Thursday, February 10, 2005

Two Fights, Two Cops, Two Arrests, Too Much

Bo is on the phone, "You did a great job, thanks. I have to get off before she catches us..." Hope walks in and says, "You called Billie didn't you?"

Cheatin' Heart. Billie says, "Over the lips and through the gums, look out stomach here it comes." Billie is plastered. Patrick thinks she should slow down. Billie thinks he should speed up. She moves over and unbuttons his shirt. She kisses him.

JR gets ready to jam the needle. A figure stands over him. He drops the cap, "What the hell do you want?" It's BB, "What are you doing?"

Lucas drives, "Mom's right. Brandon better not take advantage of Sami. Sami, it's the night before our wedding. You'd better not mess this up again."

Sami and Brandon are still unconscious. Euglena says, "Kate, when the drugs wear off Brandon and Sami will figure they have been set up."

Belle screams. Mimi is down. Rex says she said she thought she had the flu. Rex says to Mimi, "Please wake up." They will take her to the hospital.

Sami stirs. Euglena worries, "This can't be happening. Please, God, don't let Sami wake up before Lucas gets here." Oh, yeah, I'm sure Heaven is in on this plot.

Lucas says, "There's gotta be a good reason Sami went to see Brandon tonight. What if Brandon feels the same way about her I do? He's not going to get away with it." Lucas speeds up. Red flashing lights.

They carry Mimi into the emergency room. She's half dead. I sure hope they have her insurance info. Rex says he hasn't been making things easy for Mimi, "Then there was that dumb gift form Jan. She can't be pregnant -- we're careful."

Belle flashes back to Mimi telling her about the abortion, "What if Jan found out Mimi's secret," the little twit asks out loud. The group asks, "What secret?"

BO says Hope misunderstood, "You're jumping to conclusions."

"Then why were you whispering," asks Hope. Bo says he might be planning a surprise, something special to show how much he appreciates her. Hope asks if she spoiled it. She's sorry, but when he took off to Europe with Billie TWICE... "I was looking for my daughter," says Bo. Argument. Billie, Lockhart, Europe, Georgia. We've heard this before. Hope understands Bo wants to find his daughter, "But Why can't you see DiMera's people are playing you and Billie? GA may not even be alive." Bo says, "I think she is and Billie will never come between me and my family." Bo wants to get on with the surprise. He has her close her eyes. He blindfolds her. He carries her upstairs. Kinky.

Billie and Patrick make out. Patrick thinks this isn't a good idea. Billie thinks it's a great idea. Patrick says she's on an emotional roller coaster. She needs something a little milder than beer. She tells him not to treat her like a child. Mace comes up and asks if there is a problem. Billie says she needs a drink. She goes over to the bar with Mace. He has a better idea, "Let's go back to my place. I have an unopened bottle of Irish Whiskey. I'll show you a real good time."

JR tells BB to go away. BB says, "I thought Kate said you had round-the-clock help".

"Yeah, I'm in good hands," says the sarcastic stoner.

BB says, "You buy drugs on the street? Are you trying to get yourself killed?"

"Maybe I'd be better off dead," says JR.

BB was on the way to get some takeout and just stumbled on JR. That's likely. "Your addiction is out of control."

"I just need something to get through the night."

"You need to check into rehab," says BB.

Bo tosses Hope onto the bed. "What's that smell," asks Hope. He unblindfolds her, "You like?"

"I like."

Balloons, Champagne, "It's a little bit early but Happy Valentines day." Of course "today" will last well beyond Valentines day, so it's really timely. Hope caves in. She is so sorry she accused him. "Forget about Billie," says Bo, "I'm concentrating on my wife." He got her a box of her favorite chocolate truffles, Le Caloreeze. It's just all too much. He pours the champagne and makes a toast, "To the smartest, most beautiful, sexy, understanding woman I know." Understanding? Just say the word "Billie" and he'll find out how understanding she is.

"We will be together for the rest of the Daze of Our Lives." His heart will always belong to her. She loves him. He loves her. Fade to candlelight and roses.

"What do you say we blow this joint," asks Mace. Billie doesn't think that's such a good idea. They decide to dance. Billie dances. Mace gropes. Billie tells him to watch it. He thinks she's a tease. "No means NO," says Billie. She shoves him. A bar fight breaks out that puts the Pistons/Pacers brawl to shame. Billie stares.

Shawn asks Belle, "What secret?" She flashes back to Mimi telling her about the abortion. Belle says she was thinking they can't keep Mimi's condition a secret from her mom. They decide to call BW. Belle goes to make the call. Shawn and Rex talk. Rex says Bowl Head may already be in combat, "Belle should wait until he comes home to tell him." Shawn says once BH knows the truth it will be better for Belle and him. "And you," says Rex.

Mimi dreams about Rex and the evil doll. The nurse says, "This isn't the flu she's septic."

Her recent pregnancy test was positive," says the other nurse.

"Well she's not pregnant now, so she either miscarried or had an abortion."

Lucas stares in the rear view mirror and says, "I wasn't going that fast. What's taking this guy so long?" The cop comes up. "Step out of the car."


"OUT OF THE CAR NOW. And keep your hands where I can see them."

Euglena paces, "Where the hell is Lucas?"

Sami wakes up and sees Brandon out of focus. Sami stares.

JR and BB fight, BB says, "Marlena would recommend rehab for a person in your condition."

"That's the last thing I need," shouts JR.

"You need to stop this," says BB.

"The pain is unbearable," says JR. He pulls the vial out. BB and JR struggle.

Hope "thanks" Bo for everything. He gives her a truffle. Then he pulls out a box. Oooooooooo, JC Penney. Just in case you didn't see the logo on the box, we focus in on the jewelry case and JCP gets another plug. Hope opens it. It's a necklace with a sailboat charm. "Kinda a reminder when we were first married," says Bo. He would have gotten it at some hi-class store, but settled for JC Penney because it paid so much for the product placement ad. Smooch. She feels bad she doesn't have a present for him. His present is getting to spend his life with her. She knows how much it's bothering him they can't find GA. "Forget about Billie," he says, "I don't want to talk about her any more."

BAR FIGHT! Billie clobbers some guy. He gets up, "You're under arrest for assaulting a police officer." She protests, she meant to hit the other guy.

Scar tissue in the uterus, "She had a D&C to terminate the pregnancy." They can't get through to her, "Who can we talk to about your condition?" Mimi mumbles, "Rex, my boyfriend."

Belle can't get hold of anyone. Rex wants answers now, "If I was married to Mimi like BH is to Belle, I'd be able to get those answers." Shawn says, "Hey, Belle's not going to be married long." They argue about who's married to whom. Rex says, "Bowl Head won't give up that easily."

The cop says, "I see two DWI's on your record." Lucas says, "I've been sober for years." he walks the line. The cop lets him go, after he writes the speeding ticket.

"Where is Lucas, Kate," asks Euglena, "The show has started but the audience is not here."

"I'm so lucky to be married to you, Lucas," says Sami. Brandon stirs, "Samantha?" Sami stares. Euglena worries.

JR and BB wrestle. JR does his best Rupert [from 'Survivor'] imitation. "I'm not without Doc! She was right here a minute ago, but even she couldn't help me." growls JR.

Patrick tells the cop, "She's ISA, man."

"I don't are if she's FBI and CIA." Patrick looks cross-eyed at him. He's under arrest too. "OK," says Billie. "You call Commander Bo Brady. You can't get away with this."

Bo turns out the light. His cell phone goes off. Detective Jenkins says he has a lady there, Billie Reed, who assaulted him. Billie smiles. "BO," shouts Billie. Bo stares.

Billie yells into the phone, "Bo, please I need your help!" Bo says he will see what he can do. Bo asks, "Do you really think the drunk tank is necessary? I'll be right over."

"I'm taking her to HQ," says the detective, "And if you pull rank on me, I'll file a complaint." Bo kisses Hope and sneaks out. This will work out well.

Billie remains belligerent. Patrick asks, "Why did you bother Bo?"

"Hey, I can count on Bo," slurs Billie.

"Why don't you just leave him alone?

"BECAUSE I CAN"T. He will always be there for me."

"This time your friend can't help you," says Detective Jenkins, "Let's go."

BB wrestles the drugs away from JR. "Dad, look at yourself. Doc was not here, you're hallucinating. You're fighting with your son! Stop taking this crap. I believe you're in pain but drugs are not the answer."

JR grunts, "The drugs are the only thing giving me any relief. Give me the drugs."

BB says no. He's going to call Kate and Lexi and find a solution to his problem.

"The solution to my problem is in your hands," says JR. He rushes BB who decks him.

Shawn tells Belle he's worried about Mimi. "You gotta decide. You gotta let Phillip know." Yeah, he's worried about Mimi all right. Here we go again... She makes him promise he won't say anything to BH either. Belle thinks, "What if Rex finds out she aborted his baby?"

"Something's wrong," says the highly perceptive Rex.

The nurses decide they will ask Rex about complications from the abortion.

They tell them Mimi hasn't regained consciousness. So she was unconscious when she told them Rex was her boyfriend? "Have you figured out what's wrong with her," asks Rex. The nurse nods, yes.

Lucas comes down the hall and Euglena runs. Lucas knocks. "Finally the end of the road for Sami," says Euglena. Lucas knocks again.

Double FF on Lucas, Sami and Brandon.


Shawn and Belle love each other. Kiss.

Mimi says, "Something happened, Rex, that I didn't tell you."

BB tells JR, "I'm going to force you into rehab."

There is a knock at the motel room door. "OMG," says Sami, "OMG."Days of Our Lives / Soap Opera / DOOL


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