Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Primal Hug

Maggie has the anniversary party set up for Mickey as he arrives, “It’s about time you got home. It was supposed to be our romantic dinner, but since you’re home so late it’s our romantic anniversary breakfast." Mickey feels bad she went to all that trouble and he didn’t get her anything. Maggie says, “There is only one thing I want, Mickey. Make me your wife again.”

JR dreams about the fight at the dock. “My God what happened to me? My own son.” He sees Marlena’s picture, “How do I get through this, doc?”

Kate answers the doorbell. It’s Brady. Kate hates to leave him but her son is getting married. BB will take care of JR.

Will is all ready for the wedding. Lucas tells him there won’t be any wedding. Will stares.

Brandon comes to see Lexi. Lexi asks, “What are you doing here? You’re supposed to be lying low.”

“Plans have changed,” says Brandon. There won’t be a wedding.” Lexi asks, “What did Sami do now?”

Sami cries. She fanaticizes. Kate comes in and tells Lucas Sami has been cheating. Brandon walks in and asks her when Sami is coming back to bed.

“She is not going to get away with this,” says Sami. I am getting married today and there is nothing Kate can do to stop it.

Lexi says this is just what she was afraid of. Brandon says he thinks they were set up. The psychic told Sami where he was, “When I woke up, she was there in bed with me. We were naked. Sami insists she didn’t know anything about it.” Lexi thinks Sami set it up herself. “She will always be poison to any man who is involved with her.”

Sami goes back to the fantasy. She tells Lucas she loves him, “Kate set me up.” Back to reality – well I guess we can call this reality. “Somehow I will find a way to make him believe me and we will get married as we planned. I’m all prepared. She runs through her inventory of something old, new, borrowed, and blue.

Lucas tells Will things didn’t work out the way he had hoped. That’s a low-key way of putting it. “Last night your mom went to see Brandon.” Will asks, “What’s wrong with her Dad?” Lucas doesn’t answer. It’s only an hour-long show. “We’re never going to be a real family now, are we?”

“Don’t say that,” says Lucas.

BB thinks his dad should be in rehab. Kate doesn’t agree. BB doesn’t like the way he had to stop JR. Kate leaves. Euglena startles her. “OMG you’re dressed for the wedding what went wrong?” Kate says she has to put up appearances. Kate is going to Lucas’ apartment to wish him good luck. Lucas will tell her the wedding is off and she will act shocked. Euglena thinks if Sami and Lucas figure out what happened, Kate could lose her son and grandson forever.

Mickey says. “You know I am legally marred to Bonnie.” Maggie says, “ No more mention of Bonnie,” she gives him a mimosa. “You wouldn’t be trying to get me intoxicated would you,” says crafty old Mickey. They toast their anniversary. He’s sorry the arrest got in the way of the celebration. Maggie is concerned about Ho and Dope. Bo promised he wouldn’t go running off to Billie but he did last night. She was going to say Bo and Hope had the kind of Marriage that would last forever, but stops in mid-sentence. Mickey asks what’s wrong, “That’s what they used to say about us,” says Maggie.

Maggie has Mickey sit down and close his eyes. She has a surprise for him. She loosens her robe.

BB comes into JR’s room, “It hurts me to see you this way.” JR says, “You mean it hurts you to see your ole man as a desperate, pathetic junkie.” Exactly. BB says he’s done research and JR needs rehab. JR says, “There is only one person who can help me, and that’s Marlena. But she’s gone.”

BB says the drugs are turning JR into another person, “I had no right to hit you. I’d feel better if you punched me back. Give me your best shot.”

Sami can’t figure out how the whole thing happened, “but I will if it’s the last thing I do.”

“I am so happy Sami is getting her comeuppance,” says Lexi. Brandon insists it was a setup, “Sami thinks Kate had something to do with it.” Lexi asks how Kate knew he would be back in Salem. They talk about the email Lexi sent saying Abe’s condition had worsened. Lexi says she didn’t send him the email. “I’ll bet I know who did,” says Brandon.

Maggie is in her Valentine hussy outfit. She has her red shoes on. “And not much else,” says Mickey. She gives him a scrapbook. The highlights of their wonderful life together. From the day she met Marty Hanson on the farm. We reminisce.

“WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON,” yells Bonnie.

Lexi says Sami could have sent the fake email. Brandon thinks it was Kate.

Kate comes to Lucas’ apartment. Lucas says, “I was just about to call you. She asks why he wasn’t dressed for the wedding. He says Sami didn’t have a logical explanation of why she was there with Brandon. Kate is soooo sorry. He’s not all right, but he’s more worried about Will. Kate says, “You would think with Sami as his mother, he’d be used to things like this.” Kate offers to talk to Will. She goes in to talk to him as there is a knock at the door. Sami appears in her wedding gown. She thought seeing her in the dress would make Lucas change his mind. Kate listens.

BB tells JR to hit him. JR says the last thing he would ever want to do would be hurt one of his kids, “You did what you had to do.” BB tells him people make mistakes, “You are the best father. Marlena didn’t deserve to be treated the way I treated her. Good sons don’t punch their father’s light’s out so hit me.” JR doubles his fist. He grabs BB in a primal hug. Head-butt. Bonding.

BONNIE tells Maggie to stay away from her husband, “Maggie, those ugly red shoes may have worked on the farm, but you ain’t in Kansas anymore.” Why do they always pick on Kansas? “He’s moved on to a woman who can please her man in her own bare feet.” Bonnie says the private night she offered them ended at 6AM. She would have been home sooner if she hadn't been at the hospital with Mimi. She breaks down in Mickey’s arms.

Lucas asks Sami, “Are you crazy?” Another good breath wasted. Sami goes back to her “It’s not what it looked like” routine. Lucas says she has a history of lying through her teeth. “That’s fair,” says Sami. She insists she would never cheat on him. I love you and I know you love me. This was supposed to be the happiest day of our life. Lucas says this isn’t going to do any good. Lucas says he was going to give her the benefit of the doubt. He looked at her horoscope and there was nothing bad there. He shows her on the computer. She says that’s not what the horoscope said last night, “Someone changed my horoscope.” Lucas says there she goes again blaming someone else, “It's O-V-E-R.”

Lexi wants Brandon to leave town. She says she doesn’t want to blame Kate. She can understand how Kate feels. She would sooner die that have Sami Brady as her daughter in law. Lucas decides he has to go see Sami. Things aren’t messed up enough already.

Mickey comforts Bonnie. He will make some calls and make sure Mimi is taken care of. They don’t take care of any patients at the Salem hospital unless they hear form a big shot. Maggie says she is sorry about Mimi, but she thinks Bonnie used her to play on Mickey’s sympathy. “It’s no worse than what you were doing,” says Bonnie. Bonnie says she has more to offer Mickey than Maggie, “When he comes to his senses you and your stupid red shoes will be on the curb with the trash.”

Brady brings John oatmeal and toast. BB says he will get through this. JR says he could have when Marlena was alive, “She was the last great love of my life.” BB says, “Just like Chloe was with me.” JR says BB is young enough that he will find someone else. But Marlena was the last great love for John.

Lucas tells Sami he’s not marrying her. She says she never wants to see Brandon again. Lucas opens the door for her. Of course, there stands Brandon. Kate smiles.

Maggie asks Bonne if she thinks it will be easy to get rid of her, “I am the one true love of his life. He knows it and so do you. Years form now when we are celebrating our anniversary you will just be a bad memory.”

“Don’t bet on it red. You may know your way around a barnyard, but this ain’t my first time at the rodeo.”

Mickey comes back. He just talked to the hospital and convinced them not to throw Mimi out with the trash.

“How can I thank you,” says Bonnie. Maggie thinks, “You’re about to find out rodeo girl, you’re going to get a taste of your own medicine.”

BB thinks JR has found the next great love of the Daze of his life – Kate

Brandon says he thinks they were set up. Lucas asks, “And who set you up?”

"Kate," Brandon and Sami say together. Kate comes out. FF on Kate.


Kate says, “Not only is your fiancée a liar, she is also a slut.” The slut attacks Kate.

Phillip says, “I am well aware of the risks.” The officer asks, “Do you want to go home to your new wife in a body bag?”

Belle tells Mimi, “You have to tell Rex the truth about the baby.”
Being with Jan was the biggest mistake of my life says Shawn. Jan comes in. “Shawn, how can you say such a terrible thing?”


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