Thursday, August 11, 2005


Frankie watches as Janck and Jennifer dance.

“I love holding you,” says Jack, “But I need a breather. I’m a little tired. Just call Frankie and you can keep dancing.”

“Why do you want to do that,” asks Jennifer, “I just want to be alone with my husband.”

“Frankie is a good guy,” says Jack.

Jennifer says, “The old Jack would not stand for another man to be hanging around. Something is going on with you. Maybe you don’t love me any more, Jack.”

Thunder crashes as lightning strikes on Sami and Lucas’ couch.

Outside in the rain Nicole vows, “I will nail you, Sami, and it will only take one four-letter word to do it. S-T-A-N.”

Sami sees Nicole at the window and motions her to get away. There is a knock at the door – Kate.

Lucas answers the knock and says, “Mom, what are you doing here?”

Kate tells him, “I hate the way we left things and wondered if we could talk.”

“No,” says Lucas, “I never want to see you again.” Door slam.

Kate says, “Dammit I will get my son back.”

Lucas tells Sami, “I will never let my mom come between us. You and Will are my family now.”

Sami runs over to close the drapes. They fall. Nicole watches. Sami thinks Lucas sees Nicole, “Lucas, I can explain.”

Bart is wearing catcher’s equipment as he drags Hope into the room, “She is a hellcat, but she is not getting another piece of me.”

“You’ll never get away with this,” says Hope.

Tony D tells Hope, “Bo Brady, your husband, is about to fall into my trap.” Hope stares.

“Whenever Bo Brady gets here, I’ll be ready,” says Patrick on the phone.

Billie comes up behind him. She checks her calculations, “According to the readout, this is the island. We have to neutralize DiMera, get Victor and Caroline and maybe Georgia.” Patrick leaves to get equipment.

Bo sneaks up behind Billie and puts her in a half-nelson, “What the hell are you doing here?” Trying to breathe at the moment.

Lucas looks out the window, “It’s really coming down out there.” Nicole takes a swig from her flask. She watches as Sami and Lucas cuddle.

Sami says, “I feel safe in your arms.”

“That’s my job,” says Lucas, “And I meant what I said to my mom.”

Sami says, “I would love to have a big wedding but Basic Black won’t pay now.”

“I don’t want my mom involved in any way,” says Lucas.

Sami says, “Maybe my parents will help pay.”

“I don't' think your mom’s in very good shape right now.”

“Maybe a wedding would help her,” says Sami, “Maybe my parents will get back together. Wouldn’t that be incredible?”

Lucas advises, “Don’t get your hopes up.”

Sami tells him, “You and I are together and that just makes me happy.”

More kissing as Nicole drowns her sorrows and – drowns, “If you don't get Chloe out of the picture, no one will be happy.”

Sami says, “I don't' think I could ever stand to lose you.” Oh, the foreboding!

Outside the door, Kate says, “Believe me, Sami, this is far from over.”

“You don't scare me,” says Hope.

“You know what’s amusing,” says Tony, “You think your husband will rescue you, but in the process he will fall into my trap. I’m going to kill one of you and leave the other to die of a broken heart.” He mentions Caroline and Victor.

Hope says, “I want to see them now!”

“Maybe a brief visit,” says Tony, “Bart, allow the three of them to say their goodbyes.”

Billie tells Bo she came to help rescue Hope.

“I don’t need your damn help,” says Bo.

“You’re going to get it anyway.”

Bo hears rustling and they duck and cover. Bo jumps out of the bushes and grabs Patrick, “What the hell are you doing here?”

“He’s with me,” says Billie.

Caroline asks Victor what he is worrying about now, “Bo’s tendency to want to be a hero.”

Bart brings Hope in. Big reunion. Hope asks, “You’re not surprised to see me?”

“Tony already told us he captured you,” says Victor, “Did Bo bring anyone else?”

No, Bo doesn’t really think these things through very well. Hope says, “Just me.”

“I hope he hasn’t walked straight into Tony’s trap,” says Victor.

Bo tells Patrick, “We don’t need no stinkin’ help.”

“You don’t want to use me,” says Patrick, “Fine, you don't' have to.”

“I don’t want to be part of this operation,” says Frankie on the phone, “You have to replace me. I have to get out of here tonight.”

Jennifer wants to know what’s going on.

Jack says, “I’m just trying to make Frankie feel at home.”

“No, something is going on with you,” says Jennifer, “Jack Devereaux, I know you. You can’t stand it when there is another man within ten feet of me. Are you going to tell me what’s going on or not?” Not – would be my guess.

“Fine,” says Jack, “I’ll tell you.”

Lucas and Sami have sparkling cider. “Will will be so happy,” says Sami. Let’s call him at camp. I just want everyone to know how happy I am.”

“I guess that means you want a big wedding,” says Lucas, “I’ll try to arrange that. I want our marriage to last forever. Nicole and I were married by a Justice of the Peace. I should have known it wouldn’t last.”

Nicole slips and falls over the balcony.

Sami sees her fall. She runs out, “OMG. Lucas, there is something I have to tell you.” Keep your mouth shut, Sami. Nicole might be dead.

Nicole hangs on a rail and drops. She reaches for the flask. Kate finds her. Nicole raises her flask to Kate.

“Well, well, well, look who’s in the gutter,” says Kate, “Not that I’m surprised”

Nicole is happy to see her, “Drop dead Kate!”

“I would ask what happened but it’s obvious,” says Kate, “Chloe came back to town and Brady dropped you.”

Nicole says, “You know what I heard? Roman dropped you after he heard the tapes. You got what you deserved.”

Kate asks, “How do you know so much about me? How do you know about the tapes? Who told you about Roman and Lucas?”

“Nobody. Just a guess. Maybe I’m clairvoyant.”

“No,” says Kate, “I think there is another reason. I wonder if it has anything to do with you being outside Sami’s apartment. But what would you and Sami have to talk about given your mutual hatred? Nicole, you have to tell me if you have something on Sami that would keep Lucas from marrying her. Believe me, I will make it worth your while.”

Bart thinks this would make a good reality show. “Yes,” says Tony, but when I eliminate a contestant he or she will be truly eliminated. I have a secret weapon.”

“I want to help Billie find her daughter,” says Patrick.

“We don't need your help,” says Bo.

Billie says she is off to do some ‘reconnaissance’ but Bo stops her. Patrick takes Billie aside, “Go ahead. I’ll take care of him.”

“How you gonna do that?” asks Billie.

“With force, if necessary,” says Patrick.

Hope wants to know if Victor and Caroline are OK, “How did you get here?”

“I’ll have to say one thing about Tony,” says Caroline, “He treated us well. Who knows what that demented man has in store for Victor and me.”

Hope says, “Tony’s not getting away with it, Caroline. Bo’s out there.” Caroline’s thinking, OMG, we’re all doomed. “I’m sure he’s alerted the authorities by now. Unless... unless he’s alerted someone else. If Billie reed is involved this will be a disaster.”

Patrick asks Bo for a pair of night vision goggles.

“This equipment is not for you,” says Bo, “Where’ Billie?”

“Looking around,” says Patrick.

“Dammit,” says Bo, “Divide and conquer – that’s your game. The game is over Boy Scout.”

“How could you think I don’t love you,” asks Jack, “All the time I was on Tony’s island all I could do was dream of getting back to you.”

Jennifer says, “I’m sorry I keep grilling you about Frankie. We have all the Days Of Our Lives to spend together.”

Jack kisses her. Frankie interrupts. “We are just talking about you,” says Jack.

Frankie says, “Listen, I’m here to tell you I’m leaving.”

Jennifer asks why. Frankie tells her, “New assignment. Duty calls.”

“When do you leave,” asks Jennifer.


Jack says, “No, Frankie, you can’t. Not tonight.” Jennifer looks concerned.

Bo gets the drop on Patrick, “You wanted Billie to go off alone.”

Someone comes up behind Bo and cold cocks him. “Right on time,” says Patrick.

“All the pieces are falling into place,” says Tony, “Bart, please bring Hope back.”

You want me to break up the little reunion so soon,” asks Bart.

“I have a better one in mind. Let the games begin,” says Tony.

Sami says, “You know my track record with weddings. I just think maybe a big wedding isn’t a good idea.”

Lucas tells her, “Sami, a small ceremony won’t do it for you. Let’s make a big deal out of it.”


“Yeah,” he says, “You were a totally different person before. You’ve turned your life around. We’re perfect for each other.”

“I can’t help but worry about your mother,” says Sami.

“I’m sorry for what she did,” says Lucas.

“I know that was hard for you.”

“I can’t let her get away with that,” he says, “I can’t change the fact she is my mother, but I can keep her out of our lives for good.”

Kate grills Nicole.

“Nancy Drew, girl detective,” says Nicole, “I take the fifth.”

“You drank a fifth,” says Kate, “Come on. Tell me. What are you and Sami keeping from my son?”

“Nothing. I swear.”

“You probably have dirt on Sami,” says Kate, “She shoved you out and you wound up in the gutter.”

Nicole raises her flask, “To Scami. She has secrets.”

Kate says, “Nicole, if you know what Sami’s hiding, you’d better tell me, because together we can get rid of her for good.”

Jack tells Frankie he can’t leave. Frankie says he will be back. “Stay just a little longer,” says Jack.

“I can’t,” says Frankie.

Jack says, “It will upset Jennifer if you sneak out in the middle of the night.”

Frankie relents, “OK, one more night.” Frankie says he’ll stay. Jack decides all of them will go to Alice's.

Hope elbows Bart as he brings her in.

“I thought I’d throw a little party,” says Tony.

The goons bring Patrick in. He says, “Count DiMera...”

“Mr. Lockhart, isn’t this a surprise,” says Tony.

“You can call off your lap dogs now,” says Patrick.

“Why would I do that?”

“Because I’m loyal to you,” says Patrick.

Kate says, “So Sami has secrets, huh? what kind of secrets, Nicole? What’s going on between you and Sami?”

“If Lucas knew he’d drop her like this...” Nicole makes a feeble attempt to snap her fingers.

Kate says, “Everyone knows Sami didn't sleep with Brandon. It has to be something else. Tell me, I want to know all the dirt.”

Sami and Lucas cuddle. Sami wants to know what he wants for a wedding present.

“I have everything I need – you and Will.”

“I can understand why you didn’t believe,” says Sami.

Lucas says, “That’s all behind us.”

She tickles him to get the truth out of him – what he wants for a wedding present.

“It’s not really something you can get for me, but I’d do anything to nail that SOB Stan,” says Lucas. Huh? He already did. Oh, I see. He means he’d do anything to catch Stan.

Nicole sways.

Kate begs, “Just spit it out Nicole. You said if Lucas knew the truth he would dump her. So just tell me. Tell me!”

Nicole says, “Oh, knock off the Sami questions Kate. I have my own problems. If Victor is alive, I’ll lose everything. I need to save my own butt.”

Kate wanders off, “Yes. Nicole has something very big on Sami. I’m gonna find out.”

Lucas threatens, “When I think about Stan... if I find that guy lights out for him.”

“Stan is gone forever,” says Sami.

Lucas doesn’t buy it, “When I find him, it will be over, believe me. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you.”

Sami says, “I just don't' like to see you angry.”

“I’m angry when a traitor to his country gets away with what he did,” says Lucas, “I’m sorry, I didn't believe you. I know you don't know any more about Stan than me.”


“OK,” says Lucas, “We will track him down and put him away for a long time. And you and I will have a future together.”

Jennifer tells Frankie, “It’s been nice having you here. You’ll always be like family Frankie.”

Frankie says, “You have a family of your own Jennifer. I don’t want to interfere.”

Jennifer asks, “Why are you leaving?”

“Work. That’s all,” says Frankie.

Jack swills pills as he comes downstairs, “I’ve gotta stop Frankie from leaving. Jennifer needs someone when I'm gone and it sure as hell is not gonna be Patrick Lockhart.”

Billie comes back to the area where she left Patrick and Bo, “Where did they go?”

Victor tries to escape with a butter knife, “It’s hopeless.”

Patrick tells Tony, “I still consider myself part of the DiMera organization. I realize I have to prove my loyalty.”

Bart chimes in, “That’s pooie-tooie, boss. Remember how he saved everyone on the island.”

“You were blowing it up,” says Patrick, “That was self-preservation. For starters I have something you want.” He sends the goons out for Bo.

“Bo! What have you done to him,” yells Hope.

“Do you believe I’m on your side now,” asks Patrick.

FF on the crumpled mass that once was Bo Brady.


Belle asks Mimi and Shawn, “Where are you guys going?” Mimi says, “To Alice’s for a drink – if that’s OK with you.”

Frankie finds Jack unconscious, “OMG! Jack!”

Chelsea tells Abby, “I’m giving Max my virginity tonight.” Jennifer comes up and looks just a bit surprised.

Tony fondles his gun, “Let etiquette rule the day. Ladies first.” Bo says, “No.”


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Belle really wanted Shawn to leave her alone she wouldn't be playing tonsil hockey with him every time she sees him. Shawn needs something else to think about besides Princess Belle, though, and hooking up with Mimi (especially the new I-hate-Belle Mimi) could have potential. It would also drive Belle nuts!

9:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had a chance (thank God) to read Prevuze earlier today, but didn't have time to enter my pithy comments.

If Sami were smart (and let me pause a moment to consider the absurdity of that statement given this show), she would go to Lucas right now. Tell him that Nicole was trying to get her help in getting Brady back and threatening to tell some fantastic lie like Sami was Stan in order to get Sami's cooperation. Point out to Lucas that, of course there isn't any proof she's Stan. That Kate & Nicole just hope everyone will, as usual, believe Sami could do something like that. Their hatred (and recent legacy of lies and deceit) just show how far they will go to "get" her.

But, of course Sami will be Sami - jittery, hysterical, guilty-looking.

Hang in there suffer so that others may ZAP without fear of missing anything important. HAHAHAHAHAHA

3:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

as much as i hate nearly every character of DOOL, i still watch faithfully. and not even so i can see whats going to happen that day. i can already tell from the day before's episode. i only watch so i can predict what's going to happen on the next few episodes.

thx for the laugh prevuze!

4:11 PM  

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