Friday, June 10, 2005

Sami's Going Down

We begin with a rehash of the Brady/Nicole/Chloe scene yesterday. Gullible Brady is being “played like a fiddle” by the evil Count DiMera.

[Break for a local newscast interruption of the show to report that nothing of interest is actually happening, but they want us to know that for sure. I feel reassured, don’t you? Interruption lasted for five crucial minutes. I’m sure we’ll never catch up with what we missed, but I will struggle on.]

Rex talks to Lucas about Meems rushing off and learns that things are also “worse than you can even imagine” with Phil.

Mimi sits alone, crying in the dark in Belle’s apartment (Belle’s apartment?). Belle comes in, finds Meems and tells her the bad news – they had to amputate Phil’s leg. Mutual cry-a-thon. Neither of them can believe the horror and what he must be going through. Belle doesn’t think Phil knows about it yet. Belle has come back to the apartment to get away from Shawn. She needs to be alone. She asks Mimi to help her pack.

John tried to get the Black jet for a quick trip to Germany. It was tied up in maintenance, but he’s working on getting alternative transportation. Shawn offered his feelings that Belle shouldn’t go, she’d be too upset. Kate, “You’d like that wouldn’t you. Leaving Phil alone so you could COMFORT his wife.” Doc took Kate off. Roman told Shawn to back off and let Belle’s family take care of her. Shawn and Pard glowered at each other.

Lucas blames Stan for everything, including Amelia Erhart’s disappearance and the 1929 collapse of the stock market.

Sami. “Stay away from my family, Tony”. Tony, “There are consequences for your actions. You are going to GO DOWN this time.”

Nicole spun a story about how when the phone rang and she picked it up there was total silence at first, and then she heard Brady’s voice. Tony had to insert Chloe’s voice in that silence. Brady didn’t buy it. In the bushes, Chloe continues to marvel at Nicole’s persistence.

Ho & Dope continue to discuss Belle/Shawn’s situation. Rehashing all the old history – why Belle married Phil, Shawn’s abduction tempered by the fact that he walked out of the relationship before Jan ever got to him, Belle/Shawn’s eternal (or not) love. Bo pointed out that many great “loves” don’t necessarily mean the couples get or stay together – like Vic & Caroline, Pard & Doc. “Like you and Billie?”, Hope offers. Bo stares.

Belle is heading for Germany to be with Phil. It’s all her fault that he’s hurt. No it’s not, per Mimi. Back and forth and back again over the same old ground. Now that he’s hurt, she can’t leave him. Belle isn’t sure what this means for her and Shawn.

Shawn, “I’m NOT thinking just of myself.” He brought up the letter in which Phil asked him to watch over Belle. Roman points out that Phil didn’t know what was going on when he asked Shawn to watch Belle and Shawn had better back off. Shawn protests. Pard, “You’re starting to worry that Belle will stay with Phil.” Shawn doesn’t want to talk about that. “So I should give up on Belle like you gave up on Marlena? I’m not going to do that and regret it the rest of the Days of My Life like you probably do about leaving Marlena.” Pard didn’t take that laying down. Shawn had to respect Belle’s decision, whatever that is. Pard loves Shawn, he’s there for him. But, right now Kate needs him more. He joins Kate, John, and Doc. Shawn is left shaking his head.

John has arranged for a military transport to take Belle to Germany. But there are only three seats. Pard: Kate has to go for Phil. Kate: Marlena should be there for Belle. Doc: She thinks John should go to be with Belle. Everyone stares.

Rex needs to find out where Mimi is and why she ran out. Shawn goes with him. Lucas goes to find Sami.

Sami continues to talk, on the phone, mentioning Tony’s name every other word. Tony won’t tell her what he’s planning, just that one day her world will collapse around her. Lucas walks in and asks what she’s doing back there. Tony suggests she tell him. Sami stares.

More argument between Nicole/Brady. Does she or doesn’t she? Only the scriptwriters, the audience, and half of Salem knows for sure. Nicole scores some major points and makes Brady feel a teeny bit bad about treating her the way he is.

More Ho & Dope yada yada. Hope wants Shawn to fight for the woman he loves. Bo, “No matter who gets hurt?”

Sami hung up on Tony and told Lucas she was talking to Will.

Doc explains that John can cut through the red tape and help with stuff overseas. Pard would go too, but he needs to stay to start the search for Caroline & Vic. Kate goes home to pack. She tells Pard she needs to be alone for a little, like Belle. Pard sends her off with a kiss.

First Shawn & Rex go to their apartment. Don’t find Meems. Shawn heads over to see Belle. She answers the door and tells him he shouldn’t be there. [When has that ever stopped him?]

Bo tries to point out that Hope is talking out of both sides of her mouth when, on the one hand she thinks Belle should break up with her husband to be with Shawn, but vilifies Billie for wanting to break up their marriage. Hope, “it’s not the same thing.” Yeah, sure.

More, Brady/Chloe rehash. Now Nicole offers the suggestion that it’s part of Tony’s plan to break them up. Despite what Brady has been through with DiMera, he doesn’t buy it. Nicole asks, if Brady thinks SHE’S the one behind keeping Chloe away from him, how did she get Nancy to go along with it?? Nicole ends by saying she truly loves Brady, but if it isn’t what he wants, then she hopes him and Chloe’s ghost live happily ever after. She stalks off. Brady broods. Chloe can’t bear to see him like this. But she does she have the courage to walk up to him right now? [Of course not, otherwise this won’t get drug out until the next sweeps period or Nadia gets another TV pilot offer.]

Nicole gets a phone call from Tony. He tells her that he knows what she did – botching Chloe’s surgery on purpose. Nicole protests. Tony, “Cut the crap! How would Brady feel if he found out it was all your fault that Chloe refuses to see him?” Nicole gasps.

More pointless discussion between Bo & Hope. Bo finally calls a halt and suggests that they let the three adults work it out for themselves. [OMG, a rational suggestion. And from Bo, yet. I’m blown away.] They end up with a mutual love-a-thon.

Mimi finally goes to see Rex who grills her, “What is going on with you? Why can’t we get married?” Mimi stares.

John discusses travel plans with Belle. She requests that John sit between her and Kate on the plane. HA Once they are off the phone, John and Marlena have a tender parting. They are going to miss each other. John will call as soon as they arrive. John charges Roman to let him know if he gets any leads on Tony. They each affirm that they can trust each other to take care of the other’s wife.

Belle asks Shawn to go. Jr just wants to help. Since he doesn’t know if he’ll see her again, he wants to hold her. Belle falls into his arms. Kate appears at the open door.

Brady talks to himself. He misses Chloe, but everything Nicole said makes sense. Chloe wonders if this isn’t the time she should reveal hersef.

Nicole, “You can’t prove anything and you can’t come forward without putting yourself at risk.” Tony points out that Stan can. Nicole asks where the little bastard is. Tony suggests that he’s at the same party Nicole is. Nicole can’t see him, but Tony tells her that’s because Stan isn’t in disguise. He won’t tell her who it is but says that she should be able to figure it out. Nicole immediately comes to the conclusion that the only person in the room who could be Stan would be Sami, but she isn’t a guy.

Lucas tells Sami he’ll kill Stan if he ever catches him. Nicole zeroes in on Sami’s eyes. “It can’t be!” she says to herself.

FF on Nicole’s shocked look.


Chloe, “It’s time to tell Brady.” Brady, gazing toward the bushes, “OMG, it’s you.” Yeah, sure it is.

Nicole comes up to Lucas & Sami’s table.

Belle to Doc, “So you don’t think I should tell Phil about me and Shawn?” Well, duh!

Mimi to Rex: I can’t marry you because I’m going to jail.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

dear i don't know your name yet,

haven't had time yet to read or spend much time on your site...although i am looking forward to sharing your dool thoughts of the day which you obviously care so much for.

as i do care for the show, and that's a funny thing in and of itself, more, maybe much more on that later.

have thought that since the basic black fashion show where beau and hope got decked, and before that the show to be most enjoyable for the most part, with some dragging last summer, but we see that this summer they are DETERMINED to make up for that. things look promising for the months to come.

your faithful at least for this post,

5:15 PM  

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