Sunday, September 18, 2005

Commentary 09/17/05


We have had inquiries, so here is the scoop on the caption under Sami's picture on Friday and today:

The quote under Sami's picture is from a Whitney Houston Song, "Memories." It was her first mainstream recording and was a featured track on the 1982 album One Down by Material, "the avant-garde downtown pickup group organized around bassist Bill Laswell and keyboardist Michael Beinhorn." The album lists the composer and, I assume, lyricist as Hugh Hopper.

DAZED COMMENTARY: September 12-15, 2005

Monday’s Days:
Well, of course, rather than the look of horror Brady had on his face when they left the show Friday, Monday as he lifts the veil he has a big smile. “Now every one can see you as I always have – perfectly beautiful.” He turns her around and shows her off to the crowd to oooohh’s and aaaaaahs. How tacky! How does he know he still isn’t just seeing her through his distorted vision? It would have been a hoot if he had said that, turned her around, and everyone had gasped out in screams and horror (like Nicole wanted.).

Have you ever, no matter how fancy-schmancy a wedding you've been to, ever seen one where all of the male GUESTS wore tuxedos? Not even the high society one we went to recently did any of the attendees wear tuxes. Nor did the women dress like they were going to the Oscars.

And the Lace Mountain! HAHAHAHHAA All I can think of is her trying to walk in that thing. Plus, it just isn't the style of dresses right now. If you go by a wedding shop the style is sleeveless/sleek. This is like something from the 50's.

Hmmmmm. Old Man Brady isn’t there. Caroline is sitting next to Victor, stroking his arm.

Right in the middle of Craig’s song, Tec drags Roman out of the room.

They made it look like it was Marlena flashing back to her wedding to John. Turned out it was John. He tried to ask her if she remembered anything. That’s when she ran out. With all that folderol you hardly got to hear Craig’s song at all.

Also loved Billie/Chelsea talking during the priest’s prayer and then both rushing out. [Man, that wedding was really a room emptier wasn't it? I mean I read all of that in Prevuze and your comments but the full extent of the desertees didn't hit me until I saw it firsthand. It's a wonder the happy couple didn't turn around to an empty room.]

OMG! The way John is wearing his hair it’s like he has a yarmulke on- with frizzies. Or like he was wearing one of those bun-thingeys women wrapped their hair around in the back - only his was in the front. Especially when he walks out into the garden after Doc. HA

I think these writers have lost their minds. We’re supposed to believe that when Kate walks in on a sobbing Nicole (who is sitting down on the floor in the bride’s room), Nicole will reach over and cling to her legs and Kate will kindly stroke her head???

At least Nicole finally pushed away saying, “This is weird. I never thought I’d be comforted by someone that hates me.” That’s for sure.

Yowza! During Bonnie’s fantasy wedding scene with Shawn, they end up in a passionate kiss. Very Mrs. Robinson. OK, next guy was Brady. More kissing. Rather chaste kissing. Then it was Craig, and they REALLY went to town. Tongues and all. Finally she grabbed her groom on the ass (it was John) and THEY gave each other tonsillectomies. Adrienne had a great time filming these scenes I bet. I wonder how those guys kept a straight face while filming it?

It just occurred to me – how did Nicole afford to buy that dress and the jewelry she’s wearing at the wedding?

Why would Caroline and Victor be wandering around in the bowels of the church while their grandson was getting married?

Can’t wait to hear Mimi give Belle the business for grabbing all the attention at the wedding. Mimi pretty much predicted it, didn’t she?

Unfortunately, John’s facial tics and grimaces make him come off as an insane stalker. No wonder Marlena is hesitant to be with him.

Chloe isn’t wearing either the locket Nancy gave her or the cross that Belle loaned her. Maybe they are down in her very ample cleavage.

Well, John missed the entire wedding. So did Caroline and Victor.

Immediately after the wedding, Broe danced around in the bride’s room, not a sign of the broken vase and water and flowers that were all over the floor 60 seconds ago after Nicole broke the vase over Caroline’s head.

Between the stupidity between Squawk, Pard & Ted, Kate/Nicole, Nicole/Vic/Caroline, Bonnie’s fantasies, you hardly saw any of the wedding itself. I can see where Broe fans are going to be very, very peeved.

Tuesday’s Days: Apparently, Tuesday’s commentary is lost out in the ethos somewhere. Easy come, easy go. I’ll just include a miscellaneous comment one of my co-conspirators sent:

“Another thing, when Bart had that tray of food for Tony I noticed he was wearing a man's pinkie ring. But a couple of times lately he was wearing his wedding ring. Guess those days he forgot to take it off since Bart-o is a swinging bachelor. HA”

Wednesday's Days:
Belle certainly looked put-out when Meems & Shawn caught the bouquet and garter.

OMG! “I finally realized today would have been just as wonderful even if I still had my scars,” Chloe simpers. Where’s that damned cat with the machine gun when you need it!!!???

Enjoyed Bonnie's description of Bo as a "self-righteous pain in the butt" (or something to that effect). How true, how true. But, what was she doing at the wedding anyway, besides providing entertaining yet time-killing fantasies during the ceremony?

About time the show finally addressed the fact that the big, hot-shot race driver hadn't been near a race track for months. In reality he'd never get a ride with another owner the way he's totally ignored racing lately.

It strikes me that Abby is sharper about what is going on with Jack/Frankie/Jen than Jennifer is. Of course, that's not surprising considering how Jen acted like a 13-year-old who had never even kissed during that whole story-line back with Colin.

If I were Patrick, next time Bo looked cross-eyed at me I’d wipe the floor with him.

Has anyone even MENTIONED Shawn Sr. and why he isn't at the wedding? Was he stuck home with the babies so Caroline could hang out with Vic? Why don't they just kill off that character since he's not in it anyway? They could have him die in a blaze of glory protecting the big Brady/DiMera feud secret or something and save a fortune in cue cards.

This obsession of Pard/Lucas/Abe/everyone with finding Stan (just because it happens to be Sami) is getting ridiculous. There have been a lot of other DiMera operatives who have been much more visible and much more intrinsic to Stef and Tony's plans than Stan. Bart for one. Why aren't they talking about these others all the time?

For you fashion fans out there – For one I liked what Kate was wearing. It was elegant and age-appropriate. But did you notice between yesterday and today's episode Kate's diamond snake pin changed positions? The first day it was going straight up and down and today the snake was facing toward her right shoulder. HAHAHA

Along the same lines as when did John/Marlena ride carriages, when did Brady ever write love letters to Nicole?? They were in the same house for Pete's sake. And most of the time he was following her around suspiciously, accusing her of everything and pining after Chloe.

I've made it a point now to see if Lucas can ever just say "Stan". He can't! It's always "that bastard Stan!" I wish I'd kept track of how many times he's said that.

John' hair looked so much better in that flashback when they were dancing the 50's dance! Maybe he'll watch this, get a clue and get a haircut.

Jen underscored the comment I made yesterday about people walking into the middle of conversations and then wondering what was being talked about, “Every time I walk in the room, you and Jack change the subject.” Well, DUH! Quit interrupting them and just eves drop if you want to know what they’re saying!

Thursday's Days:
Bonnie sure was laying it on a little thick to Shawn about Mimi.

Seeing Abby at the reception I just have to wonder why any guy would give Chelsea a second look with a beauty like Abby around?? Unless he was just looking for an
easy lay. She hasn't shown me (or Max as far as I can see) anything to be attracted to beyond the fact she keeps throwing herself at him.

I think Victor's measured and pleasant warning to Alex impressed the doc more than all of John's huffing and puffing and squinting and jaw-clenching. HA

I couldn't deal with all of the samo-samo between Jen & Frankie. Thank heavens for the zapper.

Oh man, Belle's nasty snipe at Mimi is just about the first time she's actually shown a realistic reaction to the situation.

Either the carriage is going over a path that was part of an original wagon train trail, or they have the worst roads in Salem that I've even seen. It's a wonder John & Marlena aren't getting seasick from all the jouncing.

Friday's Days:
On second look (I don’t get to look much as I’m furiously typing Prevuze), even a self-respecting lady of the evening wouldn't be caught dead in that outfit Chelsea had on. Bope & Jen had it right - Why in the world would Kate give an 18 year-old-girl that trashy outfit??? Of course, Kate dresses like a “ho” herself, not like an almost 50-something corporate executive.

Chelsea, “When I’m wearing this outfit I think I’m worth something.” Yeah, about $50.00 bucks out on the street.

Kate to Billie, “You’ve been dreaming about being with your daughter for SO MANY YEARS….” Say what?? I’d buy “for so many months”, but years? Huh-uh.

It’s Sami's wedding day, Abe & Pard are already at the church, and Sami is still schlepping around the house without makeup, hair done or anything??? Of course, this is typical DAZE.

It didn't occur to John, the ISA agent, former mercenary, that Alex (or anyone else) might just go in the unlocked bedroom window?? Of course, this is also the guy who missed the fact that his apartment was littered with Tony’s TV cameras and audio devices for months.

I don’t care if Kate does show up at the wedding with Stan’s clothes and DNA evidence that Sami was Stan. Sami should just keep insisting that Tony (who can pretty much fake anything) was setting her up to destroy her in order to get back at Roman. Deny, deny, deny. Roman just said to Abe, “I’m afraid Tony will try to do something to ruin Sami’s wedding day.” He might just buy it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

{Man, that wedding was really a room emptier wasn't it? } -- my dog even left the room. Of course, he does that a lot with Daze.

{Broe fans are going to be very, very peeved.} - Brady and Chloe fans are now expendible with the couple off the show. At least that's the way the DOOL powers that be seem to think. I wonder what happens to all those Broe websites out there. I guess they lay dormant until the DOOL PTB bring them back.

Great comments. My inquiring mind is now filled with DOOL Fuel.

5:30 PM  

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