One Clueless Dude
Chloe and Phillip meet up with Melanie, Carly and Daniel at the hospital. If Victor and Vivian would join them we could just have the family reunion right there. Melanie gushes over Carly's performance as a surgeon. Chloe asks to go to Daniel's office so they can talk. Daniel says he'd rather go to the pub. Chloe gives him the "I'll cut you off and you'll be sleeping on the couch" look and walks away. Carly watches and asks Daniel if he still thinks her staying with them is a good idea.
Daniel contemplates the loneliness of the couch and follows Chloe.
Vivian sees Carly standing there, "Isn't it unusual... Carly Manning without a man around."
Melanie says, "Wow. The look Chloe gave Daniel could stop a clock."
"I think she was threatening to stop something else," says Phillip, "The problem is Carly." Melanie thinks it's more complicated than that.
Nathan comes into the Cheatin' Heart and sees Stephanie playing pool.
Roman finds Sami at the cop-shop. She runs through a litany of everything that's wrong with her life and beats herself up for it. The girl would have to improve to be a basket case.
EJ is with Stefano in the DiMera rumpus room. He caves and admits he took Sydney. Stefano says EJ will regret it. EJ doubts that. Stefano says now Samantha will get control of his kids. "Perhaps," says EJ, "But you're not taking the DVD to the authorities."
Stefano asks, "How are you going to stop me?"
EJ says, "By any means necessary, old man."
Kate and Will are at the Java Café discussing his moving in with her. she says she wants it to be his decision. Will is sure he doesn't want to live with his mom, but worries when she finds out he won't get to see Sydney any more.
Sami tells Roman Will is moving out and why, "He upset me and I let him have it." Roman wants to talk to Will. Sami says Will is also mad because EJ is still living at her place.
Roman's reaction is what we're all thinking, "Talk about idiotic."
"Now Rafe is furious at me too," says Sami.
"I can understand that with EJ living there," says Roman.
"It's not just that," says Sami, "It's because I lied so he would have an alibi."
"You lied to the police?" Roman works his jaw.
"Now you're mad at me, too," whines Sami.
Roman can't believe he's responsible for unleashing this wacko on the world. Daddy sits and lectures, "You do see what's at the root of all your problems, don't you?"
"Wah... blubber-blubber... snot... Yes... ME!"
"No," says Roman, "EJ."
EJ picks up a chess piece, "You make your move..." He tosses the piece for effect. That effect is known in some circles as overacting, "I respond."
Stefano sighs, "I suppose I could fold and just hand over Anna's confession. Or... I could defy you."
"Try," snorts EJ, "That DVD doesn't leave this room."
"You've got to know I have another copy," says Stefano, "I could just make a call."
"I won't let you."
Stefano asks, "You're going to watch me?"
"I won't have to if you're dead."
Carly says Vivian doesn't look well, "Are you sick? Nothing trivial I Hope." Vivian talks about Bo going to California and wonders if Carly doesn't feel she's in danger. Carly insists she feels safe.
"Lawrence felt safe until you plunged the knife into him," says Vivian. Daniel walks up and threatens to order a psychiatric evaluation for Vivian.
Madeline, Chad and Gabi are outside. Gabi defends Rafe to Madeline. Madeline asks Gabi not to blame Chad for anything the DA might say or do. She tells her about Chad challenging Charles' story. Chad steps up and says he agrees Rafe wouldn't mug his father, "He isn't a violent person, although he has been known to bore people to death."
Kate says she doesn't think Will will lose ties to his siblings. Will can't believe he's moving in with the DiMeras because EJ moved in with them.
Sami reminds Roman EJ got Sydney back, "He has talked me off the ledge again and again." Roman reminds her about Grace. Sami whines, "He's changed."
Roman says, "He's a DiMera. DiMeras don't change."
Stefano wonders if EJ is threatening to kill him. Yeppers. "What part of 'dead' confused you," asks EJ. He blows up and says he won't let Stefano take his child again.
Speaking of blowing up, we're back with Sami. She defends EJ. Roman asks about Rafe. "Rafe is the one who can't forgive me," says Sami, "not the other way around. EJ is the only person who accepts me as I am."
"You're wrong," says Roman, "I accept you as you are — nutty as a Stuckey's Pecan Log. And I think EJ has you right where he wants you."
Will tells Granny he thought things would settle down when Sydney came back, but he doesn't think they have, "It feels like something is really wrong."
Stephanie says she's on a date. She introduces Aaron, "He's a supply sales rep and we're celebrating his promotion. He has concert tickets for the big concert on Friday."
Nathan gives Aaron his nastiest look, "Stephanie won't be able to go. She has plans for Friday."
Phillip asks Melanie to cut Chloe some slack. "I don't have a problem with Chloe," says Melanie, "Chloe has a problem with Carly."
Daniel says he'll have grounds to commit Victor, too, if he marries Vivian, "I am not afraid of Victor Kiriakis." Carly encourages Daniel to go. He leaves and walks off with Chloe.
Vivian gushes, "Oh, Carly, you do have the men fawning all over you. Tonight the role of the knight in shining armor will be played by..."
Carly cuts her off, "You shut up! You shut up and listen to me!" Carly says she doesn't need Bo or Daniel to take care of her, "You are getting on my last nerve. I used a knife on Lawrence, but I prefer the syringe. Just a tiny little air bubble and people will think Vivian stroked out. But I want you to live so I can tell you stories about Lawrence. It's time for you to go. NOW!"
Nathan squeezes Aaron's arm, "How's that shoulder doing?"
"I have a call to make," says Aaron. He makes a nitro-fueled exit.
Stephanie asks, "Who do you think you are?"
Roman continues to work on Sami. Sami insists EJ has forgiven her. Roman says DiMeras never do that.
EJ continues to toy with Stefano and threaten him. Stefano thinks a man who could do what EJ did with Sydney should not have children. EJ growls, "You are no longer my father."
Daniel and Chloe are at the pub. He talks about Carly moving in. They bounce it back and forth until Chloe decides, "Whatever works best for you."
Melanie says she thought Carly was about to hit Vivian and compliments Carly on the surgery. Melanie says she wants a favor. She asks to rejoin the nursing program. Carly thinks that's great and practically tackles Melanie with a big hug. Vivian watches.
Kate and Will split as Gabi, Madeline and Chad walk in. Madeline continues to be over-the-top nice to Gabi. Will sees them and asks about Chad's dad. Chad fills him in. The kids go for coffee as Madeline sits. Kate sees her and stares.
Sami suggests Roman should team up with Brady to form the 'Everything in the world is EJ's fault club.'
"Not everything," says Roman, "There's also Stefano."
"I have to do what is right for my kids," says Sami, "And that means having a good, honest relationship with their father. Even if it drives you crazy."
"Speaking of those kids you care so much about," says Roman, "Where are they right now?"
"Mind your own business," says Sami. She walks off.
Chloe agrees Carly can move in. Daniel thinks she's still a little dubious about it. Daniel couldn't buy a clue if he owned Ft. Knox. Chloe says it's just not a good time with his recovery. Of course, Chloe isn't going to win any awards for communication, either. Daniel insists he's fine. He gets a call and has to go back to the hospital. He says he'll call and leaves. They do a smooch and go.
Oh his way out, Daniel runs into Father Matt. He says he's there to see Caroline, but found out she's not there. Instead, Father Matt sits with Chloe, "You need to finish your Pre-Cana sessions. We're running out of time. I'd hate to have to change your wedding date."
Phillip and Melanie are in Maggie's' kitchen. Tycoon Phil is on the phone discussing his need for a roving reporter.
Nathan 'splains what just happened, "Aaron has been in several times. He has excuses for this, and excuses for that, pains here and pains there, but what he really wants is more oxycodone."
Sami comes back to her place and finds brooding Will and sees him with suitcases. She says she overreacted. Will says he's not moving in with his dad. She wants to know what's with the suitcases and he tells her he's moving in with Kate.
Stefano says he doesn't know what's happened to EJ. He says he's always tried to do what is best for the family. EJ picks up a letter opener as Stefano rambles. "I have to do this," says Stefano.
"I have to stop you," says EJ.
Chloe tells Father Matt about the situation with Chloe. Father Matt can't believe Daniel wants her to move in, "He doesn't really get that he's asking a heck of a lot."
A bolt of lightning strikes Father Matt. The Lord booms, "You know how I feel about language like that. First it's 'heck' and the next thing you know you're saying things like 'gosh-darn.'"
"It is a lot," says Chloe, being very careful not to say 'heck.'
"You've really got one clueless dude there, Chloe," says Father Matt.
Chloe agrees, "I don't think he sees that Carly is a manipulative bitch."
Phillip suggests Melanie be the roving reporter for Titan TV, "The audience will fall in love with you like I did."
"You mean I have to have Internet sex with all of them," asks Melanie, "I can't do it."
"You mean because having Internet sex with all those people would be immoral and wrong?"
"Of course not," says Melanie, "Been there done that. It's because of the nursing program."
Stephanie says she didn't mean to jump down Nathan's throat. He reminds her he canceled their date at the last minute. Stephanie says he did that as nicely as he could though, "If you can't get over Melanie, you just can't. This time last year, I was about to marry Phillip. Neither of us thought we could move on but we did. We both fell for someone else."
Gabi thanks Madeline for supporting Rafe. She leaves. Madeline says, "That is a lovely woman."
"Dad thinks she's trash," says Chad. He says hello to Kate as she leaves, and notices Madeline zones out when she sees her. Chad asks about it, but she brushes it off.
Madeline says she wants Chad to stay away from Will, "You don't need any more dealings with the DiMeras." Kate watches from the doorway and huffs off.
Sami forbids Will to move into the DiMera mansion. "So," asks Will, "EJ can stay here but I can't stay there?"
Will's use of logic fries Sami's already taxed brain circuits, "EJ is here, but it's only temporary."
"Then I'll stay at the DiMera mansion temporarily," says Will.
"Over my dead body." Will steps over her dead body and leaves.
Stefano's henchman comes in and asks if there is a problem. Stefano sends him away, "Do we have a problem."
"Not for long." EJ flashes the deadly letter opener.
Father Matt says Chloe needs to have an honest talk with Daniel. "Tell me you will."
"I will."
Father Matt used to be a Marine drill sergeant, "I CAN'T HEAR YOU!"
"Yes father." Father Matt leaves.
Chloe pouts, "Yeah, right. An honest talk. What will I say... 'Carly... I hate her stupid guts.'"
Vivian watches and listens, "Welcome to the club."
Melanie thinks working at the hospital will help her get close to her dad... and Carly. Phillip just wants her to be happy. She thanks him for understanding.
Nathan consults the Guy Manual, "Tell her she's special. They like being special."
Nathan says, "I put on the brakes with you because I think you're special." He also says he has scored tickets for the big Menudo concert on Friday and asks her to go.
Stephanie repeats over and over again, "Sppeecciiaall... I'm sppeecciiaall..." She melts like hot butter and agrees to go to the concert. Nathan moves in for a big kiss. As he kisses her, he tucks the Guy Manual into his pocket and gives it a little pat. The Guy Manual — Works every time. Pick up a copy at your local bookstore.
EJ flashes the letter opener. Stefano gasps, "Elvis..." Elvis tosses the letter opener, sits, and emotes.
"No matter what happens I will always love you," says Stefano.
Sami busts in, "What the hell do you think you are doing?" EJ walks over to the window and stares out.
Meanwhile, the maid comes in with a cleaning crew to pick up all the debris EJ has thrown around the room during this episode.
Daniel contemplates the loneliness of the couch and follows Chloe.
Vivian sees Carly standing there, "Isn't it unusual... Carly Manning without a man around."
Melanie says, "Wow. The look Chloe gave Daniel could stop a clock."
"I think she was threatening to stop something else," says Phillip, "The problem is Carly." Melanie thinks it's more complicated than that.
Nathan comes into the Cheatin' Heart and sees Stephanie playing pool.
Roman finds Sami at the cop-shop. She runs through a litany of everything that's wrong with her life and beats herself up for it. The girl would have to improve to be a basket case.
EJ is with Stefano in the DiMera rumpus room. He caves and admits he took Sydney. Stefano says EJ will regret it. EJ doubts that. Stefano says now Samantha will get control of his kids. "Perhaps," says EJ, "But you're not taking the DVD to the authorities."
Stefano asks, "How are you going to stop me?"
EJ says, "By any means necessary, old man."
Kate and Will are at the Java Café discussing his moving in with her. she says she wants it to be his decision. Will is sure he doesn't want to live with his mom, but worries when she finds out he won't get to see Sydney any more.
Sami tells Roman Will is moving out and why, "He upset me and I let him have it." Roman wants to talk to Will. Sami says Will is also mad because EJ is still living at her place.
Roman's reaction is what we're all thinking, "Talk about idiotic."
"Now Rafe is furious at me too," says Sami.
"I can understand that with EJ living there," says Roman.
"It's not just that," says Sami, "It's because I lied so he would have an alibi."
"You lied to the police?" Roman works his jaw.
"Now you're mad at me, too," whines Sami.
Roman can't believe he's responsible for unleashing this wacko on the world. Daddy sits and lectures, "You do see what's at the root of all your problems, don't you?"
"Wah... blubber-blubber... snot... Yes... ME!"
"No," says Roman, "EJ."
EJ picks up a chess piece, "You make your move..." He tosses the piece for effect. That effect is known in some circles as overacting, "I respond."
Stefano sighs, "I suppose I could fold and just hand over Anna's confession. Or... I could defy you."
"Try," snorts EJ, "That DVD doesn't leave this room."
"You've got to know I have another copy," says Stefano, "I could just make a call."
"I won't let you."
Stefano asks, "You're going to watch me?"
"I won't have to if you're dead."
Carly says Vivian doesn't look well, "Are you sick? Nothing trivial I Hope." Vivian talks about Bo going to California and wonders if Carly doesn't feel she's in danger. Carly insists she feels safe.
"Lawrence felt safe until you plunged the knife into him," says Vivian. Daniel walks up and threatens to order a psychiatric evaluation for Vivian.
Madeline, Chad and Gabi are outside. Gabi defends Rafe to Madeline. Madeline asks Gabi not to blame Chad for anything the DA might say or do. She tells her about Chad challenging Charles' story. Chad steps up and says he agrees Rafe wouldn't mug his father, "He isn't a violent person, although he has been known to bore people to death."
Kate says she doesn't think Will will lose ties to his siblings. Will can't believe he's moving in with the DiMeras because EJ moved in with them.
Sami reminds Roman EJ got Sydney back, "He has talked me off the ledge again and again." Roman reminds her about Grace. Sami whines, "He's changed."
Roman says, "He's a DiMera. DiMeras don't change."
Stefano wonders if EJ is threatening to kill him. Yeppers. "What part of 'dead' confused you," asks EJ. He blows up and says he won't let Stefano take his child again.
Speaking of blowing up, we're back with Sami. She defends EJ. Roman asks about Rafe. "Rafe is the one who can't forgive me," says Sami, "not the other way around. EJ is the only person who accepts me as I am."
"You're wrong," says Roman, "I accept you as you are — nutty as a Stuckey's Pecan Log. And I think EJ has you right where he wants you."
Will tells Granny he thought things would settle down when Sydney came back, but he doesn't think they have, "It feels like something is really wrong."
Stephanie says she's on a date. She introduces Aaron, "He's a supply sales rep and we're celebrating his promotion. He has concert tickets for the big concert on Friday."
Nathan gives Aaron his nastiest look, "Stephanie won't be able to go. She has plans for Friday."
Phillip asks Melanie to cut Chloe some slack. "I don't have a problem with Chloe," says Melanie, "Chloe has a problem with Carly."
Daniel says he'll have grounds to commit Victor, too, if he marries Vivian, "I am not afraid of Victor Kiriakis." Carly encourages Daniel to go. He leaves and walks off with Chloe.
Vivian gushes, "Oh, Carly, you do have the men fawning all over you. Tonight the role of the knight in shining armor will be played by..."
Carly cuts her off, "You shut up! You shut up and listen to me!" Carly says she doesn't need Bo or Daniel to take care of her, "You are getting on my last nerve. I used a knife on Lawrence, but I prefer the syringe. Just a tiny little air bubble and people will think Vivian stroked out. But I want you to live so I can tell you stories about Lawrence. It's time for you to go. NOW!"
Nathan squeezes Aaron's arm, "How's that shoulder doing?"
"I have a call to make," says Aaron. He makes a nitro-fueled exit.
Stephanie asks, "Who do you think you are?"
Roman continues to work on Sami. Sami insists EJ has forgiven her. Roman says DiMeras never do that.
EJ continues to toy with Stefano and threaten him. Stefano thinks a man who could do what EJ did with Sydney should not have children. EJ growls, "You are no longer my father."
Daniel and Chloe are at the pub. He talks about Carly moving in. They bounce it back and forth until Chloe decides, "Whatever works best for you."
Melanie says she thought Carly was about to hit Vivian and compliments Carly on the surgery. Melanie says she wants a favor. She asks to rejoin the nursing program. Carly thinks that's great and practically tackles Melanie with a big hug. Vivian watches.
Kate and Will split as Gabi, Madeline and Chad walk in. Madeline continues to be over-the-top nice to Gabi. Will sees them and asks about Chad's dad. Chad fills him in. The kids go for coffee as Madeline sits. Kate sees her and stares.
Sami suggests Roman should team up with Brady to form the 'Everything in the world is EJ's fault club.'
"Not everything," says Roman, "There's also Stefano."
"I have to do what is right for my kids," says Sami, "And that means having a good, honest relationship with their father. Even if it drives you crazy."
"Speaking of those kids you care so much about," says Roman, "Where are they right now?"
"Mind your own business," says Sami. She walks off.
Chloe agrees Carly can move in. Daniel thinks she's still a little dubious about it. Daniel couldn't buy a clue if he owned Ft. Knox. Chloe says it's just not a good time with his recovery. Of course, Chloe isn't going to win any awards for communication, either. Daniel insists he's fine. He gets a call and has to go back to the hospital. He says he'll call and leaves. They do a smooch and go.
Oh his way out, Daniel runs into Father Matt. He says he's there to see Caroline, but found out she's not there. Instead, Father Matt sits with Chloe, "You need to finish your Pre-Cana sessions. We're running out of time. I'd hate to have to change your wedding date."
Phillip and Melanie are in Maggie's' kitchen. Tycoon Phil is on the phone discussing his need for a roving reporter.
Nathan 'splains what just happened, "Aaron has been in several times. He has excuses for this, and excuses for that, pains here and pains there, but what he really wants is more oxycodone."
Sami comes back to her place and finds brooding Will and sees him with suitcases. She says she overreacted. Will says he's not moving in with his dad. She wants to know what's with the suitcases and he tells her he's moving in with Kate.
Stefano says he doesn't know what's happened to EJ. He says he's always tried to do what is best for the family. EJ picks up a letter opener as Stefano rambles. "I have to do this," says Stefano.
"I have to stop you," says EJ.
Chloe tells Father Matt about the situation with Chloe. Father Matt can't believe Daniel wants her to move in, "He doesn't really get that he's asking a heck of a lot."
A bolt of lightning strikes Father Matt. The Lord booms, "You know how I feel about language like that. First it's 'heck' and the next thing you know you're saying things like 'gosh-darn.'"
"It is a lot," says Chloe, being very careful not to say 'heck.'
"You've really got one clueless dude there, Chloe," says Father Matt.
Chloe agrees, "I don't think he sees that Carly is a manipulative bitch."
Phillip suggests Melanie be the roving reporter for Titan TV, "The audience will fall in love with you like I did."
"You mean I have to have Internet sex with all of them," asks Melanie, "I can't do it."
"You mean because having Internet sex with all those people would be immoral and wrong?"
"Of course not," says Melanie, "Been there done that. It's because of the nursing program."
Stephanie says she didn't mean to jump down Nathan's throat. He reminds her he canceled their date at the last minute. Stephanie says he did that as nicely as he could though, "If you can't get over Melanie, you just can't. This time last year, I was about to marry Phillip. Neither of us thought we could move on but we did. We both fell for someone else."
Gabi thanks Madeline for supporting Rafe. She leaves. Madeline says, "That is a lovely woman."
"Dad thinks she's trash," says Chad. He says hello to Kate as she leaves, and notices Madeline zones out when she sees her. Chad asks about it, but she brushes it off.
Madeline says she wants Chad to stay away from Will, "You don't need any more dealings with the DiMeras." Kate watches from the doorway and huffs off.
Sami forbids Will to move into the DiMera mansion. "So," asks Will, "EJ can stay here but I can't stay there?"
Will's use of logic fries Sami's already taxed brain circuits, "EJ is here, but it's only temporary."
"Then I'll stay at the DiMera mansion temporarily," says Will.
"Over my dead body." Will steps over her dead body and leaves.
Stefano's henchman comes in and asks if there is a problem. Stefano sends him away, "Do we have a problem."
"Not for long." EJ flashes the deadly letter opener.
Father Matt says Chloe needs to have an honest talk with Daniel. "Tell me you will."
"I will."
Father Matt used to be a Marine drill sergeant, "I CAN'T HEAR YOU!"
"Yes father." Father Matt leaves.
Chloe pouts, "Yeah, right. An honest talk. What will I say... 'Carly... I hate her stupid guts.'"
Vivian watches and listens, "Welcome to the club."
Melanie thinks working at the hospital will help her get close to her dad... and Carly. Phillip just wants her to be happy. She thanks him for understanding.
Nathan consults the Guy Manual, "Tell her she's special. They like being special."
Nathan says, "I put on the brakes with you because I think you're special." He also says he has scored tickets for the big Menudo concert on Friday and asks her to go.
Stephanie repeats over and over again, "Sppeecciiaall... I'm sppeecciiaall..." She melts like hot butter and agrees to go to the concert. Nathan moves in for a big kiss. As he kisses her, he tucks the Guy Manual into his pocket and gives it a little pat. The Guy Manual — Works every time. Pick up a copy at your local bookstore.
EJ flashes the letter opener. Stefano gasps, "Elvis..." Elvis tosses the letter opener, sits, and emotes.
"No matter what happens I will always love you," says Stefano.
Sami busts in, "What the hell do you think you are doing?" EJ walks over to the window and stares out.
Meanwhile, the maid comes in with a cleaning crew to pick up all the debris EJ has thrown around the room during this episode.
NOTE – you can now follow Prevuze on twitter at: Prevuze II has a video of the daily show previews, which should be available by noon (EST) on any given day. To see Prevuze II: CLICK HERE |
What the... Sami suggests Roman should team up with Brady to form the 'Everything in the world is EJ's fault club.' Since when is Roman (and don't get me started on Will) back to hating EJ again? Love how everyone is his buddy and pal and now they are tossing him under the bus. In Roman's little story about Grace, how about Sami LIED to EJ??? But somehow that's okay?? She needs to be concerned he hasn't forgiven her - shouldn't Roman be concerned his daughter lies all the time when it suits her? AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!
A HUGE plus - no Rafe this episode.
Another HUGE plus? EJ and Stefano. I can't wait to see this little Mexican standoff.
Vivienne - love her. As far as I am concerned not much else worth watching on the show.
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Berg, it's obvious that everyone just sporadically hates the DiMeras.
"The problem is Carly."
Of course, who the hell does she think she is!? Doing her job, alongside her peers. What a bitch.
"You are getting on my last nerve. I used a knife on Lawrence, but I prefer the syringe.
Finally! Forget all that silly Hippocratic Oath and go for it!
"Where are they right now?"
"Mind your own business," says Sami. She walks off.
He says he's always tried to do what is best for the family. EJ picks up a letter opener as Stefano rambles.
Stefano raised his kids to go for the jugular and EJ just happened to misunderstood the phrase and took it literally...
~And again I'm sick of Chloe. Her passive aggressive attitude, jealousy, and feelings of inferiority towards Carly is so ridiculous. Learn a trade, and get a damn job to occupy your time!
~Oh Will, your logic is so brilliant! Tit for tat is a wonderful counter argument!
~I am somewhat interested in the Chad's family-Dimera stuff. Hope they don't screw it up.
~What a strange fetish, anon.
Anon, I think you're talking about possible programming on another're just a little warped there...
On another note, I'm glad Sami's defending EJ against the 'Everything in the world is EJ's fault club. EJ's her baby'z daddy 'n all, and I like that she's taking his side against all the nay-sayers!
Can Nathan be any more wishy-washy? One day he makes a date with Stef, next day he cancels, next day he makes____________, and on and on....... I'm eternally grateful for the FF button on my remote. It's hastily pressed as soon as Nathan & Steph are on.
Carly watches and asks Daniel if he still thinks her staying with them is a good idea.
The fallacy is that Carly staying with Daniel and Chloe was never a good idea.
"Perhaps," says EJ, "But you're not taking the DVD to the authorities."
Stefano asks, "How are you going to stop me?"
EJ says, "By any means necessary, old man."
I can’t believe Stefano would even attempt to blackmail EJ. There are enough skeletons in Stefano’s closet to fill a giant sized cemetery. All EJ has to do is start plucking them out and handing them over to the SPD. He could start by telling Roman what he knows about his step-mother’s poisoned brownification of Chloe.
Will is sure he doesn't want to live with his mom, but worries when she finds out he won't get to see Sydney any more.
What?! A 16-year old boy is lamenting the fact that he won’t be changing diapers or getting stuck with babysitting duty?!! As if!!! Besides, he has two other siblings – Allie and Johnny. What about them?
"You lied to the police?" Roman works his jaw.
Oh – give me a break! Sami undoubtedly lies to the priest in the confessional. This should not be earth shattering news to Roman.
"You do see what's at the root of all your problems, don't you?"
"Wah... blubber-blubber... snot... Yes... ME!"
"No," says Roman, "EJ."
Oh – give me a break part deux! Sami has serious emotional problems including major abandonment issues. Could it have anything to do with her childhood and parents? You think? Roman needs to put on his big boy pants and take responsibility for a fair amount of Sami’s psychological problems.
Daniel walks up and threatens to order a psychiatric evaluation for Vivian.
Great!!! It’s time for a little group therapy. Let’s round up Sami, Roman, EJ, Stefano, Rafe, Chloe, Carly, Bo, Hope, Melanie, Phillip, Stefanie, Nathan, Kate, Will, Gabi, Arianna, Brady, Victor, Mia, and Chad. Did I miss anybody?
Stefano thinks a man who could do what EJ did with Sydney should not have children.
Stefano is dipping into the same sack of self-righteous pills that Rafe uses. Even though he knew that EJ was not the baby’s father, Stefano allowed his son to grieve for Grace. I believe that makes Stefano a hypocrite. What kind of super duper father would do that to his son?
Stefanie and Nathan – bleh!!!
By the way, Anonymous, I strongly suggest you pitch your storyline ideas were they belong – right into the garbage can. That way you can save the blog administrator the trouble of deleting your posts.
Someone needs to dial back on the bong. I guess I'll have to monitor the comments again.
For the group therapy you miss Nicole !
Allie and Johnny. What about them?
That's a great question. Sources tell me during this episode they were over at their babysitter's eating leaded paint chips off the walls and playing with the pool of mercury they found when they broke her old outdoor thermometer.
Bulldog - loved your picture. That stuff obscures my screen all too often this time of year.
Stephanie says she's on a date. She introduces Aaron.
Stephanie with another guy. You go girl! And don’t you dare let that wishy-washy wimp talk you into going back………dang, too late. After an all too brief absence, Steponmie has reappeared.
[Note to self, read prior comments before composing your own comments so you don’t repeat phrases other folks use, like “wishy-washy” which I swear I had written before reading Betyar’s post. But, I’m too tired to come up with another adjective for the spineless, inconsistently consistent wuss.]
Stefano thinks a man who could do what EJ did with Sydney should not have children.
Wow! Was that the mother of all just-who-is-the-pot-calling-the-kettle-black moments or what?!
"Speaking of those kids you care so much about," says Roman, "Where are they right now?" "Mind your own business," says Sami. She walks off.
I loved Bulldog's tweet to Prevuze yesterday in response to a similar question. It was something like, "Maybe she's dumped them with Alice and that's what does her in." LOL
Phillip suggests Melanie be the roving reporter for Titan TV.
OMG, can you imagine the hard-hitting news you’d get out of that girl? And, since when has there been a Titan TV? I know Kate/EJ ran the local TV network until the unfortunate incident with the IRS, but Titan?
Leslie, loved your poisoned brownification and had EXACTLY the same thought about Will’s un-teenager-like connection to Sydney. I have been cutting him some slack since she was missing for so long.
It’s time for a little group therapy… Did I miss anybody? How about the writers, Leslie? Or the audience for watching? LOL
Glad I got to the party earlier today. This should give me the energy to make it through. BTW, my word verification: disaval. DOOL management must force their writers to disaval any creativity they may have had before they can start writing for the show.
Here's my newest guess...the strange looks between Kate and Madeline mean they used to "work" together for Stefano. Thus the inevitable, Stefano will turn out to be Chad's father. Please refer to the recycled Sami-hiding-the-pregnancy-from-EJ scripts on this one.
Betyar - I'm with you on the Nathanie scenes. Actually, any time Steponme is on-screen I have to zap whether she's with Alan, Phillip, Nathan, Max or a water heater.
You do see what's at the root of all your problems, don't you?" Yes, Pard. Her parents never taught her that being a habitual liar isn't a good thing.
LOL over the maids coming in to pick up the mess EJ's flung all over the place and the Chloedan picture.
Great Prevuze today! Thanks. :D
Wow wish I new what anon said sounds way more interestin than the show. Come on give us a little hint. PLLLEEEASSSSE?
Leslie, you out did yourself with today's post especially the brownification of Chloe Gave me chuckles.
Klaus it's amazing how quick everyone is to throw EJ under the bus and this is BEFORE they all knoow he was behind the kidnapping. I have a feeling he will have no one left on his side but Sami and then the truth shall come out. Barf.
Why can't the writers just let Sami be Sami? Cloned Sami is such a bore. I would even take Stan Sami.
And Stefano...I mean EJ has a ton of crap on his dad he could use. Yet Stefano finds it unforgivable for EJ to have kidnapped his own daughter, while Stefano watched his son grieve over a dead child he didn't know was his until it was too late? Pot Kettle that's all I'm sayin.
I always miss the anon quote that get erased.
It’s time for a little group therapy… Did I miss anybody? How about the writers, Leslie? Or the audience for watching? LOL
Or some idiot who gets up every morning and types this recrap.
Chloe and Rafe really should hook-up. They'd be perfect. They both have one expression in their repertoire.
Why is everyone hating on EJ again? They'd pretty much forgotten he existed.
Roman lecturing Sami about lying to the police? How many lies or lies of omission did he use to keep Marlena's butt out of jail?
Until EJ causes one son's death (Benji) chains one to the walls of the basement or throws them on a deserted island for TWENTY YEARS he really can't say a word to EJ, especially after he allowed EJ to mourn a daughter that wasn't his.
My word verification is 'andre'. How appropriate cuz I have a feeling DAYs is recycling that storyline with Rafe with much less success.
From the Prevuze II blog:
Nicole to Chloe: "You need to face this head on and fight back."
Head On! Apply directly to the forehead!
Any time I read "Samanther" I crack up. Excellent recap -- er, recrap -- and pictures today!
"You do see what's at the root of all your problems, don't you?"
"Wah... blubber-blubber... snot... Yes... ME!"
"No," says Roman, "EJ."
Sami's father spoils yet another could-have-been-life-changing epiphany. How will she ever improve her life if she can't take responsibility for her problems? Roman has always thrown blame where it doesn't belong, but that's usually because he's a member of the Salem PD and that's what Salem cops do, but you'd think maybe he'd layoff for the good of his kid.
Stefano thinks a man who could do what EJ did with Sydney should not have children.
If Stefano weren't so much fun, I would choke on his hypocrisy. Stefano's shenanigans has gotten half his children killed and he's staged more than a few deaths and disappearances. You go with your hilarious righteous hate, Stef!
Bulldog saidL Here's my newest guess...the strange looks between Kate and Madeline mean they used to "work" together for Stefano. Thus the inevitable, Stefano will turn out to be Chad's father. Please refer to the recycled Sami-hiding-the-pregnancy-from-EJ scripts on this one.
OMG, you are so totally right! I was wondering why Chad's hair has been getting progressively darker and pouffier. Was distracted by the attempts to "coolify" Will (as if!) by making him tougher and moving him in with the DiMera's but Chad is definitely where it's at. Chad is like Junior Junior. Trip.
Wow wish I new what anon said sounds way more interestin than the show. Come on give us a little hint. PLLLEEEASSSSE?
Let's just say it was another 'speed0' rant without using the now-banned word 'speed0.'
I too agree with Bulldog's theory of Stehpano being Chad's dad - that is why the loving D.A. is always riding Chad for never being good enough.
I'd rather see Ej be Chad's daddy.
Hmm, I guess Ej inherited Stefano's sure shotedness (new word!) have sex get a woman pregnant.
This was a HUGE episode. The moments between Stefano and EJ were intense. How is EJ going to manage Sami and Stefano? Watch our video recap
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