That Damned Can Of Dust
Sami tosses the newspaper aside and goes to check on Allie. Allie isn't there, so Sami panics and goes running around the safe house babbling like a mother who has lost her child. She runs into the next room and finds EJ asleep in a chair with Allie bouncing around on his lap. Whimpering Sami takes the baby from sleeping EJ.
Max jogs by Chelsea as she stretches before starting her run. Max stops, "Hi, Chelsea. I didn't know you were a jogger."
"A serial killer has to stay in shape.," says Chelsea, "I really like to jog. It clears my brain."
"In that case you probably should cut back on it," says Max, "It think you've been overdoing it."
Max says he never remembers seeing her there before. Chelsea claims she is a big-time jogger, but has just finished her run. What a coincidence, so has Max. Chelsea suggests they take a walk and Max takes the bait – hook, line and sinker. They walk through a grove of trees and...
"SURPRISE! Happy birthday Max!."
Kayla makes a call from the Irish pub. Lexie asks if she told Patch about her pregnancy. Kayla thinks she will wait until they get home and arrange a romantic dinner, "I wasn't even sure I could conceive at this point in our lives." Translation geriatric pregnancies are rare. Lexie says she is just glad she could give good news to one of her friends as she looks at her ever-thickening folder on Bo.
Bo and Patch stroll through the heather. Bo says, "Not knowing what's going on is killing me."
"In that case," says Patch, "You should have died a long time ago." Patch thinks there is cause for concern. He will feel better when they get Bo home and can fix what's wrong. Bo decides to be positive. He's not going to let this get him down. He says this as he staggers and goes down.
John plays with a cigarette lighter. Flick on. Flick off. Flick on. Flick off. Flick on. Flick off. Marlena tells him to stop. John asks why. "It's distracting," says Marlena.
"That's the point," says John, "I'm bored."
"If you want to know what real boredom is like," says Marlena, "Try watching DOOL."
Belle, Shawn and OMB are with them. Marlena announces she found a letter to the Bradys from Colleen. Even though she isn't a Brady, she saved everyone the trouble and opened it herself. The woman is a saint. She says the letter inside details the arrangements Colleen wanted for her funeral. "Why go to all the trouble," snorts John. He starts to leave but Marlena chases him down and scolds him for not being more sensitive about his mother's death.
"I hardly knew the woman," yells John, "I spent more time bonding with the taxi guy on the way over here." He flicks his Bic, "I'll burn the letter if you want."
Sami bounces Allie and wakes EJ, "Did my baby get any sleep?"
"Yes. I got about a half an hour," says EJ.
Sami isn't amused, "I meant Allie!" EJ thinks the steam did some good. Sami coos at Allie and then thanks EJ for helping out.
"I'm just doing what parents do," says EJ, "Looking after our kids."
Kayla tells Lexie they will try to get a flight today and come straight to the hospital. She hangs up and Hope comes down looking for her, "I get the feeling that you and Steve and Bo are keeping something from me. You wanna tell me what it is?" Kayla stares.
Bo insists he's fine, "I keep thinking about Hope... what she's gonna go through."
Patch says, "Maybe you should tell her."
Bo says, "We've already been through that – No." Bo says he'll just pretend everything is OK and have a good flight home.
Patch says he can do that, "Have it your way."
John starts to leave the room. Marlena stops him and tells him not to be gone long so he can participate in the memorial. John can't wait.
Sami puts Allie into her crib. She tells EJ he should get some rest too. Then he can help her pack. EJ wonders why she needs to pack. She thinks Stefano's coma means they get to go home. EJ isn't so sure, "Just because he's out of commission doesn't mean his men will not complete his instructions. If Abe tells us we can leave, then we're outta here."
Hope grills Kayla. Kayla avoids the conversation as Patch and Bo come back. Hope asks what they were doing outside. "Looking for a lucky shamrock," says Bo.
Shawn interrupts and talks about the memorial. He says he and Belle are having a tough time with John's new attitude. John interrupts and we have a staredown. John snorts, "What the hell you guys lookin' at?"
Max, Stephanie, Chelsea and Nick frolic and have a big snowball fight. Stephanie judges and declares Max the winner. Chelsea accuses him of cheating. He accuses her of being a serial killer. They can't remember how long it has been since they did normal things. Forever? Stephanie and Max start another gigglin' slappin' ticklin' snowball fight. "My money is on Stephanie," says Nick.
"Right," says Chelsea, "She's a better snowball fighter than race driver."
EJ asks Sami about the screaming newspaper headlines. Sami changes the subject and says she needs to talk to him. She appreciates what he did, but she needs to remind him that Lucas is Allie's father. She doesn't want him crossing any boundaries. EJ says he knows Allie isn't his, but he can't push her out of his heart. He knows being a good father is about more than biology, "It's about being there for the child. That is what Lucas gave up when he tried to kill me. I'm sorry if his knickers are in a twist, but at least Allie has some kind of father in her life."
The crowd in Ireland is outside. Marlena arrives with the urn. She apologizes but says it took longer than usual to have the ashes delivered. Translation: We need to remember that little detail when we later discover Colleen is still alive.
They ask OMB to say a few words, but he decides he can't. Kayla comforts, "That's OK. You don't have to speak if you don't want to. We'll use any excuse to shut you up."
Marlena asks John if he would like to say a few words about Colleen. "I'll pass," he growls. Marlena presses. John nukes, "I SAID I'LL PASS! But if it will get you off my back I'll be honored to hold that damned can of dust."
Bo decides he will say a few words.
"Fantastic," says John, "Let's get on with it."
The tweeny-boppers picnic in the snow. Chelsea toasts, "To a fun-filled, adventurous jail-free year ahead."
"I notice you didn't say murder-free," says Max.
"Some habits are hard to break," says Chelsea.
Stephanie toasts, "To my three best friends who have stuck with me." She also toasts Max, Chelsea and Nick.
Sami bawls. EJ says he didn't mean to upset her. She says she's just stressed out. Sami agrees Lucas will pay the price for what he did and Allie will suffer, too. Lucas will be a stranger to her. She wants her daughter to have a dad, "My dad was gone for a while when I was a kid and I was messed up because of it."
"He must have been gone for a long, long time," says EJ, "I understand, but there is a difference. I'm me and Lucas is Lucas." I wonder how long it took him to figure that out. "There is no identity crisis," says EJ, "There will be plenty of love to go around."
Sami smiles, "Wow you're pretty smart for a DiMera."
"Us DiMeras are very smart. That's our problem."
Sami breaks down. EJ moves in. Tears and hugs.
Bo spits out the eulogy, "None of us knew Colleen except for Pop, but we got a glimpse of her in the letters. We saw a feisty woman who loved her family... and Santo. They had a connection that surpasses time, place and most of all, belief. It was sad they couldn't find happiness in this lifetime. We have to pray they find it in the next. Never take love for granted because sometimes life can throw a curve ball at ya. Love can overcome any obstacle no matter how insurmountable it may seem. In the end true love surpasses everything. Except true drivel."
EJ says Sami is strong and will get through this. She will be a parent enough for both her and Lucas. If the chips are really down she can give EJ a call.
Sami looks up at him, "I wouldn't have thought it possible, but you just said the right thing."
"I just say lots of things," says EJ, "and eventually hit the nail on the head."
Sami gets a call. It's Lucas. Sami goes into panic-mode, "What do you mean it was today? I'll be right there!" She hangs up and tells EJ Lucas just had his sentence hearing. She runs upstairs to change, "I have to say goodbye. And good-riddance."
Max opens his present from Stephanie. A stuffed horsie. "Every knight in shining armor needs a horse," says Stephanie.
"How come it's only the front end," asks Max, "Where is the tail end?"
"Since I'm your girlfriend," says Stephanie, "You already have a horse's a**."
John opens the urn and hands it to OMB. Shawn sticks his hand in and scatters some ashes. Santo looks up and sees Colleen. Kayla scatters. Santo and Colleen stare at each other. Bo scatters. Santo and Colleen picnic. Hope scatters. Colleen shows up at Santo's place. Shawn scatters. Santo and Colleen kiss. He drops her onto the bed. Marlena scatters. Monkey sex.
John unceremoniously pours his batch of ashes onto the ground.
The crowd drifts by John. Marlena approaches and then backs off. John blows the ashes out of the palm of his hand.
The group arrives back at the pub. John's pilot has informed them he is ready to take them all back to the US. Phillip thanks John for letting them hitch a ride on his private jet.
"Don't thank me," scowls John, "It wasn't my idea." John sneaks out as everyone else prepares to leave.
Shawn and Belle talk about their convoluted biological relationship. Albert Einstein pulls up a chair, sits at the table with them, "Could we talk about something else? This is way too complex for me."
Suddenly, Marlena notices John isn't in the room and wonders where he went.
Max and Stephanie wrap up the picnic. Max thinks it was a great birthday party. He loves his gift, "Actually," says Stephanie, "I have another present for you."
"What's that," asks Max. Kiss. More kiss. Hot kiss.
Kayla can't figure out what she did with her cell phone. It will be the third one she has lost this year. "I don't see how you could lose it," says Patch, "It's practically attached to your head." Meanwhile, a figure watches from outside. Patch sees her and chases.
John wanders in the woods. He contemplates the heather and sees two ghosts. Santo welcomes Colleen to the Great Beyond.
EJ wishes Sami good luck with Lucas as she rushes to leave. She stops and he helps her adjust her coat. Closer... closer... closer... Fade to Santo and Colleen. John watches.
You can watch the previews later today on our PREVUZE II website.
Sami tosses the newspaper aside and goes to check on Allie. Allie isn't there, so Sami panics and goes running around the safe house babbling like a mother who has lost her child. She runs into the next room and finds EJ asleep in a chair with Allie bouncing around on his lap. Whimpering Sami takes the baby from sleeping EJ.
Max jogs by Chelsea as she stretches before starting her run. Max stops, "Hi, Chelsea. I didn't know you were a jogger."
"A serial killer has to stay in shape.," says Chelsea, "I really like to jog. It clears my brain."
"In that case you probably should cut back on it," says Max, "It think you've been overdoing it."
Max says he never remembers seeing her there before. Chelsea claims she is a big-time jogger, but has just finished her run. What a coincidence, so has Max. Chelsea suggests they take a walk and Max takes the bait – hook, line and sinker. They walk through a grove of trees and...
"SURPRISE! Happy birthday Max!."
Kayla makes a call from the Irish pub. Lexie asks if she told Patch about her pregnancy. Kayla thinks she will wait until they get home and arrange a romantic dinner, "I wasn't even sure I could conceive at this point in our lives." Translation geriatric pregnancies are rare. Lexie says she is just glad she could give good news to one of her friends as she looks at her ever-thickening folder on Bo.
Bo and Patch stroll through the heather. Bo says, "Not knowing what's going on is killing me."
"In that case," says Patch, "You should have died a long time ago." Patch thinks there is cause for concern. He will feel better when they get Bo home and can fix what's wrong. Bo decides to be positive. He's not going to let this get him down. He says this as he staggers and goes down.
John plays with a cigarette lighter. Flick on. Flick off. Flick on. Flick off. Flick on. Flick off. Marlena tells him to stop. John asks why. "It's distracting," says Marlena.
"That's the point," says John, "I'm bored."
"If you want to know what real boredom is like," says Marlena, "Try watching DOOL."
Belle, Shawn and OMB are with them. Marlena announces she found a letter to the Bradys from Colleen. Even though she isn't a Brady, she saved everyone the trouble and opened it herself. The woman is a saint. She says the letter inside details the arrangements Colleen wanted for her funeral. "Why go to all the trouble," snorts John. He starts to leave but Marlena chases him down and scolds him for not being more sensitive about his mother's death.
"I hardly knew the woman," yells John, "I spent more time bonding with the taxi guy on the way over here." He flicks his Bic, "I'll burn the letter if you want."
Sami bounces Allie and wakes EJ, "Did my baby get any sleep?"
"Yes. I got about a half an hour," says EJ.
Sami isn't amused, "I meant Allie!" EJ thinks the steam did some good. Sami coos at Allie and then thanks EJ for helping out.
"I'm just doing what parents do," says EJ, "Looking after our kids."
Kayla tells Lexie they will try to get a flight today and come straight to the hospital. She hangs up and Hope comes down looking for her, "I get the feeling that you and Steve and Bo are keeping something from me. You wanna tell me what it is?" Kayla stares.
Bo insists he's fine, "I keep thinking about Hope... what she's gonna go through."
Patch says, "Maybe you should tell her."
Bo says, "We've already been through that – No." Bo says he'll just pretend everything is OK and have a good flight home.
Patch says he can do that, "Have it your way."
John starts to leave the room. Marlena stops him and tells him not to be gone long so he can participate in the memorial. John can't wait.
Sami puts Allie into her crib. She tells EJ he should get some rest too. Then he can help her pack. EJ wonders why she needs to pack. She thinks Stefano's coma means they get to go home. EJ isn't so sure, "Just because he's out of commission doesn't mean his men will not complete his instructions. If Abe tells us we can leave, then we're outta here."
Hope grills Kayla. Kayla avoids the conversation as Patch and Bo come back. Hope asks what they were doing outside. "Looking for a lucky shamrock," says Bo.
Shawn interrupts and talks about the memorial. He says he and Belle are having a tough time with John's new attitude. John interrupts and we have a staredown. John snorts, "What the hell you guys lookin' at?"
Max, Stephanie, Chelsea and Nick frolic and have a big snowball fight. Stephanie judges and declares Max the winner. Chelsea accuses him of cheating. He accuses her of being a serial killer. They can't remember how long it has been since they did normal things. Forever? Stephanie and Max start another gigglin' slappin' ticklin' snowball fight. "My money is on Stephanie," says Nick.
"Right," says Chelsea, "She's a better snowball fighter than race driver."
EJ asks Sami about the screaming newspaper headlines. Sami changes the subject and says she needs to talk to him. She appreciates what he did, but she needs to remind him that Lucas is Allie's father. She doesn't want him crossing any boundaries. EJ says he knows Allie isn't his, but he can't push her out of his heart. He knows being a good father is about more than biology, "It's about being there for the child. That is what Lucas gave up when he tried to kill me. I'm sorry if his knickers are in a twist, but at least Allie has some kind of father in her life."
The crowd in Ireland is outside. Marlena arrives with the urn. She apologizes but says it took longer than usual to have the ashes delivered. Translation: We need to remember that little detail when we later discover Colleen is still alive.
They ask OMB to say a few words, but he decides he can't. Kayla comforts, "That's OK. You don't have to speak if you don't want to. We'll use any excuse to shut you up."
Marlena asks John if he would like to say a few words about Colleen. "I'll pass," he growls. Marlena presses. John nukes, "I SAID I'LL PASS! But if it will get you off my back I'll be honored to hold that damned can of dust."
Bo decides he will say a few words.
"Fantastic," says John, "Let's get on with it."
The tweeny-boppers picnic in the snow. Chelsea toasts, "To a fun-filled, adventurous jail-free year ahead."
"I notice you didn't say murder-free," says Max.
"Some habits are hard to break," says Chelsea.
Stephanie toasts, "To my three best friends who have stuck with me." She also toasts Max, Chelsea and Nick.
Sami bawls. EJ says he didn't mean to upset her. She says she's just stressed out. Sami agrees Lucas will pay the price for what he did and Allie will suffer, too. Lucas will be a stranger to her. She wants her daughter to have a dad, "My dad was gone for a while when I was a kid and I was messed up because of it."
"He must have been gone for a long, long time," says EJ, "I understand, but there is a difference. I'm me and Lucas is Lucas." I wonder how long it took him to figure that out. "There is no identity crisis," says EJ, "There will be plenty of love to go around."
Sami smiles, "Wow you're pretty smart for a DiMera."
"Us DiMeras are very smart. That's our problem."
Sami breaks down. EJ moves in. Tears and hugs.
Bo spits out the eulogy, "None of us knew Colleen except for Pop, but we got a glimpse of her in the letters. We saw a feisty woman who loved her family... and Santo. They had a connection that surpasses time, place and most of all, belief. It was sad they couldn't find happiness in this lifetime. We have to pray they find it in the next. Never take love for granted because sometimes life can throw a curve ball at ya. Love can overcome any obstacle no matter how insurmountable it may seem. In the end true love surpasses everything. Except true drivel."
EJ says Sami is strong and will get through this. She will be a parent enough for both her and Lucas. If the chips are really down she can give EJ a call.
Sami looks up at him, "I wouldn't have thought it possible, but you just said the right thing."
"I just say lots of things," says EJ, "and eventually hit the nail on the head."
Sami gets a call. It's Lucas. Sami goes into panic-mode, "What do you mean it was today? I'll be right there!" She hangs up and tells EJ Lucas just had his sentence hearing. She runs upstairs to change, "I have to say goodbye. And good-riddance."
Max opens his present from Stephanie. A stuffed horsie. "Every knight in shining armor needs a horse," says Stephanie.
"How come it's only the front end," asks Max, "Where is the tail end?"
"Since I'm your girlfriend," says Stephanie, "You already have a horse's a**."
John opens the urn and hands it to OMB. Shawn sticks his hand in and scatters some ashes. Santo looks up and sees Colleen. Kayla scatters. Santo and Colleen stare at each other. Bo scatters. Santo and Colleen picnic. Hope scatters. Colleen shows up at Santo's place. Shawn scatters. Santo and Colleen kiss. He drops her onto the bed. Marlena scatters. Monkey sex.
John unceremoniously pours his batch of ashes onto the ground.
The crowd drifts by John. Marlena approaches and then backs off. John blows the ashes out of the palm of his hand.
The group arrives back at the pub. John's pilot has informed them he is ready to take them all back to the US. Phillip thanks John for letting them hitch a ride on his private jet.
"Don't thank me," scowls John, "It wasn't my idea." John sneaks out as everyone else prepares to leave.
Shawn and Belle talk about their convoluted biological relationship. Albert Einstein pulls up a chair, sits at the table with them, "Could we talk about something else? This is way too complex for me."
Suddenly, Marlena notices John isn't in the room and wonders where he went.
Max and Stephanie wrap up the picnic. Max thinks it was a great birthday party. He loves his gift, "Actually," says Stephanie, "I have another present for you."
"What's that," asks Max. Kiss. More kiss. Hot kiss.
Kayla can't figure out what she did with her cell phone. It will be the third one she has lost this year. "I don't see how you could lose it," says Patch, "It's practically attached to your head." Meanwhile, a figure watches from outside. Patch sees her and chases.
John wanders in the woods. He contemplates the heather and sees two ghosts. Santo welcomes Colleen to the Great Beyond.
EJ wishes Sami good luck with Lucas as she rushes to leave. She stops and he helps her adjust her coat. Closer... closer... closer... Fade to Santo and Colleen. John watches.
You can watch the previews later today on our PREVUZE II website.
LOTS of good stuff today, prevuze! Loved the picture of Bo asking Steve if he'd seen Brokeback Mountain...the smelly water heater...Lexie wondering whose life she can ruin first...Max wondering where the back half of his horse is, and finding out he's already got it by having Stephanie as his girlfriend...Sami asking EJ if her baby got any sleep and he said he only got half an hour...Chelsea telling Max serial killers have to stay in shape. Prevuze definitely makes watching Days much more exciting! What an awesome way to start your day with all this crazy weather here in the midwest! ;)
John plays with a cigarette lighter. Flick on. Flick off. Flick on. Flick off. Flick on. Flick off. Marlena tells him to stop. John asks why. "It's distracting," says Marlena.
"That's the point," says John, "I'm bored."
"If you want to know what real boredom is like," says Marlena, "Try watching DOOL."
And, if you you want to experience boredom to the max, have sex with Marlena. Me bad!
"If you want to know what real boredom is like," says Marlena, "Try watching DOOL."
Unless, of course, you have an internet connection and can read the brilliant Prevuze blog authored by a certified snarkillectual. The blog takes the hash slung by the DOOL writers and turns it into a fine viewing experience. That should get the old blood pumping this morning!
Marlena thinks it's strange she wanted to be cremated, but they will follow her wishes. Translation: We need to remember that little detail when we later discover Colleen is still alive.
I think you’ve got something there Prevuze. Didn’t Marlena cremate John? Is this symmetry?
EJ isn't so sure, "Just because he's out of commission doesn't mean his men will not complete his instructions.”
A logical thought…the scab writers have moved into uncharted territory.
"Us DiMeras are very smart. That's our problem."
It they were really that smart, EJ would have said “we DiMeras”.
EJ wishes Sami good luck with Lucas as she rushes to leave. She stops and he helps her adjust her coat. Closer... closer... closer... Fade to Santo and Colleen. John watches.
OMG, I’m getting verklempt just reading this. Wildly outstanding Prevuze today, and it even sounds like a good episode.
Colleen was CREMATED????? Don't even get me started on the Catholic/cremation question! Catholics CAN be cremated, but first the body must be present at the Mass of Christian Burial. Then the body can be cremated, but the ashes can't just be scattered to the wind -- they must either be interred or entombed. A devout Catholic, let alone one who was studying to be a nun, would NEVER request her body be treated in such a sacreligious manner. Unless this was just a huge faux pas on the writers' part, it ought to be proof that Colleen is still alive!
Sorry, just had to vent. ;-)
And the re-cycled scripts just keep on coming! Everyone remember when Kate's egg and Roman's sperm were stolen, resulting in the "alien" twins?
Well check this out:
Stefano apparently got a sample of Steve's sperm, when he was Nick Stockton and got one of Anna's eggs. This will be revealed in the next couple of weeks. Their daughter is in Salem, alive and well but WHO IS IT? This will tie into a mysteries woman name Ava and she is the only one who knows who she is.
When the truth comes out, it promises to rock the entire town of Salem forever, change lives especially the life of 1 young girl. New rivalries will ignite, a young couple goes on the run, a kidnapping, shocking secrets and a return that will put everyone in Salem in danger.
And in EJAMI news:
EJ DiMera will be looked upon as the town Hero, when he does something heroic. Sami informs EJ that she is returning to her apartment and he can now return to his. But wait! Complication is
just around the corner, for an immigration official shows
up and starts using the D word on EJ. No, not Dimera … DEPORTATION! So it looks like Sami might just take pity and try and convince the outside world that she and EJ really are man and wife, which means living under the same roof
after all, to prevent him from getting deported.
Sad news:
Shawn Sr. dies tragically on the flight home from Ireland. This is storyline dictated, to pave the way for more interaction between Bo and Victor and remind Days of Our Lives viewers that Bo is Victor’s biological son. This is pivotal for the future, and it will make clear that Shawn and Belle (whose father is the son of Colleen Brady) are NOT related!
And finally:
Meanwhile, an end to the writers strike is believed imminent, though Hogan Sheffer’s days as Days of Our Lives Head Writer are now reported to be numbered anyway
Well, the obvious choice for the Stenna child is Morgan -- since they're getting rid of the sorority baggage, but have put the actress who plays Morgan on contract, that's the only thing that makes sense -- SO THEY WON'T DO IT THAT WAY!!!!!
That sounds like a LOT of ashes for that old gal. How big is the urn? The size of a sand bucket? And Collen wrote out those plans in a letter? Pfffttt!
But I do think, other than John flicking his Bic, this sounds like a pretty good episode. Or maybe the Prevuze account was just stellar, as usual.
Here were my lol favorites today:
They had a connection that surpasses time, place and most of all, belief.
Chelsea accuses him of cheating. He accuses her of being a serial killer.
Ooh, the spoiler news is fun.
Another kidnapping? (Sigh)
There are three a year in Salem. That is good only for milk carton printers.
Well maybe OMB wouldn't have died on the trip if they hadn't sprung such a huge shock on him.
Poor Belle and Jr., whining that they don't like Jawn's new attitude. Well I do! What a refreshing change from the sugary goody-goodys John/Marlena/Bo/Hope usually are.
I also loved the smelly cat reference and the Prevuisms "I really like to jog, it clears my brain. In that case you probably should cut back on it. You're overdoing it." and "Not knowing what's going on is killing me. In that case, you should have died a long time ago." HAHAHAHHA
Thanks for the as-usual excellent Prevuze today!
Marlena announces she found a letter to the Bradys from Colleen. Even though she isn't a Brady, she saved everyone the trouble and opened it herself. The woman is a saint.
Yep. When she isn't possessed or putting people into comas, she is definitely a saint! LOLOL
In the end true love surpasses everything. Except true drivel.
Now THAT would make a great greeting card.
John wanders in the woods. He contemplates the heather and sees two ghosts. Santo welcomes Colleen to the Great Beyond.
Sounds to me like Jawn has finally located a stash o' pills.
Great pictures and just too many prevuisms to point out. Thanks.
Bulldog, I'm with you. I love the new, squintless John. It definitely is refreshing to see him in different character, and it's humorous too with his little ticks (other than the squinting tick that I'm glad I don't have to watch.
Leslie, just because a person is smart doesn't mean they use good grammar. However, I agree with you on pointing out EJ's mistake. If ANYONE uses correct grammar on the show, it is EJ. He would not have made that mistake. He's been hanging around Salem too long!
OK first off. That was the fastest cremation EVER. It usually takes weeks. Good thing this small little town obviously has a crematorium and she's the only one who died.
Second apparently something happens to John's pilots on the plane and it starts to go down. There aren't enough oxygen masks so Sr. gives his to Bo.
Steve and Anna's child guesses - Max (did we ever know who his parents were? and then it would make the Stephanie/Max incestuous circle a little tighter), EJ so he's not really a Dimera because did we see Stefano(dressed as Elvis) doing the horizontal tango with Susan? And even if we did that doesn't mean that's when she got knocked up. Hmm who else. It's hard when people age so rapidly. Oh wait - could that have been the egg switch that became Claire? Remember the gloved hand switching and switching and switching the petri dishes. I'll bet Shaun and Belle will leave for a bit come back with an age appropriate Claire (by age appropriate I mean one that coincides with Steve and Anna - so rapidly aged). There's my guess.
Ok enough from me.
Leslie, just because a person is smart doesn't mean they use good grammar.
I agree with you. However, when you tell someone that you come from a long line of smarties, a properly constructed sentence would certainly add credence to the statement. On the other hand, can Sami tell the difference?
I thought harvesting eggs is a rather uncomfortable procedure. Wouldn’t Anna know if one of her eggs had gone missing?
The spoiler says the Stenna baby will be a DAUGHTER.
Now granted DOOL is a little crazy but I don't think even they are nuts enough to make Max a girl.
My head hurts!!! Oh please not more baby momma drama!!! So Steve and Anna have a mystery child? Why?
When are we going to get Superspy John back? I'm not digging this new John.
Finally....I think Deb is a writer for Days. She seems to have all the knowledge. Ok, spill it Deb, how long have you been on the Days payroll??
claire was not conceived during the ewgg switch thing. claire was conceived when shawn and belle were in the barn that caught on fire or something, right before she and phillip got married i think. it was right after the jaqn spears goes crazy and holds shawn captive bull. belle miscarried the babay from the egg switch and the one that was in the surrogate for mimi and shawn turned out to be "pocket" who was taken away from steve and kayla by child services.....i think that covers it
Come to think of it, Morgan is probably too old to be the Stenna (or Panna) baby, since he was only missing for what, 16 years? And she should be younger than Stephanie.
Long post is long.
Erm... What happened to Max and Frankie? Aren't they a Brady??
When Bo was introducing everybody to Colleen, he said he had two more (siblings) at home which were Roman and Kimberly. Nobody bothered mentioning Max & Frankie, Kayla refers to them as her siblings and vice-versa.
Oh well, I guess the writers forgot. And I think Phillip's 'deal' with Shelle was retconned. The one where if he's allowed to see Claire he wouldn't go all Kiriakis on their asses.
It they were really that smart, EJ would have said “we DiMeras”. Hahaha, nice!
Steve and Anna?!? Is this a different Anna? This is completely 'eww' for me.
I agree with Bulldog, perhaps if they didn't spring this on him AND if John hadn't of trolled him he would have had a few more years left. All that yelling at John took a lot out of him.
Marlena thinks it's strange she wanted to be cremated, but they will follow her wishes. Translation: We need to remember that little detail when we later discover Colleen is still alive.
too true.
My favorites:
Marlena announces she found a letter to the Bradys from Colleen. Even though she isn't a Brady, she saved everyone the trouble and opened it herself. The woman is a saint.
"A serial killer has to stay in shape.,"
"To a fun-filled, adventurous jail-free year ahead." "I notice you didn't say murder-free," says Max.
My grammar is the sucking. ;_;
if John hadn't of trolled
Should be have, of course.
Doh! Totally forgot about the barn-sex. So who does that leave us with? Crystal? That's a little too hard to believe for some obvious reasons. Maybe it'll end up being Chloe and they'll pretend the Wesley's never happened. Could be Chelsea and Billie really did lose her baby in the bayou. Oh wait was Greta von Something supposed to be returning? It could be her. Or maybe Ciara - Hope somehow had the egg planted in her.Maybe we should make a list.
Alien-Twin Girl (name is a blank)
Am I missing anyone?
I was just wondering if John is a brady then does that make his sons name Brady Brady?
I saw the show today and I thought that it was really good I liked the party part it was cute good prevuzes today I usually read it as a revuze though lol
Great Prevuze today.
I am sad that I haven't seen any of the pictures that run down the sides of the text all week, though. They're just not coming up.
"That was the fastest cremation EVER. It usually takes weeks. Good thing this small little town obviously has a crematorium and she's the only one who died."
I was just going to say that. It took over 2 weeks to get my cat cremated and another 4 weeks to get her back in a small wooden box. You'd think it would take longer than afew hours to cremate someone.
Max (did we ever know who his parents were?
Wasn't his father some guy named Trent from a long time ago? and Frankie is not his real brother? Or did Days change their history when I wasn't watching?
People can be cremated within days. I remember when my dad died, it only took a couple of days to receive the ashes and the urn. Now I'm not sure what that would be like in rural Ireland, but it is that way in Canada.
"And, if you you want to experience boredom to the max, have sex with Marlena. "
There's a truism if I've ever read one.
Steve and Anna have a baby? Why would Stefano give a rats patootie about either one of them?
Wasn't EJ born in the U.S. and have an American mother?
Help - I cannot pull up Fridays post. It still pulls up "That Damned Can of Dust"
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