Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Cap'n Nasty Has a Big Problem

Clara talks to Chloe. The nice couple is paying for her surgery. Chloe is soooooo happy for her. Of course Clara forgets the people's names. But besides being nice the guy is totally cute.

The doc is grateful. Clara reminds Brady of someone. BB wants to meet the other patient, but due to privacy, the doc can't tell BB her name. We can walk in on her in the middle of the night, but he can't even tell BB her first name?

Jennifer paces. Jennifer looks at Jack's picture. Jennifer hugs Jacks picture. She'd give anything for him to be there right now.

Jack does the laundry on the ship. Cap'n Nasty has a big problem.

Bo knows he's not exactly Hope's favorite person at the moment. He has a nice fire going and he thought maybe they could curl up in front of it and have a late night snack. "Actually I was just about to fix something, I"m starved," says Hope. Bo is going to call Billie and check on her. Hope tells him, "fix your own damn sandwich." Smooth, Bo. Tell her exactly what she doesn't want to hear. That'll win her over.

TS and Abby are in the Cheatin' Heart. "Hey handsome," she says to some guy. The guy comes up, then he walks away. Abby sees Patrick and Billie walk in. Ooooooooo they're in trouble now.

"What is it? Is something wrong with Sami," asks Lucas. "As far as I know she's fine," says Kate, "The PI got suspicious when Sami left suddenly so he followed her." Lucas guarantees Kate Sami is in her apartment right now. "No, she's not," says Kate. Lucas calls Sami's apartment, but gets the machine. Lucas goes over to check on her. "I really hate to hurt you like this Lucas, but if I don't Sami will destroy your life," says Kate. With a mom like Kate, who needs an amateur like Sami to destroy your life?

"Take it easy," says Bo. He doesn't like the fact that Billie is with Lockhart. Hope asks if Bo is jealous. Bo says it's just that he doesn't trust Lockhart, "He's trying to come between the two of them and this is more proof he's on the DiMera payroll."

Abby is worried Patrick will see them and they'll get in trouble. TS asks Abby if Billie is interested in Patrick.

"Here's to finding your daughter," says Patrick. "From your lips to god's ears," says Billie. She guzzles the beer like a truck driver.

Eugenia, dressed in a maid's uniform, calls Kate. She checks in on the lovely couple. Still out, but Euglena is worried the drugs are wearing off. Lucas comes in and tells Kate Sami is gone. Lucas grabs the phone thinking it's Sami.

Julie comes to Jennifer's house. Julie is upset about the Mickey, Maggie, Bonnie lloovve triangle and Doug snores and she's been awake for Hours. Jennifer says BHPB just got back from Europe. But they didn't find the child. Julie can't help but think of what this is doing to Ho and Dope. Jennifer is disconnected. She was just alone and feeling sorry for herself.

Cap'n Nasty says Jack is in big trouble. His shirt is stiff as a board, "You put too much starch in it." Jack says, "Well, I really don't know how much of this starch to use. Usually I just spray it on when I'm ironing. Cap'n Nasty says, "You never told me you knew how to iron!"

Clara conveniently can't remember the people's names. Chloe works on her singing exercise for Clara.

Nicole asks why this woman is so remarkable. Doc Weiss says, "Even though she's negative about her own prognosis, she encourages other patients." In some places, they don't call that remarkable. They call it bipolar. The doc goes to see if she's awake. BB and Nicole hear the singing. "That sounded like Chloe," says BB.

Hope doesn't believe what she's hearing. Patrick isn't trying to come between them. She is the one with a right to be upset. She is furious with Bo. "Good, glad to hear it," says Bo, "If you weren't I'd really have something to be worried about."

Patrick gets a phone call. Billie slugs down her beer. He has to go outside to hear. Billie drinks. Billie sees the other guy. Billie poses. The guy brings her another beer. Mace is his name. Pickup's his game. Billie pounds down beer II.

Euglena fakes a foreign voice, "The flowers will be delivered as planned."

"It's the florist," says, Lucas. They always call at 1AM. "Sami wasn't home," he says, "I know what the PI found out. You don't have be be afraid to tell me. I can take it. I know Sami skipped town. She got cold feet."

"That's not it," says Kate.

"What is it," asks Lucas.

"Something much worse," says Kate.

"This is where I draw the line, says Jack, "No ironing. And I don't do portholes." Cap'n Nasty reminds Jack he can put him off the ship. Jack caves, "I can't get enough ironing." Cap'n Nasty leaves. "I'm coming home Jennifer," says Jack.

"Maybe you need more time alone," says Julie, "I'd love to watch Jack Junior for you." Jennifer says one of her few pleasures is being with Jack Junior, so she declines Julie's offer. "Is there anything I can do," asks Julie. "Not unless you can bring my husband back," whines Jennifer.

BB chases the singing. "It couldn't have been Chloe," says Nicole.

"It sounded like her," says BB.

"Don't do this to yourself," says Nicole, "A part of you will never completely be able to let go of her, but as long as I get the rest of you I can deal with it." Nancy see them kiss.

Doc Weiss is in Chloe's room. He says he told the couple a little bit about Chloe. They are interested in meeting her. Chloe doesn't see the point in them meeting them. MONEY, says the doc. They're loaded. They're big donors. Finally, a bit of reality comes into play. Nancy comes in and says she thinks Chloe should meet them. She really really thinks Chloe should meet them.

Hope says, "You're happy that I'm furious at you, because it's proof of how much I love you?"

"That's it," says Bo.

"And this is supposed to make me feel good?"

"Yeah, the madder you get the harder I have to work to make you forgive me. Can we start with the making up part?"

Mace and Billie dance. Mace gropes. The teens watch. TS is happy that Billie isn't with Patrick. "Patrick is not into you," says Abby.

The guy tells Patrick he wants the cash as soon as the kid is here. Patrick says he understands. The guy will be in touch.

The teens think Mace is coming on pretty strong. Billie looks uncomfortable as she dances and Mace crawls all over her.

"Just say it," says Lucas.

"The PI followed Sami to a hotel and she went into a man's room," says Kate. Lucas says the PI is wrong.

"But we saw for ourselves she's not home, Lucas."

Kate does a 180. She decides Lucas is right, "The PI must be mistaken. I'm going to call him and give him a piece of my mind."

Euglena answers. "This is Kate Brady. You were mistaken. This is ludicrous." Euglena asks if Lucas is buying it. She checks Back in Sami and Brandon's room, "Get his butt over here before they wake up."

"She what," asks Kate, "I don't believe that. We will need proof. Oh, OK. I'll take care of it." She tells Lucas the guy says he's not lying and we can go to the hotel now if we want proof because Sami's there with another man.

Jack sorts the laundry. He finds a radio. He gets the Salem weather report. You've got to be kidding me. That must be the 50,000 watt voice of Salem, WACKO. "I'm home Jennifer. I'll be home before you know it."

Jennifer talks to Jack's picture. She loves him, blah, blah, blah.

"Why are you so nervous," asks Nicole. BB feels like something big is going to happen. Doc Weiss comes in, "Good news the young lady wants to meet you. She's on her way here as we speak."

There is a knock at the door, "Here she is now." A nurse stands at the door. She says the patient has changed her mind. Nicole thinks she knows why the girl changed her mind, "She's probably self conscious especially with strangers." BB and Nicole will come back another time, and maybe they can meet the other patient then.

Chloe is furious, "If Clara hadn't remembered BB's name I would have walked right in there!"

Nancy asks, "Why can't you understand Brady loves you regardless of what you look like?"

Chloe says, "I don't want him to see me until I'm back to the way I was."

"What if you're throwing away the last chance to be with the man you love?"

Bo and hope smooch. "Isn't this making up fun," he asks. They express their undying love for each other. At least until the next time someone mentions Billie.

TS wants to know where Patrick is. She isn't leaving until he comes back. Abby says they are leaving now. They go out the back. The dance ends. Billie thanks Mace. She's leaving. She's actually here with someone. Patrick comes in, "Where have you been, I thought you ditched me?"

"Are you kidding me," says Patrick, "I think tonight you and I are going to have a little fun, Billie Reed." More beer for Billie.

"What hotel," asks Lucas.

"The Jetway Inn."

"Who's she with?"

"I'm so sorry, honey," says Kate, "she's with Brandon Walker."

"No. No, it can't be. You're lying," says Lucas. Kate cries. FF on Lucas.


Kate says to Lucas, "Maybe Brandon jealous of you and Sami, and maybe now he's going to put Sami's life in Jeopardy."

Belle asks, "If Phillip dies in combat, how could we live with that guilt, knowing our love killed Phillip?"

A heavily bearded, hooded JR is doing a drug deal in a dark alley, "I need some pain medication." The police come up, "FREEZE, both of you."Days of Our Lives / Soap Opera / DOOL


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