Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Through the Stubble

JR writhes in bed. The light of Marlena's sprit falls across his pain wracked body, "You have to be strong. I won't abandon you. I will stay with you for all the Daze of Our Lives." JR says, "I need you now." Marlena starts to get in bed with him but disappears. "Doc, where are you? I can't make it without you anymore. I can't do this alone." He gets up and struggles.

Belle just doesn't know how to say this. Shawn tells her she is doing the right thing, "What can I do to help?" Belle hits delete, "Nothing. I can't do this."

Euglena worries the plan will blow up in their faces instead of Sami's. The couple sleeps. She has got to get Lucas' butt over here, "All I'm living for is this payoff. I want to see Sami destroyed."

Lucas tells Kate she should see a shrink. Kate says she came over here to save him from marrying that slut. "I love her Mom, but you can't stand that so you marched over here and made up lies about her sleeping with Brandon. Even if she is with Brandon I'm sure she's got a good reason for it." Kate asks how he could be so foolish. He loves her and he's not going to run over to Brandon's hotel room to prove it. He trusts the woman he loves.

Kate says it has always been her dream Lucas could marry a woman he loved and trusted. Lucas points out all her marriages haven exactly worked out, "Maybe this is just a meeting between two friends. She can't be hiding anything because that would be the old Sami." He loves her and he will trust her. He trusts Kate because he loves her too, but if she has been lying he will cut her out of his life. Kate says she has done a 180 when it comes to his relationship with Sami. She has been supportive. She would never risk losing his love by lying to him. She just wants him to be happy. Lucas says Sami won't screw this up and if she does, he's outta there.

JR sneaks out in front of the sleeping nurse. Oops, he spies her medical bag, "This is just too damn easy." He goes through the bag, spills it, but the nurse doesn't wake up. Apparently nothing there. He struggles to the door. He opens it, "I don't have a choice."

"This is bigger than you and me and our love," says Belle, "I just couldn't stand it if Bowl-Head pays for this with his life." Shawn doesn't want to sound cold, but soldiers are dying over there without getting "Dear John" letters. Belle says if she sends this letter he could lose his will to survive. He said her loyalty is what will get him through, "I can't risk his safety. How would you feel if I send him this note and he gets killed? The wedding vows aren't erased because you and I decided we're still in love." Shawn asks if she is going to let Phillip believe she still loves him and live a lie.

JR falls down the steps in a seedy dark alley. He warms himself by a fire in a trash bin. He asks a guy if he is a cop, "No but I can fix you up." JR asks if it's that obvious. "Well," says the guy, "you are overacting this just a bit." JR "makes it worth his while." He leads him to the chief pusher. "Hey buddy, I need some top shelf pain medication." The pusher says, "Two bills." JR hands it to him. The guy hands him a package. "POLICE! FREEZE, both of you!"

JR and the pusher hide while the cops grab two other guys. The pusher runs. JR sits and struggles. The light of Marlena comes back to him, "Doocc.. Is it really you?" Marlena smiles. JR smiles through the stubble.

"Maybe Sami went to Brandon to confront him," says Lucas, "Maybe she went to see him because he gave her a wedding present." Lucas tells the love bird story, "Sami broke it into a zillion pieces." Kate says maybe Brandon sent the love birds to remind her of their love, "Maybe they both had a change of heart." Kate and Lucas both want to believe this is perfectly innocent. But if it was they would have stayed and talked at the bar, not gone to the room. Lucas picks up the phone. He's going to call the Jetway Inn. He asks for Brandon's room.

Euglena hears the phone ringing in the room. "OMG, they might wake up." She peeks in. No one answers.

"One lie leads to another," says Shawn, "The longer you let Phillip think this, the harder it's going to be to tell him. We belong to each other. How can you stay married to him? It's not fair to any of us. Lies come out in the end and that's when people get hurt. Like with Jan's baby. I was trying to protect her, but I thought that was the thing to do. Don't you remember how much that hurt? We promised we would never lie to each other." Belle says, "Yes, but then I broke that promise and lied about my mom's alibi. So much hurt has come form that lie." Shawn says, "We can't go back in the past but we can learn from our mistakes." And rehash them over and over and over.

JR mumbles to Doc. They hug. "Mumble-mumble Mumble," says JR. He kisses her. She tells him he has to be strong, have faith, "I came back to you in the past. That's what I do, I come back to you." He tells her when she came back to him before she gave him back his life. She knows what he's going through. That's why she fond him tonight. He was buying illegal drugs. She says he doesn't need them, the drugs will kill him, "So many people are counting on you. Listen to me. You stand for decency, strength. Lots of men would have fallen by now. You must stop taking these drugs."

Lucas hangs up, "See that there is no answer. Nobody is in the room." He calls the front desk, "Is the bar still open? No? Is there a couple in the lobby? No?" He hangs up, "See that, if they are together they are probably in a coffee shop." Kate points out there is no coffee shop around there. Lucas says she's right, but right now he has to trust Sami. Kate says, "Maybe Sami is in some kind of trouble." Lucas calls her cell phone. It's turned off. If she was in trouble, she'd call Lucas. "Then," says Kate, "maybe the reason Brandon came back was to talk Sami out of marrying you." Lucas doesn't believe that. Personally, I don't believe this conversation. It spirals on into the depths of absurdity. Somehow Kate concludes Maybe Brandon's putting Sami's life in jeopardy.

JR tells doc she doesn't understand. He can't live with the pain anymore. "The drugs will kill you. Have you forgotten how strong you are? You have to stop. The kids have lost their mother," she says. JR picks up on that, "Don't tell me this is a dream." He snivels as she backs away, "Stay with me."

"Its everything I love about you that's going to take you away form me -- commitment, loyalty, the ability to go on and on and on about this thing ad nauseum," says Shawn' "Now you're going to live out your commitment to Phillip."

"No," she says, "I want that future with you." Shawn believes things will get better once they tell Phillip the truth. I think he already said that. Belle is afraid if she tells Phillip, they will lose their future. They don't know what might happen to Phillip. I think she already said that. "If Phillip dies in combat I will always feel like it was our fault. How could we live with that guilt? We would lose Phillip and our future."

Shawn says Belle has a good heart, "It was Phillip's choice to join the service. Even if he only comes back to kick my butt, he'll be back." He kisses her, once for the road to hold him over. He promises it will be OK. Belle leaves to go see Mimi. She walks into the apartment. SSCCRREEAAMM!!

Marlena tells JR he isn't going to lose her, "I'm always with you. Listen to your heart." His heart says, "Take the drugs." As he lays in the gutter he says, "Doocc... Mumble mumble mumble, stay with me. Ugh, not real." He struggles and falls, "Doc I need you so bad. You are my strength. So much pain." He scoots up against a trash can. He takes out the syringe. A figure appears above him, "What the hell do you want?"

Lucas decides he will drive to the hotel. He will rub Kate's nose in Sami's innocence. Kate says, "Oh, by the way, don't mention to Sami that I hired the PI. She would hold it against me." Lucas says, "We are getting married in a few hours. I'm going to prove you are wrong about Sami." He heads out for trouble at the Jetway Inn. Kate dances around, "YESSSSSSS!"

Fade to the sleeping couple.


Brandon wakes up, "Samantha?"

Bo mumbles to Hope in bed, "Billie? I don't want to talk about her any more."

"No means NO," says Billie as she pushes her dance partner away.

"Give me the damn drugs," shouts JR. He pushes BB away. BB slugs him. Now he's in more pain. Days of Our Lives / Soap Opera / DOOL


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