You've Been In A Lot Of Positions Lately
Sami sleeps. Sami dreams of Austin, "I want you Austin." She tosses and turns.
Lucas sleeps. Lucas dreams of Carrie. He tosses and turns.
Lexie tells Phillip and Belle this transplant could save Claire's life, but it's not a guarantee, "There is something else I need to tell you about the donor. The unthinkable happened to another family tonight. He was hit by a car and killed. It was Bo and Hope's little boy Zach. He died tonight."
Mimi and Shawn hug.
Victor tells Kate he has good news about Claire, "She will get the liver. The donor is my grandson Zach."
Kate can't believe it, "WHAT?"
"He was killed in a hit and run tonight," says Victor.
"OMG," says Kate, "I am so sorry."
Victor says, "My grandson has lost a brother twice in his life. Zach permanently. And he doesn't even know it's his own daughter who will be saved by the loss."
"You know how sorry I am," says Kate, "You can't tell Shawn. He will go on with his life. There is no way I will let her be taken from Phillip ever."
Jennifer asks to share something with Shawn. She says, "Zach was a match for Claire. They can use his liver to save Claire's life."
Shawn perks up, "Really? Zach could save Claire? God answered Belle's prayers. He's going to save our little baby." Mimi gives him a look.
The murderous brat cries, "I promised to play 'Go Fish' with Zach later. Now there will be no 'later.'"
"It's not your fault," says Max.
"I just feel so bad."
"I don't know how Bo and Hope will get over this," says Max, "A hit and run is the lowest of the low."
"Yeah," agrees the lowest of the low.
The cops are about to tell Bo and Hope who did it, but the nurse interrupts, "It's time for the transplant surgery. Every minute we wait, could mean Claire won't make it."
Bo tells Hope they have to say goodbye to Zach. They go to Zach's room.
"How are they gonna deal with it when the find out," asks one of the cops.
The other says, "Losing your kid is bad enough, but when they find out who did it... man."
Hope takes Zach's hand, "He's still with us, Brady. I can touch him."
"He's gone, Hope," says Bo, "I'd give my life for his if I could. We'll miss him every second of every day. A part of him will be with us in our hearts."
"I can't say goodbye," cries Hope, "They can't take my baby."
Max seethes about the hit and run maniac who did this.
The brat says, "Your car can really be a lethal weapon if you don't watch what you are doing." She flashes back to hitting the 'pothole.' "No way," she says, "That's too weird."
"What's weird," asks Max.
"Nothing," she checks her cell phone.
"You can't use your cell phone in here," says Max.
"I know," she puts it away and stares.
Shawn says, "I couldn't love Claire any more if she was my own. I don't know why God took Zach, but I guess some good can come from this. Whoever did this, though, I swear I will make them pay."
"It can't be Zach," whines Belle.
"It is true," says Lexie, "He is on life support, but brain dead. Bo and Hope have agreed to this."
"No," she cries, "I can't do this."
Phillip tries to convince her.
"I cannot do this," whines Belle, "This is Shawn's brother. I can't."
Lexie is shocked, "Are you saying you don't want the transplant?"
Sami sleeps. Sami dreams of Austin. She calls his name, "Austin I need you now." She wakes up and leaves the room.
Lucas sleeps. Lucas dreams of Carrie.
Sami comes into Lucas' room, "Oh, Austin..."
"Oh, Carrie..." Oh Jeez...
"If the transplant doesn't work it won't matter who Claire's father is, because we will have lost her," says Kate.
Victor asks, "And if it does work? Then we are right back where we started from."
"Phillip is your son," says Kate, "His happiness comes first."
"Shawn is losing his brother," says Victor, "Bo and Hope are losing their son. Think of what a granddaughter would mean to them."
Shawn doesn't understand why this is happening. Jennifer tells him there is no answer. Shawn can't accept it. Mimi can't believe it. Mimi tells him to focus on Claire getting to live. Shawn asks if Belle knows about this. He goes off to find out. Mimi follows.
Belle does what she does best. "No... no...," she cries.
Phillip says, "Zach was Lexie's son, too. She's telling us this is what Bo and Hope want."
Lexie says, "Zach will live on as a part of Claire. It isn't fair. But life isn't about fair. It's about things happening and how we deal with them. You have an opportunity that most parents would give their lives for. We have to act quickly. This is your miracle."
"I never meant to sacrifice Zach for Claire," cries Belle.
Lexie says, "No one loved Zach more than Abe and me. He brought us joy. Losing him is almost more than I can bear. The agony will last all the Days Of Our Lives, but we need to put those feelings aside to do something for Claire. You know, Claire is from the French. It means 'clear.' And Belle is French, too. It means 'selfish incessant crybaby.' Our choice is clear. Claire needs the transplant."
Belle cries, "But Zach..."
Shawn comes into the room with perfect timing, "Zach loved Claire. He would want you to save her life."
The murderous little brat asks, "The accident happened outside of Zach's house, right?"
"No," says Max, "He was visiting his best friend Marcus Morrison. He was probably going to have a sleepover or something."
"I didn't even know him well enough to know who his friends were. Where was the house?"
"Third and Elm."
"Oh, no," she thinks, "That's where I hit the bump in the road. Why didn't I stop to look? OMG, what if it was Zach? Oh, no... it can't be."
"Chelsea," asks Max, "What's wrong?"
Hope cries, "I can't let you go, baby. Please bring him back. Don't leave me baby. I don't want to live without my baby. What will Mommy do without you? Oh, baby."
The cops argue about who should tell Bo and Hope. They speculate about who may have been driving. All they know is it was Bo's vehicle.
"It doesn't get any harder than this," says Cop #1.
"It's going to be a nightmare for the Brady's, whoever it turns out to be," says Cop #2.
Bo pulls Hope away and tells her they have to let Zach go. Hope is hysterical. He reminds her Zach could help save Claire's life. Hope knows Bo is right. The nurse interrupts, "They are waiting in the OR."
Bo turns to Zach, "All the wonderful dreams I had for you... I am proud of you. You could have been anything you wanted. I have been given the best gift ever. I got to be your dad. I love you."
Hope says she can't. Bo says, "Just tell him what's in your heart."
Hope cries, "You are my heart baby. Baby Zach. When you would kiss me at night and tell me you loved me... I love you baby... so, so much. Always." She kisses him. She grabs his hand. Bo gently pulls her away.
"I can't say goodbye. Please." Bo walks her out of the room. Hope screams, "Someone killed our baby. Who did this? I need to know who did this. She runs into the waiting area and screams at the cops, "Who killed my son? You tell me now! Who killed him? Who killed my boy?"
"What are you doing," yells Sami, "This is my bed!"
Lucas says, "This is my apartment. What are you doing here?"
Sami looks around, "I would never have gotten into bed with you. You must have done something. You must have given me a date-rape drug."
"Are you out of your mind," screams Lucas, "I don't need to rape women to get them into my bed. You're the one who has to drug them."
"Oh, fine," yells Sami, "You have to bring that up. That happened forever-ago. Your mother is the one who was drugging people in this century. Me and Brandon, remember?"
"You are the last person my mother wants me to be with," screams Lucas, "What're you trying to do, set me up, seduce me? What're you doing? Trying to get me to give you another kid because the one we have hates you so much?" Sami's jaw drops.
Hope screams at the cops, "You know something... tell me!"
"Who did this? Whatever evidence you have, I want to see it," says Bo.
Shawn begs Belle to let Zach help Claire.
Belle whines, "Zach loses his life and Claire gets her miracle."
Lexie urges, "Belle, sign the papers. Give Claire a chance to live."
"Even if it wasn't Claire," says Shawn, "I would say the same thing. We are here on earth to help each other. I really believe that."
Belle hugs Shawn, "I will sign the papers." She signs and Lexie leaves.
"You did the right thing," says Shawn.
Things are starting to sink in with the little scumbag, "No it can't be. I couldn't have run over my little brother."
Max asks if he can help. She says, "The person who did this... if they find them... what will happen?"
"Its vehicular homicide," says Max, "He will do major time. No jury will let him go free."
"It was an SUV," says the cop, "We know that from the tire tracks. A person on Elm Street saw the vehicle being towed to a nearby garage."
Hope interrupts, "But have you been able to trace the vehicle to the owner? Who killed Zach?"
"It's kind of hard to say right now," says the cop, "We'd better wait."
"Wait," yells Hope, "Wait for what... the driver to move to another state? They know something. They won't tell me."
Bo tells her he will get the name of the driver as Jennifer takes Hope away. Bo asks, "Did you run the plate and registration?"
"What," asks Bo, "What did you find out? Who's car was it?"
"We found the car at Max Brady's garage, sir."
The murderer watches in the background as Bo says, "All right, let's go over the evidence again. You're rookies. It's your first time out of the box and it's natural to make mistakes."
"All due respect we know the regulations. A very serious crime has been committed here..."
"I AM AWARE OF THAT," shouts Bo, "I want to go over the evidence myself."
Hope comes up to them, "Who killed Zach?"
The killer stares.
Sami yells, "You think I'm coming here on purpose to get into bed with you? You hate my guts. You insult me every time we are in the same air space. I'm not a masochist. I would never willingly put myself in that position."
"Oh," says Lucas, "You've been in a lot of positions lately, haven't you..."
"Get out," she screams.
"No, you get out. This is my apartment."
"There has to be a rational explanation for this," says Sami.
"There is," says Lucas, "You're still hot for me. You haven't been able to get over me, have you?"
"For you information," says Sami, "I was in my bed, in my apartment, dreaming about Austin."
Lucas says, "You are such a loser! How many times has he left you at the altar? Are you going back for more?"
"You said Carrie's name," says Sami, "You were kissing me and you said her name. Talk about a loser. She loves Austin. She always has. She always will."
"She left Austin for Mike Horton," says Lucas, "I'd say that was a major detour."
"Really," says Sami, "Well, she's back on her road... her future with Austin. And she will never think about you that way."
"Why," says Lucas, "You do."
Sami turns to leave, "I do not."
"You do to," says Lucas, "You could have me right now, if you hadn't made so many mistakes in the past. I'll bet there isn't a guy who's fallen in love with you who doesn't regret it."
"Do you regret it Lucas," she asks. Lucas stares.
"I guess that's my answer. You regret us being together. And the only good thing about our relationship is Will. When you're in bed alone at night, the times that you are alone, the woman you dream about is Carrie... the woman you can't have. Instead of me... the woman you loved and threw away."
"Why don't you stop trying to get me to say I love you and still want you," says Lucas.
"Do you," asks Sami, "Because I think that you still do."
"Yeah, what makes you think that?"
And... It continues from the part we missed yesterday because of the misfeed...
Sami hesitates, "...Lucas..." She attacks him. He attacks back. Somethin's goin' on, on top of the dining room table and it ain't Thanksgiving dinner.
Phillip tells Claire they have been strong for her, "Now tonight, it's your turn. These nurses will take care of you and when they are done, you will be better and we'll take you home. I promise." Belle and Shawn chime in. Mimi stands there like a bump on a log.
Kate and Victor watch from outside. "Oh, God," says Kate, "this whole situation is almost unbearable. And now with Zach's death, I don't know how Hope will make it through. I remember when I thought Austin and Billie were dead, I felt like I was dead, too. I felt this huge emptiness. I thought nothing would fill it. I hope Claire survives."
"So do I," says Victor.
They wheel Claire out.
"She's gonna make it," says Belle.
"You see," says Kate, "the baby will keep the marriage together."
"If she survives says," says Victor, "she could be the reason Shawn and Belle get back together." Kate ain't happy.
Hope asks if the cops have children. They say they do. Hope strikes, "My son is dead. I just need answers."
The little brat frets, "Oh, God, what if it was me..."
Jennifer wants to take Hope away to calm down. Hope don' wanna calm down, "No. I'm not going anywhere."
Max comes in and offers the brat hot chocolate. They go to sit down.
Hope pours her wrath on the cops, "Tell me who was driving!"
Bo tries to calm her down. He thinks maybe this can wait until tomorrow.
"What," says Hope, "Am I going to be less upset tomorrow? Is one of the doctors going to give me a pill to make me forget my son is dead? This isn't a dream. There are no miracles for us. Our baby is gone." She wheels around and screams at the cops, "TELL ME WHO WAS DRIVING THAT DAMN CAR." They stare at Bo. "Why are you looking at him? You don't need his permission to tell me who was driving the car. WHO WAS DRIVING THAT CAR?
"Detective Brady," says Hammond, "I think you already know this. It was your car that hit your son."
Hope turns and gives Bo that "Holy Moly" stare. FF.
Sami says to Lucas, "Having me in your bed again and kissing me... You regret breaking up with me, don't you?"
Max says to the brat, "You're the driver that killed Zach."
Bonnie says to Mimi, "Leaving the two of them alone like that... Are you trying to lose Shawn?"
Hope screams at Bo, "You just tell me the truth. You tell me you had noting to do with it. You tell me you weren't responsible. I want to hear it from you!"
Lucas sleeps. Lucas dreams of Carrie. He tosses and turns.
Lexie tells Phillip and Belle this transplant could save Claire's life, but it's not a guarantee, "There is something else I need to tell you about the donor. The unthinkable happened to another family tonight. He was hit by a car and killed. It was Bo and Hope's little boy Zach. He died tonight."
Mimi and Shawn hug.
Victor tells Kate he has good news about Claire, "She will get the liver. The donor is my grandson Zach."
Kate can't believe it, "WHAT?"
"He was killed in a hit and run tonight," says Victor.
"OMG," says Kate, "I am so sorry."
Victor says, "My grandson has lost a brother twice in his life. Zach permanently. And he doesn't even know it's his own daughter who will be saved by the loss."
"You know how sorry I am," says Kate, "You can't tell Shawn. He will go on with his life. There is no way I will let her be taken from Phillip ever."
Jennifer asks to share something with Shawn. She says, "Zach was a match for Claire. They can use his liver to save Claire's life."
Shawn perks up, "Really? Zach could save Claire? God answered Belle's prayers. He's going to save our little baby." Mimi gives him a look.
The murderous brat cries, "I promised to play 'Go Fish' with Zach later. Now there will be no 'later.'"
"It's not your fault," says Max.
"I just feel so bad."
"I don't know how Bo and Hope will get over this," says Max, "A hit and run is the lowest of the low."
"Yeah," agrees the lowest of the low.
The cops are about to tell Bo and Hope who did it, but the nurse interrupts, "It's time for the transplant surgery. Every minute we wait, could mean Claire won't make it."
Bo tells Hope they have to say goodbye to Zach. They go to Zach's room.
"How are they gonna deal with it when the find out," asks one of the cops.
The other says, "Losing your kid is bad enough, but when they find out who did it... man."
Hope takes Zach's hand, "He's still with us, Brady. I can touch him."
"He's gone, Hope," says Bo, "I'd give my life for his if I could. We'll miss him every second of every day. A part of him will be with us in our hearts."
"I can't say goodbye," cries Hope, "They can't take my baby."
Max seethes about the hit and run maniac who did this.
The brat says, "Your car can really be a lethal weapon if you don't watch what you are doing." She flashes back to hitting the 'pothole.' "No way," she says, "That's too weird."
"What's weird," asks Max.
"Nothing," she checks her cell phone.
"You can't use your cell phone in here," says Max.
"I know," she puts it away and stares.
Shawn says, "I couldn't love Claire any more if she was my own. I don't know why God took Zach, but I guess some good can come from this. Whoever did this, though, I swear I will make them pay."
"It can't be Zach," whines Belle.
"It is true," says Lexie, "He is on life support, but brain dead. Bo and Hope have agreed to this."
"No," she cries, "I can't do this."
Phillip tries to convince her.
"I cannot do this," whines Belle, "This is Shawn's brother. I can't."
Lexie is shocked, "Are you saying you don't want the transplant?"
Sami sleeps. Sami dreams of Austin. She calls his name, "Austin I need you now." She wakes up and leaves the room.
Lucas sleeps. Lucas dreams of Carrie.
Sami comes into Lucas' room, "Oh, Austin..."
"Oh, Carrie..." Oh Jeez...
"If the transplant doesn't work it won't matter who Claire's father is, because we will have lost her," says Kate.
Victor asks, "And if it does work? Then we are right back where we started from."
"Phillip is your son," says Kate, "His happiness comes first."
"Shawn is losing his brother," says Victor, "Bo and Hope are losing their son. Think of what a granddaughter would mean to them."
Shawn doesn't understand why this is happening. Jennifer tells him there is no answer. Shawn can't accept it. Mimi can't believe it. Mimi tells him to focus on Claire getting to live. Shawn asks if Belle knows about this. He goes off to find out. Mimi follows.
Belle does what she does best. "No... no...," she cries.
Phillip says, "Zach was Lexie's son, too. She's telling us this is what Bo and Hope want."
Lexie says, "Zach will live on as a part of Claire. It isn't fair. But life isn't about fair. It's about things happening and how we deal with them. You have an opportunity that most parents would give their lives for. We have to act quickly. This is your miracle."
"I never meant to sacrifice Zach for Claire," cries Belle.
Lexie says, "No one loved Zach more than Abe and me. He brought us joy. Losing him is almost more than I can bear. The agony will last all the Days Of Our Lives, but we need to put those feelings aside to do something for Claire. You know, Claire is from the French. It means 'clear.' And Belle is French, too. It means 'selfish incessant crybaby.' Our choice is clear. Claire needs the transplant."
Belle cries, "But Zach..."
Shawn comes into the room with perfect timing, "Zach loved Claire. He would want you to save her life."
The murderous little brat asks, "The accident happened outside of Zach's house, right?"
"No," says Max, "He was visiting his best friend Marcus Morrison. He was probably going to have a sleepover or something."
"I didn't even know him well enough to know who his friends were. Where was the house?"
"Third and Elm."
"Oh, no," she thinks, "That's where I hit the bump in the road. Why didn't I stop to look? OMG, what if it was Zach? Oh, no... it can't be."
"Chelsea," asks Max, "What's wrong?"
Hope cries, "I can't let you go, baby. Please bring him back. Don't leave me baby. I don't want to live without my baby. What will Mommy do without you? Oh, baby."
The cops argue about who should tell Bo and Hope. They speculate about who may have been driving. All they know is it was Bo's vehicle.
"It doesn't get any harder than this," says Cop #1.
"It's going to be a nightmare for the Brady's, whoever it turns out to be," says Cop #2.
Bo pulls Hope away and tells her they have to let Zach go. Hope is hysterical. He reminds her Zach could help save Claire's life. Hope knows Bo is right. The nurse interrupts, "They are waiting in the OR."
Bo turns to Zach, "All the wonderful dreams I had for you... I am proud of you. You could have been anything you wanted. I have been given the best gift ever. I got to be your dad. I love you."
Hope says she can't. Bo says, "Just tell him what's in your heart."
Hope cries, "You are my heart baby. Baby Zach. When you would kiss me at night and tell me you loved me... I love you baby... so, so much. Always." She kisses him. She grabs his hand. Bo gently pulls her away.
"I can't say goodbye. Please." Bo walks her out of the room. Hope screams, "Someone killed our baby. Who did this? I need to know who did this. She runs into the waiting area and screams at the cops, "Who killed my son? You tell me now! Who killed him? Who killed my boy?"
"What are you doing," yells Sami, "This is my bed!"
Lucas says, "This is my apartment. What are you doing here?"
Sami looks around, "I would never have gotten into bed with you. You must have done something. You must have given me a date-rape drug."
"Are you out of your mind," screams Lucas, "I don't need to rape women to get them into my bed. You're the one who has to drug them."
"Oh, fine," yells Sami, "You have to bring that up. That happened forever-ago. Your mother is the one who was drugging people in this century. Me and Brandon, remember?"
"You are the last person my mother wants me to be with," screams Lucas, "What're you trying to do, set me up, seduce me? What're you doing? Trying to get me to give you another kid because the one we have hates you so much?" Sami's jaw drops.
Hope screams at the cops, "You know something... tell me!"
"Who did this? Whatever evidence you have, I want to see it," says Bo.
Shawn begs Belle to let Zach help Claire.
Belle whines, "Zach loses his life and Claire gets her miracle."
Lexie urges, "Belle, sign the papers. Give Claire a chance to live."
"Even if it wasn't Claire," says Shawn, "I would say the same thing. We are here on earth to help each other. I really believe that."
Belle hugs Shawn, "I will sign the papers." She signs and Lexie leaves.
"You did the right thing," says Shawn.
Things are starting to sink in with the little scumbag, "No it can't be. I couldn't have run over my little brother."
Max asks if he can help. She says, "The person who did this... if they find them... what will happen?"
"Its vehicular homicide," says Max, "He will do major time. No jury will let him go free."
"It was an SUV," says the cop, "We know that from the tire tracks. A person on Elm Street saw the vehicle being towed to a nearby garage."
Hope interrupts, "But have you been able to trace the vehicle to the owner? Who killed Zach?"
"It's kind of hard to say right now," says the cop, "We'd better wait."
"Wait," yells Hope, "Wait for what... the driver to move to another state? They know something. They won't tell me."
Bo tells her he will get the name of the driver as Jennifer takes Hope away. Bo asks, "Did you run the plate and registration?"
"What," asks Bo, "What did you find out? Who's car was it?"
"We found the car at Max Brady's garage, sir."
The murderer watches in the background as Bo says, "All right, let's go over the evidence again. You're rookies. It's your first time out of the box and it's natural to make mistakes."
"All due respect we know the regulations. A very serious crime has been committed here..."
"I AM AWARE OF THAT," shouts Bo, "I want to go over the evidence myself."
Hope comes up to them, "Who killed Zach?"
The killer stares.
Sami yells, "You think I'm coming here on purpose to get into bed with you? You hate my guts. You insult me every time we are in the same air space. I'm not a masochist. I would never willingly put myself in that position."
"Oh," says Lucas, "You've been in a lot of positions lately, haven't you..."
"Get out," she screams.
"No, you get out. This is my apartment."
"There has to be a rational explanation for this," says Sami.
"There is," says Lucas, "You're still hot for me. You haven't been able to get over me, have you?"
"For you information," says Sami, "I was in my bed, in my apartment, dreaming about Austin."
Lucas says, "You are such a loser! How many times has he left you at the altar? Are you going back for more?"
"You said Carrie's name," says Sami, "You were kissing me and you said her name. Talk about a loser. She loves Austin. She always has. She always will."
"She left Austin for Mike Horton," says Lucas, "I'd say that was a major detour."
"Really," says Sami, "Well, she's back on her road... her future with Austin. And she will never think about you that way."
"Why," says Lucas, "You do."
Sami turns to leave, "I do not."
"You do to," says Lucas, "You could have me right now, if you hadn't made so many mistakes in the past. I'll bet there isn't a guy who's fallen in love with you who doesn't regret it."
"Do you regret it Lucas," she asks. Lucas stares.
"I guess that's my answer. You regret us being together. And the only good thing about our relationship is Will. When you're in bed alone at night, the times that you are alone, the woman you dream about is Carrie... the woman you can't have. Instead of me... the woman you loved and threw away."
"Why don't you stop trying to get me to say I love you and still want you," says Lucas.
"Do you," asks Sami, "Because I think that you still do."
"Yeah, what makes you think that?"
And... It continues from the part we missed yesterday because of the misfeed...
Sami hesitates, "...Lucas..." She attacks him. He attacks back. Somethin's goin' on, on top of the dining room table and it ain't Thanksgiving dinner.
Phillip tells Claire they have been strong for her, "Now tonight, it's your turn. These nurses will take care of you and when they are done, you will be better and we'll take you home. I promise." Belle and Shawn chime in. Mimi stands there like a bump on a log.
Kate and Victor watch from outside. "Oh, God," says Kate, "this whole situation is almost unbearable. And now with Zach's death, I don't know how Hope will make it through. I remember when I thought Austin and Billie were dead, I felt like I was dead, too. I felt this huge emptiness. I thought nothing would fill it. I hope Claire survives."
"So do I," says Victor.
They wheel Claire out.
"She's gonna make it," says Belle.
"You see," says Kate, "the baby will keep the marriage together."
"If she survives says," says Victor, "she could be the reason Shawn and Belle get back together." Kate ain't happy.
Hope asks if the cops have children. They say they do. Hope strikes, "My son is dead. I just need answers."
The little brat frets, "Oh, God, what if it was me..."
Jennifer wants to take Hope away to calm down. Hope don' wanna calm down, "No. I'm not going anywhere."
Max comes in and offers the brat hot chocolate. They go to sit down.
Hope pours her wrath on the cops, "Tell me who was driving!"
Bo tries to calm her down. He thinks maybe this can wait until tomorrow.
"What," says Hope, "Am I going to be less upset tomorrow? Is one of the doctors going to give me a pill to make me forget my son is dead? This isn't a dream. There are no miracles for us. Our baby is gone." She wheels around and screams at the cops, "TELL ME WHO WAS DRIVING THAT DAMN CAR." They stare at Bo. "Why are you looking at him? You don't need his permission to tell me who was driving the car. WHO WAS DRIVING THAT CAR?
"Detective Brady," says Hammond, "I think you already know this. It was your car that hit your son."
Hope turns and gives Bo that "Holy Moly" stare. FF.
Sami says to Lucas, "Having me in your bed again and kissing me... You regret breaking up with me, don't you?"
Max says to the brat, "You're the driver that killed Zach."
Bonnie says to Mimi, "Leaving the two of them alone like that... Are you trying to lose Shawn?"
Hope screams at Bo, "You just tell me the truth. You tell me you had noting to do with it. You tell me you weren't responsible. I want to hear it from you!"
Too bad we didn't get the last few minutes but one thing is sure, the way they were dragging this out it's a sure bet that Bo was either just figuring it out about Chelsea or had just found out. Wednesday he'll confront the little slut and it won't be until Thursday or even Friday before Hope finds out.
Loved the caption for the rookie cops. So true, so true.
I could have choked on my latte when Shawn spouted to Belle, "We are here on earth to help each other." Five minutes ago he was railing against God, now he's got religion??
Why do you call Roman "Pard?" I've been reading your blog for over a year and love it, but I was just curious as to why this nickname was used.
<< Why do you call Roman "Pard?" >>
Some of our readers call Roman "Pard" because it is short for "Pardner," and he says it a lot as in "How ya doin' today, Pard?" When he was Kris Kostichek, he practically said it every other word.
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