Monday, February 07, 2005

Make Out and Destroy a Life

Nancy comes into Chloe’s room and tells her to keep positive thoughts about seeing Brady. Chloe says she can see through this. She wants to know what Dr. Weiss said. Nancy says he said the surgery was a complete success, it will just take time, “Call Brady and tell him now.”

The Doc tells Nicole this is a generous contribution. BB and Nicole explain why they are giving the money. The poor girl is going on 12 and facing a lifetime of pain. He will do everything he can to ensure a successful outcome. He shows them a picture of what Clara used to look like. She’s beautiful. Then he shows them a picture of what she looks like now. They wretch.

Ho and Dope, Billie and Patrick come to Jennifer’s house. She asks if everything is OK. Bo flashes his teeth. Billie broods. Jennifer says “I take it you didn’t find GA.”

“No says hope.” Bo tells her the whole thing was a DiMera trick. Jennifer asks if that means Tony is still alive. “No,” says Hope, “He set it up long ago.” Everybody stares.

Shawn and Belle are making out. He can’t believe she is in his arms again. He loves her. “It seems like it has been so long, too long,” says Shawn. He picks her up and twirls her around. “No, says Belle, we have to stop.”

Euglena peeks into Sami and Brandon’s room, “Come on Kate, we gotta get Lucas over here. Wait until her finds Sami in Bed with Lucas.”

“I’m afraid it’s Sami,” says Kate. “I don’t wanna hear it, got it?” Says Lucas.

Bo says Shawn is not answering his phone, he must be out. Hope thanks Jennifer for everything she has done. Jen tells Billie she’s sorry about GA. Billie says she isn’t giving up. Hope expresses her doubts. Billie says, “Would you stop being so negative.” Billie and Hope argue over the “facts.” Bo ‘splains to Jennifer what Tony did to them in Europe. Hope says Billie didn’t know GA was alive until she read it on a computer disk. “Damn you Hope,” says Billie.

Bo accuses Patrick of still working for DiMera.

Belle won’t let Shawn carry her up stairs. There is so much Shawn has to figure out. But one thing that is coming back to him is how strong his love is for her. She wants to be with him, but not while she is married to Phillip. She says they have a lot to work out. He hates the person he became. After the accident, he doesn’t know who he was. He can’t be the person he was without her in her life. Belle says “Being with me is not going to fix your problems, but what about Phillip?” Deep down she knows she loves Phillip bit shouldn’t have married him. It’s too late for them until Phillip comes back. Shawn thinks they have to tell Phillip right away, “I don’t know how much longer I can keep myself from wanting you.” They kiss.

“I’m not going to contact BB until I’m healed,” says Chloe. Nancy says “That may take awhile.” Chloe says “The doctor did tell you something, what is it?” Nancy says the post surgery scarring may take a long time to heal. Or never go away at all,” says Chloe, “If it's true, then I will never see Brady again.”

“Maybe you’re not a sure of BB’s love as you say you are,” says Nancy.

The doc says this is far from the worst case he has handled. Coincidentally, he has a patient who is far worse, would you like to meet her? He goes to get her and her mother. Nicole and BB have an uneasy moment.

Kate wants to see Lucas happy. She wants to see the marriage work. “You never wanted me to marry Sami, what happened,” asks Lucas. “You know what, you’re absolutely right,” says Kate.

Belle stops Shawn. Shawn says, “We have to tell Phillip and we have to tell him soon. He was there for you when you needed him and I wasn’t, but it’s not fair to let him go on thinking you love him. Who knows how long it will be before he comes home, it could be a year.”

“Or,” says Belle, “it could be never.” They stare.

“Patrick is not working for the DiMera’s,” says Jennifer, “I know you’re all stressed out from the trip but you should be thankful you got back in one piece.” Billie says, “e can’t give up.” Jennifer says, “What if she isn’t out there after all? What if some family has adopted her and loves her. What if she’s upstairs trying to sneak out of the house with Abby again? Can we just get along tonight?” Rodney King couldn’t have said it better.

Hope goes to check on Zack. Bo wants to get Hope home and spend some “quality time” with her.

Patrick tells Billie he understands what hope is saying, but he believes GA is alive and will help her find her.

Euglena paces. She flashes back to when she set up the room, “I did my part Kate now you do yours and get Lucas over here.” A bellman says, “Excuse me, a number of the guests have complained about a woman loitering in the hall. I guess that would be you. How can I help you ma’am?” Euglena fidgets.

Kate has never hidden how she feels about Sami, but she went out of her way to help her plan the wedding of her dreams, it’s important for Will to have a mother. Lucas says he’s marrying her because he loves her, not so Will can have a mother. That’s what Kate wanted with Bill Horton. She wanted him to be around to raise Lucas, but that didn’t work out. She thinks, “Some day, you’ll thank me for what I’ve done.”

“Heeeerrree she is,” says Doc Weiss, “Meet Clara. I thought her mother was here, but apparently she left.” TRICKED AGAIN BY THOSE CRAFTY WRITERS! Clara says, “Oh thank you thank you,” and hugs Nicole.

“Brady believes I’m dead. I didn’t expect him to live his life in mourning, but I just can’t let him know I’m alive until I’m the way he remembers me,” whines Chloe. Nancy wants to know why that is so important. “It just is,” says Chloe, “that’s all.” Well, there’s a convincing reason for you. “What if when you’re ready it’s too late, what if it costs you a future with BB? I don’t think BB is going to care about a little residual scar tissue. When these bandages come off, I want you to go to BB and tell him you’re alive and he’ll dump Nicole.” Chloe says, “I’d like to think so, but I wouldn’t be too sure of that.”

Patrick hugs Billie, Jennifer watches. She asks Billie if she will be in Salem awhile. Billie says yes until she gets another clue. Patrick says he can help her get leads on those computer disks she found from the DiMera’s. Bo yells, “He’ll find them, because he planted them.” Patrick says he is sick and tired of Bo’s accusations. He’s trying to help. Bo says they would have handled things just fine if Patrick and Hope hadn’t shown up. Hope asks if Bo is sorry she and Patrick came to Europe. “Yes, Hope,” says Bo, “you never should have come.”

Shawn caresses Belle’s wedding ring stained hand, “You’re really worried about Phillip, aren’t you.” Belle says “Yes, aren’t you, he’s going into combat, who knows what will happen.” Shawn says, “You’re not responsible for what happens over there.”

“I’m his wife,” says Belle, “I’m supposed to be here supporting him.”

“You’re still going to do that,” says Shawn. Belle asks, “How am I going to do that and break his heart?” Shawn asks, “You think it’s better to go on living a lie?” Belle rolls her eyes. Shawn asks, “Didn’t you learn that lesson last time?”

“Yes, Shawn, I lied about my mom’s alibi, but it was a mistake. But this is different. If I could have just told him face to face. Look at what happened to Lt. Paul.” Shawn says when he lands they can email Phillip and maybe the military will let him come home on emergency leave. Belle asks, “Oh, God, Shawn, do you honestly think the military will let Phillip come home to discuss a love triangle?” That was so stupid even Belle saw through it. Shawn says Phillip will sacrifice his love for her. Belle asks if that is what Shawn would do. Shawn says, “I would want you to be with the man you love more, so who do you love more?” Belle stares.

Euglena tells the bellman she’s meeting a friend for a drink, “but he must’ve forgotten.” The bellman asks who her friend is. “Brandon Walker, he’s right in this room.” She knocks on the door, “See, he’s not in. Maybe he’s in the shower. I’ll just wait here a little longer.” The bellman says, “We don’t like people loitering in the hall, why don’t you wait in the lobby.” Euglena says, “That’s a really good idea.” The bellman and Euglena walk to the lobby.

Kate tells Lucas she’s come to terms with having Sami as her daughter-in-law. She hired the PI to make sure Sami was sincere. Lucas says, “And the PI said Sami passed with flying colors, so what’s the matter.” Kate tears up. “What’s wrong,” asks Lucas. Kate says she called the PI to thank him, but he said he was going to continue to follow Sami tonight, “I’m afraid Sami isn’t home tonight.” Lucas stares.

Nancy asks Chloe if she thinks BB would stay with Nicole if he knew she was alive. “BB has feelings for her,” says Chloe. Nancy says Nicole would be history if BB knew Chloe were alive. BB doesn’t care what she looks like.

Nicole says it’s wonderful to meet Clara. Clara leaves. BB says he is curious about the other patient. “Yes,” says the doc, “That’s another interesting case. She was also very beautiful, and a singer.” Nicole stares.

Hope says she thought this was settled, but apparently she’s wrong, “You don’t want my help finding your daughter, that’s something for Billie and you to do – together.” She’s got Bo on the run again. Billie says what Bo meant was Hope shouldn’t have come if she wasn’t going to be supportive – and she wasn’t. Hope tells Billie to butt out. Bo says Hope wasn’t being unsupportive, she was just being…”

“Realistic,” interrupts Hope, “Because someone in this group had to be.” Zack comes in. Ho and Dope decide to go home with Zack. Bo turns to Patrick, “Nice going, lunkhead.” Patrick says, “Me? You started it.”

Nancy tells Chloe she knows why she’s avoiding BB, “You’re worried he might have fallen in love with Nicole and might not want you back.” Clara comes in to interrupt; she has news. “These nice people made an donation to pay for my surgery. I want to tell you all about them.”

The doc says this other patient actually had a calming effect on Clara. What a coincidence, BB actually knew someone just like that. Nicole pouts. The doc says this person sounds a lot like his patient, “Would you like to meet her?” BB says, “Yes, what’s her name?”

Billie breaks up the little tiff between Bo and Patrick. Bo says all he wants to do is go home and spend some time with his wife and son. Billie gives him a look. Patrick and Billie go to get something to eat. Zack comes in. Bo leaves to get Zack some milk. Hope apologizes for bringing so much tension into Jennifer’s house. Ho and Dope leave with Zack. Jennifer talks to Jack’s picture. She’s sorry for all the time they lost together.

Belle says she has always loved Shawn. They’re soul mates. Blah, blah blah. “We have to email Phillip now,” says Shawn. “And then what,” asks Belle. “He’ll drive his car off a cliff like Lt. Paul, or rush into combat without backup, get killed or crippled and you can blame yourself for the rest of the Daze of Our Lives,” says Shawn. Belle sits down at the computer. They make out as she destroys Phillip’s life.

Kate tells Lucas, “This is so painful I don’t think I can tell you, but for your own good I have to try.” FF on Kate with a red background and lightning!


Patrick tells Billie, “Tonight, you and I are going to have a little fun. About time, don’t you think?”

Bo yells at Hope, “He’s trying to come between the two of us and it’s working. This is more proof he’s on the DiMera payroll.”

Chloe says, “I don’t want BB to see me or know I’m alive until I’m back to the way I was.”

BB says, “That sounded like Chloe.” Exploding whiteout on Nicole.

The doc rolls the heavily bandaged patient out for BB and Nicole to meet. He unwraps the bandages. It’s Lt. Paul.Days of Our Lives / Soap Opera / DOOL


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