Sunday, June 12, 2005

Stami's Outted

John is on the phone with someone. While he’s over in Europe he wants to do some checking around about Tony. Tony can run but John, by God, is going to track him down and put an end to him forever. (Yeah, like we haven’t heard that before over and over again. HA)

“Have you no shame at all”, Kate spits, storming in on Belle/Shawn’s embrace. Fight fight fight. Kate can’t believe Belle would turn out to be worse than her sister, Sami. “Haven’t you ever had feelings for two different men?” Belle pleads. “Of course she has,” says Marlena as she walks in the door. Kate turns and gives Doc the evil eye.

Rex/Mimi. Mimi waffles and never really answers Rex’s questions for several more scenes, so I’ll skip the painful details.

Nicole sits at the bar and continues to puzzle over who Stan could be. Flashbacks to her encounters with Stan. “Could Sami and Stan be the same person?” she asks herself.

Sami is freaked at the way Nicole is staring at them from across the room.

Out on the terrace we have the fake-out sighting of Chloe by Brady. Preceeded by a number of flashbacks by Chloe. She decides to tell Brady she’s alive. We have the “OMG, it’s you?” remark from Brady. Break for commercial.

More time killing with Rimi. “Nothing is going to ever keep us apart, “ statement by Rex. We all know what’s inevitable now.

“Weren’t you still in love with Roman when you accepted John’s marriage proposal”, Marlena snarks to Kate. “I thought Roman and you were dead, but Belle knows that Phillip is alive.” Kate responds.

Belle did nothing wrong, Doc asserts. “Nothing wrong?!? How can you say that? The minute Phillip shipped out she was in her ex-boyfriend’s arms. I don’t think she even waited a day!” Kate is in rare form.

Belle tries to protest. She and Kate get into it. Shawn starts throwing his two cents worth in. John storms into the room, “What the hell are you doing here?!” Kate thinks he’s talking to her and spins around.

“I didn’t except to see you here,” Brady says to Judge Karen Fitzpatrick (even though he was looking directly into the bushes when he made the earlier exclamation of surprise. OMG, it’s you?? That’s how you address a judge who you barely know, walking up into a public restaurant?) The judge has come to congratulate the heroes.

In the bushes, Chloe silently urges the Judge to leave before she loses her nerve. The judge drops the news on Brady about Phil’s leg being amputated.

Nicole ponders her situation and has flashbacks about Stan. She decides to go over to talk to Lumi

Doc is glad to see John. He thought she was going home from Alice’s. She wanted to see Belle one last time. She’s glad she came by, because when she came in Kate was berating Belle. Kate launches in on her excuse. They all get into it. Kate storms out. John goes to “talk to her”. Doc asks to speak to Belle alone. Marlena is understanding. She knows Belch are back together, but Belle has to understand how lost Phil is right now.

Out in the corridor, John defends Belle to Kate. “Love can be complicated.” Kate agrees. But she thinks that if Phil were here to fight for Belle he would have a chance. But Shawn has been “at” Belle since Phil shipped out. The two of them lovingly hold hands. John tells her that they have to let the “adults” live their own lives. He goes in to see if Belle is packed. Kate has to make a phone call. She’s going to be damned if she’s going to let Shawn take the one thing Phil has to live for.

Kate calls Judge Fitzpatrick. She tells her that if the election doesn’t go well for the Judge, she’ll hire Fitzpatrick as legal counsel for Basic Black. The Judge asks what Kate wants. Kate brings up Shawn’s pending legal woes.

The judge has left. Brady continues to mutter to himself. Just as Chloe decides to rush out of the bushes, Brady has walked off to find out about Phillip. Chloe decides maybe the time will never be right to reveal herself.

When Nicole gets to the table she throws a few barbs Sami’s way about being over with Tony. Lucas defends Sami as a captive like the rest of them. “Or his henchman,” Nicole things to herself. She imagines Sami with a new nose, different hair, a “few other changes” and voila – Stan. “It’s not nice to stare,” Sami tells her. “It’s not nice to do a lot of things,” Nicole replies knowingly.

Rex presses Mimi about why they can’t get married. This conversation goes nowhere for a loooong time. Rex thinks if Belle/Shawn had been open and honest things would have been different for them. But, he knows he and Mimi’s love will last for all the Days of their Lives since they have no secrets between them. Meems runs out crying.

Doc cautions Belle about dumping too much on Phil too quick. Belle promises a part of her still loves Phil and she’d never hurt him. She goes off with Shawn to pack.

Doc tries to defend Shawn and Belle’s relationship to John. John – you weren’t here to see what Shawn has turned into. Doc told him about watching stuff on the closed circuit TV that Tony would bring in. That she had seen Shawn’s motorcycle stunt. That Tony did whatever he could to torture them, but the visuals were especially effective. John STF’s big time.

Shawn/Belle talk about how they have to stay strong for Phil. Well, BELLE talks about being strong. Shawn suggests he go to Germany to “be there” for Belle. Belle demures. If he goes that will really antagonize Kate.

Kate calls the judge on Shawn’s motorcycle case and asks if she couldn’t DO something to help her out – like moving Shawn’s file to the top of the stack. (Heck, that was month’s ago and Shawn’s case hasn’t been heard yet. Yet Mimi’s hearing was practically the day after her arrest?)

Chloe runs into her hospital room and finds Craig. She explains that she’s chickened out about telling Brady. They rehash the last day’s events.

Nicole and Sami get into it. Lucas pulls them apart. Lucas takes Nicole off for a “little talk”. He asks why Nicole is giving Sami a hard time. Nicole just hints around and never comes out with her suspicions. Their discussion turns to Brady and how Nicole will lose him if Chloe shows up. Nicole eventually huffs off and Lucas gets a call. He takes it outside, leaving Sami alone.

Over at the bar Nicole decides that if Chloe comes back it wouldn’t be impossible to hold on to Brady if she has some very specific help. She looks meaningfully at Sami over at the other side of the room.

Nicole comes over behind Sami, “STAN!”, she calls. “What?....” said Sami turning around. OOPS!

Mimi is up on the roof talking to Bonnie on the phone. She has to tell Rex the WHOLE TRUTH AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH---the abortion and everything. (so if she is going to tell him about the abortion, then reverse your guilty plea for pete’s sake!!) Rex comes out on the roof and Mimi finally spits it out – “I’m going to jail.” Rex stares.

Doc said that it was obvious from what Doc & Pard saw on the monitor it was obvious that Belle was making a mistake marrying Phil. Doc can identify with her. She had the same sort of horrible position. She was in love with Roman, but then thought he was dead. Then she fell in love with John, thinking he was Roman. Then Roman came back and she still loved him, but loved John, but….

John puzzles this out, “So Roman is your Shawn and I’m Phillip? That Roman is who you really want to be with?”

Shawn boasts, “There’s nothing Kate can do to hurt me. Let her do her worst, I can take care of myself.” Famous last soap words.

Kate spun some sort of story to the judge. As we get back to the scene, the Judge is appalled at what Shawn has been up to so she’s going to move Shawn’s case up to the top of her calendar. They hang up. Kate is thrilled that Shawn will be in prison by the time Phil gets back so Phil & Belle have a chance together.

Craig/Chloe continues the same old conversation. Chloe is confused. (Now there’s a shock.)

Lucas/Brady talk about Phil. Talk about Chloe. Talk about Nicole.

Nicole crows: “I knew it! You are Stan and I can’t wait to tell everyone your dirty deeds.” Stami stares.


You’ve already read tomorrow’s Prevuze, so why bother?


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