Monday, May 16, 2005

It's Showtime...

Celeste sleeps. Celeste, of course, dreams. She feels a sense of foreboding. Darkness. She walks into a room, “Oh, God, no,” she whispers.

Lexie wakes up and asks Abe if there is something wrong. He had trouble sleeping. She says, “If this is about last night, It’s OK.” It’s not OK with him. He's always been able to satisfy her before. She tells him there are a lot of ways husbands and wives can satisfy each other.

“You deserve more than a man who can’t make love to you.” You deserve a man who can immerse you in his own self-pity.

Lexie says, “Abe, I thought I’d never feel your arms around me again. You came back to me. You’re alive. I feel so blessed.”

Abe says, “I think we should get a divorce.” I think Abe should get a grip.

Chloe sleeps. Chloe dreams. In the dream, Nancy and Craig drag Brady in. Nancy tells him, “You will witness the return of someone from the past.” Dr Weiss removes the bandages.

“OMG,” says Brady, “Chloe, are you alive?” They missed each other.

“What's happening,” gasps Nancy as Chloe’s face falls off revealing the mask of death.

“I can’t have the surgery,” says Chloe, “I won’t.”

Nicole flashes back to being asked to take care of the surgical tools. After years of medical school, Dr. Weiss has concluded, “If the flesh-eating bacteria from the last patient comes into contact with Chloe, it would be disastrous.”

As Nicole takes the instruments to sterilize them, Nurse Nasty asks, “What are you doing with those instruments?”

The boys are in action. Sami remembers telling Tony he can’t hurt them. He remembers Tony’s promise. Stan shows the guys the map. Lucas scoots around in the grass. Brady tells him if Stan tries anything to take him out.

“I can’t kill him,” says Lucas, “Not after what I know.”

Bart comes in yelling, “El Presidenté, the battalion leader says the US armed forces are getting close.”

Tony says, “It wasn’t my intention to go to war with the USA. The sooner I can get this under control, Sami Brady and her ragtag band won’t know what hit them.”

Lucas tells Brady he can’t hurt Stan because he has a son named Will.

Brady asks, “So, if it comes down to his life or ours, you will choose him?”

“No,” says Lucas, “I’ve got your back.”

Brady says, “He has a map that will get us to Phillip’s bunker.” The bombs explode in the background.

“Yeah,” says Lucas, “if we don’t get mowed down on our way there.”

Tony says, “Bart, give Fidel a message for me. His coffee and cigars are excellenté. Sami calls. She tells Tony, “The idiots bought the Phillip dog tag thing and the map. Remember your promise.”

Tony says, “Just get them across the desert in one piece.”

“I need you to do something for me before I take a single step,” says Sami.

Celeste dreams. “Alexandra, Abraham,” she calls, “Where are they? What’s happened?” She searches the house.

Tec comes out, “I’m sorry but the Carver family doesn’t exist anymore.”

Celeste wakes with a start, “I’ve got to see Alexandra with my own eyes.” She rushes out.

“A divorce,” asks Lexie, “How could you suggest such a thing? After enduring our separation we have a chance to be here as husband and wife. You’re scaring me, so stop, OK?”

Abe broods, “I’m not the same man you fell in love with.”

“And I’m not the same woman,” says Lexie, “We’ve grown. You are the only man I want.”

“Lexie,” he says, “your vows were made with every expectation that I would be a full partner. That’s no logger true.”

Lexie asks, “Do the words for better or worse ring a bell? Things will get better. You’ll adjust to your blindness.”

“It’s not just being blind says Abe, I’m impotent too. Men with this condition get worse, not better and I can't deal with disappointing my wife every night.” He struggles into the bathroom. Lexie cries.

Chloe’s dad tells her everything is set. “You came all this way for nothing,” says Chloe. She tells him about her dream.

He comforts her. He’s going to have Dr. Weiss come back in. He wants her to talk to him before she makes a decision. Chloe agrees.

Nicole tells nurse Cratchet she’s sterilizing the instruments under Dr. Weiss orders, “You can’t take them,” says Nicole.

Lucas wants to know how they will get through the rocket’s red glare. “Just put our heads down,” says Brady.

Rex has secured the camp. Brady comes up and asks if they are ready. “What happened to the journalist,” asks Shawn.

“What do you mean,” asks Brady, “he’s got the map.”

Shawn responds intelligently, “Damn!”

Sami tells Tony she has to know that Will is OK. Tony tells Bart he wants a 411 on the Roberts boy, “You drive a hard bargain Samantha. Now get moving.”

Brady comes up behind Stami and asks, “Who the hell are you talking to?” Yet another Daze character who has died and come back so many times we can’t keep score any more.

Lexie does the laundry. The doorbell rings. She answers. It’s Tec. He says he knows he should have called, but Lexie says it’s OK and invites him in. He’s been doing a lot of thinking and wants to clear the air with Abe. Lexie thinks that would be nice. Tec wants to let him know what’s going on with the Spears investigation.

Lexie says, “Detective Adams beat you to the punch he’s upstairs with Abe right now.”

Celeste gets a feeling just like in the dream. She rings the doorbell. Tec answers. Celeste faints.

Nicole tells Nurse Nasty, “I hate to be the bearer of bad news but Dr. Weiss was ticked at you for leaving early last night and not getting the job done. But I covered for you and he asked me to sterilize the instruments.”

Nurse Cratchet buys it, “Thanks. I’m nearing retirement and could have lost my job over this.”

Nancy runs up to the nurses’ station and says she needs to have them find Dr. Weiss right now. Nicole pulls her face mask up.

Stan claims he was taking to himself. He’s sick and tired of being treated like a bad guy. Rex and Shawn come up and Brady tells them everything is OK. Lucas covers. He looks at a picture of Will, “Wish me luck buddy. I’m gonna get your Uncle Phillip.
He looks at a picture of Sami and sticks it back in his wallet.”

Bart tells Tony Will Roberts is in school, “What are you going to tell Sami when she finds out this is a trap?” Tony says Bart is giving him a headache.

Bart offers to get Tony some ibuprofen. Bart gets a call, “We got a problem. A biggie, which could destroy the entire plan.” Tony stares.

Celeste regains consciousness. She tells them she had a vision. Tec, looking for any excuse to get out of there, decides this would be a good time to go up and see Abe.

Celeste wants to know how Lexie is doing.

“Other than Abe asking me for a divorce this morning I’m just Jim-Dandy,” says Lexie, “He’s just being irrational over a little thing. He’s just finding it more difficult to live his life...”

Celeste says, “You mean his life with you? I sense a dark foreboding surrounding this house.” Lexie pulls away.

“Don’t get flip,” warns Celeste.

Lexie says her life is a mess right now and goes off to do laundry.

Celeste says to herself, “Everything will be just fine, Alexandra, as long as you stay away from Thomas... Tec... Edward Cramer.

Abe isn’t happy to see Tec. Abe says Detective Adams is up there to update him as a courtesy and he won’t forget Tec didn’t do that.

Adams says he has to go. The bathroom is the first door on the right.

Tec doesn’t want to be enemies with Abe.

“If you’re saying you’re beholding to me,” says Abe, “I agree, which makes your betrayal worse. I am in no mood for your company.”

“I’ll go,” says Tec, “but I’m not giving up on you. I’ll be in touch.”

“Oh yeah,” says Abe, “you’ll be in touch with my wife.”

Right on cue, Celeste walks in, “So be a man and do something about it.”

The doc reassures Chloe. This is the same guy who went over all the risks and told her how complicated the surgery was. Now, it’s a walk in the park. Chloe feels much more confident. She’ll see him in the OR. They leave. Nancy asks if she feels better. Yeah.

Nancy suggests, “Maybe you should tell Brady you’re alive before you go in so he can be there for you when you come out.”

Chloe says, “Mom he was there for my leukemia, and it was such a burden for him. I don’t want to put him through that again. Once we’re together again, that’s when I’ll be happy.” Yeah, someone in Salem happy? Did the weather report in Hell call for frost?

Nicole thinks, “Over your dead body.”

Abe observes Celeste needs to mind her own business, “Just look at me. I sit by the window so I can feel the sunlight because I can’t see it. My life fell apart long ago.”

Celeste says, “You have a family Abraham. And Lexie would like another. She loves you. Surely you don’t’ doubt she loves you.”

Abe says, “I don’t know how long it will last under the circumstances.”

“What circumstances?”

He tells her it’s none of her business, and then proceeds to make it her business, “My body gave out on me and I don’t mean just my eyes. I don’t want a marriage based on lies. I’m impotent. There. I’ve said what you came in this room already knowing with your supernatural powers. I wanna be a husband to my wife. Just look at me. How can I be a father if I have to feel the walls to get to the bathroom?”

“I am disappointed to you, says Celeste.

“What do you want from me,” asks Abe, “I can’t make love to my wife.”

“You could lose your wife,” says Celeste, “Moaning about your love life isn’t worthy of the man I know you to be. You were always her protector.”

“I don’t feel like a man right now,” he says.

“Then you need a new definition of manhood. If you don’t’ fight for Alexandra you’re in danger of losing her to a man who isn’t worthy of her.”

“I know that. I want to be alone right now.”

As she leaves, Celeste says, “Darling, will you think about what I’ve just said.” Abe “stares.”

Tec tells Lexie Abe won’t listen, “How are you holding up?” She’s doing well. Tec goes on, “I really still feel very deeply for you. I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable every time you see me. I want to be your friend again. Just a shoulder to cry on. I’m there for you, OK?”

Celeste watches.

Nicole comes in for the patient. Nancy tells her to take care of Chloe. They hug as “Nurse Baxter” wheels her out. Nicole says, “It’s Showtime...”

Bart tells Tony the Four Mouseketeers and Sami are being tailed by a group of soldiers, “We don’t know who they are, but we think it’s the enemy.”

Tony is frustrated, “Not only is my plan about to disintegrate but Samantha, Rex, Shawn and Brady are about to lose their lives!”

As the bombs explode around them Brady tells the boys they have to keep moving. Someone trains guns on them and a voice says, “Drop your weapons, you’re not going anywhere.”


Jack hugs Jennifer and Abby and tells them, “I can’t tell you how good it feels to have my best girls with me.” Billie smiles.

Hope lectures Bo, “If something happens to Shawn because you were off with Billie again, I will never forgive you.”

Tony says, “Our deal is off, Samantha. You don’t get to see your parents and, lastly, you won’t get revenge on your enemies.” The Cheshire Cat smiles.

Brady tells the guys, “The only way out of here is through that door and that’s where the guard is posted.” A knife comes through the wall, barely missing Shawn.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Man, finally got the last four pictures to pop in. I thought the caption of "Patch's sex change operation" was good, but the bottom four were GEMS!!! The action shots are getting pretty darned amazing.

Bulldog - how the heck did you get a way to check on Prevuze while you are out in Sin City? Inquiring minds want to know! ;-)

3:22 PM  

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