Friday, September 09, 2005

A Gutter Snipe, A Viper

Here comes the bride. Brady thinks, “Now everyone can see you as I always have, perfectly beautiful.” He lifts the veil. You guessed it, didn't you. The scars are gone.

Tek doesn’t care how many operatives they have to put in place, he wants the names and locations of all Tony DiMera’s employees.

Nicole says to herself, “You might be a happy woman going into that church, but you’re coming out in handcuffs. Tek, baby, I’m gonna make your day!”

The priest starts the service. Bonnie looks at Mimi and thinks, “It won’t be long now until you are at the altar getting hitched to the love of your life, Shawn Brady.

Tek comes up and gets Roman. They leave, Kate follows.

The priest continues, “Before we go on with the ceremony, Brady and Chloe have asked the father of the bride to sing a song. Dr. Wesley, if you will...”

“I wish you these wishes...” The place rocks.

Brady thinks about his love for Chloe, “I fell in love with you the first moment I laid eyes on you...”

John says, “I was hoping being here at Brady and Chloe’s wedding would trigger memories of our own wedding. Are you remembering something?” Marlena runs out, followed by John, then Alex.

Chelsea sees Billie crying and asks if it’s hard for Billie to watch weddings, “I mean, you were married to Bo once, right?”

Billie says, “There was a time when being married to Bo meant everything to me, but Bo and Hope are devastatingly in love with each other. So if I want to be happy, I have to move on.”

Nancy reads from the book of Genesis, “The Lord God said it is not good for man to be alone. I will make him a suitable partner.
And she will surely whineth.

Chloe has a flashback. She’s only happy when she’s with Brady.

Marlena has gone outside. John says, “I’m sorry that upset you. I was just hoping you might remember something.”

Marlena says, “I did.”

“What’s up,” asks Roman, “Did DiMera finally crack?”

“The guy’s given us nothing,” says Tek, “No leads, no names.”

“OK,” says Roman, “Let’s do this... Put together a list of everyone Tony met with when he was incarcerated, associates, attorneys, visitors, I’d say friends but I’m sure that’s one thing the bastard doesn’t have. That’ll help us get the rest of DiMera’s payroll.

Kate watches. She whispers, “I wish I could hear what they are talking about. They’ve got to be talking about Tony and whom he sold out to. Well, I am in a church. What better time to pray? Please, God, please, let it be Sami.

Nicole agonizes, “How could he be in there marrying that human dish rag. He loved me. I know he loved me. But she had to come back from the dead and take him away from me – the only man I ever loved. BBAAAWWWLLLL.”

Bonnie leans over to Mimi and tells her, “You and Shawn are next...”

Mimi tells her, “Will you give me a break and find a man of your own to walk down the aisle with?”

Bonnie fanaticizes about marrying Shawn. “Stop that, Bon-Bon, Shawn is Mimi’s dreamboat.” She runs through a litany of fantasies. None of the men of Salem are safe.

Kate comforts Nicole. Nicole tells her, “I never thought I’d be comforted by a woman who hates me.”

“Look,” says Kate, “I feel sorry for you. I believe you love Brady, but you have lost him.”

“God, Kate, I don’t need your pity,” says Nicole, “I just want Brady.”

Kate says, “That I can’t deliver. I thought Sami was going to help you with that but, true to form, she didn’t come through for you, did she? So, I can’t get Brady back in your bed, but I can help you get revenge and a little of the bling back that was taken from you. But I am not going to do it for nothing.”

Nicole asks, “What do you want, Kate?”

“What do you think I want,” says Kate, “I want Sami’s head on a silver platter with a gold apple stuck in her gutter mouth.”

Tek comes up to Roman and says, “I’ve got something else for you.”

“What the hell are you so intense about,” asks Roman.

“You’re not gonna be happy about all the names on the list,” says Tek.

Nicole tells Kate, “You have no idea about how tempted I am. I would give my right and left arm to see Sami go down. But I can’t. I’m sorry, Kate, I can’t risk it. I have to find a way to get Brady myself.

Kate says, “Brady is in a sanctuary right now saying ‘I do’ to a life with Chloe. She is going to have her arms around that gorgeous man for the rest of her life. You will never see him again.”

“No,” she wails, “That can’t happen. Not after the way he made love to me, the promises he made to me. Brady belongs to me.”

Kate is exasperated, “So what are you going to do?”

“You’ll just have to wait and see. It’s gonna be something to remember.”

Nicole runs off. Kate says, “Stupid fool, she’s planning on stopping the wedding.”

“You’re not telling me anything I don’t already know,” says Roman, “I know Kate visited Tony for a few minutes.”

“Alone,” says Tek.

“I know that,” says Roman, “She swears Tony’s got something on Sami.”

Tek notices Kate. He asks, “Can we help you with something Kate?”

“The two of you? Hardly.”

Roman asks, “You want to know why we’re out here, Kate?”

“No,” she says, “Not really.”

He’ll take that as a yes, “Tony’s about to talk. So I thought maybe you might want to tell me what the two of you were talking about, or do you want to let him tell me?” Kate stares.

“Please,” says John, “Tell me what you remembered in there.”

Marlena hesitates, “I had a memory. I mean, it wasn’t the normal kind. I made it up.”

“Well, now,” says John, “that’s not really a memory, is it?”

“I can’t explain it to you.”

“Please try.”

Marlena says, “When we were watching Brady and Chloe at the altar, I imagined a time when I was at the altar with Roman, then with you, both of you. I was thinking if I could just picture myself in a situation I knew I had been in I thought that might help me remember something, but I didn’t. I did, however, come to a realization I have no desire to be with either one of you.”

Victor grabs Nicole. She gasps, “Let go of me. My body does not belong to you any more.”

“I wouldn’t have you if you were the last woman breathing. I told you to get out of town,” says Victor.

“You’ve been watching too many movies,” says Nicole, “I can go anyplace I want, do anything I want.”

“If you don’t get off these premises, I will...”

“What,” she interrupts, “have me killed? If I can’t live my life with Brady, I might as well be dead, so be my guest.”

She breaks away as Victor says, “I am not bluffing!”

“At this time,” says the priest, “I would like to ask Brady and Chloe a few questions of consent.

That does it. People’s attention has been focused on someone else for too long, so Belle collapses. The crowd is in shock.

Chaos reigns. The priest calls for a short break in the festivities.

Belle comes to. “Oh, Chloe,” she says, “I’ve ruined your wedding.”

“No,” says Chloe, “Of course you haven’t.” Whiners stick together.

“Would you just stop it,” snaps Chelsea, “I don’t feel like having a Mother-Daughter chat.” How about a Mother-brat chat?

“We have to talk about this,” says Billie, “It’s not fair to you or me or Patrick to pretend there isn’t a problem here.”

“You don’t have a problem,” says Chelsea, “You’re a woman with experience – kind of on the old side, but Patrick doesn’t seem to mind that, so you’ve got it made. And now you’re rubbing it in my face. Thanks a lot.”

Billie says, “I’d never do anything to make you unhappy, Chelsea. You know why? Because I love you. I’d never hurt you.”

“Right,” says Chelsea, “You only abandoned me and left me for dead. If you really loved me, if you really wanted me, you’d have known in my heart I was still alive. You would have found me so I could grow up with my real parents. But all you wanted was Bo. It’s always about a man with you, isn’t it? And now, you’re doing it all over again.”

Roman says, “Don’t have a lot to say, eh, Kate?”

“Oh, no,” says Kate,
I have a lot to say, but why say it because you have already made up your mind about me, haven’t you?”

“Kate,” says Roman, “You betrayed your son, just to make sure he wouldn’t marry Sami. You know what? I do have a problem with people who try to ruin my daughter’s life.”

“I’d prefer not to talk about Sami if you don’t mind,” says Kate, “In fact, I think it’s bad luck to even mention her name at a wedding ceremony, given all her failures.” Meow

“That’s why you went to Tony,” he says, “I see, you were trying to connect the dots between Tony and Sami so she wouldn’t be able to marry Lucas.”

“I didn’t have to connect the dots,” says Kate, “They have already been connected. But I did have a chance to talk to Tony and ask him questions.”

Roman asks, “How’d you work that out, Kate? He wasn’t supposed to have visitors.”

“I went to John.”

“Ah, kinda went around some corners, went behind my back. You’re good at that. I just wish to hell I’da known that before I married you.”

“You’ll feel so foolish when the truth comes out because, sooner or later, Tony will reveal everything Sami was up to.”

Nicole says, “Is this how you get your kicks nowadays? Word has it the only way you can get a woman now is to pay for one.”

Victor says, “I don’t consider you a woman, Nicole. You are a gutter snipe, a viper, a danger to society and you should be locked up, one way or another.” He shoves her in the bridal room and makes a phone call, “Nico, I have an assignment for you, one you are going to like. I want you to take care of my soon to be former ex-wife. That’s right, take care of her. Now!” Caroline listens.

The bedlam continues as the entire universe revolves around Belle. She announces she’s feeling much better, “and I don’t want to hold up the ceremony any longer.”

“Then we won’t,” says Craig, “You can join Nancy and I in the front pew and we can watch the rest of the ceremony from there, and prop you up if you decide to faint again.”

Shawn asks Belle, “Are you sure you don’t want to go home.”

“No, I’m OK,” says Belle, “Besides, who would be there to see my hysterics if I was home alone?

Bonnie tells Mimi, “Don’t just sit there while Shawn moons over Belle, FLIRT!”

Mimi says, “You have officially lost any mind you had left.” It runs in the family.

“You and Shawn belong together,” says Bonnie.

“Well, you know what,” says Mimi, “He doesn’t know that. As far as Shawn is concerned, the only woman in the world is Belle.” I’m pretty sure Belle thinks the same thing – that she is the only woman in the world.

“Until you change his mind,” says Bonnie.

“I’m sorry,” says Marlena, “I can tell you’re shocked and that’s understandable. It’s just that I don’t have any feelings for you. Or for Roman at this point. I know that sounds awful, but I just can’t help it.”

John says, “You’re married to me. In fact we went through quite a bit just to be together. Actually, you were still married to Roman when...”

“I know all that,” says Marlena, “I know I began an affair with you when I was married to Roman. I know that Belle is our beautiful daughter. But it doesn’t mean anything to me. Don’t you understand? I have no memory of the people or events in that life.”

“Ah, there you are,” says Dr. Alex Buttinski, “I think we should go back into the church.”

“I’m trying to resolve things with my wife, if you don’t mind,” says John.

“Whether or not I mind isn’t the question,” says Alex, “The decision is up to Marlena.” He turns to her, “What do you want to do?”

“Well,” she says, “I’d like to sit with John for a few more minutes.”

Ach! You are destroyink zee evil plan!

“Then, says Marlena, “I think we should go back inside. John doesn’t want to miss his son’s wedding.”

“All right,” says Alex, “I’ll wait for you inside.”

Alex leaves. John says, “The man acts like he’s the one who is married to you.”

“Well,” says Marlena, “He’s a very sensitive, attentive man.”

“So am I,” says the modest John, “It might not appear that way to you at the moment but... Look, I know I’ve been pushing a bit and coming off as being a bit desperate. Well, the fact is, I am. I’m desperate for you to remember we had a past together and have a future together as husband and wife. I just need you to give me the chance to prove that. That’s all I am asking.”

Nicole hears someone trying to get into the room where she is locked. She speculates it is someone Victor sent to whack her. The door opens and Nicole smashes a vase down on the intruder. She looks down and says, “OMG!”

The priest announces, “Brady and Chloe have written their own vows, which they would like to share with you now.”

Brady says, “Chloe there were times I could not possibly imagine I deserved you as my wife, I wished for the trials of a knight so I could prove my love for you. There are no dragons and men don’t fight armys alone except in a play by Shakespeare, or a lame plot where they run off to the desert to rescue someone. I hope I have proved my deepest love and commitment to you. I am so grateful to be joining my life to yours, I thank God every single day for bringing you to me. Above all I thank you for having me.”

The priest turns to the bride and says, “Chloe...”

Wah, wah, wah, beller, bawl, whine, sob, wail. When I met you I thought I knew everything about love, but then I learned when you really love someone you make him think you are dead and waffle around like a blithering idiot about whether to marry him. I promise to spend the rest of our years cherishing our love and whining around until it drives you completely nuts. Wah, wah, wah, beller, bawl, whine, sob, wail.”

They exchange rings. The priest introduces “Mr. and Mrs. Brady Black.” CHEERS! Belle sits in a stupor, unable to cope with the fact that the attention of the world has turned away from her.

“Get up,” says Nicole, “Caroline, I didn’t hit you that hard. For God’s sake, I’m not going to be responsible for your death.”

“Nicole,” says Caroline, “Oh, I’m on the floor. I’ve never seen the bridal room from down here before.”

Nicole asks, “Are you OK?”

“I don’t know.”

Nicole helps her up, “It wasn’t my fault, OK? Victor dragged me in here. He was threatening me, and when I heard someone trying to get in I thought you were one of his goons.”

“Oh,” says Caroline, “I came in here to help you escape, and you’d better get out quickly before a ‘goon’ arrives.”

“I’m not going anywhere unless Brady comes with me.” Nicole stomps out.

Caroline says, “That girl is not playing with a full deck.”

“You are my wife,” says John, “I am your husband. We promised to love and cherish each other all the Days Of Our Lives. At least give me the chance to win your love.”

“You are asking the impossible of me now,” says Marlena, “I can’t do it. I can’t. Not now, maybe not ever.” She runs off.

Belle sees Marlena storm by, “Mom?”

Belle wants to go after Marlena. Shawn and John tell her to take it easy. She tells them to buzz off. Belle runs after Marlena as John tells Shawn, “If anything happens to my daughter and her baby, I’m gonna hold you responsible for it.”

Victor finds the dazed Caroline. He asks, “Are you all right?”

Caroline says, “NO! I know you are looking for Nicole to do something terrible to her. Victor, if I ever meant anything to you, please don’t do it. Between us, we’re related to a lot of police officers.” Between them, they’re related to everyone in Salem. “Don’t do anything to make them arrest you.”

Patrick comes up to Chelsea, “I’ve got a question for you.”

“When am I going to cut Billie some slack?”

“Will you go to the reception with me,” he says.

“That’s what you...”

“Was going to ask you, yeah.”

Roman asks Tek, “How many times are you going to go over the same list of names?”

Tek says, “This one attorney of Tony’s – do you recognize the name, Bara Couda.”

Bonnie watches Mimi and Shawn head off for the reception, “That’s my girl! Maybe Shawn’s finally waking up.”

Chloe steps away from the whine bong long enough to try out her new name and tell Brady how much she loves him.

Nicole watches,
“It’s not over,” says Nicole, “It can’t be.”


Frankie tells Jack, “She has to be told. She has a right to know.” Jennifer asks, “A right to know what?”

Bonnie asks Patrick, “Why are you acting so interested in Chelsea Benson?” Bo steps up and says, “That’s what I would like to know.”

Alex asks John, “Can you put aside your fears, your mistrust, and do what’s best for your wife?”

Marlena tells Belle, “I can’t even imagine how terrible it is for you, being pregnant with the wrong man’s child.” Belle bawls, “What am I gonna do?”


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So Tec drags Pard out of the wedding just to tell him there isn't any news? What's up with that?

I would say the loser of the DAZE is Brady. He is marrying one of the world's most annoying whiners and his entire family (and a good portion of his "friends") walked out in the middle of his wedding to make sure the viewers were subjected to more time-killing and whining.

Chloe's vows were a hoot, and probably close to the mark.

I can't see the bottom pictures yet! Will have to come back later.

8:09 AM  

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