Friday, September 09, 2005

Commentary 09/10/05

Prevuze is produced on the fly, during an early-morning feed of the show. There is little time for reflection (or spell-checking when it comes to that). Often between the time it is published and the time the Prevuze author (along with some hardy co-conspirators) have a chance to watch the show either “real time” or taped, additional pithy and print-worthy comments come to mind. So here is...


Monday: How do you like the progression of Belle’s pregnancy? She found out she was pregnant about two weeks ago when she was skinny as a rail. She is now in maternity clothes and looks about 4-5 months pregnant. Per the Days Fall Preview in the Soap Opera Digest, she is going to have the baby in two more months. A three-month pregnancy is pretty revolutionary, even for a soap.

Following the confrontation at the no-name motel, I love the way Billie/Chelsea/Abby had time to clean up and dress up, buy shower gifts, and show up at the party while Bo was just getting home looking like something the cat had drug in. He doesn’t look like he’s combed his hair in a month. He’s also been in that same shirt for days. I bet he's a joy to be around.

When the timer dinged and Alex rushed off to get the “surprise”, I chuckled at Marlena’s comment to herself, “That’s mysterious. But I guess everything is to me.”

Here a TLT (the logic thing) question for you – why did Hope show up so late for Sami’s party and where were Julie and Maggie, i.e., Sami’s side of the family??? Maybe they would've had to hire too many of the actors for that day. And, when Kate came over and made the bitchy comments when Sami was with Caroline, why didn't Caroline at least tell her to get lost? She sat there like a lump and said nothing!

My reaction to the hot stone scene – Whoa! Doc’s not only getting hot stones on her back, she’s nekkid!

Bart was a hoot as a stripper. But that was the sorriest couple of male strippers I’ve ever seen.

Also as asked before, when Alex/Roman told Marlena to think of the love of her life before John/Roman wouldn’t she have thought of Don Craig???

Finally, in an interview, Wayne Northrup joked about the wardrobe of the doctor character he was going to play, “Couldn’t he be the kind of doctor who wears jeans and a flannel shirt?” It occurred to me that, up at the cabin, that’s exactly what he’s gotten to wear.

Tuesday’s Days:

Phil is a pretty fast dresser for a gimp. In their afterglow on the couch, Belle was just winding herself up in a blanket and Phil was laying there already in jeans (belted no less).

Loved the kiss between Bonnie and Bart.

Since they aren’t letting us see Chloe’s dress, we know that the wedding will be a GO. Sami, on the other hand, was twirling hers around, so following Day’s tradition, that wedding is doomed.

Why is Victor so lovey-dovey with Kate??? She’s tried to kill him twice! He and Nicole tried to gaslight Kate and he tossed her out penniless onto the street not all that long ago. (When all of the blood kept running down her legs and yet she mysteriously healed herself!) I guess we're not supposed to remember any of that.

And here’s a comment Prevuze missed out on yesterday – when Chelsea sucked up to Kate with her statement, “I wish I had your sense of style”, I should have added, “What?? Middle-aged street walker?”

Wednesday’s Days:

I meant to mention this when I first saw Chloe show up at the bridal shower – when did teased, mile high, bouffant hair come back in style?? God girl, bring it down a foot or two!!

This was rich - John – “I’m not asking you [Marlena] to come back for ME, but your children need you. Sami would be so disappointed if you didn’t show up for her wedding.” John has made it pretty clear in the past few months he doesn’t give a rat’s ass for Sami’s feelings. How self-serving. He did score some good points about Marlena really regretting missing the wedding once she regained her memory.

Had to zap the Brady/Chloe scenes. Question – is Brady going to shave off that scraggly beard for the wedding???

Have you noticed that Will’s hairdo looks a lot like Bo’s? Both of them need some scissors and a comb taken to them.

HAHAHAHAHAHA – What a priceless look on Bart’s face when Sami starts undressing in front of the window he’s looking through. So glad I had that on tape to re-watch. Three times. Why didn’t Sami just walk over to the window, close it and draw the drapes?? Yeah, TLT.

Arthur is a hoot too.

I LOVE Mimi’s new attitude toward Belle. It’s so refreshing to have someone treat Belle like something other than the queen of the universe everyone else treats her like.

Lord, Belle looks like her pregnancy advanced another couple of months in the two hours since the party ended.

Phillip must've practically flown himself down the open elevator shaft in order not to still be standing there when Bawlle let out her moans and screams. Yet when Shawn came out Phil was already gone. All Bawlle did was shut the door and turn around!

With the big Kiriakis’ bucks I can't imagine Phil having to go to the VA anyway, he could afford to have some orthotic’s guy come right to the apartment. And why would he rush off right now – with both his brother getting married in the next two days. It couldn’t wait 48 hours?

And OMG – if Belle is writhing and screaming with pain over a few cramps, what is she going to be like during childbirth??!!! We’d better stock up on earplugs.

Thursday’s Days:

I had to laugh over Squints’ comment to Brady and Kate, "I hope these back-to-back weddings bring back Doc's memory." Well, it for sure won't be the "no hitch" wedding Broe is apparently going to have. Hitch-free weddings are SO not Salem's tradition. Now, the disaster that Lumi's wedding is forecast to be...THERE'S a normal Salem wedding. That might just do the trick for Marlena.

As for the weddings - Sami at least has been talking about wedding planning. Whine-Girl, on the other hand, has only been obsessed with her face and "I will/I won't". When did she even so much as try on dresses or make an arrangement? I suppose poor Nancy got saddled with planning the whole thing so Chloe could just waltz in and enjoy it. Or maybe Brady did all the planning. He can pull together a super romantic setup in about 15 seconds flat.

Take a good look at the diamond bracelet Brady gave Whine-girl. How did anything get inscribed on those tiny, square links? It would have had to be VERY tiny which means Chloe has unbelievable eyesight to be able to read it with no problem.

Friday’s Days:

Nicole dressed like a bride – bouquet and all! She is beyond deluded.

Belle has “expanded” another basketball size or two. She now looks about 7 months pregnant whereas an hour ago (Salem time) she about 5 months gone.

Man it’s hard to have to sit through the show “real time” and suffer through the scenes of Chloe/Nancy with the bawling and inane dialogue and red-herring looks of horror on people’s faces. Especially when you KNOW the scars are/will be gone.

I’m considering the possibility that the scars are still there, but a MIRACLE occurs on her walk down the aisle. Maybe all the lace in her veil just scrapes the scars away. HAHAHAHAHA

Did anyone else look at Chloe in those heavy, face-obscuring veils and think, “Lady in White” and that stupid storyline in Aremid a few years ago?

As a stark example of how even the writers are illogically enamored of Bawlle take today’s scenes – Sami, looking absolutely gorgeous, comes up to Marlena who coolly says “Hello”, is barely civil to her, and runs away from any suggestion she actually act like a mother and walk Sami down the aisle, amnesia or not. Next scene with Marlena, Belle waddles up and Doc gushes all over her about how “beautiful” she is, congratulates her on her pregnancy. When Belle starts dumping on her about being the flower girl at Squints/Doc’s wedding, rather than getting all hysterical (like she did with Sami), Marlena just wiped tears from her eyes and apologized for not remembering. GIVE ME A BREAK!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I loved these comments they are great yeah what's the deal with Belle one day skinny as a rail next basketball central... do the writers think we're stupid and don't notice things or know how to count?? LOL keep up the great work Love this site!!!

3:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey there, I realy like your blog. Some pretty cool stuff here - I'll definitely bookmark this!

5:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


'Bo hasn't combed his hair in months' - has Bo ever combed his hair?

'With the big Kiriakis’ bucks I can't imagine Phil having to go to the VA anyway' - With the big Kiriakis' bucks, why is he living in that dump?

5:27 AM  

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