Tuesday, August 16, 2005


Jack comes downstairs and discovers a video tape on the table. He flashes back to watching the tape with Jennifer and Frankie, “I wish I could be around forever, Jennifer, but since I won’t I’ve got to make sure Frankie sticks around.”

Frankie bumps into Max. Max tells him he has a date with Chelsea, “I decided to take your advice. Don’t worry, bro. I’ll take it slow and gentle.”

Dear Abby advises Chelsea, “When you make love for the first time, it should be special. Someday, you’ll be glad you waited.”

“Abby,” says Chelsea, “Who says I’m waiting? Why would I? Especially since the guy I want is off with Billie Reed somewhere. I know Max isn’t Patrick but he’ll do.”

“That’s really dumb,” says Abby.

“You aren’t ready, but I am,” says Chelsea, “so if I want to be with Max tonight, I will be.” She turns to leave.

Jack comes out the front door, “Hheeyy, Chelsea. Where you headed?” Chelsea stares.

Marlena and Alex arrive at the mountain cabin. Marlena is pleasantly surprised by how nice it is. It makes her feel at ease, “I know I just met you, Dr. North, but I have a sense I’ve known you all my life.” She smiles and hugs him. John walks in with the bags and squints.

Sami tosses and turns and dreams, “Kate is finally out of our lives and I am about to become Mrs. Samantha Roberts.” But, oh, no, Lucas busts in with Stan’s wig calling her a lying bitch. He tells her he got a call from Tony DiMera, who told him everything. Sami bolts up in bed. She hyperventilates as she grabs her robe and runs out.

Lucas is at the computer in the living room. Sami asks what he is still doing up. “I think I did it,” he says, “I think I finally have a way to find Stan.”

Bo gags Patrick, “Most of his men got away, but we do have Tony the weasel and his employee. I always knew you were bad news, Lockhart.”

Hope lectures Patrick. Billie jumps in and Bo tells her not to defend him. Billie says, “Patrick is innocent and I can prove it.”

“I have a high level clearance. I can tap into the DiMera mainframe right now,” says Lucas. Sami panics and pulls the plug out of the laptop. Apparently the battery doesn’t kick in as Lucas yells, “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

“Look at this,” says Billie as she hands her PDA to Bo, “Patrick sent me a message saying he was going to wire DiMera’s boat with explosives. And he knocked you out because that was his idea of how to get us onto the DiMera compound.” Bo can’t thank him enough for that, I’ll bet.

Hope wants to know why Billie didn’t alert Bo and her in advance.

Billie says, “Well, that would have been the intelligent thing to do, so I never thought of it and Patrick knew I would never have gone along with it and neither would Bo because Bo doesn’t trust him.”

“I still don’t,” says Bo, “He’s full of games and I’m not falling for them.”

“You’re wrong, Bo,” yells Billie.

Hope pulls Patrick’s gag off, “Billie’s telling the truth,” he says, “I was trying to prove to DiMera I wanted to be a part of his operation.”

Bo asks Tony if Patrick is telling the truth. “You figure it out,” says Tony.

Bo twirls his knife, “Why don’t you just tell me.”

Tony says, “It was easy for me to find you and Hope, because Patrick provided the intel. I knew every last detail of your mission to capture me.”

Billie’s jaw drops, “You did that Patrick?”

“Yeah, but I can explain.”

She whaps him upside the head, “How could you do this to me? I trusted you!”

Max tells Frankie he’s taking it easy with Chelsea. He tells Frankie it looked like he and Jennifer were having a good time tonight. Frankie corrects him and says Jack was involved, too.

“That guy seems like a total loser to me,” says Max.

“Jack may be a little eccentric,” says Frankie, “but he’s one of the most decent men I know.”

Max kids him, “Jack won’t be saying that about you when he finds out you’re gonna steal his wife.”

“Get outta here,” laughs Frankie as Max leaves. “The weird thing is,” says Frankie, “he wants me to take his wife. I’m not sure I can do that.”

Jack asks the girls what they are up to. Chelsea reminds Jack she’s eighteen now. Jack reminds Chelsea she is staying under his roof, so she has to abide by his rules. Jack tells them they’re going inside to watch a Hitchcock movie while Jennifer gives the baby a bath. Abby agrees, if Jack will make them kettle corn. He says, “I’ll see you both inside.”

Abby smirks at Chelsea as Jack walks away and Max walks up. Chelsea excuses herself to talk to Abby, “Don’t worry about me tonight, OK? Have fun watching Alfred Pitchfork.”

Gunga Din drops the suitcases. Alex offers to take them up to the bedroom.

“How many bedrooms ya got,” snarls John.

“Just one, I’m afraid.”

“And you’ll be sleeping where?”

“Right here on the couch,” says Alex.

Alex goes upstairs with the bags. John tells Marlena, “I don’t like leaving you here by yourself.”

“I’m not by myself,” she says.

“You know what I mean... Anyway, I brought you something,” he says as he hands her a present.

Lucas is totally peeved at Sami, “I spent hours trying to get into the DiMera mainframe and now I’ll never be able to retrace my steps, because of you.”

Sami says, “I’m not going to give you a chance to destroy everything we have now that we are happy. If you get into that mainframe Tony will kill you. You’re not going to find Stan. Why don’t you just let it go?”

“I’m not gonna let it go. He almost got us killed in the dessert. What if he’s out there somewhere? I think that’s a little more dangerous than DiMera finding out we hacked into his computer. When I get through with Stan, I’m gonna turn him over to Brady or Phillip and then, if we’re nice, we might turn him over to the authorities.”

Sami understandably thinks Lucas is making too much of this. “Sami,” yells Lucas, “he committed treason against our country.” Sami stares.

Patrick insists his only goal was to help Billie and Bo infiltrate DiMera’s compound. He says he found out about Tony’s plan from one of his operatives who thought he was still on the payroll. When they were in Max’ garage, Patrick got the call saying Tony had Bo and Hope in his sights and was planning something big. Tony’s eyes shift as Patrick spills the beans.

Bo is skeptical. He says Patrick is still working for Tony.

“Quite a story, isn’t it, Tony,” asks Bo.

“It does have its entertainment value,” says Tony.

Billie asks, “Bo, doesn’t it bother you that you and Tony are agreeing about something?”

“The only thing that bothers me is this lunkhead is lying through his teeth again,” says Bo.

Hope says, “He might just be telling the truth.”

Chelsea and Max sneak into the pool area at Patrick’s place. Max feels like a swim.

“I don’t have my swimsuit,” says Chelsea.

“Who needs a swimsuit,” says Max. Chelsea hesitates. “Hey,” he says, “something wrong?” Yeah, if stick-girl takes off her clothes, she’s invisible.

There is a knock at the door as Jack hauls the kettle corn. It’s Frankie. He says he’s been thinking about what he and Jack talked about earlier. Jack takes him outside. He says he has been thinking about it, too. He apologizes for laying it all on Frankie.

“What you are asking me to do is wrong,” says Frankie.

“Of course it’s wrong,” says Jack, “but I’m trying to protect my wife and you’re the only guy I can trust to do it. If you don't step up, Patrick Lockhart is going to move in on her. He’s going to take advantage of her when she’s most vulnerable.”

John’s present is a photo album which Marlena once put together, “There’s our daughter Belle, it was taken when she graduated from special class. And there are pictures of Sami and you and me together.”

“I wish they meant something to me,” she says, “but they don’t.”

“Someday,” says John, “you will get your memory back. I’m sure of it. Thanks for letting me fly you and Dr. North up here. It’s important for me to see where you are staying.”

“This must be very awkward for you,” says Marlena, “I know we are married and have children, so it’s awkward for me, too.” If she thinks this is awkward, wait till she starts getting her memory back and gets to the serial-killer part.

“I wonder how close we could have been if I made love to my ex-husband and got pregnant,” she says.

“The fact that you got pregnant by that cur Roman Brady was not your fault. You were being held hostage by Tony DiMera... Whazzamatter?”

“That name,” she says, “It’s familiar.”

John says, “What? DiMera? That’s not surprising. He and his father have brought a lot of misery on a lot of people, including ourselves.”

“Even so,” says Marlena, “I’m sure he couldn’t have forced me to be intimate with my ex-husband. Could he?” John stares. Alex watches from the stairs.

Sami begs Lucas to stop looking for Stan. He says he can’t do that. “Then,” she says, “I don’t know how you and I can be together. It’s becoming an obsession for you. You’re not sleeping. This is like some disease is taking over your whole life. Can’t you just forget about Stan and concentrate on us, and our wedding, and our future?” Lucas stares.

Bo tries to reason with Hope. Never an easy task. Hope tells him she has spent a lot more time with Patrick than he has and she thinks Patrick may be telling the truth.

Billie chimes in, “Well, for once, Hope and I agree on something.”

Wow. We’ve got Tony and Bo agreeing. We’ve got Hope and Billie agreeing. What is the world coming to? Next thing you know Shawn will walk into the room and say something intelligent.

Billie says, “If Patrick didn’t want to help us, why would he come with us?”

Hope walks over to Patrick, “Thank you for coming to help us.” Bo wretches in the background.

“And you, Tony,” says Billie, “I want answers now. I want to know where Georgia is and what name she is using.”

“I just don't feel talkative right now,” says Tony, “Touch of laryngitis.”

Big Mama Billie draws her piece, “Maybe this will help cure it. TALK OR DIE!”

“Kill me,” says Tony, “and you’ll never find your daughter.”

“Come on Tony,” shouts Billie, “You’re always telling us how clever you are. Don't you just want to show us?”

“If you put it like that,” says Tony, “All the information you require resides in my database in the computer.”

Billie bolts for the computer.

“My computer,” says Tony, “is password protected. Are you sure you want to know the facts about your daughter? It would complicate things between you and Bo. Is that what you really want?”

Patrick yells, “Billie, be careful, it might be a trap.”

“Lockhart’s right,” says Tony, “It could be a trap. One that he set for me. But then, how could he, when he is under my employ?”

Bo rushes toward her, “Billie, don’t touch that. We’ll let the ISA bomb squad handle it. They will extract the information from the computer.”

Billie gets the same look on her face as she had when Bo told her not to rush into the room with the pit. In other words, she's going to screw things up anyway, “What’s the password, Tony.”

Tony rattles it off, “The password is C-G-9-1-3-5-B.”

Billie types it in. The sign of the phoenix comes up. “File Uplink,” says the computer.

“What’s happening,” screams Billie.

Hope rushes over, “The files are uplinking to another location. I think it’s a satellite. They are simultaneously being deleted from this computer.”

Tony says, “The information you desire is now being sent via satellite to a secure mainframe, far from your prying eyes.”

“Billie points the gun, “You’re gonna die, DiMera.”

“And the computer will self-destruct,” says Jim Phelps.

The computer hisses. Billie fires. Tony grimaces. Hope stares.

Abby watches the horror flick, “Chelsea, I just wonder what’s going on with you and Max. I just hope you’re not making the biggest mistake of your life.”

Max stands there in the altogether as Chelsea hesitates. He asks her what’s wrong. “Nothing,” she stammers, “I’m just... taking in the view.” He kisses her.

Jack pressures Frankie to go along with his cockamamie scheme, “I know you still have feelings for Jennifer. Tell me you don’t... Tell me you don’t... OK. Thank you. Please promise to look after her.”

“You know I will,” he says, “But that doesn’t mean I’m gonna promise to marry Jen and raise your kids. Jen and I... we’re not the same people we were 20 years ago. We can’t just pick up where we left off.”

“I am hoping you can.”

“Think about it,” says Frankie, “she will never get over you.”

“I’m not coming back from an island this time,” says Jack, “I’m really dying. You and Jennifer still have a connection. Tell me you don't.”

“Yes,” says Frankie, “There is something.”

“Of course there is,” says Jack, “I’ve seen it. Please promise me you’ll do everything in your power to make her fall in love with you. Promise me.”

If Jack gets his miracle cure, he’s going to have a lot of backpedaling to do.

Alex goes back upstairs. Marlena tells John, “I know I’m in a fog, but I believe myself to be a woman of very strong principles. Am I wrong?”


“Then I’m fairly sure,” says Marlena, “I wouldn’t make love with someone unless I wanted to.”

John has heart failure.

“I’m sorry if that hurts you,” says Marlena, “but I think there must have been some love between Roman and me.”

John says, “The situation was just a bit more complicated than that.”

“I understand,” says Marlena, “We were being held captive and we were once married.”

“You were at your wits end,” says John, “That’s gotta be why you...”

Alex comes down, “Your bags are in your room and there are no bears under your bed.” Marlena starts upstairs to unpack. Alex says, “That can wait. I’d like to get in a session tonight if you’re not too tired.” Marlena is fine. Alex tells John, “Which means you’ll have to say goodbye. I’m sure you’ll understand.”

John curls his lip, “Yeah.” He starts to kiss Marlena, but doesn’t follow through, “You take care of yourself. I’ll be in touch. Here’s my cell phone number. You just... call when you feel like it.”

Alex goes outside with him. “Dr. North,” he says, “I realize this may be considered unethical, but I need you to do me a favor.”

Max turns up the heat. Chelsea starts to undress. Her cell phone drops and autodials Abby.

Abby answers and gets dead air. Things ain’t dead in the pool, though, “Please, Max, make love to me.”

Abby tries in vain, “Chelsea...” She hears the heavy breathing, “OMG! She’s actually gonna do it.” The phone goes dead. Abby goes back to the horror show and thinks about the show going on at the pool.

Jack says, “Please at least promise me you’ll be there to comfort Jennifer and protect her, especially from Patrick Lockhart. After I’m gone there is no reason to think the two of you won’t fall in love again. So just give it a chance. I’m also asking you to give me an answer, now.”

“OK, Jack,” says Frankie, “I’ll give it a chance.” Jack sighs.

Lucas admits, Sami is right, “I’ve become too obsessed with Stan. I’m not going to let it ruin our happiest moment, and that’s you me and Will becoming a family.”

“That’s all I ask,” says Sami.

“Waitaminute,” says Lucas, “Why do I get the feeling there’s something else?”

“Well,” says Sami, “I can come up with something else. How about if we practice dancing for our wedding reception?” Sami turns on the radio. As they dance, the music stops with a news bulletin.

We interrupt our regularly scheduled program to bring you this special report. A government spokesman has confirmed that the CIA in cooperation with the ISA has captured international fugitive Count Anthony DiMera. Had the ISA not been involved, DiMera would have been behind bars months ago.

That breaks the mood. Lucas goes into action,
I’m gonna see when they’re bringing that bastard in. I want to know what he knows about Stan.” He goes into the other room.

“OMG! Says Sami. If Tony blabs, I’m not only gonna lose Lucas, I could lose my life!”

Tony’s computer fries. Tony looks bewildered as Billie says, “I only wanted to scare him.”

Hope unlocks Patrick’s cuffs despite Bo’s protests.

Bo says, “You’re not off the hook yet, boy scout.”

“Trust me on this,” says Hope.

Bo and Hope share a tender moment as Billie brings in the ISA goons to take care of Tony. Tony chuckles as they haul him out.

“I’m not letting Tony out of my sight,” says Billie, “I’ll get him to tell us where Georgia is, Bo.”

“Can you believe it,” says Caroline, “We’ve been standing here like bumps on a log this whole episode and now we finally get to say something. We’re finally going home.”

“Before you know it,” says Victor, “Well be back to our old lives, making everyone around us miserable.”

On the balcony Hope asks Bo, “What do you think? Is the DiMera reign finally over?”

“Well,” says Bo, “Stephano's dead and his maniac son is going to rot in jail. This is what you might call an historic day.”

“Everyone in Salem can breathe easier,” says Hope.

“I wish I could say that’s true,” says Bo, “but the world isn’t as safe a place as it was when we were growing up. Whenever a maniac like DiMera gets put away, there always seems to be someone to take his place.”

John/Roman wants to be reassured when Marlena regains her memory it will be him she wants to come back to and not Chris/Roman. Alex/Roman tells him, “You have nothing to worry about Mr. Black. When her therapy is over, I intend to see to it that Marlena winds up with the right Ro-man.” They shake and Alex grins as John walks off.

Marlena turns on music. Alex comes inside and flashes back to being in bed with her, “Well, now that I have you all to myself, shall we begin trying to put the pieces of your life back together?”

Marlena fades into puzzle pieces.


Nicole says to Brady, “Tell me you still have feelings for me.” They kiss.

Mimi tells Shawn, “I’m sure there are a hundred women out there who would like to go out with you.” Shawn asks, “Like who?” Mimi says, “Like me, for one.”

Belle walks into the room and sees Phillip’s crumpled wheel chair, but Phillip is nowhere to be found. She yells, “Phillip? Phillip?”

“Where’s Stan,” shouts Lucas. “Why don’t you ask Sami that question,” says Tony.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stop looking for Stan and find a dang job!!

And I've got a name for Belle's baby... idiot spawn. We can call it IS-zy.

My, am I mean today.

6:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Right on, CJ!

Other than the DOOL writers' lack of imagination, what's with Lucas' obsession with Stan? What about Tony? Bart? the goons that held Philip?

Let's see, Shawn walking in and saying something intelligent...that would not only mean the writers would actually have to come up with something intelligent, but Jason Cook would have to memorize new lines. Something he hasn't had to do for months. HAHAHAHAHA

As for the Preview of Nicole & Brady kissing - pure fantasy.

7:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The bottom two pictures finally popped in for me!

What a riot!!!!!!!

3:08 PM  

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