Monday, August 26, 2024


Holly rejects the excuse that Sophia and Tate were preparing for the Mr. & Ms. Salem Beauty Pageant bathing suit competition. #DAYS

Tate: "You believe me, don't you?" Men practice that line over and over again. Holly: "Of course I believe you." Women practice that line over and over again. #DAYS

Kristen is skeptical about Abigail's identity. This from the woman who disguised herself as Nicole and seduced Brady. #DAYS

Kristin's neckline is plunging farther down than a robot sub exploring the Pacific Ocean Mariana Trench. #DAYS

Next on #DOOL — Holly: "Are you denying that I found you and Sophia naked in each other's arms?" Tate: "Yes. We were semi-naked in each other's arms." #DAYS

Afer Jada leaves Brady's pants burst into flames. #LiarLiarPantsOnFire #DAYS


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