Thursday, May 05, 2005

Payback Is A Bitch, And So Is Sami Brady

Belle prays, “Make my dad well again. I don’t think Kate is making him happy. I never meant to hurt Phillip this way. Help me to make better choices and keep our loved ones safe. Amen.”

Mimi and Belle start to leave and find a woman wearing a yellow ribbon. Her husband is over there in the war zone. Belle tells her, “My boyfriend is there.”

“So is her husband,” says helpful Mimi.

The boys hide as the troop carrier passes. “That was way too close,” says Lucas.

“Don’t move,” says Rex. We stare in shock as a scorpion crawls all over Shawn.

Sami asks if Tony ordered the goons to kill her and Phillip. Tony himself walks in, “If I wanted to kill you, you would be dead.”

“So you are alive,” says Sami, “Are you going to kill me?”

“No,” says Tony, “You’re much too beautiful and you fit into my future plans.”

“Well,” says Sami, “if that’s the case...” She socks him.

Roman still tries to talk Marlena into keeping her mouth shut, “We are the only ones who know what happened back at the castle except Tony, and he’s dead. We need to show Kate and John we love them and want back in their lives.”

Kate and John come down. John asks if Marlena is OK. Marlena hesitates, “I’m just glad to be home.”

John says, “You seem worried about something.”

“John,” she says, “I have to tell you something before...” The doorbell interrupts her dramatic confession.

It’s Old Man Brady and Will, “I can’t believe it. My son and precious daughter-in-law are alive!” Alzheimer’s is such a cruel disease.

Hope stares down into the love nest. She smells gas. Patrick is going down to get them. He jumps down and checks them out. He yells up to Hope, “They’re both alive. The gas is really strong. I’m already feeling it.” He swerves.

“Patrick!” yells Hope.

Roman gently corrects the forgetful OMB, “Pop, Marlena’s married to John and I’m married to Kate.”

OMB says, “I’m sorry, did I say... Of course you are. When Jack and Cassie showed up at the pub, I nearly had a heart attack. Cassie was exhausted. I started asking questions and she fell asleep. That’s why she isn’t here with me.”

Roman asks if they told him about Tony.

“Yes,” he says, “and praise the Lord the DiMera’s are out of our lives forever.” They ask about Jack. OMB tells them he went on to see Jennifer.

Roman asks, “Did Cassie tell you the rest?”

“No, that’s all she told me about.”

Roman tells him, “Pop, why don’t you come over here with me? I have to tell you something.”

Marlena pulls Will aside, “There is so much I have to ask you.”

Will says, “And I’ll bet the first thing you want to ask is how Mom screwed up our family so much.”

Patrick tosses the bed sheet up to Hope. Hope ties it to a radiator. Patrick takes off his shirt and climbs up the wall. He plugs the nozzle. Bo wakes up. Patrick tells him he has to get him out of here. “Go take care of Hope,” says Bo.

Patrick tosses Billie over his shoulder and Hope starts pulling them up. Bo is in dreamland again.

The woman asks Belle if her husband and boyfriend are both in the war. Mimi tries to explain and things just get more confused. Eileen introduces herself. She gives the military history of her family.

Shawn wants the scorpion off. The guys point their guns, but decide that might be a little extreme. They brush it off, killing it in the process. Rex is upset they killed the scorpion. He lectures them about the number of species of scorpions in the world and says they might have just killed an innocent scorpion. “I’ll take my chances,” says Shawn.

Lucas speculates, “Sami would have been screaming her lungs out if she saw that scorpion.”

Sami tries to slap Tony but he stops her. He tells her about the night before her wedding, “It was Kate who set you up. You’re here to help me capture Phillip’s rescuer’s.”

Sami says, “Phillip is innocent. I’ve done a lot of horrible things. This is now the second time I’ve been on death row. I promised myself the last time I would change but I didn’t. But I’m not going to stand by and watch you torture Phillip. You are going to give him food and water. You can take your sick plans and go to hell.”

Tony tells the goons to give Phillip food and water, “I don’t want him harmed.”

“Thank you,” says Sami.

“Now,” says Tony, “shall we get down to business?”

Roman tells Pop Victor and Caroline are probably dead. Shawn is inconsolable. He says he wanted to ask Cassie about Caroline but was afraid to, “Dear God, it’s like getting her back and losing her all over again.”

Marlena asks Will if his mom has tried to contact him.

“No, and I don’t care.”

Kate tells Marlena Will doesn’t want to live with his mom any more. She rants about everything Sami has done to him and his family.

Marlena says, “That must have been hard.”

Kate says, “Not as hard as night before the wedding when she destroyed his family.”

Will says he’s trying to be tough and brave, “Do you think mom’s ever going to come home?”

Marlena says, “I think she will and I think she will try to get together with you and your dad.”

Billie is up. Patrick goes down for Bo.

“What happened,” asks Billie.

Hope asks, “Do the words ‘wild goose chase’ mean anything to you?” Hope really starts to tee off on Billie, but Patrick calls up. He can’t get a pulse. Hope is dismayed. She wanted to kill Bo herself.

Eileen, Belle and Mimi talk about the war. Eileen knows why her husband’s family made their sacrifices. Now at least they have cell phones and email and can keep in touch easier. Her husband has never seen their new baby. She was in the military too, and part of her wants to be there with him. They talk about the sacrifices all the soldiers and their families are making. Eileen leaves.

Lucas says the missiles are getting closer to the town, “It’s pretty weird being here isn’t it. It’s different than watching it on TV.” Duh! Shawn is glad Belle is waiting for him. Rex points out that’s what Phillip is counting on too.

Rex tells Lucas when they get back he needs to find Sami.

Lucas says what Sami did was unforgivable. They argue on. Rex thinks there is more going on than Lucas knows about. Lucas isn’t worried about Sami, “Wherever she is and whatever she’s dong, she’s looking to get her REVENGE.

Tony promises Phillip will be cared for. Do everything I expect you to do and you’ll get your REVENGE. You have my word.

“You,” says Sami, “You turned my mother into the Salem Serial Killer. Look at everything else you have done. I want proof.”

“I have my proof right here, in the palm of my hand,” says Tony.

John gives OMB a drink. OMB says, “We have so much to be thankful for. Roman, your mom had a good life. She deserved so much better.”

Roman says, “She deserved to come home and I should have done more.”

“I know you did everything in your power,” says OMB, “I just can’t believe she was alive all this time and we didn’t get a chance to say goodbye. But the good news is my son and Cassie and Jack survived. We just have to count our blessings. I know that Caroline is watching over us from heaven.”

Will says part of the reason Sami left town is he didn’t want to live with her.

Kate puts words in his mouth, “She broke your heart and your father’s heart.”

Marlena says she knows Will loves his mother.

Will says, yes, he does, but he knows his dad misses her too.

Kate says, “That's impossible after what she did to him.”

Tony holds up his PDA with a video of Roman and Marlena in the castle.

Sami asks, “Is this now?”

“It’s recent,” says Tony, “Your parents are alive. Shall we get started?” He hands her a pistol.

“What do I need that for?”

“We are in a war zone,” he says, “My men will give you everything you need when you are in the field.”

Sami asks, “In the field? You mean I’m not going home?”

“Not yet,” says Tony, “Let me tell you what your cover story will be.”

Bo tells Patrick to get away from him.

Hope yells down and tells Bo to let Patrick help him.

Patrick ties the sheet around Bo. Hope and Billie pull him up.

Belle doesn’t know what to pray for any more except that everyone gets home safely. Then she has to tell Phillip. Mimi says, “I have just had a horrible thought. Have you thought about what you might do if only one of them comes back?”

“I can’t think about that right now,” says Belle.

Mimi continues to be helpful, “If, God forbid, Shawn doesn’t make it will you stay with Phillip? And if Phillip doesn’t get back can you commit to Shawn?

“I can’t deal with that right now,” says Belle, “Why are you doing this to me?”

“I’m sorry,” says Mimi, “I just always seem to think worst-case scenarios. I may even be in jail by the time Rex gets back. I would do anything to make sure they don’t die.”

“So would I,” says Belle. The girls go back to praying.

Rex continues to encourage Lucas to get back with Sami. Lucas asks if he would forgive Mimi if she did the same thing. Rex says he would.

Shawn says there is nothing more important than being with the one you love and trying to keep her.

Lucas says the only person responsible for Sami’s actions is Sami. Lucas goes to check the perimeter and make sure it’s secure.

A bomb goes off close to the guys. Rex says if he gets out of this he will write the Marine Corps and apologize for trying to do its job. Someone is coming. The guys crouch.

Marlena can’t believe Sami did what she’s accused of, “That doesn’t mean... we don’t have to go there. Let’s just say it’s uncharacteristic of Sami not to have some explanation. Maybe what she says is true. Let’s wait till she gets back and see what she says.”

OMB has to get Will home. They leave.

Marlena tells John she’s glad they get to be alone. They hug. Kate and Roman watch. Roman gives Marlena a look that says, “Keep your damn mouth shut.”

Bo is out of the pit. “Hope,” he says, “Thank God you’re OK. How did you get down in that pit, anyway?”

Billie chimes in, “Bo, she wasn’t down there. It was me.”

Hope figures it all out, “I know exactly what happened. Bo was hallucinating. He thought he was making love to me. And what about you, Billie, who did you think you were making love to? Bo, that’s who, you bitch. You knew he thought it was me, and you did nothing to stop him.POW – right in the kisser. Patrick soaks it all in.

Eileen is back. Belle tells her she hopes her husband comes home safely. She leaves. Mimi tells Belle, “We have to find the strength that woman has.”

Tony says on the phone, “I have Sami doing exactly what I need her to do. Oh, Bart I know you never doubted me. Sami will come through. Then my enemies will know pain and suffering like they have never known before. Hahaha, payback is a bitch, and so is Sami Brady.

A figure creeps into the boys base camp. “Freeze,” says Shawn, “Put your hands up.”

Rex asks, “What the hell are you dong here?”


Belle whines, “I just miss Mom.” Behind her, Marlena says, “I miss you too.” Big reunion.

Rex says, “Some guy just wandered into our camp – said he’s a journalist.” Brady asks, “Waitaminute, do I know you?”

Mimi says, “Jan, it’s me, Mimi.” Jan looks up and says, “Murderer.”

Billie tries to smack Hope. Hope stops her, “Don’t ever try that again, or you’ll be dead.”


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh dear. Patrick is revealed as a....girly-man. Bo & Billie were down in the gas for hours, making love no less. Patrick gets down there and in less than 5 seconds is reeling from the gas. Tsk Tsk

Sounds like the entire Belle/Meems/Eileen set of scenes will be great zapping ops.

And poor OMB - he had so many lines to recite this show. Hope they had plenty of que cards in stock.

6:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We just got rid of television and prevuze keeps us updated on DAZE. Thanks for the detailed descriptions, hilarious comments, and even pictures. Prevuze rocks!

1:06 PM  

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