Wimbledumb trumped the DOOL feed today. What does it all mean?
Wimbledumb: THWACK! k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk
DOOL: "But we're just friends..."
Wimbledumb: SMACK! k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk
DOOL: "Stop! We can't do this!"
Wimbledumb: WHOMP! k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk
DOOL: "Do it for a) me b) yourself c) him d) her e) your family."
Wimbledumb: WHAM! k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk
DOOL: "I can't let him see me."
Wimbledumb: SPROING! k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk
DOOL: "Let it go for today."
Wimbledumb: SMACK! k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk
DOOL: "You need some time to yourself."
Wimbledumb: THUNK! k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk
DOOL: "I have to move on."
Wimbledumb: THWAP! k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk
DOOL: "Trust is important."
Wimbledumb: POW! k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk
DOOL: "The earth... a) moved b) didn't move."
Wimbledumb: SMASH! k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk
DOOL: "Why didn't you tell him the truth?"
Wimbledumb: PING! k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk
DOOL: "We should do something."
Wimbledumb: BANG! k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk
DOOL: "Don't push her away."
Wimbledumb: KAPOW! k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk
DOOL: "I may have crossed the line."
Wimbledumb: FONK! k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk
DOOL: "He doesn't want to let her go."
Wimbledumb: POOF! k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk
DOOL: "I want to make it up to you."
Wimbledumb: KLUNK! k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk
DOOL: "He's in over his head."
Wimbledumb: BASH! k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk
DOOL: "We need to talk."
Wimbledumb: WHACK! k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk
DOOL: Say it with her, "I'll be there for you."
Wimbledumb preempts DOOL: NBC continues its long-standing tradition of making the 1:00 PM EDT timeslot the most monotonous hour on television.
Wimbledumb: THWACK! k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk
DOOL: "But we're just friends..."
Wimbledumb: SMACK! k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk
DOOL: "Stop! We can't do this!"
Wimbledumb: WHOMP! k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk
DOOL: "Do it for a) me b) yourself c) him d) her e) your family."
Wimbledumb: WHAM! k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk
DOOL: "I can't let him see me."
Wimbledumb: SPROING! k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk
DOOL: "Let it go for today."
Wimbledumb: SMACK! k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk
DOOL: "You need some time to yourself."
Wimbledumb: THUNK! k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk
DOOL: "I have to move on."
Wimbledumb: THWAP! k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk
DOOL: "Trust is important."
Wimbledumb: POW! k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk
DOOL: "The earth... a) moved b) didn't move."
Wimbledumb: SMASH! k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk
DOOL: "Why didn't you tell him the truth?"
Wimbledumb: PING! k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk
DOOL: "We should do something."
Wimbledumb: BANG! k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk
DOOL: "Don't push her away."
Wimbledumb: KAPOW! k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk
DOOL: "I may have crossed the line."
Wimbledumb: FONK! k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk
DOOL: "He doesn't want to let her go."
Wimbledumb: POOF! k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk
DOOL: "I want to make it up to you."
Wimbledumb: KLUNK! k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk
DOOL: "He's in over his head."
Wimbledumb: BASH! k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk
DOOL: "We need to talk."
Wimbledumb: WHACK! k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk k-ponk
DOOL: Say it with her, "I'll be there for you."
Wimbledumb preempts DOOL: NBC continues its long-standing tradition of making the 1:00 PM EDT timeslot the most monotonous hour on television.
I think you just wrote at least 35 minutes of a Days episode!
"Stop! We can't do this!" she says.
"Do it for b)yourself." he replies.
"But we're just friends..."
"You need time for yourself, let it go for today."
"We have to talk..." she says.
"I may have crossed the line" he replies. " I want to make it up to you"
"I have to move on." she says.
Stare at each other, fade to commercial.
Prevuze rushes the net and destroys boredom.
Another three-point, on-target, hole-in-one, bang-up job, Prevuze. Can't wait for the fireworks tomorrow!!
Amazing! Prevuze can make no DOOL sound better than DOOL itself! Wait, that's redundant -- no DOOL IS better than DOOL itself! Just as long as we have PREVUZE!!!!!
I hope NBC isn't crushed that I haven't seen one second of Wimbledumb. So who's ahead? Tiger? No, wait...leg problem. Big Brown? Uh, no...after the Belmont I hear he retired in disgrace to a farm in Arkansas. Jeff Gordon? No, I think I heard he was so intimidated by the driving skills of the genius Max Brady he gave up in despair and is now working in a garage in Podunk Indiana. Hmmm.
Oh well! Doesn't matter because we can get back to normal and look forward to another great Prevuze tomorrow. Thanks! :D
Very funny! Actually I think they finally found something more boring than Daze. Guess they put in Wimbledum just to make the Lumi arguments look exciting.
Well, I get to blow this pop stand at noon. Venus is already in the finals so, if I hurry home, I’ll be able to watch Serena trounce her hapless opponent. Yeah, right, that’s really going to happen!!!
I certainly hope all my fellow Prevuzites will be attending parties that are more exciting than the Brady and DiMera holiday celebrations. Actually, that won’t take much. Talk about boring!!! Hopefully, no one will show up at your party dressed like Uncle Sam or Betsy Ross or wearing a suit with a burnt orange tie and matching pocket square. Come on, the tie and pocket square should be an American flag motif. Geez…get with it!!! Have a wonderful Dazeless Fourth everyone!!!
Thanks prevuze that truly was more entertaining than DOOL.
HAPPY 4th!
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