground here? Why rehash Colleen's indecision to leave the church for Santos and repeat another Cantos Interruptus scene.
The gang looks at Bo with slack jaws as this is the first time anyone had spoken on DOOL with the tiniest bit of sense in a long time and gasp! it was Bo.
Victor and Justine Kiriakis having just left the Kate Zone and acquiring everyone's neglected companies move on to phase two.....
Kiriakis Phase II geared up for the upcoming municipal elections. Secretly backed by Victor, Justin runs for Mayor. Enough of this Mickey Mousing around with small-potato company take-overs and V-words.
As Mayor, Justin will be in a position to appoint a Police Commissioner (Andre, pretending to be Tony, who is back on Tinda Lao chugging island drinks) who will break Abe & Pard & Bo back down to foot patrol.
They don't want to throw the Brady's completely out of the SPD - the DiMera and Kiriakis clans don't want to run the risk of having competent officers on the force. They do, however, get rid of the two rookies who actually managed to gather evidence and track down Zach's killer.
This is my first comment. Thanks so much for the new feed, it is so awesome.
WOW! I am impressed! I was already gaga over Prevuze to begin with and now PREVUZE II! love it! Can't wait! Thanks for all the hard work!
Meanwhile Max and Jerkemy are packing the airplane for their de-smuggling plan.
"Ok whats the plan Max a million" Jerkemy ask.
"First you stop calling me that, second we go get Stephanie so I can get some"
"Some WHAT" says the Jerk
"ah some cookies, what did you THINK? pfft, what an ard-tard!"
"Oh OK, I thought...ah forget it"
While shirtless Jett frollicks on the beach with the moral-less brat,
Jet asks Chelsea if it's really over with her and Nick. The brat smacks her gum and twirls her hair and moans"...mmmaybe...what if it was, would you go home with me"
Jet replies, "HAYL NO! Are you crazy? I don't know where your skanky arse has been...ppfft what an ard-tard!"
Jet phone rings "Come on Jett a million we have a flight... Jet I thought the only lonely place was on the moon Jet ooooooo.. Jet...ooooo"
Jet tells Paul Mccartney aka Jerkemy he'll be righ there and he's bringing the brat.
As the plane is cleared for takeoff Jerkemy checks his hair ONE more time. Stephanie comes bounding in from the cabin and screams "Jeremy! our engines are on fire!!"
Max hears her and pulls a Marlena and jumps ship while the aircraft plummitts into a fiery ball of flames where absolutely no chance of anyone surviving!
Hey - great comments today. Has anyone seen the NBC website with next week's previews of Steve stabbing Stefano and killing him according to the narrator?
Can this be true? That'd be too easy? Perhaps he stabbed him and injected him with something and they're faking the death to trap Andre......
Any takers or comments?
Ok, my brain's shut off for the holiday weekend, so I'm not up for adding any more to the story, but I *do* have a question about 2.
In the videos of the previews, is the plan to keep up only the current day's version or to keep a rolling track of them like you do for the Prevuze episodes? I am the anon who can't bear to read the scripts before I've seen the live episode. Will I be able to hold off on watching the previews until I've seen the live episode like I do today? I hope that made sense; I wasn't kidding when I said my brain's off for the holiday weekend!
Love the live feed (and the heads up that there's golf Monday -- yuck!)!
In the videos of the previews, is the plan to keep up only the current day's version or to keep a rolling track of them like you do for the Prevuze episodes?
We plan to keep a "rolling track."
golf Monday -- yuck!
I take it you've seen us play.
Prevuze said...
"Dear Santo..."
I've been a good girl all year and would like an iPod for Christmas. I will leave you milk and cookies again.
Santo writes back:
Deara Bella:
I tink-a you hav-a me confused-a with someone else-a. I'm-a not know whatsa iPod but if-a the package ees a-ticking don't open.
Oh my God I couldn't breathe laughing at this... I love this website! Prevuze for President '08!
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