Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Die, Diva Bitch, Die!

Abby is packing for the big trip to the Horton cabin. She stuffs in marshmallows, chocolate bars and graham crackers, “Oh, and popcorn, except I don’t think they have a microwave at the Horton cabin.” Abby doesn’t remember the dark ages when you didn’t microwave popcorn. She probably thinks those marshmallows grew on trees, too.

Chelsea wants to know what she is up to. Abby tells her “It’s our first vacation since my dad... Oh, sorry.”

“Don’t be,” says Chelsea, “just because my parents are dead doesn’t mean you can’t talk about yours.”

Abby invites Chelsea to go. Chelsea isn’t sure, it sounds like a family thing, and she sure doesn’t have enough money to buy a sleeping bag.

Billie comes up and says, “Hey, let me help you.”

Jennifer and Jack are rushing around getting ready, too. They’ve all decided Shawn can join them if he ever gets back. Jennifer wants to make sure Jack is OK. He insists he is.

Jack tells her, “Lexie did all the extra blood work because she’s a doctor and that’s what doctors do. They check out every little thing just to satisfy the malpractice insurers.”

“No,” says Jennifer, “She’s doing this because you passed out twice in the same day and that is not normal.” It is in Salem. Heck, he isn’t even close to the record. Jack insists there is nothing wrong with him a couple days of R and R out at the cabin won’t fix.

Jennifer thinks, “This is not normal. I’m so happy we’re together again. I just pray it’s not shortened.”

Sami tells Lucas, “I can’t wait to get out of this God-forsaken place.”

“Yeah,” says Lucas, “It was nice of John to lend us his jet. I just can’t wait to see Will.”

“I miss him so much,” says Sami, “I’m glad we got to talk to him. It sounded like he maybe missed me, too,”

Lucas says, “One thing I regret about leaving here is not settling the score with that guy Stan.”

“You know,” says Sami, “I think it would be better if we just forgot about that guy.”

“Forget about him,” says Lucas, “No way. He almost killed us all. I never would have seen my son again or anyone else I loved. If I ever see that guy again I’ll...”

“I doubt we’ll ever see Stan again,” says Sami.

Brady comes up, “We’ve got to find Shawn and Rex and get back to Salem. You’re never going to believe this, but Chloe is alive.”

“It’s all over,” cries Chloe, “I never should have answered the phone.”

“You only said ‘Hello,’” says Nicole.

“That’s all it took,” says Chloe, “He knows my voice better than anyone.”

The compassionate Nicole tells her, “When Brady gets back, maybe I can convince him it wasn’t you. I’ll say it was a bad connection.”

“I never wanted him to see me like this. You know what Brady is like. If he even thinks there is a possibility I’m alive, he’ll never stop searching. He will find me and insist on throwing everything away to be by my side.”

“Yeah,” thinks Nicole, “The first thing he’ll throw away is me.”

“Confirmation from Shane Donovan,” says John, “Brady, Lucas and Sami are on the jet.”

“Oh, thank God,” wails Marlena.

Roman pipes in, “What about the other guys?”

“Rex is helping Phillip’s CO with a computer problem, so the war is lost, but the directive came down to get ‘em all out of there.”

“Damn, this is good news. All our kids are coming home,” says Roman.

“Except for Phillip,” says Kate.

“He’s a damn good Marine,” says Roman, “He wanted to finish his tour of duty. “And,” he adds, “he’s just like his mom. He can slice up his enemies and feed them to the sharks before breakfast.”

The hysterical Belle barges in.

“What is it, honey,” asks Marlena.

“Blubber, blubber, wail, Phillip, sob, enemy, bawl, snivel, bombs, whimper.”

John says, “I’m sure they just lost communication. He will be fine.”

More hysteria.

“We gotta do something, try him again,” says Shawn.

“Kiriakis’ radio is dead,” says the Soldier.

Roman tries to comfort Kate, “John is on the phone with the ISA trying to get more information.”

“It’s all my fault, Mom,” says Belle.

“Phillip and Shawn are in a war zone,” says Marlena, “Whatever happens, you’re not to blame for that. Now, the fact that Shawn got involved in Operation Wild Goose in the first place, well, that’s another story.”

Belle runs on, “If I’d just been honest about my feelings for Shawn, I’d have never married Phillip in the first place and he’d never have volunteered for that special mission to get home to me sooner and Shawn would never have gone over there.”

Marlena digs a little deeper into the improbable, “If Tony wouldn’t have made it look like I was the Salem Stalker, you and Shawn wouldn’t have fought and if he hadn’t kept us apart I might have talked you out of marrying Phillip. All we can do now is just pray.”

Shawn says, “If Phillip tripped a mine... I gotta go get him.”

“Like hell,” says the soldier, “You’re not going anywhere.” The Vegas odds are in. It’s 1000-1 against Shawn staying put.

Billie says she just came by to see how Jack is after his fainting spell. Abby says he is OK. Billie offers to give Chelsea some cash so she can go on the camping trip. Chelsea says she can’t take it because she can’t pay Billie back. Billie tells her to think of it as a gift.

“What’s wrong with you,” snaps Chelsea, “Why do you keep doing all of this?”

A knock at the door interrupts Jack and Jennifer’s smooch-fest. Oh, dear, it’s Lexie, “The results of Jack’s blood tests are in.”

“Chloe is alive,” asks Lucas.

“That’s impossible,” says Sami.”

“Not according to Tony DiMera,” says Brady, “I found Tony trying to sneak out of the bunker and that’s when he told me.”

“Waitaminute,” says Lucas, “I know Tony. He would have told you he knew where Chloe was in exchange for his freedom, right.”

“Yes,” says Brady, “And I didn’t believe him at first but...”

“You know how bad the government wants him and what they will do to him. He’s so evil he’ll probably be our next senator. He’s desperate. He’d say anything to get free.”

“That’s the thing,” says Brady, “He kind of is free. He snuck out of a secret door when I was distracted.”

Sami asks, “What exactly did Tony say about Chloe?”

Brady says, “Just that he would reunite us.”

“Tony couldn’t have orchestrated her death,” says Lucas, “She was in a car accident in Europe.”

“That could have been a setup and you know it. And Tony could have fooled Nancy and Craig.”

Lucas says, “He was playing you, man, just to get free. Did he offer you any real proof?”

“He dialed a number, handed me the phone, and I heard her voice.”

Nicole thinks, “It’s a good thing that nurse gave Chloe a sedative. She was so worked up over Brady she was freakin’ me out. I’ve come too far to lose him now. It doesn’t matter what she looks like, he’ll still love her. Then it’s bye-bye Nicole. There must be some way to keep him thinking she’s dead.” Nicole dreams up a way, “Maybe it’s time to put you out of your misery.” She imagines suffocating her with a pillow, “Die, diva bitch, die!

Roman tries to comfort Kate, “Phillip is a good soldier.”

Kate says, “I blamed Chloe when he went into the Marines for picking Brady over him, but that wasn’t it. He was just doing what he wanted to do. I wish you could have been there. Things might have been different.”

“You are not alone,” he tells Marlena in the castle, er, I mean Kate, “Whatever happens, we will get through this together.”

John announces, “Shane Donovan has sent a special request for any and all information on Phillip and Shawn, hopefully we will hear soon.”

Marlena tells Belle, “They will find them. I know they will.”

Belle sobs, “And what if when they do, they are both dead?” The tympani’s roar.

Fade to the sounds of war.

“Get out of my way,” grunts Shawn.

“Try to go out there,” says the soldier, “and I’ll have you arrested for interfering with a military operation.”

Billie wants a couple moments alone with Chelsea. Abby leaves.

Billie says, “I’m so sorry. I did not mean to be pushy. I hate it when my mom does that to me.”

“Well,” says Chelsea, “you’re not my mom. She’s dead. I don’t need your help. I can figure out my life, or whatever’s left of it on my own.”

Billie says, “I want to help you for a lot of reasons, but the main one is there is just something about you that reminds me of me at your age.”

Lexie says, “It’s not what we found. It’s what we didn’t find. The tests just ruled out certain possibilities. I sent your blood work off to the Mayo Clinic. Maybe they can find something.”

“So,” says Jack, “you’ve ruled out anything serious, right?”


“And it could be nothing more than exhaustion from my ordeal at the DiMera castle?”

“Yes,” says Lexie, “or nothing more than a benign anomaly.”

Jennifer hears Jack Jr. crying and leaves to take care of him, giving Jack and Lexie an opportunity to talk about doubt and worry.

Jack says, “There’s obviously more going on here. Thank you for not worrying Jennifer more.”

“Jack,” says Lexie, “the truth is we don’t know this isn’t something more serious.”

“Let’s just keep that between you and me.”

“Look,” says Lexie, “I will respect our doctor-patient confidentiality, but you are making a big mistake.”

“I don’t think so,” says Jack.

Lexie tells him, “I wish you would postpone this trip until we hear from the Mayo.”


“How did I know you would say that,” asks Lexie, “I want you to take these samples with you. If you start feeling dizzy, take one. It will help restore your equilibrium. And... I don’t want you driving.”

“Huh,” he says, “What am I going to tell Jennifer.”

“You could start with the truth.” He walked into that one.

“Chloe answered the phone,” asks Lucas.

“Yes,” says Brady.

Lucas says, “It could have been somebody impersonating her.”

“No,” says Brady, “I know her voice. And Nicole was with her. When Chloe said hello, Nicole immediately snatched the phone from her.”

Lucas says, “That’s the first thing you said that makes any sense. If Chloe is alive, Nicole wouldn’t want you to find out.”

“Nicole wouldn’t keep something like that from me,” insists Brady.

“Of course she would,” says Lucas, “I was married to her. She’s not stupid. All she cares about is herself.”

“Lucas,” says Brady, “I told you Nicole has changed. If Chloe is alive, Nicole would tell me about it. She would want me to be happy.”

“Don’t bet on it,” thinks Sami as she flashes back to instructing Nicole on how to get rid of Ghoul-Girl. “While you two debate Nicole’s virtues, I’m going to go get a drink.” Sami thinks, “I have to stop Nicole, because if she hurts Chloe, she’ll tell everyone Stan put her up to it. And if Tony gets caught, he will tell everyone who Stan is. God, I don’t want to get her answering machine. Where are you, Nicole?”

Lucas says his money still says this is some kind of DiMera trick, “What are you going to do about Nicole?”

Nicole finishes the job, “Well, that was easier than I thought. I should have suffocated that side-show freak a long time ago.” Back to reality, “That was a nice fantasy, if only I didn’t have to be the one actually to do it.” Chloe wakes up, “Did you have a nice nap?”

“Did Brady really call, or was it just a bad dream,” drools Chloe.

“It was a bad dream all right,” says Nicole.

“Nicole, you have to help me. We can’t let Brady find out the truth.”

“Actually,” says Nicole, “I was doing a lot of thinking while you were asleep, and I may have the perfect solution.”

John gets off the phone with Shane again and tells the crowd there is no word. Shane will call as soon as he hears something.

“And what if it is bad news.” OMG, here’s something new, Belle thinks this is her fault. Because of her, Shawn and Phillip may both be dead. Dual suicides, probably, so they won’t have to listen to her caterwauling anymore.

Kate is helpful, “You’re right, Belle, and it’s about time you’re taking responsibility for your actions.”

Roman and John try to get Kate to back off. Marlena jumps in, too.

Kate piles on, “Maybe she didn’t lead Phillip into a mine field, but she did lead him on.” She led him into her life. A minefield is a picnic in comparison. “She broke her wedding vows. You may not have slept with Shawn, but you want to. And when Phillip comes home you will break his heart. You knew Phillip was alive, and you pledged your love to Shawn. Belle, that’s unforgivable.”


“It’s too late to be sorry,” says Kate, “and if my son dies, I will never forgive you.”

Hysteria abounds. Oh, here’s something new, Belle thinks she caused all of this. Do tell.

The soldier lectures Shawn on the inherent risks of mine fields. He gets a call, “They found your buddy.”

“Is he safe,” asks Shawn, “Is he alive?”

Billie tells Chelsea she had it rough growing up. Her father was an abusive alcoholic. He told her brother and her their mother was dead, and he told her mother the same thing about them, “I realize your situation and mine are a little different, but I felt alone and scared. Maybe if I had someone to talk to, it would have helped. You’ve got a great friend in Abby, but if you ever need anyone else to talk to...”

Abby comes in and asks if Chelsea is going with them. “Sure,” says Chelsea, why not?” Chelsea thanks Billie.

Abby blindsides Jack, “Dad, I asked Chelsea to come with us, is that OK?”

“Uh, sure, the more the merrier.” The girls leave. Jack says, “Lexie, I don’t want to be rude, but I have packing to do.” She tells him to have a wonderful trip. He assures her they will. The trip is doomed.

Lexie bumps into Billie. Billie tells her, “I just came by to see how Jack is doing and Abby said he is dong great so... so... Lexie, what is it? Is something wrong?”

“I don’t know,” says Lexie, “And that scares me.”

Chloe wants to know how they keep Brady from knowing she is alive.

“There’s only one way,” says Nicole, “and that’s for you to die. And we can’t do that, so we’re all out of options.”

“No, we can’t be.” The phone rings, “OMG, what if it is Brady?”

Nicole answers. “Nicole, it’s Stan. Tony told Brady Chloe is alive. Did you do what we talked about? Because if you did anything to hurt Chloe, we could both be going down.”

“Sorry, but that business has already been taken care of,” thinks Nicole.

Brady feels there are a lot of unanswered questions waiting for them back in Salem.

Lexie reminds Billie she can’t discuss her patient’s condition. She can however spill the beans with the look of horror on her face. Billie understands. Billie says she hopes nothing is wrong because Jack and Jennifer have been through hell. They deserve a break.

Lexie says, “We’ll just have to cross our fingers, huh?” Brilliant medicine.

Jennifer comes down. She notices Lexie is gone. She wanted to talk to her some more. Jack accuses her of wanting to grill her about his condition. Jennifer asks, “Is it so wrong that I am extremely worried about you?” Jack insists nothing is wrong. Jennifer says, “Let’s hope that is true. I couldn’t take it if anything happened to you again.” Jack plants a big one on her just to prove how healthy he is.

Nicole tells Stan she did the deed. Stan says, “Well, then you’d better come up with one hell of a story why Miss Lane is alive. Because Brady is on the way home and he is hell-bent on finding her.” Nicole worries.

Lucas asks if Sami is OK, “Don’t worry. Everything will be fine. We’ll be back in Salem soon and this whole nightmare will be over.”

Brady says, “If Chloe is out there, I’ll find her, even if it takes all the Days Of Our Lives.”

Curious Chloe wants to know who was on the phone.

“It’s over, Chloe.”

“What do you mean?”

Nicole, says, “Brady’s on his way home right now... to reunite with you.”

Kate tells Roman she wants to be alone. Roman says, “The hell you do. Kate, I’m your husband. I’m here and I love you and I’m gonna help you get through this. Got that?”

Marlena tells Belle she can’t let Kate get to her.

Belle says if Phillip makes it out alive and she tells him about Shawn and her, his life may be ruined.

Shane calls John. John tells the group, “The Marines haven’t responded yet. I’m so sorry baby.”

Shawn digs for news, “Phillip’s OK, right? They saved him?”

The soldier says, “I told you how dangerous those mine fields are. There wasn’t much they could do.”


Kate says to Roman, “I’ll be honest with you, if you’ll be honest with me about your feelings for Marlena.”

Nicole asks Marlena, “You got down and dirty with your ex at the castle, and I’ll bet you haven’t even bothered to tell John, have you?”

“I know you,” Lucas asks Sami, “There’s something you’re not telling me, what is it?”

Belle bawls, “Phillip can’t die. I can’t lose him.”


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great Prevuze!! There are just too many comments that can be made. Where do I start?
-Chelsea doesn't seem too broken up over her parents' death.
-Lexi doesn't know what's wrong with Jack, but hands him a bunch of pills anyway.
-Brady had already talked to Chloe over the phone once - when she was in the hospital in Europe.
-It would be long past the time the REAL military would have arrested the Four Mouseketeers for interferring in a military operation.
-Tony is "kind of free". Is that like being "kind of pregnant"?
-LOL over the duel suicides so the boys don't have to hear any of Belle's whining. They could have gone over that same cliff the viewers are hoping to jump off of to get away from this idiotic plot!!!

6:57 AM  

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