Friday, July 08, 2005

Sponge Bath

Mimi and Rex are in bed. Mimi is so happy to be back home. But she’s afraid it’s all a dream. Rex tells her they will be together for all the Days Of Their Lives. Shawn hears the moaning and flashes to scenes of Belle.

Phillip struggles to wash. Belle asks what he is doing.

Lucas pours coffee. He answers a knock at the door. It’s Mommy. She brought things for Will at camp. Kate wants to know why he isn’t ready to go see his brother. Sami walks out wearing her bathrobe. Kate and Sami yell in unison, “What are you doing here?”

Rex dresses. Mimi stares. Rex says, “The way you’re staring, I feel like I should be taking my clothes off instead of putting them on.”

“Fine with me,” says Mimi, “I never would have lasted in prison.”

Rex says, “I couldn’t figure out why you didn’t fight the charges.”

“I just felt guilty about what happened to Jan,” says Mimi, “I don’t want to talk about her now.”

Rex drags out dialogue from last year, “OK, we’ll talk about it when I get back with your surprise. Then I want to know the truth.” Rex leaves.

Mimi says, “When you find out about the abortion you’ll wish you never would have found those surveillance tapes and I’ll lose you.”

Rex talks to Shawn. Shawn is happy for Rex and Mimi.

“You could have fooled me,” says Rex.

“It’s not you guys,” says Shawn, “It’s that Phillip is home and Belle is with him.”

“Belle has made her choice, Shawn,” says Rex, “You have to accept that.”

“She is only staying with Phillip out of sympathy,” says Shawn.

Rex says, “I find that hard to believe.”

“You’re his brother,” says Shawn, “I will never accept this. Nothing will ever make me change my mind.”

Phillip says he is meeting with the doctor to fit him for his prosthesis and wanted to clean up.

Belle says he should have asked for help. Phillip don't want no stinkin’ help, “How long before you get sick and tired of being married to an invalid?” Long after the audience gets tired of this whole plot line.

Hope can’t wait to take the Fancy Face III on a shakedown cruise. She also can’t wait to see Shawn’s face when he sees it.

“I can’t wait to see his face period,” says Bo, “where is he.”

“What do you think happened over there with Belle and Phillip,” asks Hope, “And why do you keep saying it would be a mistake for Shawn to want to be with the woman he loves? Why?” Uh, maybe it’s just me but, uh, wedding vows?

Kate tells Sami she doesn't need to explain why she visits her son, “Why are you both half dressed? Don’t tell me anything happened with you. Did you drug him like you did Austin?”

Sami asks, “Is that where you came up with the idea of drugging me and Brandon?”

Lucas pulls them apart, “Sami came over to use my shower. Hers is broken.”

Sami pipes in, “As if it’s any of your damn business, Kate.”

Kate says, “I’ll guarantee you Sami’s shower is working.”

Lucas tells Sami to leave before WW-III erupts. Sami wants to talk to Lucas alone. They leave and Kate gets a phone call from Eugenia, “Why are you calling me?”

Eugenia says, “It’s time for you to pay for all the help I gave you.”

“Are you threatening me,” asks Kate.

Rex tells Shawn this was Belle's decision.

“It won’t last,” says Shawn.

Rex doesn’t want to argue. Shawn does, “As soon as Phillip recovers Belle will ask him for a divorce.” Rex leaves.

Mimi comes out. She heard the conversation.

Shawn says, “Maybe you can talk some sense into him.”

Mimi tells him, “There is a difference between what Rex did and what you want to do. I was in jail, not married to someone else.”

Shawn can’t believe the whole world isn’t on his side, “Mimi I thought you were my friend.”

Belle doesn’t want Phillip thinking of himself as a gimp. He knows he will recover but right now he is crippled and he can’t stand it.

Belle says, “We are a team aren’t we Mr. Kiriakis? So right now let me help you.” She has him wheel himself to the sofa while she prepares his sponge bath.

“Belle,” he says, “you haven’t seen what’s left of my leg.”

Belle says, “I didn’t marry your leg, I married you.” She lifts the cover over his leg(s). Belle stares.

Sami tells Lucas she was not plotting with Nicole. Nicole was drunk and wanted to pick a fight with her.

“Why would she pick a fight with you,” asks Lucas, “Why was she in the closet?”

Sami is the master of changing the subject, “Coffee? You never answered my question. If I can prove Kate set us up will you give us a chance?”

“You can’t prove that.”

“Tony said he could.”

Lucas says, “My mom has witnesses saying she was at the penthouse that night. Who? Who would help her with something like that, huh?”

Sami says, “The one person who has had it out for me forever.” Well, that narrows it down to the known universe.

Eugenia tells Kate she promised her a job if she helped set Sami up. She’s so broke she had to send her dog to live with friends, “If you don’t’ give me a job all bets are off.” Kate sighs.

“Eugenia Willins,” says Lucas, “Do you know how crazy that sounds? If you’re right and my mom was behind this, why would she recruit Eugenia?”

“That’s exactly what I would have done,” says Sami, “If I can prove it will you give us another chance?”

Lucas says, “If you can prove it, yeah.” Hug. “You know what? That is only if you can prove it, and I don’t’ think you can.” Lucas leaves.

Sami says, “I will prove that Kate is guilty. I just wish I knew how.”

Eugenia tells Kate she’s so broke she has to go to KFC to lick other people’s fingers, “You promised me a job.”

Kate says, “There is no way you can just show up. That would make Sami and Lucas suspicious. I will find you a job somewhere.”

Eugenia says, “You better, and quick. I'm eating cat food instead of caviar.”

Kate says, “I warned you – don't threaten me.”

Eugenia softens, “It’s not a threat Kate. Besides how can I prove it?” She pulls a tape out of the drawer, “If I had tapes of those conversations... but I don’t. I just need a job.”

“I promise I will help,” says Kate.

Lucas walks in, “Help doing what mom? Who is on the phone?”

Phillip wants Belle to hire a nurse to do this in the future. He tells her about the phantom pain. She tells him about the phantom thoughts she has sometimes with her missing brain.

“I signed up to be your wife,” says Belle, “If this had happened to me you’d be here for me. If you want to hire a nurse you can, but today I’m taking care of you.” Sponge bath.

Kate tells Lucas some friend was on the phone. She asks what Sami was doing there. Kate gives a sarcastic rundown of Sami’s side of things. Lucas says, “Yeah that’s what Sami thinks. She’s determined to find proof. If she does I will never forgive you.”

“Who do you believe her or me?”

Lucas says, “I believe you. You would never be that stupid. You’d lose me and Will permanently.”

He goes to get dressed. Kate tells herself, “Relax, breathe deep nothing will happen. I have all my bases covered.”

We have a triple scene with Kate, Eugenia and Sami. Oh, the special effects!

Eugenia says “These tapes will destroy you.”

“Eugenia is the key,” says Sami, “I will not rest until I get the evidence.”

Bo says Hope shouldn’t have made it so easy for Shawn to go to Germany, “and now he’s missed his court date.”

“It’s not like he’s a criminal,” says Hope. No, it’s not like he’s a criminal, he is a criminal.

Bo says, “When he drove that motorcycle through the stained glass window, he was drunk and high. The judge could see him as a threat. His only ambition is to get Belle back. She is married to Phillip.”

“We don’t know what happened in Germany,” says Hope, “Put yourself in your son’s shoes.”

“I know he loves Belle,” says Bo, “He may be spending the next 10-15 years in jail. I’m calling him and I will keep calling him until I find out what’s going on.”

Shawn sees it’s Bo on the cell phone. He doesn’t answer. Mimi gets a call, “Hi, Mr. Brady.”

Bo congratulates Mimi on being out of jail. He asks if Shawn is around.

Mimi doesn’t know.

“If you see him,” says Bo, “have him give me a call right away.”

Shawn says he didn’t talk to his dad because he doesn’t need another lecture. His mom is a different story. She gave him the money to go to Germany, “The only thing keeping me sane is knowing Belle is more like Phillip’s nurse than wife.”

The nurse sponges Phillip. Phillip gets ideas. The bath is over. Phillip says, “Thank you, Belle, for not giving up on us.” He kisses her. Giving up is one thing. Leaving is another. Two in a wheel chair.

Mimi goes through mail. She finds Shawn’s letter from the courthouse. Shawn says it’s no big deal. They were trying to move his date up but Mickey probably postponed it.

Rex comes home with breakfast fixin’s. Mimi invites Shawn to join them but he declines.

Rex tells Mimi Phillip and Belle belong together.

Belle asks if Phillip is sure they should be doing this. Phillip is SURE. There is a knock at the door. She throws him a t-shirt at him.

Phillip says, “How come I feel like I’m a teenager about to be caught by my mother?”

Mother is at the door.

Lucas comes in too and asks how Phillip is doing, “I’ll be they have you up and around in no time.”

Phillip says he knows it will be a long recovery and he doesn’t want to set unrealistic goals.

Kate tells Belle Phillip really needs her right now.

“I intend to be there for him,” says Belle.

Eugenia goes through her inventory of tapes, “If Kate knows what’s good for her she’ll come though with that job or well have to let you all come out and play.” Eugenia leaves. Sami sneaks around on the balcony and knocks at the window. No answer. She opens the window and goes in.

“See ya later,” says Shawn.

Mimi says, “Well that was incredible.” The pancakes that is.

Rex tells her, “We still have dessert.”

“I couldn’t eat another bite,” says Mimi

“I wasn’t thinking about food,” says Rex, “Mimi, I want to know what you and Jan were fighting about.” Mimi stares.

Sami tells herself to think like Eugenia. She rests her elbows on the book where the tapes are hidden.

Bo tells Hope he has to find Shawn, “He shouldn’t have gone to Germany in the first place.”

Bo gets a call. Roman. Bo says, “You sound upset... I'm a cop – I’ll take whatever assignment you give me... I understand....” Bo tells Hope, “Judge Fitzpatrick refused to grant the continuance. Roman wants me to arrest Shawn.”

Phillip tells Lucas Belle is being supportive, “I gave her a chance to bail and she didn’t take it. I don’t’ know what I’d do without her.”

Lucas says, “Luckily you’ll never have to find out.”

Kate tells Belle Phillip needs him emotionally and physically.

Belle says, “I’m not comfortable with this.”

“He’s your husband,” says Kate, “You need to share the same intimacy with him you had before he lost his leg. You need to let Phillip make love to you.” Shawn listens in the background.

FF Shawn/Belle.


Sami says, “There is evidence of what Kate did somewhere in this room. I just have to find it.” Eugenia walks around with the book.

“I’m not the same person anymore and I never will be,” says Chloe. Brady says, “I can’t believe I was so blind I couldn’t see it before.”

John says, “OMG, you knew she was alive and you kept that secret from Brady?”

Bo tells Shawn, “I’m here as a police officer. I’ve got a warrant for your arrest.” Pan in on Belle.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eugenia so hungry she goes to KFC to lick other people's fingers? HAHAHAHA But what is her problem? I thought she was working at the County Clerk's office? Did they finally find out what terrible customer service she provided?

And why would Pard make Bo arrest Shawn? There are other cops on the SPD aren't there? TLT

Phantom thoughts in a missing brain....HAHAHA

Great Prevuze!

6:28 AM  

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