A Cold-Blooded Son Of A Gun
Carly is at the hospital on the phone with Daniel. They argue about whether she should live with them while Bo is away, "Daniel, you're thinking like a boy. I'll tell you how to think like a girl. If I came to live with you, Chloe would be upset." Imagine the dozens of psychology books she had to pour through to come up with that one.
Daniel says he'll talk to Chloe about it as Chloe walks into the room, "Talk to me about what?"
Chad and Gabi are at the pub. They argue over whether or not Rafe put DA Woods in the hospital.
Sami rushes into the cop-shop asking to see Rafe.
Rafe and Hope are in the interrogation room. Hope asks him about the attack on DA Woods. Rafe shouts, "I didn't attack that corrupt slimeball."
Hope suggests he should tone down the name calling since they are recording the session, "OK where were you last night?"
Stefano says he knows Elvis took Sydney. EJ asks, "How many people did you tell?"
They won't let Sami see Rafe. Abe comes up and tries to calm her down. Outside, an asteroid approaches the earth. Scientists furiously work to stop it, and they have a lot more chance of success than poor Abe.
Sami blows her stack. If she were that asteroid, humanity would now be annihilated, "Rafe would never attack a weasel like Woods."
Rafe tells Hope he was alone last night.
Stefano can't believe that is all EJ has to say to him, "I tell you I know you kidnapped my granddaughter and all you are worried about is whom I've told." EJ remains aloof about the whole thing. "You are a cold blooded son of a gun," says the gun.
"What do you want," says EJ, "Would you like me to rend my garments?"
The entire audience screams in unison, "YES!"
EJ reminds Stefano he wasn't remorseful when he confronted him about hiding Sydney's identity. Stefano claims the situation is different, "You led me to believe she was dead."
EJ makes a face, "Well she's not. So how many people did you tell?"
"All you care about is if you get away with it," says Stefano. EJ speculates Stefano has told no one. Stefano threatens to tell, "I could hang you without lifting a finger."
EJ insists Stefano won't tell anyone, "Because it would make you look like a complete idiot."
"After all," says Stefano, "I am your father. It wouldn't be unusual for me to bear some resemblance to you."
A knock interrupts Daniel and Chloe. She answers and we find Phillip and Melanie. Apparently, Chloe invited them for brunch. Daniel thanks Chloe and smooches her.
Carly is still on the phone arguing — Only this time with Bo. Blah. She hangs up to find the town gossip. True to form, Maggie butts right in.
Sami defends Rafe. Abe says he's on her side but they have to PROVE Rafe didn't do it. Sami gets a call and leaves.
Hope grills. Rafe talks in monosyllables. He says last night he just took a walk.
EJ says if Stefano goes public people will not believe him. Stefano sees it another way. EJ threatens never to let Stefano see his grandkids again. Stefano insists he can make EJ pay.
Maggie says, "That didn't seem like a happy phone call."
"Actually," says Carly, "It didn't sound like a phone call that was any of your business." Maggie pries. Carly tells her about Kimberly's leukemia. Maggie says she sends her prayers to Bo. She asks about Carly's well-being while Bo is gone. Carly tells her Bo wants her to stay with Daniel.
The fearsome foursome eats dinner. Chloe has had it catered in from Chez Rouge, and then microwaved it to warm it up. They bust Chloe's chops about her cooking skills. Chloe plays along, "Next week I was thinking about opening the oven and looking in there." Phillip and Melanie clear the table — to do the dishes, that is. Daniel gets close and tells Chloe it means a lot for him to have Melanie there.
A cop gives Abe a file folder containing DA Woods' statement. Abe looks at it, "Rafe better have a rock solid alibi."
"I don't know about an alibi," says the cop, "but he sure has a rock-solid brain."
Rafe says he walked through the woods and no one saw him, "I went there to think."
"I'm surprised there is anyplace you can do that," says Hope, "But I think you're hiding something."
Sami comes back in and sees the file folder. She picks it up and reads.
EJ is skeptical that Stefano can make him pay. Stefano explodes, "You were deliberately cruel! You tortured the people that love Sydney!"
"No," says EJ, "It was what Anna. If you say one word to anyone I'll have to use it as proof of your dementia. I'll put you in a psychiatric hospital. You know, the kind where you sit in a corner in your wheelchair, watch DOOL, and dribble."
Daniel gets off the phone and says he has to get to the hospital, "One of my patients is being rushed into surgery." Chloe reminds him he's nearly blind. Daniel reminds her his mere presence can heal the sick, raise the dead, part the red sea and even perform the greatest miracle of all, improve DOOL ratings. He convinces her he has to go. Melanie asks to drive him and sit in on the surgery. That works for Daniel. Phillip too.
As he goes, Chloe asks what Daniel had to talk to her about. "It's complicated," says Daniel.
"That means it's about Carly."
Hope says she'll try to get confirmation on Rafe's whereabouts, "Maybe someone saw your car or something. Your 1986 Yugo is pretty distinctive." Rafe rants about the DA.
Sami reads the file. Abe catches her and grabs the folder. Sami claims she can prove Rafe is innocent.
EJ asks, "The FBI can't prove I took Sydney so how is it you think you can?"
"Because I am smarter than they are," says Stefano.
"With Rafe on the job, the giant oak in the Salem town square is smarter than they are," says EJ, "But they will think you are out of your mind. Or... I have 'Plan B' for you. Sign out, and you and Kate can go live in Florida and play shuffleboard."
Stefano fakes resignation, "I guess I don't have a choice." EJ is glad things are settled. Stefano asks, "But what if I have proof?"
Phillip plays tycoon on the phone. He hangs up. Chloe thinks he is tense. Phillip says Victor put him in charge of Titan TV and Cici the news anchor quit. He wonders if Chloe could do the job. "My on-air experience was a setup to get me murdered.," says Chloe.
"I'll put it in the contract," says Phillip, "No killing Chloe." She says her full time job is to be with Daniel.
Daniel and Carly are at the hospital discussing the impending surgery. They head into the operating room. Melanie follows.
Chad joins Madeline and Charles in his room. He says he's brought chili form the pub. Charles' phone rings. Abe tells him Rafe is still being questioned. The DA says he will send in a special prosecutor to make sure Rafe gets what he deserves. Abe thinks DA Woods is pulling strings after giving Bennie a get-out-of-jail-free card. "Don't push me," says the mayor, "Or I'll find a way to make you an ex-DA."
Charles hangs up, "He threatened me."
Madeline's voice drips with sarcasm, "One wonders why."
Chad asks if his dad is really sure it was Rafe that attacked him.
Sami claims Rafe was with her all evening. Hope is skeptical. Abe, too, "It's almost like she read Woods' statement." Hope says they'll let Rafe go just as soon as they corroborate Sami's story. Rafe comes out and Hope asks what he and Sami were doing last night.
Rafe finds himself in an all-too familiar situation, clueless, "We weren't together. We're on a break."
Stefano plays it cool. He gets on the computer fiddles around and brings up a video, "Heeeeeerrrreeee's Anna!"
Anna says, "I'm sorry EJ, but your father is very persuasive. To whom it may concern..." She tells how it all happened, including the fact that EJ made her wear boots that would implicate Kate.
Stefano cuts it off, "I can now nail you to the wall."
Back at the hospital, the surgical team has assembled in the Operating room. Daniel coaches Carly. Carly sweats, "The small intestine isn't where it's supposed to be."
"I can see this is going to be the toughest vasectomy ever," says Daniel.
Carly finishes. Daniel congratulates, "Nicely done doctor. You did it."
"No," says Carly, "We did it."
Melanie chimes in, "You guys make a good team."
"Well," says Daddy Dan, "We put out a pretty good product."
If things get any more syrupy, DOOL will put Log Cabin out of business.
DA Woods lectures Chad about his choice in women, "You should think with your brain instead of your..."
Maddie cuts him off, "If he thought with his brain instead of his... you know... he'd have to surrender his Guy Card." She escorts Chad out.
Sami claims Rafe is joking and insists they were together all evening. Rafe tells her not to lie and asks for a moment alone with her.
"You two need more than just a moment," says Hope. She turns to Rafe, "You need a lawyer." Hope leaves and Sami says she knows Rafe didn't attack DA Woods.
EJ stammers. He claims the video is meaningless. Stefano insists Anna will back up everything in person, "I think I'm going to have a little chat with the mother of your child and her FBI boyfriend."
Maggie sits in her kitchen. Hope arrives. Hugs and tea ensue. Maggie was writing a card to Kimberly. Hope is clueless about her situation.
Chloe's alarm goes off. It's a reminder for her that it's time for Daniel's meds. Of course, Daniel left them in the apartment, so Phillip suggests they take them to Daniel and he can pick up Melanie.
Carly finds Melanie and Daniel in the waiting room. Melanie congratulates Daniel. He says Carly is the one who did it. Carly knows it was hard for Dr. Daniel to watch someone do his job.
Rafe says he wouldn't let Sami lie for him. That calls for another Samantharuption, "So now you're mad at me because I tried to help you? I love you."
"I love you," says Rafe, "But it's not enough."
Stefano says EJ can kiss Sydney and Giovanni goodbye, "So you really should be scared."
EJ is totally busted and knows it, "What do I have to do to stop you?"
"Something you haven't done in a long time," says Stefano, "Tell the truth."
Maggie says she knows Bo left messages for Hope before he went to LA. Hope can't believe she erased them. Neither can we. Hope asks if Bo called Maggie. Maggie says she ran into Carly and she told her about it, and that's how she found out, "You and Bo share a child. You can't just shut him out."
"I'm not," insists Hope, "It was... I don't know what it was. But I have to get along with him for Ciara's sake."
Carly and Melanie vow to help Daniel get better as Chloe and Phillip walk in. Chloe sees Carly sitting there and simmers.
Chad and his mom walk down by the dock. Chad is on a downer and says maybe he should go back to boarding school. Madeline tries to defend Charles, but Chad won't have it. Gabi runs into them. Chad makes the introductions. Maddie is cheerful in spite of the fact she is Rafe's sister, "I'm looking forward to getting to know you better."
Sami can't believe there is no Hope for them. Rafe doesn't want to believe it either, but says he knows people don't change, "This isn't about love. It's about all the other things."
"So that's it," asks Sami, "No Hope?"
"I don't see how we can get past it all," says Rafe.
EJ yells, "Fine! You're right! I kidnapped Sydney."
"And you will regret it," says Stefano, "I'll see to that."
Daniel says he'll talk to Chloe about it as Chloe walks into the room, "Talk to me about what?"
Chad and Gabi are at the pub. They argue over whether or not Rafe put DA Woods in the hospital.
Sami rushes into the cop-shop asking to see Rafe.
Rafe and Hope are in the interrogation room. Hope asks him about the attack on DA Woods. Rafe shouts, "I didn't attack that corrupt slimeball."
Hope suggests he should tone down the name calling since they are recording the session, "OK where were you last night?"
Stefano says he knows Elvis took Sydney. EJ asks, "How many people did you tell?"
They won't let Sami see Rafe. Abe comes up and tries to calm her down. Outside, an asteroid approaches the earth. Scientists furiously work to stop it, and they have a lot more chance of success than poor Abe.
Sami blows her stack. If she were that asteroid, humanity would now be annihilated, "Rafe would never attack a weasel like Woods."
Rafe tells Hope he was alone last night.
Stefano can't believe that is all EJ has to say to him, "I tell you I know you kidnapped my granddaughter and all you are worried about is whom I've told." EJ remains aloof about the whole thing. "You are a cold blooded son of a gun," says the gun.
"What do you want," says EJ, "Would you like me to rend my garments?"
The entire audience screams in unison, "YES!"
EJ reminds Stefano he wasn't remorseful when he confronted him about hiding Sydney's identity. Stefano claims the situation is different, "You led me to believe she was dead."
EJ makes a face, "Well she's not. So how many people did you tell?"
"All you care about is if you get away with it," says Stefano. EJ speculates Stefano has told no one. Stefano threatens to tell, "I could hang you without lifting a finger."
EJ insists Stefano won't tell anyone, "Because it would make you look like a complete idiot."
"After all," says Stefano, "I am your father. It wouldn't be unusual for me to bear some resemblance to you."
A knock interrupts Daniel and Chloe. She answers and we find Phillip and Melanie. Apparently, Chloe invited them for brunch. Daniel thanks Chloe and smooches her.
Carly is still on the phone arguing — Only this time with Bo. Blah. She hangs up to find the town gossip. True to form, Maggie butts right in.
Sami defends Rafe. Abe says he's on her side but they have to PROVE Rafe didn't do it. Sami gets a call and leaves.
Hope grills. Rafe talks in monosyllables. He says last night he just took a walk.
EJ says if Stefano goes public people will not believe him. Stefano sees it another way. EJ threatens never to let Stefano see his grandkids again. Stefano insists he can make EJ pay.
Maggie says, "That didn't seem like a happy phone call."
"Actually," says Carly, "It didn't sound like a phone call that was any of your business." Maggie pries. Carly tells her about Kimberly's leukemia. Maggie says she sends her prayers to Bo. She asks about Carly's well-being while Bo is gone. Carly tells her Bo wants her to stay with Daniel.
The fearsome foursome eats dinner. Chloe has had it catered in from Chez Rouge, and then microwaved it to warm it up. They bust Chloe's chops about her cooking skills. Chloe plays along, "Next week I was thinking about opening the oven and looking in there." Phillip and Melanie clear the table — to do the dishes, that is. Daniel gets close and tells Chloe it means a lot for him to have Melanie there.
A cop gives Abe a file folder containing DA Woods' statement. Abe looks at it, "Rafe better have a rock solid alibi."
"I don't know about an alibi," says the cop, "but he sure has a rock-solid brain."
Rafe says he walked through the woods and no one saw him, "I went there to think."
"I'm surprised there is anyplace you can do that," says Hope, "But I think you're hiding something."
Sami comes back in and sees the file folder. She picks it up and reads.
EJ is skeptical that Stefano can make him pay. Stefano explodes, "You were deliberately cruel! You tortured the people that love Sydney!"
"No," says EJ, "It was what Anna. If you say one word to anyone I'll have to use it as proof of your dementia. I'll put you in a psychiatric hospital. You know, the kind where you sit in a corner in your wheelchair, watch DOOL, and dribble."
Daniel gets off the phone and says he has to get to the hospital, "One of my patients is being rushed into surgery." Chloe reminds him he's nearly blind. Daniel reminds her his mere presence can heal the sick, raise the dead, part the red sea and even perform the greatest miracle of all, improve DOOL ratings. He convinces her he has to go. Melanie asks to drive him and sit in on the surgery. That works for Daniel. Phillip too.
As he goes, Chloe asks what Daniel had to talk to her about. "It's complicated," says Daniel.
"That means it's about Carly."
Hope says she'll try to get confirmation on Rafe's whereabouts, "Maybe someone saw your car or something. Your 1986 Yugo is pretty distinctive." Rafe rants about the DA.
Sami reads the file. Abe catches her and grabs the folder. Sami claims she can prove Rafe is innocent.
EJ asks, "The FBI can't prove I took Sydney so how is it you think you can?"
"Because I am smarter than they are," says Stefano.
"With Rafe on the job, the giant oak in the Salem town square is smarter than they are," says EJ, "But they will think you are out of your mind. Or... I have 'Plan B' for you. Sign out, and you and Kate can go live in Florida and play shuffleboard."
Stefano fakes resignation, "I guess I don't have a choice." EJ is glad things are settled. Stefano asks, "But what if I have proof?"
Phillip plays tycoon on the phone. He hangs up. Chloe thinks he is tense. Phillip says Victor put him in charge of Titan TV and Cici the news anchor quit. He wonders if Chloe could do the job. "My on-air experience was a setup to get me murdered.," says Chloe.
"I'll put it in the contract," says Phillip, "No killing Chloe." She says her full time job is to be with Daniel.
Daniel and Carly are at the hospital discussing the impending surgery. They head into the operating room. Melanie follows.
Chad joins Madeline and Charles in his room. He says he's brought chili form the pub. Charles' phone rings. Abe tells him Rafe is still being questioned. The DA says he will send in a special prosecutor to make sure Rafe gets what he deserves. Abe thinks DA Woods is pulling strings after giving Bennie a get-out-of-jail-free card. "Don't push me," says the mayor, "Or I'll find a way to make you an ex-DA."
Charles hangs up, "He threatened me."
Madeline's voice drips with sarcasm, "One wonders why."
Chad asks if his dad is really sure it was Rafe that attacked him.
Sami claims Rafe was with her all evening. Hope is skeptical. Abe, too, "It's almost like she read Woods' statement." Hope says they'll let Rafe go just as soon as they corroborate Sami's story. Rafe comes out and Hope asks what he and Sami were doing last night.
Rafe finds himself in an all-too familiar situation, clueless, "We weren't together. We're on a break."
Stefano plays it cool. He gets on the computer fiddles around and brings up a video, "Heeeeeerrrreeee's Anna!"
Anna says, "I'm sorry EJ, but your father is very persuasive. To whom it may concern..." She tells how it all happened, including the fact that EJ made her wear boots that would implicate Kate.
Stefano cuts it off, "I can now nail you to the wall."
Back at the hospital, the surgical team has assembled in the Operating room. Daniel coaches Carly. Carly sweats, "The small intestine isn't where it's supposed to be."
"I can see this is going to be the toughest vasectomy ever," says Daniel.
Carly finishes. Daniel congratulates, "Nicely done doctor. You did it."
"No," says Carly, "We did it."
Melanie chimes in, "You guys make a good team."
"Well," says Daddy Dan, "We put out a pretty good product."
If things get any more syrupy, DOOL will put Log Cabin out of business.
DA Woods lectures Chad about his choice in women, "You should think with your brain instead of your..."
Maddie cuts him off, "If he thought with his brain instead of his... you know... he'd have to surrender his Guy Card." She escorts Chad out.
Sami claims Rafe is joking and insists they were together all evening. Rafe tells her not to lie and asks for a moment alone with her.
"You two need more than just a moment," says Hope. She turns to Rafe, "You need a lawyer." Hope leaves and Sami says she knows Rafe didn't attack DA Woods.
EJ stammers. He claims the video is meaningless. Stefano insists Anna will back up everything in person, "I think I'm going to have a little chat with the mother of your child and her FBI boyfriend."
Maggie sits in her kitchen. Hope arrives. Hugs and tea ensue. Maggie was writing a card to Kimberly. Hope is clueless about her situation.
Chloe's alarm goes off. It's a reminder for her that it's time for Daniel's meds. Of course, Daniel left them in the apartment, so Phillip suggests they take them to Daniel and he can pick up Melanie.
Carly finds Melanie and Daniel in the waiting room. Melanie congratulates Daniel. He says Carly is the one who did it. Carly knows it was hard for Dr. Daniel to watch someone do his job.
Rafe says he wouldn't let Sami lie for him. That calls for another Samantharuption, "So now you're mad at me because I tried to help you? I love you."
"I love you," says Rafe, "But it's not enough."
Stefano says EJ can kiss Sydney and Giovanni goodbye, "So you really should be scared."
EJ is totally busted and knows it, "What do I have to do to stop you?"
"Something you haven't done in a long time," says Stefano, "Tell the truth."
Maggie says she knows Bo left messages for Hope before he went to LA. Hope can't believe she erased them. Neither can we. Hope asks if Bo called Maggie. Maggie says she ran into Carly and she told her about it, and that's how she found out, "You and Bo share a child. You can't just shut him out."
"I'm not," insists Hope, "It was... I don't know what it was. But I have to get along with him for Ciara's sake."
Carly and Melanie vow to help Daniel get better as Chloe and Phillip walk in. Chloe sees Carly sitting there and simmers.
Chad and his mom walk down by the dock. Chad is on a downer and says maybe he should go back to boarding school. Madeline tries to defend Charles, but Chad won't have it. Gabi runs into them. Chad makes the introductions. Maddie is cheerful in spite of the fact she is Rafe's sister, "I'm looking forward to getting to know you better."
Sami can't believe there is no Hope for them. Rafe doesn't want to believe it either, but says he knows people don't change, "This isn't about love. It's about all the other things."
"So that's it," asks Sami, "No Hope?"
"I don't see how we can get past it all," says Rafe.
EJ yells, "Fine! You're right! I kidnapped Sydney."
"And you will regret it," says Stefano, "I'll see to that."
NOTE – you can now follow Prevuze on twitter at: http://twitter.com/prevuze Prevuze II has a video of the daily show previews, which should be available by noon (EST) on any given day. To see Prevuze II: CLICK HERE |
Shoot just when I thought we were on the road to some really good scenes, they screw it up. Who'd a thunk it? Guess it back to just reading prevuze again, Glad you can stomach it.Thanks prevuze
"What do you want," says EJ, "Would you like me to rend my garments?"
The entire audience screams in unison, "YES!" You couldn't be more right on that one.
Since when did Hope become such a crack pot ooops I mean crack police cop?
All I can say about the rest of the show today is filler and zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
“If I came to live with you, Chloe would be upset." Imagine the dozens of psychology books she had to pour through to come up with that one.
At least Carly read the books. Doofus Daniel must have slept through Psychology 101.
Rafe shouts, "I didn't attack that corrupt slimeball."
Hope suggests he should tone down the name calling since they are recording the session.
Doofus Rafe, a crack(pot) FBI agent, must have slept through Interrogating a Suspect 101. Geez!
"What do you want," says EJ, "Would you like me to rend my garments?"
The entire audience screams in unison, "YES!"
Prevuze, you read my mind.
“You know, the kind where you sit in a corner in your wheelchair, watch DOOL, and dribble."
Just reading the DOOL recap causes me to dribble.
Sami claims she can prove Rafe is innocent.
What’s she going to do? Pull a Monica Lewinsky and hand over a blue dress with DNA cooties all over it?
"Because I am smarter than they are," says Stefano.
"With Rafe on the job, the giant oak in the Salem town square is smarter than they are," says EJ.
So true, so true!!!
"The small intestine isn't where it's supposed to be."
"I can see this is going to be the toughest vasectomy ever," says Daniel.
"So now you're mad at me because I tried to help you? I love you."
"I love you," says Rafe, "But it's not enough."
Sami just tried to save Rafe’s worthless butt, and he throws the alibi back into her face. Even though she lied, you would think the Rafemeister would show her a smidgeon of gratitude for trying to help but nooooooooooooooo - not self-righteous pompous Rafe. He would prefer to continue to undermine what little self-respect Sami has left but it’s OK because, gosh darn, Rafe still loves her. Such angst, such drama, such love, such bull manure – grrrrrrr!!
Bulldog – thanks for the Lucas update! Prevuze your editorial comment on Bo’s fashion statement is spot on!!! Happy hump day everyone!!!
I don't understand what is Rafe's problem ?! Sami loves him, she tries to defend him, she wants him to live with her and her children, Will likes him, Sydney is back so what things "they can't let get pass" ? What is "not enough" ? I mean i don't like this couple so i am totally ok if they are over but i don't see viable problems in the relationship (ok except the obvious : boring, Sami weak personality, Rafe judgmental and self-righteous personality but that is me... wink wink)
Yes totally filler episode.
Love Ej/Stefano scenes but here it is just filler, no movements and Steffi is a total hypocritical (dude you let your son believe her daughter was dead for months and months and months, you let him see her corpse and bury her whereas the Sydney dead trick lasted what ? One week or maybe two and in Dool days 2 days maybe ?! Come on Steffi it is not comparable).
The happy Carly/Daniel/Melanie family scenes : soo soo soo contrived. However the actors have some good dynamic but it seems still corny. And...poor Chloe.
I am glad to see Jessica Tuck, she is a good actress, hope she will have a good storyline tied to core characters.
I'm glad I'm not the patient being operated on by a doctor being given oral instructions by a surgeon who can't see. These are the only surgeons in Salem?!!??!
And letting Melanie, a former nusring student (who isn't even one any more) in there with them to observe and contaminate? Maybe Justin can get some business with the upcoming malpractice lawsuit.
Chloe says her full time job is to be with Daniel. Because God forbid she should go out and get a job. Lucky Daniel.
LOL over I'll put you in a psychiatric hospital. You know, the kind where you sit in a corner in your wheelchair, watch DOOL, and dribble." and Bo's chic earring.
I'm looking forward to Stefano's scenes. I'm glad he's got EJ over a barrel at the moment.
Thanks, Prevuze, and happy hump day everyone!
When EJ said "Would you like me to rend my garments?"
I screamed YES!!!!! And undergarments too!!!
Glad to know Lucas is up to his old tricks and practical jokes, only this time he's sparing his countrymen the diversion!(I'm assuming of course,
that Salem is located in US territory).
Bulldog, at least taking care of Daniel is better than her lost job which was living off Brady's alimony.
Leslie and anonymous I don't understand what in the world Rafe's looking for in a woman and someone needs to remind him that the last perfect person was crucified.
Come to think of it, scratch that. I'll start building a cross.
Maggie Mae, I love you. You're the best.
"Daniel, you're thinking like a boy. I'll tell you how to think like a girl. If I came to live with you, Chloe would be upset."
If Carly wants to endear herself to Chloe I'm sure there is some sort of bacteria to infect her with.
~lol at the Rafe attack picture.
Rafe says he walked through the woods and no one saw him, "I went there to think."
That is, by far, the most stupid alibi I've ever heard of. This is the first time I've ever wanted to punch Rafe in the face.
Sami claims she can prove Rafe is innocent.
Totally not a suspicious claim right after you got caught reading classified data... that someone left on the desk...
She says her full time job is to be with Daniel.
God forbid you earn a living just in case Danny boy can't perform miracles anymore.
He claims the video is meaningless.
Isn't it meaningless? So he shows Sami. Why would she believe it? She knows Stefano and EJ are having a 'war' and that it's in his best interests to defame EJ. And then one has to wonder, why Anna would bother corroborating EJ when she was well out of harms way, unless of course she was forced. Which renders the corroboration pointless. This just isn't making any sense to me.
"I love you," says Rafe, "But it's not enough."
Wow, I would have thrown in the towel then and there.
"This isn't about love. It's about all the other things."
What other things? I'm just missing stuff all over the place.
~I'm actually enjoying the saccharine Melanie/Dan/Carly scenes and Chloe suffers so it's even better!
Leslie and anonymous I don't understand what in the world Rafe's looking for in a woman and someone needs to remind him that the last perfect person was crucified.
Come to think of it, scratch that. I'll start building a cross.
Lol. A++
Another fabulous Prevuze I couldn't get to until very late. Lucas's antics in China, Bo's earring, Samantharuptions and asteroid impacts, syrupy DOOL & Log Cabin Syrup....it was all LOL great.
I had the same thought as Bulldog. There aren't any other surgeons in town? Carly wasn't a surgeon to begin with and hasn't practiced medicine for decades, but SHE'S the only one who can step in for Dr. Dan?? PUH-LEEZE,
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