Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Wrong Answer

Mimi chases Rex into his apartment. No Rex, “OMG, All his stuff is gone. He left his keys. He’s really gone.” Mimi calls Rex’ cell phone and leaves a message, “Please, don’t do this. I did it because I love you. We can work this out.” Let’s do lunch.

Mimi frets, “What if he doesn’t call. I have to find him. Rex is the best thing that ever happened to me and now I’ve lost him. SOB!” She picks up a picture of her and Belle and tears it up.

Bonnie is at the door, “Mimi, what the hell is going on with Rex?”


Phillip thanks Shawn for everything as they wheel into his apartment. Belle will fix supper. Phillip wants her to take it easy. He is sorry about her mom and the baby.

Belle says, “I think the amnesia is a defense mechanism or something. She was tortured when she found out she was pregnant.”

Phillip says, “Our parents still love each other. I have to leave a message for Austin to let him know how mom’s doing.”

Shawn helps Belle in the kitchen, “There is a lot we need to talk about.”

Belle says, “I need to talk to Phillip ASAP and in private. There is nothing left for us to talk about.”

“Our entire future is at stake,” says Shawn.

Belle reminds him, “I am pregnant with Phillip’s baby. Nothing about our lives will ever be the same.”

Sami’s soliloquy: “Sami, you have to think. There has to be some way to burn Kate for good. Tony said he had proof she set me up. I just have to find it.” Sami leaves but comes back to pick up her PDA, “This time I will be prepared, and I will get my revenge if it is the last thing I ever do.”

When she turns around, Lucas is at the door, “You will never learn will you, Sami?”

“It’s time for you to come back to me, Marlena,” says John, “When you wake up, I will be the first thing you see. You will remember everything.”

Roman comes in and asks how Marlena is doing. John says, “I would appreciate it if you would leave us alone.”

Roman says, “I have to remind you, it was my baby she lost. I’m going to be here for her and you can’t stop me.” Kate watches.

Lucas says he came to apologize. He thought he was rough on her at the hospital, “but maybe I wasn’t. Still trying to get revenge? My mom has been through enough.”

Sami ramps up the battle of the tortured moms, “My mom nearly lost her life and now she has amnesia.”

“So,” says Lucas, “you should be there for your mother instead of hurting others. You still just blame everything on my mom. Mom had nothing to do with Marlena losing the baby.”

“I believe that,” says Sami.

Lucas asks Sami, “When are you going to get it through your head my mom is not the monster you believe she is?” You mean Katezilla?

Sami says, “Oh let’s not get crazy here. She didn’t want my mom to have that baby. She admitted it. I blame her for ruining what could have been the happiest day of my life.”

Roman refuses to leave, “I was the father of the baby she lost. I’ll be damned if I’m gonna let you keep me away.”

“Let’s take this outside,” says John. Outside the room, John says, “She doesn’t need you, Roman.”

Roman insists, “If she needs me, I’ll be there for her.”

John asks, “What does she need you for?”

“How long have you been walking around wondering who the hell you are,” asks Roman, “If I can make her remember I think you’d be the first person wanting me to do that. Maybe you want to start a new life just like when you reinvented yourself as John Black.”

John says, “You’re the reason she fell and almost died. You pushed yourself on her in the castle.”

“That’s not the way it happened,” says Roman.

John presses, “I can only imagine how you manipulated her. Like on the island, trying to talk her into doing you because you were dying. What did you say to get her into bed at the castle?”

Roman says, “I said ‘yes’ when she asked me to make love to her.”

Wrong answer. ARE YOU RREEAADDYY TO RRRUUUMMMBBBLLLEEE??? John and Roman go a few rounds. Kate referees.

Bonnie tries to calm Mimi, “I found Rex resignation notice on my desk.”

That doesn’t help calm her, “OMG, it’s true. He’s left Salem.”

Bonnie says, “Don’t tell me you told him about the baby.”

“No,” says Mimi, “Belle did. She blurted it out.”

“She must feel terrible,” says Bonnie.

Mimi says, “I doubt it. All she feels for is herself. The only reason she married Phillip is Shawn didn’t want her any more. And the only reason she is still with him is because she feels sorry for him. I can only hope someday those two get a clue and she loses both of them just like she made me lose Rex.”

“I just want to take a step back and figure out how to handle this,” says Shawn. Belle takes a step back to deliver Phillip his protein shake.

Phillip says, “You take such good care of me. What would I do without you? I’m tired. I guess we should go to bed?”

“Yeah,” says Miss Enthusiasm.

Phillip says, “Hey, Shawn, thanks for all your help.”

“OK,” says Shawn, “I’ll see you later?”

Belle says, “I’ll walk you out.”

Outside Shawn says, “Just wait one night.”

“No, I won’t,” says Belle.

“What about us,” asks Shawn.

“I have to go,” says Belle, “goodnight.” Belle goes back inside.

“Dammit,” says Shawn.

Phillip tells Belle, “I’m sorry I was rude. I just didn’t think he would ever leave.”

Phillip wonders if there is something on Belle’s mind. Yeah, a molecule. Belle says, “There is something I have to tell you. Something you might not like to hear.”

Phillip says, “Oookkkkk...”

Lucas says all Sami has to do is prove Kate set her up.

“Eugenia confessed,” says Sami, “I just have to find a way to prove it. I’m not going to frame Kate. She’s guilty and so is Eugenia. When I prove it you’re going to be begging for me to forgive you. If you’re lucky, I will.”

Kate breaks up the fight.

“All right, John, I’m sorry,” says Roman, “but you owe me an apology.”

“You just accused my wife of coming on to you,” says John, “You’d better explain.”

“It wasn’t anybody’s fault ,” says Roman, “It just happened. We were vulnerable. We didn’t know if we were going to get home. We had given up. In a very, very weak moment we turned to each other. We were all we had.” Flashback to the castle. Oh, the hopelessness!

Roman says, “Tony did every damn thing he could to manipulate us.”

“And that is what I am supposed to buy as an excuse,” asks John.

“It’s not an excuse,” says Roman, “Doc referred to it as the Reverse Stockholm Syndrome.”

“If Marlena was aware of what Tony was up to, she would never have fallen for it,” says John.

“She is no more infallible than I am,” says Roman.

“You were just waiting for the right moment,” says John.

“Don’t go there,” says Roman, “The only thing we ever talked about or lived for was getting home to you and Kate... until we saw the live feed.”

“Oh I see,” says John, “Now it’s because you and Marlena saw all that, huh? Damn!”

“You were making love to my wife,” says Roman.

Bonnie comforts Mimi, “Rex was a good guy and one hell of a looker. But he’s not the only bull at the rodeo. Look at the bright side.”

“There is no bright side.”

“Believe me,” says Bonnie, “I’ve been there. I just lost Mickey. No man has ever treated me with such kindness. I thought we’d grow old together. I mean I’d grow old and Mickey would grow older.”

Mimi whines, “I don't want to move on. I want Rex.”

Bonnie says, “Who is to say he won’t come back? Use this opportunity to take stock. Explore new directions. Or spend the rest of your life alone.”

Mimi is inconsolable, “If I can’t have Rex I will spend the rest of my life alone.”

Bonnie says, “You’re broken hearted but you will get over it in time. Just because Rex was your first doesn’t mean he will be your last.”

“Stop it,” yells Mimi, “The love of my life just left me.”

Bonnie shifts gears, “Honey, the perfect man is living right here.”

Mimi says, “Not Shawn! I am not in love with Shawn and he loves Belle.”

“And Belle is married to Phillip,
says Bonnie, “He will turn to you. You have always been close. Maybe Shawn is the Brady you were meant to be with after all.”

Mimi says, “OK, it’s time for you to leave, Mom.”

“I’ll go,” says Bonnie, “but promise me you will think about what I said.”

Mimi says, “You mean me and Shawn and the Kiriakis trust fund will be happy together? Goodbye.”

Bonnie leaves. Shawn comes in. Mimi drops the bomb, “Rex left. He left Salem.”

Shawn says, “Huh whaaa? Rex left Salem?”

Mimi says, “Thanks to your girlfriend for blurting out my big secret. Now she’s ruined two more lives.”

Belle says, “Something’s happened Phillip. It has to do with us and our future.”

“You’re starting to scare me. Just come out and say it,
says Phillip.

“I’m pregnant.” Phillip’s jaw drops.

“Your mother is evil,” says Sami.

“I know she isn’t a saint,” says Lucas... His cell phone rings, “Hey, Phyllis, can you give me a second?” He turns to Sami, “It’s my headhunter about a job... what do you have for me?”

Sami says to herself, “Lucas won’t believe me without proof. He doesn’t know what Mommie Dearest is capable of, but I do.” Flashback to confronting Eugenia. “Eugenia is the answer to all of this. How do I get the truth out of her?” Lucas negotiates in the background, “I don’t know if it’s right for me... It’s a big choice, McDonalds or Burger King... I’m going to have to think about it.”

John says, “Our grief is what brought us together.”

“It didn’t hurt any less when we saw what we saw,” says Roman, “Our life was a living hell.”

John says, “So now you’re blaming Kate and me? What Marlena needed was for you to be supportive, not too throw yourself on top of her when she was vulnerable!”

“I didn’t do that,” says Roman, “From what we saw of you and Kate, it was clear no one was coming after us. And, we saved Cassie and the others. Don’t forget that.”

“I’d like to say I understand,” says John, “but there is no getting around the bottom line. Unlike Kate and me you knew we were alive and that didn’t stop you.”

John leaves. Roman looks at Kate.

“Tell me,” says Kate, “when you were making love to Marlena did you stop for even a second to think about me?”

“You’re serious,” asks Phillip.

“Yeah,” says Belle, “I found out today. This is going to change our lives.”

“Is that a bad thing?”

“We talked about waiting until we were ready,” says Belle.

Phillip says, “Things don’t always go as you plan. Who needs to wait? We’re ready. This baby will bring us closer. What could be better than that?” Belle is distant. “Belle, I know this isn’t what we panned but you are happy, aren’t you?”

Belle blurts, “I think having this baby is a huge mistake.”

“You think Belle did this on purpose,” asks Shawn.

“Why couldn’t she just have kept her mouth shut,” says Mimi, “I just lost the love of my life. He’s never coming back.”

“I’m sure that’s not true.”

Mimi says, “Helloooooo... he resigned. He left his key. I think he’s gone. He got a job offer in Chicago and he said he’s going to take it.”

Shawn hugs her, “I’m sorry. I know how much you loved him. It doesn’t make sense.”

“It’s because he hates me,” says Mimi.

Shawn tells her, “I just came back from Belle and Phillip’s.”

Mimi asks, “Phillip is home?”


“I have to talk to him,” she says.

Shawn tells her, “Just calm down. Rex will call. You know how he gets.”

Sami drinks and thinks, “Why didn’t I think of this before?”

Lucas says, “I gotta go. Why do you look so jumpy? That’s the same look you get when you’re plotting something.”

“Yeah, I am I’m figuring out how to get my life together,” says Sami.

Lucas says, “I hope you do that. I gotta go. Please stay out of trouble.” Lucas leaves.

Sami says, “The person who should be worried is Kate. And Eugenia is going to help.” Sami leaves.

“Kate,” says Roman, “you gotta know you were in my every thought.”

Kate asks, “Even while making love to Marlena?” The nurse goes into Marlena’s room and closes the blinds.

Roman is distracted. Kate sighs, “Never mind. It’s pretty apparent your only concern is with Marlena.”

Roman insists, “You know that’s not true.”

Kate says, “Deep down I think you would have been happier if you wouldn’t have escaped.”

The nurse offers to bring in a cot for John.

“No,” says John, “I wont be sleeping. If she wakes up I will be here for her.” The nurse leaves.

John pleads, “Marlena, it’s John. I know you are there and can hear me. I’m not angry . I still love you and always will. I know what happened couldn’t be your fault. Tony’s always trying to tear us apart and Roman took advantage of that. He played right into Tony’s hands. For that I will make that man pay.”

“I don’t understand,” says Phillip, “Are you saying you don't want the baby?”

“No,” says Belle, “Of course not. It’s just not that simple.”

“Why aren’t you happy, then,” asks Phillip. Belle flashes back to Shawn.

Belle says, “I don't know. I guess I’m just scared. What if I’m not ready to be a mom?”

“Sweetie,” says Phillip, “you’ll be an incredible mom. What else is bothering you?”

Belle whines, “Phillip, I’m still...”


“How can we reach Rex,” asks Mimi.

Phillip says, “Mimi, Rex loves you.”

“That was before.”

“Before what,” asks Phillip.

“Belle knows,” says Mimi, “She couldn’t keep her mouth shut. If you gave a damn about me you would have supported me.”

Belle says, “Mimi –“

“Shut up,” says Mimi, “Perfect Belle, nothing is ever your fault. You’re selfish.”

Belle says, “If any one is selfish, it is you, Mimi. If you would have told Rex a long time ago, maybe he wouldn’t have left you.”

BITCH SLAP, “I will never forgive you, Belle, never.”

FF on the slapee.


Out on the F ancyFace III, Bo tells Hope, “I woke up and you were gone.” Hope says, “I think we’re in trouble.”

Kate says to Roman, “You were hoping I would stay there with John, because then you would have your precious Marlena all to yourself.”

Shawn asks, “What are you doing, Mimi?” Mimi says, “I’m about to teach my dear best-friend Belle that paybacks are a bitch.”


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man! Between Pard & John, Belle & Mimi sounds like tomorrow could be an episode of DOOL SMACKDOWN. HAHAHAHAHA

Phil's observation that he thought Shawn would never leave was such an understatement! He should have left the creep in the slammer.

I can't see the bottom two Prevuze pics. Will have to try again later. Just something new to look forward to. Like Bonnie growing old, Mickey growing older, and DAZE actually getting somewhere.

6:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was right! The bottom pictures were worth coming back for.

Ahhh Shakespeare. A Midsummer's Night Dream versus DROOL - as romantic comedies one just rises above the other. Perhaps because of the gases emitted by the racid plots or stinking dialoge. Or perhaps as a result of John's STF acting style. HAHAHAHAHA

9:36 AM  

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